Sunda)' School Lesson • ••••••••♦♦»♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦»♦ •H October 9. . Lesson II â€" The Christian In the Familyâ€" Luke 2: 40-52; 10: 3n-42, Golden Textâ€" I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.â€" Psalm 101; 2. ANALYSIS I. TUF. CHILD AT HOMK, Luke 2: 40. II. THE PARENTS AT HOME, Luke 2 • 41-50. Ii.. MARY AND MARTHA AT HOME, Luk? 10; 38-42. iNTRODt'CTto.N â€" "There was a time In the life of Trincipal Rainy," writo.s Dr. Morri.son, "when he was exposed to violer. abuse. Hardly a lay passed but ill the newspapers his actions wera misinterpreted und disti)rte<l. One day Dr. Whyte met him. 'Rainy,' he sai'J, *I can't understand you. You seem as radiant and blissful as a child.' And Rainy answered very quietly, 'Ah! but Whyte, I'm very ha; py at home. '" The people in it were Christian ^t home. H<»iie corylitions have much to do with success or fai'ure in work. I. THE cniLt» AT HOMK, I.uke 2: 40. From the time of his birth until he enters upon his public ministry, only cne glimpse is Riven us of the hotpp Sife of Jesus. This silence is of a piece with the usage of the early Jew?. They were intere.-tcd in a great man'.- life only during tne period in whio'. it was conspicuous. A man's earlier years, or the years of his retirement did not matter. This silence vegarding Jesus' early life is eloquent proof of the inspira- tion of the Gorpel writer.s. In thi Gospels not included in the New Tes- tament, he cariied the spilt water ir. hi.-, robe; he pulls the short board lo the required length; he strikes dead â- with a curse a boy who runs against him; the neighbors protest; Mary i;= afraid to let him leave the house. Our Gospels, on the other hand, tell of a normal child and of a strictly human development. Jes'is is free from the wilfulness characteri?tic of so ma'V spoiled children. E.Tf^er to stay with the Temple teachers, he Koes home, subpiiltimr himself to parentcl author- ity (v. 51), and there continued hi.-; all-round development, v. 52. II. THE PARENVS AT HOME, Luke 2: 41-50. Joseph and Mary observed faith- fully the requirement* of their rali- gion, V. 41. As soo i as Jesus was old enough to make the journey to Jeru- salem, they t</ok him along, tou The Passover, itself, was eai-jn only by males, but the week of ;;-.c Feast was a time of rejoicing, so thut husbands usi'al'.y took their wives ai well as their r-on.-. When Jesus, as it were, joined the churc>i, he had the dupport and example of an earnestly religious home. Trained to love h's religion, to look upon Israel as Ciod's cho'ioa people, to hope and prav for a great rcdempiion, Jesus, on that memorable visit to .Jcr- ii.Tlcm, found hia absorbin'; interest in the Templi. Tlie chilire.i of oi.v pannts find their major Interest in t.1,0 church wh-'T tl cy convj to the city. Others do not. Pilgrims, coming from a distant community, traveled in i.irire caravans f ^r company, and especially for safety along the bandit-infested roads. It was quite possible for on' parent to assume that the twelve-year- old boy was with the other parent. Thus Jesus' absence was not discover- ed until evening. The return to Jeru- salem would occupy another day. On the third day (v. 4G, after three days would mean this) tl.ey found him. Many a boy of twelve pro])erly in- â- tructed and unusually intelligent, surprises his elders. How much more Jesus! "And they understot-d not," v. 50. It is a lonely hour when parenls dis- cover their their chilrrtn have moved forward into a world where they can- not follow. Mary's I'ailure to under- stand her l)oy in the Temple was only the first of many a painful, and even bitter, misunderiuanding. III. MARY AND MARTHA AT HO.ME, Luke 10; 38-42. Jesus was a frequent guest in the home of Mary and M.