Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Apr 1931, p. 1

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Vol. 50, NO. 47 Flesherton, Ontario, April 22, 1931 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors His whereabouts unknown for 42 Royee, of Roekwood, a pleasant sur- ytars, William Bolt, of Saginaw prise when he paid an unexpected Jiis.\. gave his sister, Mrs. Robert visit to her home. CEYLON \ 1 . HOMES TAKE ON THE CHARM OF NEW HOMES WHEN RE-FLOORED WITH SEAMAN-KENT HARDWOOD FLOORING Sold in Flesherton by Flesherton Planing & Chopping Mills fireproof waliboard is manu- factured from gypsum rock. It comes in sheets that arc 4 to 10 feet long, 4 feet wide and $ of an inch thick. It costs little, nails and cuts like lumber, lias structural strength and insulation value. It is Canada's premier material for lining all interior vralls, ceilings and partitions. Ask your dealer for a Gyp roc direction s'.ieet, it reives full details. Store ceilings Bascm:::t3 Warcl:cv.:t3 Barn.-. Attic r-jcrr.z Fruit cellar:; Making old rccrrs ncv; Store windows Dressing rcornD Rest rootr.3 Offices Partitions Under Poultry houses Panri cfficjs ilarnes: rooms r-heathi::G !:un porc.'.es Suaraer cottars Cover ,; n ^ o!J Pa:toric3 Kitchens plaster Ticturs theatres Approved by Fire Chiefs Approved by Building Inspectors 37.: CYPSU3I, LDii: en 1 ALADAST1NE, C.V.NAD.*., LIMITED Paris Ontario For Sale by Flesherton PUming & Chopping Mills Mr. and Mrs. A. Sir.:Iair were in ! the city for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. John Cushnie of To- I ronto visited at R. Cook's for the I week end. Mrs. Here are a few of the uses of I ana. Cecil Archibald of Proton spent the week end with her parents and two sons. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fletcher, who j spent the winter months in Toronto, i returned the past week to their home ! here. Mr. Maurice Wright of Toronto vis- ited his sister, Mrs. .las. W. McMullen, the first cf the week. Dr. Wilson and his mother from Tilbury, who recently purchased Mr. Geo. Banks' farm at the Six Corners, I have taken ua their residence there. We extend to them a welcome. Mr. ;>nd Mr*. Robt. Brown and Miss ; Delia White of Toronto motored 'in j for the week end and visited with I their mother. Miss Agnes Macphail. who hns been to Regina on a speaking trip, return- ed home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Torrey and son. Jack, of Lauriston visited Mrs. i H. Piper the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Woods and f^tnilv of ; Chatsworth visited at Mr. F. Mar- ! snail's the first of the week. Mr. Angus \Vhittaker spent *he winter in Orangeville and is now as- sisting his brother here. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McLachlan and Mr. Oben McLachlan of Toronto vls- j ited their father here the first of the ' 'eek. