WEDNESDAY, MAY 83, 1934 THE PUESHBRWN ABVANCE Live Stock Report Prices on the Toronto live stock market yesterday held at Monday's level on all classes, but the feolingr was easier at the close on butcher cows. Trading on the cattle divis- ion was slow, but the holdover re- mained unchanged at 700 head. Calves, hogs, sheep and lambs all sold steady. Choice butcher cattle were firm at ♦5.25 to $5.60, with one load going at a top of 15.75. Weighty steers of medium quality sold slowly at $-1.75 to $5.35. Good cows closed weaker at $3.50 to $1, while heavy cow.s were hard to move. Bulls ranginl from 12.60 for bolognas to $3.50 for light butchers. Fed calves brought |r>.25 to $7 for choice and $5 for conmion. Store cattle trade was dull. Calves closed steady with the price unchanged at $3.50 to $5 per cwt. for common and at $6 to $6.50 for a few choice vcalers. Good feed lot Iambs wont at $10.50 per cwt., while spring lambs sold at $5 to $10 each. I.Ji.mbs oi)ened unsettled and ."itead- ied early in the afternoon to close at Monday's level of $7.90 f.o.b. for bac- ons, $8.25 off truck and $8.05 off car. Letter to The AdvaNCi Dear Sir: I think the soccer teams of FI«sshertoii and Priceville should l>e prohibited from meeting again un- til they learn a lesson. That lesson is one of self control. A good game was marred here the other evening by frequent outbursts of fighting. A better feelir|? is needed between these two teams. Men of soccei fame! play the game as it should be played. Yours sincerely, AUNGUS SUTHERLAND. FARM PLANS Funeral of The Latt Mrs. C. Tkomson Ucal and Personil Draw a plan of the farm marking on each field the kind of crop grown this year, the variety, rate of seed- ing, application of manure and fertil- izer, and any other information that may be of use. If a record of this kind is made each year it will be found of great value in the future. We are glad the mace captured at Fort York in 1813 is being returned to Canada. Canada should take step-s to preserve all relice of the earlier days. "^ Clean Up and Paint Up Sherwio Williams Paint & Varnish The old reliable brand for all kinds of painting or varnishing. We have a complete stock. For Your Garden and Lawn Hoes, Rakes, vShovels; Spades; Forks; Lawn Mowers; Lawn Seed. Royal Purple Garden Seeds â€" 5c per pgs. (10c size). ♦ ♦ ♦ Going Fishing? Steel Rods, Bamboo Poles, Gut Hooks; Kerby Hooks; Sinkers; Lines; Reels; etc. WIRE FENCE AND FENCE SUPPLIES Massey- Harris Implements and Repairs Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE - - FLESHERTON The funeral of the late Mrs. Chris- topher Thomson, who passed away at her home at Feversham on Sunday, May 13th, took place on Tuesday of last week, interment being made at Foversham. Kev. Glenn and Rev. Tiller coriUucted the services at the house and cemetery and gave a most comforting message to the bereaved family. The lafe Mrs. Thomson was form- erly "Miss Myria Jane Saigeon, a (laughter of the late Thos. and Mary Saigeon, and was born in King town- ship, York County, 73 years ago. .She married her now sorrowing hus- band in 1888 and together took up (farming on the 10th Lijie, Osprey where .she resided until retiring 15 years ago to live in Feversham. Deceased was a member of the Pres- byterian church and took an active part in all the activities of church work., and her assistance and advicr- will be missed by those who carry on. Besides her husband she leaves to mourn one brother and four sisters: Mrs. John Hudson Sr. of Feversham, (Walter Saigeon of Weyburn, Sask. Mrs. Ellen Bridal of Cluffield, Sask. Mrs. Rachel Etevis of Weyburn, Sask.. and Mrs. Violet Walter of Toronto. The pallbearers were: Messrs. Sam Park, John Elliott, Alb. Hollingshead, .John Spencer, Wm. Spencer ,and Henry Alexander, all old neighbors. There were many beautiful floral tokens covering and surrounding the casket from sympathizing friends. Besides those from the family and friends in) Eeversham, Wyoming, OakvUle, Islington and Toronto, was a wreath from the Ladies' Aid of the Preshytcrian church, Feversham, test- ifying to the high regard that the friends held for her. SCHOOL QUESTIONS AND ANSV^ERS The depression taught us a thing it is nice to know. You