Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Aug 1931, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1931 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE We can su you with all of them pply Financial Statements Hooklets Pamphlets Hrohures Reports Folders Fine Stationery Statement Forms Intricate Rule Forms Factory Forms Husiness Record Forms Blotter ( Manifold Forms Interleaf Forms Cheques Receipts Envelopes, all kinds Tickets, all kinds Business ( ' n 1 - I'ersonal C'ards >Ve<!<line Stationery Funeral Stationery Announcements Shipping Tags Posters Sale Bills Window Cards Horse Mills Auction Sale Bills Fair Printing Prize Factory Forms lite., KU.. Ktc., LET US HELP YOU WITH YOUR PRINTING Call IH :uul enquire 1 about any of the above items you may need. You" know the number Phone 18 place in the sun is dimmed for the I Corners vijited a few days with the nrcseit. Latimer and Proctor families and at- tended the community picnic Monday. A--, the population of rural sections is being depleV-'d the problem of rep- resentation in Parliament from rural districts will soon be acute. The We were pleased to have Miss Ache- son with us again. Master Billie Magee, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Magee, celebrated urban constituencies will soon be the third anniversary of his birthday dominating the governments of the country and will not be a healthy on Monday. His cousins and other relatives were present and a jolly state of affairs. Representation by ' time was spent. He received many population was secured after many } useful and pretty gifts. We join in hanl-fought political battles and will , wishing Billie many happy returns not be relinquished easily. It is re- j of the day. grettable that the rural population Miss Ruby Akitt of Flesherton is is decreasing, but until rural life be- holidaying with her grandmother, romes enticing to the young people Mrs. W. C. Hanley. the trend of migration will continue Mr. E\vart Murphy, Mr. Wm. Elliott cityward. and sons, George and Jack, and Mr. Jake Freeman of Toronto, Mrs. Wm. Fallin, Mr. Frank Katool, Mrs. Clar- ence Big-gar, Miss Delmar Fenwick and Mr. Harold Cook of Owen Sound EUGENIA Mr. and Mrs. Walter Deadman and children of Richmond Hill visited the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred I Magee and Mr. and Mrs. John Camp- bell. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Simmons Fall Fair Dales were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fenwick and family. Mr. Rody Gordon has returned to Toronto, after spending a couple ot weeks with hia family here. Mrs. Fred Young has been working the past few weeks for Miss Mary Hopper. ind daughter, Betty, of Drayton spent Sunday \vith Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Mat- -. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Parker of De- troit visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Court. Smith. Mr-!. (Rev.) S. T. Tucker. Miss Gladys Tucker and Miss Deleree who! Mr. Jamos Hoy, a well-known resid- nre holidaying at Wnsaga Bea;-h vis- ent of this vbinity for many years, The Late Jas. Hoy Barrio Sept. 18, ID Bolton October 2, 3 Caledon Sept. 25, 2t> Cape Croker Reserve .... Sept. 24, 25 Chatsworth October 8, 9 Chesley Sept. 24, 25 Clarksburg Sept. 22. 23 Collingwood Sept. 23-28 Dundalk Sept. 29, 30 Durham Sept. 15, 16 Fcversham October 6, 7 Flesherton Sept IS, 19 Grand Valley Sept. 29, 30 Hanover Sept. 18, 19 Hepworth Sept. 8, Si Hobtein Sept. 29, 30 Kilsyth Sept. 30, Oct. 1 London (Western Fair) .... Sept. 14-19 Markdale October 6, 7 Meaford Sept. 15-1V Mount Forest Sept. 16, 17 Orangeville Sept. 17, 18 Ottawa (Central Canada). ...Aug. 24-29 Owen Sound October 1-3 Paisley Sept. 29, 30 Priceville Sept. 1Q, 11 } Ro?klyp. October 13, 14; Shelburne Sept. 22, 23 1 Tara October 6, 7j Toronto (Canadian National) Aug. 28-Sept. 12l Walters Falls Sept. 29, 30 ! itcd one afternoon recently with Mr.*. 