t WEDNESDAY, JULY 6. 1932 THE PLE3HERTON ADVANCE t THE f LESHERTON ADVANCE Summer Sports In Town Under Way Published on Collingwood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1000, Price in Canada $2.00 per year, when paid in advance $1.50. In paid in advance $2.00. U. S. A. $:.'.."><) per year, when W. H. TIiriiSToN, - - Editor F. J. THl'KSTON, - Assoc. Editor |. -pile tb 1 large i rowil threatening weather, a turned out last Friday \1. IlliMS in tak" part in the official r.mg of the Pond, and the activi- ! which it is to be the centre. Ho*. \V. J. Scott, the originator an ,| i, p n.. it of this pro- ... .'.:!' an and I'll -t k i" al.e -,; thi . lie explained very rare- Thi 1 riil , . , .. a: 'union ' Mid Wi , \\ i i . :. i the ; a col uiv ridable ni! mind ai.ly and A'* 1 nu-l [>< rat . :n l nd . ; A in " i. day. : v.-re placid on the noting -,7 , ] n er i omradi ir. the Oie.it War ' 'aKW t,f war a:e till '"-ing f- U and the l.o>- a.'e con'.nuing to pay for the !efiT.ce of their land. MoU. ent. again mounted over the holiday and a large number of people were killed and injured. During the pa-t week many drowning accident .rred, some from swimm- ing and other- by 'Bating. "Care. C'our'.e.-y arid Common Sense" should I* used by everybody at all times and fewer accidents would result. Soon the -bores of the Georgian Hay will have various cif.es of in- i. -:. .- intere-t to t"-Jiist.-. At Pene- tang an afempt is being made to salvage the Tigress and Scorpion, two <'f the boats which were prominent during tin- war i.f 1HJ. Together with the Nancy at Wa-aga Hea'-h, these twu b.iats will be Valuable ad- l;t.'.-.. to thi historical landmark- of i ' M.llions of cubi" feet of natural i/a bus been k'oing to wa-te in the All.: 'a ' :l fields e>.ry day of the and efi'url - an- be.ng ir.ade to < .>r . i ve the upply. However, the '.pi ::..<! r are i:' (air;, inr out orders -i.'irn.' Ibe ron-erva- loi at i fcry icp. It would appear : action of t ' perator a- i the i : 'ipply wa- . . but nine day. it i 1 "!. el va- t , not pi i ' : ed they may finil t: Ii. th neial outline of i ! ,i iner. 'IY;i called upon to *a; Tin n in t'r n, Mr. ' ..... Mr. Wolsten r:t. Mr. II tly Mr. i;.-rr,cr, all <d p ]., nily :. '.l. laudl-d | .. ;. . , "d XeV , , .. r ' . ijeet in '/i-r.ernl ni me fr.rwan! ..., - worthwhili On' Monday thi ' ilef'i iU- ac- weie begun, fir '. with '>" \ ,,v- playing a .-id'tball gann uk. The--- two groups which Kngland was successful. A!' CEYLON Miss Honnycastle, teacher in Stone school, returned on Thursday to her home at Cam)/bellfoid for the .sum- mer vacation. Mr We- Coney of" Toronto spent the week end wi*h his sister, Mrs. .1. Kennedy .M/. and Mrs. John Gibson spent the past week with Toronto friends. Ma-ti-r Freddie and Mi: s Isabellc : are snendin/r I heir summer hob with their grandfather, Mr. S. [lemphill. M'-. and Mrs. Armstrong and son, Lloyd, and Mr. I're~ton, Dr. and Mrs. 'i-son and two sons, George and Bi-atty, all e .i visitors Mcl.eod. of Toronto, were week States. States n tbeir i . ' i' :: ;h.-j>: 1 ' <! ,;,,. , up . both i oj'M and I . . ., : a country. From seven till ei'.'ht in the e' :'ur the giil- team . France and Vmi- ed States engaged in a similar game ;i ,,l ],-,;,. ,. out] oiflted the lir'ter luck next time Tnitcd The points will be counted up al the end of each week and the winning team will be awarded a pennant whose p.