i i PETRIE BARGAINS 1/2 Ton Differential Chain Hoists with 28' of Chain $ 8.50 1 Ton Differential Chain Hoists with 32' of Chain . . S10.30 Cord Wood Saws, Angle Iron Frame Ball Bearing, Complete with Saw SM.O.G 10" 3 Square English Files, Bastard or Second Cut, ea. 25c 12" 3 Square English Files, Bastard or Second Cut, ea. 30c 4" 3 Jaw Universal Geared Scroll Chucks, with 2 Sets Jaws SIO.OO 25 Ib Anvil and Vise * 4.00 50 Ib. Anvil $ 5.50 75 Ib. Anvil $ 8.25 Forges, 18" diameter, One Piece Steel Hearth, Com- plete with Fan S11.50 Ball Bearing Post Drill, drills 0- V holes to centre of n\ 2 circle $ 9.50 5'/2" Jaw Stationary Machinist Bench Vises $10.00 6!4" Jaw Stationary Machinist Bench Vises .... $12.30 ELECTRIC MOTORS AND GASOLINE ENGINES. BELTING, PULLEYS, HANGERS, SHAFTING, NEW AND USED, AT SPECIAL PRICES. H. W. PETRIE, LIMITED Phone ELgin 1271 147 FRONT ST. W. Toronto 2 Old Mother Nature And Her Marvels By Churl s D Stewart, from The New York Times M... Nature M. atjuvu aii. an inventor. iler peeirltj is tools and machinery. The naturalist tk ..- .. nga apart devices and looking in'u < eir onsl . . u, finds him-*:! wurkitiz hi IB,; a'mos- pliei'e of i pa-t-;.' ':'. - Life its..-if may be a mys:eiy ivit a m^. . motinn mav t>^ ;r 01 ce -,> clever and ~s from the masthead, means '.hat the whale is blowing oil the car- oon dioxi(' preparatory to filling its .i::k^ a-- ! going down again. I>-p dow in ;h~ fat of the whale ComU - .1 are to b found the remnants of legs, 1 -.' ':iknia; ai. evidence of evo- lutiini. But the whale has been so -iver by means of special 'li.it if : wore deprived of them !]!' -.v.,nl ' - arci '.y he any i a - 'uarcely l>!:.)\v:i 'hat an <-^-^ is a piei-e )' ma. fcint-:-y a real, moving mechanism It is no. Dimply an or- so simple tiid- the m nd seizes upon It Banl m and i mystery bu- work? ac- wi'h X rail of su, h i. ,! bj the invf ntnr In invenr^g i b for Nature was c i:;' 1 '! i with a :. lie problem. How wu.s "he to LL.I.-. - a l.e principles of the ma- m.ii.'],- I),.)"!.- ,iii(i of phys:cal dialaza. a 'li^k ,-ord of twisted tjugli a - s: retching ,>r.[xjs:;.? sides to the \\ - ... - f the ^tiwvto^^^K 5)sJk*a>> i\ iK & RED ROSE TEA n Xb GOOD . s hold Lhe .:- bin that ..-."ild tuck its head : '' ' *'-" an "SS is turned under its win::, settle do-.vn for a low 'y baclr ' night's res an,! go -.. ind asli-ep wi'h- al;d ; ""* >" ;k d "-" IM)t revolve. ' ' ' Street a!: Night out dang o, falling off the perch? The problem was solved by attach- ing :o th- cords which operate the toes an extremely loag tendon one which runs nearly the whole length of the leg a.id broadens into a muscle situated higt up on the front of the bur : ilia '.11, 'v;rh one side always up- The :ne:ii"- by' wlii.-s it does this is i 'he wia; t ou one side, due to the' fatty globules on that side being' L^avier air: .leaser thar in the rest; of the yvlif. Floating in the white like ; thigh. This ingenious tendon passes 1 ' 1 sllip ia , bone of the lower! lng in ' he Australia Still is the Home Of World's Largest Nuggets over the knee In front, runs in a spiral director 'rov.nd th leg, and bind. As alen oon "rt:s on the albu-f *" J * hi D' s npass hang- !t Is as true to the t e- passej over the heel be- Z " n: h as a <--onipa.