Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Mar 1931, p. 7

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(Horns Chats By AMN BEST (V "\Ve are shaped and fa-uioned by Rliac we love." Goethe. The Changing Years Assuredly we acknowledge, we grow by change. \V<3 find all too soon that today has bocome yeter- 4 and is gone, while tomorrow U U"on iw. - I'm in spite of this plain truth we occasionally come acro^ people who l-ride themselves that they never chancre their thought . or U'.eas when ( < in e they have made up their minds, i ! -ical thought, since the world is one continual change, how then can \>\\f stand stili in ihiniii: . The day-; musi r>a -.. eiidi day v.iN nesting man> plans and hopes sha tered while disappointments multi- ply but. happily there are also many : 001 ir-usat'ivj; joys and pleasure In "th*- day which j>ho\vs 'he consum-J mat ion of some cheri.lied *ish ful- j ii!'.' '1 or see* some good wort achiev- ed. Then as the wce-ki pile up be- , Tiind us into years ftiih al! its siwe- of the past !i!!e,i days, ho-.v j oar tlotig'ii-> become a> middle age approaches. We j !/ *eem '.Ike stranger- :., :'iat pecul- i iji person of twenty Vt;u- auo tailed "I". I The garden seed ii planted and. tliroAS out i's bright green shoot' wUich in its turn buds, flowers and truiis. The blossom was perfec- . tion. no change seemed necessary, ' tut after all it was ouly passim; t'iniugli Its proces : of growth for ; uf course it was not until the rich i ripe fruit appears 1 that it could give food to its inllest value.. I "i- ha ps this explains wliy it is dif- ficult for the child to understand the , parent. We must have patience for t!i little bud 'ias not ?ven reach ed the flower stage as je:. How", then can it gee the fruit'.' ; Because we have already pa*-i '.<_<> _y'> u "ger_ days i; U easier for . to understand the youthiiil minds. ' tluu for them to understand us, if w would but drift iu thought back to yesterday. And ott^ii as we re. ' member our youthful dreams and yuuu^ ideas our discipline will per- !>ai>! be imbued with more tolerance if. i.'. iindeTstandiuj, along with the- . _ ling which w give. On look- ing : iack we may find .ve did some , p.-tty foolish and often eve-u absurd iiiitu* which seemed perfectly al- rUai and the only thing to do at T'I.I' :ime. | So time aud change bring us ever ?! ,i'>r the open door of freedom, po-ex- and love and the climb up- ( i stretches out into a land ot ",'ii'lrou* beauty, r'i 'om.irrow of I!" -i*ty. TwiligM Hour Story A tout Wee Chicks and Other Little Friends i Chapter 15 I miilcr what .litnmie Cliick and I hi- iliri 1 " little HtitTy si c were' it . , all this time. I just know ' t'i .. '. civ having a pretty good time I '.{ . ':<mui Lady looked after them f ! -'ie and Hilly never- no, not once d'.u li'-y I 'Orel thtMii. That as w!i. ill.'.. were so happy. It V'-tn't - be vry nice to have, ;Vi',.-,ii all HI nlK-e forget to get 1 di.iiii-:-. would it? You Just couldn't! be \ery liniipy without any dinner.; cirtiM y'>u'.' That's why. if we have | M.IV or H little dog or perhaps a! Htty cMiiary that sitiits so beattti- i tnll- in its cage in ilu- un shine.! w i'.l always, yes. always remain- 1 bei to feed them at meal time. We ! inn- :i't feed them loo often either: f.', i' isn't 4,'X'd for tliem to have ! omeLiiiiig lo eal nil llie lime any more ttian It is for you to always kM.i .-alin* some candy or a cookie al! !