1 I , '-f V, SDNESDAY. JULY 1. 1931 THK FLESHERTON ADVANCE JEWELLERY On The Time Payment Plan Buy on the Time Payment Plan at Armstrong's Jewellery Store. One quarter the price of the article dowm and the balance on easy Monthly Terms. Without Interest. Watches, Clocks, Diamond Rings, Glassware, Silverware, Lamps, Etc, W. A. Armstrong & Son Flesherton, Ont. PORTLAW Rev. Mr. Scott, Mrs. Scott and son and Mr. Jos. Blaklcy of Flesherton v-sitcd v;ith ' zie recently. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Nicholson of j Toronto visited with friends of their j old neighborhood last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Thompson vis- ! ited last week with Mr. and Mrs. j William Blackburn of Stayner. Miss Hazel Shunk of Toronto a fo-- ! mer teacher here, visited with her friend, Mrs. Harry Fisher. The ladies of Mount Zion church will hold their annual garden party on Thursday evening of thta week. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jamieson and two sons of Toronto were week end vis- itors at the home of the iformer's brother here. Gordon and Donald CEYLON Mr. and Mrs. Jack White, Mr. and Mrs. Griffen and Mr. and Mrs. Stan White and daughter of Toronto were week end visitors with Mrs. White. Mis-s Agnes Macphail, M.P., return- ed the first of the week from her duties at Ottawa. Mrs. Percy Hunt and two sons, Stanley and Melville, left the past week in company with Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery, for a two weeks' holiday at their cottage at Dorset. Mr. Newbaur and Mrs. F. Sproat of Akron, Ohio, motored over and vi-sited at Mr. Richad Whittaker's last week. Mrs. Newbaur, who has ben visiting her narents for some time, accompan- ied them home. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McLachlan, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. who are members of a church band Wilfred Snider and daughter, Louise, had their saxaphone and cornet along [ of Toronto visited their father, Mr. and favored the Sunday School last D. D. McLachlan on Saturday. Sunday with two '.selections that were very much enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. LwDuckett and family motored to Glen Huron the first of The boys a'nd girls of Wareham, I the week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mc- eighth line and Rock Mills schools \ Mullen and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. united with our school' in picnicing in Austln McMul en, Mr. and Mrs. Ern- Mr. Akitt's grove on Friday last. According to reports it was a very happy gathering. There is genuine regret in this cst McMullen of Toronto -spent the week end witr; their father, Mr. J. L. McMullen, and other friends. Master George Patterson of Toron- THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE PnbiUhed on Collingwood street, Fleherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada (2.00 per year, when paid in advance fl.60. In U. S. A. 12.50 per year when paid in advance $2.00 (Members of Canadian Weekly Newt- paper Association) W. H. THURSTON. P. J. THURSTON HIS CONSCIENCE PRICKED Mr. Joe Clark of the Toronto Daily Star editorial staff was here for the big picnic on Saturday. He told the following story. Joe has been an inveterate joker ever since he stole the teacher's bell in early boyhood and there is a suspicion in our mind that thoro is a joke .somewhere in the story, but would not swear to it, be- muse we have before heard of sinn- ers becoming converted in their old age and his case may be quite sincere. However, that may be here in his - Editor story. One day in hi-s boyhood he ASJOC. Editor stole two watermelons from a Flesh- resident, and conscience has been treading on his toes over since. _ 11*^1 <~ M HVaUMM ' < *-. ft WV f 1 l ,chool section on account of the res . | to is spending his summer vacation ienation of Miss Johnson, the teacher. | th , h ' s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Johnson has taught here for ' ,, ^ ... . _, ., . . , ,-j i Mr. Joe Hemphill of Toronto spent three vears and has given splendid , . "., ,, , .. !, T . , .. , ,. T i. 