Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Oct 1932, p. 1

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®hje /ksli^tt^n %l^mnu. f i r Vol. 52. No. 18 Flesherton, Ontario, October 5, 1932 W. H. Thurston & Son, ProprietciS/' EUGENIA Don't forget the fowl supper and play, "Lena Rivers" in the United chur-Jh, Eugenia, Tuesday evening, October Uth. Everybody come and enjoy yourself. The Misses Lilian and Alma EsslanU of Fevershara visited with their sister. Mrs. Ben Shortt, recently. Messrs. Gerald and Fred Large of Niagara visited with their brother, Jaclj, and their grandfather, Mr. P. MuE;haw, for a few days. The Women's Association of the United church, Eugenia, are holding a fowl supper in the basement of the church on Tuesday evening, October 11th. A four-act play, entitled "Lena Rivers," will be given by the young people. Supper served from 5 to ? c.'"c!ock. Admission: adults 40^ children 20c. Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins of Torontc spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKinnon of Toronto visited recently with the for- mer's sister, Mrs. Harry Foerster, and husband. Miss Sylvia Acheson of Victoria Corners visited over the week end with the Latimer and Proctor families Mr. Bert Kerton of Maple Valley spent the week end with his friend, Mr. Ken Kaitting. Mr. Roy MacMillan of CoUingwood visited his wife here over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Russell McMuUen of Meaford visited the former's mother Mrs. M. McMuUen and also sister Mrs. Bert Graham and husband on Sunday. Mr.Carl Carruthers and Miss B. Hammond of Kimberley visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gra- ham. Mr. E. Hargrave and Master Clif- ford Hickling returned to Toronto on Thursday, after a few days visit with the Park family. Miss Margie Park and her uncle, acjompanled them t;, Toronto for a visit, returning Satur- day night. Mr. and Mrs. Jim M-Kenzie and babe of Feversham visited recently with the former's sister, Mr.:.>g_ and family. Pleased to report Mr. Will. Walker recovering from his recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Davidson and family of Feversham spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will. Kaitting. We extend our heartiest congratula- tions to Mr. Chas. Park, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Park of Eugenia, who has .joined the benedicts and tak- en as life partner, Miss Mae Carruth- ers, younger daiighter of Mr. and Mrs Alex. Carruthers. The marriage took place on Tuesday, September 37th at the United church manse, Max- well, Rev. Mr. McNeill conducting the matrimonial ceremony. The bride was attired in a beeominK frock of brown flat orepe, with accessories to match. After the ceremony the happy couple motored to the bride's varental home, where a sumptuous wedding breakfast was partaken of only the immediate relative.* of the contracting parties were present. EAST MOUNTAIN KiOGK MILLS Farmers have been busy taking up their potatoes the past few day.s. The rot is bad in the potatoes around here. Mr. Lome .\tkinso« has moved to their new home and Mr. George John- son has moved to the Akitt farm, recently vacated by Mr. Atkinson. Mrs. Herb Betts and two youngest children, Edgar and Allan are vis- umg a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stoddart, of Mark- dale. The Baptist Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Robt. Croft in Flesherton on Wednesday, Octobei 12th. Mr. and Mrs. McDowell and son, Garth, of Toronto visited recently at the Foster home. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Croft and sons spent Thursday evening with the Pedlar families. Mr. Carman Stoddart from near Markdale visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Betts and family. Mr. Albert Williams moved on this line the first of the week and is threshing for a number of farmers here. A number from here attended the ;pecial meetings last Sunday at the Bible school at Proton. PRICEVILLE On Tuesday of last week the W. M. S. and Willing Helpers held their monthly meeting in the hall, with 20 ladies present. Mrs. Sutherland pre- sided over the W.M.S. meeting, aftei the usual opening exercises and led in prayer. Mrs. Maclvor presided at the piano. CEYLON Mrs. Wilson McMullen received a message the past week that her brother, Mr. Geo. Wilson, had passed away at his home in Toronto on Wed- nesday evening, Sept. 2&th at the ag3 of 71) years. He was bom in Mul- FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. Colquette visited with their son, Will Colquette, and family in Owen Sound !ast week and attended the fair in that city. Mr. and Mr.-^. Victor Whiteoak of KIMBERLEY Apple picking has commenced; t'-.-^ yield is good and apples are of go â-  1 quality, better than average. Potato^ i are rotting badly on man;* farm . .'?ome are not digging only what thty mur town.ship and received his edu- I Ravenna, .Mr. and Mrs. W. Hut.hin- 1 ^^^ j^j,. jn,niediate use Mrs Sutherland .rave „ i '^''''" '" CoUingwood high school and Uon of Gibraltar and Mr. and Mrs. | ^j^, a. Hutchinson 'of Guelph i. Mrs. butherlaml gave a ^^^ .jg ^.^ ^ ^^^ ^ j ^iBle. R- Hollmgshead of North Bay were ^.;,iHn„ viHt* hor f«f h»r Wr I m splendid reading on the work in Ja- | g^ ^.^, ^j^^ ^/^^^^ ^j s^_ Jame.s I visitors with Mr. and Mrs. "Charlie '"'*'"" '"* *"' **'**""• ^'^ ^^ ^ pan, which was very interesting. It j j^„^y,^^^ church at Lisle and was an was decided to have Miss Whatling active member of Stanley L.O.L. and of India speak on Sunday, October |,,,g bj^,^,, Knights. Since retirmg 16th, inthehalL The meeting closed | f^om teaching he has resided in To- ronto. He leaves to mourn his pass- with repeating the Lord's Prayer in uaison. Mrs. Wilfred Watson then Connell. The W. I. met at the home of Mrs. R. McDonald. Flesherton. Three ccr loads went out. The meeting wap Weldrick recently Mr. Harold Kney of Owen Sound visited with friends here Sunday. Mug. Will Colqustte-and son, Allan,! . , ^. . „ , ri o J -T^,"" i-i mteresting, especially a paper give: of Owen Sound visited a£~-her-par- , „ , * c, u » 4., „„, , , „ , '^- fa*L,Mrs. Inkster, Flesherton, on motli' ental home over Sundav. ' ^^^,-- -^ , \ x- • ,. ,, . ; erhood, wWdi-was very interestir", Our Continuation School pupils I ^ .â-  1. "" --- ..-^ mr^n,^^ .^ , . .. , , , „ ' ' â-  oven to those who were -nit-jnother .. attended a field day at Honevwood i»i. ..rii 1. ju -j „ , , / • , A beautiful lunch was served bv somd on Monday last and a number of thei grown-ups also went along. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith and .son. Delbert of Flesherton and Mr. and Mrs. Wes Smith and two children of Rock Mills -ipent Sunday with the PROTON STATION ing his widow, one daughter, .Mrs. presided over the W. H. meeting. The j w. Frisby, and son son, Harold, all meeting opened with a hymn, after | of Toronto and two sisters, Mrs. W. which Mrs. Maclvor led in Prayer. 1 Beatty (Elizabeth) of Avening, Mrs. Mrs. Wm. M-Bride, the secretary, ; Wilson McMull-n (Ellen) of Ceylon. read the minutes of last meeting and I The funeral took place Saturday, Oct. considerable business was transacted. ] 1st with service being held at St. It was decided that this society do- ! Michael's and All Angel's^ Church, rate $50. to the building fund for corner of St. Clair and Wychwood Ave the new church. The meeting closed ; at 3 p.m., interment in Mount Pleas- j former's brother, Mr. Will Smith and with prayer, after which a bountiful | ant cemetery. Mi-s. W. T. McMullen i vvife. lunch wak served by Mrs. Ray Mc- | and son, James W., accompanied by! Mr. and Mrs W H Davidson and Lean and Mrs. Jno. Nichol. j Mr. and Mrs. J. Eyies of the Power; ^on. Mr. Hugh Davidson and wife of Mrs. Wm. McBride visited friends â-  House, attended the funeral Saturday. , CoUingwood spent Sunday with Mrsl ' in Toronto last week. | Mr. and .Mrs. Harry Heuston and , a. J. Conron and Burton. â-  curing a fair shart of prizes. V.'s Miss Victoria Jelly of Shelburne is j two children of Peterborough, who | Our telephone operator. Miss Flor- ! congratulate the teacher and pupils. visiting her sister, Mrs. Ray McLean. , are visiting the latter's paents, left j gn^e GeikeO, received the news that' Miss Almeda Weber took her pup; !