Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Aug 1932, p. 3

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Okw toplufBriitgB AUCTION w CONTRACT iy'Wyni ne Ferguson PRACTICAL AUCTION BRIOCB' ARTICLE No. 32 One important point about Auction Md Contract tbat most players over- look is tbat when ;ou bid, you are trying to buy something. In is really •a auctiOD and the privilege of play- lag the hand is what you are bidding for. Once that point is firmly fixed la your mind, let your bidding mean •omethiog, let it be baclied by com- â- Mo sense and good judgment. If you attend an auction sale, you go with tke idea of getting something for your iboney and with that end in view you •lercise good Jadgment. The same business judgment should be applied to the games of Auction and Contract, and you will soon get the good resalts. Don't make wild bids or take chances unless the angle war- Heartsâ€" Q. J, 10. 8, 6, 5, 2 Clubsâ€" K, 10. 8, 4. 2 Diamonds â€" 7 Spades â€" none rants it. To illustrate: at a void score, don't overbid your baud if game is In no danger; on the other band, if game is in '!anger, then it is advisable lo overbid. Take no chances of being doubled unless the penalty that you may incur is more than offset by the | game saved. I The odds are always against the rash bidder unless he follows the rule | just given. On the other hand, don't | allow the risk of losing a trick or so i to keep you from bidding, when game ! is in danger. Then you have the pro- 1 per angle and with any proper justi-l flcation. "Let there be bidding." | The following hand illustrates the value of the shutout bid either at Auction or at Contract when properly used: Heartsâ€" A Clabsâ€" 3 Diamonds â€" Q, Spadesâ€" A, Q, K, 7, 4, 3 2 J, 7, t Hearts â€" 9 Clubsâ€" A. Q. J, 9, 7 Diamonds â€" A, 9, 6, 5 Spadesâ€" 6, 5, 3 No score, first game. Y dealt and bid four hearts. B had a freak hand, but hardly (elt justified in bidding either four spades or five diamonds. so passed. Z passed and A had no cbolce except to double, setting Y's contract by two tricks. If either A or B bad bid spades, they could b?' ; Bade fiv» odd against any defense and a little slam if hearts were opened. The value of bidding four rather than tbree hearts with a freak hand of this type is well exemplified. A three- beart bid would have been overbid by B, either with diamonds or spades and tbus have given A B a chance for game. In case of any overbid. Y vould certainly bid four hearts, so why not bid It at once and have a better chance to shut out the spade Heartsâ€" A. S Heartsâ€" none Clubsâ€" «, 5 Diamondsâ€" K, J. 10. 8, Spadesâ€" K. 10. 9. 8. 2 4, 3 bid? In case of a three-spade bid by B at Auction, .\ would be in a ticklish position if Y should bid four hearts. His hand is so strong in hearts that it would b-i a great temptation to double, but a four-spade bid would be preferable. The bidding should indi- cate a freak hand and that he cannot hope to set the contract more than two tricks. On the other hand, he has a s »re game in spades. Tnder such conditions, he should bid four spades, rather than double. At Contract. Y should either bid tour hearts or pass. A three-heart bid would be very unsound. The following hand is a good example of what happens to players who are too much influenced by 'xir aces: i The Golden Province of Canada In the midat of a world of depression, the Gold Mining in- dustry of Ontario has risen to a new record production. The Gold Mines of the Province in 1931 produced precious metal to the value of 43 Million Dollars, which is 20 per cent, in advance ef the output for 1930, and four-tifth.s of the total gold production by the Dominion of Canada. For Geological map* and exploration reports cf specific areas, and for general Information, apply to T. F. SUTHERLAND, Acting tJeputy Minister of Mines, Parliament Buildings, Trocnto, Canada. HON. CHARLES McCREA, Minister of