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bniley and two i little daughters of Shrigley visited : Mrs. Ma.phail on Saturday. Rev. Donald, returned missionary from India. ga\\. a talk to the boys and girls of the Sunday School an i had charge of the church service, g'v- ing a talk on his work and life, which wa.s very interesting and enjoyed '>v all tho:'e present. Miss Maud Hemn- hi'I rendered a s-Io "Face ti fac-". which was also appreciated by the congregation. Mr. Percy Hunt Tceived a mo .-sage on Tuesday th;:t his s:-iL>r. MaKe. ;(Mrs. Bert Walker) .f riare.<ho!n-. Al'a.. v. ho had not been in the b. st ^f health --i'l.e November, but was 1 iii'vol to l-o improving, ha-1 p:\ssr.i nway. She. v.'ith ?u twin sister, ' : OiT!l C. "3:-, the I'ld.'St dl'.Ughter of the 1 i. >' and Mrs. Edwin Hunt, and wa:' l:o;n r.t Eramosa. ne;i>- (lUclrh. 17 vears ago. She later riov.-i! with her parin'.s to Gle-nolg. ".'> -e irany ha?>py years were sppnt. :ir:< \vl-.c 'o thr :ami!y was most highly ed. >'!> was married at the ; / h ; parents in (I'n'M !g !S ye;v-: aT-> ar.d with !":r hr -band s:a t^sl !i-.'e on illeir fari:i at Antler, Sasi.-., ],it,-- mcving to Olai'^holm, Mt:v. wiv. r'.' she died. She i.'iives to r-our:: her loss her sorrowing bus- bars!. i',\,. sisters ard four brothers,'ly: Miss Florence Hunt of Ro- ;in:i. Sask.. Mrs. John Montgomery nt T'ti-'irt". Mr. T'ot-.v Hunt. Ceylor, Wilfred o!' Kevrir.j. We dey of Rose- town an ! Harol.l cf Vx'i'yhi.irn. S:i<k.. .to wh mi this cotnni'T'iity ext'.'nds its .y-Miathy. Mrs. Montgomery left at once to attend the funeral. Mr. A. C. Muir was in Mcafon! i'!i Saturday on business. Mas'cr I.aVerr.c Piper, v. h : l" as- sisting i i clean grain at Mr. A. C Muir's on Saturday, had the mist'or- t"iv to have his thumb caught fnd the ii",'-h torn open. The wound was t.ry s.-rc. but we hope that he will have the use of it in a few days. EUGENIA Spring must be here, for the birds are all back. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Biggar, Mis< Delmar Fenwick and Mr. Harold Cook of Owen Sound visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas CARD OF THANKS P-i behalf s-f my daughter. Ma. 1 extend in -ineeiv tharik.* to kind : eisrhboi - i-rd '.'riend:; for gcnc-nuts :;' ts ef flowers. f:'uil and a Is > for lettei and me: -a,'o< of syi'ipathy duri'v; her recopt trying illness. -Ml-'<. W. ,1. MAC.KK. Sure I'm \vell fed! 1 * My mother trades at Ken Kennedy's . Miss Milligan, 8th line teacher, vis- ited over the week end in Durham. A number of ladies from this vic- inity attended the Missionary' meet- ing in Flesherton Monday afternoo.-.. M". and Mrs. Ed. Graham and familv of Thombury visited relatives in the village on Sunday. Mrs. Jacob Wlliams has returned home after an extended visit with he? laughters in Toronto. Mes-rs. Clias. and John Park, also Mis? Mae. returned to Toronto the past week. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. G. Sidney Smith and little son, Raymond, of Meaford .ailed on their uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Smith, or.c day last week. M". Tho?. Fenwick spent the first :' the week in Toronto. We are s i ry to rci'.