^-ession it will remain til another team is successful them. \\Y have now completed thi houses and they even have seats in them. Ve-terday. also n wharf for the convenience of swimmers and for in un ovei bath .locking the Pond ished. There is only one was Tin more big iub. namely the erection of the diving tower, four poles have been procured and it remains only to >ink them, we are hoping to procure a bee for thi job Thursday afternoon, before thi tennis tournament. \Ve intend filling in a part on the far side of the pom with gravel and fencing thi.- area in making a safe paddling area for kid .lies. \Ve an- anticipating great things and many good times ahead of us one of which is to be the rampfin for everyone, ,this Thursday mi'lr at '.i o'clork, coiiu' alone and help Ur out. It will take place in the ;iail: with Mr. and Mrs. I). Master (ii .rge rf:naii::- ( i i'nr a few w / ks' visit with his gran I- Mi. F:-'.-d Marshall spent the hoi I.-.;, in To.-. -\1i-s \i. Co.ik, Miss Margaret Sir.- . Mrs. White and Mrs. MeMullen . . ed '. o Owen Sound for the Isi. M . ;.;:d Mrs. Cecil Watson of Scl: .'i '. -.; and Mr. Per.'.v IIemi)hili .if M;. !''orest were holiday visitor.- \vith Mr. S. Hemphill and daughter.^. Mr. ani Mrs John Stewart and sons Veinon. Jarks.on. Kendall and Dick, m,.torod to Toron'o on Friday and at- tended the marriage r<f their son, r'lnr.k. to Martha Ivaline June. . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. .lone" of Toronto. This community ex- tends best wi-hes to the happy couple. Mr. Jas. Fletcher of Toronto visited a few days with his uncle, Mr. Thos. Fl-tch'-. Mr. and Mrs. Goldwin MeMullen of Toronto visited their brother, Mr. Jas. W., and family last week. Mrs. Kllen MeMullen a:'coni[fjnied them back to the city on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper motored to Toronto on Friday and were accom- panied back by Mrs. Piper's sister. Mrs. Herb Fisher and daughter, Nor- ma. Mr. Fisher motored up for the week end and they returned home with him. Mr. J. C. MeMullen of Toronto spent LK(J(;E WILSON Miss Jewell Marie Wilson, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson and Mrs. Edward Henry Legge, son of Mrs. and the late Walter Legge, were fiuietly married in St. Andrew's Pres- byterian church, Thorold, at 3 o'- clo.-k on Saturday afternoon. June 25. The bride wore a very smart suit of powder blue wool crepe with hat and .shoes to match and carried a bouquet of diep pink roses and syringa. She was attended by her sister, Miss Pearl Wilson, who wore pink (lotted or- gandie with hat and shoe.- to match and carried roses. Mr. James A. Whyte was the groomsman. The Rev. II. C. Feast officiated. The ser- vice was followed by a wedding bn ai.- ' fast at the home of the bride's par- ents on Lake St. The bride and groom attended the reception held b\ j Mr. and Mrs. Wilson on Sunday h honor of the twenty-fifth anniver ; - a.y of their wedding day and after ward.: left for a hor.eyinoon in Wes'- ern and Northern Ontario. HAY TIME TOOLS & SUPPLIES BEATTY HAY CARS AND SLINGS DRAW ROPE SLING ROPE TRIP ROPE BAR! i FORKS HAY FORKS PULLEYS ROPE HITCHES SCYTHES and SNATHS CARBORUNDUM STONES FILES SCYTHE STONES U. F. 0. Picnic A large crowd attended the sixth annual U. F. O. picnic at Lever .s Grove on Dominion Day. Threatening weather and a scarcity of cash kept many away, but the several thousand who did attend had a most enjoyable time. The afternoon program was exten- sive and enjoyed by all. T. K. Slack, MOTOR OIL WIRE FENCE Fly Shoot Bug Killer Screen Doors SEPARATOR OIL MACHINE OIL STAPLES \VIRE BRACE WIRE Household Fly Fume Sprayers Paris Green Arsenic of Lime ! I Screen Windows Hinges Pulls Hooks Locks I ** MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS & REPAIRS Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE. Phone 54, FLESHERTON EXCESSIVE REDUCTIONS IN TEACHERS' SALARIES MAY PROVE BOOMERANG Though farmers may have a great .M.I'.!', for Dufferin acted as chair- deal of justification for lowering the man for the program given by Tom | salaries of rural school teachers, ex- Hamilton's amusement troupe of To-j treme reductions may actually hit the ronto. Miss Macphail, M. P. and F. R. Oliver, M. P. P., both gave ad- ratepayers, as pointed out by the Mildmay Gazette: "Many rural school dresses and spoke on the coming Im- ! trustee boards in Carrick are indulg- perial Conference and preferential ing in a salary slashing campaign trade wjth Britain. In the sports Williamsford Men's softball squad won from Flesherton 17-11, while the Durham j^irls trimm- this summer and in some cases the wages of teachers have been cut as much as 25 to 30';. Trustee boards should take the trouble to post them- selves on how these salary reductions will affect their grants, for in many instances the reductions result in a loss to the section. In one section we learn that a teacher is being press- ed to accept $700, whereas the section would be just as far ahead to pay $760 The money for these grants does not come out of the taxpayers of the province but is derived, it is under- stood, from the sale of mining rights in crown lands in Northern Ontario.' ; ina'ed . ! 1 i vi- f'-l: tb. ar:d h:i-.i al hi ' '. ' 'wood I, 1 1 I lillll U I I he !.. dm Mi. I la 1 . Mi Wi!' ; \\ 1 ir of I he n' v paper. I ' i-en in I he hand - II . . . . . . i 1 v. as .' !l,e late John W. A. !! ; ; , I!'ill''tin and l ' I. II hi eeret- P. Johnston Drowned Peter .lohi. on nf \Voi\vi.-k. a for- mer tra'-J-rr at i'riee\i]le. ua diown- ed in the Rainy K:\er on I'liday la ' i a motor). oa! . in which he and . oni|>anioM were tl /.ed. Kay I'nl l.eai : nil '' l i' . 1 1 .' ' ' :,. '.'. ' ' . .1 l.'.i! va .1! <i iji. ., 1 I- !. t a. \ <niiir .;. at-. I .Mr . Otto MI :mdei 'fnei.ii e .!,. and Mrs. V - a: nounced til I 'laughter of ono!.|, to Mr. elili ! oil of , Stun ! ii( led lo I f .,'., I In .lulv. marl ia/e |u tal:e ola e I'I i 1- ,iln:ip|ii' i a 1. : a bro:nb-a -ting eroone. in i Im I hi lib al ol't.-ried their \o M I I-- 1 i:n.' i '. ,,f I -I.F.SII KRTO: I 1 I i I IT.-.' 1 . '-I up ;it 1 i ton, on tl : ' i II! till .1.1 munii i |i jnd !..i' i }, . reina'n An;] I i.i-i e!i;. . ;.i] ujion al! voter to ' i-rroi or onn- ion- e-.n "111 d ai ii .(in/ to law, the la t ibt\ for appeal beiri(; the L'.'lrd day July, . Dated thi" r.tb day of .Inly, r.'::-_' \V. J. MKI.I.AMV, Clerk New- from pa i i ' . ' i hat 1 . ; tin" lill hn ' ; ' ' , , :. . ,,.in,| . Confederation Life Assccb.tion In -mv i drsi ci iin ir.'tiici 1 ; spc't'i.'il ll di i\ ITS and \V, t'l.M-l itl I :i'i . ; ;il i ' c.'tr ni r.'ilcs t< > cat'i annrr . OK'l) \l ; .ll,. tlici.ic, ( int. the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie MeMullen. Mr. Alex. Knox of Toronto was .