" ' . ; 4 . * ,. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, JULY 1. 1931 -I Another Reduction GOLDEN FLASH Gasoline 17c A GAL. PLUS TAX EFFECTIVE JULY 2nd ^ Following our announcement of the reduced price of GOLDEN FLASH GASOLINE our sales cf this popular gasoline 1 have steadily mounted showing that the public is entirely satisfied with its performance. We are now in a position to make a further reduction of one cent per gal. and it is only through the co-operation of the motoring public that this reduction has been possible. If you have not tried this gasoline do so now and be also satisfied as to price and operating efficiency. Another reduction in our 100 c c pure Pennsyl- vania oils to 25c per quart. GEO. F. BRACKENBURY GARAGE & SERVICE STATION FLESHERTON Jos. Taylor Passes Mr. Jos. Taylor, a highly respected i resident of Singhampton and well | known throughout Osprey township, j died at his home in Singhampton early | Wednesday morning. He has been ill for some time. It is likely that I the funeral of the late Mr. Taylor will take place Friday afternoon. Presentation To R. G. Holland by Old Pubils Local and Personal Geo. Clarke Was Accidentally Shot We expect to have the Entrance re- sults on Friday of this week. Mr. Chas. Holman of Toronto is vis- iting relatives in this district. Mrs. Holden*knd daughter, Louise, of Toronto are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson. Miss Helen Heard returned home last week after finishing her course at the Toronto Normal school. Congratulations are extended toj Miss Marion Stuart on her success at the Toronto University. Misses K. McMillan and D. Thurs- , ton, teachers at Toronto are home for ( the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McTavi-sh and little son spent the past week with the former's parents here. Mrs. Burton Field and son, Bruce, of Toronto are spending a couple of weeks with relatives in this district. Mr. and Mrs Milverton called on 3 Mitchell on Sunday. Mrs. Chris Johnson of Corbetton called on Mrs. W. H. Thurston on Friday. Mi^s Eva Nixon of Mono Road, Mrs.' B. Thibaudeau and Edna of Toronto visited the first of the week with Mr. A telegram from Winnipeg, dated hst Saturday, says: George E. Clarke, manager of the Edmonton branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, formerly of Ot- suffered fatal wounds Friday when the teller's revolver he was examining, discharged. His Large Crowd At Picnic Saturday Fully fifteen hundred people were in attendance at the second annual picnic held by the Old Boys' and Girls' i Association at Memorial Park on Sat- ! urday. The day was ideal for a pic- ' nic and the large throng enjoyed them- ! selves, fully from the commencement ; until the last sound of the dance orch- Mis-3 Helen Richardson of Toronto is the guest of Mrs. Geo. Mitchell. Mrs. L. W. Thorn of Barrie spent a few days visiting friends in town. Mrs. W. WUcock is visiting with her daughter in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Brown of Toronto i are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fisher. The stores in Flesherton will be t : open this Thursday aftrnoon; no half: holiday. Mrs. L. Brown and two children of, Toronto are spending a couple weeks with her mother, Mrs. M. Thistle- 1 thwaite. Master Dan and Stewart and Miss Dorothy McTavish of Oshawa are vis-! itin with their grandparents, Mr. and ; Mrs. D. McTavish. Miss Hattie Wallace of Toronto spent Several days the first of the week visiting old friends in this district. It is reported that 2000 fish in a | special pond at the Mulock estate, ! west of Markdale. were victims of the ; heat wave experienced the past two days. A special meeting of L.O.L. 883, i Ceylon, will be held on July 7th at 8 o'clock sharp. All brethren are urg- | ed to be present. The District and County Masters are expected to be An interesting event took place over the week end when a present- ation of a purse of money was made to Mr. R. G. Holland by the members of his old entrance classes. Mr. Holland came to Flesherton on Jan- uary 1st, 1910, and after 20 years and 6 months as principal of the public school retired last year after a- very successful teaching experience. Dur- ; ing his time as principal in Flesher- ton Mr. Holland had 190 pupils pass the examinations for entrance to high , school, and most of them are now scattered throughout Jthe provinde, ' the Dominion and other points. They all joined together in a slight recog- nition of appreciation of Mr. Holland's efforts on their behalf wishing him a return to his old health and many years of happiness amongst us. Mr. : Holland was completely