x /rlesherton f Ontario, July 6, 1932 W. H. Thurs*.. ij. after ... ui Toronto some j where he has a large JlrJ \ his home and officoAa/ghte .1 St. East. Hia. brother wtfrth .'ines, located in the Mirf| -LE .nnis and .e week end ',. ,ne and day; y and re- Toronto is KIMBERLEY . after he graduated thirf go and s' ill has a good inX- .iere. The Drs. are still hale <nd the .rty and some of their boylood rier.ds, who are still living here visiting at his Allie McLean with Andrew Hincks and isited friends in Chata- of the week. Carson of Toronto is 'The Rocklyn chair gave their beautiful cantata in the United church en Sunday night. Everyone was de- lighted and surely profited. It last- ed two hours, the parts were rather heavy but well taken. Special men- tion is made of the part taken by Miss Barbara Curry. Music was -upplied by the choir. Mr. Harold Thompson has been is- iting with Mr. N'orman Burritt and has been fortunate in securing th Var.deleur school. Miss lola Graham has secured the PROTON STATION Miss E. E. Acheson, B. A., has ac- cepted the principalship of the Chais- worth Continuation school. Our public school teacher, Mr. Kir- .stine sent a class of nine to the en-l trance examinations at Flesherton. The Pilgrim Holiness camp meet-! ing closed on Sunday night. The | evangelistic workers and the Bible school students have returned to their homes for the holiday season. Mr. Bannister, the United church mkrister, is conducting a young peo- BURIAL GO'Y. DI S I lSI^ rfc| E l . s Ar FM OD| % E CO S T V; -122-124 AVENUE ED. -f-1-iLZt.-i^i fiY^-i**** * fCoONTO iNE: Nigfir. _ [ ^44 PHONE ? J. \V. BATES Formerly of Fles..-,.^ **^*->*->'X~:~C-fr*^C"K *4M"4***+-5*+*'. R. MADDOCKS +OtOM * PORTLAW the new minister ?pendi a week at her parental home t delighted to meet them again. Mr. Hugh Davidson of Collingwood was presiding officer at the Entrance examinations in our school here, where , twenty-seven pupils tried. Mr. Dav 'j.4n Jnc d Mrs. Ray McLean attendee ing ol her brother, Morris, s recently married a: Shel- nd they also attended a shower day night, leld in idson is principal in one of the Cc;l jf yi Marion and Florence of Toron- an<>Mrs. ay last. ingwood schools and while the guest of his grandmotheiy A. J. Conron. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Feu become residents of our vif welcome them and wish couple a happy and pm ney through life. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Clarence Alexander a N. Stoddart of Fleshe in our village on W Mr. James White; and Mr. Ernie visited with frien Mr. and Mrs. ed after two w friends in Canni and other poin Mr. and Mrs George and D itors with the son and fam Mr. and 1 ter, Irene, visitors wi Mr. e-nd friends turned to day even a longer Hamiltor. Long and daugh- of the bride and groom. B Dora Stewart of Ceylon has engaged to teach school at Top for the coming term. and Mrs. Thos. Hincks, Dor- and Mr McConnell of Singhamp- ton spent the holiday at Mr. Hinck's and other friends. Miss Jessie Nichol has been en- gaged to teach school at S. S. No. 9 Glcnelg. Mrs. Colin McLean returned home ' after spending a week in Toronto, der Mr. Mrg George McLellan of Niagara Falls spent the past week with hei e^llers s j st er, Mrs. D. Campbell \ind her mother, Mrs. K. McArthur. .Harkdale| Misses' Ethel and Violet Watson of Toronto : and Mr. Pat Claridge of Toronto are visiting friends here. last week. have return- A number from here attended the oiiiiays witn j U.F.O. picnic in Lever's Grove and Collingwood. thoroughly enjoyed it, desrf.te the I threatening day and lowering clouds. Id Osbome and a lar * e crowd was P sen e week end vis- 1 en J ved Miss M a c P n ail's and Mr. 