Vol. 51, No. 22 Flesherton, Ontario, October 28, 193 1 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors PRICEVILLE A number from here attended Mr. Mill's sale on Saurday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Angus McCannell ac- companied 'by Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hir.jko motored to Owen Sound on Friday. Mr. John Nichol, Jessie and Ken- neth motored to London, Friday, and spent the week end visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Archie McCuaig spent a few days visiting in Owen Sound. Mrs. Ed. Heard and two children spent a couple of days at Salem, vis- iting her sister, Mrs. Wm. McMillan. Miss Catherine MacMillan, R. N., Dunnville, is holidaying at her home. Mr. and Mrs. John Nichol and fam- ily of Ceylon, visited the first of the week at the home of Mr. Thos. Nkhol. Mr. Alex. McLean and sister, Anna Mary, Toronto, spent the week end at their parental home. Mr. John McFarlane of Toronto spent the week end at his home. Mrs. Henry Hooper, Ceylon, spent the week end at the home of Wm. Brown. Mis3 Lucilla Farson and Miss Mc- Neillie of Hamilton spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mc- Cuaig. Mr. Gilvray McLean of Tiverton visited on Sunday at his home. On Wednesday evening a miscell- aneous shower was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brown, who wore recently married. A large crowd was pres- ent and the bride and groom were the recipients of many beautiful *id cootly gifts: Music was supplied 1 hy Messrs. Angr.> McMillan. John Me- Kechnie, Earl Brown and Mrs. Gar- field White. Lunch was served and a irost pleasant evening was spent in dancinar. Miss Harvey of Oraneoville spent the week end at Mr. David Nichol'-;. Mr. Dave Nichol and son, Willie, motored to Kimberley on Tuesday for a load of apples. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harrison and family, Swinton Park, visited on Sunday with Mr. James Weir and at- tended the Anniversary services at St. Columba United Church. Mr. J. A. McCuaig and sister, Mary, visited the fir-st of the week with friends at Swinton Park. Messrs. Chas. McQueen and Gor- don MaeCanne! visited the first of the week with their cousins, the Mc- Farlan" l^mily. A large crowd attended services at St. Columba United Church, Sunday, and enjoyed hearing Rev. G. S. <Mc- Cormack of Thornton, a former pas- tor here. Mr. and Mi i. Angus McCannel, Pro- ton, spent a few days visiting last week at the horn.-,' of A. L. Hincks. Next Sabbath the Rev. C. C. Little of Guelph will occupy the pulpit in the hr.ll. The Manse was shingled last week by members of the oongregation and others. Mr. Earl McLeod has again install- ed an improved chopping machine and i-3 kept real busy. Mi-3. Hodgins and son, George, Mr. and Mrs. W. Belt and daughter, Max- ine, Mr. and Mrs. A. M.Donald and Mr. Jack Mclnnis of Saginaw, Mich., were recent guests v/ith 'Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McMilfan, here. Mrs. Flora McDonald, who has spent Hie past two weeks with her niece. Mrs. Ed. Everist, has gone to spend the winter with her niece, Mrs. Donald MeLoan. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McLeod and Keith, Swinton Park, visited the first of the week with A. L. Hincks and family. Mr. and Mrs. Angus McArthur and Mr. and Mrs. Neil McLeod visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Seig- ner, Walkerton. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Watson and Betty, sp^nt a few days visiting frier.ds ir> Caledon last week. Mistl Donalda Nichol spent a week visiting with her aunt in London. 'Mr. and Mrs, Dan L. McArthur and Mr. Thos. Nichol spent the week end in Collingwood. Miss Belle Weir, Toronto, i-3 visit- ing at her brother's, Mr. Jas. Weir. Mr. Allfe Mclnnis, Mono Road, spent the week end at his home, here. Mr. Clifford and Alfred and Miss Beth Hincks spent the week end at their homo. