V It GOOD %ui/ v9 22 Germs Eat Germs Effecting Cure According to the English classic: "Great flea." have little fleas upon their barks to bite 'em, And little fleas have lesser fleas, and so ad infinitum.'' This principle of "dog eat dog," which has been long mployed in both the animal and vegetable world to get rid of injurious parasites by "sicking" enemy para- sites on them, may now be employed against the germs of disease. The "bacteriophage," or germ-eater, that destroys the germ of dysentery hae been known for ;ome time, and now we have another that annihilates the germ responsible for boils and abs- esg*s. To quote a recent press bul- letin from a well-known New York laboratory; "Dr. John F. Anderson, director of , * i . . (, 4 *r v I 4 Agent To Represent Us A ReMable Bond Hotise, Selling GoT't, Municipal and Corporation Bon<is, will pay liberal commis- sions to an aggressive man. H. J. 8AMSON A CO., LTD. 10- '2 King St. E., Toronto, Ont. PIANO JAZZ World famous recording artist now offers ?0-lecson course In Vopuli'.' Piano Flaying. Lscns mailed singly. Personal uprvllon and assistance rtulat the lesions to suit la* Indi- vidual. This Is your opportunity to learn .iia hitherto unpublished secrets of your favorite artist. , AH the effects known only to th* 'pro- fessional radio and :....: K artists explained In detail. WBITB: J. X.awrence Cook Studio*. 361) Clinton St.. Toronto. Out. the biological and research labora- tories of E. R. Equibb & Sons, and for many years in t'.ie U.S. Public Health Service, now announces ihat after more than a year or research and in- vestigation, the particular parasitic enemy for boils, carbuncles, and abs- cesses has been found, and this mod- ern method of treating them has been perfected. Dr. Anderson say=: " 'The 'phage' that has attracted most attention in this country is the Staphylocnccus bacteriophage. Staphy- lococcns is the organism that Is re- sponsible for almost all varieties of boils, carbuncles, and abscesses. The new bacteriophage is a parasite of the Stapbylocous. which grows in or on the bacteria ami finally destroys them. " 'If a drop of the 'phage' is added to a culture of Straphyloccus, the bac- teria are killed and dissolved, and the culture becomes sterile. If a drop of this dissolved culture is added to the fresh Staphvlococcus culture, the same thing rakes place. Ths process can be carried on indefinitely. In other words, the bacteriophage repro- duces itself in causing the destruc- tion of the bacteria oa which it grows. The dissolved culture contains bac- teriophat-'e in a concentration so great t'n..t one-billionth of a cubic centimeter will cau.-e detraction of a culture'." Owl Laffs i A sign !n a bank window rads: ! "The man who has one dollar in his ]K>< k>Hs must take the flr*t job offered him. The man who has 11,000 can make his choice of a few. The man who has $5,000 can dictate who should get his services.' 1 Save your money and be a dictator. Smile Evc-n though your heart be sat!. Try to smile, pretend you're glad, Tror.bles won't seem half so bad. If you smile. When you're feeling very blue. No one seems to care for you, Here's the best thing you can do Try a smile. Life is what we make of it. Sorrows, Joys, of each a bit : You can make the best of it, With a smile. Too many people grow stoop should- ered carrying around the responsi- bility for things that don't concern them in the least. Ha! Itosie "Has your husband a good ear for music?" Sal Hepatica "I'm afraid not. He seems to think that everything he hears played in church Is a lullaby. About the only thing a mar. .'an run into while standing is debt. 1,000 Fight London Fire London. A thousand London fire- men fough: for hours recently ag-ainst A spectacular waterfront fire in the heart of the city's "danger zone'' near the famous TVwer Bridge across the Thames. The fire started in Butler's Wh..ri \ and although fanned by a strong wind I was confined to a six-storey wa >- e- , house stocked with rubber and tea. i Gr^u* clouds of ac.'d smoke shroud- ed the river a.