Mines. THOS. W. GIBSON, Deputy Minister. INDIAN MAIDEN GREAT ATHLETE Liza Commander, pretty Indian maiden and outstanding athlete of the French River country, plans to be right up in the front at the finish of the Marathon Swim at the Toronto Exhibition this year. She is a daughter of Peter Commander, famous Ojibway Guide at the Canadian Pacific Railway's French River Bungalow Camp. Liza is training for the contest by packing heavy bags of golf clubs around the French River course, and by spending long hours swimming. She Is seen above with Mrs. Jack G. Strathdee, wife of the manager of the Bungalow Camp. Owl Laffs Fullment Man wants but little here below. The poets still profess, And. taking things as they art now, He's getting less and less. The dashing young daughter of a well-known woman appeared at her borne recently wearing an cutlacdish hat. Practical-Mind^'i Mother â€" "Where did you get that hat?" Daughter â€" "I bought It." Mother i sneering) â€" No, you didn't They sold It to you." Do you remember way back when mother put a chair alongside the bed to keep you from falling out? Clubsâ€" A, 5, 4. 2 Diamondsâ€" A, 9, 8, 7, 5 Spadesâ€" A, 6 Heartsâ€" K, Q. 10 Clubsâ€" K, 8 Diamonds- Q, J, Spadesâ€" Q, J 6, 5 10, i Dealer Heartsâ€" J. 7. 2 Clubsâ€" 9. 7. 6 Diamondsâ€" K, 6. 2 Spadesâ€" K, 9, 8, 2 A bid one heart one no trump. Heartsâ€" 9. 4. 3 Clubsâ€" Q, J. 10, 3 Diamonds â€" 3 Spadesâ€" 10, 7, 5, 4, Gold Boom Z dealt and passed, and Y correctly bid One hundred aces are nearly always worth a bid of one no trump unless the band is so badly distributed that a snlt bid is preferable. B and Z pasj-ed and A bid two hearts. At this point. y should pass and let A play the hand, either at Auction or at Contract. There Is no chance for A to make game and therefore no reason for Y to risk a big loss by bidding two no trump or three diamonds. Under such conditions, the angle is against an over-bid. With careful play. A can make two hearts. If Y bids two no trump ard is doubled, he will lose Iks contract by two tricks. If he bids three diamonds, he wilt also lose his contract by two or possibly three tricks. This hand is a fine example of two good points: first, don't overbid un- Leads to Prosperity Canada is in. the throes of a mining boom and one of the factors in this boom is the rather remarkable record which the producing gold mines of Northern Ontario have created during the past three years. la that period, when the bottom was falling out of security markets, company earnings j were failing to nothing and dividends ' were slashed right and left, the gold securit'es stood firm, the earnings of i these companies yearly set up new re- 1 cords, while in the past year every â-  one of the large operations either in- creased its dividend or paid a bonus, I and in addition, several new dividend I payers were added to the list. ; To-day the public is becoming gold I minded. No wonder. It is the one What New York Is Wearing Mrs. Mack â€" "I'm bothered with a little wart I'd like to have removed. " Dr. Williams â€" -The divorce lawyer is at the second door to your left." Classified Advertising BAZ^SMXB WAJrTXO. ti .\Lh.~s.\ih;:-. k3 SE.NT VA-NTED T'- REPne- the â- old Rellaoie FontniJl .Nui-aerlea. â-  K.xclusive territory, liberal commlaaions. New Speclait!e3. *=tone & VVeiiingv.n. T'.rQnto "-. W-EXXX.1t rsWSPAFSB WAJfTXS. AM L'.-wivl.NG FUR '>VEEKLY N'EWS- P.aPER la Onta-'io wnich 1 could Le^i^ae tor a term wUh purchase in view. Send particulars to Boi 12. Wilson Ful>- â- .3hir,g Co.. L;.J.. T'rrcrrc. •lABT CHICKS S>\E SJ I'ER HL'-NDrtED. LEtJ- HOUNS. 6 cents: RocliS ^hUe, Rocis Red, 9 cents; delivered any time. Montn olds. 13o. Fuilets. a!l ages, price* (•jrnishsd. Model lia'cb-^ry, Xitchener, Oot. UOTOB BOAT FOB 3AI.S. RICH cruis Our idea of a disappointed wife is one who took her man for better or for worse and found that he wasn't even good. I'dustrixUd Dressmaking Lesson Fur- nished Wi'h F.r.ry Pattern Friend â€" "Wherp are you going?" Mr. F.