Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Oct 1932, p. 2

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Voice of the Press Canada, The F.mpire and The World at Large CANADA No Great Mon George n.-iiiiid Sliaw says Iherd aro no sroat Jiieii or wuini-ii in the world. "i .Mil write plays and you can't. That is all," ho runiarkcil "If I conUlii't 1 should probahly lift a traniu. A« It 1h, 1 am 80 well o« that everybody pro- tends t am imich mora respectable than I really am.'â€"Hamllton Herald. He Tanned the Hidea A prciniiivnt I'ii ton County tarmor brouBht two calf .'iklnB to roarki-t, and could only set twenty tlve centji for them, lie also wanted a tew yards of leather Itolt laclnt;. Ho toitid not Ret enouRh fer the calf-hldcs to buy the few la( M. He was mad clear throuRh- Being a Ions-headed Scot, he threw the hid'^s back Into his wagon and started homeward. "Han« it," ho mut- tered to himself. "I'm not KoinR to let these fillows heal me. In the old days thoy tanned hides; why ..ant 17" Ho did. The process entailed some work. He u»'il the rlror tor a soakins tank. .He applied the proper solution to .<oft- en and louRhen the leather. It work- ed. He lilt a lacing from the hide, and tried t) break It. Ho couldn't, and came lo Inwn to show th > result of hi.s work. He has several doUar.i worth of good 1! i:r.? laciUK for tho belts of his maclifiM . Unt what pleased was that 'â-  • 'â-  .It the machine that was op- posi New (JIasgow Chronicle. to the changed conditions. Weekly News. -Auckland England's Star V/alksrs British Capital in Crown Colonies Iliitish capital is treniondously need- ed In all the Crown Colonlci, and there are bitter complaints from time to lime that investors an; shy of invostmonts in them. Yet when it comes to a practical effort by a ISrt- tlsh investor to begin an enterprise In these colonies, he is met, as often as not, with a cold water douche of hvh- piclon.â€" Trinidad Guardian. Anglo-Danish Relations Honmark has been one of Ilia first foreign tountrie.i to show readiness to adjust Itaelt to tho new trade condi- tions created at Ottawa; and its po- cullarly intimate coninierclal relations with Great Britain are Illustrated by t!io fact that last year this country took no less than C7 per tent, of all i>an!:;n exports. Tho Danish people seem determined to overcome the dif- ficulties created for them by the now Ottawa duties; and a now trade treaty will no doubt ho no.notiated at tho earliest opportune moment. In the inuantime the Hritish ]2xliibitiuii will oxomplify the enlightened Helf-lnterest that draws the two countries economi- cally and culturally togetherâ€" Loudon Tinios. Oxygen Bricks In Popular Sizes Berlin.â€" "Canned oxygen" is the name given by the Vossische Zeitung t" an invention which, it is claimed, may save hundreds of lives in peace, and hundreds of thousands in war. This beneficent discovery consists of the chemical fixation of oxygen in such a way that the gas may be car- ried about in the form of briquette.^ and yet be immediately available for breathing purposes. The briquettes are contained in tins similar to those used for canneti How Long Do Aniinab*« Iive?> Elephants are probably the -.Nigeet. lived members of the animal kln-;doni,» their lives averaging betwt^ea on» hundred and two hundred y^irs. I^ is said that when Alexander co*, (laeted India he took one -rf Kim; r.irus' largest elephants, named Aju^ and turned him loose with this liu. scnptlon on his collar: "Alexander, , the son of Jupiter, dedicated AjK^ to the sun." This elephant, tht, story has it, was captured three^ hu'dred and fifty years later ^ It has been claimed that as a gen- direct reUttioii * ... , , ro'sral rule there is a asparagus. They will cost from •'3|^pi^ee„ t|,e duration of lite and the • to 60 pfennigs (about 10 cents). I ^^^^^ required to develop fully: but- The canned oxygen may bs stored .