-< r the pole. The _.__ ..j i resiil' of thi. rising over , !i s hrer - ' '' 6i <> f tn * TO*! oppose*! Joluts the bending of the leg ''"^ -' :r '- 1 :e ' he S^rm spot put the muscle and tendon , whioh 'ep-pr*nt s ' serves on the stretch, smc the weight of the: As a rtsl ' bird in set-ling dowc to sleep causes i th!s germ li ' )Ot ' be!n * ;hem to -u!i the to* remlons together. mo * : Thus the bird it .-lamp-d automatical-" The cha.aza : *:.. x f iture chicken.: y lk ** bullt ' "*>"> -PPf b '" 1 >' of the Other Gold Fields Continue to Be Outdistanced in the Output , [ ? !0 tbe p*rch. D brain work, no at- of Precious Metal Found in Lumps ! J"'^ ; ;< ;^' :: of t he egg _ a further ounce? au.i was *old for a little less' Al "' K """ '" """-' --'" v.,. To the cold seekers of modern days the Taken and Klondike have furnish- ed the romance of prosperity attained after intense hardship and the African Rand has giTen the largest production and cold profits gatr.ed through b'lsi- nees methods, but Australia has led the world In the than The "Welcome." dts- Any b 'ha' is lure's P:i>iv Rons- with Na- Clamp always covered near Baliara-. Victoria, weigh- brines h>r tfes together every rime. i to let surface ; evidence of ! the nee*!r of th<. chick to be close to! the -cv;-c v f heat. N'nr is that all. A 1 chick or yjung bird even before Its There's something rather :.,v.-:_v About oil" s'.reet at nigh'.: The dusky gabled houses With here and there a light, The pattern of 'he elm leaves In lace work on the walk, The church's balky tower Transformed to s.lver c^alk. The whistling velvet figures Of home^'.i:' i-furi^g xen Whose footfalls - ap the silence Till gtil'.!!' 1 " wakes again, The sky's brocaded curtain Tassel ;Vd w'.th :ars. The P' -' C monsters We know as motor cars. A kitten's ' i.-r :-'- scurry Across tiie s'reet-iamp'a a.c O'ir s'ret :s rather lovely To tra.-tf-se afer dark' D-^ris W'l-ier. ;n Poetry. Classified Advertising y A B a FuK .M.VL.-n;.Mi Oil HANDKMTTi.N'a, "Ail Wool" 'SUli ind Wool,* "Old Tyme." all :o!ors. 73o Ib. UB, Stocking & Yarn M!ui< , int. Tyme." es free- T f'ri'.li BABV ,'HICK3. A-l ri-(>4-_ ; BAi-V - Hl.JK.S IN .SIX lETIEJ. ">o a."..i 'J5- A. H. aw:-.:er Gran ton. Ontario. EASTERN .iN.vOVS .'.AilGES' -;-! n r.-g:sr(>re,i stallions, r.ar, "' "v < - P .fill prepaid. Wrl g:'-''.ng ex&ci inscription your reqalr 'r:o . rerms reasonable. AT: * i Farms. rr>7iv:;ie. Qu. TEARS fears *- j- i \-y g ciook or ^vorkod a "Dijta o 'ships cards taey niay -,.-.- . -:e are ?> : - med. l? a small ed 2, 153 ounces and was worth more ? he raise- a 'oot in walking. than $45.000. The "Blanche Barkly." I K Isn". an ea ? y fea. to walk on si - su " p Ther9 ' which came from near Kicgower, was which have a hinge in the middle, as priced .it abcir ?'';. V These finds' Jo 'hoe cf 'he stork And to tuck its head un ' -r :' wirg and take a nap o'i'put of nuggets. ! were ma !r. th TE'-ist 'hickly popu those huge yellow harbingers of sud- ! lated par. of Ait*ro!ia. in ths south- ; while -t.-iMng in water 1 m-.ire pre- den wealtL. The recent discovery of ' east corner, not far from snot cen'res .carious ; .u Mu-.