can have just as poor a holiday without a cent. Cecil Dillon, of New York Rangers hockey team, has purchased a house in Thornbury for a reported sum ol $2,200. The Egg Market The following prices for eggs were being paid to producers on Tuesday of this week. "A" Large 16c "A" Medium He Seconds 12c fUB STORB BBBTICa F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STOBBS Markdaie^ Ontario OUB BfOTINa powan 8AVBB TOD A L0« or MONSI Featuring Special Values In Summer Merchandise WE SAVE YOU MONEY IF YOU SHOP AT HILL'S Ready To Wear Department EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES IN LAD- lES* PRINT BROADCLOTH AND LINEN DRESSES LOT NO. 1 50 only print dresses, many varied styles, a clean up of dresses up to 98c. Clearing at 49c. LOT NO. 2 10 doz. print and broadcloth dresses, all new styles to choose from. Sizes up to 52. Extra special at 98c. LOT NO. 3 10 doz. only print broadcloth and percale, a better quality lot than No. 2. Many designs to choose? from in these dresses as they arc real values at .. $1.19. â- t^ir." JX)T NO. 4 10 dor. .only dresses in many differ- ent cloths. These are suitable- for morn- injf or afternoon wear. If you are look- ing for a dress of this type be sure and see the«e. Many are worth double the asking price. Extra special at .... $1.39. MILLINERY SPECIAL Wc have pone through our .stock of ladies hats and made a special jj^roup of 1(K) hats with the rof::ular value up to ^2})5 and $3.95. Clearing at .... $1.95. NEW VOILES AT MONEY SAVING PRICES LOT 1 A new range of pique voiles in the newest designs, beautiful «iuality mer- chandise. Very special at 49c yd LOT 2 20 pi(?ce» of apple blossom voiles, all different de.signs, beautiful coloring and guaranteed ttib fast. Special ^7r yard or 4 yards length for $1.35. LOT 3 10 pieces fine voile, tub fast colt>rs. Real smart patterns, extra value A 4 yard dress length for S8c. Mr. Ken Kellar of Toronto is vis- iting his cousin, Harold Best. Mr. Ken Boyd is home at present after finishing his year in medicine at Toronto University. H. A. McCauley has completed the building of a summer cottage for Mr Alf. Down at Sauble Beach. The W.M.S. will meet in the United church on Wednesday (today) at 3 p.m. Visitors always welcome The 8th annual U.F.O. picnic will be held in Clifford Young's Grove, ar Durham on Friday, June 15th. Biggei and better than ever. Priceville football club won a hotly coittested game with the Fleshertor. club on Saturday on the former's grounds by the score of 2-1. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Quigg and Mr. and Mrs. A. Brooks of Harriston were week end visitors at the homes ol Mr. Aixjhie Stewart and Mr. Mark Stewart. Anniversary services will be heh in the Baptist churjh on Sunday mbrn- ing at 11 o'clock and evening at 7. The special preacher will be the Rev. Dr. Farmer of Owen Sound. Service in the United church will be withdrawn next Sabbath evening to allow the usual worshipers to at- tend the anniversary services in the Baptist church. The morning service in St. John's United church will be held at 10.30 a.m. from now until next fall; the Sunday school being held immediately at the close. On the arrival of the new rector, Mr. Elston, to St. Mary's Church, Maxwell, he announces that there will be service every Sunday in St. Mary's church at the hour of 11 a.m. Sun- day school at 10 a.m. The annual meeting of St. Mary's Guild, Maxwell, will be held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Lawler on May 31st. All members are requested to be present. Meeting commences at 2 p.m. Visitors welcome. Seven members of the Flesherton ball club, assisted by a battery from Thornbury played an exhibition game with the club at that town on Thurs- day, but lost the seven inning game 2-1. Messrs. P. H. W. Hickling; C. N. Richardson, H. A. IMcCauley and F. J Thurston attendwi a reception in Owen Sound on Friday for M. W. Bro. F. A. Copus, of Stratford, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of On- tario A.F. & A.M. Miss Donelda McDonald of To- ronto motored up Saturday and spent the week end with her parents, Mr and Mrs. John McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Wilf. Snyder were also visitors on