THE MAN WHO CAME BACK Love and a Christmas Tree By Ursula Bloom \ repulsive-looking man whose bust ness could only be sinister. John craned forward. Through the tinsel-clad branches of the tree he watched the man. He had gone to a safe which stood against some books anil knelt before It. The silence was ominous. Juliri forgot that lie was poor and j ragged. A gross Indignation assailed The. man was standing on the kerb h | m tnat at thla tlme any man shoul(1 nd looking In on tho Christmas tree. lhlnk of rob bery, and especially when He watched It as It stood there In the ln tne very room gtood that splendld big uncurtained window, with the representation of the season, the shadows of a man and a woman mov- triumphant tree in Its brave array and Ing about It. A tree which every mln^ wlth |ts trappings of frosted silver, ute was becoming more lovely. Spark- Ho flung Illra8e i f acrosg the i edge ]llg ling strings of tinsel, silver stars, a feot BUftk Into tne ve]vet p ,, e of the bugle which glittered bravely In the j carpc t, and he stole across the Inter- half ^ght. a .loll with a cherubic wax vening space with thc prickly {rvn , h ' aci ' I of the tree brushing Ills face. An or- Tho man on the kerb thrust numb nament jarred from the branches and fine, rs into his coat pocket, for he was i t | nklo ,, to the floor Tne other man cold. A few flakes of snow lay in the startcd and Bpran g U p. John felt the London gutter, and tho moon waa a ;SU(]den n , lr<ln i mi , act of a flst fun on hard light. It was a long time since, tne Jaw; he slid to the ground. He tie man had known a warm flre, and ha<| undcrrat <;d his weakness, for great good food, and a welcome. Once he wel i g ot darkness received him had had all three! He smiled a little grimly. He had been a violinist. He had played in a theatre orchestra in a thin pit with twenty others, and above them had been enacted a play they Then tho yellow piercing light pene- trated his consciousness and he found himself recovering In a room brightly lit. He was lying on a leather sofa with a woman kneeling by his side. "Drink 'this!" Mechanically, he drank. Tho liquid stung his throat; words, songs, the patter of feet In a , ' . . . , he found himself chok ng. and sudden- dance, but never more. Then he had beard her voice. John had fallen In love with Linda Hurst's voice. I-ater. when he had (ot to know her, he had fallen In love with the cirl. He had been amazed at the complexity of her nature, for she lecmed to believe the worst of people, the worst of the world. Sho blinded ly his vision cleared. It was no longer blurred. The room became vivified, the woman closer. It was Linda. Now he remembered ho had known that she lived somewhere in this street and that almost subconsciously that knowledge had brought him here Just to look. Ho was ashamed of himself. Lady Luck Visits Winnipeg Family ONESCOUTS For the third time since Its orgauiza- 1 had his form filled In and returned tlou the staff of the Lone Scout patment of the Boy Scouts Association extend to all the Lone Scouts of On- tario their very best wishes for a Happy Christmas, and in this greeting they are Joined by "Lone E" and the editor and staff of this paper. They hope that you have done your very best to help Lone Scout Santa Claus to perform his gigantic annual "Good Turn", and In return you may be assured that "Santa" will not for- 1 pictures of birds, animals, etc., and before all the letters had been mailed, and he has since filled out two more and asked for an additional three. That fellow is a worker, isn't he. Have you seen the new "Humane Calendar"? This is a calendar which is publish ed every year by the Toronto Humane Society of 11 St. Alban's Street, To- ronto Each year this calendar con- tains twelve most beautiful colored Mr. and Mrs. T. R. (Janley of Winnipeg won $122,400 in the Man- chester handicap sweep. Mrs. Oanley's parents had bought a half ihare In the ticket for 50 cents. Result, $61,200. But the rest is n the family. j get you as he goes his rounds. Isn't it a wonderful feeling to know : that you have made someone else j happy by just a little effort on your part? It Is quite an interesting compari- son to note that at Christmas, 1929, the Lone Scout Department sent out a Christmas Card to all Lone Scouts herself to so much beauty, and