-rz Mrs. John Campbell not feeling very we!! the past week, also Mrs. Thos. Fenwick. who was threatened with an atf -V )' appendicitis the past week. We hope both ladies resruii their usual jrood health again soon. M-s. Thos. Lever and cuu?ht^-, Miss Gertrude, of Fleshjrton visited jn Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin and family. Miss L. Essland returned to her home near Feversham. after spending a few weeks wi.:h her sistc'.', Mrs. Ben Short. Mr. and Mrs. James Trask oi . lenford ealL-d on M". and M.s Parson last Thu-.'-day. Mrs. Tra- inee Miss Hazel Kenwick) a da.iirhte :' Mr. Jabe Fenwick of Allenford i: i relative if 'Ir. Parson and also of Mr. Thos. Ferv.-;ek and Mrs. Jos. \ViIlian!.-. They were on their honev- moon trip ar.i "made :>. flyinif visit ta Eugenia. Mr. ami Mrs. Hen She"" and .' Hin. Lya!!. visited recently with Mr. an ' M' ; . V'. B n. ne.i- '" ', .-<lia ROCK MILLS Beautiful weather for seeding. thr> farmers are very busy </n the '.and. ' and many are pretty well on with the seeding here. Mr. Wm. Hawkins and rons we.'e the fir-t to finish : seeding around here, having finish. 1 '! ; in their home farm last week. Mr. Art. Porteous of Maxwell has moved his family to his fathers house j east of Rock Mills. We are glad to learn that Mr. Harry | Gcnoe is able to be home again. The saw mill here starts! working' last week, with all the old hands on. I the job again. We like to hear the | whistle blow agai*\ Miss Lulu Russell visited os-er the ' week end with her cousin. Miss Audrey; Osbnrne. Centre line. A very enjoyable evening was spent on Thuisday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Betts. when a large | r'JmixT cf frtends and neighbors i gathered and presented this newly | r.K-.rrii.'d couple with a beauf'.ful set . -: iii>he--. Abcut midnight the ladies] served a dainty lunch. Master Bob Dargavei of Flesherton. j holidays! with his friend here Laurie' Russell. We ar,i so-ry to report Mr. Walter i Ri>#ell laid up a: pr. sent with am attack if appemh itis. but tnyt he | w:i! -'>.M; he better. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fisher of I Po-t'aw visited recently with relatives h'>v. i M Mrs. Archie McKechnie and two children of Priceville visited the ' first of the week with the Pedlar i tVmili*" here. Mr. George Pedlar oi Durham \\s\l- :d the first of the week with his brother. W. T. Pedlar. i Las' We>ek'> It, n-.s) M--. ..H .'.i-'. ;> n.-ild has re f~ To " n' ' .''"'] holidaylrg at hi:'. Iv- v here. lie i-iotnrcd down in Irs ear. Mr. and Mr. P. :' >wn of Fe^ sham were ca'U rs on M.. a:vl M \V. K:liU!!lC 1'c ' T.tly. Mr. Ad:i".J Smith visited ova: i'ast. r Sitn'iiy \virh ':> si 'Ugh' Mrs. Mo.-.ra-' in M.'<he ' Morir:-:i. IV.s, icia jnd Uoinrla n turns,' l-.i ne v. till r-r ar.l I I ci -.:pK' f , n ; yab! Ja;, - ih vd!- ;;..- here. M.-. CeeH Ma-riv :"id M''- Harry Foiv.^ter :r e SP< ' "". :' t'cw '''*>'' : ; , Toront >. Th,-y acoompanieJ Mr. Sam M:' Porald t.i the city. M ; '. T. V >ore .ird Miss Kd'th Allison of Cjllingw.'o.l visited with Mr. ami Mrs. K li'.tinj: and '.'amily or Sunday. ?.i a.'d Mrs. l',<-e. Johnson and . >< ,,f K!e-b."-t'.;i vislled on S n TV !:>;. \v'.t|i M . and Mrs. B.Tt M:\--e. M:-. .Inhn .Tamifson, elder ' '( \\ . .-.nd Mr*, l-'-.'i 1 Ja'i'.ieson h;\s ' (1; : :! .' ' > .r'iv ' r' < ('id'. :.