Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Apr 1931, p. 2

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^WITHTHE LONPSCOUTS This week the Lone Scouts of On- 1 lite use of a hut on tho main street of larlo have received a copy of the lhat town, which they have made Special Birthdav Number of their! c , omf "" al11 " ani1 Ml " re " ian ; v j Kood times are spe-nt t>wn paper 'On Lone Scout Trails" The "Hull- 'dogs" ai Portsmouth have a dm in a yhlch Is published monthly. ThU room at the Patrol Leaders home Dumber commemorates the fact thai | where they moot each Friday night the Lone Scout Department In this ; and the "Klks" a; Maple also have a province has been organized for a 'hut In that villas for their meeting period of two years, a -id has grown place. from a small group of .sixteen boys.' Two very unique l'..ii >!-, at" lo, a;- United in one Troop, to its present ed at Lakofleld and are comprised of total of four i' prising some boys who attend "The Grove" Pre- 50 boys. , [taratory School. The leader there As tt special birthday "Good Turn" , U Patrol Leader John I.a'i^ley. who the Lonles have been :t-kt>d U. each ' Is a very keen Scoir These I<onics recruit a new member into t>ie or- ] were recently visited at the School ganlzatlon, and thus it U hoped to by Assistant Provincial I'oininls double the number .f I/me is 1 , -outs la Ontario. A In utiy cjntle. a large Clumber of no 1 * memle-r-. have been fcnrollfd. and moi- :;,!!. .iiion-s are coming in ;n H. ,!. j : .n : ? every flay The h'mo! of Hie first Lone Scout Patrol In Ontario b'-longs to Patrol Lead-' Howard Caliio of J'andorf, who organ, /.-! the Buffalo Patrol in 19L's aad li- -.vas closely followed by J'atro! !<--ad.-r Mt-lvln Prlne of Paris, whose patrol, the of In became :!i- nucleus What i TIOW a Vf-ry ti.ifc Troop e i:, tlia; !>* :i Thin was iene*i!i^ old ac new mem- Bloner F. (' Irwin who was accom- panied by the Commit sinner for Loue Scouts, and a very enjoyable time was spent qtiaintance-s and bprs. In addition lo these !,one Patrols, of course, Hiere are a larjjo number of Isolated lx>n Scoi -N who are do- IIIK Kterling work all by themselves and who are living tip to Mi* Ideals sot by the Knights of Chivalry of olden days Thoy live in nut of ih<- way places and they 'earn from our feathered and furry friends || are Canadian Column Unveiled their companions and run tea' h the first Rroup >'. Lon-? Scouts to I us .so much if w only have -lie will fcever their coiuie.-'iou with the I to learn Lou. 01 in order to form a troop of And H|M-aki:i^ o.' 'i ril- miii'N ;i ' the> own Slur., that time regular ' that now is !,. time to prepare a The Canadian column is sliown vviVd oil the right fore-round at New Delhi, India, where its iiuv-C UK cerwniony was attended by I/ord Irwiu. viceroy of India, and Lady lr*'in recently. troops have al*. been established at Killaloe, neamsvUl", Cobalt and Sanlt 8te. Marie l>y tha efforts of the Lone Jjr.iuts In those centres. There are nuw twenty I,one P;itrols In the province, and .--verul moro aro in the process c,f formation. The 1 one to repot; '.tHclf \,, Lone out Hi>ud'ii:arters :s at In the Niagaia Peninsula!. These Scouts call theniseive. '!,< 'Lone OW'.H" and we understand that they fcrp a very keen luinr't ..f Loni"^ These Lone Patrol, meet tog.-ther feRularly and most of them have some ort <jf a Deu", they> ftach <ithf>r and work out their pro- grammes. The Pativl at Hensall tue,.t In a barn, wheru th<\v Lave rig. gad up a gymnasium, and the ' ileav r" at Feneloti )'ai:-i !mve procured welcome for those that will MMIII bo re-turning from -oi.'iiein < llrnates. Kvery Lone Scout siioulci make and erect several bird boii.