-rtha. Mary as- sumed that he cared more for the so- ciety of his friends than for a big d- iner. Marthrx the notabls keeper and cook, resolved that no ordi- nary meal was good enough to set be- fore so loved a gucj.. In any case, thirteen to dinner oi short notice is not always a simple matter (it is prob- able that the disciples were there, too) . The Marthas leave you in the parlor while they fuss about in the kitchen; the Marys give you the best they hap- pen to have, but they do not permit mci'e food to interfere with the fellow- ahip. Mary, doubtk-^s, had worked with her sister until such a meal as ahe thought neccssarj was prepared. Martha continued to be "cumbered with much service," flying all ways at or.ce, m worried activity which accom- plished much less than quiet, unhur- ried, methodical labor. Iler sense of injury at being icft alone finally burst forth with the complaint of v. 40. Jesus warned Martha against the ten- dency «o to crowd life with activities that no time or energ>' is left for that "better part" communion with himself. Our homes are not intended primarily for the display of foods, floors, furni- ture, but for the development of per- sonality, the cultivatii i; of our friend- shipji. •» Prince of Wales Called Best LinguUt in Royal Family The Prince of Wales is the best lin- guist of the royal family, says "The Manchester Guardian." Eightcer, months ago he knew scarcely any Spanish, but after acquiring a thor- ough groundwork in the tongue by regular daily studies with Dr. Antonio Pastor, professor of Spanish at I/on- don University, he took every opjwr tunity of procticing while on his tour of South America, with the result that he not only can deliver .i formal public speech in correct Spanish but can carry on intimate personal con- versations with ease and fluency. Besides Spanish, the Prince's other foreign languages arc French, Italian, German and Danish. Frequently at Y'ork House, when receiving an offi- cial visitor from abroad, or some em- bassy representative, the Prin:e will delight and surprise him by speaking in his own tongue. SUCH IS TIME . , . Kvon such is Time, that takos In trust Our youth, our joys, our all «e have. And pays us but with earth and dust; Who in the dark and silent grave, When we Jiavo wandered all our ways, Sliuts up the story of our days; But from this earth, this grave, this dust, My Cod shall raise nio up. I trust. â€"By Sir Walter Ualelgli. Written on the night before Uis cce- cution tor treason in Old Palace Yard, \V'e<itm!nsipr, on Oclobor 29, 1618. What Are the Things Wlial aro tliu things that make life bright? A star gleam in the night. What hearts us for the coming fray? The dawn tints of the day. What helps to speed the weary mile? A brother's friendly smile. What turns o' gold the evening gray? A flower beside the way. â€" Paul Laurence Dunbar, iu "Com- plete Poems.'' BORROWERS Charles Ijamb, tired of lending his books, tlireateiied to chain W.'orda- worth's poems to his shelves, adding: "For of those who borrow, some read slow ; some mean to read, but don't read; and some neither read nor moan to read, but borrow, to leave you an opinion of their sagacity. I must do my nioney.borrowiug friends the justice to say that there Is no- thing of this caprice or wantonnes.s of alienation in them. When they borrow my money they never fall to make use of it." LIFE IS HAPPINESS To exist is to hles.s. Life is Hap- piness. Ill this sublime pause of things all dissonances bavo disap- peared. It Is as though Creation were but one vast symphony, glorify- ing the God of Goodness with an In- exhaustible wealth of praise and bar. mony. . . .wo have ourselves becoine notes In the great concert, and the soul breaks tho silence of ecstasy, only to virbrate in unison with iho Keternal Joy! Miss BnisU ~"How old ars you, Mr. Comb?" Mr. Combâ€" "I don't know exactly but 1 have lost most of my teetb." Electrical Device Writes Muslo Harmony parts for each instrument in an orchestra are produced by an electrical music writer which makes it possible to compose music and re- cord It simply by playng over the com- position on the piano. Latest Findings Of Science Down 3,000 Feet Under the Sea â€" Stomachs that Digest Aluminum Another Unit of Matter Oue of Professor Mllllkau's as- sociates in the California Institute of Technology, Dr. Carl D. And:r- son, reports In Science the prob- able discovery of a new particle of matter. A proton is 1,850 times more mas- .flve than an cloetron. In measuring the energies of charged p-irtlcles produced by cosmic rays Ander9-)n finds tracks which seem to have been produced by protons, and