-.d* a wide area of the south sici*. The loss was estimated at between .?2."ii),000 and $500,000. So good are t'le British-made lenses that most of the American films are made with them and shown through them in the .!; r-ty ..f Ameri -an cin- ema?. or ANY CHILD WE can never be sure jusi what makes a child restless, but the remedy can alwavs b the same. Good old Castorial There's comfort in every drop of this pure vegetable preparation, and not the slightest harm in its frequent use. As often as yo-.T -hild has a tretful spell, a feverish, or enes and can't sleep, let Castoria soothe and quiet him. Some- times it'a a touch of colic. Sometimes constipation. Or diarrhea a con- dition that should always be checked without delay lust keep Castoria handy, and give it oromptly. Relief will follow very promptly; if it doesn't you should call a unysician. Kennedy & Menton 421 College St., Toronto Hariey-Lavidson Distributor* Wr ta at O'iro for our bargain list of used notoreyolM. Terns nrranired. CASTORIA NO SNOW ON THE BOARDWALK HOTEL STRAND Atlantic City, New Jersey Sends Greetings to its Many Friends In Canada. We are quoting such a very low American Plan rate that you will find it cheaper to stay at the "Homelike Strand" than staying at home. Write us so we may quote them to you so you will know the exact cost before leaving. Music Salt Sea Baths Compli- mentary Tea Daily, 4 to 5 p.m. We will personally see to your comfort. T. E. L.-l.Vi'OW, Myr. H. BRADFORD RICHMOND, Pro?. PAIN after eating WHAT many c.ill inilii;r'<ilou" is very often nothing but excess acid in the stomach. The Momach nerves havo been ovi-r-stimnlated, and food sours. The collective Is an alkali, which neutralizes acids instantly. Tin; best, alkali kuowu to lueilicnl srioiiro is 1'liillips' Milk of Masiii-sui. Ii has r<'iiialn>il the standard anti-adit with ]vhy,v-;i-, In the 5t> years siiu-c its invi>iilion. One p;>onful of ih ! < '. n t.Ktelo-- i,lk:i!i will II Si: stantly niuiiy times as much arid. anU Ilia symptoms disappear af Jliiile ill For Trouble* | d u* to Acid 1 "DIGESTION 5 un STOMACH Teacher "Why do you aiway? add up wrongly?" Scholar "I don't know." Teacher "Does anyone help you?' 1 Scholar "Yee. my father.' 1 Teacher "What la he?" Scholar "A waiter." Life is easier after one gets over the rough spots. The corset string rhat withstood the terrible straJn ofj the early nineties !s living on eajsyj treet. If It were not for "Home, Sweet | Home" there wouldn't be any harmoni- ca players. Many a man has lost a lot of joys while Earing a few dollars. Arthur Brisbane says the average man's mind ! closed tight at forty. It seems that way in a political way any- how. None are so well to do as were most of the depositors !n a busted bank to hear them tell it. Dumb "I've Got a cold in the head." Bright "Well, that's something." It a Hottentot tot taught a Hottentot tot to talk e'er the tot could totter, ought the Hofentot tot be taupht TO say aught, or naught, or what ought to be taught her? If to hoot and to toot a Hottentot be taught by a Hottentot tutor, should f'r* -'-.for get hot if the HoMenot ?o hoot and toot a: the Honento*utor? The ;eaoher \vas telling hi* class about parrot