THE FtESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1931 * . i Local and Personal Only three weeks to Christmas. Mrs. J. O. Dargavel was in To- ronto last week. Work was commenced on Monday in preparing the floor of the skating rirk for the making of ice. Miss Agnes Macphail, M. P., has been elected Vice-President of the Town and Farm Alliance Association. Miss Marie McEachnie and girl friend, Miss Kathleen Kelke of Toron- to were home over the week end. Dr. Angus Crawford of Alton was the guest of Mr. Walter Akitt for the past week. Mr. O. Clipperton, Mr. Geo. Mitch- ell Jr. and Miss Hunter, accompanied Mrs. Mitchell home and spent the week end in town. The Flesherton Dramatic Club was it Williamsford on Friday evening and presented their play "When a Feller .Needs a Friend". If your supply of printed envelope letterheads or billheads is getting low phone or see The Advance. Good stock and good work at closest prices. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dickenson and son, Herb, and Miss Edna Dickenson of Port Hope were tfie guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Preston over the week <-d. '.he L. O. B. A. is packing a barrel this week for their orphanage at Rich- mond Hill. Any person wishing to donate will please leave at Mrs. M McDonald's. A heavy fall of snow arrived Tues- day night and fully eight inches cov- ered the ground Wednesday morning. This is the first heavy fall of snow for the season, but the cars are stil' running. Ruling that cows should not be al- lowed to run loose on country roads, Judge Clements, in division court at Gait, awarded E. P. Ray 115.90 costs against William Hollzauer, a farmer, on the ninth concession of Beverley It is estimated that from 150 to 200 bags of Manitoba wheat have been thrown into the bay by Burling- ton hunters to feed wild ducks and entice other wild fowl, but so fai results have prove- 4 . i 1; sappointing. Tho Ladies Aid of St. Johns United church, Flesherton, will hold a bazaar on Saturday, Dec. 5th, at 2 o'.-lock in the afternoon, in Moore's building-, wherj Christmas gifts and home made baking, etc. will be sold. Lunch and hot dogs will also be served. The annual Kimberley poultry show will be held in the Community Hall in that village on Wednesday and Thursday, December 16 and 17. Hall open both days to view exhibits. At- tend the show and see the many fine birds on exhibition. The Advance is pleased to note that at the recent municipal election in Ox- bow, Sask., an old employee of the Advance, Mr. Hugh Pedlar, editor of the Oxbow Herald, headed the poll for councillor. Congratulations, Hugh old boy. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell and daughters, Aleda, and Mrs. Golds- borough, are leaving this week end for Linnhaven, Florida. They will spend the winter at the home of Mr. W. J. McAleer, who is well known in Floshcrton. Springhill school, S. S. No. 3. Art- emesia will hold their annual Christ- mas entertainment in the school house, Monday evening, December 21. A three act play will be presented 1 by the young people "The path across the hill". Mr. Weber of the inspection staff of the Dominion Department of Agri- culture, Toronto, gave a lecture on the breeding and killing of chu-kens al the Park Hotel last Friday afternoon. Quite a number were present and did the actual work under the supervision cf Mr. Weber. Maxwell L. 0. L. degree team, head- ed by County Master F. J. Seeley, paid a visit to Flesherton Lodge, No. 2855, on Friday evening and exempli- fied thj Orange Degree with a new candidate. During the evening Wor. Bro. F. J. Thurston was presented with a Past Master'.