Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Jun 1931, p. 1

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' < tt0tt Vol. 51, NO. 4 Flesherton, Ontario, June 24, 193 1 W. H. Thurston & Son, ProprietoiS > I r ( 1 . > > ) PORTLAW A most distressing accident occurr- ed on Saturday forenoon last, where-, by Mrs. J. H. Walker was so ser- j iously injured that she is now a pat- ient at the Markdale hospital. She was assisting her husband in remov- ing their car from the barn when in some unaccountable way the car sudd- enly started backward, striking and knocking 1 her down. She was at once . rushed to the hospital where x-ray ; plates revealed that one leg was bad- ly fractured just below the_knee and the other severely bruised. She Is receiving skilful treatment, which we all earnestly hope will have the very best results. The new;; of the death of Mr. Abe. ' McMaster which oocured in Toronto recently came as a shock 'o his friends of this part. Deceased had been ill for two years, and re:eiving treat- ment in Toronto. He was born and spent the greater part of his life on the third line Osprey. Of late years he has been prospecting in the north. He was unmarried. The funeral took place on Tuesday of last week to the Anglican cemetery, Maxwell, the service being conducted by Rev. Mr. Oldham of Dundalk. Miss Violet Taylor of Toronto is visiting with her parents on the centre line. Mrs. Hershey and family of Mount! Forest were recent visitoi.; with Mr. j and Mrs. Sheardown. We are glad to hear that Miss Beatrice Boyce is somewhat improv- ed. Mr. and Mrs. David Jamieson of Toronto visited lately with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walker and : family of Derryville visited at the 1 home of the former's brother hp*e. A car load of people of this part attended. Warden White's oicnic at Meaiord last Wednesday and thor- 1 oughly enjoyed the pleasures of the' day. Tuesday of last week wa? a real letter day for this district when the annual convention of Artemesia, Flesherton and Markdale Religious Educational Council met in Mount Zicn church. There was a good representation of the Sunday Schools present. Afternoon and evening sessions were held at which the Pres., Rev. Mr. Bartlett of Priceville pre- sided. After devotional exercises ld by the president, the order of the program included addresses of wel- come, the president's report, reports of department superintendents, roll call, secretary's report, singing, ap- pointment of nominating and busi- ness committees, address by Rev. H. S. Warren of Markdale,, tests ot success in Sunday School work, add- ress by Rev. R. R. Elliott, Provincial representation and round table con- ference led by Rev. E. Elliott. In the ' evening after song service and de- votional exercises, led by Rev. A. M. Pope, reports from nominating and resolutions committees were received and dealt with. New officers were installed by the Provincial represent- ative, musk by the choir, excellent addresses by Rev.'s Bartlett and Elliott rvill long be remembered. Among other resolutions passed were expressions of appreciation of ad- dresses of the reverend gentlemen, and to the ladies of Mount Zion church for the deliciou-3 supper so generously provided. Rev. Mr. Scott extended an invitation to the assoriation to convene at Flesherton next year which was accepted. CEYLON MAXWELL Mr. Emerson of Whitby is visiting wirh hi/nunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Benr.ington. ML=s Annie Priestley has returned home after spending the last few ; months i- Collingwood. On Friday afternoon last the pupils, of the Maxwell school presented th-ir teacher. Miss McLean, with a lunchen CARD OF THANKS I desire to thank my friends and neighbors for first assistance, kind- nesses and sympathy during the try- ing ordeal of my father's passing. Millie Cook Mr. Lome Mills, Toronto, spent the week end with his wife and family and parents here. Miss Reta Marshall nurse in train- ing at Owen Sound hospital spent Monday at her home here. Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Dill Stewart and fam- ily of Bolton spent the week end at Mr. F. Marshall's. Mr. and Mrs. George Arrowsmith and Mrs. Archie McMullen spent a few days visiting friends at Bramp- ton and Norval recently. Mr. Jas. L. McMullen motored to Moorefield and was accompanied back by Miss Herb, who has been vi-oiting at her home there. Miss Mary McDonald returned Mon- day to Toronto to her duties. Mr. Alex Knox of Toronto Univer- sity, Mr. and Mrs. Giilispiee and little daughter of the west motored here the past week to visit their mother, Mrs. Knox anl other relatives. Mrs. Allie Muir who has been in the city for some time has returned home. Mrs. Hyslop of Eugenia is spending a week with her brother, Mr. George McKenzie. Mrs. Sinclair and jon. Jas.. motored to Toronto on Friday and was accom- panied back by Miss Margaret who has been srudyir.2 in Toronto Normal. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sinclair. Miss Margaret and Jas. motored to Harris- ton the first of the week. Mr. ?.nd Mr*. A. E. Haw, Mr. Alex Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Giilispiee motored for the week end to Bomanville and N'orval. Mrs. (Dr.) Beatty and daughter, Phyllis, who have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald M - Leod returned to her home at Madoc and was accompanied to Toronto by her mother. Mr. Peter Archie Ferguson of To- ronto was " caller on Mr. R. Campbell the first of the week. Mr. M. Ferguson left on Saturday t-> visit friends at Orangeville and Calcdon. Mr. and Mrs. Royden Gibson of Cooksville motored up Saturday and was accompanied back to their home by Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson and ,1- a- car on i& hill... or Experienced drivers of motor cars have learned that there is one rule of the road which cannot be violated without danger to life and limb . . . these seasoned drivers always keep in line when the ror>.! ahead is obscured. Hill tops and curves are blind spots on the highway. You can't see what is coming toward you . . . and there's almost always sure to be another car coming around the curve or over the hill. The one safe rule is to stay on your side of the road . . . the right side. Every time you take a chance that the road ahead may be clear, you jeopardize your own safety and the approaching motorist may be made an innocent victim of your carelessness . . . surely a heavy price to pay in conscience and cash. After all you can observe the "Hill and Curve rule" for a whole season without losing as much as sixty minutes' time all told ... Why not? ONTARIO DEPARTMENT of HIGHWAYS GEO. S. HENRY, PREMIER OF ONTARIO AND MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS Ft Mrs. George Snell for a short visit. Messrs. Harold Juston, John Jack- son, and Oscar Hess of Palmerston visited Mr. and Mrs. D. McLeod last week. Mi. S. Hemphill and son, Percy, and Misses Maud and Rita and gran- daughter, Isabell Irish, motored to Alliston and Toronto "for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. A:-h and Mr. Frances Collins of Chesley visited Mr. and Mrs. McWhinney the pas: week. Mr. Richard Burrell and two sons, James and John of Hanovor are vis- iting ar. Mr. McWhinney. The funeral of late Constable, Rob- ert Cook took place on Wednec-day afternoon from his residence to Flesh- I erton cemetery to the family plot, followed by a very large cortege. Rev. Di'. Caldwell an esteemed an intim- ate friend of deceased had charge of sen-ice which Bro. Cook had request- ed him to do should he be spared long- er tha- ha nrd was as-iisted by pastor Rev. Mr. Scort. The Dr. spoke on honor and principles of deceased dar- . ing, to assist the law. Str-j.ig in the temperance cause, f' fjr the right regardless of the ccst. b::t was suooessful on th^> v.-holj. In 1875 he started in the bhcksrr.ith business in this village for himself and cv.-; Mr. ar..! Mrs. J. Cu hnio. Mr. He had many hard ca-:-es to fight j after y^'.rs went the drov-' ing business. He was married to- Jane McMn'ler. only daujrhte" of the late William and Mary Ar.n M.-Mul!-. en. To them were born four ch;l i- rcn Millie at homo. I Mary ^ Mrc-. J. W. Cushine, who passed away on July llth. 1911; Thomas who died Aug. 27. 1'JOo; Clara, July 9th 191*3. His wife preceded him June 14th. l:-17. exactly 14 years to the day he died. The funeral took place on \Ve-lnes- d"v. The casket was covered wirh :'!o:a! offering?. Paajrhter, i pill- an.i Mrs. Cecil Cushnie. Mr. and Mrs. Will Crosken. Mr. and Mrs. Fair- v.-sather of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. M. Cook 1 . Hanover: Mr. (and M^-s. Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mo Arthur. Zion: Mr. and Mr-.;. M. C. Beckett, National Grocers. Lemon Bros.. Ow.>n Sound: Mr. and Mrs. Err.i-st Cook. Detroit; Ceylon and community frierd-;: \V. H. Th-.:r =.-.