-ies w'n;, ii wjrk the "Golden Eagle" in the Larkinvil'.e ' as Melbourne ("anb^r-a and Sydney. alluTlal flel<> of Western Australia! straig't. to tl:e r.-rth, nearly 1.000 bears out tbls reputation of the Island ! miieg troai 'he Hallarat fiieids. was Continent. It weighed 1.136 ounces, [ f oun j ane , the r iciest and most ei- and was sold to the State G >verument traordinar to!.. ni;i:e.-. in :tie world. for about $30,0&0. This was the largest ' A namt'f^ h:!I -a 'he y ieenr-!acd nugget yt foucd in that district of j bush was., in 1SS2. , .wn.d by a man named C'.idoii who e-'::vd a precari- ous livelihood by p-i-'.:. ic his cattle on it. Tl two Morgan brothers, pros- Australia, being more 'ban 'nice the alze of th. "Bobby Dr.- .: - there !n it 90. The nuggets of record size were, ' peeling that vicinity found signs of out of 8ervi * ana mu< '"'' !; very .ong jr likely to b';,'ome fa- tigued; an'! ii. su.'ii an ev.>i:' " . A would topp'f iB'o the ^ii'cam. To obviate anything iik^ thi<. N.r-Ke has made a contrivance f<ir locking joint. TUe bont> nt 'iie ion^r part ot the leg L< made to ti f , in-n a socket above it. When >ht ',) are ai owed o come together the les m-comes as one pi>ce of bon* th'' .. ge - 'ir-'iwn however, discovered on the other side ' gold ou th . tU'Vacr- hill, and bought Pwen'' ot the continent. Tie "Welcome , the land f G >:on at about $5 an !g lock-Jr for th -I.--P SUanger," found near Dunolly, New acre. .Mmiii Morgai. turned out to be ' otncr -' : 'l">"'n"'-^ bird*. South Wale* wciirhed ... is 9nil man, w iih en ir of qu it strength ih! compels confidence. Qn Kit ihouldcr* -ciii tKe rctponilbility for yur sefety. Imbued with the fin- est beditions of British ttt- m^nihlp, he hs spent his lifetime mtiUring the moods of lh seven sci. SHln<n -', from Monbctl Ubln il ffom .... Si 30 Tourltt Third Cbin . . . $10) Third CU Round Trip $1 55 Special Sen*! Third CUii Round '. p Exurtion Rl $189. lii/onna(ion /lorn Cor. Boy and W.llinaton Si.. P>0n flgm 3471) Tcronio or any jfrdimriif) agent about ;.00 a ve:i:ab!e hill of coM. Western A'is'i :'.':' .large uuggi:' was fouiid. Is for the 'most part an absolute desen. ilere i the lotal annual nrr'ia;! is only about 'five inches, and ua't-r can !><? ootained only by .-::;k:!iu deep wells. Yet it is , one of the rj.-heJi uoM-mlning regions in t'ue w-orid. Tlie first discovery was made at Vilgaru, HO miles east of Perth, the capital of the colony. From there prospectors <i--ead further In- land. Al'hoiijfi: i ;.,->- lie ,','casionaily foucd ic other parts nf the world, they do not compare in size with those of Australia. Canada produces the metal in pieces of ore combined wan quartz. Yellow grains of gold, it will be recall- ' ed, wer found at Su'tei's Mill, near Sacramento. Ca!.. ',1 .'..i-.t the wes;- ! ward trek of the Fm-fy niners. And in ! the Yukon and Alaska regions the pre- . ;> ~ruff has IIIM! v |>eeu dii.". fivj ! in atid or prave! i!jins"s. The beehive present* to the n Jus ial Community *o completely -. o -,-". ft) fac',--v s *o make u w rder wlif-taer it is n"' '. lu' b<*>. ra'iiT tha man. who -aou',1 be ^v.