Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Aug 1931, p. 7

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Exquisitely flavoured . . . lower tn price IREAT the family to an appetizing salad made loabiy tempting with Kraft Old Fashioned Boi.ed Salad Dressing. Xour grocer aas k in the irgt 12 ounce l that :oits jtiv 25 cent], less than half the crice you re used o paring for this kind o quality Get some onlay. KRAFT Qfld&Afiionttl Boiled Salad Dressing Made in Canada by the Makers ot Kraft Cheese and Velveeta FLAT TO LET By Gsrmaine Beaumont (Translated by Ralph Cooks) Every Saturday Marcel Gevandan and his wife set out from their dis- agreeable little hotel on an expedition of discovery which had lasted since they were married. They were trying to find a suitable flat. They set out on toot. In order to miss nothing; and they returned In the evening unsuc- * cessful and exhausted .but never dis- couraged, for hope sustained by ro- mance la long-suffering. They had In- Tented a system by which they chose their direction each time according to the weather. A blue and cloudless sky ! open the shutters." And she resumed I her work. "It's unheard of!" said Marcel, as they went up the stairs. 'Absolutely ' unheard of! It's exactly what we've! been looking for!-" "Keep calm," advised Annette. "It's ' all right as far as the rent and the pre- mium are concerned, but wait till we ! see the rooms. They may be Impos- sible." The rooms were far from Impossible however. The front ones gave on to the street; and another, with the bath- room and scullery opening off It, over- FINDS TURTLE IN SWIMMING POOL Sucked in by the hose pipe used to fill the deck pool on the Cunard- er Mauretania during week-end cruises, the baby turtle in the pic- ture was found swimming in the sea water by Miss Edith McNutt, a voy- ager. She decided to make a pet of It and evidently seems satisfied with her success. Solitude > back of the house. They were all per- j i vaded by the rather sad atmosphere | peculiar to rooms in disuse. "Well, I don't see anything the mat- j ter with this," said Marcel. "It's very ! convenient, and it's certainly very pleasant. It seems to me to be exact- ly what we want." I "Yes. it does." said Annette without "It's very excursion to Vlncennes. and so on; so , Not all of us have the opportunity or view the sun rise over the sea complete solitude, but Archibald In "Peace In the Heart," vividly Imparts to his readers a com- plete picture of such a scene. We read: One night I slept among the sand dunes of a wild southern sea Island. I happened to be the ocly human be- ing tn that solitary beautiful wilder- Deer roamed those tropical A M ,K . th object of their attentions. traord """T "<> " >. taken it--j w d tureys raked the pine straw un- , . That depends upon now , ong u . def ^ JJ ye]low ^^ ^ M ^ In this manner they pursued their been to let." | Ten ously upon the acorns of the live search, house by house, street by , "Look." said Annette. She drew her oaks. street, district by district. They finger along the marble mantelshelf The place was as perfectly wild as rapidly became skilled flat-hunters, ' and showed It to him black with dust. It had been before the days of Colum- able to answer with complete assur- ( "it's taken a long time for all that to bus In such a place a man is likely ance the objections of caretakers and collect." j to be keenly aware of all tbat ^ about the conditions Imposed by landlords;) They examined the rooms again ' n i m; ye t I had expected to b 1m- and at an early stage of their expert- , minutely, sniffing the air, ferreting In- pressed chiefly by the wild life. It ence they acquired a vocabulary of to corners, opening cupboards. statements with which they found it useful to Introduce themselves, such as: "We have no children; "We do not like loud-speakers or dogs"; "We al- er again. ways go to bed at 1Q o'clock," etc. ! time." On this particular Saturday, the sky Gardenias Lend Color to Camp Girl Socuts in Porto Rico Have Alligator Pears Supper A camp which provides alligator pears for supper and gardenias for every camper's coat does not sound as if it were run in tile regular Girl Scout manner. Yet there is a camp where these luxuries go hand in hand with pioneering: in Porto Rico, where the pears and gardenias grow. The camper's life on El Junque, high- est mountain of Porto Rico, was de- scribed by Miss Dorothy Sullivan, | director of girl scouting on the Is- j land, who recently arrived in New ' York on her vacation. To live as the "jibaros," or moun- tain people do, Is the aim ot the ! Porto Rican Girl Scouts. They wash their clothes by pounding them between rocks on the river- bank. The Jibaro method of broad- casting warning slgna.s often sends rhf m scuttling from that aarae river, which has a nasty trci a rising seven feet In about fifteen n Inutea. "When It begins to rise," Mis.