Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Aug 1932, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, AUOUST 31. 1032 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE f Make Meadows Pay Ontario utiuully hait aliout four unUi oiif-half inil'ioti acres of hay i-rops , each yoar. In passing across the. lirovinct- iiisl lu-foro hayint; oiio can- not help ft'olinK that many of these acres are not |>ayin(f the taxes and the cost of handling the crop. Stalls- i tical reports indicate an average yield of only one and one-half tona to the acre and this can ccrtainlyl be much improved upon. For the meadows, Kood diainajje and sweut soil arc very important. Roots of Rra.ssc!~ and tlovcix are slow to penetrate wci .soils and wherever there is u surplus of water on the i^(^ll, air ii> shut out and licncc the bacterial life ia cither weakened or killed. Aiiuiher point In meadow iinprovenivnt its the of •hiKh «iualily seed. If poor seed is used the nuadow staits out with a handicap. ^ Good drainaKe, jfood seed and ft liberal supply of suitable ferti lixer make j>rofii<ible meadows. Given Clean Bill* Man in Kentucky is father to 34 children. Two more and he will be able to muster four baseball teams. aaa^mB Trade in Your Old Mattress on a New Marshall $5 Allowance Your Old Mattress MARSHAa SPWNG MATTRESS^ UNTIL SEPTEMBER 15th, 1932 (111 t!u' i)urcli;isc <it a new MARSHALL SPRING MATTRESS in the folluwint;- j^Tudcs:- Marshall "Spfcial" Matlrcss $26.50 and $28.00 Alarshall 'â- Premier"' Mallress $31.00 and $32.50 We will donate all old ;naltre.sses uaded in to relief orf^anizat'ons. Emerson J, Bennett FLESHERTON 'I'liunc 7S \\ I' heliver Amwhere Considerable criticism was directed •iKainst County Kn^ineer R. C. Mc- Knight at the reKular .November ses- sion of the Grey Coutity Council last year aiwi thereby received publicity of an unfavorable character. No charfces had been laid directly against- Entrin- cer .McKniRlil, but suKKCstions had been made that the County was beins overcharffed. These suffifestions were aired at most of the nomination! meet- inffs throuKhout the County last November and December and were H:ivcii thorouKli publicity. At the January ses.uon the matter was attain 'orouffht up and a resolution wa» pass- ed callinpT for p. provincial audit of the books of the Engrincer. There was no suKKestion made that he had lone anything dishonest, but in order Ihat the air misrht be dearr'd it was deemed advisable to have thi". auJit made, and Mr. MiKnight coincided with the views of the Council. One (if the main objections was that Mr. McKni^bt had hired additional help at a lower price than lie had charged the County for hi.- services. The pro"ir.cial audit was not mada. but on AuMTUst 10th Mr. W. H. Brown, chief accountant of the Department, of HiKliways, went to Owen Sound and in the office of Mr. John Parker, CoUTity Treasurer, investicrated the accounts of the Engineer and found them to be in perfect order and his positio.. was vindicaked in every re- spect conforminft- with the asreemcnt which ho hold.s with the County Council. Engineer McKniprht has been Riven a clean sheet by Mr. Brown the chai'ges of ovcrcharg;ins; in his work with the Grey County Council. In Mr. Brown's opinion there was no need of a provincial audit as the County Council has the power at any time to cancel the ex- isting arrangements and enforcinpr any new agreement which may be entered into. Warden Allan Bell, Ex-Reeve Herb. Corbctt of Artemesia, chairman of the Goc^d Road.-i Committee of the Council and County Road .Supt. Jobs Johnston wore present at the scrutiny of the accounts. The pl.icc for (be knocker "ide the dnor. out- The bulbs are again in crWence o:: the stock market. If one efieci or their operations is to tos.s up the pri.o of v.'heat the farmers v.'ill he glad. w^:»>. . rtaa'«aieQ&3!RarTagKam «!iiiJi ! g5»K aa(!^^ ct i I WITH ' BERVIOI F. T. HILL&CC.Ltd. (-..,. CUAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OL'R Bu'YLNG POWER SAVES TOU A LOT OF MONET It Pays To Shop at Hills SPECIAL SHOWING CF NEW FALL MILLINERY. NEW SHAPES, LAT^ EST COLOR SHADES ON DISPLAY. ALL PRICED.. TO MEET THE PRESENT DAY DEMANDS vSl'KCIAL SCilOOl, ()IM':.\IN('. S.\T,!". Cini.DRKXS Ci<()Tlll.