Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 May 1931, p. 1

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Vol. 50, NO. 50 Flesherton, Ontario, May 13, 1931 W. H. Thurstcn & Son, Proprietors CEYLON Mr. Stanley Griffin, Mr. Walter Griffin and son, Gifford, visited their sister, Mr?. White. Sh,- ard her daughter, Laura, ae.-omparied them K the city for the week end Mr. MrMullen c>l TovonS) a x nl v-eek end with his j-.arer.'.r. Mr. and Mr-. Arc-hie McMullen. Mi.;.-; Gladys Seller* of Toronto f=r;nt the W.M-'K :-,u with her fviuml. Mrs. Anna McMillan. M -. and ML-'. John >i<>".U"->!Vic-~ / "f T' into \ve-.-p \>v, k i-nd visitor' ;v: the of Mr. (:>. Arrow-smith. M^ Bert \Vhit:ak,:r and sis',:--. "U;-, Xcubauer, 0*" Akron. Ohio. r>. inj>- a f<;i-u ' ' their i-.r>,\ M'--:. r PRICEVILLE Beautiful flowers, music and ser- mons commemorated Mothers Day, Sunday last, whL-h was fittingly ob- served, hisrh commendation \vrs i;iver Christian mothers, ami ' was made to mother's great r.pp. .-. ; iii"? and responsibilities and th.-; Tui results arising from tlioi,- love and -aerifice. T-> manv ' art .a me u-ndt-r thoughts of dear ones. M:-. Alex McLean and sister Anna Mary, mot"!-, ,; ,;n from 1' -i;-.-.:^ anSJ ' - Robe . na " I :'V ! : ;:: J or f * pent a few days visitinj Hmcks. KIMBERLEY Mr. and Mrs. Appleton spent the week end the guests of their cousins, Mr. Robt. Lawrence and Mr. and Mr.-. B. Hail. M'-s. J. Alexaudei-, Mrs. \Viison a"-.'. Mr. F. Alexander of Thornbury visii- cd wi Ji M-.-. H^nry and Miss Lucy Wslton. , i. V,". Brosse and daughter of Detroit visited friends here for a f.-w M . D. L. Weber went to Oshawa I and returnsd with a fine new truck. II- as r. - 1 by -^'- FEVERSHAM Mr. \V. N. 1! '-' nr,l -on, Laird Mr. J<>e Ilomphill and son. Fred, ot Toronto vi.-ited thi :.- !'.nc!e, M . ^ Hemphil!, and family the first of th week. Mr. and Mr.-. Th ..--. White av! -=,>n Ru,-si-ll. of SaujTfen Jet., Mr. ->nd Mr--. Robt. Brown and Miss Pella White of Toronto were first of the week vi-it- ors with Mrs. White, win had accom- panied them ba;-k from Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John M Xal'.y of r>ii"- ham v/ere week end visitors at R"bt. Cook's. Other visitors through tho week were Mrs. Will J. Grevn'.vcod and dausrhters. Miss Margaret anii Miss Clara Greenwood. R.V.. Mrs. Hu^h M.-Art'iur. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cook. Mr. and Mrs Clifford Cook of Ebordale, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Embury of Greenbank. Mr. and Mrs. T. Cook of Markdale and Mr. and Mrs. Will McFadden of Oranjre Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McMullen of Toronto spent a couple of days with their father, Mr. .las. L. McMullen. The J-'unday School observed Moth- A!,- Ca ..... iM. her daughter, Mrs. Art. . Richardson, Swinton Pa:-k. .-] v nt thi- -.'.- ,. !