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Baxter of Collingwood spent the week end at Mr. Petor Muir'ti. Rev. and Mrs. McCormack of Thorn- ton spent the week end at Mr. Wm. Watson's. Large congregations were present, both morning and evening, at the Anniversary services of St. Columba United church, Sunday, when Rev. Mr. McCormack of Thornton, (for- mer pastor here,) delivered two in- spiring message-3. Special music ad- ded greatly to the impressiveness of the services. Then on Monday even- ing a fowl supper was held in the basement of the church, when a very large crowd was present. The night was an ideal one and the table wae laden with all good things to satisfy the inner man. After the bountiful srpper was over, a varied program was enjoyed in the church, given by the Mount Forest choir. Rev. Mr. Bartlett acted as chairman. The first number on the program was an anthem by the choir, "Praise Ye the Lord", with 31 voices strong, was heartily enjoyed. Solo-3 were sung by Mr. Tanner and Mr. Gilstoff, Mrs. Coutts, and Mrs. Gilstoff, which were much enjoyed and each one responded to an encore. Priceville orchestra 'iurnished splendid music as did also, a male quartett. Humorous reading, by Miss Marjorie Trimble, sewing rag carpets, was a pleasing number. Rev. MacCormack, Rev. MacDonald of Mount Forest and Rev. Bartlett gave splendid addresses, and Mr. Gor- don Griffin gave two violin solo's. A. male chorus, "Carry me hack to Oi<^ Virginny" was also enjoyed. The .adies quartet ; ! then favored the audience with a couple of numbers. ATI anthem brought the program to a close, followed by the National Anthem. The Mount Forest choir is to be congratulated on hav- ing suth a splendid choir and fo: giving such a fine program, which was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone present. On Nov. 8th, a Thankoffering ser- vice will be held in the hall, when Rv. A. Hatton of India will speak. Mr. and Mrs. J!-n Slur/rock and I'nrrily of Swinton Park visited Sun- day at Mr. Donald Campbell's. On Friday night a Halloween soc- ial will be held in the United church, when everybody io cordially invited. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart and Mrs. Kate Stewart of Swinton Park visited Monday at Mrs. Archie Mc- Lean's . Mrs. Stewart left Friday to spend the winter with her daugh- er, Ruth, (Mrs. McArthur) in De- troit. Mr. Neil McLean is busy with his truck on. the Provincial highway near Dundnlk. Messr.i. Wilfred Watson and Archie IVfcArthur are to build a kitchen for the Tryon family. 'Mr. A. Whittaker spent a day in To- ronto last week. Mrs? Mary Rutledge who has been visiting her son, Leslie, at Brecken- ridge, Minnesota, U.S.A., returned home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Smith of To- ronto jpent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibson. Mrs. Dowsett of Markdale, Mr. and Mrs. Will Dowsett of Portland, Ont. were visitors the past week at Mr. Roy Piper's and H. Piper's. Mrs. Marshall and family spent the first of week with friends at Chats- worth. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Embury and Mrs. Kennel of Greenbank were callers the first of week on Miss M. Cook. Mr. Percy Hemphill of Alliston, ;pnt the week end at his home, here. Mr. J. B. Cummins of Oshawa was a caller on old friends on Saturday. Miss Agnes McPhail M.P., left the past week for Jacksonvlle, Illinois, and will return to Toronto on the 29th, when she will then leave for a trip to the coast. Mrs. Cecil Archibald has returnee; to Proton after spending a week at her home, here. Mrs. Fred Marshall received a mess- age on Wednesday night that her father, Mr. Fuller, had passed away suddenly at his home in Bolton. She left Thursday to attend the funeral. This community extends it. deepest sympathy to Mrs. Marshall and other members of the family in their ber- eavement. Dr. McRae, Miss Colehouse and Mrs. Colehouse of Dundas -spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. George Arrow- VANDELEUR The fowl supper held in the church