^e.- so that he may study the occupants if h< is fortunat to have his houses tenanted Rememtii thai birds will only local.? in h MI.-.-S thul re- -euible their nat'ira', iiestiii;; places, aud build accordliiKly. lirsi -Making up your mind as t,> t'.ie norl ,f bird you wish to at trad. And NO i 'i- wonderful game of "Lone Scouting" goes ou! Isn't it fun lo bo a Scout? If you are not yet a tui-.'iilie: of our great brotherhood why not write to Head- quartets and Htid out more about it? The address Is Lone Scout Popart ment, The itoy Scouts Association, ,1.10 Hay Street, Toronto Vienna Chefs Dance Co-Eds of Today Better In Imperial Palace Than Fifty Years Ago Vienna -Th Vienna "Fascliing," i Asliland. O The co-ed of 1931 is a or carnival, has pr<i\idd this year better girl physically than the co-sd Present Century Canada's Golden Age of Opportunity Thirty years is commonly regarded as being the length of one generation, and it is more than probable that Canadians will some day look back up- on the last generation the first thirty years of this century as the golden age of expansion iu Canadian forest industry. It would be almost too much to expect that the Dominion should in any future generation repeat, or even approach, the growth that has taken place since 1900 in the export of forest products. If the present trade can be maintained, that iu itself will be a real achievement. During the first ten years of this century Canada's exports of wood, wood products and paper aggregated roundly $431,000.000. The second de- cade saw HIM figure more than doub- led, ri-lni; to $067,000,000, and in the last ten years. 1921-30, it atot up to the colossal sum of $2,545.000,000. Taking the whole thirty-year period, 1901-30, the value of Cauada's exports of wood, wood products and paper ex- ceeded the almost unbelievable sum of KOOft.OU'i, >>>!. Canada may. right now, have reach- ed the zenith of her career as an ex- porter of forest products. Whether that be so or not, it is amply clear that the Canadian people, of all peoples, cannot permit the appeal for forest conservation however huckueyed it may sometime* seem to fall upon deaf ears. For Canada, forest pro- tection is trade protection of the most vital order. Why Did Prosperity i University to Test Sleep-Induceri Dr. Konaid A. Laird and his as- sociates ia the psychological la By SIR THOMAS WHITE in Wall Street Journal Fall? Humpty Dumpty sat on tli wall, Humpty Dumpty got a great fall. All Morgan's money and Henry Ford's men Can't put Hunipty Dumpty together again. What made Humpty Dumpty fall? N'obody kuows for certain at all; Some say the cause was tho stock market crash, And the call which the brokers seat out for more cash, While others say Humpty had start- ed to full, Before the crash and before tha call. But nobody knows for certain at all. Some think Humpty was filled up with gas, on.) striking example Of how the ne* of :, years u*o. She weighs more. And Um3 f[ waj thal u Ca[u8 , o Canada to Participate In Polar Expeditions TOI-oixto Canada and tlie I'uhc-r lty of Toronto will b<j rupre- 1 anted polar expedi- England and Wales Grow In Population Rapidly London Figures of th English registrar general published here re- order has .-.tubli.-lii.