-n the credit fcr >h" K..M- ;,:> u i>c- hind the l:]du.'ri.i: AK" Kv-y bee carries with he" a I:ir^" ass tools, consisting of sp.n-i.ii a,i.ipM- 'ions of ! p g" and Ji | tools the- s'ing U an ep>-, i.il!y well- thoiisht-in. contrivance. It ha? :!;: power and mechanim tr drive rtsell 1 into anyhiii^ 3< '!ilck and 'oui;h as .1 h"'-*e's t' 1 ! 1 ' 1 . w't'T a s.i'f.,1, !::- nn:-,- c'e of t's rwn. o-'a -liable and ev^n capnhie of goin^ ,-n wo"fcing liy j s-,|- ,-,f pumi.Mnif nin".c^. a:i,! ilrivnii; i's. ;r lu Hftt-r the be has ' flown away The sting i-ousists of 'wo t'.i^iily p.''i>ll'd j;v flitii!, e.Tcil wi'ii har'j: like :i fish h,wk. fltfd Into > -ippi'riing is a -p-'.iai oriiautsm by means of ahidi It a'lsorb- ugh the shell, and f'T 'his rt-a-on all "egsbells are -. There :s a great unity lu the complications of 'ho eft. 'be yolk us' '!e being of !. -s specific gravity I '!;;in ' - ^ :' as a whole, all a^s ranking . nery act as it - The suia:. flat pl.ice a' 'he big end the e -^ pri 1 . id" au a:r compart- tor the :<e of 'ue ;:ick just be- 'ere It - latched. A c : -ick develops :'ii its head toward the big end; wV>n it I, f ;lly foru.ed a::d its !ungs are reruiy .'"r 'jse. It prii-ki the slight' membrii:;e which fo-iiis i 'v.ill to this ilr spa ' and t;'k--s '.' tlrst breati. c '. ,-s th sh--:! a vigorous . . : . - :i: rough which i'. can con: 'nut; t>re,i!ijins. The soft f 'he chick i* prn'.ided with a 1 point > -t .--like hard!>-s. which it he inirri,'-.> .'' b : -, ,r--c:i :-,!s. \\'p . -i .,! '- wo-ilfi ' ipl :e :kn u.-.us-^ of -'.ir.a and tbef; Tario Sforza. Kennedy & \ Menton y, 421 Colleoo St., Toronto Haney-Lavidson Distributor* ^Nrt'e ut cr.--e 'or a-!* barca'.n list of used motor .-voles. Terms a its ! - - * NO SNOW ON THE BOARDWALK t HOTEL ! STRAND! Atlantic City, New Jersey j Sends Greetings to ' Many . Friends in Canada. * We are quoting such a very low American Plan rat* that you will find it cheaper to itay at the "Homelike Strand" than staying at home. Write us to we may quote them to you 10 you will know the exact cost before leaving. J Music Salt Sea Baths Compli- mentary Tea Dai'y, 4 to S p.m. * We will personally see to your J com'ort. T. E. ...l.ViHMV. M'jr. I H. BRADFORD B!CHM'.\\'D. FREE TRIAL OFFER KRUSCHENj If ycu ba-- e never tried Krus, iien try. it new at our expense. \\e have distr buted a great m ir.v special' 'GIANT' fu^^agt-s which make HI; asv for you to prove our claim fof yourself. Ask vour druggist lor thi new GIANT" 75c. Package. T 1 '. t .riuists I :r ^^i'..,r 7$c bottle/. or.c -Aovi. * ' on -'-e " ul bt* 1 - c tirst. put tt ti-.e *-*?. and then, if not enuicly ccn%incrU ret'.IiL- ^ot:le 19 snll aa gooil a0 new. Ta tatk. Your dnnu >t i muihcr'sej tc r< .ind without . Ml You ."'-I- ? " -i K." * '^'i ir~-. it cur txix V ..- ..U ^ '.i:'T J v ;.u: :-'.ix.t- ::c-i E. '-::; - . . Man. ; it-.t c r. hV.a:'. ' ' - - McODUvnjf BroCJ L.d, r .-: or English School Head Teaches Pupils Juggling The directress of a i.i.ge English i < Initiated * riovelty In ediica 1 Ion, '. surpris- n< n;>;>"a.-H .r -. '- : -.111:011. says "I- .\la':n. ifier a e study reveals far -eil:;;'-uce than is i-.:ally 'u.iiid in r.i'.ir-s of a similar Sl! :>n ies V" ynri'.s Qg! T'.ianks to ioilg J .%- (ORfIS 6 WARTS .'. :n." , drv ikin. Dab on m^rit' f time* daijv. Lcl u rv on. Alcrr ..[n.tf Corni 41-13 in- alternately thrut forward by 'he solf iictiiiR muscle. The !