Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Nov 1931, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1931 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE / t V uu \ I THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE PvMiined on ColKngwood street, ! FlMhtrton, Wednesday of each | w*k. Circulation over 1100, [ Price in Canada |2.00 per year, { when paid in advance $1.50. In | U. S. A. $2.50 per year when paid in advance $2.00 (Members of Canadian Weekly News- paper Association) W. H. THURSTON. - - Editor r. J. TUURSTON - Assoc. Editor EDITORIAL NOTES. )emocrutj received the majority that ^nabU's them to control the lower ilouse of Congress and all that it nean.s of patronage and legislative nfluer/.e. The Presidential election s almost a year off, but many of our neighbors Inok upon this triumph for he party that is likely to have Gov- ernor Roosevelt cf New York State as it-3 nominee as an indication that the Democrat will triumph i.i the National contest next year. Much may happen, however, before the fif*ht now begun ends a year from now and Hoover's manipulations may- be expe:ted to continue "till voting day. A slick Toronto stock salcman wa; in Flesherton, the other day, looking for a loan widow. Five wetks from to-day Christma bells will be ready to ring. Mean time the wise shopper in search o sifts will get busy. He can bu row in comparative comfort and hav the best opportunity to choose. A Paris correspondent reports tha hustles are again .fashionable, bu that they are composed of bow? am draperies, not bumps, as in the 70' and '80*3 of lasts cenlury. They all look alike to us. The toll of death among the return- ed soldiers has been very high in Canada since the war. Over 700 men have died in Christie street military hospital in the past twelve years. The boys are still paying for their de- fence of their homes. Sixty years ago Canadians were just beginning to eat bananas. Now the "fruit" is one of our principal imports. France has also taken to eating the tasty food. She, too, has fellowNcjtizens in tropical lands pro- facing and marketing the product. Communism in Canada received : hard jolt last week when seven mem- bers were sentenced to seven years in the penitentiary by Justice Wright PORTED I' S JOHNSTON A very pretty autumn wedding was solemnized on Wednesday, November 4th at the home o_f the bride's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston of Kemble, when their yourgei daughter, Mildred Euretta, was unjt- ed in marriage to Mr. Joyce Porteous youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Johr Porteous of Rock Mills. The we mony was performed at high noon by Rev. R. J. McCarten, pastor oi Kemble United Church. The bridal processjon entered the drawing room to the strains of Loh- engrin's Bridal Chorus, rendered by Mr. Clayton Johnston, brother of the bride, and stood under a pretty pink and white lattice arch, entwined wjth myrtle and banked with ferns and cosmos. The. bride looked lovely in a whitt georgette jacket dress with lac* trimmjngs, fashioned on long lines wihte kid pumps and white hosiery completed her costume. Her bou- quet was of pink -sweetheart roses and liles-of-thc-valley, arranged in a shower and tied with tulle. The only attendant was little Miss Doris Hurlburt of Bayview, niece of the bride, who was winsome in yellow silk crepe and carried a pretty basket of yellow roses and baby mums. During the signing of the register Mr. Clayton Johnston rendered softly "Loves Golden Hours." The groom's mother was becom- and an eighth to a two-year term ingly attired in black georgette and Police Chief Draper's drastic stand in was wearing a nosegay of red rose* connection with the Toronto Commun- and maiden's hair fern. Mrs. Johns iflts appears to have been justified. Two jprouting Canadian Poets laureate pay tribute to the memhei for South Grey, as follows: "Hail! Hail! -Miss Agne.i Mac-phail! Lone lady treading political vale." Barric Examiner. Nonsense! By Agnes and nil fuch sweet creatures P'litical veils are now worn round th featim t. Toronto Stsir * > It was hoped that the Grey Countj history would have bci-n off the presr in time for the Christmas trade, but thij ha:; been found to be i:ii;.o-i>ihlc to accomplish. Hnv.f.