yet the masses of those supposed protons are much too small. Confronted with something that is neither a pro- ton nor an electron. Dr. Anderson believes that he lias found a particle no more massive than an electron yet much smaller than a proton. If this theory is verified we have here a discovery of even greater Im- portanco than that of the neutron. After all, the neutron Is a composite â€" a. close packing of a pi-oton and an electron. Anderson presents evi- dence of a new ultimate unit, some- thing that is neither proton nor elec- tron. In the new world of (luuntum me- chanics mass and energy no longer have the old significance; Indeed, there Is no distinction between the two. Physicists may find here a mathematical loophole whicli may make it possible to explain what An. derson observed and thus to escape the acceptance of a third unit of matter. Samples of the Universe -Millions of metrors are plowed through by tho earth every day. We see thoin occasionally as vivid streak.-i of light, the visible evidence tlvat ' they are being burned up as they rub against the atmosphere. Yet' despite the merciful provision of an' atmosphere the earth has been oc-| casionally struck. Thus the largest j known meteor that managed to sur. I Vive atmospheric friction was the Ahniphito, found some years ago in Northern Greenland. Roughly It measures 11 by 7 by 3 feet and weighs 31 y., tons. Kor years the Eskimos had been making knives and weapons out of Us iron. Although the choniical conip.isition is known, tliere is no Information at all on the technical quality of their iron. So it occurred-to Dr. A. Nedai and C. W. MacGregor, Westiaghouso research engineers, to meteoric iron just as if it had been produced in a modern foundry Pieces were cut from a slab of Uiminoiis fire ball that had fallen at Huizopa. Alexico, and tested. It turned out that the meteoric iron behaved much like soft annealed ductile metal, a tact attri- buted to the intense heat generated in the meteor as it shot earthward. The crystalline structure character- istic of iron had been destroyed by tho terrific heat and possibly by im- pact during the last mad moment of the metoor's career. Free-wheeling Railcars On tho Newcastle.on-Tyne branch of tho London & Northeastern Ball- way Company a Diesel-electric rail- car has made an astonishing record through free wheeling. The total fuel and lubricating costs amount to 3 cents a mile. Tho train of which the Diesol-eleclric car forms part Is in service seventeen hours a day with an actual running time of eight hours. Of these eight hours four are spent In free-wheeling or coasting. Unliko the ordinary steam engine the Diesel-electric car does not re- quire dally cleaning, but is thorough- ly Inspected for about two hours once a fortnight. A whole narrow-gauge frea-wheel- ing train Is about to be shipped to tho Gaekwar of Baroda for the Bar- oda State Hallways in India. Stomachs That "Digest" Metal Dr. Frederick Ploelzel of the IJnI. versify of Chicago, were he so mind- ed could show Iron and aluminum that has been corroded by the juices of tlie stomach.. Dr. Iloelzel informs us that a few pieces of aluminum which remained six days |u the digestive tract of a rat were eroded about 90 per cent, and that 100 pieces of aluminum showed an average of 15.8 per cent, erosion after an average of 4.4 days In the stomach. A 8t,»el ball-bear- ing lost 24 per cent In weight aft"i' Farm Problem 2,000 Years Old Finally Solved By Easy Method i Remember 'way back, when-? i'es, it's Annette Kellerman. Annette has lost little of the old charm despite her years and %till thrills Parisians. i'aiiig subjected for fifteju days to the action of digestive Juices. AU this Is purely Incldenta! to a larger and much mora imporran- in- <Miy on the cause of p.