-. week end visitor with his mother here. Miss J. Winters of Paris visited her sister. Mrs. Wm. Mathewson, on Thursday last. Miss Irene acc-omp- aried her aunt back and will spend th.. iimmer holidays. Mi Margaret Sine lair left Monda\ on a trip to \Vaterdown, N.Y.. ac ci'ii'.i -aiiieil by her friend. Mis^ Donel- l-i Sluan. of KiUfenin. She will also visit relatives ; ,t Trenton. Ont. Mr. ai'd Mrs. Mracken. Mr. and Mr- (lenre.c Hracken of Caledon and Mr=. liurnett of Fle.herton \ivite, I th- ter's sister, Mr. .1. McFadden. '.vh . : M. Mr. an ! Mi \ nder -on, M'\ a>n! Mr . Sciitt of Iini.edin a; 1 '! M : M t bell and three childien ol' II.. n ilt'.n were ' loi i be pa week wi:!i ! Mr-. !'. 1 1. < 'aims. Mr, and Mr-:. .\. Sirv hiir and M M..I rai i-l motori d tn Han 1 ' : m r- r.f the u- ' ! I'iohi . leai-1 er, ! . ! " Kntrnnci . il.il ' ma Piper. Harvey Archibald. Mable llav Marge C.illin un. Olive Marshall, Nellie Oenne. Iti!!.'. 1 Caii-ir. the fii t two takm T " and pit piN III ( "i 'i attilated upon 11 Mis- Marfaret Sin- !: at !he stli line, i ! cuiv/rat . fuiif of her pupil-- Irying and all Mr. nnd '' l'"i i. 1 i i 1 ol Schomberg. Mr. ni Ilirlledi rid ly of Ili-llan ! l.. i lid v sit .. Mr. iin.i Mr . .'.lai -hall. M. ^l > hall. '.' ho i'"i-l tin 1 pa- 1 fe\v with her aunl . i e! urii"! I 1 i Snl Ii sell 1 i iin 'd v. !:h 'he l-'le h I ,i.|l I 'i::t i >! rh:nvh .''al' 1 hool in : , IV ' ' 1 iv a! i ' noon, i 1 h.! ' . i - t en ii ' able lime. Tb,- .Inn.- meetitvr of the I.iidie. \ id v.a In Id at the bn:iH' of Mr- ', cbie I 1 ' In r. :i|.d an (".. elletit pro- 'iv.'ii. Mr . II. l'i| '-r t. ndciv an imitation Tor Ibe .Tilly meeting t 1 h I-l sit her home. ed Dundalk in a close game C to 5. A j soccer game between Strathavon and! Holstein resulted in a :!-! win for the latter. A beauty contest was a new feature this year and created much interest, Miss Agnes Irwin of Flesherton tak- ing first prize with Mrs. Royden Mo- donald of Flesherton second and Miss Almeda Ilineks of Ceylon third. An- other new feature was the baby show and the judges, Dr. J. E. Milne of Flesherton and Dr. Carr-Harris ot Mav.voil, had a difficult time a- wanimg prizes. They were a.-.-istrd by nurses McMaster and Moore. Trie indue awarded first place to the Mr-. Rutledge and Mrs. Mc- Cartney of Holland Centre and Mis, Vaephail generously donated t\\'o 1st Se'.-ond place went to the '>aby i f Mrs. \V. Johnson of Vande- lenr and Mrs. Ilawton of Feversha n was tin 1 mother of the third pri/e 'any and fourth pla/e went to th.' baby of Mrs. .1. Pro /tor of Melan- i-thon. The concert at ni'jht had just coin iiieiuid when lain hetr.ui to fall, after threatening all day arid conse i|uenlly the dance was not held. It vas a lnir i:ade> t:il,n;r for the > ( !rey I'.K.i ' Polil cal \ n -iation ' .1 ' yi ni and their eflCrts in j-ivin'.,' I'i-. tettaillMlent at a I 1 Wer IM ice tlrm other years wa- api'i'eci't! ,-d by th ( larre erowd. Osprey and Artemesia General Store Groceries Flour & Feed SPECIALS Syrup 5 II). tin i five scriMcr) .. \\'i'ii<liT\\a^h (free samples) .... .... 