's brother, Emer- 1 Oliver's addresses, both speaking on the subject of Preferential Trade with Britian. Miss Macphail em- wer; week end Long's parents. Smith and other Chester Long re- with them on Sun- si Irene remained for th friends here, ng, Toronto, was a with her Long. Congratulations to both young pei Mrs. Les. McMullen was hostess at the home of Mrs. R. Chard to ester- tar, the Women's Institute on Thurs- d;.y after-.oon. Mr. and Mrs. Will. Hammond and; j children of Toronto made Kimberley friends some pleasant call-s over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. W. Turner and fam- ily have moved to the farm they ree- j sntly purchased near Heathcote. We' wish them success in their new home. Our sympathy is extended to Mrs. T. Abercrombie in the toss of hei daughter-in-law, Mrs. N, C. Abst- crombie, of Langley Prairie, B. C. after an operation for appendicitis. Mr. Simeon Plewes and Mr. H Plewes of Uor.eywood visited with Mrs. Plewes. Mrs. Latimer of Eugenia was the uest of Mrs. G. Proctor over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Surbray, Mr. ind Mrs. Gordon Surbray and Miss Bernice of Toronto visited Kimberlej friends over the week end. The "Smith" reunion took this year at the home of Mr. Henry and Miss Lucy Walton. A fulle- report will >e given later. attended. Misses Emily and Maud Acheson have gone on a motor trip to Sudbury and Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. and Mrs. Sherson, Ruth, and Mrs. Wauchope visited friends in I Brnmpton last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Acheson and ! daughter, Mrs. Stevens, visited friends ... - ' kimberle y cantau .yl a sacred in the church there ' MAXWELL '" OSt week end with their son,| ' and family. [Barber af Rocklyn visited ^ Cr ' if eph ' h " re - ' to their Mr<. Thomas Henderson and Mr. John Watson of Mrs. James Fletcher of were visitors with Mr?. phasized the fact that if we want to sell our agricultural produce in Great Britian we must expect to take manu- factured goods in return. The teachers and pupils are all I home again to spend the summer va- cation. Messrs. Wm. Xichol and Dan L. Mc- Arthur took a truck load each to the] Priceville picnic in Toronto last Wed- 1 nesday, 3t> making two nice 1-iads. disagreeable day a Mr and Mrs. Lome Hodgin spent Sunday with friends at Swinton Park Mrs. John McConnell of Dundalk is nursing her mother, Mrs. Corbett Sr., whom we are sorry to report ill. We trut she may soon be well again. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corbett and sons of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. Corbett's mother here. Mi?s Ruth Sherson was in Orane- ville trying her intermediate piano examination. Mr. and Mrs. Sherson accompanied her and visited with the Trelfords and the St'lls. who were former Proton residents. Mr. Bradley and son, Ernest ot Berkeley visited the Dever Bros, on Mrs. Lloyd Wa hope's sisters of Flesherton are holidaying with her. Mr. and Mrs. Fell of Swinton Park me.-, here on Sunday ia-t and created a very favorable impression. Miss Violet Taylor of Toronto Is home for a two weeks holiday. The Sunday school will hold their annual picnic in Mr. Hopp's Grove on Thursday afternoon of this week. Mr. Geo. Blakey and sister of To- ronto spent the holiday with the home folks. Mr. Alfred Herschey of Holstein -nd Mr. John Herschey and family visited lately with Mr. and Mrs. Sheardown. ROCK MILLS Mr. and Mrs. Jim Burton and fam- ily of Toror.to visited the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tucker and of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mr. and Mrs. McGuire d gon, Al- lan, and Mrs. Bell of Stayner Called on Mr. and Mrs. L. Atkinson the first of the week. Little Viva Atkteson P who has spent the past month at Stayner returned home with them.. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Archie McEachnie and two children of Priceville visited rec- ently with friends here. Mr. Wm. Pedlar spent a couple of days with his daughter, Mrs. Jno. Wickens of Kimberley. Mr. and Mrs. L. Pedlar visited the first of the week with the Meldrun* families at Port Law. Master Bob Clark is spending few holidays with his grandparents. Mr. and Mr?. R. Clark, Flesherton. A large crowd attended the school picnic on Thursday afternoon last and enjoyed a good time. son, TORONTO LINE NORTH The farmers are busy at haying abo his wife, of Toronto, holi- these finc d T AT. t~n< n<"VTY>P rtf V\ ti ^/\*rvt <*!* Mr. and Mrs. John Bracken, Mr ar.d Mr?. Geo. Bracken and family dayed at the home of the former's nephew. Mr. C'--cil Beits. Congratulations are extended Miss Leila Cl.;rk, who was .