-er, the '.)oo* i : i-xpect d ti> be available i-arly in the New Year. The Advance ha: been piivjh>grd to see Homo specimen pages. The book will be printed in H largo, char type, by the pre-ses of The Owen Sound Sun-Times job de- partment. * Hon. R. 15. Bennett is forced to take n holiday and is now in Europe on n well -earned rest. His arduous duties in the dual capa -ity of Premier and MiniMor of Finance would break down the sturdiest man known. There would n-em to be soirethinp wrong when the I'remier i riot able- to no cure a capable man for the Finance portfolio, Is it that too ninny 01 them are linked up with high finance and find their positions too secure t > enter the political field. Wfiilwoiib County ha.< hail tv> many burn fires that it was thought *h.t a "I'TO hug" wax operating. Attcrney-di-m i ill ['lire, iii a state- ment say;- that in his opinion the rouse hi attributable to the open fall, car (ing; trusses to form in the ha.\ and <;>-ain, causing xpontanr >us com bnttiOA, The insurance oompanlc:- have been hard hit, no matter what the cause is and in the meantime (hi fir"s conli"uc. The liquor vendors of the Provin Government intimate that it is R mistake to suppose that drinkers in local option districts are deprived of opportunity to gt-t their favorite tipple. Headqunrtei i, on applied! ion, sell permits with pleasure (ana profit) to all such drouthy ones, and they can go to a liquor store any- where and get their suppliex, or have them sent by mail and express. This ( aeems little like a contravention of the law that liquor ihall not be ad- vertised, but that enactment it sterns, ton was dressed in black silk crepe and also wore red and maiden's hair fern. The groom's gift to the bride was a dainty white gold bar pin with bril- liant nnd green gold setting, to the flower girl a irold signet rinj: and tc the pianist a cold knife nnd chain. In the dining room a pink and whito color scheme was used in streamers flowers r.nd randlc-i. A sumptuous dinner was served bv Mr. and M' j s. I, indie Hurlburt of Hayviev and Mr. \nd Mrs. Ivan Johnston of Jackson. Mr;;. Hurtburt was wearing a becom- ing reseda-f';i''en dress v.'ith darknr nrinted trimmings and Mr-.. Johnston was al;;o dressed in green crepe with touches of egg shell. The happy couple left by motor am- id showers of confetti and good wish- es, for a short honeymoon to he spent in Stratford nnd other point ;. The t. ride's travelling costuire consisted if a brown georg" te dress with fair- '/'t. trimming, brown kitten's-oar broadcloth coat with sable trimming and hut, purse, scarf, shoes and hos? ti niMch. On their return they will reside on tho groom's farm at Rock Mills. Other guests from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. John Porteous, Mr. and Mi.!. Cecil Moniighnn and John and It'.ibv of Rock Mill:* and Miss Rutb Taylor ol Huatb Head. does not vendors. apply to the government To President Hoover of the United States may well be applied the old time injunction, "The Democrat will Ifet you if you don't wntch out". In thp recent elections to t 1 ' llor , . Representatives, the Republicans lost u j>ivi>tul sent in Michigan n--d the Tell Us, Please, * * About Your Work YOU provide employment for many. The money which you pay out as wag-es am- ounts in the year to a very large sum. You pay a good deal, in the form of taxes, to the cost of maintaining our town services. Your products, sold afar, advertise our town favorably. Yet we who live in this town really know very little about your activities and our ignorance is disadvantageous to you and to your town. We suggest to you. in the name of citizens, that you should give 