^ ^^^^^ ^j^^^^ ^^^ manifest exceptions.. for years and moved about to ^"V J'^'l ^.^^^ ^at is mature before it U a year. :..... _.... _. explosion or fire. ^^ ^^^ ^^j^,„ ^^^^ ^g, „, warning â€" set In tent without risk of explosion or fire. After an initial action by a blow â€" the briquettes (it is explained) give off for hours, without | pre.seure, an even exhalation of oxy- 1 gen. I The gas is so highly concentrated j that it could be contained in one ofi the usual ste'il bottles now used for | the purpose only at » pressure '•'. 350 atmospheres. If canned oxygen had bean availabl>j yet twenty years. Size also seems to have a certal* relation to longevity, the elephant ana the whale being generally '.leW to be the longest-lived of mammals; bat here ai;ain enters the exception, since the little beaver lives more than twice as long a.l tho rhinoceros. The average age of other animals estimated as follows: ass, thlrtl I years; bear, twenty years; beaver, a little earlier all the hundreds of lives , ^^^^ years; camel, seventy-five years; cat, fifteen years; chamois, twenty. jMIhs V. Horwnod, right, and Miss G. Mason, well-known v.. man atlilc'tes of England, as they finished the mile walk in a dead heat during the Duke of York's inter-country championships. Out of Place in the City Th> !•â-  is little joy for a rollicking blRi'rim.>ii animal running loose In a â- world or iiowdod streets. The ner- vous L^i.^iou of dodging car wheels and being chased from iiiilar to post because of a succession of wrong-do- ings innocently arising fr jm tho shtar Joy of living, is sufficient to arouse ir- ritability in the mo:->t companionable beast and eventually bring down coals of fire on his head and that of his own- er. Tlieio are tow things more touch- ing or more worth whilo than the loyal coniiuiiy of a big. good-natured rascal who. tluough his very freedom of though and action can make life seem a much pl'-asanter business to tho har- ried human mind. Like everything else, however, ho has his place and, if he is not intended tor tho kennel or the leasU, that place is In tho country. or at least, tho less craniped portions of the city where he may enjoy the liberty so essential to bringing out the be-' ''ii' U in him. â€" K'imi.nlnn .Jour- nal. A Fallacious Notion MotoiisH who clamor for the re- moval of speed limits claim that it is BOt .iiwod In itself but reckless or In- competent driving that is responsible for .so many distres.sing highway ac- cidents. Him a member ot the staff of th<» National Safety Coiiiuil of the United States, Curtis Hillings, argues In the -Mlantic Magazine for October that the increase In the death rate due to motor acciflents coincidos with in- creases in the power and speed of motors III that country. With the coming of fast cars and broad, pavad roads the notion became fixed in tho minds of motorists that speed in it- self if not dangerous. "Tliat notion," be .''ays, 'Is as fallacious as it in allur- ing." Having reviewed the statistics on the subject, Mr. BlllinRS ouotes one engineer as saying: "Tho faster a vehicle l.s going the more damage it cat! do because Its energy Increases as th-i sriuare of its speed. That is to gay. if the speed is doubled the force of the Impart in case of accident is four limes as great. This is a com- moU'Snn.'i^ as will as an onRlneerlng View to take of the effects of increased Bpead. The significance of lh» argu- ment li«a in the fact that it comes from au expert engaged in Safety Vim work.