Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Apr 1931, p. 5

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THE fLESHERTON ADVANCE ' WEDNESDAY, APRIL I, 1931 Klfc ' . Toronto "At Home" Arrangements are being made by the Flesherton Old Boys and Girls for the holding of an "At Home" in Toronto. The date has been set for Friday, April I7lh, and the committee has engaged Hygeia Hall, Elm St., Toronto, for the occasion. Full par- ticulars will be given in future issues of The Advance. Saw Mirage of Wasaga Citizens who were out about 7.30 Tuesday morning saw a wonderful fine mirage which mirrored Wasaga Beach, the Georgian Bay and the north, or Tiny shore. This lasted for some time, then gradually faded away. Such a phenomenon is very rarely seen in this portion of the Dominion, but is common in the west- ern provinces. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carson announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary E. to Mr. William Edward Wil- son, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson of Brighton, Ont. The marriage to take place in April. Young Lads Made Bet; Wffl Now Pay The final payment of a bet is the problem on the hands at the present time of two local youngsters of about eight years of age. They attend the public school and dui-ing a spelling lesson one lad wagered one dollar, without odds, that a certain scholar would fail to spell the next word correctly. He lost and was request- ed for payment. Naturally he was without the necessary cash, but told the winner to take his winnings in candies, etc., from a local store, claim- ing that his mother would foot the bill when the time for payment came. These arrangements were complied with and the lad went home rejoicing in hh new-found wealth. Maybe the lad's parents will have something to say when the Jay of reckoning ar- rives and no doubt he will receive a lesson that will not dim with" passing years. The problem is whether th e mother of the loser or the parents of the winner will have to foot the bill at the store. FREE SEED One of the great vital forces re- sponsible for success in agriculture is good seed, declares the Ontario Agricultural and Experimental Un- ion, in announcing that it is pre- pared this year to distribute to farmers free of charge, into every township, county and district of On tario, selected seed of the best vari- eties of field crops. Any farmer can j obtain a list giving the details of I this seed distribution for test pur- } poses from his local agricultural re- presentative. Included in the list are seeds for grain crops, root crops, culinary crops, fertilizer experiments and a number of miscellaneous ex- periments. PRICEV1LLE AUCTION SALE Ed Harbottle will hold an auction sale of stock, Implements, etc., on lot 4, Con. 13, Osprey. on Friday, April 10th. See bills for particulars. W. Kaitting, auctioneer. An auction sale of farm stock, im- plements, etc., will be held on lot 9, Con. 1, Euphrasia, on Wed., April 1.">, by Ruth. Hindle, at Dii'-can. Win. Kaitting. auctioneer. Old Residents Are Wedjifty Years Congratulations, bouquets and many gifts, among them a purse of gold, were showered upon Mr. and Mrs. John Whitten, -18!) St. Clarens Ave., on the occasion of the celebra- tion of the fiftieth anniversary nf their marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Whit- ten were married on March 22, 1881, at Flesherton, Ont., by the Rer. Mr. Philp. a Methodist minister. Mr. Whitten was born in Armagh, Ireland, in 1847, and came to Canada when a year old. Mrs. Whitten, who before her marriage, was Miss Alice Harrison, was l/orn in Yorkshire, England, in 1854.. Mr. Whitten was engaged in Flesherton as a builder and farmer until he moved to To- ronto 24 years ago. Mr . Whittcn was a prominent odd- fellow nd is a past district deputy Local and Personal Winter still hangs on. Four weeks from Fridny trout fishing comes in. I W. L. Morwood announes that shoe ' repairing prices have been reduced from lOc ts 20c a oair. Order your Easter Lilies and cut flowers now. W. A. Hawken, phone 17w, Flesherton. i Mrs. Parker visited over the week end with her cHu^hter, Mrs. W. Kill. of Markdale | Mrs. W. Hodgson and Miss Barbara oi' Islingt n are visting Air. an*) Mrs. C. X. Richa.-dson. W. L. M'ii-wod has installed a shoe shine stand in his stur;>. * Keep you; sheet; bright r>nd clean. The nlil adage is broken: March cuine in like a lamb and v/ert "lit tho sar.iu way. Mr. Emerson Thompson returned home on Saturday, after completing a six weeks' '-oursc at the military schoo' jn Toronto. D. McTavish have received a ship- ment of the new 1931 Chevrolet mod- els and they are now on display at then 1 showroom. The pupils vcceived a holiday on Tuesday when the school was fum- igated against the danger of a spread of scarlet fever. There are no cases reported in town. Mr. W. E. ollner arrived back frnm Ireland and Kngland on Monday, where he has spent tho past six months or moro. He is now visiting his wife and son in town. One of the best progressive euchre parties of the season was hold Mon- day evening by the Eastern Star Chapter. Mir.s Edna Burrilt won the prize for the ladis and W.G. Kennedy the me^'s prize. Mr. Dick Moodie has engaged with Mr. Harry Wilson and will take up his work on Monday next. -Mr. Moody was employed by Mr. Wilson about three years ago and Rave great satis- faction during the eleven months ho was here. During the past weok McTavish and son have brought up three cars from Oshavva, coming ,by way of Barrie, Thornbury and the Kimberley valley. The road from here to Thorn- bury can be negotiated, though rough, and the highway from Thornbury to Toronto has been opon all winter. Mr. Joseph Radley entertained a- bout fifty of his neighbors and frienus to an enjoyable dance last Wednesday evening. Much appreciation is extend- ed to the violinists, Messrs. Jack Ottewell, Albert Wilkinson, Roberi Plester, Miss Dorothy Foster anil Lloyd Talbot for his humorous call- ing-off. Dundalk paving debentures, total- ling approximately $76,000, have been sold to A. E. Ames & Co., To- ronto, at a price of 99.50. The deben- tures will run for 20 years and will bear 5 per cent, interest. The tender of A. E. Ames was Wie highest re- ceived and the entire issue of the de- bentures was sold to the Company. Miss Mav Stewart returned from Toronto, after spending a week with friend:: there. Mr*. F. Karstedt and little daugh- ter. Jean, sr:-nt the past week in To- ronto. Ar ia/l wo li-.u-e a little indL-a::iu l.hatywinter has some intention ot i'oiddni; he: white tent and moving om. Mr. D-n-id Hineks spent a couple c. 1 .' days visiting friends in Egremont. Mr. A. J. McVicar spent tho week'grand master, end visiting friends in Hanover. t Mr. and Mrs. Whitten are both The Presbyterian Mission Band connected with Carman United in the Hall, Friday nitrht April 10, church. They have two sons, Wilfrid when lantern views of India will be E ., of 117 Ri d ge Drive, Toronto and given and a good program will be Alfred R.. 131 Mavety St., Toronto, rendered. an j one daughter, Mrs. K. Jamieson Mr. John Stothart arrived home last o f 439 St. Clarens Ave. WPC!; after spending the winter in California. A spendid St. Patrick's social was held in the school room of the United Church, when a fine program was toh-oughly enjoyed. Mrs. Hermle Celebrated In Stayner EXTRA PANTS with every Suit at no additional Cost! One Day Only! SUITS WEDNESDAY APRIL 8 Mr. M. R. Park, representative of the ller- cr Tailoring Co., will be at my store on April 8th >nly and will personally measure every man ordering* a suit or topcoat. A "Clothes m" Onality'. suit at our regular price represents outstanding' value, with an extra pair of trous- ers at no additional cost, it is an opportunity you cannot afford to miss. \\ oolien and commodity prices have dropp- ed during file last year, and consequently "Clothes of Ouaiity" have been able in pu; far greater value, workmanship and qualitv thar. ever before into their 'arments. te'ed. olTer. Fit and satisfaction ruv positively ^uann- Save money by taking advantage of this Remember the dale April 8th- A XL) UP Tailored to Measure F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO MAPLE SYRUP INDUSTRY ACT and free of charge. , need for much legislation regarding Licensing of a sugar bush is not the mailer. It was recommended It is reported that farmers in var- j required when the owner markets all that a chain or wire from the separa- ious parts of the country are consid- his products within the province in ^or to the ground to carry off the static , cring thu abandonment of their sugar '. which his sugar bush is located. But I'loctricity would be a measure of Mr. ar.d Mrs. W in. Blackburn of j Bushes this spring because of the lie- , ii' he sells any of his output in another center?. It is also shown that more McLean sang ni fine voice Machiee" ard was 'Mother the niano by Mrs. Harry Houston. Mr u . (iai'fieli 1 White gave ome fine "lo-tioni; on the violin and wns ,c- ror>ipan'ed*by Miss Ada White on the piano. A debate or "whether the Irish or Scotch had done the most iT f >o;l t" the World" cause:! much r,' en talent. A duct by Messrs. l\ I'.. \Vlvtc and Johi Wollard, accom- panied by Miss Hazel Beaton or the piano was ." pleasing number ;!::<1 was- heartily applauded. Readings were -river !> Msc;-re. Elford Walters and Miss Sadi- Oliver. Theiv vrr.' garni .--,' contests and !un;-h was .ervoii. Mrs. Charles McDou^all. Hoi-; in. l( th.- v.M-k end with her p;urrt'.s. -Mr i>rd Mrs. Win. Ramngc. Mr. and Mr--. Thos. McKcowp h:i.v '.ft the villanrcand moved to Toronto. Mrs. Ray Mi'Lenn visited recently with her parents in Shellnirne. Sacrament oi' the L ><',}'< Supper \vill !)> observed in the Hail on Sunday, (!a\ I Stayner celebrated the anniversary of their golden wedding at the home of their daughter, Mrs. John Rise- hrough. Mr. and Mrs. Bhu-kburn were married in the Township of Arteme- j sia, not far from Flesherton. Shortly aftt .