saw He h P ed in the fraction of a second Instead mercenary motive where only ! l sho would not reeognlM him; he love and kindness were meant. It had ! had Kone back whlle slie had been the cynicism of her which had literally stabbed Into John's heart. Of grossed; she looked much the same, save that time had matured her. She ing up at it shyly, "Klsmus tree. Oh, Auntie!" John's eyes turned sharply and met Linda's. She nodded. the 1932 edition contains pictures by Major Alan Brooks of Canadian Ani- mals, and these Include the bear, fox. beaver, lynx, wolf, moose, deer, but- I falo, etc. Not only is this a very use- ful calendar, but each one of the pic- tures is well worth a frame, and will make delightful decoration for youi Patrol Den or for any Lone Scout's bedroom. The price of this calendar is onlj "This Is my brother's house.' she 'ed on the pavement to halt motorists ville. of Ontario on the back of which was ' printed the names of all the Lone| Patrols in the province, and the total : 50 cents, and we would recommend number of Lone Scouts in Ontario. | every Lone Scout to try to secure a This number was 125, including two copy. Scoutmasters. We note that four of] And, talking of calendars remindi i the Lone Patrols mentioned in that j us that there is a New Year coming! What will your New Year resolution be? We hope that if you are not a. Scout : Foot Letter Designed For Stop Sign in Chicago list are now Regular Troops at Paris, Chicago. The usual stop sign paint- Sault Ste. Marie, Cobalt and Beams- said. "I came to live here last year before a dangerous intersection usual-! A recent census of the Lone Scout it will be a resolution to join the great when his wife was III- ily Is speedily run over, not because of ( Department informs ua that there are John hid his face. He felt the com- carelessness but because a warning In now about 320 Lonies on the books, world-wide Brotherhood of Scouting. If you are already r. ticout, then let fort of her hands on his, of her cheek ordinary shaped letters cannot be read and . In addition, five Leaders. In ad-, your resolution be to make your Seoul against his own. , until It Is too late to stop. i ditlon to this, nine regular troops have I program for 1932 a really active and ten Kbe was right; mercenary motive was softer - klnder - " ehlnd her ^ M 'n a WD y " was there, but he himself had the lened tlle tree - read >' for tlle morrow. Idealist's love of holding fast to a ' ready for Llnd a's children. He closed beautiful faith, proof against the tar. lh ' 8 cyes a & ain - Success changes but "I thought you were married.' he! However, let the letters be scretched been organized as a result of Lone progressive one! whispered. "I didn't understand, that ""til they are tall and thin, and then ' Scout progress. Isn't this a splendid Information about the Lone Scouti . From outside | the warning can be read easily at three record of steady growth? him into her arms, to four times the former distance, the ' We are glad to note how enthusl- there came the voices National Safety League Council sug- , astlcally the Lone Scouts are working nlshing of a cruel world. little, though defeat clutches with Good Kinff Wenct.slaus. The | on that Disarmament Petition for the child slipped down; sho went across I "At a distance of six or eight yards League of Nations Society. One Lonie He had told Linda that he loved her. ! "V 1 "^"^","^'"^ m o JnTa^VMhere : a " d 8t od U ' ere Slar '" B at the silver | ordinary letters are so foreshortened of Ontario may be obtained from tin Lone Scout Department, Boy Scout! Association, 330 Bay Street, Toronto, 2. Write to-day. "LONE E." It hail hi i-u In tho little coffee shop In the alley-way behind the stage door, were caverns about his eyes. "John," she said, tenderly. "You?' The safe on the right was opened ami he had scorned him. ' Money," she had said. "That is all that counts. It Is all I want. I want wldp . many of its papers were- strewn to be rich!" about the floor, but the other man had Hut love?" escaped. John knew Linda of old. She "Ix>ve won't taki; you far when you would obviously thing the worst of Subdivision Love tree with Its ornaments, wondering at as to become illegible,' 'It was stated, the beauty of it. ."But If the letters are five and one- "KiBmus tree." she said solemnly to half feet high and seven Inches wide, i Oh> fly with me to Boonwide Heights, herself. "Tit-Bits" ( London i. Christmas Customs Christmas lias many customs which re hungry. No, m..