â€" Toronto Mall and Km- pir-' "Has Recovery Begun? I believe that the of rocov- Maple Sugar Industry ery has begun and is woll under way. ] Reports Gocd Year even though there is little visible evi-! The maple sugar imUi.stry of Caii- denco of it as yet. Hut convalescenco ada has experienced increased activi- inust af tho best be slow, owing to tho ty d,), yy^^. Lower prices terrible network of con.slrictive bonds i t^ |,„vp .stimulated sales in wliich tho world has contrived to ippear and there was an increase in the production of envelop It.Hclt in its desperate and fii- i,o(|j ^ugar and svrup over the rch tile efforts to escape from the cons©- g^tg „f ^sj ,„ ^,,^ Maritime Prov- quonces of its own economic tolly. I • ,„pgj .j„j Quebec have little faith in the powers of a the season was productive, while in On- flow of sap was much long and tarlo tho restricted. Production of niaple sugar, so far as reported for the season of 1932, was 7,217.300 pounds for the whole Dominion. Last year the sugar out- put was 5,484,100 pounds. Syrup production this year was 1,744.479 gallons compared with 1.314,700 gal- lons In 1931. The highest produc- tion of sugar during the Inst five years was 13,708.109 pounds In 192S. while the biggest yield of syrup In tho same period was 2.185,379 gal- lons in 1930. The total value of sugar and syrup sold this .vear was $2,746,757 tor the noiniiiion. a r?du-- Toa Much Cutting Down .\ll over the pioviiicn the high ScliooU au'l rolloRiate liislltutes are tryag to cut down expenses. In fact all over the province everybody i.i try- ing to cut down expenses, even those who have no reason at all for doing «o. People who have their 192H in- com" are pinching llk() the rest. ThU reducing of expeuHon, this refraining from buying aiiylhlng that can be done wl'lioiit. retards the return of businesj a<rivlty. And yet a force like this op^rale!< iM»vllal»ly and no aigiiment I-.I 1 (iievjll against it. -Toronto Star. Hanging The oBlclal hangman in«Poland gets $13 per elocution, and says he can't make a living at that rale. Hln aei- vices are not Butflcienlly In deniand and niosi of the time he Is ju>t hang 111 J ni.iiiMil Stratord Beai on-Ilerald. World Economic (,'onforence to pro-: duce a formula for the unravelling of llio tangle. The only real hope lies in i a steady and unrelenting pressure of, business men for the piecemeal re-i moval of obstacles to trade, and In the! natural ingenuity of the trader. Kveryi importer or exporter who can find a^ way (preferably through, round I or over a tariff, quota or exchange con- trol deserves well of humanity at tho present juncture. â€" O. It. Hob.sou In Tho Spectator. London. The Reds In China The cure for the Red movement in China Is peace and prosperity. This is not to say that active and resolute' tjgj, gf about JSOO.noO from the prevl action is uniiece.ssary, but ("ominunism ' qus year, owing, of course, to the de- grows from the hot-bod of distress | ^jjno jn prices. The record ot pro- arising from famine, disorder and cor- j jnction value tor the five years was rupt govornnient. Aeroplanes and ! jg us gsg in 1929. Ot the total local volunteers can dispor.^e a min- ! y^lue for tii!» current year sugar oriiy of bandits and rogues; but a; yielded $()9'-.4S0 and syrup $2,054,- gieat peril arises when normal and or- 1 277. The valuer given for the pres- der'y people are drawn into such a ' ent year should be regarded as pro- movement Then the revolt grows to ' i(,„i„ary siino the full production the proportion of i-ivil war. with Il- limitable [Kissibililles tor mischief. â€" Ilong Kong Press. OTHER OPINIONS Monotony Most of us can draw up our belts an- other hole and cut our lunch allowance ill two for a spell of weeks, but there romoj a time when, it we are blest with a spark of jinagiiiation, we crack under the strain of munotonoua exist- once. A brain-storm sweeps away all our good resolutions, the self denying oi'dluanca is overborne, we are almost ready to play ducks and drakes with our insurance premiims and payments to the co-operative bank and like Pip- pa, gW» ouiselves a holiday. It Is worth all it costs sometimes, to waste the price of a plain nourishing meal on a rod necktie or llie price of a much needed pair of shoes 011 a bioilod lob- ster with all tho fixings. â€" Boston Transcript. Obnoxious Billboards TUera are two counts against the billboard on the highway. It not only mars tlie landscape and destroys the natural boauty of roadside si'eaery, but its garisliiicss also disirai'ls the attention of the driver of the car. Im- portant traffic directions posted alonK the road are often lost in a welter ot commercial hIrus. In the iiiieresta of safety the most cousplciioiiH signs on Ilia highway hIioiiIM be tlioso placed there by the highway depailnient to illroct trsfflc. St Paul Pioii,»ei Prose. Ccmbine Formed in Britain ^ To Protect Trust Companies London.