Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Mar 1931, p. 8

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"WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1931 THE FLESHERTON .ADVANCE r y . Rights of Citizens to Arrest The legal ripht of the private citizen to make an arrest is clearly explained In- C. S. Cameron, cx-M.I'.I'.. nml cx- t-ounty crown attorney of Grey county, in an nli!ivss before the Owen Sound Rotary Club. Ir the matte:- if a i iti'/.en making mi immediate arrest without a war- rant, Mr. Cameron said that few people realized their liirht; and still fewer undertook to take the matter in their own har,<^ and make an ar- rest. He explained that durinjy the' night a man could make an arrest j without a win nint for almost any offence that had been committed Against him. During the day a cit- izen may arrest an offender without a warrant on such serious offences as murder, forgery and theft of any considerable amount. The police! ean KO even further than a civilian | and can make an arrest nn almost any kind of a charge without pro- curing p warrant. However, whc-rc- cver possible it is usual to obtain a warrant lu-fore taking action. Mr. Cameron then told of the proceedings which followed tho arrest and ex- 1 plained the jurisdiction of justices of the pcm-e, police magistrates, the county judges and the rights of rppcal. Mi. Cameron sketched briefly thu many duties of a crowp " attorney, some improtant features of which were in advi <ing constables, provin- cial constables and justices of the pi :iv. and in assisting coroners in c<>ndiK-ting investigations in connec- tion with deaths that occur under un- usual circumstances. SpQaking of the average village and township constable, Mr. Cameron s:ii<! that very frequently they do not want lo act, particularly in a case in which a neighbor ur friend H involved. Many of the constables are old men who are not robust and sometimes do not feel capable of taking clwrgc o( a case. They are not on salary, am* receive only fees for the actual ser- vice given. It was to take charge of cases which were not handled by these local officers that the present system of provincial constables hail been arranged and this had worked out very well. In Grey and Bruce there were four provincial officers, one located each at Owen Sound, Men- ford, Wa!ke'-ton and Wiarton. ADVANCE ADS. PAY Continuing our Cash and Carry sale for 10 days only! Big Reductions on High Quality Goods AN Galvanized fail. Flarin- Pail EXTRA SPECIAL OFFERING Heavy Strainer Tail. C.alvani/.ed tnd Heavy Tin Dairy Tail 4 for $1.98 IVOUY AND (;KI:KN Potato Pot SAI.F. PRICE $1.49 ONLY A FEW MORE Brooms AT Z9c AND A IU-:AL LONG STRAW ONLY 43c OIL TEMPERP, Round Point. Shovel D Handle ONLY 98c 1 IMP. QT., PEARL SEAMLESS Teakettle $1.39 HOT Galvanized Pails Hi'.-. IMP. PUARTS 29c F. W. DUNCAN HARDW.A.R.E -:- Phone 54 Parliament Opened In Usual Splendor The first regular session of th i seventeenth parliament was c'vncd, despite the absence of the Governor- I General, with all pomp and eireuni- stan e. Booming cannon, shining uni- forms and beautiful gowr ; al! clayed their part. For the ceremony in the Senate chamber were gathered many jef! those prominent in tlia political, | religious, diplomatic and rocial life of Canada. As usual, the Prime II i:i- istrr stood on tho right of ths thionc, I the judges of the Supremo Court in their scarle'j and ermine, sat back to back <m the wool sack immediately | below the throne. On this occasion (the Prime Minister was not resplcn-l 'dent in .trold braid, but wore what is called the civil court, which is brightened only by a row of brass buttons, though other members of the Privy Council wore the Windsor uniform. When all had assembled in the Senate chamber, the Gentleman Usher of the lilack Rod came to tht 1 Common:; and commanded the mem- bers to come to the Senate to hear 'the king's speech. Significant it is that for the first time his majesty's menage which \vas written hy the Piime Minister was read by a Can adian, Rt. Hon. Lyman P. Duff, of the Supreme Court. The speech was long and not a word of it could be heard at the back of the room where the members of