-) 1 Sullivan explained, "the native whos-j grass hut is nearest the source sounds a warning by b'owiag on a conch he!l. ThU Is taken up from : It'.t to hi't and we get U at cann at least tn minutes ahead tf trou- ble." Until four years ago Damping wai an unknown amusement for Porto Rlcan girls. Now the taste for 11 is , spreading rapidly. There were two Girl Scout camps this summer, and for the first time the girls did their cookrag on the trail. Strange cooking It seems to an American. They bake and boll big green ban- anas. Their favorite drink Is cocoa- nut milk drawn through a hole in the green fruit. They also like one made from the guanabana, a fruit about the size of a melon, the pulpy white flesh of which they squeeze. Their favorite dish is rice with chicken, cooked slowly in an earth- enware pot with pimentos, raisins and olives. "We had fifteen girls In the camp on El Junque," Miss Sullivan said. "They love It, but their parents are nervous about them. So we have ' one counselor to every three girls. At home the proportion Is one to every eight." RfpROSETER "4A GOODtJtfe" Radium Deposits In the Dominion ' i The richest deposits yet found in j the Dominion are reported by H. S. Spence and R. ". Carnochan, of the Canadian Geological Survey in the i Wilberforce range. Uraninite, -io which radium is derived, is scattered in large crystals through pockets of calcite and fluorite. The area sur- veyed is 500 feet long and from five to twelve feet wide. One gram of radium can V: obtained from approxi- mately 3,422 tons of the rock. The age of the deposit is approximately 1,200,- 000,000 years. Pitchblende deposits, in which radium is found, have been located at Echo Bay on Great Bear Lake, 700 miles by river from the railhead at T aterways, Alberta. While it is probable that the deposits could noc " successfully mined at present, because of the radium supply from the Bel- gian Congo, they remain a source of great potential .vealth. Clarified Advertising O i-BS. PRINTS. ?11-K OR VELVET. O 11.00. A. McCreery Co.. Chatham. On carlo. BIRTHDAY PERSONALITY PER- FUMES: Character sketch on ootU. Finest quality, enchanting- odours, *ieml novelty rift Send 60c with each cet birthdate. Zodlaoal Perfume Co.. Box 734. Ottawa, Ontario. Stowaways are becoming increas- ingly numerous on board vessels leav- ing Australia, a dozen or BO being th usual number found In one ship. HEALTHY COMPLEXIONS was not o. A sunrise over the lonely i ocean stirred me far more than the "Well?" said Marcel at last. "Well," said Annette, "before we sight of huge stags, shockingly tame: decide let's go and see the housekeep- 1 monstrous pines literally draped with Let me talk to her this . wild turkeys gone to roost: and In- credibly placid ponds swarming with the basement the goddess had fin- vlld fowl. The dee-p woods of the Island kelng a gentle and consistent grey ' 'shed peeling potatoes and was wash- verging npon mother-of-pearl, their ln & refractory lettuce-leaves before | marched down to the rolling dunes; chart told them that they should set putting them to bed In a salad. { beyond the dunes was a fine stretch oat for Vanguard. As they went they "We like the flat very much," said j ( beach, tirelessly trampled by the began, with their usual optimism, an Annette, approaching the subject with : Atlantic. In a hollow between the animated discussion on the advantages decision. "But there's one question I'd dunes I slept, rolled In a blanket, of the district they were approaching; hike to ask you about it. How long has over me biased the stars tremulous lor whatever locality they happened " been to let?" | with beauty. What woke me was the to be exploring at the time was al-! "Two years." said the housekeeper. ' more: g; flight of the mallards and the ways, for them, the least expensive, the healthiest, and the most conveni- ent from every point of view. "You know," said Annette, "vege- "Oh. And who lived In It last?" black ducks and the teal; with glad "An old lady. The landlord's moth- cr ( es they left the lagoons of the 1s- er -" I land for a sunny day among the sea At this point Marcel interposed him- marshes. I lay looking at them In the tabfes" In" Vanguard" cosY practically j "*" unobtrusively proffering a ten- i pearly morning heavens: like them, franc-note. waa t was I but a child of nature re- "Look here," he said: "tell us the ' jolclng in the return of the day? Then truth about it. Why should this un- usually nice flat remain to let for two years at a time when flats of this size nothing!" "The busex from there take me all the way to the office!" announced Mar- cel. But on this day. as o turned to face the ?ea and the sun- before it, the gods who presided over