October 13th, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid, was a decided success. Supper was served in the basement of the church, after which a fine program was rendered in the ar.ditorium. Rev. H. S. Wan-en act- ed as chairman, and musical numj- ers were given by Mrs. Fitzsimmons and Mr. Davlj of Toronto and vcral numbers by Mr. Gordon Beaton, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buchanan, Mr. N. Genoe and others. Miss Macphail. M.P., made a few remarks. The Women's Institute held their October meeting at the home of Mrs. Will Hutchinson on Thursday after- noon of last week, October 22nd. A splendid program was given by the number;;, including a fine address by Miss Agnes Macphail, M.P. Sup- per was served by the ladies. 'Mr. and Mrs. Harry Garner and daughter, Irene, of Toronto were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gilbert recently. Quite a number from here attended the New England anniversary serv- ices on Sunday evening. The local choir had charge of the music-. Mr. Norman Martin of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Johnston. EUGENIA Vv'e had our "squaw" winter so I guess we are enjoying: Indian summci row. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Campbell and family -pent the week end with Mr. Campbell's sister, Mrs. Fred Graham, hunhand and llamily at Walkerton. The teachers and pupils are prepar- ing for a Hallowe'en social this Fri- dav evening. Master Argyle Martin of Flesher- ton .pent the week end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mr.-,. C. Martin. Miss Selena MacDonald is spend- ing a few weeks with Mrs. Chas. Quesnel in Owen Sound. We are very sorry to report the illness of Mrs. Thc-s. Fenwick who was seized by an attack of appen- dicitis on Friday last. We think she will soon be well again. Her daugh- ter, Mrs. Clarence Biggar, is at her bedside. Master Harold Turner was ill last week with an attack of pleurisy but we are glad to report him well again. Messrs. Ken Kaitting and Frank- Graham are home from Woodstock for a while. teachers of that city. Immediately the Member for South-East Grey leaves on an extended speaking trip to the West Coast, returning early in December. The itinerary has been arranged by the Canadian Clubs and the subject "The Coming Disarma- ment Confernce" chosen by them. A farmer in Orangevjlle has a ver interesting orchard product in the form of a twin apple. The ap- ples are of ordinary size and are not attached to each other except that they have both grown from the one stem. ( ROCK MILLS Miss Sellwood spent the week end at her home at Sinirhamptjn. PROTON STATION CEYLON As we ' to write Mrs. Mary Rut- ledge received a telegrairu with sadi message that her son, Leslie, had | passed away after a lengthy Hlness or over two years duration, but only bedfast for the past two months, the c-nd coming suddenly on Sunday morn- ing, October 25th, at his home in Brekcnridge, Minnesota. He was the ecor:d oldest son of Mrs*. Mary Rut- ledge and the late Andrew Rutledge and was born in Ceylon 46 years ago Feb. l--.t past. For past sixteen years he has worked as 'foreman in the Great Northern Railway yards at Brekenridge. He was married sev- enteen years ago to Miss Annie Staf- ford if Brekcnridge and to this union ; were born four children: Margaret and Marie, twins, 16 years old; Ad- line 10 and one son, Leslie, who died three year-'- ago. These with his sorrowing widow are left to iroui-n his loss along with his aged mother, who iust on Friday returned from his b'-dsidc, and three brothers, Melville of McLeod, Alberta, Roy of Lethbridge and Robert,' Holland Centre, to whom this community extends its deepest sympathy. His father, brothers, Will, Edward and Forbes and sisters, Marg- aret and Ida, all proceeded him a few years ago. Mrs. Hooper left the past week to visit friends at Ebenezer for a few weeks. Mr*. Heslop of Eugenia is visiting her brother, Mr. George McKenzie. Mr. Ivan McLnuchlan, who