* Jewel by Wor. Bro. C. J. Bellamy, first Master of the Lodge. Large Crowd Attended Artemesia Nomination FOR REEVE CAMERON, ALEX., by Jas. For- teous and Richard Clark. DAVIS, JOHN A., by Wm. Bowles and Ru-osell Foster. FOR DEPUTY-REEVE MAGEE. GARNET, by John Camp- bell ami Albert Williams. WHITTAKER. I. B., by Russel! Purdy and J. K. McLeod. COUNCILLORS (Accl.) BURNETT, WM., by Jas. Olivei and Wm. Gibson. WARLING, ELMER, by O. Walker and Lewis Teeter. MELDRUM, C. D., by John McKee and Thos. Philips. Nominations for Artemesia town- ship were hed in the town hall, Flesh- rton, on Monday afternoon, and the argest crowd for years attended tt hear the various candidates discus*- township affairs. Mr. Herb Corbett. Reeve for the past two years, an- nounced hi'3 retirement, and Messrs. ,'ohn Davis, Deputy-Reeve for the past two years, and Alex. Cameron, a former Reeve, will contest that office. Mr. Garnet Magee is trying to advance from the council seat to Deputy-Reeve and will have as his opponent, Mr. I. B. Whittaker, who opposed Mr. Davis the past two years. Mes-irs. C. D. Meldrum, Wm. Burnett and Elmer Warling are elected as councillors by acclamation. The ratepayers are being given a chance at the election on Monday tc either keep the present road system or return to statute labor for road work. Considerable feeling was ex- pressed at the meeting after the nom- inatio" and the various speakers and Mr. Harry Patton, township Road Superintendent were asked many questions. In fact many arguments were conducted by spectators in the audience, nearly all of which were on the road question, many complaints being made that ratepayers were not being given the road work promised i when the statute labor was abolished. Reeve Corbett and Deputy-Reeve i Davis gave an accounting of their' work at County Council and Mr. Cam- eron, Mr. Whittaker and Mr. Magee also spoke at some length, while the Councillors elect also gave their ver- sion of affairs. The speeches of the candidates ex- tended over a period of almost an hour and a harf, and it was only when the hall furnace began to pour out otnoke, which filled the auditor- ium, that the last speaker cut short his discourse. Mr. T. R. McKenzie.'a former Recvt and Warden of the County acted as chairman for the meeting. Flesberton Council Given Acclamation FOR REEVE CAccl.) McCAULEY, H. A., by John Ped- lar and W. S. Inkster. FOR COUNCIL (Acclamation) MATHEWSON, F., by W. I. Henry and J. H. Field. RICHARDSON, C. N., by J. H. Field and W. I. Henry. WELTON, G. B., by J. H. Field and W. I. Henry. DARGAVEL, J. 0., by J. H. Field pnd W. I. Henry. Thurston, F. J., by C. J. Bellamy and John Pedlar. Down, Alfred, by -John Pedlar and W. S. Inkster. SCHOOL TRUSTEES (Accl.) W. J. BELLAMY WM. TURNEY FRED BROWN Reeve Howard McCauley was chos-j en as Reeve for 1932 by acclamation at the nominations of the village of Flesherton on Monday evening. Six 1 were nominated for the council: F. J.i Mathewson, C. N. Richardson, G. B. I Welton, J. O. Dargavel, last year's ' council, and A. Down and F. J. Thurs- 1 ton. The latter two withdrew from ' the field, as it was felt that the pros- j ent council had considerable work a-i head in clearing up the pavement question. They did splendid work this past year and their efforts are appreciated by the ratepayers of the village. All the old was present with] the exception of Mr. Richardson and all gave account of their year's work. The meeting was very orderly and there was an entire absence of quest- ioning relative to the paving, so the people of the village are satisfied with their conduct this year. Reeve McCauicy dealt with the pavement work to some length, men- 1 tioned County Council matters and also brought up a question of fire' protection. He has several schemes I in view and will secure data on costs etc., which will be set before the rate- payers at a future date for their con- sideration. HORSE GETS DRUNK ON ALDER BERRY WINE From Port Talbot near St. Thomas, comes the report of a horse that be- came intoxicated on elderberry wine and broke its own neck on a foolish jump over the barnyard fence. The horse, usually a staid and depend- able old beast, got its nose into the .vine and drank copiously. The wine was not long in taking effect, the horse did practically everything but turn handsprings, and finally inspired by some vision of its youthful past, it ran at the barnyard fence, leaped over it and landed on its neck. Damages of $2,000 and costs were awarded by Mr. Justice Jeffrey to Harry Thomson in his suit against the town of Barrie for damages for injuries sustained when he fell on a defective sidewalk. Every yiurg man and vrcmen who wishes to succeed when good time? return again should plan to spend a few months this winisr at the Northern Business College. Owen Sound. Get a thorough business education now and be ready. For fall informa- a