«t on Saturday, accompanied by Mr | her mother, 'who resides near Heath- i from "Sunlight College" to Rockl, n/ and -Mrs. Peter Muir, to visit friends j cote, had fallen down the basement! to the school fair. at New Liskeard. 1 stairs and had been injured severely. I -Mrs. A. F. Hammond of Toronto it Miss Johnston of Toronto visited ! jusj. gu^ Alister has had a radio i visiting this week with Miss Blanc'.-.e. A. Hawken of of the Institute members and Mr-. McDonald. Our Institute apprecL-st- ed the invitation and kind hospitality of Mrs. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. R. Chard are visitr' ing in Toronto this week. A goodly number attended th-j" ;?:hool fair at Rocklyn, but owing to the cold weather, some remained at . home. The school succeeded in r-'- The Harvest Home services in the Anglican church last Sunday were favored with splendid weather and a large congregation at both services. Rev. L. G. Geary of Hanlan's Point preached practical and helpful ser- mons. The Anglican choir from Dundalk rendered special music. The rector of the church. Rev. Oldham, presided. The church was beauti- fullv de.'orated v;ith cut flowers and j Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sturrock and family of Swinton Park visited the first of the week at Mr. Hector Mc- Lean's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McBride and family visited friends in Orangevillo last week. On Friday night a large crowd at- tended Preparatory service, 'when I; new members joined the church, nam- ely: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McBride. Misses .A.lmeda and Jean Hincks and .•\.nnie McEachei-n. Communion was held on Sunday, when the church was filled to the doors. Mrs. Percy Chambers (nee Flor- •me grain. , aoella K;Lean), Toronto, is holiday- The good wishes of thi.s community j '"^ at. the home of her father, are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Thos ! The basement of the new church is â-  Mr. and Mrs. Lome Stephenson and family of Belmont accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lever of Flesher ton visited the latter's daughter, Mrs. Gordon McMullen. Mr. Charles Thompson has returned home after spending the last few months with Mr. Steve Sutton, near Meafo'*d. A number from here attended Flesh- erton fair, while others went to CoU- ingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown and fam- ily of Flesherton spent Sunday with Mr. Robert McMullen. Kirke (nee Mis-s Margaret Lyons) on the event of their marriage on Sept- ember 29th, at the rectory, Dundalk, by R^v. M. F. Oldham. The annual fall convention of the Pilgrim Holiness church here took I place on Friday, Saturday and Sun- j day. Many visitoi-s and ministers ' gathered to enjoy the event. Rev. I Mansell McGuire of Toronto, who !« well known in this vicinity, preached on Sunday morning to a crowded house. The "Orphanage," which has been built this summer on Rev. H. Jajk- son's farm here, is nearing comple- tion. It is a splendid building of solid brick and is certainly a credit to its promoters. M'-. W. G. Prosser of Toronto was a guest over the week end with Pvo- t-n Station friends. Mr. and Mrs. Turner of Laurel were guests of the latter's sister, Mrs. Vause. Mr. David McCannell has returned to college in Chicago, sn^in-inj!; upon his third year Arts. Mr. R. J. Acheson is spending a fevv days in Toronto. The Talbot-Jackson threshing out- fit has been busy in this locality for the pa.