- i r.d at his ':' Mr. Da\ id Hin ly, :- ,- ' ih'j village havo ne an 1 - ey in im- Mr. Murrjv McMillan. Marl-'dule proving the sidewalks. There i? now ,, ,| . feet wide the whole length of thi Mr. S. S. Bu-.-rit 1 ar ! the first of tho v/ixk r.t Mr. Wm. M> Leod'.s Miss Mabel Nit-hoi has r.'.no to Or- anareville for a tinio. Miss Fl<,ra Campbell is friends in Owen Sound. EUGENIA The trees are (roninit tlivir and tl'.o irrass is b^'j-ir.nir/ '.o grow, since the recent ra : r.-. he of his house. Mr. X. E. Bi.r.-it: ar.-i Alien Fergu- son left Tuesday ovrniniv for .' iir;i"ii Falls, where they \\iil wurk wi h the II.E.P.C. Mr. and Mr* .Rear hav,- moved to the south hah' of Mrs. F. Hutchin-";!' rosidc-nco. Mr. Harold Proctor is visit : r,^ u; parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. Pro. tor. also Mr. and Jlrs. K. Provtor and Mrs. Will Kaitt ': , : -lived the sad children spent a day with them. news of the death of her uncle Mr.. The Community Hall trustees have Alex. McKenzie, of Sault Ste. Marie, 1 purch ased a piece of land fr-m Jlrs. Onr. Some apo Mr. McKenzie p lewea an<) are ,,, ovinjr the building accidontally injured his foot, causme, from th(J pa , k to it Th(1 w r me> . ts a lengthy illness, which in the end proved fatal. He was a man of about sixty years of ajjo. The fun- eral took place on Tuesday of thi? week. We extend our sympathy to on Thursday fur the election of ers for 1931. Jlr. W. Mundle leu to take a posi- tion with the fire ran ire rs at Port er's Pay on Sunday arternoon f rom j Mrs. Kaittinjc and 2.30 to 3:30. jrivinfr a splendid pro-! __ Mr - ^ ml -} Irs - .' , all the scholars taking rai-t.. ic> ^' en s und visited over the week; ren v jrrani. Mrs. Percy Hunt read the story "The Cap That Mother Made". Dii'-intr end with her parents, "Jlr. and Mrs. (.->> Sunday. Thos. Fenwick. Miss Selena Ma.-Donald vi-ited a to v ^gj t Mr. S. Faw . ' ft -'o-,- Collinjrwood the takinp: of the otTerine Rev. Scott tang "My Mother's Prayer", and also , few <*?* recently will, her aunt. Mrs. jrave an cd.l-ess on "Noble Mothers J Doui. Saugeen of Famous Men." The ,huroh was Mr - ^ (1 -} Ir< - ! , to "- Q** ."''. decorated by hrautiful flowers loaned {anlll y of Owen Souml vlsltL1<1 witl by friends for the c.vcasion. ' Mr. and Mrs. Tho==. Fletcher, who loud ^ their praisc for the kin(lnesscs . broth.-r. Mr. H. Fav.-cs.-tt. The Younp People's Society spent an evening visiting with Heathcote ynun;r i-cople. Kimberley nr'ivid 'd ; the program ami Heathen; e the lunch. Mr Jos Sherwood on ^unday The Kimberley ronnit r-ple wero Miss Muriel Camithers ot Weston have been visiting with Mr. an.l Mr-, i* visitinjr her parents Mr. and Mr- AU-x. Carruthcrs, "Moit.itain \ie\v fn- m " Wo ar.,> Hi '> to ' :'or f rla-o Dillon Mother's Pay was observed here i" ' !>reakinc his arm while p'avinjr. Dr. the chuirh on Sunday. There was ^ ^c^ the injured arm. I a choir of mothers, that rendered Mr. and M'-s. KH:-' sp'nt a week, apnronrrate seK-c'tions for the occas-i th quests ' Mr. and Mr-.. Harold ion. Rev. Pope preached an excellent! Ellis of Meaford. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Pear- in and little r.d si<toi-. Mi.-.- Mis; I.o'-nn vis-tod at Barrie over the Eeattie at Oi-anire Valley, returned to their home here on Monday. VICTORIA CORNERS M'-s. Gorde visited a i'e\v days at M". Milton Bannon's. l se-'raon. W t . are sorry to report George Best) Mr. John Rohnv'iin sick in bed and suffering from) Dorothy, of Fe^-orsham called at the \ve,-' end. neuritis. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stinson and family spent Mother's Pav at Jlr-. Club Hoi-se on >^ MIT.. Tho?. Lovr and daughter.' M : >s Gertrude. <,' Fli-shertun visited on Sunday witli 'Air. and M-.-s. -'has. Lictl.- War-,) Hut hinsor is visi'irr: with his grandparent/; here. Stinion'a parental home at Laurel. Margaret Moo : - l - ,-'.' Buffalo, nccom-' M-r^i" panit-d bv Arno'-l Hergott of Toronto, | Miss M>-1roso Cun'.pb'.'ll i 1 !' Flesh-.-r-' spent Mother's Day at the home of ton visited at h r parental hoi-.-.i- over, Chns. Moore, .".-s also did Mr. and Mr<. -] u week end. Jack Batchelor of Bothel. \\ ., ar .. sorry- to renort M'-s. Will Mrs. Ren A .-he son and b.ib^ s->.-nt/ Magee ill in bed and '!M;V that she n few days with her sister. Mrs. Milton, w jji be well a^ain ai'on. | Nichol. of Dundalk. At Inistioge on Sunday t!i church] j Rcdpatll service took the i;.^;'^ ^'^J PORT LAW S. S. NO. 8. AU TKMKSM KARSTEDTS at Pricevill ;uv ntVcn'n.y: e Day program. choir of motherrt and Mr. Les'ie, our ; new pastor, preached a very approp- riate sermon. Kel -!::: '' 1 - ; i--4' per c\vt. ii ['lakes .J5 Salmon, uirjjfo 25c 25 c Cream of \\Vst i** ~> * per batj S-. / SR. -1th Mary ShemrdwK C'if- Tho choir san<.' r a s.'l- : ford Taylor, Pelbi.-'"- l-i-i,>" Wilhi-r- cction and Mrs. Elmo Stevens render- Fisher, Bort Hopp"". ed a solo. The flower display wa:- JR. 4th Florence Boycc J Bobbie Horseshoe very beautiful. Meldrum, John Blakey. Pun.- I .ard. 2 Seeding- is progressing very slowly JR. 3rd -- Gracie Jamieson. in our distrk-t. ! SR. 2nd Sadie McKe/'. Marjorie .. Pedlar*. Leslie Jamieson. Mable Bla- F I S H I ^ IJ NOTICE key*. Harry Badgerow\ Myrtle Croft, (VCail.'uhl 1'ioiJV. haiV .... S " : Ver n M. -Mullen. ''uroMailiiuha i ; loiir .. S2.. Take notice that fis'hintr ar.d tres- JR. 2nd - - Elda Pedlar*, Louisa <P1-' f! \1 'IV passing on the property known as Boyce, Alice Shicrs. the Beaver Fishinp: C'luV,. from n sho't SR. 1st -- Geonre Boyee, Harold distance below New ell's Mill U> Andrew Phillips'. Grahams' property, is strictly pro- JR. 1st Mable Blackburn, Mary hibitcd and hereafter those who dis- Fisher. legard this notice will positively be SR. PR. Bobbie Blakey. Stflnl'-y prosecuted. Two hundred acres of Taylor. this property is personally owned 1>y JR. PR. Freddie Shier. Th" club, and I am instructed to n-o--,- N. on roll, 27. Average attendance, cclttc any trespassers thereon. I re- 24. gret any necessity for severe mcas- Thve marked ' were present every ure*. but I am oblig.d to follow my d.