fever, and warned the ! pupi's never to kiss animals or birds. j Teacher "Cau any pupil give aie an ! instance of this danger? ' Little Jackie "I cau, ir. My aunt i Emmy use 1 to kiss her lap-dog. " Teacher "Yes. and ?" Little J-i-kK 'And it died!" Make Your Life Complete I T:s ;he hand you grasp with an hon- est clasp, That gives you a hearty thrill; 'Tls the good you pore into o'hers' lives, That, comes back your own to fill. ' Tis the dreg* yon drain from another's eup That mukes your own seem sweet. And the hours you give to your broth- er man That make your life complete. A Londoner came out through the i gate after viewing: his flrst baseball ! same, when he was stopped by a nws- boy. The score-board had recorded i that both teams hart made a run in . ! the first inning anil hml:.': -cored since. , Newsboy "Say, M'-=fv. \\li-t'* the score?" ' Londoner "Really, 1 don't know, ! but It. was some place up In the mil-' i lions when 1 left." i American Journal Congratulates Canada Fateful Years in Art of Canada, 1806*1812 Monfrn'. Thr years between ISftii and 1812 wera the most fateful in the history of Can' diar. art for in that p?riod were born the flve men who were dps-j.jeii to put it on i? '>'<>. said W. M. Barnes. A.R.C.A., to num- bers of the St. James Literary Soclel here recently Tracing the progress of Canadian art. Mr. Rarr.<-< declarpfl that it re- ceived its impetus irom those A\f men Paul Kane, Canada: Otto Jacob, Prussia; Cornelius Kreighoff. Hol- land; Dan Fowler, England; and Geo. Berthon Fraurp. While they wre of different na'ioualities, they chose Canada as their home and produced work here which was rharai'terl-'i'-a'- ly Cauadia . "As a painter's "and." d*-, jar^l the speaker, "Canada ! secnnd to none. It offers variety, from the snow and ice of Labrador, the rugged coa*t= and surf of Cape Breton, the pastoral scenes of tre Annapolis Valley, the forests of N'fw Brunswick, the historic qualities of old Quebec. Ontario's northern woods, the grandeur of the Rockies ;c the warmth of the Pacific coast." At the time of Confederation, he went on, a'-' ia Canada was still strug- gling for existence while England was worrying ;'bou'. the pre-Raphaelites. The Ontario Society of Art was form- ed about this time and from that time on, Canadian art flourished, and the speaker referred to artists who had achieved distinction from - hat time, illustrating his remarks with olored j slides of paintings. Britain Says "Goodbye" To "Slush" Annoyance London. Although Great Britain has net, perhaps, had her full share of snow thjd winter, there have b?eii some big falls in the North and the Midlands. And. as usual, the street sweepers have been faced with Uie long and arduous task of throwing snow into carts aud removing It sever- al miles from the towns to be dumptd. Even BO, traces of the falls have lin- gered for weks afterwards t ihe slues of the i-oade. Much expense and trouble win be saved in future if a new German pro- cess IB introduced. Mobile tanks now appear in certain German towns after snow lias fallen. The suow, when shovelled into these, is rapidly melted by cok fires, and thn poured down the nearest, drain. By this means a street can be entirely cleared of now in less than naif an hour. Some tauks ui-e also equipped with au apparatus resembling a painter's blowpipe. Upon ;he tank being wheel- ed along a street, ihe snow is melted in gutters and other crevices before it has a chance to turn into the "slush" that both drivers and pedes- trians find so ny:i-u. Tablets Aspirin " "ADf IN CANADA For HEADACHES Prompt relief from COLDS SORE THROAT . .' RHEUMATISM . . . LUMBAGO .... NEURITIS ACHES and PAINS Does not harm the heart ASPIRIN TRAOE-MARK <*E S , Made in 1 Ottawa. The production of com- mercial apples in Canada for the year 1930 is estimated preliminarily at 3.