-. He lias !n-:>n '-.king " of tbt- -ourse at home. We wish John v s: '.'iss. Mr.'. Ste\ S-'tt-n >t Flesher'o:i >; :< , a'!""on Mrs. Kai"':v -.,;':.. M-. :-rd Mrs. Hoy M:'.. ^ lUr.i Markda'c j-fsiv-l - tulav M . a ul Mrs. 1're.l .Ian i. -n. Mi- V];< ,;'.-i'l. \\hll UC!' ''. T ' ' vsn ati :i heiv i etunicd i' wi 1 ' V.'.. arc n!i s^ed > tvp ; >' ' Hi-n \Villvrv-! 1 s 'ov i"B : ' " >:i : R, : ' b:; Oran< ii : "' C.iJle-n ,-, lr ,, ( :;,- r ] ;( :tc : b-r vairntr, Mr. ard " . ' ; i Pe"->\r' S!.' ' ' -irnod o Tc -'rto \. mal ' ' ! i lv. ,: Mr. a>- 1 M.v. u, ., :] ... - M , Kii-'-t 'i ' '.- ii );i \v!- ' K;s '.-r ;it liopie. vili'.'P-'d to Toron! ' I'ri^e:-- :ty PORTLAW (Last Week's Items') It :-= a u"i'a: -.T. isi'af':i>n u> .'iirMjti so.j the brown fields with their tints . ,'ri't--. arpi-arintt. anil to oxner:- nci thi ,y of aii'uin si-ttin^ our feet on thr ! are jj'-oupd. Mr. ani Mrs. W. (',. ,Ianiios,'!i artemii-ii t':u> funeral if the Urto-'- "vk'. M)-. K.K t, Courts roar Ptimlalk PiA-i'iisr;! v.'a< a s. > ,if th t ' '.atj Mr '-!. <'<:. Coufs, pioneers, \ and M 1 '-!. < tj-i- . h. : "ii '.> n-., Mi-. Roiit. Plantt has bcon '. : - inr j wi:h his < V\'i'.,'r i 1 :i' Kimberley. M .'. i|. i. i''a'- y a:;d sistl I 1 of T" i -in: i~ r-:ot.'ivii rp :i:-ii ?per.t h iTi! at thfi pai . n:al 'nonu i- BuzzinjK !H'L'S ha'.'i' In i '; rs 1 . ; , :';irm work !;itrly \Vi- sympathize \v:;h Mr. and Mr- Ja. i< - i '.-' h.Ti . :' Victoria i' ' r ;i. in '.'" .- loss ' y tile b;:nii"ir <M' ,'v J?ck McCannul, Swinton Park. Th<> Onward Club of the (). D. R., held their clrb met-tiner at Mr. Wm. AlAorn's with a jrood attenilam-e and after devotional exeivLses p good programme was enjoyed. An inur- esting debate was held with Mr. Jack McMillan and Miss Kathleen Burnett on the affirmative and Miss Christena McKinnon and Mr. Donald Reiley on the negative. The subject of the debate was, Resolved tha* "Freedom given to young people to- day is good for them. The judges were Miss Hazel Beaton, Mrs. Ray McLean and Mr. Shackleton and gave their decision in favor of the- affirmative. Mes?ers Angus McMillan- and Garfield Wliyte supplied good music, and dancing was enjoyed until a late hour. Refreshments w,,Te served at midnipht. A very pretty wedding was solemn- ized on April 4th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pedlar. Toronto, when Mr-s. Pedlar's sister. Miss Mary E. Casron, daughter of Mr. and "Mr. Alex. Carson. Ceylon, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Wm. E. Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson. Brighton, Ont.. Rev. Mc.Vab of High Park Presbvterhn chur.-h officiating. The bride, '.vh . was given away by her father, looked i- harm ing in a g>jwn of turquoise blue iml carried a bouquet of Ophelia rosea and maiden haid fern. The nrskMuaid. Miss Gwendolyn Black- well, wore a gown of pale pink and carried American Beaut v roses. Mr. .Ia.<. Bishop supported the groom. The wedding mraeh was p!a\ed by Mrs. J. Winters. Following the signing of the reg ; ster luncheon was serves!. The bride's travelling dress was . f browTi. with coat, hat and ao- .,.