~ney counts every I''"', and of course she would be Justi-i w a11 " ke to keep. _ _ _ . lu . ,.., ,,... tin.-. "'' Starving, down and out, she,"' kuow the way in which they first lwell ty to forty yards. This In general ! Gold-digger! Yet with those eyes w "u' d suppose he had tripped and ' ' gives time enoush to stop, he was not all gold-digger; some- fallen In his hurry to escape. He could I Christmas Fare. On the occasion of where- there was her heart, and he I )io( e ' l " together as he would do festival. It Is always the proper 1 could not touch It. He had cut his Job wit1 ' h(!r material mentality. i| thing to feast on the and most I the theatre for the simple reason lKhed. j delicate viand-. This Is why we have that he could not 1,. .,r to hear the ris- "Ji'lin." she said. "I have tried so 8O man > r K00(l Utafi to eat at Christ- Ing beauty of th.U clear voice, could hard to find you. What became of you. 1 ma8 ' Including turkey, plum-pudding not !>. ur to be imminent to a presence my dear? ' ad very silly ideas In an<1 mlnoc l' i( ' s - which attracted him so much mid vet ">" '!>'- ' w"'"'l to explain " I Sa 'a Claus. - Father rhri tmas, hid a heart that was so hard. He had, II- smiled whimsically "Odd that a " ta Cla " S f Salnl Nll ' h " Ias . '" K'V-' said good-bye to her on just such a I should come here to-nigh: of all tho him Somo " f his " :u "" s ' who ls ""p- i -mas Kve. and she had not even houses in the world." ose(1 to conle (lown lh " ' llilnl '"> "' recognized It as being good-bye. After "You poor darling. I was a little fl th cnll ' Jrc "' stockings. Is well tl,.. show they had Kone to the coffee f,,,,l. I didn't know what I was say-i 1OW " '" PV " ry '" lllltr - v - T1 "' " a ' *!i.p. A poor enouch little shop, and in. oh. John, have you rem-inb. re"d S:l " U ( US Is n> ""- v a corruption of the proprietor had been .-Urnling un me a little! Don't say you have for- Nicholas, tho guardian and pitron an old .soap box, nailing festoons of mitten?" atat of children, who gave secret pn- Constitution In Spain Soon to Go Into Effect I they will appear approximately square! my lovely bride-to-be, | Madrid The Cortes Constku at a distance of fifteen yards, and may And we wi " closc an option on a villa tion is rapidly approaching the be read easily at a much greater dls- ' by tne sea; ' termination of its task of drawing 'tance." >o a car I restricted shore allotment up a constitution for the Second Some letters have been designed to ' we wl " fly> ' Spanish Republic, aad It la quite How few of K[ve begt result8 for dlstances from \\ here a board of commerce sunset possible that the new regime win tints the subdivided sky | shortly have its organic law as well i as a president. At Boomside Heights love's dream I n spite of the numerous difficul- ics true the blueprints ties It succeeded in bringing togoth prove it so. j er here the Cortes Constituyentes on In Section Six. Addition Two. project- July 14, exactly threo months after ed roa is grow. the proclamation of the republic A i s a broker's affidavit that the things now stai.d, It is expected tint moon is oversized; early in De-ember the constitution I hat the ocean and the starlight are the same as advertised. laurel an.l ,-ay streamer! to the Ho listened to tho new Linda and !U " lt8 tn '"' ( ' (ly y "''""' s "' r ' d. ep .Ion,, in Lin heart he believed I,,, Carol "'-- s ""K;< "f Joy " ceilim*. Li.,.1., h:,d sat donn Irresolutely, hail KUi'lil.'i.iy walkeu'Yiito Heaven? "it lOn ac ''""'"'" ll " (| ''>' lla "< "^ vo been "S-. rdld," Bha !ia.| laid. "I want to had b-ei, Christmas Kve when they S "" K by ""' En K" >h f " r """" llla " :l rlso above all thin." I..-..I I..-IM...I- i.n... i.-, ...!._ ...... I thousand years, being handed on from John had Mi|> ' .