the disposal of flats at Vanguard were apparently not attending to their busi- ness.. As evening fell Annette and Marcel prepared to take their leave of The tide was flooding; and as the are hardly to be had for love or for ' shoals before me extended for more money? There's some reason for tt, ! than a mile, the playing of the white Earth Shaken 43 Times in Four Months Forty-three earthquakes in -'our j ' months, six of them major disasters ! i to life and property in widely scatter- ; td parts of the world, is the appalling n-ism:, record of 1931 to the end of, April, says Science Service's Daily Scence Newt Bulletin. "These earthquakes count only th_- 1 on*s important enough to figure in , , the oV ";ws or to trace their aut>-' i graphs vi. the ever-vigilant instru- ments in seismologiral observato ies. "The lesser quako* that happen j i .-er. duy, the mere local shocks, werj ' not counted. "The data have been gathered for ; 1 the use of scientists of the U.S. Coa<t | and Geodetic Survey by Science Ser-| I vice, from the stations of the Jesuit ! Sismological Association, from offt- ; I cial observatories of the United States ' and Canadian Governments, and fro-:i numeral.: universities." Female Birds Go First On Migrations South The strange impulse to travel which sends birds on their long migrations north and south with the seasons, affects the females first, according to the British naturalist. Noble Rollin, in a communication to The Naturalist, London. He shot at random last fall birds arrivin gto winter in the British Isles. Those killed fell into eleven families, six common land birds and six sea birds and waders. During October and November the victim* were pr^ domir.antly fema'.e. During December and January they were predominant- ly male. He concludes that as a general rule females form the vanguard in migra- tions, while the ;nal* show a tend- ency to lag behind, starting south only when conditions in th summer homo become unendurable. Healthy complexions come from healthy system*. Free the body of poisons wlUl Feen-a-mlat. Effective la mailer dose*. AH druggist* tell this safe, scientific laxative. eenamint IFOR CONSTIPATION Japan Imports Asbestos Ottawa. The market In Japan for asbestos in lump, powder and fibre, as well as in packing and other forms, is increasing year by year owing to the expansion of industrial plants using this materlaJ, and to the great variety ot u?' to which asbestos products are being put In every-day life, writes James A. I^angley, Commercial Secre- tary in Tokyo, in the "Commercial Int<-"fsence Journal." About SO per cent of the domestic Imports of as- bestos fibre com? indirectly from Can- .:.!.' surely: Isn't there?" "What reason would there be?" ask- ed the housekeeper. "But there must be something," said horses was spectral and spectacular. Tossed and snowy beauty, dimly Il- lumined now, made the sea a vlslon- Annette. the district, empty-handed. They were, as usual, tired but not discour- aged. Through a labyrinth of " [ dem anied "th. old" wo'manT "There It: heavens' high arch- a streets they walked slowly towards the bus route. Suddenly they stopped, transfixed. Above the doorway of a, quiet- "Flat to Let." It's furnished, though," card "I expect said Marcel. "No, no!" said Annete. "Look: It i says 'Unfurnished'." "Then there will be a premium," ob- jected Marcel. ed. ary loveliness. The deep rose of the eastern sky turned scarlet, while long "What is It you want me to say?" blushes of crimson stole softly to the amethyst is; you must make up your own minds \ tinge came over the waters, about It. Either you take It or you ! \- w came the sun. its gorgeous don't take it." , shaft* of fire reddening the rolling "May be think about It until to-mor- 1 f ORm O f ten thousand waves. Was row?" said Marcel. "Here is my card. ; there ever so gorgeous an arrival? If you will give me the first refusal of The whole ocean was burning uncon- It until then I will send you a tele- ' sumed before me, and upon the glossy gram." ' shore there was not a shell that did "Take your time," said the house- not gleam and blossom with radiance, 'keeper. I The sea and the sun! I gazed spell- Out In the street the wind had rlseu bound at these majestic forces, formed and was making the board Inscribed . i know not now bv what amazing pro- "Lets go and see, Annette answer- . F , at to Ler sw , ng senUy to and ^ ! ^ Qf evolut , im . flow narnesgedi ' With a common impulse they paused obedient the sea keeping his bounds They hurried across the street, en- to look up a , the wln(|ow . on the thlrd and {he $un h|g dwt|ned cours{> The lered, and on being confronted In the floor The doged snutters> ,, ke drop . gea , searched my heart hall with a notice which said House- ^ eve , lds , n a ^ r8on . s face _ reveal . for wordg to f f at keeper in Basement, descended A; ed notQ , ng Annette took Marcel's ' slght O f It The words of the Shep- half-open door at the foot of the- base- arm and thej . get off , Q s|]encfl , JJJJ came (Q me ^ ^ ^ ment stairs revealed the housekeeper ( A{ter dlnner back once more amldl , t ed ad ate . ,. The seft jg H , g am , Htf to be a fat old r.