> Ions- Those liitle rummies get < A nilly tired working all the-' titti- don't you think'.' U is nmch i ueii.'i 10 save Ihe cand\ or cookie | tili n'ter dlime-r or after supper isn't if.' Well ilia' is the way it la .vith most .inimals too. llir yon remem- ber \, >IHIU: i Iteii was ((Hit. bad. ttUe-. 'he didn't, cave if !ier little) cliii >.' ^<>t any breukust at all ori not ..:i.| then \vor=e sMl! "an away | A '-- from them besides. You remember about that, don't you? Now because she did that and it was so '.on? agi her babies just fonrot all abo.r he-r. One ilay Mamma Lady had Jus' fed the chicks and it hap!i-::e;l Mamma Hen ivasn'' far away. She was a little hungry herself Just tiieti a;i -'.i* heard the little ones peeping in the box as though they were hav- ing something awfully good -> *' stopped and listened for awhile, then didn't sli e come over toward' them and since no one was around to stop her, she Jumped right on ton of the box. The screen tippet ><T and she looked in at her four littl* h.iiiitM grown .-o much bigs;-- -i- hardly knew them. Theu s;i- -a nil t'.iat good luncn. for it was just between dinner and supper and the chicks had six meals you remember. She thought it looked pretty g od and -Jidn'- she plump right owu in the h* 1 " 2 * tl Sh<- was so big she nearly tilled ^6ft^ it scared tueiu all ter- ribly. Bui after awhile .linmyj peeked ou; twin behind the shawl In their little bedroom. That was where they hid because they didn't know- who she- was for they forgot ( what Mamma Hen looked like. ;lie| hadn't seen her for so long. Jim- mie was pretty excited but very brave for he was the- 'tUgesf y-in know. So when he peeked out h- said. "You better not eat up all our supper or I'l! tell Mamma Lady.' But slie Just clucked and clucked and had it nearly all eaten up before j Mamma Lady came out and mad" her get out of there pretty quick. They Mamma Lady -'Md her .since she didn't look af'er 'ier babie* be- fore she didn't neeil t.i think she could come around now. aud she wade her run over to the hen !vme wish the big hens After tlia: Ihe kept the box up high. It served Mamma Hen right, didn't It? Per- haps next time she will be a better Mamma when she hatches ou' JOtne chicks. I believe she will Next week - S.>m*ihin.s About Good Old Rover." Easter Hymn An April Adoration Sang tli> -u:iri- on an .miner morn ; "Kartli. he glad; An April day ia bora.' What New York Is Wearing '"Winter's doue. :i!iii April's in the BY A.VN'ABKI.LE V\ . tKTH 1 .V ,TON skit--. _ Kartli. look up wltti laughi-r in your lUu*t,-tif.<il t- F-tr- tr :i u:t:ic.k IKK vertical * minute, and. it U claimed, can oi.c* f-r rtvery '**:i thots. v. ill make i. iitdoa pi . :< .1 > l i- i je '<f j'-j mi!e~. liivs ... i- iiiadl! he fairly certain of hitting plain *\ Puttiug off tier dumb !i-,ui,i.. <,< MIUW. Kan 'a bad all her unteeu , liidreu grow. Theu th .<i>u:id of growing in the lir flo>e to God. t liturgy of piayer; Aud til- -,1 >iu-c^--ioti 01 thr- ' days tltter-d ';.;i ;.i God .1 :-;! ;n .if jirai-.*. . :. : .- ieil tlie ruining - i - / vein. Lai'.ghed the niiuiiag tliu i ;-~ u .> icnj rain. I.a.Klied '\\f ii!- iii ev-ry tt?i.i^: 14 rot, Laushed tne tiiisiiiK f 1 !!* . nid and sin...' , Sunday School Lesson By B. C. K Awune. my soul, lo lift the Aud hush th* heart's il- strife: Th fear of cl-atli ha< ruled i..o I.HK; Tile Kii.g of Love is I>nl of Ijife. Night loug we watch th* tomb with dread. And lo! the stone is rolled away; Seek not the living 'mid the dead. Who move noon tlie plains of day. Then fold away this cerement Of scurl.