â€" To Dabcey with my wife â€" we are going by air." Friend â€" "But there is no air line to Dabney." Mr. P. â€" "There will be by the time my wife is ready." Author of "Golden Age" Passes at Seventy-two The death of the British author, Kenneth, at the age of •eventy-two, at Pangbourne-on-the- Thames, recalls the appearan:e ttJrty-seven years ago of "The Gold- en Age," a delightful little book which then obtained and btill retains a wide vogue among people of taste. In it the author wrote with sympa- thetic understanding and unexcelled charm regarding children and their attitude towards their elders. "These aiders, our betters by a trick of chance, commanded no respect, but only a certain blend of envy â€" of Iheir good luck â€" and pity â€" for their inability to makij use of it. Indeed, it was one of the most hopeless fea- tures in their character that, having absolute license to indulge in the pleasures of life, they could get no good of it. They might dabble in the pond all day, hunt the chickens, climb trees In tha most uncompromising Sunday clothes; they were free to issue forth and buy gunpowder in the full eye of the sun â€" free to fire cannons and explode mines of the lawn; yet they never did any one of these things. No irresistible energy hailed them to church o' Sundays; yet they went there regularly of their own accord, though they betrayed no greater delight in the experience than ourselves. . . . For them the orchard (a place elf -hunted, wonderful!) siir.- less the angle is in your favor; sec- i product that has a fixed readv market ond don't overbid merely because you ; ^.^^ ^^ ^^u-^^ ^^^^ ^^ marketing wor- hold four aces. i ^..^^ ^^^^ ^^^ mining camps are I coming rapidly to the front to take ply produced so many apples and- jj^^j^. ^^^^^ ^[^^ Porcupine. Kirkland cherries. They never set foot withm ^ ^a^^^ jj^g n^i^rn. The next rich pro- fir-wood of hazel copse, nor dreamt ; ^J^ring area will be Matachewan. This of the marvels hid therein. The mys- j ^^^^ fortunately fell into the.hands terious sources â€" sources as of old j ^j ^^^^^^ ^j ^j^^ country's finest pioneer exploration and development operat- bummer Complaint "1 have found Baby's Own Tablets the best of all children's remedies for 5m»i- mer Complaint, Colic, Teething and I Constipation." ! writes Mrs. George Walker. Thomas- burg. Ont. Certifi- cate of S.XFET'i* in each 25e packjp. More than 1,250,- COO packages sold in IWl. 2« Or. WlltUini' BABY'S OWN TABLlTS Nileâ€" that fed the duck- pond had no magic for them. They were unaware ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ result that it has come of Indians, nor recked they anything ^^ ^^^ (y^^j rapidly, and this fall of bisons or of pirates (with pistols), jjiniug Corporation of Canada, one of though the whole place swarmed with jjjg j^f cobalt companies to survive, such portents. They cared not about ^jjj jj^j^g j^g y^^ ^ich property, the exploring for robbers' caves, nor dig- 1 Ashley, into production. The con- ging for hidden treasure. Perhaps, j gtruetiou of the mill is now being indeed it was one of their best | rushed. qualities that they spent the greater ; Headed by leading mining mea who part of their time stuffily indoors." ! brought along the initial producers in When these grojvn-ups met in the , Kirkland L>ake. an influential group presence of their children they always has Matachewan's outstanding gold showings and attention is focused ou tlie Tyrrell McN'eely find, which is coming to the front as an outstanding syndicate because of the rather re- markable consistency of its ore body, which is so shot with free gold, that some samples assayed by the On- tario Government laboratories, ran as high as $2774. Tyrrell Township Mc- Neelv syndicate is the name of this -ulked over the children's heads There was, however, an uncle called the 'White-'Washed