Saturday at Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald's. Several thunder storms, accompan- ied by heavy rains, swept over this district Monday nigh.t and early Tues- day mornijig. The ground was sat- urated with water, supplyig the lani with a bountiful supply of moisture, which was needed. iMr. and Mrs. Lcn Hill and little son are visiting this week with Mrs Hill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ben- thuiu. Mr. and Mrs. Hill and Mrs. U. Bonthnm attended the funeral of the former's mother, Mrs. Geo. E. Hill which took place at Owen Sound on Tuesday. A fair question: Do you read the advertisements, visit the stores in Flesherton and make enquiries before you purchase out of town? Give tht local merchants a chance to supply your daily needs and special purchas- es. Shop in Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Sawden and little daughter of Schomberg wen the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Holland on Friday and Saturday. Mr Sawden is D.D.G.M. of Toronto Dis- trict "A," A.F. & A.M., and attendoo tho reception at Owen Sound for the Crand Ma.'^tcr, F. A. Copua, on Fri- day evening. The tenth session of the llorontc Conference of the United church oi Canada will meet in Wcstminiater- Contral church, TVronto, on June 8. Grey County conin'egationa are send- ing thvir full quota of repreaentativei through the I'lvsbytery. It is ex- jMH-tod that there will be a numbet of changes in the MiniMcrial ranks Tho stationing committee meets on the 5th of June. 1. Question â€" What grants does a rural school board derive from a teacher taking up agriculture in the q:hool? What grant does the teach- er receive? What grant does the Inspector get? Answer. There is not sufficient space available in this column to give a full answer to this question. Cir- cular iNo. 56, entitled Special Depart- mental Grants to PubHc and Separ- ate Schools, pages 11 to 14, sets forth tho grants in Agriculture. These grants range from ?15.00 to fSO.OO for the teacher and from $10.00 tc $150.00 for the Board of trustees de- pending on the type of school, nature of the work done and the certificate rural board of tmstees and receiving - payment for his services. 4. Question â€" Our teacher seat in her resignationi to take effect at once, Stat ng no particular reason for U%v- ing except marriage. She claima that, if the board forced her to teach the following month or sued her fot a month's sick leave, which would be the required thirty days' notice. Sh« had not missed a day's teaching last year. Can a teacher legally claim a month's res'gnation to take effect at once, or at the end of thirty days? Answer. A teacher can only re- sign and give up her position in ac- , cordance with the terms of the writ- ten agreement with the board. If tht teacher submits a claim for salary due to illness it would be necessary foi her to produce a medical certiSicate. U the teacher is leaving because ol illness the board should demand at once that a medical certificate be given ness. According to a contemporary, the fellow who doesn't advertise may know his business â€" but nobody elst does. NOTICE TO CREDITORS of the teacher. Circular No. 56 may be had by anyone by application tc j,ti^rwise the teacher would have no the Deputy Minister, Department ot cC&im for salary on account of ill- Education. These grants are subject to change each year. 2. Question â€" Can a hardware merchant who is selling suppl'es to a school board qualify as a member ot the school board? Answer. Section 135 of the Pub- lic Schools Act prevents a trustee from receiving any compensation profit or promised or expected bene- fit from his board of trustees. It would be quite illegal for a merchant who is trustee to sell supplies to the Board of trustees. 3. Question â€" Where a school board consists of three trustees and a secretary-treasurer, is it illegal foi the secretary to make motions at a meeting of the board? Answer. A secretary-treasurei would have no power, whatever to make motions at a meeting of tho board unless he is a trustee. Section 135 (3) of the Public Schools Act makes provision for a rural trustee acting as secretary-treasurer for the In the Estate of SARAH THOMP- SON, late of the Township ol Arteraesia, W'dow, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that all those hav- ing claims or accounts against the above-named deceased are required on or before the Ninth day of June, to send full particulars thereof to the undersigned Solicitor to the Admin- istratrix. After that date the estate will be distributed amongst those of whose claims notice has been received. D.