-iy. insli-m-tions to the U-Uer. Signs an- M. JOHNSON', Teacher. F C T W E A R Full ran^v IH" Tci'.nis S'ioc<. Oxfords :md v^trirp;-. :-.t bargain prices. 1 Joys' ("iVini'ici;;! Oxford in all si^cs .S_MO Hoys' !!ox Ki|i I'.Iiic. \vit1t the fibre sole. Special Sl.^S Men's Metinonite 1'ltic. with posted covering the territory of the dfc. Distinctive Jetterheads are evidence outside Counter. Special $.?. W. KAITTING, Caretaker, of good taste. Try The Advance. Nice Tuicv LEMONS 40c per doz. NEW CARROTS 10c r l\( W LETT; ; Xicc I . Pineapples Ken Kennedy's For Groceries 1'Ve-ii ^nn'tid Coffee, per !b 60c al Good Tea. IKM- Ib 35c I'.-.rk .nid r.c.iiis i tin-; ?9c n, . 2 >r 29-: MEN'S WEAR <: Special $!.' i an iver. Xicc Ripe TOMATOES Xico Cinoy ORANGES 25c per doz. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wiley were week end visitors -.vith friends at Not- tawa. Misa Mary Sp.eer visited her ro 1 .: iln the Misses Hemphill at Flesherton. Miy. Robt. Colquettc had the mis- fortune to Tail in the yard at iier h ):".. last Wednesday and break ; v near the Dr. Car.- Harv' Maxv.-ell .--L't the L-roak and r'r.f: arm in a pla.-t. be sorr.'j w.- ' \ a-.'-.-.i. Mi - M. E .Hero T . . * : M-. .:. ( \vjl remain :'or soir.e ?.i; Dor ;:;. K ibii n s - \-\\'.^ vi-itid o"er li her h'.i. Air . Ali Jtand T - - 'i he: 1 dr.'.!::' ' ' ' : -v ! ^ .-: : ! week. Mr. and MI-P. WHO)! 1 . moth.::-. M : . ii ...., l ;l , ... Mr. W:!!i;-.- Os'm rne i ; v! THE DUNDALK DRAMATIC CLUB will present their IRISH COMEDY DRAMA "Kathleen Mavoureen" - ' be Lj'iveii in tlu- Town Hall, Flesherton 8 - '"T^ 1 Q ^ 1 '* H / i ^ "\ - r /^ ^ 1*9 IVACi. \ ;*^ . . ' i '.-. Chapter N"' 17' '. ' >- -D r .!SS!ON: 35c and 15c ROCK IV ..:. and Mi , the B Sehi ol, Pr ton, l.isn Mr. Moibi Phillips :r.oved his . .-, -.--.,-. i l-y Mr. ru- air. winia - - - -- " . . . (Wned b y with his - and list. - ir. Xott- J V* " '!' ; - awasayra at present. .... M ,. ^ BV Jf r , an j JI Harold O-'. r'.~" " - M:i. L-. .- V n Atkinson accc.r.vv.- 1 - it-.'d w.tli M-. x-d M . i :..''!:' if n; a visit. Mill-; over M''- ;1 '*' ''' : WiiTo i Phillip* iif Mi. ' v . !lie Y\'i-i'j-!it r; 1 to Ha:: iltotl ted .: . . here over assist Rev. M -. Mil'., n; ' ' end. 's Chun-h. in yarkdalo. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Pedlar of Sine- Mrs. R. J. '.Yh : .t.o:'.i; visi id uallerj in th n, her father and sist.-r in Culli: ' ' borhood n Monday. recently. Mi.-.-; Marvtaret M.K'wai.i ' A ' Mrs. Lauri" Bi-'.. j was 'uia-n to T - Intvv!-. called on Mi. and ilis. Coll- ronro on Saturday, where an opera- MAXWELL Mr. ami .Mrs. -L L. M n --n and if Col - ' : with friev.iis 1-., ;-e on Sunday. ', -,l M-.-s. McCullouu'h and fani- Si ;;:-.,! M!