for the past three weeks has been visiting his father here left on Saturday to return to his duties in Peace River district. His father accompanied him as far as Toronto. Mrs. Robt. Rutledge and two child- ren of Holland Centre visited the past week at her parental home. Mrs. White and daughter, Laura, and Miss M. Cook motored to Owen Sound the first of the week. Mr?. Anna McMillan, Miss Mar- garet Sinclair, Mr. John McMillan and Not only the village but the gen- eral public for many miles around re- Krot the removal of the C.P.R. agent, Mr. Peter Still, who has been in this station for thirteen years. Mr. Still cuuld not be ex.-ellcd as a station agent, which is saying a groat deal. M.-s. Still and the family will be greatly miss4 in the social circles of the community and the church. The- W. M. S. Thanko(Yering nvel- ing was not as well attended as f ; v occasion and the program warranted, but those present enjoyed Mrs. Bak- er's talk exceedingly and the numbers riven by the Mission Band. Mr. Les- lie presided and gave an interesting talk on his experiences in the W-st, explaining the need df th-> stricken area. A generous offering was giv- en. A bale is being packed this week for the west and many are giving liberal donations. Dever Bros, have sent in a great many warm, new, art- icles and they did not forget a treat for the children. Mr. David McCunnell has been suc- cessful in his first year course and is now taking up second year work In the University of Illinois, Chicago. Miss Mav McLennan of the Proton Station Bible school has gone to New York to train for a nurse. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McClure and Mr. and Mrs. Howard McClure of To- ronto; Mr. Robt. Hodgin and Mr. Speers of New Lowell were week end ;-uests of Mr. and Mrs. IIu.?h Hod- Bin. M-. and Mrs. Bert Meddaugh and little daughter were Sunday visitoi-, with Miss Tena Park and her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Irwin and Mr. Neil McCannel! visited Owen Sound recently. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin spent Sunday at Paisley. Mr. Kirstine a:,-onipan- ied them as far as his home in Han- over. IMr. and Mrs. Mansell McGuire and babe of Toronto, Mrs. McGuire and Mr". Gib-.?o-> of Stayner visited recent jly with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Atkinson. Mrs. Sharpc of Toronto is visiting I with her mother, MM. Tu.ker Phillip:, and other relatives here. Mr. Laurie Smith and bride of To- ronto visited the past week at the: homo oi' his brotticr here, Mr. Wesley Smith. Wt> r::tend our best wishes to this younjj couple, who were only married recently. Visitors at the home of Mr. aiif : Mrs. A. Partridge over the week end , weic Mr. and Mrs. Fred Radley, Mr. 'and Mrs. Jim Radley of New Lisk- cnrd, Mi-ses Pearl and Moadie Radley and friends of Toronto, Miss Trtssa Atkinson of Toronto, and Mr. Levl Bctt:i and M;ss Ettie Radley of i Flesherton. Mr. Lome Atkinson spent the first of the week in Toronto. Mrs. Allie McLean of Priceville visited on Monda" with her brother, Mr. W.--,ley Smit'-. and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Oli v er and daughters, near Priceville. The Ontario Hydro Electric Powen Commission has declined to grant a reduction in commercial rates to Mid- land, as requested by the Chamber of Commerce. These rates are already below cost, says the H.E.P.C. VICTORIA CORNERS Mrs. Ernie Stinson, Maria and Ann, visited a week at Laurel. Ernie went down fur them, accompanied by hi-; mother. Mrs. A. Stinson, to Shel- burne where she visited Mr. Ja?. Laidlaw. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Best, Mr. George ' Best, Mrs. Carl Atkinson and Alma and Mrs. Morrow .spent a day at Fa-in. : On Sunday, Uev. Mr. Baker admin- < stercd sacrament at Inistioire and hcKl , a rece'Hio'i service for nine candi-i dales entering the church member- ship and ono by letter. Shooting Matches A shooting match for ducks ana geese will be held on Saturday, Oct. 1st, on Lot 40, Con. 9, Artemesia. Ammunition supplied for shotguns and 22 rifles. Garnet Magee. Auction Sale FARM STOCK. IMPLEMENTS, Etc. IN MEMORIAM .McGIRR In ever loving memory 10. our dear husband ami father. Rob- I S. McGirr, who passed away Oct. 25th. 1U28. , Fast as the rolling seasons bring The hour of fate to those we lo-'e, 'Ea.h pearl that leaves the broken j srrin." Id set in heaven's crown above. j As narrower grows the earthly chain, i The circle widens in the sky: These are our treasures that remain. But those the stars that beam on ] high. Ever remembered by wife and daughter. ROCK MILLS LADIES' AID The Baptist Ladies' Aid held their monthly nteeting on Thursday, Oct. 22nd at the home of Mrs. Charles Hanley, where the members with their families and friends spent an enjoyable social evening. The meeting opened with all sing- ing "The Maple Leaf," followed by a program consisting cf songs, read- ings, club swinging, contests, etc.,, after which lunch was served. The j proceeds amounted to $11. The lailio-. | wish to thank all those who donated, ; also Mrs. Hanley of Flesherton for her donation. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Walter Akitt at Flesherton on November 18th. Lunch Miss Macphail Away Miss Agnes Macphail left on Friday for Jacksonville, 111., to attend a con- ference on Pan-American Relations. Her subject is "Some aspects of Can- adian-American Economic Relations." On her return to Toronto she is to be the guest speaker of the Public School THOS. TAYLOR Lots 80, 87 & 88, Con. 2, N.E. of No. I" highway, Artemesia, near Mt. Zion church will sell by public auc- tion on Friday, October 30th at one o'clock p.m. The following:- HORSES Team heavy hay horses, H'-nvy bay driver. C.VITLE Cow 7 years old (sup- pi sod in calf), baby beef running with her; yearling heifer; yearling steer. IMPLEMENTS Set iron harrows, one fin-row walking plow, timber wag- iron, set bobsleighs, set 2,000 Ib. scales National cream separator, set double work harness, churn, set wire stretch- ers, washing machine, quantity oats and barley, forks, shovels and num- orous other articles. TERMS Grain and sums of $5 and under cash: Over that amount 10 months c-jedit will be given on ap- proved joint notes or 5 per cent off for cash in lieu of notes. No reserve as owner is giving up farming. GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer. TRUCKING All farm and dairy products, also wood, gravel, etc., trucked at reasonable prices. Phone m<- and secure rates. R. J. VAUSE. Proton Station Phone: Flesherton 32 r 13. BATES BURIAL CO'Y. j DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT MODERATE COST o NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR FUNERAL CHAPEL 122-12*. AVENUE RD. Com. Cake: Mrs. Wallace Fishiw. j Mrs. Robt. Croft: sandwich: Mrs. j Boyce. Mrs. Thos. Fishor. TORONTO J. W. BATES PHONE: Night or Day KI. 4344 Formerly of Flesherton R. MADDOCKS '< ' 4 ********* EAST MOUNTAIN Mrs. Stiles (nee Misa L. Armstrong) a former teacher here was a guest of Mr. and Mi\s. Robt. McMulIen. M-. and Mrs. Thos. McCulloujjh and children of Toronto spent a few days with Mr. Thompson Allan. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Richanteo n ar.d babe of Redwing visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. Smart. Mr. Wm. Thompson of Heathcoto spent the week end at his parental home, here. Mr. C. F. F,av.-;e:t had a sforo.^ful bee on Saturday putting in a ceiii^t vail for th? new barn he is erecting. Mr. Victc- Sni""t of Cherry Gi-ov-, '? spending s. time v/ith his uncle, Mr. Thos. Hal!. Mrs. T. Fawcett is visiting with friends in Duncan. ARE YOU PLANNING A PARTY? If you are don't forget to see our assortment of Prizes, Tallies, etc. ' ' We have just received a shipment of ROYAL ALBERT cups and sauceu. What could be more appropriate than one of these. W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON Jewellers and Watchmakers - FLESHERTON ADVANCE ADVTS. PAT