1*.) Lit ill M'. Cha?. Thompson of Orange- pased away last Saturday morning in Durham hospital from cancer, where consideration of ways and means of increasing this trade will be discussed. Official delegates from every pro- vince of the Dominion, and from New- foundland, will meet with represent- atives of other transportation in- terests and of the tourist trade itself. A speaker who is known throughout Canada for his interest in public affairs is expected to introduce this subject. It has been pointed out that an annual influx of foreign money to the extent of over $300,000, 000 accrues to Canada as the result of this trade. In value it rivals that of Canada's exports of grain or min- erals. While directly increasing the prosperity of those engaged in trans- porting and serving the tourists, thus giving employment to many people, the influence of the tourist trade is recognized as an important factor in our national prosperity. VALUE OF TOURIST TRAFFIC Attention will be focused on the tourist traffic, and its development, he bad been a patient for two days, j when the Canadian Good Roads :i few days \viUi he'- hus- Mr. Hoy had worked up to Tuesday 01 j Association meets at Lucerne, Quebec. on September 22nd and 23rd. Through ville Kir.:! v.'ho is working with Mr. C. SHIPPED CATTLE TO ENGLAND In addition to weekly shipments of cattle to Toronto, W. C. Brown, Ches- ley 's big cattle buyer, has taken au- vantage of the new $15 rate on cattle shipped to England and recently he shipped a consignment of 40 head to the old country. Walter has fed the cattle over winter on his own farm near town and they were perfectly finished and the choicest beef to leave Chesley station for some time. Ches- ley Enterprise. i Marinric Park and Don- )ast week when he was taken ill, and on Thursday was brought to the hos- pital here, where, from his admission, alda Sl->;in (rave n party in the pavil- liMlc or nore hope was held out for lion in the park on Friday evening; his recovery. H c was 74 years ol <>f last week. An enjoyable time was THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on ColHngTrood mtreet, Flesherton, Wednesday of each wek. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada 12.00 per yew, when paid in advance $1.50. In U. S. A. $2.50 per year when paid in advance $2.00 (Members of Canadian Weekly Newt- paper Association) W. H. THURSTON. - - Editor F. J. THURSTON - Assoc. Editor until it has junketed five thousand oars per day. Judging by the num- ber of old cars which have been "dit.-hcd" in heaps in and around very many Canadian centres of popu- lation, often far from being stripped .-pent. The girls had the pavillion : ti-tically decorated for the occasion. Miss Muriel FemvL-k and friend :-'pent Sunday nt Balmy Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Graham and fam- ily of Thornbury visited tn Sunday with M-. ard Mrs. C. Graham. The late Mr. Hoy was born near Mount Forest, but his whole life had been spent in the vicinity of Oixharu- ville, Varnejr and Durham. He was married to MMS Martha McCallon and to them were born three sons and jone daughter, the latter, Mrs. Schilling At a. horse race in Hamilton a 2 ticket gave return of $285. All that was necessary was to pick the right horse. Mr. and Mrs. A. Boyle and family dying about 15 years ago. He is sur- >f Hocklyn visited with Mr. and Mrs. vived by his sons, Messrs Murray, in Ciarnet Magee on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Angus McArthur and Detroit, Everett, in Toronto, and Mel- ville, in St. Catharines. Mrs. Hoy died . daughters, Jean and Laura of Price- j thirteen years ago. Besides his fanv r.f much "properties" of value, the vi] | e also the Misses Thora am , Jcan j| y he js survived by two brothers junketing of old cars in the Dominion j Black of Durham were recent visitor.^ Richard at Flesherton and Charles is still far from a well managed bus- with Ml . um , Mrs Bert MaRee and Qt Theasalnn \\OKK FOR THE WORKLESS iness. When the business of retiring ars that are no longer safe to travel family. Mr. Ken Knitting of The funeral was held from Varney Woodsto-k United Church last Monday afternoon firmlyjstablished, it will be. am , Mr . Harry Burkc and Miss | the service being taken by Rev. B. D. Queenie Kaitting of Fevcrsham were | Armstrong of Durham Presbyterian Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ! church in the absence of the pastor, Knitting and Delsa. I Rev. Mr. Mercer, on holiday. The pall Mr. and Mrs. Herb LeGard and . bearers were Messrs. John Flemming, Pickling Time Whole cinnamon stick, whole cloves, alspice, cassia buds, cinnamon buds, mustard seed, Celery seed, Pickling mixed, black and red peppers. .Ground cloves, abpice, cinnamon, mustard, curry, turaerie, catsup spice, nutmeg. Onions, red and green peppers, ripe tomatoes and celery. Orders taken for green tomatoes, gherkins and silver skins. A. E HAW Ceylon Store closes Tuesday and Friday at 6 p.m. Under the new regulations for pro- viding work for the unemployed, married men will be provided with work, where thoy reside, but un- married men, who apply for assist better for the makers, for the dealers and for the public. It is something to know/that some day the ugly heaps of disused cars may have vanished from the landscape, and may even have given of their better parts to aid in the production, at popular price, of an attractive latest model. THE NEW CENSl'S :-hildre n have returned to their home Julius Keller, Eugene Lantz, John after spending the past week with Marshall Sr., Alfred McCabe, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magre and other friends. The Misses Mary and Isabel McKe? John Sharpe. Floral tributes on the casket were from Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall, Sr., of Toronto are holidaying at their par- Miss Helene Hoy, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- ental home. j man Kerr, Miss Annie Marshall, Mr. Master Argyle Martin is spending an( l Mrs. Moses Donnelly and Douglass **"0"*"8<"*<MK"M~M^^^ Small Advts. The Dominion census returns are ancc, will have to go 'to public works' " ow bt 'K in 'n n K to come '" It is j fortnight with his grandparents ' and Mrs. John McLean. LOST Between town and Glen Magee's via Oraneg Valley on Sun- day, Aug. 16, driving robe. Finder please inform The Advance office. FARM FOR SALE ii- in battalions, wherever their services- tan be ab>orl>ed. By this arranpe- inent, the government hopes to pro vent men into centres of population ready there are many men without employment. It will be necessary for i-'t.y municipality to send to hndquareen a list of men registered as out of worlt, so that provision may be made for them. Municipal coun- early apparent that the cities con- . nt Flesherton. These from a distance present at tinue to grow at the expense of the | We were sorry to hear of the' tne funeral were: Mr. Everett Hoy, rural districts. Toronto, for example, ; death of Mrs. Will Stewart on Mon- 1 Toronto, Melville Hoy, St. Catharines, out of work from crowding ' " OW has PP uln t' on <)f 627,582 and Jay. We extend our sympathy to the 'Murray Hoy, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. ej of population where al-i if Yoll< Townsh 'P. Woston and other bereaved husband and family. Richard Hoy and Mr. Alex. adjoining municipalities, were added as doubtless they will bo nt n meas- Hoy, M . and Mr.;. Edwin Purvis and ' F' eshcrton, and Mrs. Phillips a niece, family of Toronto visited over the ' anc ' 3on > Toronto. i. -ably early date, another 100,000 | W oek end with the former's parents. The late M:-. Hoy was one of the would be added to 11. e Provincial oct- ; Mr. and We question, however, if the j Master resident* in these vast aggregations Mrs. Robt. Purvis. Garfield Lyons of I best-known citizens of Varney and dis- ' trict, where he had spent practically . cil., are expected to co-op^-rnt,. will, ' ' humil " il -V "' existence as con- the Provincial and Dominion author- luclve to roal hn Pl' in ' s;i as do '""*<> Sties in re omnu-n.iinir work that may of us who prcfcr the freo ' hcalth - be deemed proper to undertake f ot Promoting atmosphere of life away Centre Line visited a week with his his whole life. For the past few cousin, Delbert Magee. We arc sorry to report Mrs. John Williams on the flick list, but hope that she will soon be well again.' relief wit bin' their limit*.' Why not I froni lhe ''vcr-increasing pressure of' M,-. and Mrs. Dean Clinton return- in tlii, connection, malce provision foi | exfat f e in the croW(lcd centres of l to Toronto after a fornight's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee nnd fnmily. The community hold a picnic in the park on Monday aftornoon. A very pleasant time was spent in games races, horseshoe pitching, etc., and a sumptuous supper was enjoyed by all a f.