1 us infor- mation periodically, about yourselves, your products,, your /markets in order that we may get a more acute sense of your importance to this community. Tell us in this newspaper where your materials come from, about what you do to make your products widely known and consumed, about interesting manu- facturing processes, and so on. We'll read, avidly, all that you tell us in the form of signed advertisements in this paper. Even though we of this community may not buy much of what you make, we're still deeply interested in all that you are doing, attempting and achieving. Goodwill and understanding will be in- creased if we know more about your enterprise. As citizens, we like to tell others about our industries. So give us information about yourselves. This invitation to you to make your individual businesses better known to us is one which we hope you'll accept. K.S.V.P. to this newspaper. Following the ceremony a very dainty and delightful voiding dinner was served, Mrs. Jas. McKcnzic ami Mrs. J. J. Jamil-son being the wait- resses. The groom's gift to the bridesmaid a gold bar pin, and the grooms- man a military brush set. Amid showers of .onfctti and good vivihi-s Mr. and Mrs. Graham left for I heir home near Banks, where they ill reside. (IHmdalk Herald pleuse copy) SfUVKY OK DRINKING WATER The Ontario Department of public men took a survey ol the wells am water supply in town last week and their report will shortly be in the hands of the Local Board cf Health There have been several items of san- itation come to the attention of thi Hoard in the few months' and l)ic-e will likely be dealt with in tht report. in future Thanksgiving and Armis tice Day be observed tho same day. Karly Octcber they cla'im, is no time to celebrate Thanksgiving. Farm pro- duct, was far Irom being ready for the market and the consumer had to .ontcnt himself with substitutes. **"^<"fr^***<^<"><"^*<*^ Small Advts. Win. Lake, i, f Menford has a cu- cun ''ji-r weighing -1 I'.is. which he grew in hi.- jiardcn. It is o> or a i'oot long and is Ilk- ir hes in cir. unuerence. Bert's Desire WANT TO .COMBINE HOLIDAYS CltAHAM IIINDLK On KemcMiiii.-anoo Day, November lit:', the hum" of Mr. ai-.d Mrs. V N. Kindle uas tlu .'."cne of a IIIMI-I but pretty event when their oldi .-.' diuiKhtcr, Mary Ina, was mnrrii'il U. llnl.ert Thir.niiH, eldest son of Mr*. (iiaham and th- lute Mr. Thos. Grn- h;ui . of Hanks. The home wa-t vrr;, prrttily decorated with evergreens and pink and white strcar.irrs with v/li'.t.' wi dding 'bells. The bride looked charming in n gown < f white s.ili; flat crepe with rose-hud nnd pearl trimming nnu wore her mother's wedding wreath. She also wore tho, gift of the groom i beautiful diamond-cut crystal rc.k- lace, and carried nn arm bouquet of pink carnations and maiden-hair fer.- The marriage was solemnized n' four o'clock in the afternoon, in the presence of immediate rt'llltivc: 1 ,. Itev. A. 0. MacPherson of Mcln- lyre, officiating'. Th;- bride ent- ered the parlor on the arm of her father to thp strains of tho wedding march, played by her aunt, Mrs. J. F. Jumioson, and took her place under the beautiful arch of t-vorifrectH nnd streamers and a large white wedding bell. Attending the young couple wi>r< ulster, lli?s Be .sit< M bridesir-ud, wearing n Owen Sound merchants are dissat- isfied with Thanksgiving Day so ear ly in the season and will request that From a window In n little back trt'ot in im Ontario town, a small hoy KIIZOI! tonrlnfl; im th<> "bull players" in nn adjoining lot. A <itraiin:o w. ;ikru'sn kept him rt-stlnn; on u '.-hall- or In his <-ot. unablo to Join In tho fun. Wlion the doctor w:ia called, i (lance told him the story, nnd It wns not luni; before . it WHS hurried off to th>- (Juo- n Mary Hos- pital for Coiismnptlvn CtilKlroti. Hero the i;rrat dertlro of his lifrt re.