\(". '.XD UI'.ADV TO WKAR Osprey Council f The Osprey Mur.ieipal Council met' at Maxwell on Sat., August 20t!i with the membeiR all present. After the leading and confirminf; .of the July minutes the following business wa» transacted: Communications read and ordered fyled from h\ Dagger, supervisor of telephones, re stamps for telephone debentures; Department of Lands and P>rests, re back to the land niovo- ment; Canadian Legion, re employ- ment for returned men; Malcolm Mc- Lean, re Dr. Carr-Harris, account of indigent patients. Motions passed were: that Israel: Woods be committed to the IIous-.' ofi Refuge at Markdale; That the Troas- 1 urcr notify all in arrears of taxes tc • have same paid by September lOtb. I By-lav/ No. U 00.32) was read the j leiiuired number of times and pas.sed, setting the rates for t"Vi at: Town- .'â- â- hip .010 mills. County .0150 mills General Schno; .010 mills, a reduction of .0018 mills from 1931. Trustee Levi"-^ were reduced by nearly all the School Sections. General accounts ordered paid: E. Robinijon, stamps for Treasurer SG: Baik of Toronto, excise stamps $H; F. Dagger, stamps for telephone de- bentures .?10; Advance Printing Co.. printing Voters' Lists, etc.. ST6..50; Muricipal World, supplies to Clerk SI1.4G. Sheep claims were: .S. Hawkins, $4; .\. Sornbergcr. $4; D. Cameron, Si); Geo. Cooper, $(:. General road accounts ordered paid were: W. J. Bannerman. drageingr S6 Gravel Account.s were: S. Carson $16.- no. W. Wilson $12.60, S. Sanderson SI 3.80, W. J. Bannerman SI 1.^0. J. Brown $3..50, Carl Moore $23.10. W. J. McCutcheon $7.60, A. Bell .$6. J. I Lougheed $3.00, R. J. Whitcoak S16.- |.50. S. Morrison S3. J. Stewart $.5.30, W. Scutt $1.70, Mrs. A. Roberts $11. Wire Fence Bonuses were: W. Potts S7.77, D. Gordon $6, Wm. Aldcom S9.G0. Pay Sheets were: ^V. C. Dav- idson S50.80, F. Irish S90.20. J. Sew- pII .$103.00. A. McDonald S4.20, Clem Bellamy S107.10, P. Priddle S34.40, J. A. McQueen S.'')6.40. M. Gillies on Col- lingwood towiiiine 857, Repairing cul- vert S5, Huc-h Mclnnes S!!3.2;1. J. H. Lougheed §131, H. E. Lougheed S14S.- | 10. L. Cox S2. Alex. Moore S24, H. j Mclnlyre dragging S-T. Aid. Taylor' delivering tile S8, Neil Thomnson do- j livering culverts S18, Fred ZeigoU i dynamite and fuse S1.7.'i, Advance: Printing On., stationery ?1.2.^, Hector Mclnnes, superintendent S51.70. ' The Council adjourned to meet at Fovorsham on Saturday, Sept. 24th at 3 p.m. Have You Any of These Things To Sell? Seefl Cirain Seed I'otatocs Young Pigs l>aby Chicks Live Stock Poultry Maple Syrup C'ordwoocl Jloney Shrubs or Plants Preserves Farm ] and Lot Money to Loan F.ggs for Ifau-Iiing Hay AnU) Parts Rabbits Pigeons Pets Seeds Home-made Pickles Home-made Jam Singing Ilirds Knitted Mats Used Piano Second-hand Articles And a Hundred and One Other Articles Or Do You Want Any of These? Lost Article Furnished Room House and Lot Farm i" Movable Building Second-hand Article Trucking Houemaid Farm Help Clerk Sales Lady Stenographer Situation Board Rented House Auto Parts ~ Money on Mortgage Business Opportunity CHIKDRKXS nRI'.SSKS y8c Sizes 6 to 14 years in smart prints. 3 days only 9«c CHILDRl-.X'S I'LAXXFl, SKIRTS 79c Sizes 6 to 14 years in red or blue. Frannel suitable for wearing wkh middy 79c ea. chiij)ri:n's m-iddys Made for extra heavy middy. Washable flan- nel CIHIJ)RF:N'S SCHOOT, hose 25c pr. ,A fawn cotton hose in extra fine weave. oirl to clear, 2 pr». 47c or 25c pr. Special Sale of Boys* School Suits HOYS' TWIUiD SUITS $2.95 This is an extra Koe<) wearing suit, all have one pair bloomer pants $2.95 ca. BO^••S rW'FKD SUITS $4.95 Here is value that means big savings. Some have kniwkers, some longs S4.95 pr. Special â€" Boy's Bbomers 2 pr. $L00 Aiother real bio'. Our regular 1.00 to 1.25 garments 2 prs. $1. YOUNi; MKXS' SUITS $16 95 Sizes 34 to 40. Neat stripes. School open- ing sale $16.95 GROCERIES AT GARG.MN PRICES Red Coat salmon, 4 tall tins 39c Honey,, .1, 5 lb. tins t»M Rice, lbs 25c I^rd or Shorteniag 10c lb. SPECIAL SALE OP FANCY BISCUITS Chocolate Mallows Cocanut Mallows, 2 pounds 25c Deanery Picnic The annual picnic of the Anglican Deanery of Gsey was held Thursday, August 2.5th at the Rocky Saugeen camp. There was a splendid attend- ance from places throughout the en- tire county. Games and races were played and the special speakers were: Rev. R. P. Mess of London, Rural Ilcan of East MiddlBsex. Mr. A. H. Cattle, finance