\TED this Eighteenth day of May, 1934. C. C. MIDDLEBRC, Owen Sound, Ont. Solicitor to the Administratrix. I Small Advts. ♦♦»O»»»»»'>»»»»»<'*0 •»•••• »»*»*»»*»»»»0»»»»»»»»*»»»»»»» For Sale YOUNG PIGS FOR SALE A few pigs ready to wean. â€" Fred Russell, phone 30 r 4, Markdale. An Illinois doctor who had the rep- utation of never refusing a call from the sick, dioil recently and left an estaU> of ♦lt'>0,Oi>t). Who aays ser- vice doesn't pay? CATTLE TO PASTURE Would take a number of cattle to pasture. â€" J. Flynn, Flesherton. FOR SALE Barred Rock hatching eggs, 25c per dozen; all birds from blood- tested stock. â€" J. F. Collinson, Ceylon. FOR SALE Cattle chop ?20.00 ton, sacks in- cluded, hog chop $22 per ton, sacka^ included; Ontario oats 50c bu. â€" A. C. Myir, Ceylon, phone 38 r 3. FOR SALE A good coal oil stove oven.â€" Mrs. Ned Croft, Rock Mills. CAR FOR SALE Ford coupe, 1931 model, has gone about 5,000 miles; price reasonable â€" R. G. Holland, Flesherton. FOR SALE Hay for .sale at $8.00 at the bam. 4 cows, young cows to freshen. â€" R. Allen, Flesherton. FOR SALE Two good driving horses, also collie pup from good working stock. â€" Mark Wilson, Flesherton. PASfTURE TO LET "Would take in a number of cattle to pasture. â€" Claude Akins, Flesher- ton. FOR SALE Hereford cow 4 years old, at Price- ville, due May 20th; also quantity of hay on the west backline, Artcmesia. â€" Jos. McKee, Priceville. SEED OATS FOR SALE Quantity of choice seed oats, Early Surprise, heavy yielders. â€" Len Alcox north of Flesherton on Highway No. 10. FOR SALE OR RENT Farm on the gravel road. Lot 86, Con. 7, Artemesia. Well waterd and Asneed} Good buildings. â€" Apply to James Milne, Maxwell, Ont. Thont Feversham 4 r 42. PLANTS FOR SALK Tomatoes, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Bruaaels Sprouts, choice varieties in annuals for rock garden and window boxes, also perennials. â€" Mrs. E. Mc- L«od, Ceylon, Ont. WOOL Our collector, Fred Civard, will be in your district Friday and Saturday of thui week. Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers, Ltd. 117 Bay 8t„ TORONTO HOUSE FOR SALE Six roomed frame house in Ceylon, one acre and a quarter of land on main highway. â€" Apply Chas. M. Melia, 79 Caithness Ave., Toronto. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Lot 133, 3rd range S.W.T. & S.R., Artemesia, 50 acres, ten of which is good hardwood, balance mostly clear- ed. Will sell on easy temjs or will rent. â€" Jos. Watson, Priceville, phone 32 r 3. F.\RM FOR SALE OR RENT Containing 146 acres, 35 in hay, 35 acres fall plowed, situated H mile south of Saupeen Junction. Brick house, bank barn with first class stables. Apply to R. J. Boyd of Flesherton or to J. C. Wright, 195 Ottawa St., South, Hamilton. HOG FOR SERMCE Registered Berkshire hog, govern- ment inspected. Terms $1.00 if paid within 2 months, over that time (2.00, â€" Laurie Pedlar. HOG FOR SERVICE Young Yorkshire hog, purebred and frovevnment inspected; terms: cash 75c.; charged $1.00. -^WES. SMITH, Rock MiUa. i â- â- ^ BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshirt Boar for m» â-¼ica by Flesherton Bacon Hog Clnfe^ the property of the Ontario Deparii ment of Agriculture. â€" C STEWART, Caretaker. BUSINE3S eARM DR. R. W. LINDSAY Fevertham - 'Phone 17 r 3 Office to- 12 am. 7-8 p.a. Singhampton Office â€" Taseday mad Friday 2 • 4 p.M. ' " ' â- ' â- â- â- â- â- â- »ii-^â€" ^ AVCTIOIfBBR Wm. Kaitting, auctioneer for taam and stock sales a speciality, terms: 1 per cent, with small sales at eor* responding low price* aeeoidiag t* site. Make dates by phoming 4S r It or at The Advance office. Prince Arthur Lodge No. SSS. AM. AA.M., meets In the Frateraal Hal( Flesherton, every Friday oo or bafoflv the full moon. W.M., F. J. Thurstoa, SecT«Ury. H. A. MeOanley.