-ms HUily la be grunted. i:< 1 1 liH.i imuli' wonderful pr.'ereas. nnd tho luirso says liopvfullv that In a few month* more In- will l-e iiblo to try hl.i prowos:i In the In*, b-ill p.lno irul wl'iit ^renter liMiiplnoHM could befall u Ilttlu b<d-rli!i!t.-!i lad than thl? To nivi- many Mtrh as l!ert from consumption. hU work nuiiit KO .in. helped by ;u;hf erliHl.uig upon which the hospital so larfrely de- r-nd.i. A nlft from ynu will l"> Krntcfiilly np-irclnteil. PleftM cei-.l It to Mr. A. H. Ariu-.-i. ^JJ Kt., Toronto. STRAYK1) - - From Temple Hil' manse, Kuphrasia, "Buddy", a yeai old brown Spaniel with white mark- ings; information as to hi; where- aboi-ts would be appreciated. J. R Wilkinson, Markdale. CAME ASTRAY Yearling heifer came to my premises. Lot. 40, Con. Ki, Artemesia, about Sept. 12. Owner prove property, pay expenses ana take same away. Walter Wilson, Phone 10r5, Fevcrsham. FARM FOR SALE -I 150 acre farm for sale or rent on shares, lots 165-66-67, 3rd range S. W. T. & S. R.., Artemesia. John Hogarth, Proton Station. the hride'n Hindle, as deep crcnm silk rrc-pe ensemble trim* int-d with whito. Mr, Wesley nrroomstvn". Ttnve:inn STRAYED Came to the premises of the undersigned, lot 27, con. 14, Artemwm, two yearling heifers, on or about September llth. Owner will prove property and pay expenses. H. Walton, R. H. 4, Flesherton. For Sale WANTED -- 50 bu. of barley. - Apply at thi-:-. office. FOR S.M.K - - Quebec heater~Tn good condition. Thos. Taylor, F'tesh- ertor. FOR SA1.K - Moffatt box stove and Ta. .> kit.hen range, in good shnpe J. R&dloy, Klesherton, phone 45 r -I. FOR SALE Qxiantity of dry IS in. hard wood. Chas. Doupc, phor.> 3J r 14. Flesherton. THE When all depends upon ready money! Sickness . . . business opportunities ... a home you can buy at a sacrifice! Be prepared for good news or crisis with plenty of savings laid by ! Save regularly ! PEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT OF 815 The Dank fbf Savings CAPITAL $6,000,000 RESERVES $9,000,000 T'OU SAl.K - - Good grain and st-vk farm in good state of cultivat- ion, being lota 14 & 13, 1 S.D.R.. Art- einc-oia. W. J. Meads .Flesherton. FOR SALE Good 100 a;re farm, lot 38, con. 5, Artemesia, good state of cultivation. Thos. Taylor, Flesv erton. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for Mr- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. C. STEWART. Caretaker. BUSINESS CARDS T. W. WILSON VETERINARY SURGEON Physician to all domestic animals and surgery a specialty. Phone 2 r 4. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED -AUCTIONEER For the County o* Grey. Tsrnn: 1 per cent. Satisfaction puarnteed Dates made at The Advance office. MIDDLEBRO & BURN Barristers, etc. Ofice _ Owen Sound, Durhtm and Flesherton. Flesherton every Saturday nf^rnoon and evenlcg. FURS WANTED Hifheat priow paid. If yon have any writ* or ship to D. Cadcsky. 586 Fourth Ave., East, Owen Sound and you will bo treateu rijrht. Phone 11C, 8th J. FOR SALE Car load of flour and feed to arrive on Thursday, this week. Telephone your requirements. Ground null run iicreeninjrs $12.50 per ton, shorts IKx- per cwt. Bran 85c per cwt. Three stnr flour $2.10 per bag in 5 bafr lots. F. Karstedt, Priceville. ROAR FOR SERVICE Roiri-Uored Tannvorth Boar, 7 mos. M: TKKMS: 1.50. .-.trictly cash. JOS. RAPT.EV, FkV.K-t a. ^ Dr. W. P. Bryce, L. D. S., D. D. S. dental surg-eon. graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer- -H! for extraction. Office at the resi- dence of Dr. R. C. Murray, Toronto street. Flesherton. Phone 69. Prin:e Arthur Lodge, 333, A. F. & A. M. meets in the masonic Hall over Kennedy's store, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. \V. M.. C. Meldn-m; Secretary. H. A. McCauloy. Wm. Kalttinff, Licensed Auctioned for the counties f Grey and Simco* Farm and stock tales a tpteiaKy. Terms moderate, aaUsfaution guar- anteed. All arranc*tneata and data may be made at the Advance ofr1c,cf addressing roe at Eugenia, telephone 43 r 11, Flesherton or kf . ' . . i - - . - .

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