>ot path for pedestrians on evcrj PP ulation - highway? It is the chance of a life- time to provide this belated necessity. At present, men nnd women who walk on J> highway are constantly in danger of losing their lives unless they arc th( muskeg is fast gaining a reputa- at all timej ready instantly to jump tion. Two fair Toronto motorists PREPOSTEROUS! 'That detour at Flesohrton aroum'. into a dit:h or over a fence. OLD CARS FIND A MARKET When automobile dealers keep an- nouncing the marketing of newest ended up in Guelph and another trav- eller found himself eight mils on the road to Collingwood. How about some more signs?" Toronto Star. If n person's eyes were open and makes, with nil their alluring equip- mind clear tht ' n ' WRS sl ' 10 " necd to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham and family of Walkerton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Campbell. Mr. and Mix Garnet Magee and children visited recently with Mr. nnd Mrs. John Stoddart and family nt Pi'islev. Mr. and Mrn. R. Weekes and family of MacTier visited with Mr. and Mrs. ment, one, more than ever, 'wonders ' arrive in Gue! P h Before they found what becomes of all the old stagers.) where thp y worc - Tht 'V musl hav - We are helped to an understanding of 1>een bliml aml tongue tied. The j Cnrruthorn and daughters the past this wonderful industry, into whose s 'K ns were aB distinct as any one support so many millions are cheer- would wish for. The item with re- pect to the Guelph end of it is preposterous. EDITORIAL NOTES. Some ppoplo process to have a fully poured by the. generous public through a perusal of a recent report l)y the United States National Auto- mobile Chamber of Commerce. In the adjoining country alone no fewer than three million cars, deemed un- nafc to be longer on the road, were retired from circulation in the last twelve months The big factor in this new high record was the special 5unl<ing plan: the manufacturers es- tablished a cserve fund out of which dealers are allowed twenty-five doll- ars for each car di'liverl to its sal- vage plant. Car - are thus unmade with ^flioiency. Aluminum, copper brass, window glass, tires, in factjius, famous explorer, thn his su] v week. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McDonald nnd months he had been living in Nor- manby township, near Ayton, where he was taken ill from the ailment which has troubled him for some time, nterment was in Maplewood cemetery Dii'-hnm Cb-onicle. For Sale FOR SALE Set of 9 bull iron harrows. P. Dow, Flesherton. FOR SALE New Frost & Wood side delivery rake and tedder. Archie McKechnie, Priceville. FOR SALE 20 young pigs and 2 brood sows due in August. Cecil Monaghan, R.R. 1, Flesherton. MUST SKLL FOR CASH ONLY The wonder to us is, that the cash and carry system has not become a general thing with all business men long ago. All merchant and business men are allowed from five to thirty days to meet drafts on all purchases. Farmers, generally speaking, demand and get cash for their goods on de- and in many cases on their Mechanics and laborers arc usually paid by the week. Therefore, why, in all fairness, man to mnn, should merchants and business\mcn be exported to allow credit, without in- terest, and be obliged to resort to force in many cases to get their ow n farm. great respect for the truth, but very. Mr. Gnvlord Knitting and friend. frequently neglect to make use of it. Judging by the hot weather during Miss iFobel of Weston are visiting 8nTi in lloin * a " shoot the profits on that and many more sales. Liquor stores, beer warehouses, railways, post offices, and other big depart- mental and chain stores get cash, without ouestion; that H their method of doing business. Frequently one hears of the competition of the big store or big firm in opposition to any of the small concerns, and at the same time the little fellows are carrying Mrs. Mac's un?le. Mr. Henry Cairr. ; The Messrs. Jim and Eddie Har- tfravp havo returned to Toronto after "ncmlinsr the past two weeks with the Pork family. Miss M. Schmidt, returned to Detroit nftcr spending the past week with the former's parent.?, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. thf> past month or so it would seem Kr>it.tinsr. .