<>p to be proprietor nailing arc; the general air of Him- !:> e S like gentians and dark, silky hair ' ' ma ny languages, with pli' Ity. Tlii'ie been a certain liap- drawn like a cap about her bead. ins." had parted; ChrUtma. Kve when ti,, y t:io " sum yoar *' '" |IIK haiulc(l " from .1 tho simple eof- were re-united. And it was tho new ' nrul ! l! lo tlln Christian "''lurch. nymbollc of mu.h. The Linda who had found her true .self and ' " 11 (;hrl8tma * 1>: '- v ' th e Morning" ng up his decorations had separated true worth from droiB.', Cherry-tree Carol," a found lhn nlr of -din- R. .,,,1.1., . ! in ma "y languages, with slightly dif- "I ' i lirovvn Is tailing i* from a memory tunciier." "Ho otiKht to. The last time I played n, name, with him he forgot ab >ut twenty strokes." oh. fly with me to Booniside Heights. nor tarry in your flight; H-ar. hand in hand we'll roam the land that doubles over ninht. Come, view (Jod's handiwork- -the sea- - n' niftiest btiv Where a board of commerce sunset tints the snbdivld. J sky. will bo approved by the Cortes. After it is nrpclaimed as being in effect, an inteival of a few days will probably ensue and then the Cortes will proceed to the election of the first President of tho Republic, Don Niceto Alcala-Xamora, who did so much to brin? about the downfall of King Alfonso XIII. and who was Premier in the first gov- ernment organized un.lor the ro !' -ly Phillips, in Judge. 1 public (from April 14 to October 14). ; it all, :t < .uvli. < j.jy allied with the nillni; of a baby's sock, the Binding of a < irol, the true Christmas spirit. "Are you ijullo sure you have set your standards right?" ho had a^ked. "Yes." "Love should matter a lot." She had shaken her head gravely. Then he saw behind tree with tho silver trapplngx, and ho thought of tho husband who had help- i-d her to trim It, and tho children who ferent words. Crackers. It ha.s long been the cus- _ r-k """ """ "me snori 01 pneno her the tall tom , n Krilllce t() Hol , pa( . ketf , of To Denote Tenth of Dollar From an original herd (f loss th* lsn tilnf f "'"^ be designed in the Orst lUlll nlOftfl a a IV* m I t i,,n t - , ,- ; iV . ....,-. , "Dime" Derived from Latin Buffalo Increase Rapidly In Dominion Parks The increase of buffalo In Can- lda" national parks since the estab- ishment of the main herd in 1908 lias been little short of phenomenal. j political observers here helleve, will be elected to tho presidency The term starts as soon as the oath Is t:iken. and Is for six years. Inter-Empire Trade Dirmiiisham Post (Cons.) A Rrit- sweetg In colored wrappers twisted at derived from the Latln the end to keep tho contents from fall- "decem," meaning ten or "dedmus." , would receive it, and he saw it no long- L uea er as a thin;; of beauty but as a men- ace to his happiness. A tall tree be- tween him and his love dividing them. Ho twisted his mouth into a "Poor fool! Ono never ^uts far In llfo wrv Hm |i e on those principles. Ono starves." So they had Raid good-bye. Ing out. The French called them cosa-i were introduced Into Kng- 80 yars ago. and from ' | n Kngland to me .une or lenin part 'acker was developed. o f one's Income paid to the Church, millions of crackers arc made According to the King James version J total increase has reached than 20,000. including animals ! In the fourteenth and fit- ] m i "i >ned <o Wood Buffalo Park In the] centuries "dime" was applied ^^ dj'^^'^ and thoBe | adjusted as circumstances-including Dominion an eye upon Yet, even so, tablished can be once es- The years had passed, and In truth he bad starved. Hut he had clung to his principles with a dogged tenacity of purpose. He could still afford to be glad. Tho talkies had cut him out of a cinema orchestra and had left him stranded. It had been a hand to mouth existence, but In some wny to-morrow always provided for itself. There Is a "Men forgot morn easily than wo- men," he said, huskily. "You did not come here to steal?" she asked. "Instantly he grasped at the Idea. "Don't I look as though I needed tho money?" "Yes, but not that way, John, not that way." "It's tho easiest way,' ho stammered. Sho .shook her head. "You couldn't. uift MI niu ivuig iiaiii 3 vorsiou .mu every year and sold all over the world. | of tne HII)IO( tho last part of Oeneslg j 000 in Elk Island Park. Alberta. In 11-20, reads: "Ho gave him tithes of tlles largo fenced resorve-s the all. John Wyellff translated this pass-! 