\ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1031 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE FARMERS' SPECIAL CAR FIRE INSURANCE INSURANCE Solid brick dwellings with lnt class roodnjr and lightning iods Insurance TOc por $100, or $7 per $1000 for a term of 3 yi'in . Kranii' barns on stone work with lightning rods and 1'irr <x- tinjruislu'rs. Si.ii.' ]K-r $100, or sin.r.u p,. r j-iihiii in.-iiranrr Ki .'! years. Tin- Company supplies c i -Minguishers at <-<>st. No nrcmiur.i note. Ftraisriu t-a.-.h rah-. :i:-<l can bo divided for three pnv:ncnts. No poli.y fee. .\uti- Insurance being re- duce'il in price, \ve arc in a position to OI'UT tin 1 public service - - Special ratings foi farmers. \ ger.rrnl insurance bus- iness transacted. A. E. BELLAMY IXSTR \.\YK FLESHERTON tfeattli OF THE dfottabtmt iie^tral Aaiumatimt CHANT FLCMIMOi M-o. ASSOCIATE SECRETARY THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collingwood street, Flfcsherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada $2.00 per year, paid in advance $1.50. In At Waubaasheae CORRECT EATING afraid to use your teeth, using the i teeth is one of the best ways of keep- ir.f the gums in a healthy state. A grcot deal of thought and con- , Thcrc , s no objeetion to the mod . sidcraWe amioimt of attention arc iratc l!SC O f beverages with meals given, in many homts, to the selection 1 .it they should only be taken when and preparation of meals. This is UK it should be. and it is desp'ahlo pliso that the food, as it comes to the table !>e eaten in such a manner that the ' budy will be able to make 'the best possible i-se of it. is no food in the mouth - never used to wash down food before it has bc.omc thoroughly chewed. When sitting down to the table, it I is not wise to drink cold water before the meal begins. At the same time, the blood vescls of the stomach are SL Save Money PORTLAW HAS SOMETHING TO OFFER THE PUBLIC AT RIGHT PRICES. No. 1 Patent Flour per cwt $2.50 Pastry Flour, 2-1 Ibs __ 65c. Shortening, per Ib '.'.'.'. 15c. RaNir.3. 2 Ibs. for 25: Crown Tea, per Ib '..'.'.'. 39c Ilorsley Blend Ten ptr Ib 55c We have a few men's Mud Rubbers at 50c per pair while they last HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR EGGff ' 1 H. WALKER - - PORTlAW Phones: Dundalk 71 r 5. Flesherton 76 r 22 Store closes Wednesday at 12 p.m. and Friday at C p.m. r After an illness extending over sev- c-a! years Miss Mayhelle Ruth Hend- j c -.IP, youngest daughter of the late U. S. A. 12.50 por year when psid ._ ^ ^ w _, Hendf . r8on( passcd in ' lvance .M-iu-efully away at the home of her (Members of Canadian Weekly News- . ; slol . JIrs White, at Waubaushene ( paper Association) on Thursday, March 10th, at the age W. H. THURSTON, - - Editor ,., .-{-, yea rs. For the past year she F. J. THURSTON Aseoc. Editor |, :ui ucen practically bedfast and was . rs=J carefully and tenderly nursed by her [sisters, Agnes (Mrs. White) and Tena, and her death had been expected at any moment. The remains arrived in Flesherton on the noon train on Saturday and the service was held in St. John's United EDITORIAL NOTES. High Commissioner Ferguson i kept busy thest- days attending tea parties with the British nobility. f ' < * n v nan . i- i'i in . ' . .1 ' i . . o i 1111 - - They say he sighs when he thinks of LI _*__ : T.,_ _.