Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Jul 1932, p. 5

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. . THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1932 . . . Local and Personal Mr. and Mrs. F. Pinder were ii AlHston on Dominion Day. Mr. and Mrs. W. Turney and fam- ily were in Toronto on Sunday. Miss Evelyn D. Turney of Toronto is visiting with her brother, Mr. \Vm Turney. Miss Jean Duncan is holidaying in Toronto. Inspector and Mrs. R. Wright of Hanover v!, ited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. John Wright. Miss Margaret Anderson of To- ronto Is the guest of Miss D. Thurs- ton. Messrs. Howard Oram and John Nuhn Jr. spent the holiday at Hunts- Mr, and Mrs. W. G. Kennedy and Mr. Stan Menzies attended the Ford son, Jack, were at Goderich and Dun- service school held at the distributing factory in Toronto last week. Mrs. E. F. Rice of Collingwood spent a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Banks. Misses Kate McMillan and D. Thurs- ton, teachers in Toronto are holiday- ing at their homes here. Rev. W. J. Scott is this week at- tending the summer school at Pres- quisle, near Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. C. X. Richardson en- joyed a trip to Parry Sound on Thurs- day and Friday of last week. Mr. Ivan Shaw of Lions Head is visiting with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thurston. Misses Marjorie and Marion Ellis of Detroit are visiting with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Robert- gannon on Sunday. Miss Shirley Murray of Toronto! spent a couple of da\s last week at hoi- parental home here. Mr. ar.! Mrs. Inkster and Mr. Star ; Menzies attended the Arnott re-union i picnic at Georgetown on Friday. Mr. Claude Marriott joined hi,- fam- ily on Saturday, after spending the past eight norr.hs at Halifax, N. S. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Duckhorn of Chesley were the guests of Miss D. Thurston Over the week end. Mr<. F. C. Murray is this week at- tending mission school at Whitby un- ; der the auspices of the W. M. S. Mr. and Mrs. T. Ankers of Ingle- wood and Mr. and Mrs. F. Dowline of Allison were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Pir.der. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bellamy of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Ross of George- - Coldwater spent the week end with j Lightning Hit House Early Friday morning during the thunder storm a bolt of lightning struck the home of Mr. Dan McEach- nie of town, but very little damage was done to the building. The bolt struck the chimney, demolishing it, and also ripped a number of shingles from the roof. It travelled do\v t : the electric wiring destroying it and the meter. Considerable paper was ripped off in the room directly below the chimney which was destroyed. Mr. nmi Mr--. McEachnie were sleeping at the time the home was struck, but were awakened immediately, and in- vestigated the extent of the damage WINNIPEG >\ EXCEPTION j'une 21 i- said to be the longest lay of the year as far as sunlight is concerned, but June 22 has o.ily three seconds less, so really June 21 has very little about which to boast. White-collar fr-lk in Russia are not allowed to purchase as much sugar as the manual workers, and there's an- other reason why neither class want- much of it. The price is 15 cent.- per pound. "With seven cents tax on gas, $1*5 provincial license plate tax, and now the civic tax," reads a news story from Winnipeg, "owners are beginn- ing to protest." The civic tax re- ferred to is $5 on each of the 30.000 automobiles registered in the Mani- toba capital. The one pleasant thins about the civic tax idea, as carried out in Winnipeg, is the fact that other municipalities in Canada have not ad- opted it. It has namerou:- il: -advan- tages, one of them being that the ca. tags can be detached and used by others. The ,-:vir car tax wus aban- doned in Chicago for th Anniversary Services St. John's United church celebrated the sixth anniversary on Sunday last i with Rev. C,. Elmer Kenny, pastor ol ; Centra. ! Y. -<t church. Owen Sound as the guest speaker. He