--, as though the mm spots had dis-l Mrs. Stoner nnd two children of j tnousan(lj f dollars on their books; appeared, after dimming the radiance T. ronto visited the nnst week with| Witl1 an overaj ' f t or paying seven '.-f Old Sol for the past several years. I*, wag lucky for Sir Hubert Wilk- Mr. and Mva. Bon Short. Mrs. Geo. Williams nnd family re- pe:- cent interest to carry on. Why be tb? f.'oat? Until the small bus- that has n value is re- marine, Martilus, encountered diffi- j Br >il other friends. turned to Toronto aftov n two we*k*i mess 111on pet toffether and set a hard visit with Mr nnd MJ-P. Jon Williams nn<l fast rule of cash and car 'T, they jiuivd and then the- remnant is culticn while on its trials and not crushed and molted into ingots. The niter it had crawled under the arctic company takes a loss of about nine ice. Miuh money and newspaper dollars on <nch car pnd it hopgs to spa?e wns givi-n the Wilkins explor- incrense this "unprofitable" business '.tior. party in .<eukine publicity. Ili-s '"' in trouble and the situation . Mr. J. r^hr -wood nnd granddaughter, ' conli np to be even more ser- M| S.-lena MncDonnld visited for a] 1 ' U3 - Ora nscvillo Sun. fiw | v s y.'ilh Mr. nnd Mrs. Chn- (,>u M-l in Owen Sound. Miss Sylvia A:heson of Victoria As long ns there are level crossings iv will be accidents at them. FOR SALE OR TRADE Part Jersey heifer, 2 years old, milking. Fred Stuart, Flwherton. FOR SALE Good 100 acre farm, lot 38, con. 5, Artemesia, good state of cultivation. Thos. Taylor, Flesw- erton. FOR S^LE Steam sawmill, shingle and lath mill; 60 h.p. boiler, 40 h.p. engine. E. D. Harbottle, Feversham, R. R. 1. FOR SALE Quantity of 1st and 2nd class shingles, 1 inch balsam and spruce lumber, also some 1 inch white wood; 2x4 scantlings and 2x8 joists Jas. Oliver, R. R. Priceville. FOR SALE 114 cord soft buzz wood for sale at $1.50 per cord at the pile, 16 to 20 inch. Approach- able by truck. R. Plant, Flesherton. FOR SALE Bargain Prices to Clear: Tom Barren Large white Leg- horns and Barred Rocks, 4 week old rHlets, 30c; 6 weeks old, 40c; 8 week old pullets, GOc. Write fo-i prices on older pullets and selected "earlings. We guarntee live .de- livery wherever desired. COMMERCIAL BROODERIES, Kitchener, Ont. Miscellaneous FOR RENT Good garage. A. Shncklefm-d, Flesherton. 7'WANTED~ High school students P'.I roomers, close to school. Mrs H, Wilson, Flesherton. ROOMERS WANTED High school students preferred. Mrs. W. Wyatt, second house from high school; room in stable for horse. 150 acre farm f or sale or rent on shares, lots 165-66-67, 3rd range S. w. T. & S. R.., Artemesia. John Hogarth, Proton Station. BOAR FOR SERVICE. \\ Registered Yorkshire Boar for .- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. -C. STEWART. Caretaker. BUSINESS CARDS ( T. W. WILSON VETERINARY SURGEON Physician to all domestic animals and surgery a specialty. Phone 2 r 4. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County o* Grey. Term.: I per cent. Satisfaction guarntewl Datea made at The Advance office. MIDDLEBRO & BURN Barrfotera. etc. Oficea Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton ever* Saturday afternoon and evening. Dr. F. Carr-Harris will be available at Flesherton every Monday, Wednes- day and Friday afternoons on noti- fication of Mrs. F. T. Bibby Phone 5. Dr. W. D. Bryce, L. D. S., D. D. S. dental surgeon, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer- ed for extraction. Office at the resi- dence of Dr. E. C. Murray. Toronto street, Flesherton. Phone 69. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A. P. ft A. M.meets In the Masonic Hall, Arm. strong Block, Flesherton every Prl- day on or before the full moon. W. M., W. R. Meads; Secretary, H. A McCauley. Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctloneel for the counties of Grey and Simcof Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- anteed. All arrangements and datvi may be made at the Advance office,flf addressing me at Eugenia, telephone 43 r 11, Flesherton or by

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