~ .1,,,.,. Church, Rev. \V . J. Scott, pastor of the church, officiating. The pallbear- rrs were: Wes Armstrong, Gordon and Fred Irwin, Reg. Boyd, Wilfred Lever Those who at- tendtd the ijneral from a distance what he is missing in Toronts these days! There will be a shortage of Dom- , .. and Albert Sparks Imon Government receipts for the . . ., current year of at least 80 million Meals should be eaten quietly, and thorn should not be any hurry and lush in the dining-room. Food is not readily digested when the body is tired. If the individual is tired, a rest before eating will aid digestion, as will also a meal that is eaten quiet- ly and calmly. Arguments or scoldings should nev- er lie carried on at meal-time. Emo- | tional upsets, anger or worry interfere | with digestion. Meal time should IK a cheerful and happy time. The body is beter able to digest j tissues out early. Premature old food when meals are taken regularly. | age generally means that moderation The regular meal time gives the di-; nns not been practised, gestive system the periods of rest^ at moderately, eat slowly, and which it requires. If meals arc ma ke meal-time a happy, restful time taken at all hours, or if there is eat- that is the way to cat inc: between meals, there is no time Questions concerning Health, ad- lct for th organs of digestion to dressed to the Canadian Medical rest. Association, 184 College Street, To- Food should be thoroughly chewed lonto, will bo answered personally before it is swallowed. Do not be by letter. dilattd and the gastric juices are ac- tive. Under such conditions, a dash of cold water is undesirable as it causes the blood vessels to contract, and checks the secretion of the gas- tric juice. Cold water or milk should be slowly taken during the meal, not be- fore solid food is taken. Moderation should bs practised at all times. It is harmful to overeat. Excess does harm; it throws an undue Ktrain on the body and so wears the dollars. This will necessitate col- lecting more tax- besides lx>rrowin^- a substantial sum. FortunaK'.y Tena Mr. and Mrs. C. White and Henderson of Waubaushene, Hartley Blackburn of Lakeview, MYs. Jas. Johnston, Mrs. John Johnston f'anada'' credit is good, and the rate ... .. . and Kna and Mrs. Alf. Harrison of of interest i going down, though . . ., Borne bankers do not seem to know it. _. There was a profusion of flowers banking the casket, among them being Professional flyers are boasting tokens of regard from the Waubau- that in the near future Canadians sht-ne Ladies' Aid, Waubaushene H.~K. will be able to fly over Canada, from p.C. staff, Flesherton United Church the Atlantic to the Pacific, in 30 choir and the Flesherton softbnll team honrs. All riirht for those who like of which she was a member, it, but why all the hurry? | De .-eased is survived by four sisters In the famed Scottish city of Ah- np<) one brother: Grace (Mrs. George crdee-n they are still enjoying street Hlackburn) Flesherton, Belle (Mis. H. I car rides for a half penny fare. The Lowick) Sask.. May (Mrs. Russell) of Ar*>rd<*Qians aro not stintrv. though Moose Jaw, Tena of Waubaushene, they have a "literature of their own Agues (Mrs. White) of Waubaushene set*ine forth how careful they are of a.nd Robert of Moose Jaw, Sask., all j their "bawbees." but they make their of whom have thc sincere sympathy of strot cars pov expenses witn prol>- their home community, where May- fthly the lowest fares in the world, belle was highly regarded by all who The zone i>y tern calh for payment in came in contact with her. accordance with thc length of ride travelled, which seems fair. Toron- to could get over its difficulties \-\ providing stvet car service for dis- trict, in the neighborhood which . Tll VV ' M " S ' met ' tin * %vns huld w,,ulH add to its nrostiee if it follow- '" St ' J " hns Unltcd rhur " h on Thurs - ed the example of Scotland's northern (luy of last wook with the P"t Late Richard Genoe i SMALL ADVTS. i On Sunday, March 1-lth, there pa:,s- FOR SALE Fordson tractor in lid away in Markdale hospital Richard A 1 working order, for sale at once. Gcnoe, a highly respected farmer of G. F. Brackenbury, Flesherton. Vandeleur district. The late Mr. Genoe had been in failing health since WANTED Pasture farm, will W. M. S. MKKTING rapital. SCHOOL MEETING !WVs. W. J. Scott in the chair. "Oh for n thousand tongues" was sung and the Lord's Prayer was re- peated in UM. ,,n, after which a part of 1st chapter of Colossians was read. A meeting of thc executive of the Mrs - McFadden gave a reading, and Township of Artemesia School Boards Mrs ' R - Alexander read a prayer. O.K. A., will be held on Saturday even- Tho hvmn "Hark the voi e of Jesus ing at the Park Hotel, Flesherton, calling" was sung and Mrs. Cargo at R o'clock p.m. Those who compose rftV ' e a r"ume' of the 2nd Chapter the Executive this year Off nil th? of thc Study Book, an historical re- rhairmen<f the various School Boards view of the work '" J nl " mention- in thc townnhip. together with the '"* thc nanle f Dr. Davidson Mr officer:! of the Association, who are: DW.H- Pren.. G*o. Cairns: 1st Vioc. Roy Pi- Aft( ' r a season of Prayer th? min- per; 2nd Vice. Elmer Warling; Sec. utes were rend, al.-o a letter received and Treas.. Neil McCnnnel; prosrram |V Mrs. John Wright, supply secretary, rommitteo. Herb Corbett and ?.. Allen, j informing tho auxiliary that two A special invitation to all the dele-, nair8 l )illo%v "''P". half * J "" tea gates who arc appointed this yonr to | tow ' 8 n(1 two "annellette night the convention, is extended. So try 'losses for n girl fourteen years old nnd attend this meeting in order to wprc needed, and as many quilts as become acouainteH with some of the th """illiary could supply. v last fall, suffering from stomach cr P sonle if r'-cewary. - Reg. Boyd, trouble. A few days previous he had Flcherto n Ont. Phone 65w. I een taken to the hospital, but it was EGGS _ Can sup pi v a f cw sett- found impossible to save his life. incs O f j ersey Black Giants, on order The deceased, who was 72 years of f^is Office. age, was born and brought up 9 near Eugenia, but for the past twenty- FOR SALE Bred-to-lay Barred eight years he had lived in Vandeleur Ro:-k C K S for hatching, 40 cents per district. Ho was a man of genial setting. Walter Russell, Rock Mills, disposition and a good neighbor. In P none J1 r 24. o. Her life he had been a Presbyterian, ' F()R SA , iE _ 50 ac ,. p fa ,. m Lot , 56i but since moving to \andeleur he had Con 3> N _ R Artemesiai R0od housc Methodist , . ,, . and bam. well watered. Mrs. Mary B ^ .,. , ... Bee;roft, I- lesherton, phone 4t> r 3. By his the NOTICE Commencing April 1, bcen a member of church, now United. Ho was twice married, first wife. Miss Mary Hyslop, there i>ro four children, Alfred and Mrs. J. my imolement shop will be open each Heard of Owen Sound; Mrs. Fred evening from 5 to 10 p.m., to continue Wickens, Kimberiey; and Mrs. Win until July 1st. John Plester, Intcr- Royrc, Kitchener. By his second national agent, Flesherton, 44 r 4. wife, formerly Mrs. Mary Elizabeth ! Mcdee, ono Fon, Norman Gcnoc, all ' FOR SALE Young General Pur- of whom survive. Survivin also is P osc hrse, good young gander and one brother, Mr. Thol. Once.,, of Pekin nuck e *f? s - Mrs - T - Fenwick, KiTonia. Eugenia, Ont. The funeral took place on Tuesday ., ,. . . , ' NOTICE After Saturday, March afternoon oi last week from the home , , , . ., 21st, I am closing my chopping mill of his step-son, Mr. Howard McGce, , ..>./-. ' for the summer months. G. C. Graham, Eugenia. FARM HELP AVAILABLE and was very largely attended. The service was conducted at the home by hi* pastor. Rev. H. S. Warren, of An- r-sley United Church. Markdale. In- terment wa made in Markdale Public Cemetery. i We have good men and boys for The beautiful floral tributes were f rm work. Let us know your re- as follows, wreath, the family: Mr. quirements at onc, giving phone num- and Mrs. J. R. Dillon. Gordon MoGec ber, station and address. Write to A. p-d family, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. F. R- Nutchell, Elora, Ont. Phone 85. Wii-korm and