-d :iself in high is laller. aud has a greater places. The diet's ball was held iu capacity and chest sirth. the gorgeous bails () f the old Imperial ThU wai reieak-.l recently by Dr. Palace, thi; llotbiirn, and th.j nia^'-:- Ki-un K .lacobs. president of Ash- of ceremonies. Hen Sporl;. was th laud ColK-nf. who during the last 15 former chef de cuisine t" liie Kmper- y:.r.s, ha-, stiiilifj the physical nieaa- uveniHiits taken of 6,000 girls iu llva iiistiMiiloiis of higher learning dur- IIIR the last half century. The a?es o: the ^irls measured were approxi- mately IS or IU \ears. or Kail. Half Ills life was >pent iu the pallt< > ttliere lie ie(t-ived his KUests with imperial i-ourt>--.y Strauss. tb> old Imperial melody mak- er. was replaced hy Heir Walter, g Inflated with credit, high prices aud rent, And call-loan interest at twenty per cent , With watered stock and uo-par shares. And bull propaganda that frightened tho bears. With high-pressure selling through- out the whole nation, atlrai'ed attention. II 1 ' Vienncso waltz. "Wiener Lo Ui>rbi- nen," wliu'.i a.s pla\-d for tlto tir-t tlnio at 'he ball mid ilaiift* by m>-m bers of llio Opvi'.i H.ille'. 'Hist.,) ^ivat head waiter at the Hotel Itristol and U' - Jacobs' analysis indicated that ,.- it!!jti'ovi-iii,'ii[ has been steady. li- -ai,l ibat th" causes for in- i-.-as-.l vigur JIB] haps, are: girls may now be com- di IT. -rent stratum of soc- in private life a compo-iM who ha-. already Ou the wonderful iu the Internal ioual tiom, projected for W^ :<3, if pres Out plans ma'.etialUe. I' was U-ained " Ver fecf-ntly. vealed the population of England emperors. uiul ! I ..1 ing from 'ty ;!M.'I T: pai(|ii,>! where " > im "5 ! " I 11 a great f-udal ' llav " il * " n ' 1 "' 1 itn|)ro>u,1 lilub eUucatlon iuay Instalment-plan buying and goods .saturation. Hnmpiy. they say. with, all this in- flatl'iti Just naturally burst aud fell from tint wall, [tut nobody known for certain at all. Some say that Humpty had lived Mr " too high. and Wales is Increasing faster than 8rlsto,-racy danceil with restrained elegante, only a few yeais a^o. tilt- Celt-brat ins pf the polar y r, 50' !i anniv.'rsaiy !-X!!. wht-!i 1'J ytiar had the lowest death (ioi.erul UealtU co.iduiom. o( | On Good Times cake and p!e, chefs and waiters, parlor maids and t It nu ,r ij.'tter than formerly. I y als.t Im that the sen- " : " LABI yoar uua ,,l,v^u-nl nt t ini-t <if rat on lecord in tl,, two countries chambermaids of the new Vienna re- and the Increase xc,ess of births over tl-.iths was 134. year to .-"'iily rueteoro- 1"" 1 pallons cent 14 expeditions Into the '' Arctic* for n '" logical condition*, a mor a i-xt'-n^U" Undertaking bus h-ei, launched by th Intenia'.icna'. .Me'-orologl, il A-<- ocial ID, .1 ' Pain on. V-ad of the Mete" i >!": ' 'if (.'all- It was tho decrease in the rato than an Increase In 'ha rate which made, for increase In population, tho birth rate beiug tb .same as Iu I'.IZ'J, 16.3 u thousand, which was the lowest ever recorded In population by I veiled until lh- small hours. At any moment a stentorian .shout of "Waiter" mlghl havn left 9 p>-r cent of women without partner, but for- tnnat'.ly It was never n' 'I .;. is improving :iay be that more vigor- girls a ri dotting out,"' 1 too much to sp.-:ul and too mucU to eat, Causing surplus production uf c-oHou and wheat, ver and copper and sugar aud meat. to see aud hoar and drive lory of College University, already well known for their investigation* of sleep, have asked the help ot tha medical profession iu making an actual test of supposed sleep produc- ers like a warm bath before retiring a warm drink or a brisk walk ia th open air. Physicians are invited to recommend to tua Colgate laboratory patients who are not suffering from actual insomnia or any .similar dis- order requiring medical treatment but who ot'tea find thtMii-Xves reit- less aud unable to fa!'