taken by sur- ! prise, but expressed his feelings very i appropriately. The presentation was ; a quiet affair as the recipient's health h".s not been the best of late. lace with beige shoes and other ac- cessories to match and carrying swetheart roses, baby breath and fern, was bridesmaid, while Mr. Emerson Davis of Toronto supported the groom. The party took their place before a bank of ferns and cut flow- ers most tastefully arranged. The ceremony was performed by Rev. T. O. Miller of the Presbyterian church, Markdale. During the signing of the register Miss Dorothy Stephen sang "When Song is Sweet." The groom's gift to the bride was a handsome cheque, to the bridesmaid n silver bud vase and to the grooms- ir of gold cuff links. The the erous cheques. During the evening the happy couple Hamilon amj N - & the bride wear . ; a dresg Qf flowered georgette. b^d shoes, beige coat with leopard trimmi and ta icture hat an(I othfir ac f essories harmonize . v thejr return they ^ reside ftt the m>s home jn Artemesia . COULD NOT BE HERE present. manager of th_ Bank of Commerce here show that about 3.15 p.m. Mr. Clarke walked into the teller's cage, where H. A. McDowell was in charge, and asked if the revolver, an automatic, was work- ' ing O.K. It is pointed out that it is customary for a bank manager to examine the revolvers in the teller's cages from time to time, and as Mr. Clarke was on the eve of leaving for a vacation in Toronto, he desired to be assured that the bank equipment \vc. in order before he handed over control to the officer sent to act in his absence. McDowell, according to his own st' "ry. replied that the revolver was alright and handed it to Mr. Clarke for examination. To the teller's con- sternation, there was a shot and the Melville, Sask., June 26. Dear Mr. Thurston: I see by The Advance that tomorrow, June 27th, the picnic of the Old Boys' and Girls' Association is being held and I wish it all success. I used to clerk for Mr. Robt. Trimble, also for Wm. Wright and afterwards tailored for Fred Baker. I will arrive at the age of 75 years on July 4th, the same day that the Yankees celebrate. Sorry I could not be in Flesherton for the picnic. A. B. CLARK. was to if one was could be event and ment was taken out of the afternoon and evening. Races and contests were held for both old and young and excellent prize? were awarded to the three win- ers in each of the events. Flesher- ton won ths Softball game again.-c the Toronto team 5 to 1, but Tovonto had their revenge in the tug-of-wa;-. when the committee from the Queer. City won two out of the three pulls f'-nm the local committee. Mr. F. Fry of Toronto, a friend of M'-. rind Mrs. John Latimer, took mov- ing pictures of the variou< events of : administered next Sabbath morning. Anniversary services will be held in i St. Johns United church next Sabbath when Rev. Mr. Ford of Goderich will preach in the morning and Rev. Mr. j Cornett of Owen Sound in the even- iig. A generous offering is requpst- pd. A heat wave struck this district the first of the week and on Tuesday the thermometer registered 95 in the shade and on Dominion Day hit the hiirh point of 97. In order to escape the intense heat the old swimming hole was well filled with youngsters and older ones cooling off in its in-itin? depth-. Incidentally many renewed sun burns that had Jjeen coll- ected earlier. WHITE TEETER The home of Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Teeter, Markdale. was the scene of a pretty wedding on Wednesday. June 24th, when their second daughter, Mary Viotta, became the bride of Mr. Allan Curry White, son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin White of Artemesia township. The bride, looking v e ry 1 beautiful in a gown of delicate pink chiffon and chantilly lace with coronet i of pearls and orange blossoms, white gloves, white kid slippers anil stock- ings, and carrying a large bouni't of ophelia roses, fern and baby's breath, entered the parlor leaninir on the arm of her father, to the strains of the wedding march, played by M: -. A. M. Brown. Mis Ruby Teeter, si.-ter of , the briiip, wore a dainty and becoming dress of peach georgette and Swiss A Noted Family Mr. Joseph Clark, editor of the Toronto Daily Star, drifted into our office on Saturday, accompanied by three fine looking young men. whom he introduced as his sons. These were Gregory, the Star specialty writer who handles big fish stories, and incidentally capture*; a few over- grown fish himself; Jos. Jr., who can look over his father's head and beyond at the background; then last and youngest, comes Arthur Hugh, who is the Van:ou?er Sun representative in Toronto. We were mightily pleased to shake their hands. Greg- ory Clark has made a real name for himself in Canada as a special writer en the Daily and Weekly Star, and as for fish stories, he is willing- to take a half day off any old time to spin yarns of his exploits with the finny and scaly tribes. i, _ Property Changes Recently Mr. G. E. Henry disposed 01' his storo bi'iness and post office in Berkeley to Mr. Ken Wright of Osprey Township. This week he has purcha.