1)ea * ts ronm over sections of their na- Thcre are at present about 6 000 ' ttl6 ob]ot ' tives of Imperial policy-may head in Buffalo National Park and <B> Vanity Vanity finds in self-love so powerful ' "Ho gave him dymea of allo an ally that it storms, as it were, by thingls." a coup de main, tho citadel of our Tne American 10-cent piece was heads, having blinded the two watch- called a dime because It represented men. It readily descends Into the heart. I" 18 tenth part of a dollar, the national 'monetary unit. The Pathfinder. tural habitat much the early days. as they did In A Welcome Tho sweetest thing In life Is the un- clouded welcome of a wife N P Willis. In Idealism that few people un- ,, ve , earncd to Undor9tand you better than that. From the day I lost you I >w. as ho watched the two people . made mouoy> but Bomchow , knew , in the room dressing their Christina- had lost the only precious thing In my tree, he remembered again Linda In th 8 coffee shop and all that had hap- Whal happened to you? .. pened since. Linda had made money. Hho had become a leading lady. Ho supposed that perhaps people who were mercenary usually did succeed, yet for all that he still loved her I llfo. You had meant everything to me. He smiled grimly. "I starved," he said. "John, dear. If you are wanting a Job we're short now at the theatre. We tho dream she represented to him. A man cannot destroy his dreams; they re stronger than ho Is. The two people had finished dress- ing their tree. A silver tree, with a fairy doll standing on Its apex. A tree garlanded with bravo tinsel and glass globules of emerald und blue and ruby red. There was silence now in the deserted little room, a breathless sil- ence full of tho coming Joy of Christ- mas. .Still John waited; ho did not know want someone who has real music in him." Truly It was a llttlo Heaven that he was treading. From outside camo the echo of children singing In their little shrill voices: Good King Wenselas looked out On the feast of Stephen, When tho snow lay all about Crisp, and fresh, and even. Brightly. . . . Ho felt tho tears welling into his why. The tree mesmerized him. i n throat and bo saw again standing !><v watchlng It, he seemed to forget that tween them a tail treo, significant of he had been cold and hungry. He children, of Joy, a Joy ho could not itood In tho shadows so still that he mar - IIa ""'"t be loyal, was almost a shadow Ulmaolf, and thej "' K uoss I'm happier as I am," he first light snow powdered his cap and stuttered shoulders. Then ho saw what was hap- pening and he became tensely still. Another man, with an ugly, furtlvo "Oh, John. John The door opened ami a tiny child en- tored. She rushed to Linda and hid face, was nenrlng the window. He 1 * hT 'ace In her lap. Because he itepped silently to the ledge and ' could not bear the sight he turned Jerked the window upwards with away, quick movement. Ho stepped within. "Klsmus tree," lisped tho child, peer- New "Pocket Edition" Plane by showing favor to the Dominions we should offend the susceptibilities of foreign countries may be reminded that as far as the world In general is concerned the legitimacy of special family arrangements within the Em- pire Is already fully admitted. No new Issue will be raised if a system already actively In operation, on the side of the Dominions, Is adopted by ourselves. New Life-Saving Suit A life saving suit, resembling a pair of overalls or a one-piece suit of clothes, is being put on the mar- ket for those who ride in speedboats or hydroplanes and are subject te their dangers. it Is made of water- , proof tissue and constructed on a system of watertight compartments. This now pocket pla '.o only reaulres 15 yards 1 Hiding place, can he parked In a garage. Average speed 90 m !os an hour. Furthermore it folds up nenth . n 1 Crisis Hits Pearl Fishing Industry Basrah. A glut of pearls has re- sulted from the world crisis and many villages of the Persian Gulf, which depended upon the pearl fishing in- dustry, are poverty stricken. Canada's Pulpwood Resources The Forest Service, Department ol tho Interior, states that on about 200,- OOO.flOO acres of the productive and ac- cc- sihlo forest land of Canada the Um- ber Is of merchantable size, at least fur pulpwood, and on 355,000,000 acres there Is young growth of various spe- cies and ases. Many Visit Victoria Observatory Over 32,800 persons visited the Do- minion Astrophysical Observatory ot the Department of the Interior at Vic- toria, British Columbia, during the year ended March 31, 1931.