-oman sitting peeling tne ug , y furnlture of the . lr *,, at ^ ' potatoes with the detachment of a note , she murmure d: goddess to whom all things are des- .. A ,, the same lt , g a pltT lined and Inevitable. .- Yes -. sald Marcel: "It's a great "You have a flat to let," began Mar- p |t T eel. "We have no children or dogs" . Tne next day he gent the prom i S(?l i "Oh, that doesn't matter," said the I telegram to the housekeeper. He was goddess. "Once the rent Is paid the Tery gorry hf> i ntormed nerj bu t the> landlord doesn't mind anything like ! wflre unable to overcome the feelins that." i that there- was some serious dlsad- "And what Is the rent?" asked Mar- vantaRe connected with the flat, ami eel, nwvonsly. ! he did not WJSQ to undertake sonu The godaess nulfferently mentioned th , ng wMch | nvolved tna t risk. a surprising low figure. The oW woman rea d the telegram Annette pinched Marcel from be- and elevated ber shoulders to their ut l " ud - I most. "Er-ls there a premium?" ventured ,. what on earth . g thft matter wllh them all?" she ejaculated. "They look at it; and then they all say the same thing! There's nothing wrong with No Farm Poor Victoria Colonist (Coiis.'i: A news- paper man has been investigating the causes of distress cmong tile farmers o fthe Prairie Provinces. The con- clusions he reached are that some are stock market poor, som land poor, som* poor through extravagance, but he heard of relatively few broke through farming operations. In other words, most ot these farmer* who stuck to farming through thick and thin and who built up reserve funds with their profits In the fat years are able to weather the present low price of wheat. .> :_ 1,444 Whales in One Catch On a recent whaling cruise of eight months one vessel brought back a j catch of 1,444 whales, the lot yielding oil with an estimated value of $1.260,-' 000. Soup lor daily an. Ointment t b*tl tkm uritatiM*. Talcum ideal alter batkkf. 4 SO* MtMBM* HER HUSBAND TEASED HER But not for long! " I started taking Kru.chen Salts for biliousness, and fur the last two years I have been perfectly free fivnt on attack. Now I continue to take them, 03 I find they keep me in perfect health. My husband used to juke about me Uiking KniM-hen Salts : now he takes them himself, so do my children. My sincere thanks." -Mrs. G. P. When ytiur gastric or digrstire juices refuse to tlow, your food, insteu.1 at becoming absorbed into your system, simply collects and ferments inside you, produring harmful acids .i:-J gases whicli give rise to biliousness, heartburn and flatulence. Knisi'hiTi U a combination of six mineral salts, which goes right to the toot of the trouble. It tint stimulates the flow of gastric and other juu-es to aid digestion, and then ensures complete, regular and unfailing elimina- tion of waste matter every day. And that means .1 blessed end to bflfoosness, and a renewed and wliole-hearted enjoyment of your food without the (lightest fear of having tu pay the old painful penalty. mad<> , t .. ** Marcel, In response to a pinch. "No. No premium." "How many rooms are there?" Banish after PLAYTIME Three, with bathroom, scullery. the flat that I know of!"-John O'Lon- Man at Right "''"> * self-made Man at Left "Don't brag, the 'b ain't completed yet." Mile who to ktw KtooJ oc pi.,. tt, t*4 m mi dltco,.r*d. N I. don's Weekly. and kitchen." "May we see It now?" The goddess handed him a key fes- ( * tooned with a potato-peeling. "There Is something about the mod- "On the third floor. There's no need rrn woman tnat KeU n( , r anyt hlng she <* " ht for eurth and for neaven of tor m to come with you, I suppose? want's," says a writer. We think It light for naturd aad for rea9OD Dl II then'* not enough light you c*amust be her husband. Uavtos. Source of Light He in whom "there is no darknes t all," Is the only Source of light CHOCOLATE MALTED MILK "4 ISSUE No. 34 Jl The Longer and Wider Flv Catcher That Will Not Dry f ' housands of Canadian hom >rn the dangerous disease-bearing fly. Th,s handy pnrt fly catcher ,. co.ted with a specially prc- P-red g ue. fragrant and sweet, which wUl not dry or loe its attractiveness to flic,. Ask for "fl any *?*' roccr y of hanlwre store. w H f " Ch "v. J" th "* push P' n ""J the wider and longer nbbon ood for three weeks' service. EROXON FLY CATCHER Gets the fly every time Solf :.<, 1. SUGAR M 13BNBST. P.O. Bo II. 8h*rbrook, QMS ^

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