â€" .^n association of invest- ment tru.sts, representing a combina- tion of 250 to 300 of the largest Bric- i:;h Trust coiiipaiiies, with a total capital of about :;i>0,000,000 pounds sterling, has been formed here. The objects of Ihs organization will be to .irotect the interests of the invest- ment trusts an# their shareholders, especially against default of home and foreign borrowers. The central or- gani',;a'tion, it is alsc pointed out, would enable the companies to speak with one voice in any particular probicni of default. The trusts represented include tho Tnve.stmcnt Trust Corporation, Indu.s- trial and Cencra! Trust, Mercantile Investment and Cen M-al Trust and the British Inve.^^tiiient Trust. It is anticipated that the associa- tion will act in co-operation with c.intinental and American organiza- tions where firms with which they ilea! lia\e furei'jrn interests. Land P'.ane Flies lost through the colliery explosions in [ Germany during the past few years would, it is said, have beer, saved. | Every collier, every member of a s bniarine crew, and, during the war,' every inhabitant of a town threatane:! by gas attacks will, it is suggested, in ! future always have his tinned oxygen br'quette handy to save him frcm death from a.<phyxiatng fumes. Discovery to Effect More Cures of Cancer New Haven, C';>nn. â€" Professor Wil- 'iam P. Graves of the Harvard School Ave years; ox, twenty-five years; deer twenty years; dog, fourleen years; tox, fourteen years; goat, twelve years; .guinea pig, four years; hare eight years; hippopotamus, twenty years; horse, twenty-five years- hyena, twenty.flve years; jag- uar, twenty -five years; leopard, twenty-five years; lion, forty years; monkey, seventeen years; moose, fifty years: mouse, six years; pigs, fifteen vears; rabbit, seven years; .â- seven years; rhinoceros, twenty sheep, ten years; squirrel, tiger. rat, years ; one hua-Jred Cuvier as- has not yet been sold. New Guinea Home of One Hundred Races S.vdiu-y. N..^.W. .\i :...' than 10:i different races are to be found in New Guinea, which is Australian mandated territory, declared Mr. K. W. P. Chiimey, government anthro- pologLst for the territory, in a recent address before the Advancement of Science Congress here. Probably many more are not known. he said, for part of the territory ha, not yet been explored. Natives num- bered so far total about 400,000. Mr. ChinuBV advocates teaching the na- tives trades and agrii'iilturrt^ of Medicine, to the Clinical Congress eight years; stag, five years being held at Yale University, has an- ; twenty-five years; wolf, twei^ty yearn nounceU the di.scovery by Ur. Walter' While the average age of the whale Schiller, of Vienna, of a method of , is somewhere between detecting cancer of the c-rvix uteri in 1 and two hundred years, its early stages, when cures can be sorted that it is probable that «ome , effected in a high percentage of cases, whales attain the ago ot on. thous At that period of its development,' and years. ___^, . Professor G.-aves pointed out, such ; ~ * c U cancer was not apparent to the eye or Mule DonS SnOWSIloes the touch. The cancer, he said, had' ^j, educated mule that walked on its origin in irritation of an indifferent jjnowshoes was the latest addition last cell in the epithelium, which produced ^i^ter to the transportation facilities a virus stimula'ing surrounding cells | ^ Northern Manitoba, to abnormal growth and spreading la- '. Natives of this northern trapping '-crally. 