® J)je /kslj^ttirn %hmnu. Vol. 52. No. 16 Flesherton, Ontario, September 21, 1932 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors CARD OF THANKS V' Mr. and Mrs. James Fawcett and family heartily tkank the following friends and neighbors for their many acta of kindness during their recent sad bereavement and while they were under quarantine, also for the many floral tributes sent at the time of Roy's death.- Mr. and Mrs. E. Proctor, Mr. and Mrs. L. Latimer, Mr. a»i Mrs. Sloan and Miss Donalda, Mr. and Mrs. R. Park and Miss Marjorie, Mis. Morgan and family, Mrs. A. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. A. Carruthera and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Kaitting and family and family iams and Mr. and Mrs. W. Duckett. Their kindness was appreciated aaa shall never be forgotten. ROCK MiLLb The annual Harvest Thanksgiving service will be held in the Baptist church here next Sabbath evening, Sept. 25 at 7:30. Those bringing i.'uits and vegetables aie requeste ' to leave them at the church Friday. Price of admission to Flesherton Fair reduced to 25 cents. The best fair at a low price. The Baptist Ladies' .A.id met at the home of Mrs. Earl Croft on Wed- nesday afternoon, Sept. Uth, with 16 ! members and 4 visitors present. Meet- â- ing opened with Mrs. R. Croft read- Mr. and Mirs. C. Martin [ ing the 10th chap, of St. John, follow- Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Will- | ed by Prayer by Mrs. R. Allen. Roll call was then answered by a favorite Bible verse. Collection amounted to S3.30. It was decided to have a fowl supper and date to be set later. The special meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ned Croft on Wed- nesday, Sept. 28th, each member to bring lunch. Ths meeting closed with singing "I am thine Lord." Mr. and Mrs.- Dan Fawcett and ihildren of Lindsay were recent vis- itors at the Pedlar home here. The Presbyterian W. A. held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Sam Croft on Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 13th, with 11 members and 4 PRICEVILLE Price of admission to Flesherton Fair reduced to 25 cents. The best fair at a low price. The fanners on the North Line Y.iwe completed thrashing Jfor this year with Messrs. .\lbert Williams and Ellwood Partridge doing the work Mr. and Mrs. Allie McLean visited friends in CoUingwood last week. Mr. A'iex. Carson went to Toronto on Saturday to visit friends. Mr. Neil Shortreed, Keswick, spent a few days visiting his parents last wcok. Mr. Jack McKechnie has gone to Toronto to attend Normal school. Mr. Allie Mclnnis, Palgrave. spent the week end at his home. Mrs. Wm. McBride visited friends in Toronto last week. Mr. A. B. McDonald of Owen Sound is visiting friends in Priceville. Mr. Alfred Hincks of Toronto spent •he week end at his home. Mr. John McLean, south line, is not enjoying very good health at present and is under the Doctor's care. Mr. and Mrs. Fleming, Harvey and Eva. of Toronto are guests at Mr. Fred Karstedt's. Misses Sadie and Eva Carson of FEVERSHAM Flesherton The best PORTLAW vas read responslvely and roll call vas answered by a favorite Bible •e:-;c. Collection amounted to $1.40. JUDGE GEORGE D. ALDEN • "Altitudes and Visibilities'' After years of experience on the bench this gifted platformist has added richly to his experience by lecturing throughout Au.stralia, New Zealand, Eastern Canada. His lecture is humor- ous, thought-proToking, nnd deals with the great changes of society in the past few years. Judge Alden is intensely human' and brings a â- :iiessage for human needs in a human way. Therein lies thi secret of his popularity. Hear Him at the Chautaqua in Markdale. visitors present. The meeting open- ' Toronto spent the week end at their d with singing, "Just as I am" and iiome. epeating The Lord's Prayer in Uni- 1 Mr. J. .":. LlacQuaig and sister, =on. The 10th Chap, of St. Mark Mary, Miss Effie McCannell and Mrs. Sr^T-h Mill of Toronto visited Inst week at the home of A. L. Hincks. Mrs. Wilfred Watson, returned Miss Pearl Radley then gave a road- j home Sunday, after spending a week :ng. One new member joined. The, with friends at Niagara Falls, nissionary part of the meeting was Mr. and Mrs. Dan L. McArthar. 