'he week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. service and satisfaction. During her . r term the school has made good pro- ". ' , , gress and she has lent her services Owln * to thc Anniversary services fiTt-ly to the furtherance cf the in- terests of the people. On Tuesday of last week her pupils, during a social hoi:r, when a goodly number STRAWBERRIES At Their Best This Week Be sure of your supply QUALITY SATIS- FACTION By ordering NOW D, L. REEKIE Phone 91-2 Thornbury. One mile souih of the Blue Water Highway on 8th Con. Collingwoor! to he held in Flesherton on Sunday there will be no service in Ceylon church this Sunday. Sunday school j at the usual hour. The Flesherton Sunday school in- of the parents were present, called! " ~ , ? um * K ' H " Miss Johnson forward and presented . J7 ted the Cey ! on S " nd * y Rch , O i, to her with an address, a camera and a | th ? on , P ' CnlC T ln Flesherton s Mem- beautiful fruit dish. The address ! J Park Ju l y "^ was read by Mary Sheardown, and \ . M -V ""I 1 r *' Rhort Rutedge and I family of Holland Centre visited the i first of the wo^k at Mr. F. Marshall's. ; Master Billie Marshall returned home For the Men Men's Work Boots $2.50 and up Work Shirts. Overhauls, Smocks and combination Suits at reduced prices. Straw Hots of good variety. Fine Shirts, sale price $1.00 A. E HAW Ceylon Store open every evening but Tuesday and Friday and Wilbert Fisher. It was all a g"miinc surprise for Mis--: Johnson' . with them for a holiday. i who thanked her nupils for the gifts m, ,,..... , T , I The communitv picnic will be held and all their kindness to her. Lunch) . ,, ,, , , ' _ . T , , in 1 hos. denoe s hnsh on Friday. Julv was served and tho teacher freated . ' * Small Advts. ., . _ ... Bra. Everybody bring eats. THE HOME COMING So much so has this been the case, _ and considering that hir. toes have ost in the~brie7, "yesterday" of 1)lt ' n ^'eloping bunions, he dwi.1,,1 to "till living, Flesherton was ; " ! '! ''^.tunon ami thin get rid of rmed on Uie crossroads stppin R hiB tired feelingr, o he purchased two iace on the trails through the forest, , Q rey County It hasn't grown much, in . anging voars. Iv has little or no """". who :<!utrial 'hie: not .-von .so much as ""' 1 ff 1 ' watermelon!, Oawr than stole) brought them along with those hil11 :lni1 Pn^-ntecl thi-m to the pirni '' th( '' n sliced ih.-m up ami tn had a generation or so ago. It U " '"'i'" , th " Flesherton public will ' * no mansions: no tremendously ' ' l "" ''"< t "<' t "" 1 - " of .althy folk. Nothing of modern ' mr ' H ' nt (1 "* oluti '" 1 " f '*"' relieved : aiwements and entertainment for, e public. And yet, several hundred of her ! jys and girls flocked back home rain last Saturday for the Old Home cnic. This time, there was was served and the teacher freate-d the children to chocolate bars and, : ni-anuts. Ganu and singing wore indulged in. Miss Johnson takes I Mr. Chas. Moore is visiting with nwav v.-itb her the best wishes of all, his daughter, Mrs. Geo. Stewart. for her future happiness. Thr ,,._.., choir in >st <Tohr . s Unitc() chivreh on Sunday morning last was composed chiefly of "old timers" Mr. S. L. M. Hurdwick, a former high school tea?he -, and Mr. Llewellyn During the heavy electric storm on D " Fnc of T '7<* n t. rendered solos Thursday afternoon la<t Mr. John m "' ami son, Frank, had an expor-' LOST On South Line, Artemesia, ! 