- and son; Mr. and Mrs. F. Finder. Fleshsrton; Mrs. H. Piper. Mr. and Mrs. M.'Fadden, Orange Valley, "" donated flowers. Those who attended from a dis- tance were: Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Cook ard Mrs. Eugene Brown, of Detroit: Mrs. Emily McMullen. Mrs. B. Ken- '-i?l-. cf Otterville. Man.: Miv. Jo" --vs. Vanessa: Mrs. G. PLkell. Par:*: Mr. and Mrs. T. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lawlor. Riply: Mr. Albert and Mis- May Cook: Mrs. Poole and son. Hanover: Dr. Tucker and Mrs. Cruckshanks. Paisley: Mr. Jas. Dyce. Mt. Fore-t: Miss Huston. Mr. and M: :. Shields, Dr. and Mrs. Caldwell, Mr. Cecil Cu-.-hnie. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cushnie. Mr. and Mrs. W. Crosken. Toronto; Mr. M. Beckett. Provincial Constable Denton. Owen Sound: Mr. J. M:\ally. Mr. and Mrs. Rtrhp'-HTd, AI -. v..K-..h n i^. Min.: Mrs. J. MeGowa-, Durham: Mr*. \Vhittaker from Islington and many ether* fr->ni other poirts. FLESHERTON OLD BOYS' AND GIRLS' PICNIC Memorial Park, Flesherton at., June 27 The Toronto and Fesherton Committees extend to the community a cordial invitation. Everybody come and meet old friends and have a good time FLESHERTON* STORES WILL CLOSE FROM '2 p.m. to 7 p.m. SPORTS COMENCE AT 2 P. M. (STANDARD TIME) CONTESTS FOR EVERYBODY. NO ENTRANCE FEES MYSTERY HUNT RACES TUG OF WAR NOVELTY RACES SOFT BALL GAME. TORONTO - v s - FLESHERTON Bring your basket with previsions. Friends from local points pieasj bring their own cups TEA. COFFEE MILK. SUGAR and ICE CREAM PROVIDED FREE The Curiine Rink a: the park will be available for shelter :n case 01' inclement weather OPEN AIR MOTION PICTURE SHOW IN THE P \RK AT 8:40 P. M. DANCE Toronto Old Boys and Girls will hold a dance in the Curling Rink en Friday and Saturday evening. June 26 and 27. Square and round <iar..ej (.jitney). Dancing to commence at 8:30 p.m. >->*<-:>^-><-c->*-x-:-j-J-**->%x-:~:-w-t->*<->-> BATES BURIAL CO'Y. | DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT MODERN COST NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR FUNERAL CHAPEL 122-124 AVENUE RD. TORONTO PHONE: Night or Day KI. 4344 :. W. BATES. Formerly of Flesherton B. MADOOCK& XK}H->. ? " House of Quality" \Ye have remodelled our Lv Cream Par- lor and \\e have an excellent assortment of Ice Cream, Sodas & Sundaes that will please v-ni. CCNES BRICKS ESKIMO PIES ICE COXI.D DR1XK< SKRYF.D FROM Ol'R SF.RV-ALI. COO1.KR ROCK MILLS Wedding bells are loudly ringing. M'--* Dorothy Foster visited during the pa.=t week in Toronto. / Mrs. Nelson Osborne amftwo child- , ren of Owen Sound spent a week with Mv. a-d Mrs \\>lter Ru-se!! and fans- ' iiy. Mrs. n. Biaaington and Mrs. .TUO Robertson of Maxv.-ell and Mrs. Jno Portc-ou-s spent a day la-.-t week with their -i;tcr, Mrs. Tht^. .-';. i-l'nson, ' who ha^ been very poorly Is; -',;.. >ir. \V. Emerson. U'hitby. called on i friendo here last v:eok. M:-. and Mrs. Nod Or :': ;;:-,! . ,:i- ily :>.r.d Mr. and Mrs. Sam C-of: mot- ored to Bartonville on Suu"day ::.'. vl-.ited friends there, returning i- Sundnj evening. R". H. B. Ja.kson of Proton ca!- -i! o : several families h-.-rc hut weok. M,. and Mrs. Jno. Cami-bol! and fan ily visited recently with Mr. ~n-l Mrs. Jim Russell here. Mrs. J. A. Foster e;iU-r;ained six- teen ladies from Corbettcn ; -rid Dun- dallt to a delightful afternoon tea on Friday last, in honor of her daughter. Mis-. Jean Foster, a bride t-j be this wo -V. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bftts and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. C. New- ell, visited with relatives at Maxwell. Jas. A. Stewart GROCERIES PHONE 46 WE DELIVER IN TOWN : - : SAVE MORE VILDA GRAHAM WINNER OF COMERCIAL SCOLARSIHP The Commercial Scolar^hip aw;i>-d- f 1 annually by the Walkerton High S hool Board to the student obtain- ing the highest standing in the sub- jects of the Commercial course was won this year by Miss Vilda Graham, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham, and she is richly en titled to thp contrraMilstt inn* hoino- Whither Bound ? "So many people are like .1 sea captain starting on a trip without jny sailing papers or charts" Babson. A regular saving of only $4.52 weekly in this Bank will, in four years, become $1,000. Have a definite objective like this. It is amazing how savings GROW when you save reguLirly. PEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT T "'BANK'TORONTO The Bank for Savings CAPITAL $6,000,000 RESERVES $9.000 000

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