- to ii passing her Entrance examinations Miss Ada Atkinson is visiting with! friends in Owen Sound. of Caledon were Sunday visitors at '.he home of W. Burnett. Mr*. S. Osborne spent the past week ith Mr. ami Mrs. Jas. McFadden, j. Ravenna. School closed Wednesday of last; ; R pr ,u. T-ha UtteweU, teacher near week and our teacher, MIM E. _ Oliver Prot on, i. visiting with Gertrude Le, visited Mrs. Fell's parents. Mr. and has gone to her home near Priceville er ant j O ther friends befo c'ij r . I ' Mias Anni? Robertson, who is train- ing in the Durham hospital is horn; for tv:o weeks holidays. Mr. Harry Fields Is spending hi? holidays at his parental home here. There will be no service in the United ?hurch here next Sunday even- ing as special orange service will be held in the Anglican church at 7:30 p.m. Mr. and Mr=. Albert Long of To- ronto spent the week end with reta- in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Hup-h Fcnwick and nobody was sorry they went as they: Ruty and James Kerton and Ml . w ,,. were treated royally when they got' Kerton , eft M . Tuesjay morn ing for ul and Mr. and Mrs. James .-or the week end.. Dr. Herid- brother of Mrs. Paul. Mr... Wm. Walters and harlie, of 'Toronto are visiting Mrs. Wattta's *:<ter. Mrs. Chris, pson, who is ill. 3 VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bannon, Kath- FU-en, Jack, and- Fred, accompanied 'jlrs. Robinson to Toronto last week t'rom where she starts with her son, Jack, of Hamilton on a motor trip to Cobalt. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Martin. Owet Sound, and Oiville Martin, Detroit visited at Albert Stinson's. Mervyn Little of Maxwell visited his chum. Jim Barnon. The boys iad rat ho r an unique experience while out ground hojr hunting they spied a deer coining towards them, jut over the ferce. The boys lay down quiet- ly an. 1 the deer came to a stop just oppo.'.te them, when it grazed and lay down and rested and got up and fed sgsn*N They watched for a long time ancl ~Nsc d**r ne'er seemed to realize their presence. Often had it not been for the fence they were close enough to touch it Prisilla and Myrtle Allan of Toron- to are spending a couple of weeks at Chas. Moore's. Mary and Bill Cade, Myrtle Moore : Harold Moore and Allan Musclewhite of Toronto spent the hobday at Chas iourney's end. They ar- rived home at 4 a.m. Thursday morn- Friends here and surrounding dis- trict will learn with deep regret the passing of Mr. Pe*er Johnson, a for- mer teacher here. He nnd another friend, Roy Cathcart of Nerwick wer e drowned on Friday, July 1st, when out in a motor boat which capsized on Rainy River. Mr. Johnson was well liked by all in Priceville and the sympathy of the whole commi'-sity a motor trip to Niagara. EASTER MAY BE Ol T The annual convention of the V:-' t.; School Trustee-' Association Fon William thi~ y?ar may hold an hi.h?r to unheard of interest for thousand.- of school children in Ontario. One of the subjects to be up tYi i!iscu?- sion, it is understood, will bo a pro- posal to abolish the Easter v- a ,- ; / : oT,: Rector, Ilev. Maurice F. Oldham. Mr*. McNaltv. Mr. a-|' Mr*. Jro Whyte spent Sunday nt the home of -I. B. Whyte. Mrs. H. Risey of Hamilton is vis- iting her sifters. Mrs. Sherson, and Mr. Wauchope. Mr. Neil McLean and sisters. Misses Kathleen and Bernice. ani Mr. Forbes of Toronto and Miss Bolen of Caledon. Mrs. S. Burnett a-.d Mrs. McKinnon of Priceville 'x?.<: guest; of M:-- Lena Park and her mother recently. Mr. p.-.l Mr = . C .iwford of Allen- ford rnl M.- . .