. .1 leep easily. People who drop lo sleep the ul iru ' ent that they go to bed aad sleep soundly all night would ba useless for the experiment. Nothing will keep them awake. Parsons w-itfc actual insomnia are similar!., unsuit- able for test, as the majority of them may be taken ai suff-"riu from some mental or bodily dUov'.er The vasi intermediate group uial, healthy people who rind, :i-\ j r theless, that they s.i:uetiai-i .,'.-e leas soundly taau they ought t.j d are the OUM desired for the experi ment. A selected number of ch.'s-t persons referred to ;:i !uboru;'r;. by their physicians will b<j asked to ka?j regular sleep records ou a deiinlta number ot nights when thpv bath* before goiug to bed, 0:1 oilier nights when they drink a warm driuk, on still other nights when they take before-bedtime walk a'ui dually, for purposes ot' couipari.s,' . .1:1 i ser.d* of ereuiagi when the.> Jo nou<* ot Diver to Seek Fortune of $4,000,000 Undersea Xw York A diva to iu Plan to Count Big The death rate was 11.4, or two bo low I.*-'' and.2 below I!i23 find l'Jl'6, B'l,, explained Next your, e\p.-d.' , us - .il l- neiit into tbe Arctic, and. it i- hoped, tho. Antarctic as well. - ill latiotH "'< IlKures. The infant morality around th.* polai i others ** c " H thousand, also tha low- Intereited. Two major purpo, ,, .. c,:.-:tain- d by the Intt ni.r >: < i ,1111,111 --ion the pi.-iiaialioii of authoritative !n-r map- n:nl new magnetic charts for the |,o!ai regions, parti- cularly to aid a-'rial navigation. Being po,uippe<i with instrument* and apparatu- ::n improved over that ot r.o year.s i er expeditions -,M data i illected will l:t; much but, Mr. i'ali'-rsoi, j>olii(- el out, H wan inipodsbile to imwli<( what discoveries would ba wli.-n thei > w a- -i"'', |lo|| I'l <ihe .lle.l which represented the previous low- ever recorded wheu the form- undertaken, thfl Use Canadian Grown Grains For Poultry To me. i tin; present acute, feed .iltuu- tion the I'oultiy Uivlsiou of tho IJo- nilnioii Ivvpeiimcntal Kauns have made a study of the .suitability of Canadian ^lown Kiaius for poultry fe..<iinn. With the us*; of Kiiitubli: sub- fiiriu of |mrl . ljvi . r ()U mad.: H 'dill-lion. Iu a special pamphlet (No. I'J.S New Scliesl, JUSI off Hl8 PIOUS, in tin, lion In tho USD of do- n, oils and for collcgu la'ii.T than the weaker ',MI, for there ran lie no doubt but that m.itleiii co'.l-ge life appeals more, Kadios and motor cars .sakes alive! and muru t- IH vlwroua girl." j'Twas little wonder lie didn't thrive, c Q of ^. I And so got sick and fell from the' Game By Plane , French Motor Bus on Rails u,i- n,.hod. knows for certain at ail. Winnipeg Man.-A census of An,,rl 5 | ants p assenge r Trains ' !.; Viiiomatriea la tlm name r ' lu ""inply b, put '!,!, |.-r-n,!i railways l.av fasten- . s ""' M ' orls ""^ l)wu iu vai 4-.I iu :li.-ir new self -propelled cars. ! l!llt "verU.ody is his best, I'll, nutuniBtrlv. U really a six- i p '- p - sit1 '''" HoJVer UIld a11 tll<J IV " : - -, ; .:,-. muto, bun ou rails. it has . l ' : " )laills u( Industry, financier, Hi., appearm.ce 01 a street car. con- Doctors, lawyers aud eugiaee; ,. I'ciliticians and oceau depth ever reached by man. with a $4.000.000 cargo of gold, all- ver aud jewels as a r .\ard, U plan- ned off the Virginia coa<)C in tb Bpring. H. L. Bowdoiu, iirejideut ot tha Suh Oceau Salvage Corporation, at- pects to leave here, May 1 tor c'ap. Charles, Va . - j attempt salvag* of can bi.