Parliament must .stand. The Commoners are not allowed inside the Senate, bat must stand behind the bar, and were cer- tainly a noisy rabble on the day of the opening. The acting Governor-General is a single man. as is al.?o the Prime Minister, the leader of the Opposl tion and the leader of the Farmers group. Of the leaders in tho House only J. S. Woodsworth, head of the small Labour group, actively upholds i he tradition of the family as the bulwark of society. The speech from tru- throne lays the blame or part of the blame for the present economic depression upon world causes and in case thai docs not absorb all the responsibility, Mi. Duff was caused to say, "My Government has explored the origins >f our difficulties and i; firmly of jlhe belief that many of our problems ilo not arise out of world-wide d 1 - oiession, but are antecedent to it; iand that dojnestic factors have al.-'o largely determined the degree of I cvoromij distress from which his country is :;i-ffei ing." Having thus saddled the rcsp.-insiliility of present condition, but was silent about tho MacKen/.io King government, the present administration emerges wear- ing the white rose of a blameless life, The speech claimed the tariff re- Iviaion of last September had improved 'condition, butw as silent about the lulling export trade and the high prices of manufactured product-.; in this country. It claimed also a partial : ure of unemployment and put to it; credit the embargo again?!. /| Hussian goods, but said nothing about All Lines of Furniture and Bedding HAVE DROPPED 8 TO 16% \Vcare J)ashig on this j^ood fortune to you and once more \ve arc offering' you s that mean many dollars of saving to you. 20 to 25 p.c. off Everything in the store lids. Springs, Mattresses. Chairs, Dressers, Blinds. Curtain Rods, Rubber Stair Pads, Trays, in fact the whole stock. DON'T FORGET THE DATES March 18 th to April 1 st E. J.BENNETT Flesherton, Ont. l'ime payments may be arranged. "A dollar saved is a dollar earned." the ten million dollar order for farm mac- Tiincry which Russia would have plac- *d with Canada. S*nce the last election the Tariff Boa -rd was scrapped on the grounds 1I1B STORB WITH SERVICB F.T.HILL&CO.,Ltd- CHAIN STORES Markdaie, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SATES YOU A LOT OF MONET SALE Of LADIES DRESSES Three Days Only, $7.95 Dresses (or $4,95. AM New Stock of Dresses. They must go. All size* at $4,95 that it was political, now we are to another Tariff Board, but not of Ihe ^amc brand of politics. Reference made to the Imperial Conference j "\vr. ich will, it is hoped, strengthen , still more the bonds of Empire and | brii-fc. g to every part of it great and I prosperity." e paragraph dealing: with agricul- ture states that '.he Government have^r considertion means for the ord- erly marketing? of the Western wheat > and that changing: conditions in the world's market may necessitate furt_ her intervention by tho Govern- - I Stewart 48, Wes Littlejohns 41, Robt. Picstcr 42, Delia Vause 42. Helen Moore 39, George Boyd 36, Catherin- Sttwart 31, Hugh Bibby 30, -Mil ford Piper 20, Evelyn Brown 24, Robert Daryavel 24. Harvey Croft 22, Wni. Welton 18, Wilfred 10, Lloyd Archibald 3, Geo. Akitt 2. FORM 2 FRENCH Pass M-mk'a Lini- bert 72, Doris Bannon 67, Verdun Me- , Master 52. Bill Fisher 50. Fail ! Hazel McKillop 43, Dorothy Jamieson ' 38, Dorothy \Volstencroft 36, Joe Gib- i son :i4, Lucy McDonald 33, Ita Pedlar ! 53, Earl Ottcwell 32, La Verne Piper! 30, Stanley Hunt 28, Bessie Cairns ! 27, Isnbelle MacMillan 26, Fred Faw- ' FORM 2 ENGLISH LIT. Pass Lucy MacDonald Gfl, Bill Fisher 65, Stanley Hunt 56, Hazel McKillop 55, Isabella MacMillan 51. Fail Fred Fawcett 49, Dorothy Wolstencrof t 47, Ita Ped- lar 45, Dorothy Jamic3on 43, Ed. Pat- ton 40, Bessie Cairns 38, LaVerne Piper 38, Mervyn Johnson 34, Joe Gibson 31, Alma MacLean 31. < 4 t r ett 21, Mervyn Johnson 10, MacL"i>n 5. Alma iroc MATS AT 49c Tapestry Mats, size 54"x27" selling at 4f>c each. ( rUT.UNING AT ISc A YARD Buy now for Sprinpr. Our regular 25c cur- taining. Special at 15c a yard. CRF.I'ES $1.00 A YARD All Khadcs, best quality mate-rials. Selling at $1.00 a yard. CHINTZ AT 27c A YARD 