Alfred Genoe. Vandeleur Ladies' Aid and Vandeleur W. I.; spray from Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clark. Buy your Flour and Feeds The pallbearers were: Messrs. Dane from the McOee, Jos. Buchanan, L. Johnston, L. Teeter, S. Gilbert and W. Hutchinson. Small Advts. For Sale BOAR FOR SERVICE. FOR SALE Good work horse, G Registered Yorkshire Boar for aer- years old. Wilfred Magee, Eugenia. vice "? Flesherton Bacon Hog Clab, ' the property of the Ontario Depart- FOR SALE Heavy Clydesdale ment of Agriculture. mare coming six. Bill Weber, Markdale Phone, 48-r-22. FORD CAR FOR SALE A 1 con- dition, never run since overhauled. Claud Mariot. Flesherton. FOR SALE Stack of mixed tim- othy and alfalfa hay. Frank Belts, Flesherton R. R. 1. HAY FOR SALE Clover and timothy at the barn $6.50 per ton. F. G. Karstedt, Flesherton. C. STEWART, Caretaker. BARRED ROCK BABY CHICKS Barred Rock Bred-to-lay Baby Chicks, from registered, blood tested birds, all government inspected and approved. March and April chicks $15.00 per 100; May and June chicks $12.00 per 100. 10 Ct with order, balance on arrival. Guaranteed 100 per cent safe delivery. I i ARMSTRONG POULTRY FARM & CHICK HATCHERY FOR SALE Sow and nine young Phona 13 FLESHERTON pigs. C. S. Monaghan, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres FOR SALE Massey-Harris fer- j otjj 166 and 167> lst range WMt ^ tilizer drill, II discs, nearly new. No . y Highway, Artemesia Tp 2 John J. Meads, ^hone 21 r 12. i mi i es from Fi es herton, K mile FOR SALE Mare, 8 years old, from sc hol, 70 acres under cultl- general purpose; one Jersey cow. vatlon> balan swamp and pasture. Any reasonable offer will be con- For particulars apply to FOR SALE Two lots in Eugenia.' L. R. Thistlethwaite, 24 Conner Apply to Mrs. .E. Morgan, Fleshcr- . Ave.. Toronto 6. ton. J. T. McKenzie, Feversham, phone. . . _ sidered. FOR SALE" Mammoth clover seed. Chas. Doupe. Phone 32rl4, Flesh- erton. ' P ur chase of lots 19 on the 6th and TENDERS FOR FARM. Tenders will be received for the to FOR srBreday onn . ' Usprey, containing 200 acres i clucks from a good laying .nun. and indud * JJ Order now for April and May delivery. M _, f MRS. CHESTER LONG. Fev er8 ham. hl * he f or "/ tender not necessarily accepted. Address tenders to Mrs. FOR SALE Shorthorn bull, roan, J- C. Milne, Flesherton, or J. J. J. year old; 2 Shorthorn Bulls, red, 10 Hislop, Singhampton, Ont., Executors. months' old, all eligible for registra- " ~ tion. - Donald MuMilllan, R. R. No. Registered Berkshire Boar on lota FOR SALE Number of hogs, 15 1-153. Grade sows $2, purebreds cash in advance. H. C. RADLEY. 100 to 140 Ibs.; also several young pigs and a work horse. Frank Taylor, Flesherton phone 63J. FARM FOR SALE the Township of Artemesia 130 FOR SALE Purebred Mammoth Pekin drake and two turkey hens. H. J. Courvoisier. Eugenia, Ont. Phone cre farm . '<>* 143-46, 3rd rang* a Feversham. 9 r 32. I W.T.AS.R., half mile from station, 1% miles from FIeshrton. FOR SALE - McCormac.<-Deer,ng buildinB8> 12 acMf * fertiliuer drill; good as new; Peter OB emj t erm8 Hamilton rSVdisc grain drill; Kemp . r ' manure spreader; span of good work "^' U McM "LLKN, Cylo. horses, and: cow, due in April. John ho ^ )R R ENT A i-ood six roomtd resolution* that are tabled for the! Th " thankoffering meeting convention to he held Easter week in wi " ho hold on A P ril 20th - when Mra Toronto (Rev) Donald, of India, who is home GEO. CAIRNS. N. McCANNEL, on furlough is expected to speak. President. Secretary. ! Tne "P'Rhboring Women's Auxil- , iaries and associations are to be in- vitwl. The following committee was BUT HE WAS NO BETTER appointed, Mrs. W .1. Henry. Mr*. [O. Philips, and Mrs. Holland. Twenty Ezra Meeker went to th doctor for nr , Wt!rK d the roll call.one visitor was ftomr medr-al advice. The doctor said pr ,. S( , n t. to him: "You ought to take off flesh. . Get a ear and get out more." "And n I Kot a car and got out The grammar some Flesherton girls more," said Ezra. "I got out six use! times in one block and took off a little We wonder if they mean it; flesh in four different places. The But it surely does amuse last time I got put through thc wind- When they declare, "I seen it." nhiold. That was thc time I took off __ __^ ...