<snries matching. The young COUpl" ;t>ft amid showers of confetti and UIMH! wishes on a motor trip to St. r,- ; ui:i!u ami other points and on their f turn will reside at Brighton. The bride :\ A groom rc.-eive-.l handsome ami useful gifts. many '- mis .ioin in extending '.':'? VM IP \ ' '" the young souple v ,,.. ,i Hincks, Mr--. Wm. Hir.cks ,. ,; , , ; <, tared t>> (Hv u n <^-nd i:oR .' (V' M^n^ay. Anr : ! 'J' 1 '' 1 . '.,;;. M--. an-l Mr-, .r-hn M'- .1 -sip. PRtCEVILLE M". .u-sl Mr-. Art. Richardscii am' family. Sv.-inton Park, visiteii the 01 the v.'eek a Mr. Mes Ca About thirty nf the noighlnr-i t: js>ye<l a taffy pull at the home of Mi David i! neks, situ- night recently when a very enjoyable time was spent \' ; > last week at the' hoi-.u- nf Mr. A. I.. Ilincks were. Mr. and Mr. Tin Hineks and family. Ti<- ;-onto . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H /. Mr. a:;s! Mrs. (',. A. Black ami Mr. PROTON STATION : l;kc for A''::I weth<-r. M \. Shersi'n. K. A> " - T. F:i-i-b' 'or -iiipi'<-.i ;i .-arloa.l of attic ti lay (Monday) which they have bei hold "-" ' ;ii ~ >v '' n: a - \V.' 'i-'is: thev may '" rewa but !?!V. M.-. and Mrs. L'.s 1 .- Ws' and : ily ol rhat-'.vorth were <.], l->y guests o Mr. and Mr*. T. \Va'.- -hui'e. Mrs. I.'.oyd \Vauchsire and little .laughter I'liyilHs. returned home after s t <. ruling two weeks with her oarep.ts at Flesherton. Mr. A. Herein t and sons. Arthur ind Roy. and Arthur Mt-Cannc-11 spent. lhe week end a: Waterloo. Miss Margaret Lyons ami fric ! were home !'rom Tc-ronto for the '.veek e'ld. Mr Harvey White of Toront fa visiting his parents at the Junc.t:<n. ; i BATES BURIAL CO^Y UIUTIN'i'TIVK FUXKUAL SERVICE AT MODERATE COST NO F.XTKA CHAUCE FOR THE 1'SK OF OL'U PARLORS !!M:'t AVENV'K RD. TORONTO \V. HM'i'S. ['".(INK: N i hi ;>r Pay K!. :'.! Formerly of Fieshcrlcn R. MAUDOCKS. "Htuise of Oualitv" MAXWELL 1'RKSH UKAP LETTUCE CELERY SPINACH ONIONS TOMATOES NEW PINEAITLKS Real Nice ORANGES 25c do/. SPECIAL IN MEN'S CAPS All new styles and patterns, regular $J.tX) | to $2.50. THIS WEEK $1.75 Plume 37 |^>^^CMJ~><^MNC^><^<KK<><^^>****< > ^'^^ M .;nd Mrs. \. Cairn i and M,'. J Li'-,i Mrs. K. SV-.H.-v '-isiu-d rn Su:id S ,vith ' ' T 's .; s n'th-mo( -. : J '". .-. -\. I . "Io 'rison :"u! ?i f 's. ; Clark and o;!'. rhtev. M;u'io, o;' C'' 1 '- lingwood vi.-ited ov;.'! 1 the week end .-. it'i ri-!:\tivt--s bore. Mr. and Mrs .An;,'i:s Mr -rison vis- ited over the week end with friends in Shi'lbnrr.e. Miss Annie Priestly of Collingwo.>..i visit.-d at the parental home here | | | >vcr the wet'k end. Mr. and Mrs. Renfred Acheson vis- ited at the hcrne of Mr. and M.S. oiorge Ross on Sunday. Mr. Chester Cameron of Horning* Mills visited with friends here over Sunday. Brampton will observe daylight < . saving from May 2nd to September ' | 'i IMOTIIY Kl-li C! OVKR M.SIKi- MAMMOTH CLOX'KK S\\ KKT Cl.o\'l-:i \\ e have Xo. 1 anil \s>. J Seesl. Or.r prices are ri Tenn<: Casl 1 PURINA ALL-MASH I ; .M- T.abv Chicks ht Jas. A. Ste\vart I GROCERIES PHONE WE DELIVER IN TOWN 46 >

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