<t week or more. The Right Rev. C. A. Seagev of London, Ont., of th« .Anglican Diocese of Huron will hold a con- firmation service in Trinity church, Proton, on Sunday. October 9, at 3 p.m. A number of people will re- ' wi making rapid headway and is ready for the cement "lour.dation, which vv'ill be put in the first of the week. The ladies of the church kindly offered tn provide hot meals in the hall fot the men at the cement work. Mrs Burt and Mrs. Wright have kindly offered to donate the pulpit for the new church. Mrs. Porter of near Durham anu' Mrs. McLean of King visited the first of the week at the home of Mr. John Nichol (Sr.) Mr. and Mrs. Sam Carson with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman of Toronto visited Sund.ay with Mr. and -Mrs. .\lcx. Car- son and family. Friends in this community v.-ere very sorry to learn of Mrs. Emerson Bennett's (nee Rebecca Nichol) ill- ness. She has been bed fast at her mother's, for the past three weeks and on Sunday iii^ht was removed ".0 Durham ho.-^pital. Her many friends in Prioeville hope she may soon be restored to her uaual health ' and strength. The Trail Rangers will meet in the hall on Thursday night, when all the boys arc expected to attend. Mrs. Marks of Ottawa is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wm. McBride. Mr. S. Hemphill and family over the ' installed Mr W wsek end. Mr. Percy Hemphill, who has been stationed at Mt. Forest, is home this week. DANCE AT FEVERSHAM I The new Lord Mayor of the Br;*i' 'i Herring fishing on Georgian B«y ; Metropolis is Sir Percy Greenwa" i has opened with good prospects. {printer, who has friends in CanaJ-.. *<K~M'^:~;v I C'♦»♦»<^»^:^<•<♦^v»c^^>♦<><>»<~:••>»»»»<>♦»»»»o<â- ^^*»â-  » ♦♦^*'* '' •* MAXWELL Flesherton being the salesman. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Eby of Colling- „ I 'â- ^'°°'^ '"'^^^^ callers with the former's .\ dance will be held in the agrf- Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and family | parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Bbv, Thurs- ' cultural hall, Feversham, on Frid.i-, of Proton spent the fir.^t of the weekj ^^y 133^. October 7th. Four piece orchest •:» With Mr. and Mrs. J. McW ilhams. | Mrs. John Dobson has her new' with round and sqaare dancing. Co-- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McCartney of house nearly completed and Mr. Ed. land enjoy a good time. Admission: Sault Ste. Mane, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. | Harbottle has remodelled his house ' 25c. McCartney of Glen Huron were recent „„ the farm " i â€" visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. Duckett i and family. Miss B. Erb and niece of Moore-' field are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jas. L. McMullen. The Ladies' held their monthly meeting at t'.ic home of Mrs. Thos. I. win on V/cd., Sept. 28th, when quite ^ a large crov.d gathered and a profit- ••• able tiir.e was spent. Durirng the course of the liour Mrs. Hooper, who is aiiout to leave our burg for the village of PriCeville where she hns purchased a residence, was taken by surprise when she was presented with a table cloth an] an, which was signed by i.Irs. J. McWilliam?, Mrs. Percy Hunt and Mrs. T. Gil Christ on behalf of the Ladies' .^id Rev. R. J. Wilkinson of Tempi-; Hill wiil have charge of the church sei-vice on Sunday, Oct. 9th, when it is hoped that a large congregation will be present. Mr. .Jas. Sinclair motored to Guolpb the past week. Miss D. Fis-her motored to hei home at Paisley for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bailey and i?.m^ ily of Shrigley -were week end visit- ors with Mrs. Macphail. Mrs. (Ur.) Harold Holmes end Jean, and Mrs. Reid of Owen SouDti visited the fii-st of the week W4;^thfc; former's sister, Mrs. Anna McMillan PROVIDE.NCE SERVICES Special Thanksgiving and annivers- ary services will be held in Providence •hurch on Sunday, October 9th, morn- ing at .11 a. m. and evening at 7:30 p. m. Special speaker and special .A.11 are invited to attend BORN Miss Margaret "Fozer and Miss Marv Jacobs of Toronto are visiting ith Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Priestly Sr.,j ^'^fn^: ••^» ^'-^ land enjoy a gospel feast ceive the holy rite of Confirmation.; at present. 