-'ou by means of photographs to be taken by a group of tiva mem hers of t.hi> Koyal Canadian Air Kol'ce ' The fliers will tako ptiotograplm from ( lli.i air in tliu country betwfen the l'aco River and Lakti Clalro, to tin- WPS! of l-ak Athabasca, of tln> buf 11 years ago t>u r-juts from Mexico after a collision with the Admiral Karragut. .Mr. Bowdoiu will u^e a steel diving suit he has mveutwl and '"';''" |; | which he claims will peroiit hiii d scent '-> a depth lower than ftuj ev->r reai u-1. falo herds which nrt> now tin tho ranne. The po-i ion and habits of lh i. ',1 during l.:i winter mako il po.ssiblo to take a count by photograph. The ani- mals during this timo aro feetllng on tbfl grasses on the open prairie in ihe. neighborhood of the salt pluin.t. tains thirty-four seats aud can aver- > age about lifty miles an hour. I I''''' 1 '"- Professors, ecououii.-i,. Th,, railwaya are nsins the ne ,w Efficiency experts aud psychologists., ubljc ^ conveyances lo link up Cities and I T ork '" '"""'"K 1o>vns on of Young Canadians Ardent Admirers of "Mountie" -One brauc'u ot Canada's dary lines, whern uso And they'll succeed without a doubt. i Jlwt , flw , by H ut when they'll jet him back on the business. London Abandons Split Holiday wall. Nobody knows for certain at all. Ford Gets Old Mail Wagon Britigh Airline 'Reports Expanding Activities lack of recruits, and figured jiwt ptibllsliej .sliowing t!ie uumbar ot applicants for enrol ment iu the KoyiU i AJllUUil ewuuwj OBtic , tor poultry feeding i tlng th8 scllool i u ,li<la>s iiiiu vt-n. Thfi.. i. no charm, for this ^^ d , a n<)t w()rk )m , W(; , Mail Planes To Use pamplilei, which ma\ b" obtained on Radio Beacon Guide application to the I'uidi. aiions iirainh Torouto Route direction rtt dlo jot the Depart ment of OiHtwa l . iial/ an air , ... i "' J ,,iaae pii/.i. .', tell when h U devia. Aviatnx Now Adds ing tiom his coins.} In bud weather. Speed to Altitude or at night men-!) by looking at u, Wa.-lilngion - - Spurred l>y olllclal umall instrnnient on his loiitro^ word Dint she had broken tho women's panel, ure being installed on Can- { altitude record, Miss Hlllli NlchoU, ada's main a,r mail and labllilied S0 eii:ly avialrU. rect-nlly added u l!t)l- i-'i;i:ni.-icial air ou 'an report, mile all hour. i I'cord-equalinn , , e-ntly ',' \.'<-'i' <'"!. W- Arlhur , |,,.| w , ,.,i NYw York and Wasliiiigton i, -i, < -bli-f <if the radio i, er i-o-tcrof accomplinlimontn llellefontalna, Ohio.- An antiquat- ed mail .vagou that was used before , the advent of tha automobile for I /ondun- London's cli.-nio of split , rural d-lheries has been purchased two j liy Henry Kord from Amos Itced, of Ntirih l..iwisli,jrg, near here. The wagon lia.s u high box, sot on four vr in-eU Canadian Mounted Police iudicatii this colorful corps uiaintjius it* at- trac'ion for Hie robust aud adven, turous youtli of the ualiou. Itet Io6 places vacated through retire- Impbrial Airways i epcTits that about | meut and so forth In the Koyal Mounted last year, 2, SOT young uien offered themselves. This was an next yoar'a vacations all at one time. veil and ha A Racing F > 'h"aiast ,.; ili Canadian Sigllal she i,iok off on u return lligln tt> ( Ing tlin trip b.-lw.-eii .l.-r. ey City an He d'-li\')-'l .1 ]'-l :i ' "' " <n New York late in thti day, nflor mak- of i.idl" on ' iji ,1. In d air : Mile ill | M , r t all ,| H re Cell I - ill llHi aeioiiauti,' tioiitit'l 1 i, ,in, I 1 Ontai Ui -< '!.,,i of tln Annri' an : : 'lann al KM gin. .-i - j-,, .. - ' ,, aildli- d 1)J 0. II. l'.ni>'.'. r.f 1'i-ospt cior , Aii'AaJi. 1,1,1. llalleybury. win. nulliiifd tin. ,- and helielits of mlnllir p| , : ing in Caiiad.i. and Ihe <'\ l -,f i's ,;.