29c lie l\rd Salnimi \\nrk 21c $1.49 Coffee, C.oM Medal Ib. 39c Men's ji'ood work sox pr. 19c Till-. I',!C, S I-KLTI 1 JARS BROOMS l'1-CIAL Will!, i; Till-' XI\V RIXC.S LAST 29c I'\R \\VAX V/E APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE \ C. SOC'KMTT. Mana- 'Phono 70 July Small Advts. N S O U N D, O N T. CUT FLOWERS : GIFT BOUQUETS ^ WEDDING FLOWERS i FUNERAL DESIGNS [,ANDSC PERENN and SI IK \I'K IALS LJRS your order \\ith cur Flesherton representative \\'. A. IFAWKI-.X I'M.MKKSTON SPECTATOR iMOVINC TC (MI'I.PM I.i its last week's issue the pro^ne Inr of. the Pnlinerstiin Spectator an- nounced that, since the patronage ol l the business men of the town and dis hid was not going to the lo )! plant it would be necessary In in, ve the < niiipmeiu In (iuelph, where (bore is i large field for job-printing. The paper, however, will continue to l>e published, an office for news and ad- vertising purposes K-intr maintained in PalmcrsliMi, whilo the actual print- ing will be done elsewhere. Such a;i mnni-cmeril will i|tiite likely be found i at her awkwaid, althoiifh it is a clr- cumatance caused only through lack ' '" -' M the l al in-titntion by tl'.n e ului sli.nd to profit greatest l>y keeping i! in Palmerstoii. Hammocks $3.15& $4.25 Summer Cushions ?5c & 39c Cretonne Couc^i Covers $1.59 Sliding Couches $11.25 Chesterfield Day-becls $19.5G Wicker Verandah Ch5r $4.50 Cushion sett tor Chairs $1.25 Special on Rugs, good quality going at $2.85 Bed Outfit -bed, spring anc 1 mattress u-tf S1S.50 $15.9vS Unpainted Windsor chairs $\ Congoleum, 3 yds. wide going at per yard $1.80 Come in and see our many Very Special July Offerings Emerson J. Bennett Furniture iVaK-r Phone 78 - Fleshertor \\\- (lolivi-r ;in \-\vli MY Lost or St raval (AM ^ '!'" '">' P a number of tro-limrs. Owner may haw same !>v piiyiv.iv exne'ises. Fns. liaii'avid, Kle-ln-rt >n. COW ST: \YKI) Strayed f-om C) . inn about th.' :.Mst ut' June, o red cow. Fir.dcr kindly i-oniiinr . with A. C. Muir. Cevlon. For Sale ''hi; SAI.K -- Largo wire ga,c lii feel by I tVi-t.-- Henry Howard, town. FOR SAI.K Cood cook stove in good condition. 0. \V. Phillips, town. FOR SAI.K Kn-sh burned lime,- Thos. Fenuiek, Kugeiiia. FOR SALK - r.OO feet of hay fork rope, f. cents per foot. Jos. Radley, Klcsherton. NOTICE buildings raised 01 moved, also stone walls straightened Could take live stock in exchange. -Hugh McLean, Priceville, R. R. 2. FOR SALK _ A choice 7 year old heavy yn'.ini I>. M-Tnvish horse, 1300 U.S., \vill consider cattle or cows in exchange H200.00 buys House and Lot Barn, Hard and soft water, Electric :s and good garden in Flesherton. '.JV. Armstrong, Flesherton. FOR SALK - Cement Garage and rden on IIJ11 St. Flesherton f-100. Mso good building lot for sale on ydenham, St.-W. J. W. Armstrong. r lesherton. ROAR FOR SERVICE Yorkshire Boar for service. Terms - John Oliver, O.D.R., Arte- mesia. HOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshirt Boar for ser- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hofr Club the property of the Ontario Depart-' ment of Agriculture. -C- STEWART, Caretaker. BUSINESS CARDS CEO E. DUNCAN " ; DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Term*- 1 per cent. Satisfaction gu.rnUed Dates made at The Advance office Prince Arthur Lodge. 333, A. P. A A, M. meets in the masonic Hall over Kenned.v's store, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. M., C. Mel'.lrum; Secretary, H. A.