- their marriage they moved to the Townsh ! j> of Nottawasaga. then later to Sunnidale, and for twenty- three years have In en residents ot Stayner. They had a family of two (laughters and there are four grand- children. They were the re: ipients of many bouquets and congratulations fi Din relatives; and friends. Stayner Sun. delay to the Fruit Commissioner. PC- tractors or those brought in from Hie, cnsing clauses of the Maple Sugar province or out of the country, a lie- than -'!0 per cent of fanners own and Industry Act. I'.KM). Unfortunately ense will be issued upon application operate -\ tractor. There are more these farmers have mis-interpreted free of charge. ; than 85,000 tra. tors now in use in the the regulations, and. with a view to : 'Farmers desiring registration of West, the sales for which totaled $94, righting this situation, an explanation; their sugar bushes or requiring a lie- 1171 during the nast 12 years. This , of the licensing and registering claus- ense, shoi'ld communicate without ,,f ,.,,urse, does not include either used^ es is noted herein. A sugar bush owner who handles partment of Agriculture, Ottawa, his own product only, is not clu.-.sed as a manufacturer nr packer, and is therefore nut renvired to take out a manufacturer's on which a fee of S20.00 is assessed. Regulation of a sugar bush may lie , .u ru-d .iiit by tin- Minister oi' Agriuilture upon re- V United States by effects". settlers as "settlers The alarming increase in (lie number of fires i:i Western On'.arin during : ..v-ini'"- 'easun of ' '!!() cau^c'i n i able disc .t^-nr ::; : "ii: '-oil- fi'U'r.i-e i! thrcshernicn. '! hi- c-oiiM'ti- i opinion wa> that ii <:iiol:ii!ir Hundaik municipal picture show in the year l'.':!li showed a net orofit y service t e Fri- Seven miles of new paving will be done from Barrie to Midhursi. PUBLIC NOTICE. Owing to the crowded condition of and the short time between Easter and midsummer is request- ed that persons proposing to start '^ da ~~ 3 twitch" anil sow thistle. A pupils at Easter will not do so until t ., enn ste(] 1)e(i< plus dean clovel . 8eeJ the fall term. By order, W. J. BELLAMY. SOW CLEAX SKE.n. A i-erent survey show: that wi responsible i'->r a tola! loss i,f 1-etwoen 150 and 200 million didl-.irs : n Canada i:i-i year. Tho direct lo.-s io crop act'.tnlly displaced or hilled on; by weeds was over one hundred trillions, while thf remainder was made tip of freight charges for car'-y- itig weed seeds along with grain, ..-love:- arid other crops, los- of mois- ture, deprecation ,,f fann valut.- due to weeds and the increase in cuiiva- tior. necessay where these soil rob- bers were piesint. To mitigate thi'.; lorr-, the la^d must be cleaned up. Careful pre-.-ecding cultivation will lean up ordinary fieds .while par- tial summci fallow and the sowing oi smother crops like buckwheat, rape and turnir; jv.c recommended !br very bad patches of such tenacious que of the sugar bush owner: Inif nbuut the tbreshini; n tlii.s regulation is purely voluntary i bain wcro slopped, there Pheasants arc becoming quite plen- t if id in the Orillia district according to reports from iiuarby communitieB. AVOOD FOR SALE Let us deliver your wood as you need it. White Birch 16" long $2.75 per cord; Maple 16" long at $3.50 per cord. Wood delivered same clay as ordered. W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON Phone: 13 FLESHERTON and clean seed grain of a high stan- dard of purity and germination, will give a big increase in yield over the other kind at practically no more cost. Only clean, plump, vigorous seed, tested and approved by Govern- ment authorities should be used. After having recently built a fine pew high school , the Fergus Board of Education is now considering ij'ne erection of a new public school. Start 'Em Now Flower ;md Vgft;ible Seccds Earthenware Hanging lUiskets at 25c, 60c and 85c Earthenware Flown- 1'ots of all sixes Sl'I-.CIAL FOR THIS \YF.KK T.arg'c Pitchers for 25e each. A. E HAW Ceylon Store closes every evening except Wed. & Sat. Durjinr LOWER PRICES GREATER VALUES Service Plan Enquire about our Maintenance Service Flan 10.000 mi.'ej for / .in- fm/# The New Durant 6-18 The new Durant 6-18 wilh its abundance of smooth, controlled power is d revelation. There i> a different "feel" at the wheel. Motoring be- comes a continued flow of 3raceful motion and four tires grip the rpad like velvet pads at the slightest pressure of steeldraulic brakes. New beauty in low, sweeping lines . luxury in large, roomy interiors . quality in every feature . the greatest value you have ever been esked to consider. See the new Curant 6-18 at your dealers. BUILT DV A Canadian Company Controlled by Canadian Capital DURANT MOTORS of CANADA, LIMITED TORONTO (LEASlDE) CANADA D U RANT GOOD CAR GEO. F. BRACKENBURY Flesherton, Ont

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