\VEI\KS1>AV, APRIL 1.". THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE TIII; HKST urri.t: TOWN Th< iv au fancier towns than our little town, tin' re are towns that ar> iMjrfTfr than this, and the pi'"'!'' 1 ' v. t< live i,i lh<' mall >r towns, di.n'l know what excitement they miss. There are thinj.'^ V' 11 'v' in the wealthier t,.v. '. that you can't in a tuwi: thatV .small: :.nil i i-l .in and .' n, ' here is i.o "tl:i i town. lik v our own little 'uv. n i'l'trr all. It may be that the .-tin-Is aren't lonjf, thiy're n i, t u :,!,. ; r niaylie !>a\ed; l>ut the in iuh!i ']- v.ii: know m your own little tiixvn. all \\rli-nn- a i'c:l it' tal. In the jrlitte, iiiir streets ui' the itliltcri'it-; town, wiih iis pahuv ;uid MHI:( :;nd thrall, in the midst ot yn'i v. ill frequently I :<: .iir ->'vn little iov. n after all. IT you l.ve i'.n.l ;. i work in v u.T own little t^v.n, i;i -,tilr .if tl'c fart that it's snail, you'll i'ind it a fad I'uU your 1 1 -.vn ittli' town, is the lie-t lil'ie . fti i all. Kxchaii'.'v. Ready For Picnic; ?irs. Ha:f Holiday M MM-: .--mi (;.\i.s. OK SYRIT Mr. Ual'.vr Akin nf Fle.;hert(in lun nla mi f act u rid \er "'" l| rallmis -it" maplv .-yiiiji 'hi.- season. He lifted I. . .it'll to-day, Wednesday. ' : !? a V py :<* & ' L^MM A mi'i'titiy "f th,' business men of the- villaife \uis held in lh<- tiwn hall on Friday niu'ht last and a eon.- niittee of eighteen was appointed I" 'i:ni't the To'-ont > coiii:mtl"<> :i"-d work in unison with thuni for ihe annual jVienie this summer. T'le date of the picnij was not lieciued 1 i inji). but was left for fii'ihei- con- sideration with the Toiont:) commit- tee, although a recommendation was made for a Saturday picnic when thy stores would do -if from '.'. o'elocl. t > cither 5 or (i p. in. It was alsn di ided at the meeting to toinnierce the Thursday half hol- i.iay op .May 7th and continue until tin- end of September. WANT MY Tennis Organizes K. .1. IVin'.i II v .; MiWte I Pre-sid- | i. oi flic !!- '- c '! Ti nnn Chi!) at ! tli t . a.inual mvetiniT he! I TM lay i (vc nin^. W. t;. !v n/ii was a,i- 1 point) .! \ ie< - I'" 1 '-- ' '' "'' ' I- 1 ' 1 ' 1 l\;'i i -dt v:,i- rc-i'' v - '-.I .-'. .-t'.ny- T| -...-. , r. i': "rO'liid-i ' :i dice I is 11 ip isi <' i.f I' - Ki'tru'dv. Al' - I Oiuilin'. ',. .\n-.isti-- ! " '! \vc. Tin' securin >!' < hers f> thc f'hr> 1 wjis Irl'i in the hart N 'it' Mis. W (1 l.i i :;cdy and I'.. <'. Murray. Priceville Concert ' '! in Kit shcr'i'ii by FLESHERTON I'l.. \MM; AX1) CJKAIN i/HOiTJNt; MILLS Spring 111 Swing "Freshen Up" INSIDK AND OUTSIDF AND \VIIHX Y >r USE SHERWiN-WILLLIAMS PAINTS AND VARNISHES YOl' ARK ASSfUKI) YOU AKI-: rsixciiiK I;I:ST MOXKCCAX IJUY. TMKV '',' > rrkTU I-'.!-;: TIIKV ST \XI ) IT SAY. I '. f- 'r iiisidr ami ( ititsi.K- Mani'.i !'!. <\- luianicl and I'limr \'anip-.li , i ! Anlo I'.II.M :u I l ; l:i! TI mi 1 fi ir \ri i f ic I )i'i'i iratii .11 \\'il l.;if '!|iiicl: dry) Slain ami \;irni-!i \\ i- li.i\r ,i lii'11-.h i.ir i'.\rrv I'urpi oi- |''|MHI' \\ ;i\, IVilish, ( >il and 'I'm IK-HI inc F. W. DUNCAN H ARDW.A.R.E Phone 54 \ brit-ht :ui'! interesting n 1 '":-' \'.;is riven in th<- Presbyterian Hall, I'i i' e v 'il''-. nil Ki'idn\ ni^ht. A|dil loin, v. hen the Mi.