'license marker No. 6198X. Finder; notify Wm. Campbell, phone 22 r 23. ; Stunned By Lightning For Sale FOR SALE Good timothy and alfalfa hay, $10. Minnie Graham, R. R. 4, Markdale, phone Flesherton. NOTICK TO THE PUBLIC TORONTO LINE NORTH M U. C. Mclntyre of Toronto ience that they don't want repeated. Along with Mr. Wm. McFaddcn, a neighbor, they were tightening a wire i>>- v rv r -Jin.-ri<! u-ni ho fence when a sharp flash of light- , at Flesherton every Monday, Wednc-s- cnmg camo and hitting the fence day nnd riday afternoons () r on noti kivjrked the two men to the ground, fic-r.tion of Mrs. F. T. Bibby. . stunning them. It wiv.t a close call I from serious injui-y. FOR SALE New Frost & Wood side delivery rake and tedder. Archie McKochnie, Priceville. NOTICE i The imported Percheron "Diamond" Xo. (13044) 186922, will be at the farm of Ross Stevens at noon each Monday, commencing June 8; Thurs- day night at the farm of Bert Por- teous, Maxwell, and at Fred Irwin's Friday nights. To insure: 812 (hard time price) a $4 cut on last year's price. J. L. LOVE. Proton Station NOTICE FOR SALE - Purebred English ' Trespassing on lots 138, 139, Con. improved Berkshire sows. Albert E. S.W.T.&S.R., Artemesia, is strictly i spent the week end with her brother, i vish spending of money; n o blaring y,, ,., , i{ i( . hari | snni Bnd r ami i y . : no admii ioiu charged. Not Alj . s Iu .,. ttia ottewell. teachers .- < -en the "fair Grounds" were use,;. Prcton , is ..,];,,,, fpw ,i :i \-s with just a family gathering in the Mis< Gertrude L,-v;-r. hofoiv leaving morial Pttk, where peopla mim- ,-,. D ctroit for t',- aummer vacation. ring possil.ly f,.ur tmu-s the pop-' Thc n ,. ilrh , <ors (>f thp To ,.,, nt ,, , jin -ition of the village met and vis- ' athered at the home of Mr< R< Rich . jomed in friendly games ,f ths-y anlson on Th ,,,,, ( | ily evening last and Ulj it, or wandered through the nrenented . n ,. w]v . WP ,, 3t Ml , Bnd iful park and nil wore th:it ex- Mrs . ,,,,,, Ri^hanl-.o:,. with an oc- ns.vc smile that s.gnals a hea, t ( , lsional ,. hilil .. rmed nn'i happy. For what is ! tter than to meet an old friend? IJt-v. and Mis. W. J. S?ott and fam- ily motored to Guderich on Tuesday to visit relatives th^ro. TENDEK.s WANTED NOTICi: TO ( KKDITOUS IN THE MATTER of the estate of; ELEANOR WRIGHT, late of the Vill- V\ EXPLANATION Flesherton ha> had little to give Tin ^ > r UU ' V' 1 ' 1 : ''',"'', U T the Editor of Thc Advance: es an education i.f th,. hijrhes !er; it gives ho-,,0 life and I, ^petition wa-i pre. _ :. , .. .. f Bl the last session of C.,un!y Couivil n iking for thc removal of tbo n road overseer east of Fleshei'- '". tinting that the overseer had shown favoritism to rei lain faniili."-*. The f:i(t is ll-.-i! when tbv petition wav i irciilaii (I H v.-.-is misrepresent:"!, and ! h :::" l! :: n .; itrii ^ Kr< ; ye "!!' : ' * ^ ^^ ^ ,1,. p^ion was ridded aflc- (ti,- '-i-.tnaturcs had ' ( '" Be ured Thoso that the n it say? au ri'vior (or would if were Frencli), I..JH! sends it-, youth '. into the world beyond toe hi!N, rerno in the cnnfidc-r. ; that suc- v:ill sprinif at the rnnim:iri(| of civn ymmg folk and it has! . : .' on thc temples, and \\b-.n the rt turns i i.rii-s of 'i ;i v.-iirm v, t '. ! nc wonders war. ''ore like ourn whi:-h I the warmth of j-ffe.-tion o! 1 Us i: 'I dan il.. tliis one! 'hango? Yes! The "old town" isn't t it used to be- -to the old timers ' T have lout the buoyancy in step. 1 are perhaps H ti-iflc bewildered this thing calle I "youth". l\n> i a place where memory is sacred. 