- ' 165,936 barrels of the value of (10,- 863,940 aj compared with 3,879,380 barrels, value $10, 461,075, the finally ! revised estimate for 1929. The aver- age value per barrel in 1930 was $3.4:! as complied with $2.70 in 1929. Classified Advertising T A sir FOR MACHINE OR HA.NDKMTTINU. -All Wool." "Silk ind Wool." i >!d Tyme." all colors. TSc Ib. up. ! mp!ee free. Stocking & Tu-n Mills, i 'ept. T. OrtJIIn. On'. BABT 2KXCXB. IBAET < HICKS IN SIX VAR- IKTlK.j. Me and up. -'ata'.oguei A, H. Switzer. 'jranton, i.'tr.urio. A CUTS 6 SORES Apply MinArd'i frly. Tl out poison and Any <>una b after .11 UM. Hairdressers MAKE BIG MON EY Classes are r.cw fornslnjr under the personal direction of Mr 1 ). Robertson. 'Vritt t'vr free ;ook!t repardlnfr terms. obcrton' Hairrtreis-nflr Acadeaiy L;;:i.' i. 137 Avenue Suiu. Toronto. '(uticunT (uticura VJoiNTMENT A tried and Trusty friend for 50 years. A.s 01'FEU TO EVKR* INVENTOR. List of wanted inventions and full Information snt free. The Ri.msay Com- psiny. \Yc.rli. Patpnt Aiturneys. 273 Hank St:-'_-el. "tta'vi. J.inad.. Five Boys J3 EEL <-, .l.-.NTi: SKi:: S WE srE- CIALIZB In '! (friiwii -i-i-i*. Orinim ulfulfo. Ontario VuncKa'*i al- falfa, sweet i-lovtr. r>-4 olover. tlmutliy. alsike and hay mixtures. \Vr!te for priors. Wholesale and retail. Our motto. "Quality flrst." TK-! Setd Grow- ers i-n-Oj.-! iMtive. Ltd.. Box 1100. r:.i:.:iit->n. unt. MAN WANTED IN YOCR vM^.irS- IT\ to take care .' ;>alnis id ro.if1ng requirements of farm and t>v>- perty owners. Whole or fart <:mu -s-nrlc will enrn you Rood comralvston. Mut ho well known ?ml of s"'-'<l r-puUi: n. Sonil particulars ahnut vrr.irself. age 'n- '-l;i:--.l. \\it:i two i-tii\ i ren''es. a:iu ^\r s:uil p;i''>ilt our plairi prnposition. All "*iri- aaian oroduu'.s. stunreons Limned. Tn .-on to. Ju?t think of :!i,i vr' - : t i> 'i'-pres- eton there will be in th< a;>pie bus:- uess whon times ;?' better and *h" unemployed go Iwk > th>-'r ,e^".!ar jobs. Nashville Southern Limber- mai. BLACKHEADS Do- I suffer any i^nKfr fr"m tl>.>*e I u siKhtly bleiiiishi's. i- or'Viup I'I.M tt ! home! 'Jnc 2 oz. T>!x :!* Powder Rpef fmnenf* i >~ou"' UHIKK'"'. Sunnii!* n I'ttln >n li> UC51 CiVlUCULCt | ,; ace jot),, aiiirfy \ucli a oir>-c:.v/ in..n<in :.n>. the Mu UhaU will he nl! W.1HEJ> A'WAY. ii : f mom f. Mrs. Corcoran, of Leigrh, writes: "I suffered with biliousness accom- panied by sick headaches for days at a time, and every medicine I tried failed to bring relief. A friend gave me some of your wonderful Carter's Little Liver Pills and the first dose gave me great relief. For three years 1 have taken them every night as a regulator and I find they prevent these bilious and sick head- ache attacks. I have five little boj s and I give them three or four every week. I have great faith in them." Take Carter's Little Liver Pills. All druppists '.',"' and T5c rcid pkgs. OIK*!. You \.. . ; .' ' iiifthoiU >\ 'i .; o i you '' n n the oflleiency or ;lns ino:- WBV. A small hnitle, U "iillleieut t ; show its merit. HP sui 10 KH! ufiiiiliu* T:'hil!ip' .MHU .1!' Mauni'sia preocrlbed by | physleans for more than it years , in cortvi'liiiji; i'\'<-fss iu-i<l. SOe ft | bottle; HIIV (li'imstote. t\uiiplele 1 direrii'iin dii- i's many nsos ar ' Pilfl""!'!! i. I l' "> b-l 7'/ic (iiii'i-> Milk i Mountain is nlnmi/a a //<W -rcirc >i ln>>M. /.!