Uncle, who was persona grata to this particular fam- ily of youngsters, because he treated them seriously as equals and bash- fully gave them money to spend as they liked. They were so pleased that they hoped h^ would die that very night so that he would go straight to heaven, and. finally, they venture, and the backers of it say christened the piebald pig after | that the property is the best they have bin,. I seen since they pioneered the Kirk- Perhaps the best chapter in the ; land Lake camp, the home to-day of book is that entitled "The Roman ! Lake Shore. Teei Hui'-es and others. Road." in which one of the youngsters ! noted as outstanding in the world for comes upon an artist at an easel who | the richness of the ore and the great also treats him as an equal, and talks profits per ton cf ore treated which with him of the celestial city. In the j accrues to the operators. It is being long run, the artist promises to come | freely predicted that the Ashley in and visit him, when -hey both get to | Matachewan, when it comes into pro- Rome. "Upon this contract we parted! duction, will set the pace for the and I went downheartedly from the | others by rivalling Kirkland Lake in man who understood me to the house ' high values. where I never could do anything i * - right." Curiously enough. Mr. Grahanie was a brilliant mathematician, and for a long time secretary to the Bank of England. He is said to have turned to writing as a change from his official duties, and to s^sfy his love of children and sense of hiimor. He was one of those numerous OKI Countrymen .vno have more than compartment to their minds, and who excel in diverse departments of life. We recall iJie author of the life of tit. gTfat AWf rlcal ATexanTer Sam- ' ilton, whose business in London was that of dry g<K>ds merchant, and many pub^c men who, besides being men of practical affairs, were or are men cf ktters in a creative sense.â€" Toront.^ Mdl and Empire Mountain Guide â€" "Be careful not to Jail here. It Is dangerous. But if you do fall, remember to look to the left, as you get a most wonderful view. " Little Theodore was always an in- quisitive child. One day Theodore and his mother went to a wedding. jVs the bride and groom walked stately down the aisle, little Theodore chirp- ed: Theodore â€" "Oh, Mamma, why does the bride wear a white gown at wed- dings?" His Mother â€" "Because white stands for purity, darling." Theodore i.after being silent for a moment) â€" "Ooh, Mamma, then why must the groom always wear black?" H ;'. D Si'i.N DOU'Bt-E CABIX ser. accuc thirty teeu in us« .iuogether onb tour or flva months In '.wo seasons: complete equipment Inclu't. ing carpets, oed and table linen, chica, glassware and silver as well as ill map- i • e.uiyme.nt and many extras. Thia crulsei with its two cabins and Its .veil equipped galley Is an unusually lomf'irt* able boat for week-ends or longer cruises for four to six people. It is ex- ceptionally seaworthy and has cruUed aU over the Great Lakes, it has a .liga class and very economical 60 horsepower, six-cyllpder power plant with complete electric lighting throughout ahd jpeed.j of 12 to H miles per hour. It Is a ipe- c!aJ paint lob and ery ittractlvo in ap- pearance. Owner will sacrifice for naif Its original Adelaide St.. cost. H. Toronto. VVatkins. "3 'iV.. A LOVELY FIGURE Toa can obtain perfect, faecinatin^ rvee witli Tkoraxitun. the araazin? â-¼egetable Flesh Builder. Simply rub in Thoraiinai aere j'o-i desir« to bnild up flesh. In » fe'w wec^s you can bava a glorious figure. Adds healthy flesh to any part of the body.. Trial size. 25c; large »iie, l.OO. ThoraziTun. Co.. Box 3C5. I.ondon. Oat. No matter how many clothes your wife has she always buys a lot more the minute you offer to take her on a trip. Dumb Dora â€" "Isn't Bill just wonder- ful? He's already been promoted to field marshal." Horsefeathers â€" "What! From pri- vate to field