1 ^ The general public arc most cordially } We extend our heartiest congratu- invited. I lations to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wright! Mr. Wallace Wellwood painter of (nee Hazel Hawton) of Feversham Dundalk, has the job these days of 1 who were recently married, painting the outside woodwork, of Trinity Anglican church. When fin- ished, the church will present a very fine appearance. St.Mary's Anglican Church MAXWELL Rector. Rev. Maurice F. Oldham. SUNDAY. OCTOBER 9. 1932 11 a.m. â€" Sunday school for all children. Conducted by Mrs. F. J Seeley. 7 p.m. â€" Evening Prayer Service and Sermon. Trinity Church, Proton Station 3 p.m. â€" Special confirmation .ser- vice by Right Rev. C. A. Seager, Bishpp of Huron Diocese. The general public are invited. .'Thsn laid they their hands on them and th«y teceivad the Holy Ghost Acts oi Apostlies 8:17. On Friday evening a social evening was held in The Orange hall, by the United church. All four appoint- ments. Mount Zion, Wareham, Ei'- genia, Maxwell were represented and Hespeler furniture factory has re- ; provided part of the program. Rov. ARMSTRONG â€" At Saskatoon Sask., on Friday, September 30, 1932. to Mr. and Mrs. Jack .\rnistrong, a daughter. Bot.h doing fine. BATES BURIAL CO 'Y 124 Avenue Road Toronto distinctivt; funeral service at reasonable PPJCES PHONES: NIGHT OR D.A.Yâ€" KIngsdale 43-14â€"3-156 â- 5- Modern Private Chapel % J, W. Bates Fred >Iaddocks Richard Maddocks, JIanagcr '? Foi-mcrlv of Flesherton ^>^iv»»^^».^»A»^>♦^^•^•v>^^â- ^v»<v.»<..»»».>,v.>»<.»».^.»«M^»♦»»» .» » »» o » .» » â- â€¢- • --^- PINK SALMON V> IK tins 5c. 1 "t ^ORANGES, per dcg 20c, " The House oi Qu^lity '^ Soeicals This Week •-•^^ ♦•--.. JFRY'S CCCCA 1/2 21c. '^lll.EE> WHEAT 5 !b. bags 18c Flour and Feed IIRAN PURITY FLOUR PRAIRIE ROSE SUPERIOR SHORTS O'CAXADA FLOUR ALBERT ROSE PILOT TllRFE STAR J AS . A. STEWART FLESHERTON opene,d after a shut-down of sfeveral months. SHOOTING .M.\TC^l A .ihooting matci. will be held on Lot 28, Con. 3, Artemesia. on Mon- day, October 10th for geese. Shoot- ing commences at 1 p.m. Shotgun shells supplied. â€"NORMAN HOSTR.AWSER ( Formerly the James Turner farm) SHOOTING MATCH A shooting match wi4I be hc^d at the home of Thos. Fenwick, Sth line Artemesia, on Thanksgivinjr Day; October 10, at 2 p. m., for ducks, geese and turJteys. supplied. ^ _».^r^ an!' W. J. Scott from Flesherton gave a fine address and led in the commun- ity singing. "The Ladies' Aid sold hot dogs, candy and pies and an en joyable evening was spent by present. | On Tuesday evening the people or the community gathered in the Or- ange hall and- showered Dr. and Mrs. | Carr-Harris with many lovely gifts. { The charivari gang presented Dr.| Carr-llarris with a lovely wicker chair. The evening was spent in dancing and all enjoyed a fine time. ♦♦♦♦<>»>**<«<k->«>'K">''<«<»^j,^.j,,;..;,.......j,.;..j„>.x~:k~>->-:k->'>'X>«<^ Nice Juicy Oranges 20c Doz. . 2 Doz. 35c : Fry^s Cocoa At the meeting of the general Coun- cil of the United Church of Canada, in Hamilton, last week, Rev. Dr. T. Ammunition [i.\ibert Moore, a native of Acton, was ^'"derator. ». 21c TIN > Prairie Rose Rcor «$2.10 Ecz Ginger Snaps 2 LIm. 25c SODAS 2 Lbs. 25c Ken Kennedy's For Groceries Phone 37 MEN'S WEAR OVERALLS 98c up SOCKS 25c up WORK SHIRTS 95c up .. SEE OUR WORK MITTS •> •> •> Corn Starch I 3 Pkgs. 25c _'l Try our Specirif ^' Orange Pekce M^ Vz Lb. RcR. 25c i For 2£c CASH ONLY Try our MEATS Threshing Roast3 -t % â- >

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