- ion l!and brought th" ni, lit' i |) C - (iwailnr Fii-lil. Iiidi.i. by I . . n. I'el'oiv t heir audience. llelif bll'ii! i. a: ical .-elections on |iiuno and violin \v, i,. j'iven by I'ro- 1, - or Kyle i'lid the Misses .lean, .Marir.'iri't ;i"d Kuth Wolstencroft, dauirbi r-; < f K< \ . WolstPncroft, ,"' the l!ai'ti.;t Clni'-ch. Flesherton which \vcrr thoroughly appreciated and en- ioyeil. Tin Mi-sion Hand contributed sov- iial iti-iji.j in choruses and a duet hv the President and Secretary, N'nreen Mclnnis and Mariraret McLean, also two I'l'ciUltiotis by .Jamie and Laurie Suthei land. The ('. (!- I. T. a-i'oup brightened the [invraniiiie with two lionises anil Kvelyii Mclnnis i;ave an inter- est in i-.' risiiiiii" "The Hinirir'if of the Hell". Mrs. (Uev.) A- Sutherland ren- dered l\\ i v. , !1 i-h'"-en solos in her IMII.I! nl":i- .in.' inaiine,- and a Mission- ary Pauv.in! entitled "I/>ve.; Candles" was irivc.i by the Mission Band in whi-b those taking the |irincip:il parts v.etc; I.::u,-i" Su 1 herland. Morley MrlnrK ]i,.i;ald \i fvl. Margaret .Mel.' in, - : "lli'idti", N'mven Mcliiiii:- ".lai'arri-- ". Jae|. MrArthur "Chinosc", Jamie Sutherland "Nm-tli An-.i-rica.. India!'", LOM-KJI Tirrnbull "School 'In I., -uul Tom AhKorn "New Can- 1'ilian". A In-arty \e'.' nf thiink' \v:is .'\- t "d< d to all ihi-.-e 'ho a-si-ti-d with (I-- pniirraniiiM'. Pr- ce"ds \M-I SI7. .';."i and the venin'r closed with tlu- si:iuiti of (lie National Anthci.i. Me< Vr.d.i n Hi is., i.', I .i.-'nwel .-err.-red a heavy |o.-s last w.'cl, when tin 1 ( Jiivernmenl Inspe tor lagged '2<> <( their llolstein h. ,d a- deinir < ffeet- i'd with I'll oi -iilo:','-;. Tt'.-i- tattl,. whi"h inehideil cave- fi'mn six we.'ks to six months, were all shipped to To- irinin In be slaughtered. Only seven cuttle were left on the farm a< free / from disease. Et cuing rales on "Anyone" (s.'Miun-to-itjticiii) cjlls bt- gin tit 7 p.m. fright rules begin at li. JO p.m. ]inl gin- "Lou:; DIJ/..-H. f" life num- ber ).u u .-.-.' it tptctls tip the It was really the first time Dorothy had ever been away from home alone. She was happy as could be at Aunty's, and romped and played the whole day long till bedtime came then a terrible fit of homesickness came over her. Aunty was at her wits' end till she thought of Long Distance. In just a few seconds Dorothy's mother was talking to her little girl . . . quietly," firmly, cheerily . . . then she told her to let Auntj tuck her away in bed. Everything was all right after that. Dorothy felt that her mother really wasn't far away after all. And the telephone had saved Aunty from an awk- ward predicament at a cost of just 35 cents. Owls! Owls! The Knu'inia (ianie preserve is no more. It has been fully to the public for huntin.t thrown open , trapping or All the pheasants were <<- ' .i'd .sonic iinie a>ro and the iH'n> ;mil the other buildings Were disposed nf la>i v.eek at vivv cheap pi iees. However, there is one item the author- ile-; will not likely remove and tiiat '-- h hundreds of owl t;.; 1 .'. v.'ore shot ir i-;iii(jht and throv. n mio heaps o' tie I in UK> tree- to .,-U'e.off the ;iir -auders. Sinn, .lohn on had ivsts ii' 't"d at various points throuuT. .lit the. island and plaivd traps thereon o ' 'iip'.tire th i-wls tha' infested thai i.ii-ii. That he was siu'ee. st'ul is .