36-inch wide Chintz, good patterns. Regular 35c line for 27c a yard. MEN'S KHAKI COVERALLS $2.39 Heavy quality Rilihed Khaki Coveralls, good roomy make, $12.39 a pair. SWEATERS $2.39 EACH Here's your chance before they all go. Heavy Varsity Knit Coats at $2.3U each. GROCERY SPECIALS Lurd, I'.i'ttlo rendered, 3 Ibs. for 44c Domestic Shortening 3 Ibs. for 39c Prunes, 2 Ibs. for 25c Corn, Golden Hniitnm, U for 25c Peas, sieve 4, 3 for 29c Purity Chinaware Oatmeal, pkgr 35c Attention! Men! Our New Spring Suit Samples Have Arrived Come in aud see our $23.00 range mem t. Tlwt the present situation nec- i'ssi -tates a reduction in the cost of uctionand marketing of the wheat ', and the providing of stable mat l;ets. And then following almost imnaedlotdy the Speech state?, "yov will lie asked to consider further re- visi --in of the TarilF." How that a to led^Jce the cost o,' 1 production is not ma_lc clear. . v " oiiie further provision toward tlu <il'o -uldcrinK of the cost of Old Ape , technical education and iijr Tiway construction is indicated. seriousness of conditions i n is the hief topic of conversa- ,ion in the lobbies. It seems to be he- general opinion that members ihc^uld devote themselves to evolving 10 1 icies which will lead us out of ou. - pre^sent condition, rather than putting- IP spectacular political performance. =it does not mean that the Oovt-rn- 110 nt's policy will not be stronjrly opinoscd; it is marvellous policy of) a' -nit less anil less from other countries nud selling more and more .o other countries, but it will be p "fiosed as a policy and not as a !t'v'ei'nmcnt. Nevertheless the years f criticism indulged in by the Oov- r~iiiK'nt pnrty is not likely to be fo Tgottcn by the official Opposition. TMr. Bennett is looking fit. Hard arV.' seem.-; to have- agreed \vi |> hi 111. When tile House of Commons ot fur a few minutes after the. rmal opening in tho Senate Cbam-! I ._-r Mr. Bonnett moved, as is the, ti aditional risht of the Commons, a, ill of our own before we went on < tc consiiler the King's Speech. Tho ill is never heard of again, it is ( ni])ly u dummy to show the Kinjr we can consider our own Wll first if \\~ e wish iiiicl dates ba.-k to the day v~ lien the King's business was al- iv- ays in hr.rr.iony v,!th the tlnuyht ofi F* iirliRincnt. Into mi Allierta to\vn recently a t"zrvmer anl son drove bringing with tnem eleven dozen corps, for which t*~icy received one dollar. Since they h SL(\ driven in quite a distance they vw-ont to a rcsturant to pet a li^rht l*_TK'h for each, for which they paid t* O cents or the equivalent of ton cl <>i;en CR.TS. This is only one of the i-k-inny, many stories one hears from V^cstcrn memliers, responsible and c* reful pi-nple arc Maying, "the Weft e n't como back." The session is apt to he lengthy. Sincerely, AGNES C. MACPIIAIL.! UPPER SCHOOL TRIGONOMETRY Hon. Tola Graham 83. Pass Reta Fawcett 74, Christina Ma^ee 69, Evelyn Turne 1 .- 07, Bert Morton 65. Bessie Beard 62, Harold Turner 62, Lesley Ferris 60, Marion Bibby 54. Fail Dora Stew- art 48, Jim McFadden 45, Mildred Whittaker 39. lilATCHES EVERY COLOUR SCHEME.. ADDS BEAUTY AND REFINEMENT IN A MODERN WAY; SEAMAN-KENT HARDWOOD FLOORIMC . V \ I V t I Sold in Flesherton by FLESHERTON PLANING AND GRAIN CHOPPING MILLS High School Reports FORM 1 ALGEBRA Hon. Mary Wilson! t* '!, Frances Collin.ion 78. Pass F-^viTcil Talhot 68, Robert Bellamy t .',. Mirinn Stafford 6ri, Wm. Parker ,' -, Hrnnld Widdlcton fi^, Jean Wol-j t tcncrnft, G2. Mervin McFadden fiO, X^PSHS Turn*y Bfl, Merle Allen 52,1 T 08, McCorrwwk 51. Fail - Dick] Stop! Look! B Tire Prices Slashed FIRESTONE GUARANTEED OLDFIELD BALLOON TIRES AT NEW LOW PRICES 29x4.40 Tire, $6.50 J9x4.50 Tiro, $7.35 30x4.50 Tire, $7.40 28x4.75, Tire, $8.70 29x4.75 Tire, $8.80 29x5.00 Tire, $9.20 30x5.00 Tire, $9.40 Above prices are below Mail Order lists. We also draw your attention to the fact that we place tires on your car at no cost to you; also Free Air and Free Examination. Come in and let us solve your tire problem. Also a 2 l > discount for cash in the form of the Child's Saving Plan. H. Down & Sons FORD DEALERS FLESHERTON

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