> n". ,)< 'o .'ii!y the first barb or two of 'he . so that 'hey can , lni> ...... ... p ; a , es an j o;her olijccts a oourso -shlch she lins adiVd to .'.. less, B '.u sytna- as':c!> the instruc' "ss 's achieving . :ind rhe self-acting mujcle ,!.--e- ' rbt , ta;>1> ; es . ros-al's. 11. r The Success of Sanctuary ' ho r """ Fr<?n lf ' he h-e " !osr>1 ber ( i' ;r<? a sel1 ^ "' P*?-^''' balance - :. " tting d - nM the i :tlm r.iiiai'.a is a g:-ea- believer in the j emptying Its b.ig of i>.iis,, n into -he i'erlou of ."gui-fs. She even counts wound through a i :the birds in !:er *ar.c;;iaries and as a . i wi) sliding spears. result tli e value of these establNI j m<>n's has been proved beyond any :n shadow of doubt. There are no to co- gesture In :)n,l more than forty such s.inc;n:r.-i.'< scattered ucr.iss th? country f-oni Nova Sc.it'a t,i llri'isli I'ol-.imbla and it N safe so a- bird lifo now Here ; s a mech iti ~nt self-star't >' >>i an found on :i'i automobile. Tile poison was not new world. ,-- ,) :.,.U uo species of beetle, wlvr \istence will ever ,)ff a IT e\ivlo~-i A< c.v.ipared with irr:':iti;i gas. }'.'?:> :!ie oird i>opiilat',.in ><f the re- Berved ar.'.is ha* .I'-lually iii'-rease;! by 19 p.'i . ten sea-bird if t!i.' I'lIP C Tht 'i't'.o Horn!'.,- : : il;i'i^ - r threii'fUs. tin's , fhiiruv nf an a'-rul ,-icd U'ben ,i ii'tmlu r .. m, and I'd every move and "n 'he itruoful rhy'htn ' ''.irg articles. '" ?uch pra..' r Ice-s .-JJ ',1 feir..ti!ue '-' '"'' . i-t:.t; rji a-:. I e.ei!:i:ict': ; ! '..'ir b-',l!es becomi more pliant ar,l m.ire ii'hs- ^ ir smtne, and 'lieir contours ni'-re- na- !: n- ^ P.-- thr'-jp ad- 1 ' ^-:i-i .. loes vantages, in or t!:--- beetles are al.iimcd and al! fly .r. I'p.co. tlioir liit! explosive --ii.c,, kittle seem like a miniature rt^'ment in lu:- '.--. , To My Son It, .a .'.'! n ,i". "' ' -'" B mil on j , - in 'he Julf of St. I..iwr- tie; each beetle is <-npable nf p:-". (.1 - f.>r!i ti'ot:>: eiice being th,' MVJIJ of t.he- hatching j ne from ot wll over 100. 'H'O birds of 16 dif- , cession, (fercnt specios in I'.'oO a!ont>. Some' of the most Important ot the birds in C'Rnada's reserves tains ilur!n> ,,>n twelve -' - i - ^ ,ir .:.i:r. . . s G>nstipaQon Non habit forming CHILDREN CRY FOR IT Ci'y'N u.tc to '.,uc ::icdicine a? a r...i j . but ! loves the t:,>'.c of C'.i.-toria. A:: i this pure vegt.-!., alion > , .-t is c nd as it t.i>tc; |.i>t .is blaiiti .. i si as hj" ,< .;< ti'tf rnipe reads. V.'bcn L* iby's cry v, - .-.-iic. a fr-.v dr ;* of t\i-' 1.1 h.:-; h ti soothed, .,-lce? iitfain in ;i ;!.": ^ : 1- ing is more valuable in ii.'.nli'-a. When roiiti-d tongue "r bail i'i -,.th tell of ci':isti;i.i;. -a. invoke its ucntle aid to clca;iM.' a;nl ri'K'-..''' 1 ' ci.^u's b,"'.'.' : ^. I u colds* rchild > :;\ <iiM-.i>es, ynu -ho^M '.s C it : > kr, .;i t':ic -<.-:tcni from clo^i:!^. Castonw issuld in every J ijt -'! the f> -a :!!!(. ahvaNs beats (.".has H. I ', r's signature. ASTOR CUNARD ANCHOR- DONALDSON And hi'w ahnut tht suliriijiv:- ' ! Oi - ' :i..c.l. s this an invention 'iiiparal'diMl ,I;;L | C'ii.'.j-:: Ihlugs lodaj *ith their re- >id" the patent ullice" Of course i: is Heiore 'lie wine of life is spilled the past five ; one thlni; for nature to make .1 tl-1' Ai'.