-ini the holdings in town of his father. Mr. \V. I. Henry, and will move to town \vith his family as soon a? the deal in Berkeley is i-losed. We understand that Mr. W. I. Henry will commence to build a residence near the position where the old Flesher home was situated for >o many on Friday after spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. J. G. Cole- ridge, who accompanied her home. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Frizzell and Arnold also Mrs. Frizzsll of Bog- nor visited the Thurston household the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. John Carswell of Palmerston and Mr. and Mre Carswell and Donald of were week end visitors witV Mrs. J. J. Brown, Springhill. The Entrance examinations were held at this centre la-5t week and 4-1 pupils were writing here. Mr. I. Merriam and Miss E. Acheson were the presiding officers. Messrs. John and W. H. Bunt oi Toronto attended the pic-nit: on Satur- day and are spending a couple oi weeks visiting old friends and are with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hawken. Mrs. Vernon Snider of Waterloo and two little sons, also Mrs. Molitor of Earlton, Ont., and Miss Elsie Cas- well of Thornloe are the guests otf sir parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. 'X*<~X~! > -? > *><">< k <><">^4++++++Q+44++4^4+t4^+^+'>+4+44^Q^44^i Mr. Clarko had a surprised look on . his face and stopped back while his right arm, which was holding the gun, went upward. At the same time, the gun again exploded. The bullet went through the banker's head, and sjvu -k the chandelier in the manager's office. AH the- members of the staff were in the office at tlip time. Comnor Dr. E. A. Braithwaito announced no in- ouest will be hold. ranted three m.-nths' leave of absence r.rd had to!-.i friends of his anticipated t'lensure in making a motor trip to the east. He had planned to leavr here on Monday with his two young sins. John and Paul, and was to be joined at Winnipeg by Mrs. Clarke ami daughter. Barbara, who had left the city Thursday morning. Al! W.TP gninir to visit relatives in Toronto and a 1 - other points in the east. Thp late Mr. Clarke was a native of Hamilton, Ont.. and came west as a iiioneer manager after service in the bank in Ottawa. Lindsav and Peter- boro. where very early in his career he was given pc-3ts of responsibility. A number of the young lads of the village are intending to attend the camp being held at Hol-3tein vrom July 17th to the 24th. Only 00 boys can be accommodated and the first ones to sign are assured of a delightful week. If you intend to go sign up at once with Mr. Goo. Arm- strong, Flesherton. We were pleased to receive a le'ter from Mrs. Solomon Turner of Eugenia to the effect that they received the second copy of the first issue oi' The Advance and it has been a welcome visitor to the home ever since. To these old friends and subscribers we extend our appreciation of their con- tinued interest and support in the publishing of this paper. Helen Myrta Maud Richardson, youngest grandchild of the late M. K. Richardson has been making a name for herself in art circles. She has qualified herself for high school and collegiate institute with honors. Last fall she won a scholarship in art entitling her to a course of instruct- ion at the Art Gallery, Grange Park. Toronto. She has also been selected to demonstrate art in the Women's Building at the C. N. E. this August. With the view of having the Prov- ince take over the Durham to Flesher- ton road, the members of Flesherton village council, along with members of the Durham council, interviewed Premier Henry, Minister of Highways, at the Parliament buildings, Toronto, on Thursday afternoon last. Premier Henry stated that the estimates had already been struck for this year, but next year the propo-sition would have his serious consideration. This is an important link in connecting Bruce and Huron Counties with Sim- COe and Northern Ontario Very many friends of the fan-.ily inj Flesherton district will read with very; much regret the above despatch. The late Mr. Clarke, a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Clarke, nov- living in Weston. was a grardson of t!i<> late J. W. A'-mstrong, J.P., Fk-.