'C'i'c old friends ha^'c been gained one thing which no plac to them, now. happily route _ ON ,. ; () ,, .,,,, S|(;NKRS _ IIOI.DPAST i-.F.w.o. Mi:i:riN(; age of Flestwrton in the County of (I ivy, widow, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 51 of thc Trustees Act R.S. O. J!)27. Chapter l. r >0, that all credit- Tenders will be vc.-eived by the ors and others having claims or de- undersigned up to (> o'clock of thc 1 Itb : mauds against the Estate of thc said of July, I'.).',!, for tin- taking down of KLKANOR WRIGHT, who died on or O< -')!> of St. John's church. Flesh- about the 15th day of March, A. IX erl r:, iind doing certain repairs and 193 1 at the City of Windsor in the ii:in;'es to the lower. I County of Essex, are reiU'ir^d on or Dated June Mth, 1031. ' fore the 27th day of Juno A.I). 1031, A. GILC11RIST t ;: - u ' by post, prepaid, or deliver to W. J. BELLAMY I ^ jUcaa " H'' n; 'J" & Lucas, Solicitors for _________________________^_^ ' the Administratrix of the Estate of the : ; aid deceased, their Christian ' Ml ro ' J SALK nnd surnames, addresses and dcscrip- i tions, the full particulars in writing I' 1 ' 'I. ' on, :'i. Osprey, containing -<P their claims, a statement of their j 100 acres more, or less; gocd large ! accounts, and the natr.ro of thc secur- I'ni'in' barn containing water for , ity, if' nnv, held by them! : stock; rood house, well nnd oro c k on AN' I) TAKK NOTICF. that after premises. l''cr further particulars s<'h last mentioned duto the said ad- npr/ly to Thos. Lanktree or George mini.4ratrix will proceed to distribute M "Ker/ii'. executors of the ..int.. of tho assets of tbe said deceased among the late Joseph Lanktree, Meaford. *'' ' I iarti<>s entitled theroto. having i-'nrnrd only to the claims of which '.he rbail then have notice, and that tho aiil Administratrix will not be liable for the said assets or any part ilureof to any pers'on or persons of Sparks, Phone 33 r f, Flesherton. FOR SALE Chevrolet touring car cheap for cash Apply to Mrs. F. T. Bibby, Flesherton. FOR PALE - - Set double team harness, first class shape, reasonable ] price. H. Down & Sons, Flesherton. FOR SALE 20 young pigs and 2 brood sows due in August. Cecil Monaghan, R.R. 1, Flesherton. FOR SALE Beautiful roan pony 4 years old, broken single and double, i silso to saddle. J. A. Stewart, phone 46. -R. B. RUTLEDGE. Ceylon. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the proparty of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. C. STEWART. Caretaker. FOR SALE Steam sawmill, ! shingle ami lath mill; 00 h.p. boiler, 40 h.p. engine. E. D. Harbottle, sham, R. R. 1. Tlie Holdfast . U ' P<> U.F.W.O. dub mot. J. L. Irving on members and Grey County Eqq Grading Station i:. iial opening exercises tho bulletin DTK :-tioi;v were di missed Mn>. J. J. CUM , I yncss. r arkoting; Mis. B. McKcir/.ie, Sometimes even in the midst * Sffi 'trs.^ A. 01 a re-union such nx Saturday, OPEN WRDMESnAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS Our experience merits your confidence. THOS. OWLER & SON. Props. PHONE 55. FLESHERTON whoso claim notice shall not have been received by her at the time of such distribution. Dated at Mnrkdalc this llth day of June A.D. 1031. LI CAS, HKNRY & I.l'CAS, rtf the Village of Markdale. Solicitors for the Adminstratrix. -o (ire the saddcninc memories of N., gave a helpful health talk. r- . roll call was answered !>v a recipe for lay that is past, ana of faces that rui-.ii- ,, , Vp simple deatCrt dish. Following he recalled only in the hungry n. i u. r .!, v.^_/ n..^ L*.