rs courses, terms, etc., write to C. A. Fleming, Principal. Tke Norfcei-n Easiness College - C'wenScund, Ca(J SHOOTING MATCH A shooting match of ducks, geess and Turkeys will be held on Friday. December 4th, at the hour of 1 o'- dock on Lot 9-10, Con. 1, N. E. of To- onto and Sydenham read. Jack Teeter prop. Ammunition supplied for shot guns and rifles. BORN MILNE In Durham hospital on Wednesay, December 2, 1931, to Dr and Mrs. J. E. Milne, a son. LONG In Artemesia on Thurs- day, November 26th, 1931, to Mr. anc Mrs. Gordon Long (nee Vera Lever) :i daughter, Bernice Jane. TUCKER In Artemesia on Wed- nesday, December 2nd, 1931, to Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Tucker, the gift of a daughter. SOMF HIGHWAYS TO BE CLOSED Owing to the need for economy in highway expenditure, it is possible that some of the less-travelled provin- cial highways will not be kept open this winter by department snow-plow.5. There would be a certain advantage in leaving the snow on the pavements in rural districts, as the bare pave- ment ties up farmers. They have to use sleighs to get out from the con- cessions and when the highway has been cleared of snow the sleighs are useless. On the other hand the rural populaton can't get to the highways with cars when the snow lies deep on the concession roads. The result Is thus apt to be a complete tie-up. This situation existed several times last winter in Western Ontario. St Mary's Journal. DANCE A dance will be held at Proton, or Friday, December 4th, 19.11, under the auspicies of L. 0. L. No. 244. Gent? 35c Ladies provide lunch. The chamiponship trophy at the Royal Winter Fair for the best half bushel of wheat, held by the prairie Provincc-3 for many years back, came to Ontario this year. The winner , \vas Douglas Hart, whose farm Is located in East Zorra, near Wood- stock. He ii-wkes a specialty of seed j grain and has been a successful exhib- itor on a number of occasions, winn- ing the Eaton special on barley at Woodstock Fair this year. MEN WANTED Earn $3 to $8 Daily at Auto and Ignition Repairing, Battery, Welding, Electricity, Radio or Drafting . Learn in few weeks GUARANTEED PRACTICAL Shop Training. Quick, sure plan fr profitable spare time jobs. Write for Free Pay Raising In- formation and Employment Ser vice. Application at once. Standard Trade Schools Dot. (451 TORONTO ONTARIO BRINGING UP FATHER Bringing up Father, the world's greatest laughing show, with real livf performers on the stage, will play Flesherton, >n Saturday, December 5th. Come and meet Jigg-.i, Maggie, Dinty Moore and the rolling pin. You will laugh and roll on the floor at Jocko the "Monkey". Come early and get floor space, special scenery, beautiful costumes, catchy music. Two hours of fun and frolic. Come and bring the children, you will never re- Ifiet it. Everybody 25c. THE LITERARY SOCIETY OF THE Flesherton High School will present the three One- Act Plays "WURZEL-FLUMMERY "THE VICIOUS CIRCLE" "WHY THE CHIMES RAN" ORCHESTRA - FOLK DANCES Friday and Saturday, Dec. 11-12 Curtain at 8:00 p.m. ADMISSION Friday : 35 and 25c Saturdav : 25, Children 15 CHRISTMAS HANDKERCHIEFS A WOXDERFUL ASSORTMENT AT SPECIAL PRICES. Single Handkercheifs priced from 5 cents to $1 each. Handkerchiefs in Fancy Boxes PRICED FROM 25c to $1 EACH The latest novelties specially imported from the best Irish and Swiss makers, are represented and include Fancy Crepes, Crepe de Chine, Silk, Fine Lawns, and Pure Linen. The Fancy Boxes include a big range of novel shapes and are all attractively colored with artistic designs. Many people are making their selections no\v while the assortment is at at its best. HANDKERCHIEFS ARE APPROPRIATE AND ACCEPTABLE GIFTS AT ANY TIME. BUT MORE ESPECIALLY AT CHRISTMAS. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO W. A. Armstrong & Son Jewellers and Watchmakers FLESHERTOX QlulrtidcS moderately priced convenient terms FOR HIM Wrist & Pocket Watches Si.u'net. Emblem &l.irth- stone Rings Cuff Links Stick Tins Pipes Uelts Lighter- Kodak s l'i ok Kml> Any article purchased in the store engraved free. A small deposit will hold your srift until Christmas. *- <* ' ^c FOR HER Birthstonc Rings Wrist Watches Silverware Necklets Pearlrs Glassware Kodaks China Brass ware Note Paner