preachec two forceful sermons at the momir.u and evening services to good-sized congregations. The services were featured by special anthems by the choir, a baritone solo by Murray Ink- str and a violin solo by Master Dick Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Wilson of Tilbury. Rev. Scott, the pastor, exchanged pulpits with Rev. Ker.ny. Chesterfield Suites Chesterf'eld . i tures samples, clear. One hi-.r. '. ind- 1 suites to c-hoi,- . . Extra- ordinary 'or you : secure i it a f tion o;' regular i-.. . Ma: construction, tv '_" . a:c:".a! to choose from. Enquire NORMAN S. TODD, o. o. Miss V. A. Nichol- son, Flesherton. Ont. Ice Cream and Sundaes Visit our Ice Cream Parlor; try our various Sundae dishes. You will like them. MADISON CAFE Jim Low, Prop. tov ; are spending a couple of week; with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stewart and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. E. Penny and daugh- ter of Toronto were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Duncan over the holi- day. Miss Eileen and Master Marshall Andrew of Homings Mills are visit- ing their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bellamy. Mr. and Mrs. James Caushier of Hagerston, Maryland, have spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Alexander, while on their honeymoon. Mr. R. W. Ellison and Misses Maud Lila and Jane Ellison of Toronto spent the week end with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Harrison ot \ ronto ' Mr and Mrs ' E ' J - Fitz ' Guelph and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cooper ot London and Mis * D - Mathewson the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs W. J. Bellamy. Mr. Wm. Poulter and son. Herb accompanied by Mr. Jas Field and daughter, Audrey, were visitors in town over the week end. Mr. Frank Phillips and Mrs. Tracey of Toronto visited over the holiday and week end with their mother, Mrs. M. Phillips. Miss Marie McEachnie and Miss K. Kelke of Toronto holidayed with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. W. A. and Mrs. Hawken attended the seventh annual Taylor reunion at Brampton on Monday, July 4th. The 1933 re-union will be held in Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Warner of To- of Hespler were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wilson, c-cr the holiday and week end. Mr. F. M. Breen and two sons, Fred and Bud, of Detroit were in town ove; the week end. Bud remained to spend the summer with his grand- father. Mr. W. \V. Trimble. The Women's Institute will hold a basket pkr.ic in the park on Wednes- day afternoon of next week. July l-'H'r at 3 p.m. Everybody is invited to attend th" tiicnic. Mr. and Mrs. I. I.. M. Morriam left Sunday morning by motor for Kings- ton, where Mr. Morriam will com- mence Ir* <'.irnmor work on his B. A. degree. Mr. and Mr". C'has. Smith and daughter, Juan. Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith and M:-s Ina woro week end vi-iiors with Mr. an 1 Mr<. Alfred Down. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson ar ' fam- ily of Tilbury spent tho boli lay a- weok end with Mr. and Mrs. C. J Bellamy and tho formor's mother. Mr<. \. \Vi!on. roturnii'-r homo Mon- day a t'vv M:~-i Kathleen Mi-Do-:'.'..: and Mr Tom Kitr. " Isono McDonald and Mr. Hei'> P'uckvillo. all o:' P - ronto .-pent S;:nd:iy \vith tho for - ' parents. Mr. and Mi--. Jno. McDon- ald. Rev. J. K. J. Mi!!ya-d and tor, Tho!'!:a of Peterboro ard M: Mr-. Leslie Davio< of Ban.irUok. S!am, woro iho guests la-t weok o: D Mrs. W. D. toryce. Mrs. Davi a daughter of Kov. Millyiml. Mr. and Mrs. D. Don-iison HIM visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Richards. Miss Isabel McMullen of Holland Centre suffered a broken leg. while playing ball at her home. Isobel at- tended high school in Flesherton the past year. Mr. and Mrs. Neubower of Hes pier. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred McMaster baby Lorraine, ard Mr. Robert Mc- Master of Swastika Boach spent Sun- day at tho lattor's home h.ere. Miss Elsio Caswell of Thorr.loe is spending tho summer month.