-t sorrow where we move; Xot death, but life, the sacrament That blurts us to the will of love. \ voice 'i calllug while we weep. rnheeiliii Him who patient stay* To speak the word. "I live." and keep The uyst on Calileau ways Where once He w:ilk-d M* walks again: \Vhere once He loved love knows uo end: Kor evermore II* live* with meu. A loving Councillor and Friend. And we. bi'c-au-w He lives. nd they. Our loved who fell amid the strife. Shall feel that fuller lifs ami free: The Kins of Love Is Lord of Life. Lord Alg> : 'Why did you accede to your valet's demands'.'" Lord Arthur: "He threatened to trike and quit just when I wa halt dressed, you know." April 5. Lesson I Jesu* Teaches t Humility Luke 14: 7-H: 18: 15-17. Golden Tet Whosoever exaiteth himself shall be abased: and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted. Luk 14: 11. ANALYSIS. I i'N TVKING THE D'WEK PL U i: 11. 7-11. II. nx TRI K HOSPITALITY, 14: l.'-U. ; III. JKsts RECKIV::S rm: CHILDKEM, 1 I 1 *: 1.-.-17. i I. ON TAKING THiC Li'VVER PLACE. U: 7-11. This story, v. ar- t.iid. i> a par-, abie (v. 7). that is to say, we are tJ iniVr from it the sjrt of corwiuct ri-, quired of the children of God's king- , dcm; it is also an illus:rati.*n jl Chr'stian c. r.duet. The point or! meaning ot' the parable is given in 1 v. 11. "whoever t-xalts himself shall ( L humbled, and the man win> h iiiib'.es himself shall be exalted." This prin- ciple seems often to have been on the ( lips of Jesus, or it is three times, quoted in I.ukeS Gospel. It might, be a mere principle 01 worldly wi.idom.: for it is a fact, often illustrated in evft-y-day life, that the man who give?' himself airs jets "put in his place." > but that is not the meaning of Jesi's. We are to uiuirAtand. rather, that to be great on earth is not at all t!i- no thing as to lit? great in the king-! d.'iu oi' t'.od: that many who are rirstj here sh..!l be last there. In the king- dom, ni'eatness i< marked by service, not by power or wealth. It is ni.t only in ancient Palestine that there have been bitter disput.-s, as to precedence, as to who should be ; riven the seat on the hostess':* right! hand, who should be given the front, ..eats on the platform. The Christian! is not to push himself. Jesus Christ, j thouuh he was the Son ,M' ll-xl. "coi-j descended to men of low estate"; the Christian must follow Jesus in this; 1 is not to be "a climber." Worldly ambition, we may say. always soars up to be served: Christian ambition always descends to .rve. The gen- eral 'advice about suitable conduct at dinners had been given by JewUn rabbis lefore Jesu-c. but \\e made his common-sense advice a parable of th-3 kingdom. II. "N TRIE HOSPITALITY. 14: 1J-U. We are not to understand by this that Jeus tells Christians they are to giv no parties to their friends, but a man is not to fancy himself a.ij being hospitable and a good fellow be-| cause he often entertains his f riend" j ar,d tho.s< whom he likes. There is i nothing meritorious about that. The distinctive element in the Christian character is that it ha< a love which breaks through the narrow restric- 'ons of class and -f the group of people we happen to like, and em- braces th* whole world. Including our "enemies." The hope of reward is not to j the Christuui motive. The Christian must d good to others because, he loves them, not ix>cHUse lie will be reward- ed for it. but he will be rewarded. His reward will com* "in the resur- rection of the just." that is to say. in heaven. Jesus did not denounce wealth. bu r he warned men of its gave he the grave daniieis and told them tw spend hlr money, as here, to spread han- iiir.e*s and good fellowship for their less ii>rtunate neighbors. He himself illustrates his own command in that r-* madj h.s u:tT,<:s cn<!ii{ the humbl; of the earth and gave of his time and strength to alleviate the dUires.