'and mining centre were becoming Dr. Schiller, he said. discovorcHl that gomgwhat bored by the frequent ar- normal cells of the epithelial layer ; yjvaig of roaring airplanes, screaminK contained an appreciable amount of j j^.p^n-j^yves and barking dog teams glycogen, a form of sugar, and he de- 1 ^,^g-^ giu Klonwick walked in from vised a method of staining part of the j j^jg ^^^1 lines with his si'owshoeing layer with an iodine solution, which 1 ^^yjg quietly pulling a toboggan to caused glycogen particles in the nor-j gj^g ^hem a new thrill, mal cells to appear almost black under 1 The mule's name is I<izzie and her the microscope. ' snowshoes were about 18 inch?s in dia- The cancerous cells, containing no' ,.,cter. Klonwick taught her how to glycogen, appeared whits or pink. ^gg them while working on his trap Professor Graves said that Dr. ^j^es 600 miles north of Sherridon, Schiller's test had been subjected to j m^n. and now t-he refuses 'o walk itt 300 Miles An Hour 1 '''tensive investigation in the Harvard | t^g s„ow without thsm. Sh? makes I.os .Angeles. -.V speed of 300 miles an hour, the fastest time ever made by a land plane over a distance course, lias l)een accomplished in an olTicial flight between I.os .\ngeles and San Krancisco. Colonel Roscoe Turner raced his monoplane between the two cities, 370 miles apart, in 1 hour, 14 minutes, an average of a flat :!00 miles an hour. fhe flight lowered by 17 minutes the inark set last year by .limmie Wed- ell of New Orleans, pilot-designer and builder of Colonel Turner's ship. Colonel Turner, making a non-stop round trip between the cities, flew the distance of 740 miles in 2 hours, 41 minutes, averaging ".275.77 miles an hour. The 300-mi'e average was made on the aouthward trip with the aid of a tail wind. National .Aeronau- tic .Association officials timed the flight. laboratories and was believed to be ^^^ spaed over the high drifts, of "inestimable value." being simple aid apparently reliable. He advocat- ed its general use in the campaigr against cervical cancer. Friendly Enemies THE EMPIRE Ottawa and World Trade A revival of trade wlihlil the Kmpii.- Is calculated lo Increase British pros perilf everrwhere, and nothing can prevent that from operating benoBcial- fjr flsenrhere in tlia world It moans DiK b that So great a commer<-lal na tlon should And Its feet again. 01 tawa. It \* well said, has furnUliad a link betweeu Lausanne and the World K<oifinilc Conference. The ultimate 9ut< >me must bo the beneflt of all, and lh« immediate result la to almpllty the wld^r prohl^Bi, altUough the flrst tor- B. C. Salmon Pack Vancouver Canned salmon pack in Rrltlsh Columbia up lo Sept. 29 totalled 949,311 cases, compared with 645,OtS for the coriespondlug period last year, according lo a statement issued by Major .1. A. Mntherwull. chief of llie Provincial l»i"p.irtinenl of Klsheriei 1 British Motor Trains _ I Installed in Rcumania Bucharest, Roumania.- Kight motor I rains from England have been in-' stalled on a number of sei^ondary^ lines. I It Is believed that they will be I hcH|)cr th»n the regular trains and, will h«lp reduce the large railroad de flrit. i If tlier vt<^^* satisfactory, mir^ "Extinct" Australian Animal Revives . r. 1'* TM • 1 ^"'^ "f .\ustru:ia's rare marsupials, Ontario Ranks Third which had lost for nearly 100 in Highway Mileage years, has beer, rediscovered, follovr- Ottawa. - Saskatchewan leads all' '"'S the bauntiful rains that ^'^cently tl.o provinces ot the Dominion in high- 'eawaUened plant and animal lite in way mileage, with t55.fi09 miles open th3 centre of the continent. for tiattlc on Dec. XI, ]!)M1. according! tho rat kagaroo (caloprymnus campes- to a report issued recently by the Do , __ ,„ This b lO rat kagaroo (caloprymnus [ ! tris) , which was found by Mr. Harry minion Bureau of Statistics. Alberta came next with 62,426 miles, and On- tario with .52.119 was in third position. Otlior provinces with their mileages were: Quebec. 