- with her parents at Snringhill. Mrs. Ma^-arot Wilkio and son. Frank, of >:. Thoma-s art 1 a No visiting with hei parents. Mrs. J. Jimes of To.-op.t-.) is vis her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ink- -tor. Mr. Murray Inkstor and Miss Ha::ol aNo v.-itei! over tho week end it their homo here. 1 I'tvparr.. >!> <orvu-o will 'v hold in S r . John's i-'u-vch on Th sir--, lay at S i\n.. when Hev. M. M. Bennett will P'vaoh. Tho saorainert of the Lord's Su| per will be administered on S:\-i- bnth me;-" :.;. !'r. ard Mrs. Pryce av i n. Bol upaniod by Mr. and Mrs. .!. ] Robertson, motored to Sarnia Thursday, returning on Friday. Mrs Bryce and Bobbio remained to MHTJ a couple of weoks with her mothei there. The annual pic ,( St. John's ''"'' - - . >v-ivol \v ; ,< h. here on Thursday S nday school '.-i^tf- wit! IlH ' a! ".1 all tho youn^U'-- :ind other- had a real eniova've out- ["he largest crowd f Mr. and Mrs. P. Dennison Jr., andjyears attended the px-nic" son. Mr. si.-.d Mrs. S. Jo), ; n. v . , -., M. Duncan, Mis, bennisoa and Geo ^ , N f 11 ' Cj **'* ' ""' ' :< S P. Owler, all of Toronto, were the of Mr. and .'Mrs. T. OwL r and s over ;hi' Week end. u !io on , on Mi<s ? Mr. Clarence Chappel of Sloiiford. in tho b< !ast was introduced by t' 1 s( me of her friends town. Miss Xuttall was liberal our new public .^h'.H'i principal, has with her voice, and i: ua< a wond rented Mr. !'. W. Duncan's residence , ful plea<i:i-o to bear her o;'f t!-..- air on Durham street. Mr. Duncan com- o:iu ists frequently from nienced last \\eek to finih his apari- ment above his new store on Toronto street erected last fall and will move thereto when completed. Mr. J. E. Jenkins and V.: 11. A. Harvey of Hamilton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston for a couple of days last week and enjoy- 1 Amendments to the federal egg ed some excellent trout fish,,,*. They regulations have now been finally C.F.R.B. in Toronto; and regularly morning Devotions at 7.30 a.M. stan- .iard time. Monday. Wednesday and Friday. ADOPT !:<;;; REC.I'LATIONS took back to Hamilton some fine large trout to exhibit to the natives in the Ambitious City. We enjoyed a visit on Monday morn- ing from Mr. W. W. Marshall, editor of the Merlin, Ont.. Standard, who adopted by the province of Ontario. The egg regulations are administered by tho Federal Department under the authority of Federal statute, and theii adoption by Ontario makes them fully operative throughout the Dominion. was enjoying a tour of this section of: The general principle of the regula- Ontario, and was accompanied by j tions is not altered in any way in the Mrs. Marshall and family. They' amendments. Some changes have were the guests at the Park Hotel h een made in country buying reiru- Sundny night and spoke highly of tht lations designed to seov.'e for the treatment accorded thorn by Mr. ami producer full graded value for his p-o- - p.. . .1.,,* . A DIRECT OBLIGATION OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO AUTHORIZED BV ACT OF THE LEGISLATURE OF THE PROVINCE. AND -A CHARGE AS TO PRIXCIPAL AND INTEREST UPON THE CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND OF THE PROVINCE New Issue THE TRF.AtrRF.R <">F TTJF. PROVINCE OF O\T.lRW l'KI.R- SUB<i iUPTl<>.\' $20,000,000 PROVJMCa OF ONTARIO r* { / p ' D/2% ricn-talLble Fourteen Year Debenturss Dated July 1, 1932 Due July 1, 194G . . ' i , - - ' ' r ' ' -.-' , -''.,'-' i ' ' T . , . ; <';.- : ' ' .:- ; ".- / . ' /-.'-.',, / , . (\ C 'i ' "-*" .a O ^CC'~ Tl( ,. - .v* . . . -Wl C^w r ~i J 1C (!'": n'AT'.: ' ' I'll B T/-.' l^i\ '' /-} I.VJ' i rnu'D n (M< /A ' \ i ; i I\CE or . ' - vii /.V(;N M /::!) /iT.v/) /?' , ^ <\D </', '.- ,v /.a'-'/\ ; ' MA] FI-: OBTAIN D - '' THE OFEl( i ' ' "" r ' 6 f O.V- 7.I/V/.V(, CVVrLKTE DETAIL* K t.'MA smscRiPTiox* ro nut LOA.\H'ILI />/: --r/^-. (; :: T TO AI. i .3/::.v7' A.\I' '////: //sy ini.r. ci.o*r t AT rni: ('/: nf.v of Tin: T!\r.A<i'n>-':: c/- ONTARIO. INTERIM /)/;/:/-:.vrr/i\ i -:s /.v BEARER FORM \YILL BE AI'AII.AIU.1: EOR DELIVERY OX CR ABOl'TJl'I.Y /.', /!>,.V. IIY DEPARTMENT. l.I VMK\T 1>IILIMNX;~, TORONTO, JULY 5, 193i. ,. ;

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