________^_ the most fle^h." ' ~ WOOD FOR SALE Lot us deliver your wood n you need it. White Birch 16" long S2.7R per cor<l; Maple Ifi" long at $3.50 per cord. Wood delivered amn day ns ordered. W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON Phone: 13 FLESHF.RTON PUBLIC NOTICE. Owing to the crowded condition of the junior rr.om of the public schonl and the short time between F,stei- and midsummer holidays, it is requost- ocl that persons proposing to Marl (nipils at Easter will not do so until the fnl] trm. By order, --W. J. BELLAMY. Progressive Euchre The Eastern Star will hold a pro- gressive euchre party in Bennett's Hall on Monday, March so, 1931. Cracked Red Wheat, Admission 35c. Otprey Farmers' Milling Co. FEVERSHAM Family Bread Flour Made from No. 1 Western Wheat Pastry Flour Made From Choice Ont*ri Wheat Grits, Bran, Shorts and eoarse feeds Farmers, LOOK! INSURE YOUR BUILDINGS IN THE WATER- . T,00 MUTUAL KIRK INSURANCE CO. AT VERY REASONABLE RATES. . .*< We also insure your car or truck against property Damugf. Public Liability. Fire and Theft. W, J. W.Armstrong .\jvnt for 17 of thc Leading Companies Flesherton Plester. International a*wrt. Pltone 44 *?' ^f' 2 lotl - 1 *** *rden. ,., v stable, hen house and earare. on- r 4, Flesharttn. ^^ high school.-W.Tcasw.fr FOR SALE Good tunotky and alf aalf at $10100 a ton. Cask in the bam in the valley. Mimti* Graham Mark- Proton R.R. 3. D_J- Re * litered Caswell, SERVICE Yorkshire Baton hoi on the farm. Phone GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONBBB Por the County o* Grey. FOR SALE About 5 tons of al- falfa and 1 20 tons of timothy hay at f9 per ton cash at the barn and a quanity of straw at |2 at the barn i p r cent" S.tl.f action ' near Pwtltew. Tfcos. Taylor, phone Dates made at The Advance offle*. 63J, FtMfcsvte*. \~ MIDDLEBRO & BURNS Barrtotera. ete. FOR SALE 41300 buys house and lot in FtMherton Electric lighted. hard ami soft water, small stable, and about two crs of land Good inTest- , briBging in 8 per cent. net. Oflcea Owen and Flesherton. Sound, Flesbwtes Must be quick sale to wind up estate '. Saturday afternoon and of W. A.Armstrong J.W. Armstrong, Exacutor - j BUSINESS CARDS FOR SALE New cotton bags,] Dr. W. D. Bryce, L. D. S., D. D. |3.65 per do.; Pastry Flour, 65c per,S. dental surgeon, graduate of Unl- 24 Ib. bag; No. 1 hard wheat Flour, v rty of Toroata. Gai administer- $2 65 per bag; salt, 1.BO per 200 Ib. e< * f f extraction. Office at the rei- bate; mixed grain, |16.50 per ton; d nca ' D -- ^ C. Murray. Toront. Peas. 86c per bu.; also wheat, west- ; >trMt Flesh^rto^ Phon* 69. ern oats, coal, fertilizer, etc Steel, p,.^ AHJ|uf ^^ ^ p ^ Briggs' and Renme Seeds at special A u.mett* in th Masonic prices.-A. C. Muir, Phone 38 r 3, , tron g Bi ock> Flesherton Ce y lon - day on or before the full moon. W. = . M., W. R. Meads; Secretary, H. A McCuley. Miscellaneous ROOMS FOR RENT Suite of 4 Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioned rooms on ground floor. A. Shackle, 'or the counties of Grey and Simcoe ford, Flesherton. i Farm and stock sales a specialty. FOR RENT Apartment fov rent. !T rms et, satisfaction sruar- suitable for light housokeeplns; and anteed. All arrangements and dates , small families. - Mr,. M. McDonald, ""J be de at th Advan ^ Flesherton, Ont. addressing me at Eugenia, telephone 43 r 11, Floihertoa 01 bf. < . . X ^ <