-hown b v il'e hundred:', of dead cwl-: !| i:a a:e to bi> SIM n in a larfre haw I : ee. t.car 1 1:.' ph.asa'i: pen.'. At = '>. : in ' the! ' . v rv little witer i;i the reservoir of liie lake, in fact at pri-seni ih.' wat.-;- is th,. !ov. e t than ai any time sin -e the dam w:ir io:iiplete,l in P.'l'i. in a brief but char manner such subjects as thc Vood value of bi-ef, selection and caio, and the relation- ship of the higher-priced to the 1"'. FURNITURE ei -price,) cuts. than half t!v.- AlCIION SALE doukl. . i . rL-voted to practical jrestic;is en lio\v b.est to cook ' , aid ||-.'.' la.-, few pases ci'-ni;ti:i many ixcellcnt recipes. Beef K''a'lin'T :>na, its v. b:e in rnuc. tirj: the consumer HKTTS -M I.I.KN AN AL'CTiOX SALE WILL BE CON- M'CTED 15V E.J.BENNETT and st.mii'.atinir the i.t-'uliu-i :ire oy, Lhorouitkly cxplair.ed ami the !>.'k- 10 . ald ;' h t f , ul l " ' anadia h n SAT., APR5L 18, 1931 h U! i wives ;;nil retail meat r.:e v'li- s ;'an he obtained fr> provincial or federal de- paitnii'nt. of Apriculliire or at yout l.ital ;; ,rioultin-al of i ice. A C.)()U SALESMAN l kr.own .hain i:cwsppor as \\ lu'n tho following: will be olic:-ed: '!'!:; . ',>re ;K.-.c: l ; eil--. sprinir--'. mattresses, davcn- 1 1-.. -. \ .'.: ('.stands, stove.--, kitchen tab!,.;. dm::;ir room tables, dining i .hairs, new wagons, kiddie kars, : ,'.i -'. cuvbeards. day bed.^, sewing r.'.a.'hiiv. orjran. buffit, hall seat, ahuost nt 1 . 1 .'. living room "our best clerk." lie explains that it ta! Vs. hall mirrors, rocking chairs, 1 n'hiin top table 1 , r.ickinir chair, ! T.hcr <.o\ci\d. verandah swin-r, sees more people, nets more of their individual tinii-, wi;:'ks longer houis, THE 8TOKB WITH 8I-KVICB F.T.HILL&CO.,Ltd CHAIN STORKS Markdale, Ontario OtJB BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Spring Sale of Men's Light Overcoats and Suits LINGERIE SALE Ladies' Silk Lingerie, 69c a Garment S|ii'ci:il S;ilr nl' I. adics' \\-sis ;unl I ilixiiiici s, all I'.uuil sliailcs and lirst S (|iialil\ clolli> at d''r a ^arnu'iit. K' LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR Special C'lcaranco of Ladies' Tweed C'..ats. Regular $15.<X) and $17.<X) Coats for S9.05 and $12.95. DRESSES A Clearance of Crepe Dresses. Ki^. $8.95 Dresses. Special Trice $6.95. SILK HOSE, 44c A PAIR I'ure Thread Silk Hose in all sixes and all shades at 44c a pair. SHOES New Styles in Pumps and Straps \\ r arc offering for his \\'eel< end ale llin-r new stvles in Kid Pnnips. e^. $4.50, for $.V<>5 a i>air. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT C'arpenters' Saws, made with hit;h quality blades, each (>9c Carpenters' T.raees, just a fe\v of these 1 left at. each 7c Mixed Nails, PCT pound 3c Special Trices on Taints and Wallpapers GROCERY SPECIALS Corn, 2 cans for 25c Tomatoes, 2 cans for 25c Cream of Wheat Flour, cwt $2.50 lirooms, each 39c \ ir'iel b'lt pre! Iv wedilin" took idaci- ni the horn.- i Mr. and V .-. Uobt. McMiiHeii. Ka^; Mountnin, wlur. 