marshal in two months?" Dumb Dora â€" "Did I say field mar- shal? Well, perhaps it's court mar- shal â€" I know it's O) e or the other." Zbbb Here lies the body of William Brace, He sure was one fine fella. He said in his sleep: "I love you. Grace," But his wife's name was Stella. An important position is the result of starting in a small way, doing the little details carefully and well, and then being prepared to accept the greater responsibilities. "Treasure Fund" Passes Million Frague. â€" Czecnosiovakia's "tr<ra- sure fund " had increased to $1,083. nOO at the end of IS"!!. The fund wa« created by voluntary gifts of gold, coins and other valuables aud is aeid as a national reserve. It was bt^gun immediately after the establishment of the republic. Good Bye M" Fly and all the little files They can't get away, once they touch Aeroxon. There's Bomethisg in it that haa en irresistible attraction for these houseboM pests. A wider and longer ribboo provides a Creater area, and the glue does not dry â€" good for 3 weeks' service. At drvK, jrccery Si haniwMe «o«». Sole Aicnta: JIXWTOXA.HXI>I>. 56 Front St. East. Toronto Here's a darling fro-k with loads of Youthful charm. And it has a jacket to complete it, ; jt if desired. The collar is deightful, too. Easy to make and yet so fascinating when finished. A printed crepe cilk with plain crepe is exceedingly wearable. P'.ain tub silks, cotton pique and linen are other mediums, ccol and smart and inexpensive too. Doctor â€" "Ever have any trouble with dyspepsia?" Patient â€" 'Only when I try to spell She â€" "I heard you had some ble with lumbago." He â€" "No, that wasn't her name trou- An absent-minded man was unload- ing his brief case after dinner, pre- paratory to an evening's work. His Wife (interrupting! â€" "Have you church "You mean unusually totigh." She â€" "The chicktu at our suppers Is usually tough." Hi Fiction lags after truth, invention is unfruitful, and Imagination cold and barren.â€" Kdmund Burka. Style No. 2666 is designed for sizes: ^^^^ jj^jg, T^g^e's a report In the 14, 16, IS, 20 ./ears. 36, 38 and 40 ! p^^p^^j. of your death." itches bust. Size 16 requires SH i Absent-Minded Manâ€" "Is that so? yards of 35-inch material with H yardj .^^-^ jj^.^^j remember to send a wreath." of 35-inch contrasting for dress with â-  2 '-1 yards of 39-inch material for sep- arate jacket. HOW TO ORDER PATTERN'S. Write your name anJ address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you wa..t. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred: wrap ^ There Is endless merit In a man's knowing when to have done. â€" Thomas Carly;,:. it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Wilson Pattern Ser^-ice, 73 West .•Vdelaide St., Torcnto. /f,Jl, DANDRUFF JpV >nd FdiinK Hair, aj« .Min- ^ trd's •xacrly u you would 1 1 aay hair conic Do this 4 I ! ... vai*% • week And the r««ult â- i '' *iU b« » * Cle^r Head ond Glouy Hair The use of extracts from seawecii as a substitute for gelatin in jelly, for desserts, for textile paste, agar-par*r. cleansing material; In the manufac- ture of gelatine for duplicating ma- chines. 83 a substitute for gum arable. and as a covering for airplane wings. may yet promote that plant out of the weed class. AEROXON FLY CATCHER Gets the fly every time U^t lUd of Dandrult by usinff Catieura Soap Cntleara Ointment Scap2?c. Oinrment 2Sc. ar.o "-Oc. PILES RELIEVED It you are suffering from bleed- ing, itching, blind or protruding Plies, I can give you certain re- He*. My new absorption treat, ment can be applied bv yonrself. right in your own home. Forward me your address and I will send you references from your cwn locality and a FREE TREATMENT that will give yon Immediate re- lief. Send no money. Let others know of this wonderful cew treat- ment. VANDERHOOF & CO.. Box 25 Windsor, Ont. Fr- Sale by Leading Druggistt ISSUE iNo. 3( -32

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