- _' K V I the club's usual custom tho next meet- Tie of tho henrt. But .' ./ in the thoughts oT Home, and! ' rmth in the welcomes that are ox- nged by Ihe old friends of the 'ige nnd surrounding townships, 1 those who came back with that er look on their far? that say. "hose were 'good old days', those - "s whon you and I were just ord- y friends! Rut today wo ar- ordinary friends, because we nrc ' 'iking nt tho fountain of youthful Tiorie.o." which a,re the only thing : the world that nearly npproxi- tes that tlexir which was supposed do what nionkoy glnnds cnn't do you and me- -to give us back our 1 oyant youth again. '''ing will be a picnic for the membern and their families to be held at the Hydro Park, Eugenia, Tuesday, July 7th, at 2:30 p.m. \ Kincardine township farm of ?"3 Asret, which wai bought when 1r-> price of farm lands was nt tho i ;k for ?lf),000, was sold nt a re- ( t mortgage sale for $S,100, or READ THE SMALT, ADVTS. Low Footwear Prices SHOES FOR CHILDREN From SI. 15 to S2.50 MEN'S OXFORDS From $3.75 to $4.70 MEN'S & BOYS' WORK BOOTS From $2.50 t $3.75 My prices arc low and for Cash only W. L. MORWOOD Flour and Feed "Mlossom of Canada" first patent flour $2.70 "Superior" Brand, per baj? $2.40 "O'Canada", i>cr has $2.50 Shorts, per ba $1.20 Men's Boots W,e have placed on our shelves a line of Men's 1'ilucher Moots, selling at a special price $2.80 OVERALLS l'.\tra heavy Denim Overalls $1.90; Overall Pants $1.60. 0. & A. Co-operative Co., Limited Fleshertcn, Ont. FOR SALE 114 cord soft buzz wood for sale at $1.50 per cord at! tho pile, 1C to 20 inch. Approach-' able by tru.-k. R. Plant, Flesherton.! FOR SALE $1300 buys house and lot in Flesherton Electric lighted, hard and r.oft water, small stable, and about two acres of land Good invest- ment, bringing in 8 per cent. net. Must be quick sale to wind up estate of W. A.Armstrong J.W. Armstrong, Executor. BULLS FOR SERVICE Registered Jersey Bull for service vS i o"! 52< E - T ' &S - R " Artemesia, Mabel Petunia's Masterman," No. -.<!<;. Canadian Live Stock Record hnn mS V' 00: 1 * " e goo<1 Her ^rd' bull. Fees $2 i n advance. H. RADLEY. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Berkshire Boar on lots -153. Grade sows $2, purebreds $o cash in advance. II. C. RADLEY. BUSINESS CARDS T. W. WILSON VETERINARY SURGEON :ian to all domestic animals surgery a specialty. Phone 2 r 4. and Miscellaneous WANTED - Good second hand cultivator. Frank Collinson, Ceylon. NOTICE Fishing and trespass- ing prohibited on lot 24. Con. 3. Art- emesia, known as the Harry Genoe farm. II. Radley, Leesee. STALLION FOR SERVICE That fine big Trotting Stallion. WILLIAM W. BELWIN, will stand for service at his own stable, Flesh- erton for the season of 1931. To insure: reduced from $20 to $15 hard-time price. Parties wishing to use this horse kindly come before 7 a.m. or after 6 p.m. A. HOY, in charge. FARM FOR SALE 150 acre farm for sale or rent on shares, lots 165-C6-67, 3rd range S. W. T. & S. R.., Artemesia. John Hogarth, Proton Station. BULL FOR SERVICE Rebisterod Durham Bull, roan, for service on lot 163, 1st range W.T.& i S.R., Artemesia. Terms $2.00, pay-j flMrt .Innnnrw 1 1C1Q9 GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County o* Grey. Temwj 1 per cent. Satisfaction fruamteed Date^made at The Advance office. M1DDLEBRO &~BURN~ Barriatera. etc. Ofices _ Owen Sound, Durham nd Fleaherton. Flesherton every Saturday afternoon and evening. Dr. W. D. Bryce. L. D. S., D. D. S. dental surgeon, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gag administer- ed for extraction. Office at the res!- donee of Dr. E. C. Murray. Toronto street, Flesherton. Phone 69. Prince Arthur Lodge, 888, A. P. A A. M.meets in the Masonic Hall, Arm. strong Block, Flesherton ever> Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. M.. W. R. Meads; Secretary, H. A McCauley. Wm. Kaittlng, Licensed Auctloneel for the counties of Grey and Simcoe Farm and stock sales a specialty, Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- anteed. All arrangements and dates may be made at the Advance office^t ' I * ,.