/, t'nr I'hilliffa' Humv on iiuttio. Canada Under the heading "Co; Canada!" the Christian Science Moni- tor heartily endorses Canada's radio policy. We read: "Only three minutes of radio adver- ' Using an hour! That is the Canadian ! raJiiKustc's' answer to the movement ( to Jiave the Government take overj broadcast'i.g. Every single station in : Canada has just subscribed to a policy of voluntarily limiting advertising talk' to 5 per com. o a program's time. In connecUuu with Sunday pvograjus a| spouMtr IIKIJ liavw only hi- name, ad- ilvess and liio n:iiure of his business. uii'iii :.>in ii. no sales talks being al-i lownl. ''This ia a splendid example of self- :i?i 'ipiiiie 011 ilji- part of the Canadian -laUous. I'ew !i-tt;nors will object to 5 per etui, of ;i progi'om being de- voted to advertising. "Ci'i'.nraliilalii'ii.s '" till* Cnnadian iii-oaili-asiiTs oji their wise decision and en-operation, and to the Canadian people thai they are now to enjoy | wi; lint!: ihf i:i>rii.-inn of j i-oni::v-r'i!ilisiii? American LOST 47 IBS. JN 90 DAYS A True Story of Weight Reduction " I have in '-ii taking KniM-iiCii $aJts for ni-.irly ;l munilis. 1 liavc continued taki-i^ 'HIP ItM.-puniiful in warm uutt-r every moniin;}. 1 then wcijjhcd U17 pounds, was always bothered with pains in my buck mid lower part of the ahiloraon and sides. " Niiw I am glad to say I am a well woman, feel much stronuer. years \i'i.i li; .T. and my weight is 17U pounds. I do nut only feel better, but 1 look better, so all my friends sny. " I shall never be without. Krusclien Sails, will never oease taking my daily dose, and more than glad to highly j reconmiiMid il for the great gixid that : is in it.'' --(.Mrs. S. A. Solouiuu.) " P.S. You may think I am exag- goratinij by writ ing surli a long letter, but. truly, I feel so indebted to you for putting out such wonderful salts that. I eaniii'l say enough." Kruschcn Suits are different, from i Hher salts Kiuschcu is six salts in ! one the very some six salts that nature demands lor your health. When you lake Krusrhen Suits you not only stimulate your bowels, liver and kidiieys to function naturally and per- fectly, but you supply every internal organ, gland, nerve and fibre in the body with nature's own revitalizing and rejuvenating minerrvls. Take Krusehen in a gUiss ot hot water every morning before breakfast do not over-eat correct your diet cut out the fat-forming foods get lome gentle regular "xercise in just a few days, indolence changes to activity and life grows brighter. Before the bottle is empty you'll feel years younger eyes will" brighten step grow sprighllier nerves steadier you'll sleep sound, enjoy your meals, and after a hard day's work you'll be ready for wholesome recreation. KniM'hcn Sails is obtainable at all Drug Stores at lOc. and T5c. per bottle. .. I \Vonls of ulstlnni ure few. hut there are FREE TRIAL OFFER OF KRUSCHEN Trv IMC-' Iwn now At our expciine. VV have itho test, ami Mion, If nnf rnhMiy convlnrpii dinan..l urcat many siwoinl "UlA.vr ' * Hrs-rli. 11 .lix- )VarrtUn8.wi .Mm it ". P...,,.,- ..H,., ,,. k . . o^y m, vn,, . & 1 I .^;,; l c :: lur v";: i u P * 1 " ^llt rni/rvr. 'Do Not Hesi- tate to Try It". "Your Vegetable Com- pound is a good medicine. Anyone who is in poor health should not hesitate to try it. When I was taking the Vege- table Compound I tried the sample Liver Pills I found in the package. I have taken them every nipht since anJ I can feel myself improving. I am so thankful for the good they do me that I have told several women about it.' 1 Mrs. G. W. Pos/i/f, 263 Huron St., Strat/ord, Ontario. Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Mtl Cc.. L-*i. Man. Uf . A ISSUE No. 1231