-es of the sick and those in trcjuble. At his table in the ear.y Church were gath- ered Jews and Gentiles, masters ar.ii slaves, rich and poor, and the com- mur.ion service '.s the image and fore- i;:>;e of the hei'.venly banquet in the kinsrtiom of Uod. 111. JESfS RECKIVE8 THK l'H!I.|iRV.X, 18: 15-17. In Mark's Gospel we read that Jesu* ua. angry with the discipu-s for trj'- ing to keep the children uway, and that Jesus cook the children in his anus and embraced ;liem. We thm.' :i busy and* important people a.> beins almost inaccessible: strantjei's can only approach tliem if their business is weighty and they have made a previous appointment. L'ut Jcsu?. >vh.i<e task was more important and comprehensive than that of any n;an. was always accessiblu and available. He was never too busy to sei> thos'j who came t.> higt ^ He njve precedence to was not so in- world that h children. Se which Chrb ways expose Christian darkened b; children, unless tized and regenerate the wrath of God. but to say that, unless "ro\vn changed righ' <ound and becnn- little children, l'\ey caniint enter the Kingdom, for the kingdom con^i.-n >.f. belongs to, those <vf childlike spir't. Here is something very distinctive in Christianity. The ambition >i th-- Jew wns to keep the Law. the ambi- tion of the Gentile to be powerful or to be wise, bw p wer and wsdun; :MI.| scrupulous rightootisncss are not -o important to God a* the child-like heart. But what is this childlikencs* ? - ei|uire(i of men'.' JeSui was not sentimental about "hildren. HP him- self as the eldest of a large i . !. doubtless knew how naughty ami ni 1 ficult children can be. What, then. did he i ean? He was probably think- ing, not of the innocence "f children, but of their trustfulness. A chil.i does not doubt that he is loved, not doubt that liis little affairs arc of importance to him parents, does noe doubt that provision will be made t' him by a father'* and mother's car . God in ail rli cone >nl of ;!ieir nrrtu Heard t!ie ;u!oi-.iti.m ,0111; of E.irtU. i"urv- <;. n. Roii - Easter Kisses Public love-niatiiuK, aa old-: i me Easter is stili a fstme of :!i holiday in various purti of Kng- laiid. Ou tile first Tuesday after E.-.i(er. the young nidti of Hungerforu. small town ,1:1 the borders of Wilt- shire aud Berkshire, may safely kiss every maiden tiiev meet Tliia privilege has been iianded ioA-a sines Joliu o' Gaunt's day, and ;he men are expecteii to give an .>ranx in exchange for the salute. Many years aso .1 large sum of :iiijney ,\as bi-i|neat!ied lo the town authorities of Swedgate, -: a York- shire, on condition mat every East- er the interest on the money was distributed amomr poor people who A-'slied -o s^t married but had not enoijRh mon.'y ;.i >my ^i^ nec-s< ; iry ' furniture. I:i jnm- iiaris ,if the couatry girls ] have an Easter t--st tlia: is suppnaed to indicate the identity of their fu- ture husbands. Tile test consists of selecting an 011:011 'o represent each ' of the, elinibi,. m.