-velo|"i,i nt Hard' Luck! Kan a-i li'V Star: An Illinois wu- e Anacostlil naval air la- l hour and & mlnuloa.Vhli Hint) varied only a few seconds from in,) unollicial n." old held by Capt. I'liink -M. Hawks. It will ba checked liy Hi" Vvai Department Shi. itjtiiru >-d In I hour and 20 n.niu' - bnnplu sorno picturea Quick Way to Write Chinese Invented Nanking, China. Another attempt lo siiniiiify tho ;!0,un0 ideographs, wm- stlttiiing tha (Miin<:Mt \vrilieii language, hits been made in iu Introduction oi man to ... U -nice m.Brmi BUBurat.uu., ^^ ^ ,,, kh and the pictures turned out w be j ThB jllveiUorj Ij|u i.iugraphy," a whorihiiud ytnm ,,su,:h . hun, II,,!,,.,,.,., mth IBO.UOO. Whlcli f rl , llms that Ul , a new d.vic H 'enablcxs rourse practically them fur nice interior deem > "Capital is the se.xl c.iru of lha tiait harvost." --lx>rj 10,000 letters a week aro being carried by air between Kngland au'l India. More air freight is gfing carried as Increase of about ttOfl aspirants over Ihe service becomes known. Items | the numbers seeking enrolment la from autoniobilrt parts needed l'-'2'.i. In a hurry to theatrical make-up and eggs (or hatching. Tim airways sysu-iu is following American design prac-tice in Hie ',iuip ment it asks lor tlm Cape Town .ser- vice. Armstrong Whitwortli is build- ing fiiur-inoiored. high-wing mono- plain's wlt'i a cruisiiiK HiH'Pd of 115 miles an hour and top speed of 145 les mi hour. Armstrong Si.lcleley Canadian Hockey Sticks The wood used In tlia 23 esut'lisa- nieuii specializing in sporting goods in Canada iu 1929. according to tha llureau of Statistics, was chiefly sawu softwood lumber amounting to 1.S72 thousand feet board measure, valued at $7ii.f>7ti: 7.">(! thousand feet hardwood lumber at $67,609; 341 cords of hardwood bolts Ht $4,981, ami tors will be used. \ "l-acesoers' special" for the (iraluli , , veneer and plywood valued at f 3,b40 i lonal operated between London _., Aintree. this >ear The more important items timing the principal products were hockey sticks. niuulH-rinsf tilCMtofi and valued at $^nT.s."ii; tennis racquets nuin- 4S.7.'.n nticl valued at I21X.S61. peraou to write 1K churuutera jn-r miuute. It U said Unit aiiyou* kuow lug the ('hi in'.-.* withlu tlu-e Uioutuj, ItHU'Q H Hill, wellknown Huston Hull mascot of. |V]ri-ylvanln American I.eKion, lias laid aside thtiughts ot hones and Imuibui'Koiii, devoting his attention to runners ut Oriental Turk, Havaua, O.u'>% 4U liinu till favoritei with low growl* Canada and the Soviets New York Kvtmitig Cost: The Can- liaus have Inherited the system of itish law in which th rights of N R rl : . Individual are paramount and in 1>CW Kecora .hich. the will of the average man Tokio. - V world endurauce re.-cr4 < the basis of govei nmeiit. Thon-.'* ''laiin-d for a Japanese semi-rigid hilosophy of politics has not yui ' "val tlirUU.le. which remained aloft . n corrupled by the sort nf 8enti-, six 'y hours without re-fuelling. Tha ".eiitalism lhat has left (ireat Uritain ' pi'fvioiw record was held by th., dl- litiint In the face of flamboyant risible- Norue, iu which Uoald Amiiiid- vie-t aggression. Their Order-in- , sen. Cienoial I'mberlo Nobtle aad I'luncll frankly recoinizBs that the' 1 -' 1 "'" 1 " KlNwm-th crossed the North esslau Soviot is seeking to divide I Hole Iu li'^ii. he world and to destroy the economic ; -* 1'asis of Western civiiizaikui. Ke- Town Builds Road in 5 Days cause of this conviction, and not Cjrbesassl, Italy. Tilts community from any concern about details of built a mountain road In flT 8 dayi international trade, thfl Canadian without touching tho town treasury hare struck the most powerful blow Landowner* donated the right ot war yet aimed at Russian plans for a au j j,>, mountaineers turne4 ut world. | with picks, shovali mid tacua> ' V . 1

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