'hen opened by Mrs. C'nas. Martin' visited friends in Hamilton the first eading the Missionary Prayer, fol-jcf the week. 'owed by a reading by Mrs. JIcGeoughj Next Sabbath, Rally Day, church \nd the ladies then packed a bale. The' service Wjil comntence at 13:45 and meeting was closed with the singing the evening service will be withdrawn, '•f a hymn and pvay-er by the jvresi- owing tu Anniversary services at dent. A dainty lanch was then ser- Swinto*" P.Trk. ved by th« hostess. | The W. M. S. and W. H. wiil hold Misses EcMth and Mabel Betts spent their monthly meeting on Tuesday, a couple of days at Clarksburg at- Sept. 27th. It has been changed t« Price of admission to Fair reduced to 25 cents, fair at a lov; price. The supper given by the Ladle's .\:d of the Presbyterian church here on Tuesday evening, Sept. 13, was a success. Despite the rain a good gath- ! community The tragc death of Mr. Robt. E. Watson on Wednesday of last week. I .aused by being crushed by a motoi I : ruck at the paving work on Highway I No. 10, has cast a sad ^^oom over the Deceased, who was a •ring of people assembled to par- c imparatively young mas. was the ake of the good things the ladies had | sc-.or.d son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. War- pro\nded. .A.lso at the .A.nnivcrsary | son and was born and spent liis boy- ervices in the church, at both ser- | hoed here. .\bout fourteen years ting at the home of ker brother, Mr. D-v'rt Jamieson. Price of admission to Fleshertoir Fair reduced to 25 cents. The best fair St a low price. Mrs. W. Callahan, son and danghâ€" 'er of Chat.s worth and Mr. C. Callaâ€" h-n of Kapuskasing visited with th*? former's niece, Mrs. R. Osborne. Mr. Albert Reid sustained the loss cf two horses lately, within a week of each other. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Little and Mr. The i with a daughter of tw.'vs and a soi: The I devoted husband ani: ."ather. Sinct I, preached two splendid sermons. choir provided special music. Bible used was a present to the church ' marriage they spent seme years farm seventy years ago by Mr. James ! ing at Mclntyre, but sold out to a Logie, a gentleman v.-ho kept store j younger brother and moved to the lere, and was one of the early sett- 1 township of Melanethon. The fun- vices the church had a capacity gath- ago he wa; mai-ried to Miss Grunime-rl ar.d Mrs. J. H. Walker visited with sring. Rev. Cameron, M. A. of j "f 'ive years, mourn the passing of n j friends near Desboro. .â- ?treetsville was the preacher and hei~- the South Line, Osprey, and she In the absence of the pastor on holi- days, the service was conducted a week ago Sunday by Mr. Lockhart. a L'niversity student, who preached a good sermon. Last Sunday Mr, Lougheed, formerly of Hatherton, now on the police force, Toronto, accupied the pulpit very acceptably. We ex- pect that these young men, will, be- fore long, be a power in the calling: they have in view. The Ladies' .Association held their last regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Florence Lyons. There was n record attendance, thirty-one ladies being present- ers of the village. He is well re- nombered by some of th^ older people '.ere now. Threshing the grain has become ;eneral her now. Mr. Mort Sayers ind Mr. John Dobson are doing the principal part of the work. In this locality grain is yielding well and is â- i good quality. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hornsby ol CoUingwood have returned home af- ter a week's visit with friends here. A number of people have been at- tending the camp meetings at Clarks- burg last week. Mr and Mrs Chas. Perigo and two daughters of Delhi, Ont. were week end visitors with the former's sister. Mrs. Henry jVlexander here. The Dunkards, who held camp meet- ings here recently, will hold service in the Salvation .A.rmy hall here on Sunday evening, Sept. 25th. .\11 welcomo. Mr. and Mrs. Henry .\Ioxander are visiting with friends in Toronto at present. Mr. and Mrs. McCluskey of To rcnto and Mrs. Fvank Wolve.ton of Santiago, California, were recent vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heit- eral took place on Friday to Mount Zion cemetery, after service in St. Paul's church. Melanethon. conducted by Rev. Oldham of Dundalk and was one of the largest seen in this dis- trict. Beautiful floral tributes were seen in profusion, bearing mute testi- mony of respect for the deceased one, and sympathy for those who were so suddenly plunged into sorrow. The sympathy of the whole community goes out in full measure to the young | ""^'"^'"y Yomson's Yob" will be giv- wif e and family, father and mother, t ^" '° ^'e^herton town hall on Thurs- sister and brothers, whose hearts have ' *^*-" '""^ Friday evening, fair nights. and sorely rent witt> been so rudely sorrow. Friends here received the sad news from Toronto of the death of Mrs. R Haney. after a lengthy illness. De- \ ceased, whose maiden name was Mabel • I Cornfield, spent her early life at ^ I -Mount Zion, and was much esteemed ! by a wide circle of friends here. Mrs I Wm. Taylor, centre line, attended the j funeral, which took place to Green- wood cemetery. Toronto. Mrs. Hardwick of Toronto by the Holstein Dramatic Club. Glasses Help Greatly Those whs use their eyes constant- ly would help themselves greatly i: they wore .glasses during wurkinr hours, as too much work will straLT the eyes, even if they are normal. Eye strain should never be neglecteii. Consult J. G. Russell at Armstrong'.* Jewellery store, Flesherton, the wee': of October the 3rd. »•>»•»»»»<•»»»♦»«♦«» < â- »»♦»»»»» tending the Evangelistic meetings. Plan to attend Flesherton Fair, Friday afternoon and watch tke horse races. "We can thank Long Distance for that cheque" Low evtHtng rales OH stalion-to-ilit- ttoH calis begin '.'â- 0 p.m. Stiit lower Htght rates a S.)0 p.m. Old man Carrington was selling his farm and there were two fine teams for quick sale. Bill Smart didn't need then but he diought of a man he knew in the cartage business in town. Bill called his man hj Long Distance telephone that night and arranged to buy both teams for him next day on commission. A few days later he had a nice chcauc in the mail â€" • and his teleohone call cost him only 30 cents. in-in. Bkin to attend Flesherton Fair, Fridav afternoon and watch the horse a week later, owing to the fair this Wednesday. Lunch com., Mrs. Ray McLean. Mk. Jno. Nichol. Mrs. Steve Panting and family and '^'^ss. Mrs. McBridc's muther of Bala, Mus- ^ORN â€" On Thuusday, Sept. 15th. k«ka. M-e visiting at Mr. Wm. Mc- ^'^ '^^^- =»"«* ^^'â- *- Hilton Nichol, a san Bride's ^"^^ '*"'^ ^^''*- ^^'"'- Thompson and Mfes Beth Hincks of Hampden "^'o sons motored <v from Toronto jpent the week end at her home. "i"'' ^I"^"*^ ^^^ '^'^''•'^ ^"'^ '''â- ''** ^^'â- - ^""^ Mrs. Geo. Wright and Bettv of Ot- "'^'^S- "• ^cweil and family. Miss tewa