-ptie ulcers. Although it is still (oo c-arly to make a positive report, the evidence seeray to point to a restriction of proteins ill the diet as the cau-e of ulcera- tion. The tests with different metals were made simply ta detcrmino whether gastric acidity increased as the protein content of the diet was reduced. Factories Run by Volcanoes Steam from tho interior of the earth In volcanic Italy has long been running the factories and trolley-cars of Larderello and other Tuscan towns near Florence. Prince Ginorj ContI, who is mainly responsible for thus treating the earth as if it were a colossal boiler, recently told the In- ternational Unit oi" Power Producers something of the improvements that he has made. It was easy enough to bore holes and tap reservoirs of both low pres- sure and high pressure steam. The engineers had to contend with sud- phur. borax and carbon dioxide with which the vapor is charged. Be. cause of tho corrosive nature of tliese it was difflcult to design dura- ble apparatus. Aluminum was there- fore used instead of copper for pip- ing. Although 12,000 kilowatts of energy are now volcanic-ally gener- ated. Prince Giuori Conti freely ad- mits that he has more obstacles to overcome. California is the only other place on tho earth whero volcanoes, or rather geysers, are harnessed. There the corrosive elements in the steam are easily removed. About 11,000 kilowatts are now supplied to the district immediatoly surrounding Sonoma. Kaenipffi'rt In the \.Y. Times, Climbing the Heights There Is Inexpressible joy iu the realization of having completely con- quered a secret weakness, successful- ly solved a formidable problem, or faithfully discharged a disagreeable duty. To many life is like climbing a long, steep, difficult bill; but as the years pass, those who courageously press on and up find themselves at last upon the mouutain top of achieve- ment, where they look out upon a scene of indescribable beauty and, as I they turn to look back and down at I the road they have traversed, perhaps , rough and difficult In many places, I Ihoy realize that it has all been worth- while, and that the final reward of , work well dona has fully compen- . sated them for the effort. Life Is a I beautiful and Inspiring journey tor the courageous traveller. â€" Grenvilie Klei- ser. Lafayette, Indâ€" Solution of a farm problem 2,000 years old â€" how a farmer can tell whether his crops hava enough phosphorus â€" was announced recently by Purdue University. Years of observation hitherto had been the principal method, says the announcement. The new way is as simple and speedy as making a cup of tea. From crop plants in the soil to be tested a farmer slices off about as much cuttings as would be I'sel in making a cup of tea. With his fingers he crushes them slightly to bri'ig out a little juice. Me puts them in a ^lmalI bottle filled with a peclal chemical compound, and shakes vigorously. It there is "abundant" phosphorus In hIa soil , the liquid in th» bottlo turns dark blue. More illuminatias still, this liquid has a whole series of colors Indicating precisely all the de- grees of soil phosphorus. Medum blue Indicates a sufficiency, light blue "doubtful" and tho "danger line" is shown in all its phases wltb bluish green, green, yellow and finally colorless, which means a phosphorua lack equally bad for crops and tot human food. The chemical test waj developed by S. F. Thornton, assistant chemist of the Agricultural Experiment Station, after two years' research. The chemi- cals are ammonium molybdate, con-' centrated hydrocholoric acid and stan- nous chloride. Witticisms Safety First.â€" "Did you tell Mr. Beinlich that he is father of triplet;s?" "No; he is still shaving." Ginger-Snaps. â€" Conductor (helping a stout lady on car) â€" "Yer should take yeast, mother, ter 'elp yer tf rise better." Stout Lady â€" "Take some yerself, lad, and then yer'd be better bred." Round 'n Rou id 'n Round 'n Round. â€" "Do you remember when we met in the revolving door?" "Goodness, yes! That was when we started going around together, wasn't it?" Still Booming. â€" Our financial ad- viser, who has made an exhaustive study of the subject, informs us that there is no truth in the rumor of an impending ten per cent, reduction in the wages of sin. Chaering Innovation. â€" Real Estate Agent â€" "Well what do you think of our little city?" Prospect â€" "I'll tell you, brother. This is the first cemetery I ever saw with lights." Plain Logic. â€" A Scotsman, upon en- tering a saddler's, asked for a single spur. "What use is one Lpur?" asked tho man. "Well," replied Sandy, "if I can get one side of the horse to go the other one will have to come wi' it." Post- War.