-I love> s^uc; g<-B tf gray. | years are: elder duck L'T per cent., capable of breathing wnter insi, ad oC | puffin 13 per cent, razor-billed auk air, and of remaining permanently be- > paths Art- w lirln.i to lie iroA, achin.n ,nit N>-.\ i :- '' , % herring gull 139 per cent, and com- \\aier and stay submersod by means Smilins '.ip M : 'il won tern R7 per .ent O f a reoervo supply of oxygen. But 37 per cent., common imirre 11 per low the surface, ami another fur tn.iu, cent., black guillemot. 134 per cent., a html animal, to do down iuto the this Is nothing new. cither, in Nature's Makes Homes Healthful and Beautiful Always sweet and clean Fret stern i! premium laktl on ertry poc^- ag*. StnJ for Decorator' f CuiJt anJ Sfenci'f Catalogat. MM QYPSL'M. LlfcQC AND ALABASTINK. CANADA. UMlrTED Fwi* .s,,. , NEW PROCESS follow then', Alabastiiie machine exhibit. The whale. .1 'and animal which has been made over to fit conditions at sea, has storage places for carryinj. a xtra supplies of oxygen. H!s,.'i:!i;i!l the whale is as much a laud animal as is a horse or a cow. but the youn whale is fed from the breasts by P quick gulp an act of rapid refueling among the- tumultuous waves. The whale is provided with a thick wall of Insulating fat agalust. , : ^= :=:=: = the cold, au essential part of the <:> * j sy t~ t sign to keep the engine, ot the wnrni- ' * l"C l CL blooded animal going I The oxy en reserves of the whale I are exten Ive tracts of arteries and I capitlarit? ; carrying, a supply of oxy- I genatti him d that is not needed when the wlia is on the surface and breathing, but which is drawn upon during periods of submersion. The cry "Thr he blow*!" which th>.> <wii!- l ..-Mi. Ni-'JiliiL' inn'-'r-rs .lf.tr . . . Dut while Ilv'n.j. I conrieii.J ll.nu's'y a:id iaugaierl K Leslie SaimUIIiig, Chicago Tribune. ::i ibe "The human baud Is 'he most re- markable of all machinery which has not yet been fully e\i':"i'ed." Ray- mouU When You OVER- INDULGE , u in .. ! Write '< DUKE CYCLE AND MOTOR JO.. 68D Qnen Street W.. Toronto, Oat ISSUE No. 1531 CVERY man, woman and child will occasionally over-indulge. But don't suffer for your indiscretions. It's folly to do so when you can so easily sweeten and settle a sour, upset stomach with a little Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. Hearty eaters have long since learned the quick comfort this per- fect anti-acid briugs. Smokers know how it neutralizes nicotine; briugs back a sweet taste; guards the breath. Women know what it does for nars?a -or sick headache. And v.hcn civ'dren have over-eaten are bilious, constipated or otherwise t give them a little of the MH>| same, pleasant -tasting and nulky- white Phillip.-.' Milk of Magnesia. You'll be through with crude methods once you learn the perfect way. Nothing else bus the same quick, gentle etlett. Doctors pre- sciibe it for indigestion, uausea. heartburn, as. sour stom.ich and headache. U has been standard with them for over 50 years Insist on genuine Phillips Milk of Magnesia; a less perfect product may not act the same. The genuine is always a liquid never in tablet form and the name Phillips' ii jlways ou bot'.le and wrapper. ,