-. Harry Linloy and Daughter, Ma.- and Mr. and Mrs. ;- n i ' <>v.-..-i .-'.>i:-.ii visited -m 'ant daughter of ML-, ar.d Sunday wi :< Mr. and Mr<. Charles B - .:;,- Mr. and Mr-. X rr.uin C miter and on Friday evenine, wh ion was performed for mastoids. W,. /...,,, ; y , , re visitcd %v.-.h Mr. )-,: w-av to her pan-r.'i'.! h> ne i-. aiv .rlad to kHi/\v that she i< dinnir an j jj,.^ Q Field. K riiwich in H-.i:-i>n C-.unty. Ontari i, nicely. for tin- we- k ,>nd. Mrs, Wm. Pedlar spent th- past M;. t'.oiclon Henderson . ' Riv< '''ith I-.L-I- d;ui::hter, Mrs. John view. Or. . wa.; a visilo:- : ) this vill- WVlt^iv Kimb--!"\-. a"v i-n S::*-i,-'i:iy. T'-.o chur -i -<;. : -r has 'vi-n ehanjr- Mother'a Cay ;rvic?a were h-!.l ed o the ovenini? at TfU) p.n:.. in the churi'i-"- hi e on Sunday last, during tin- summer r.v>r.:ns. Sunday Mr-- Mi*s NVllii' Wright preached ir, :!.( ill or.tinue at the usual hour morning in the Gospel Workers' of 2 oVl XV ' n <" ^" ' " Chur i, and the nastor. Rev. F. Dean. Little Viva Atkinson spent a few Mr. Blan, v M-i,-. and Mi-s Ma< ; d Hemphil! sans a dt day- last week at the homo of her ^hich was r : L:h:y appreciate 1. Ii cousin. Mr. W. Akin. Flesherton. Editor lea n I I leir trade ii the ev.'nirtr. --.'"vices in tho Presby- Some from here attended the scr- terian chur.-h '.vas condurte.i ' y a _ Miss Ri-si- M.-GiiT i.^ holidayir at her h<r.e h."-o. Mrs Joseph L:inktve-j is visiting V.-;L!I I 'iends '.r. ' -'ilaire at ! BATES BURIAL CO'Y. I IN MEMORIAM HENIU'RSON !: Ln-ins n -: -- of o-:r dear hn.-!'.i" ' .'.. i i '' : ft -:-;der=i-.n. wlv) ;" =.-;i\ axvsy ^ :"ad'v 'liisced !'-,- wif-- :;;:d i!.1U : i; r.'XKRAT SFRVICR AT MODERATE COST NO EiTEA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR PAELORS I2i-l2 AVKNL'E Kb. TORONTO PHONE: Night or Day KI. 4314 Formerly of Fleshertnn .'- W. BATES. R. .MADDOCKS. .j *****+******+*************#********+********++*** WHAT A DEFERENCE - ^ - ^ DAYS MAKE / Cfc, Canada Flour Carrcis 25c Basket IODAY A TODDLING CHICK ... in 90 dcr-s a proud pullet about to lay. There's scu:> thing io think about! Tiny bones and lialo muscles have grown several limes in size . . . a delicate fuzz has sprouted into hundreds of feathers ... a chick v/cighing grams has ^rovnt into a pullet v.-eighing pounds . . . all "in 90 short days.' A v.oudcrlu! change . . . and only cue th.'n ; cr.-.i do it . . . good feco' ! This year con:, : -r i'ur-'i Siartena Chow (mash) and Purina Chick C'- < (scratch) or All-Mas Ii Startena Chc-.v lor ilio six weeks . . . aud then Puri'ia Growcna ;=.::.t 1\. Intermediate Heu C : :jv/ imtil your pullets arc lay- ing at 1.6 wee' -. Put thc3c C!u- , ' ' -. - ; , See p',:!L-!s tiial are 'niiit ri:-ht . . . p\, ^*Y c ^! s tiplcniy iu fill aiK.i '\siuicr \viicu Krtys worth good ii:ouey. . , . -WI-^JBL*,*" ' i Jas. A, Stewart, r le3hertcn

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