35,76:! ; British Colum- bia, 22.45!l; Nova Scotia. 14.719; .New Brunswick. 1I.S25; Manitoba, 5,2.^0, 1 ^P^'"^' and Prince Kdward Island. 3.G50 miles, j British Museum The total highway mileage in Canada is 37S.091. Finlayson, of the Adelaide University I staff, on a recent trip in Central Aus- I tralia. I The little animal, which stands \ about a foot high. v,r.s believed to be j extinct. It is said that the only three :,ns of it in the world are in the Birth Rate In Britain Shows Upward Tendency The Ascent of Man Robert Briffault in Scrihner's .Magazine (New York): Human na- aire is no less capab'e of good than of evil. It has at times appeared vile, iliat is because vileness has been I.oadon - .Afler 11 years oi declines ' in the blitliratd ot England and | Wales, the Registrar-General report : thrust upon it by a social anarchy announces a alight increase, amount- i that has made internecine strife its iug to 2 per cent., per thousand, fori 'aw and fostered the basest impulsBS. the .lune quarter of 1932, the flrst j The pall of that agelong pessimism is such gain in that period for the 11 lifting. A new faith in humanity is years. I possible. We know that the way to There were 165.456 births, ot whom' amend human nature is not to prn- 1.051 were boys to each 1.000 girls. | fess high sentiments, but to amend Infantile mortality also showed \ the social and cultural factors that some little improvement, deaths among Infants one year old and under being but 7 per 1.000. I -♦- tii'i i â- "•iloa Is lo ci'inpe'. adjustment will ♦â-ºâ€¢ ?*»vWMe<i. L.morrow theyll hallle it out. but today they walk arm In arm. .Mis* a. lie (Siinsbour? and Miss Paulina Doran were tlnallsts lo the iiils open s>!f cha :iipioiishi;i ma. ell at Stoke Poges, Bnglatid. r^caotly. mou!d and fashion it. Tyrol May Bar Autos Vienna. â€" Tyrol is threatened with a total (irohibition of motoring, the local press was informed recently by tho r- aits department of the Tyrol Gov- ernment, as many areas con-.plain that they have no funds to pay for the upkeep of the roads. The local auth- orities deii-.aiul the right to levy tolls on passing carsi, as was done up to two years ago, in order to b; "ble to keep the roads in repair. ♦ Britain Mints Yugoslav Coins I/oiidon.- New ten dinar siivcr coins I'cenlly put into circulation by the Yiigo.slav trt3vernment through the ational Bank of Yugoslavia wera coined at the British mint in Ix>ndoil. The Yugoslav coins are similar i*. .".Hoy to the British silver coinage. At current rat«s the ten-dinar piece i« the equivalent of approximately one shilling. ' The Contrast The optimist sees sunshi'W. pro»- Whole Family Celebrates Weddings Budapest.â€" The peasant family of Brandhuber in the vil'age of Csobank indulged in an orjty i matrimony re- cently. The grandfather, Joseph Bi-andhuber, and his wife celebrated ' their golden wedding; their son, tieorge, and his wife their silver wed- ding, and two jfrandchildren were married in the parish church. The whole village took part in the four- fold weHdiiig celebrations. <" ^ - - Brausil Raises More Fruit Rio l)e Janeiro. Kruit culture in Kta?.il has m.-'do great strides in the l;'3t f3w years, according to a Depart- ment of .-Vgriculture report, which s.ates that the 19."il crop was valued at $25,000,000 and that the 1982 crop will be larger. Tho largeot users of llrazilian fruit.-, are the British and 1 •.hL> .\rgentines. Fruit exports (hiring U)|3 amounted to $200,000 and soared ; t.> $8,000,000 in 1931. Oranges, ban- perity, success and opporturiity. anas and pineapples are the chief pro- The |>e!»imi9t aeea (rto<'n^ P*^^ ducts for eKp-Mtatioii. f -.iU ro and limitatiaik.

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