'f| u th< ir youngest dauirhter Winetta Kern \\as united in niarria-re to Xir. (' . il I.. Belts, son of Mr. I.cvi Hv'tt; and tells its stcrv with nioie accuracy .lower basket.:, kitchen chairs, Uvinjr than any other clerk they can employ room chairs, phonosrranh. baby enrr- inti M:-s. Metis of Kle:-her- ai.d the hit ton. Rev. .). 1{. Wol teneroft cot diK'ted the ci einony. The Ciriii who was Riven in marriape by her paiurs a.v iromir into homes people, and are assured of their friendly attention. This is proved by the tremendous growth in importance se, ni'merous other arti les. Sale at 2 o'elo.k p. in. All sums of S10.00 and TERMS of the press in the hst few years, ac- um i cr> ca sh; over that amount 6 eeriliiijT to the above director, who de- months credit will be Riven on approv- fa'ther! looki-il' channinr in'a\'own 'of! dares that today the local newspaper c j ioint noti , 3i l^arins interest, white tfi;ortretto with lace trimming,! 18 the bade bnne of any cont''itctive silk net veil '.-aiifrht with orange sales effort. w - KAITTING, Auctioneer, blossoms, while brocaded satin .'hoes with silver triinniinu. Tlu* bride d! vi'ied a .-bower ' ' fHBB^^MHlKJI^Bk.1^Bny^^2B(V^IVS^BaH9K33iBi^^^^HBBFZMI^^HmB of sweet heait :o es and maiden hair fern. The weddinjr inarch was played by Miss Dorothy Wolstencroft. Alter the wedilinir dinner was ser- ved thii happy couple left on the nftc'-nooii train for a honeymoo-i trip. The bride travelled in a printed chif- fon diess with broadcloth coat wiih siltiiirel trimming, hut to match. On their return thev will irroom's farm, Flesherton. on t!;>' (Jl'ACK (JW-VSS COXTKOI, Spiin^ lillaire r late fall is not n snli.-'faitory means of ile- stro>in;r ipia-'k or con. h trniss, nc- cordinp 1 '( one authority who ha^ H'iven Hire., years' observation to the work and who dcclarui; unqualifiedly that, summer is distinctly the most dependable sea.-on for destroying iUWck Kvnss hy tillage. The decree of eonlrol is in direct proportion to the thoroughness o." tilhijre. timeli- ness of the operation urd favornhU 1 - ness of weather conditions. Ordinary cultivation is not effective in con- trol. An occasional and half-hearted Htirrinur o-f the soil stimulates the weed's growth. The one-way Ilisk l>low has been found very effective in quack (trass elimination and has a low opeiation cost. A VAI.UABI.K BOOKLET Prepared in the hope that it will create H keener appreciation ivi t'irst- ilass hoof on the part of Canadian consumers, a booklet on "Beef How to choose and cook it", has been issued by the Department of Auri-'ul- ture at Ottawa. The booklet cover* To l^he Motoring Hnrini:' the slack season we have availed ourselves o of the opportunity of preparing our pcrsonel and ])remisi's to heller take care ot our service obligations to our customers. A complete reno\;itoin of our premises has been made and we ha\e also had three of our men at the Cieneral Motors Service School, and we know these men are now better able to handle your service prob- lems- Our equipment and methods are such as to war- rant perfect satisfaction and lirst class work. May we hope to have a call from you, TIRES AND BATTERIES We have a heavy stock of Goodyear Tires and Presto-Lite 1'atteries ready for your needs at prices the lowest thev have ever been offered in Flesherton. D. McTAVISH & SON Chevrolet Dealers, FLESHERTON