â€" The Magistrateâ€" "The prisoner says he had two glasses of 'double brown.' What is this 'double brown,' sergeant?" The Sergeant (sadly) â€" "Not wot it was, your worship!" . Knife and Fork Music. â€" " Do come a:.;i si>end the evening with us. My daughter will sing and play, and at nine o'clock we have supper." "I will be there at nine o'clock, prompt." Hooray I Call an Ambulance.â€" "What's happened? Have you had an accident?" "No. I just bet Hans he couldn't carry me up a ladder on his back, and I won." Referred to Einstein. â€" A little miss of four came tearfully to her mother one morning with the complaint, "How ccn I button my dress when the button is in the back and I'm in the front?" THOUGHTS I It U an art to paint a work of art, and It Is still more of an art to sell , It. What we are doing speaks with greater force than what we are say- ing. • • • It is the rally of loyal allien which helps most to win a good cause to victory. • • • ~ If some felt the pain they thought- lessly had giveu to others they would never feel well. • * • No one need speak of monotony it only the.v just look around for an- other's wants. • • • It Is quite useless expecting to flud perfection when we do so little to promote it ourselves. -W. Stewart Royston. ,;, lORETHOUGHT 4, It Is one of the most dangerous tendencies of the day that there Is too little serious forethought In the great matters of life. - G. D. Faber, M.P. Peaches Now Best For Winter Supply Delicious Flavor EUtsily Re- tained in Conserves and Jellies Beauty Is not only akin deep with peaches. The n-.ely color and wonderful flavor holds a food value that is regarded as important by dietitians. This year of abundant moisture, even temperature, and fine sunshine brings to Canadian markets a rare peach â€" at its very best these fine September days. Sun ripened peaches shipped to all parts of Canada give a luscious food at lowest cost. Sliced peaches, with crisp cookie or tender sponge cake, w-ill bring a happy climax to anj dinner. Whipped cream to garnish the peach shortcake adds more pro- tein and is considerably more fatten- ing and very festive. Now, unusual foods, like psach jam or jelly, are so easily mado at home that the most inexperienced cook may add tjieni to her Winter store. Then for cold mornings, when peaches are no longer avail, able, there is tho fine flavor in a clear, peach jelly, the very color of the fresh fruit. Or there is a jam. sparkling and tender, with the Iruit pulp boiled for only one minuta in it. Both bring again the flaTorsoma fruit just as its finest nowâ€" fully rips in the sunsliine. Peach Jam 4 cups (2 lbs.) prepared fri'U 7>,2 cups (3% lbs.) sugar 1 cup bottle fruit pectin. Peel about ?. nounds fully ripe peaches. Pit. and grain or chop very fine. If peaches lack flavor or tartnt-ss, add jiilc; of 1 lemon. Measure sugar and prepared fruit tightly packed into large kettle, mix well, and bring to a full rolling boil over hottest fire. Stir constantly before and while boiling. Boil hard 1 minute. Remove from fire and stir in pectin. Then stir and skim by turns for just 5 minutes to cool jam slightly, to prevent floating fruit. Pour quickly, seal hot jam at once with paraffin. Makes 11 eiglU ounce jars. Peach Jelly 3 cups (I'/i lbs.) juice 6^3 cups (2% lbs.) sugar 1 cup bottled fruit pectin. Remove pits from about ZVi lbs ripe peaches. Do not peel. Crush peaches thoroughly. Add % cup (4 0Z.1 water, bring to a boil, cover, and simmer 5 miuutes. Place fruit in jelly cloth or bag aud squeeze out juice. Measure sugar and juice into large saucepan and mix. Bring to a boil over hottest Are and at once add fruit pectin, stirring constantly. Then bring to a full rolling boil and boil hard % minute. Remove from fire, skim. Pour quickly. Seal hot jelly at once with paratin wax. Tliis makes about 9 eight ounce jars. These recipes, applying only tc Canadian conditions. have been checked by Canadian dietitians as well as by two Canadian women editors. • "How do you find business?" "I don't find it. 1 pay a man to go out and find It for me." MUTT AND JEFFâ€" By BUD FISHER The Uncrowned Champ