-..: us. John Ilumra of Markdale were Sunday visitors ir. Pever Bros. Mr. Herb Corbett was at Ottawa attending a Black Knight con'\n- tion. Mr. a-.d Mrs. Russell Irwin went ' to Toronto la*t Friday to attend the) funeral of a friend. j _ Wfc ^ Eoinjc tc for th- holidays. j her j^,^ at Wiarton- wter and Mr. and Mrs. i Miss Margaret Cronin, who spent her Thos. Aldcorn of Toronto were **[, week - s ,-a Cation ^ s over the holiday with the Fostei Eyelyn Brown, returned to her home 'amily here. in Toronto Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Croft and fam- The annual U. P. O. picnic wa* !y. accompa-.ied by Mr. and Mrs. 1 held in Lever's Grove on Friday last. Harold Osborne and family, motored __ to Bartonville and spent a few days That ten days' rain in the Regimr with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wariing I district should stop soil drifting- OB- " Master Garth McDowell of Toronto' tH the crops get such a strong root is holidaying at preser.t at the home the winds can't lift the soil. Renew your subscription now. St.Mary's Anglican Church MAXWELL "The House ol Quelitv" Specials This Week While such a mow mi/h' " period. While sucn a n:;i\v> m:^n: S extended to his sorrowing parents find ^^ with the Scho3 , hoar , u> u at St. Thomas and sisters. He had ; the iGoven , mcnt continues to planned to visit friends in Prieeville [ on Monday enroute home. Miss Kate Jam; son of Toronto is visiting her sister? Mr<. Archie Mc- Keclmie. SUNDAY, JULY 10. 1932 ' : ; v :> p.m. Sunday school for Corn syrup \\". :i<lcr\vash T,. M. C>f foe. ' .- Ib Cluvcr I.'. :if Cohoe Sa!iiu>n 29c lie 18c 21c ail grants on the basis of atteru! : j cniWrcn the vear, it would doubtless be any-; thing but popular with s.tao.;iu- T.:!0 p.m. Special Orangt erallv- The Easter vacation is e<'iv j L.O.L. 666. Maxwell; L.O.L. 881 eially regarded as the "breather" !> j Hatherton. and Maxwell L.O.B.A. Mr. Shackletci and Miss Mcllugh fcre 'buckling down for tho laat I. _v 1. ._,!.. *.* f,ffal avomini*. . n. MT. CEMETERY '^11 plotholdcrs of the Mount Zion cemevry are requested to be at the propei 1^ on Saturday afternoon of this week, .lu'v Oth, at I p.m.. for thi- mirposo of cleaning up and im- - - jxroving the bui-yimv ground. have been re-ensraged for aoothej year at a reduction in salary. Mr. Wm. Brown is building a wood- shed, Mr. Wilfred Waison is the car- peoter, Mrs. Jas. Gardiner of Barrie is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jno. Me Kechnie. Mr. Dan L. McArthur took Bunessan U.F.Y.P.O. club to Gnelph and held a picnic there and also visited the experimental farm last week. Rev. and Mrs. Sutherland and fam- ily are spending a week visiting friends in Toronto Mrs. Russell Baird of Pontiac, Mich is spending a couple of weeks with her brothers and sisters here. which leads to final examination Lightning struck a railway station at Goderich, and with passenger earn- ings what they are just now we don't think many people would get injured. Mr. Hutton, who is being sued 101 $200,000 in a breach of promise case says he hasn't got any 'money. Wondei if his lawyer heard him say that? Xew phone book in New York foi Mnshattan has 1,100 pages and 411,- 000 listings. One advantage is that it wouldn't be so easy to misplace a* j our little book. I Used Furniture For Sale Upright piano, fumed finish, quarter cut, practically new. apartment size, price was $100.00 now $125.00. Upright organ, in good playing condition 810.00. Kroehler chesterfield bed suite, used only two months, chesterfipkl bed and two chairs.. New price $195.00, 2 pieces $97.30. Kroehler chesterfield suite very slightly used, consists of chester- field and two large chairs uphols- tered in plain brown ratine, Price, 3 pieces $37.50. Quarter cut oak combination china cabinet ard buffet, like new S19.00. These articles are to be seen at Legate's Trade-in-Store directly south of the main store. Legate Furniture Go. OWEN SOUND, OXT. be present. Cordial invitation to all Orange Brethren and Sisters of the district. Preacher the rector "And the Lord said unto Gideon, "By the three hundred men that lapp- ed will I savo you and deliver the Midianites into thine hand: and let al! the other people, go every man unto his place. Judges 7:7. FLOUR AND FEED. Purity Pilot Three Starch Prairie Rose BRAN SHORTS PARIS C.RKKX O'Canada Superior SCREENINGS JAS. A. STEWART FLESHERTON i Coffee 34c LB. Ground while u wait Wor der Wash He PARIS GREEN 35r LB. : Prairie Rose Flour $2.20 Ken Kennedy's For Groceries Phone 37 Men's Wear Work Shirts 75c up Overalls 98c up Work Socks 20c up Ready to wear suits $17.50 CASH ONLY Red Cohoe P Larjje Tir Corn Syrup 21c 5 IK tin _ __ __ .__^ Campbell's ] Tomatoe Soup; 2 for 15c ME' Fre'sJ rf-t. \