visited la^ week at the home ^'^''•'^ Tliompson returned to Toron- «f 'Wm. McBride. * ^ -Kith her parents, after a pleasant On ThuKday afternoon a bee wil ^^'i: ^^ith Mr. and Mrs. Bewell. be held to commence diguing the oel- ^t'"- ''^"'^ ^^'^- "^'^""'^^ "^'''"'^''' ^â- '*'' iar for the new church. ' Carrie Duncan and Mrs. Maggw Mr. :Mathew Baird, builder and con- Stewart of Toro-r-.to motored up and .ractor oi Oraiia. accompanied by visited with Mr. Robert and Miss wife and two daugkt-Bs. in tnaking 1 Elia Alister last week. .1 recent moter. trip through the coun- 1 B'-i"ng the heavy elsctric storm ties of Simcoe, brey and Bruce around ; ^haf passed over here on Monday the lake shore and coming up the 'â- morning last, a baw belonging to .Saageen Valley fron'i Southampton to ' >'''• Buie on the 35th sideroad. east Priceville spent an afternoon cariling on T. A. Ferguson and also on W. G. Watson, then going on home to Or- llia via Stayner in the evening. MAXWELL of here, was struck and burned down wUh the season's crop, a tractor and separator. Mr. Buie had no ance. ^ msur- Send The Advance to a friend. Thv annual grandmother's day was â- eld by the Women's Institute at the losie of Mrs. K. Buckingham on Sept. '6th there were ten grandmothers )rescnt. and a grood program was •iven. Mrs. Geo. Lawler and Mrs. I. Buckingham gave suitable read- ngs and Mrs. Cairne and Mrs. Brodie <ang a duet and Mrs. Lawlsr sang a »olo, after which the grandmothers were all presented with a gift of re- membrance of the day. Later a dainty lunch was served. Mr. .\ngug Morrison and daughter, Ella, are visiting in Toronto. Congratulations t« Dr. Carr-Harris and bride (nee Florence SfcDuff) ot Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. James White and Miss Carrie Duncan of Toronto and Mrs. Wm. Stewart of Palermo visited last week with Mr. Robt. Alister and Miss Ella Alister. Miss Mabel Ross is spendini: this w«ek in Toronto. On Sunday evening Mr. Harold Lougheed of Toronto took charge of the service in the United church here. The church was well filled for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. J. Humphries are in , Toronto this week attending the fun- icia! of Mrs. llumphrie's brother. Miss Mary Jacobs and Miss Marg- I aret ToKcr oi Toronto are vi.Mting at JMr. Robt. Priestley's Sr. [ Mr. -Mian Priestley left this week ifor Fort W=j'iam. St.M^rsAR^KeanOhQreh MAXWELL Rector, Rev. Maurice F. Oldham. "SUNDAY. SEPT. 25. 1032 2 p. m. â€" Sunday school f-or children. .•? p. m. â€" Evening prayer, service and sermon. Preacher, the Rector. "Praise ye the Lord. Sing unto The Lord a new seng. and His praise the Congregation of saints. 'lb9:l. all in Psalm BATES BURIAL COT 124 Avenue Road Toronto DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT RE.A.SONABLE PFJCES PHONES: NIGHT OR PAYâ€" Klngsdale 4344â€"3456 Modern Private Chanel J. W. Bates Fred Maddock.s Richard Maddoeks, Manager Formerly of Flesherton '* The House o\ Quality " Specials This Week Salmon. 1 lb. tins g^ Blue Rose Rice, v> lb 17^ Comfort Scan 10 bars 34^ Pep. 2 boxes 21c Pickling Season VINEGARâ€" WHITE WINE AND CIDER riCKLIXG SPICES, ZINC RINGS RUBBER RINGS. JE.M JARS J AS . A. STEWART FLESHERTON list il i^'ood Tea 4 LBS. $1.09 CAS! -I ONLY Comfort Soar | in RADC 9t ^ Earyfe Tins Fancy Piik Salmon 9c Fancv Blue Rose Rice 4 LBS. 2£c CELERY Large Bunch 10c ; Larger Bunches 15c Ken Kennedy's For Groceries HONEY JUST RECEIVED .\ SHIFME.XT OF HONEY. WHILE IT LASTS 6c LB. 10 BARS 34c Toilet Paper 7 ROLLS 25c Handy Airmoni 3 FOR 19c MEATS Fresh and Cured I â- i .5. •J % <KS'<«^-x*s"X-%"X~>'><-:">-x~K-><->'>^>->*- :-K- •*•.•• .>.% -..-yyi .}h^.:..>.^{m,x.,>^<~j-}<..> ^♦<-><-<~>.>^vm-5>^> > s:..;.'^