commissioner of the Toronto Diocese, Mr. S. F. Ballackey of Paisley and Mr. J. H. Hartman of Clarksburg. A splendid supper was served at p.m. The weather was ideal for the occasion. ADorrroNAL local items Mr A. Molitor and family and Miss Elsie Caswell have loft for their home at Thornioe. Hlsie is teaching schoi)l at that place. A social time was spent at the home of Mr. and i\lrs. Wni. Caswel' on Friday evening last in honor o) Miss Rhoda Best, hride-to-bi. A number of her school chums wcrf also present to wish her happines. Mr. Walter Akitt and family were in London on Saturday, where Walter ixpected to participate in the Ont- ario and Michigan State checker tournament. We hope that he will be successful in giving Ontario a few of the honors in the checker world. Readers who have met Mrs. Turn- tuU (mother of our former Medical Officer) since sne has been with her brother, newly-scttlcd pastor of the United church in Pricevillej will send with her their best wishe.s, now that she has decided to once more fake up her residence on the old homestead near Hamilton. She will have for her companion her daughter. Miss Turnb)?ll, who has also rcoently been a visitor at Priccville. Why Not Try a Little Want Ad. in THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE It Only Costs a trifle But It Brings Results FALL FAIR DATES Municipal Worldâ€" Can a taxpayer in the township ask permission or demand, if necessary the privilege of looking over the assessment book for the pfrpose of comparing his assess- ment with that of other properties in the township? Yes! .Any person may inspect, at all reasonable hours, any records, boohs, minutes, assessment rolls, etc., in the possession or under control of the clerk. See Municipal Ac*, section 227. Alliston Sept. 16, 17 Arthur Sept. 27, 28 Barrie Sept. 19-21 Bolton Sept. 30, Oct. 1 Caledon Sept. 23, 24 Cape Croker Reserve Sept. 15, IE' Chat.sworth Oct. 13, 14 Chesley Sept. 20. 21 Collingwood Sept. 21-24 Dundalk Sept. 27,28 Dunham Sept. 13, 14 Feversham Oct. 6, 7 Flesherton Sept. 22, 23 Grand Valley Sept. 30, Oct. 1 Hanover Sept. 15, lb Hepworth Sept. 13, 14 Komble , ..Sept. 20, 21 London (Western Fair) Sept. 12-17 Markdale Oct. 4, 3 Meaford Sept. 15-17 Mount Forest Sept. 21, 2i lt>32 IN THE STUD TROTTI.Vt; STALLION William W. Belwin Sired by Be'.w-'.n 2:06>i the horse that was sold for fifty thoasand dollars. BELWIN will stand for marcs at Flesherton or will go out a distance of five or six miles in the country to accommodate parties who cannot bring their mares in. Hard Times Low-down Price to insure mare in Foal of $10.00 Parties disposing af mares before the foaling time will be held responsible, whether in foal or not. Inspected and enrolled for 1932. Wi W. TRIMBLE, Prop. Orangeville Sept. 15, 16 Ottawa (Central Canada) Aug. 22-27 Owen Sound Sept. 29-Oct. 1 Priccville Sept. 20-21 Rocklyn Sept. 23, 24 Shelburne Sept. 20, 21 Tara Oct. 4, 5 THE CLYDE STALLION ''Maintime 59 formerly owned by J. ::rs. J. A Myles and Sons, now tho property oj H. P. Baker, Kimberley. w.U for tht season of 1932, route as follows: Monday â€" noon â€" Herb Ko::. D'ln- can; night â€" Dave Weber, Kimberley. Tuesday â€" noon â€" John Campbell. Eugenia; night â€" Garnie McGce, 8th line. .A.rt. Twp. Wednesday â€" noon â€" Ed. Hillock. Maxwell; afternoon K Mort Sayers. one hour; night â€" Will Coiw, Fever- sham. Thursday â€" noon â€" Jas. Fletcher Ith line. Coll. Twp.; night â€" Gordon Millar. 15-16 side line Coll. Friday â€" noon â€" (via Banks) Thc« Sheridan, Loree; night â€" Geo. Gould, Ravenna. Saturday morningâ€" Anywhere by appointment between Ruben Dobsons and Mat Merrit on the 10th line; noon â€" at home. Lot. 15, Con. 2. Euphrasia TERMS â€" To insure $10.00 payable February 1933. Seasons Mares $8.00 payable last trip. All a;cidents to marcs at owners risk, colts held as collateral, until foals are paid for. Horsemen are imxted to inspect this horse and ex- amine pedigree. â€" H. P. BAKER, R. R. No. 1 Kimberley. Phone 153 r 1-1 Thornbury. :: V^ OWENSOUND.ONT. ^^ CUT FLOWERS GIFT BOUQUETS WEDDING FLOWERS FUNERAL DESIGNS EANDvSCAPE • GARDENING PERENNIALS and SlIRUnS Place your order with our Flesherton representative: W. A. HAWKEN . ♦♦♦♦4"9"M«<><«<-»-fr*«^<><>*<><«*<'**<!'*<H

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