-n. All :'.ie onions ; are then placed in die chimney c > r ner to force tiieir m-owJi. Tlie tlrt j sietis of sprouting is con- ' r-preseni the lucky man. Ennui-, . .. T flattering ia, ,1-1 c -. -;,: It is a season of jac .' The one sketched 's the soft graen printeti i repe in !'.. K'i nation with plain green c'ilk cre^.- -. mawhe-s the grour.a. The skii't -hiw> sleiiue'.-'::;!'.^ line .n pointed hip y .. ri-entmetn. The jacket is :n ;i.'iui:ar hip length. Style \o. ' l'('> come* in si^e* 14, 10. IS years, "i!. :;s :v,i \<t inches bust The l(5-y*ar sj/.e iei|uirps 4 yards -'-f "9-inch figure, i w : th 1 s ya '* .>' :"(-inch plain n 'i-.-ria Navy Uuc rial ci pe -!:; -.Mt- A'^U eyelet embrpiilr<l a'-'tf < . --"I Ik tK ! and itiar.tun4 'resting jporti Parted !ie and lMnyaii Kindinfi lirr>u son:; ^'n<- . : .ni,'>. ail color. n and I)l>- r rajs : an ". llghl .. in mil lU ciiil! li!ii.i'< will) just .1 of .Miiiliiis;. ytu .omli. * ni-"' '!'. -^'l ' ^ First Actor: "Th hotel clerk just hnmlt'l me a bill for $10 for our board, two days. Can you beat. It?" Sec-mid Actor: "Sure, it I can get ' my trunk out of His window." j HU Royal HtguMsa i also the Prince of Salesmen. They Had to Agree It * i- n d'i .f\\':. On U;s way rlirociuli -!i- smokinsTooin M iiis ovr:i cinarters ill-- secretary nf the club a A a young man iiudflled in a chair. "Hallo." lie said. "I was just Roing to shut up for HIP night I thought everybody had >ti". Arn ym rtoins home.'" The nMMiihi'.' <iiook liis head sadly "I ilaren't." he replied. "Daren't?" echoed the se,T-MrT "Nothing wrons. t hope?" "Plenty," I'ame from tna young uinu. "At eight o'clock I telapbon- i ed to my wife and save her a par- ( fectly good excuse for not going straight home, and"-- he lowered ills voice to almost a whisper -"I've for- gotten what I said. 1 ' .;. India's Population New I)H!|I!. India Thin year -s census of India, which has just beeii i comnleted. siuiws a slrikias In-; crease for the last rlrvade of more ' than 32,000,000 in the co'.in'ry'* pop- j ulattof, which is now pla<vd at S51,- lOu.OOO pe:sotiv it car addreaa your Service. T:' '^Ve^t The Poet Hv \Vtt;er Rynii^r V IKI,'| iiveil in CaiiV-' Wliosa nicjilier dearly kim* I tu \nd His ben ill y lik* a roolinn r*t 11* l.,\-| ;,|M -|l^er.l| of sillljii" And iitila cliildren's lauuiUf Us oame. liey always ram* Ht) "M ' :!> !'o!l,iwi-ij ,1' ' And U' 1 *a.s soli-urn only When ]>.iiiie n-i>!-> i|iik:int mat dy. H- 1 - -i'iinil tli-re -.irnialii mil loueif. 4 nd :ell iiiein lull . ii.-w ,iu!i; 1,1 do; "Love other fo'.k." He iilea.ied. "Ai you love nirt and I lov-i v,,u"' Rut aimo<t no ,MH b-. I I V ||.|," 'i "I l|'M T'luy s II :u ,iu.i si-*- HIM What Wo::.J : ii-y do to ..,'11 .tH'i 'iin If ive ,ii,i : ,i >.i . ',. :,i|,- A ! n One For the Golfers Placid Old I ..i:ly i ;o <>if a.i.t.. 4 ^alesniau) "T'd like to look it m larq: liannic.-ap.'. i>l.'*j. my !iu-r.,i.ii| said If be had had ou- >-' -nlay It* wr.'tiil IMYC n.-.i .i|.. f,,'.i ioill'U<Uuet_'* MIHT AND JEFF By BUD FISHKJ^ There's a Long, Long ! raii A- x \'-~' _ . _ - vxJ^c^^f V & ^MfA^ m^CfM 1 I THAT* BAT). : Alt) . I ~ Ait> L^ r > PAV -roo 1 / TJJjJI^ ^ww^y /MSSi I*- i '^ vwr >MOS: IH^HW^^W T\i^c B ^ k-^ft^l SfcA *^^_iT^ A^Jv i/4C 5 ^y^T^^^*^ -~ ~ ^** >^^i* !:} 5,'N T'HAT MOTT HAS :;vt> voo ct-f yew oS SiJC. XtAWS. At>wr IT THAT'S BAt> HtW FOR rAONY J. CCOTT* ATTlHUtCf KT v Aw -

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