-hrrton, a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling. ' and a cousin of W. ,J. W. Armstrong. In his earlier years he many happy days at the home of his grandparents, and wrote to here, only last week, that he been living his boyhood life all | with his two boys, and ' to spend some time with j UD his early haunts byi stream, waterfall and woods. But it ' wns fated otherwise. There will be much sympathy with his -widow and | parents (who now live in Weston) | with the two boys and the little | daughter, Barbara, who. only a?ed i three, is thu-3 tragically deprived of hev fRther. The remains are being brought to Flesherton for burial and will leave Edmonton Wednesday morning, arriv- ing in Flesherton on the Saturday! noon train. Th? funeral will likely , take place from the residence of Mr. F. H. W. Hifkling. Full arrange-! ments of the time, etc.', will be an-' pounceed Inter this week. "At H. me", which will IK> held next winter in Toronto and wi'.i recall that glorious day cf June 27th, when the thermometer stood at about 85 in the shade. Another pleasing event \va? the old time songs sung by the Kansas Farmer, accompanying \vith his violin. In the evening many of those pro- minent in the various activities spoke briefly and voiced their pleasure at the success of the re-union. A letter wa.< read by the chairman, Mr. Chas. McTavish. from the Dundalk Old f Home Week Committee extending greetings to the gathering here. Mr. Fry gave over an hour's entertain- ment with moving pictures that were amusing to everybody. Dances were given by the committee on Friday and Saturday evenings and en the last night the curling rink wns Crammed with humanity and the dancj floor was practically filled for eaeh| President Chas. McTavwh. Secre- tai-y Burton Field and the other offi- cers of the Toronto committee are to be congratulated on the success of the day. Space this week will not allow us to give the names of all those who signed the register at the picnic fioundoi Mr. F. H. W. Hickling, President of the lo-al committee, received a letter from Mr. Burton Field, tendering the sincere thanks of the Toronto commit- tee to the local committee and the citizens of Flesherton in general for one of the most enjoyable afternoons they have ever been privileged to en- joy. Mr. Field stated that he coukl not let the opportunity pass without expressing V>\- appreciation of the wonderful community spirit evinced by all of those who attended the pic- nic. Th? fostering of this spirit is the main object of this Association, and it is very encouraging, indeed, to find our united effort", crowned with success in that direction. Free ice cream, balloons and balls were distributed to the children by the two committees. Nice Juicy LEMONS 40c per doz. Try our TEA 35c Ib. - w New CABBAGE CITY DAIRY ICE CREAfe! Ken Kennedy's For Grocer: 3S Phone 37 Fly Tex. larire bottle and sprayer All for L Ginger Snap.*. 2 Ibs 25c Try our Orange Pekoe Tea. Ib. .. 60c Pork & Heans. 3 tins 29c Rice. 3 Ibs 25c Lovely Cheese, per Ib. . 19c Xice Ripe TOMATOES Xice Juicy ORANGES 2 doz. 39c Prarie Rose Flour 32 25 Bag MEATS FRESH and CURED K~;-M">-XK~;"^ Reeve H. A. McCauley was in To- ronto on Tuesday interviewing th Department of Highway heads in re- gard to th paving of a mile of the; King's highway through town, approx-! imately halt' a mile on each side of, the main corner. It is to be hoped that the Minister looks favorably on the transaction as the paving should come cheaper to them when the ma- rhinprv is nlrpatlv on tho crrnnnH. Officers A.F.&A.M. The new officers of Prince Arthur; Lodge No. 333, A.F.&A.M., were in- stalled at the regular meeting on ! Fridav evening last, Wor. Bro. Thos. ' Henry, acting as installing officer, when the following took their chairs for the ensuing year: W.M. Bro. C. D. Meldrum I.P.M. Wor. Bro. W. R. Meads S.W. Bro. Geo. Long Sr. J.W. Bro. J. S. MePermkl Chaplain Wor. Bro. P. Muir ' Secretary Wor. Bro. H. McCauloy Treasurer Wor. Bro. Hickling S.D. Bro. F. J. Thurston .T.D. Bro. A. Cameron S.S. Bro. John Oliver J.S. Bro. R. Clark I.G. Bro. R. Finer Fk ~f r 1 i', . tr r*f* Curtain Net Bargains 35c and 40c Qualities 25c 25 Patterns 36 inch wide Curtain Xets including Plain Marquisettes large spot Marquisettes and colored spot and colored figured Scrims. All fine, even weave and free from dressing Special 25c yard. Special Showing This Week of WOOL BATHING SUITS for Men, Boys, Ladies, and Children Plain Colors and New Color Combinations F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO II