Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Mar 1931, p. 7

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Sunday School Lesson < March 2. Lesson XII The Use and Abuse of God's Gifts Luke 12: 16-21, 41-48. Golden Text Be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the spirit Ephesians 5: 18. ANALYSIS. J. A CERTAIN RICH MAN, 12: 16-21. II. WATCHFULNESS, 12: 41-lf,. III. THE COMING OF "THE SON OF MAN." 12: 47, 48. I. A CERTAIN RICH MAN, 12: 16-21. V. 16. This story is not so much a parable as an illustration, but an !- lustration of what? There are two morals which might be drawn from it, and it is not clear which is prim- arily intended. First, the story illu-- trate.s the extreme uncertainty of hu- man life; mar. who "knows net wha: a I'ny may bring forth" is a'way making plans for the future; irnieea soi- .- men so "live in the future" - we -.a. that they never enjoy today. Let u.s mako the most and make th? best of lift; while we have it, for we do r.i.t kn:>w how long it will be ours But while *his might be the chief meaning of the story it is not prob- ably so. Rather, ic seems we ar: given a picture of an entirely seW-sl: an'i unspiritually minded man. He has put together enough wealth to last I'.'* own life-time, and that is all he cr.res about. For the future ho intends to "have a good time." His iden of a good time is a life 'f eatinir. drinking and merry-making. His ide-tl of . ."e. therefore, is that of one !on<r, a-.. , unadverturous and selfish holi- day. He had found no happiness in his \vo~k as a piece of human servio*: his v ork wns a bore, and his Jife be- g*:-- where his work ended. It has often been noted, in modern time*. that men who make money very q'.iu-k'y and then retire to enjoy them- b*i.f.-i, rarely live to a full age. \ lift 1 ti.nt 'ias no real, unselfish inu?re". t* fee I v is apt to flicker oat. Let n mar., then, find his true life and hap- pine.-s ;n faithfully and hopefully per- f: ,-rng each day's task as it comes. . 1!>. "Soul" does not mean here th? htK'n?f and spiritual part r>f our na- ture. but rather the "self " V. 20. The ma:i has had rn rtal 1 > for anybody in his heart. The weal'h tha' he has so laboriously a-'eumula.- d i useless to him. anu .* far a.* Me U concerned it all goes fi>r ncth'ng. II. WATCHFULNESS, 12: 4l~ii"> The subject of this parable :i- thai which precedes it is "watchfut- ne ^" aa a duty. Peter here ask wt.e:l or the duty devolves upon every - i-i-iy or only upon the disciples. The ar.-A>r is that it devolves ir. a spevi.ii way upon the di.*ciples, for they a'i' '<.<" ards of th mysterii-s of Goil." : t is then task to "t'eod my ." It seems thai the Chutvh >C years understood this parab'o to apply to ministers and church otti- evj'..-. As the expectation of the im- m<?di: lk e second coming of Christ be- gar. l'i fade away, and he see:.ied ro Mela' " (v. 45). there was a tendency for titt- church leaders bt>th to K r(iv ' .ind self-indulgont, au<i !-> t > fc l.i '. '.t nver" their congreKation-'. T"- arable is used as a tlu-i, "Tomptrance is not confined to the u*-.' i " nun-usf <>t' ardent spirits. It i-iK' i'.'s in every sphere of life TH- [*viHng upon self of the gifts of G<vi i- intonmeranoe of the highest -. Therefore let us not bo drunk v, "Oinis. wherein is excess, but :ru. > lie tiik'd with the Spirit." Ol.MlNt; OK "THK SUN ' 1_: I,'. 4S. .n \vi> i-poak of tiv.- limy >!', >v are generally think- i.-atchJu'iii'Ss agaiii>^ tempui : .. : bat i- lu-t at aK tin- meaning Hero i< a watchfulness for ";h<_- : . f iK Son of M:in. " Wh:it uj to uiid'.'rstand by this? Th-- "ai-Iv (.'hurch believed that Jesus woulu very shortly return to insugur- atd the kirfKiioni of God in power n i gtury. but Ji'.-u.-; u i 1 . iv>t come again, a" le: -. not in the way expected. The Ch 1 .;- : :-s a whole today no longer .txpiv thi- sncx'dy second inivcnl >!' <"hrift, rnd thi;- teaching, therefore. prese-ts i^rplexity to :iiany Chri;i.ian hearts. H is an essential part d' the Christian hope that the Linjrdtmi of God will jurey conw. The day .uul the hour are known to Coi . ; but it is far from clear whether tho .-'.d i-vp.vtatir.n of a physical ra- : n in .Io-us t;< this earth on th.' cl-'iiit* of heaven is what .Ksus really n-.'-ar.t. It is clearly suggested in th# Gi<sn.-l ,-f John that tin- coining of th Spirit s the sf-ond coming of Christ (John 11: IM. and this may tx> near- er to tt-i- i'iir*.l i-f Cliri^t. Airnin. overv a.., - .<-. great crisis in our own lives or in the life of the world is, or may be, a coming of the Son of man to I if we will let him come to us ir. or extremity. The C'hu.-ch plod; on ita weary vay with doubts and deficits and inertia. "Dare great thngs for God," said William Carey, "and ex- pect great things from God." The Son of man is always coming to as. if we are watchful. If this does not exhaust the moaning of the passai^e, ic is at least a truth we can clearly grasp. PAVLOVA DEAD (January 31. 1S85 January 23, l!>-11 i i From Poetry i Pavlova, will you dance no aiorr- 7 Will the tulip shut up in the earth? Will the swan forever foM whir*- wings? Will tlie flute gn silent And the ray full of rainbows flicker and fall? Pavlova, your foot U lighter tliau the perfumes of lilies. Brighter than the sparkle of waves. More musical than tha tlmuli at twilight. Somewhere oti. soitly Pavlovi. < no more ? Harriet Monroe What New York BY ANXABELLE WORTH1XGTOX III. I ft V. . ,\.i:;: ni mil ^r with kiiv.oro slcewi-s tha; can be madr in an hour or possibly tw<. Th small cost will | rove a revelation. The t'rorts rrcx an<i close at th !?ft side crca;"ntr a charming sltmck-v- htiv - S'.ylo N',>. -i'"'o is dctipied t'or size.* IS years, W. W, 10. I'.'. 14, 4o. 4S and oO inches bu-=t. The ::ii-iwh -:zi> n>- juiri'^ t'i yard* ,f "I'-inch matorii' with 'i \-ard of 18-inch oontrasti-. 1 : and 'J 1 -.- yards of ribbon. Rayon novelties, printed batiste, linen, printed dimity, gingham, men'? cotton shortiiiff and tub jiik appro- priate. The tiny vestee is removable. !t is merely fasu-ned at ouoh .side wi'h snappers. The skirt cut* in thre . ui-i! is stitched to the bodice ':i(ier tlu* ronuivable belt. HOW TO OROKR PATTFRNS. Write youi- name ami address plain- ly, triviiiK number and size of such patterns as you want. Knclose 'JOc ir. sunups r coin (coin preferred : wrsp it carefully) for each number, and aiidivs your oaler lo Wilson Pattern Service. 7:5 Wo.l Adc'auleSt., Totvn'.o. The Salic law ;is the old French law that prevented succession, to the Crown by or through a woman. Two Celebrities Ctiah A Prayer fjiiuwiug U :> l<* i.iuiid :u Cu.^---... r Cathedra. Give m a t;o><i digestion. Lord. And ,iUo som^thiiii? 'o . -: - BEST i'l.uml nearly frozen on the porch two :uorn :u - - Well, all day loug it Hayed oa tlw window very quiet la its little corner. It tiiUn't j*em to b dead, but it wasn't very mucii -iliv either. So .- .- ..- lei it jit ;Uer because it loukeu ~n pretty. But wueu >he- came uowu au-. moruiut; to get breakfast it wa> on taa curtaia witi its wings ritit!y folded together. Com! OM -M Sun uari k-pt ou suiuinj ou iu cola ; - :'et Md dainty wings to mak" U ... a-, .in Aii :iifur'iial -snapshot i.<; (.'!iar!:e Chaplin. iort*m.>~' - iii:;. strolliug with Ramsay MacDonald. preaiier of Greai B:r..i.:i. atxm; '.atter's. estate at Chequers. A knighthood for Charlie is mm- j Give m a h-^alruy bo<iy. Lord. And sense to keep it a,t it. '-.-. Givs me a c;ra:r:iy mind, good LurJ. To keep th* pure and no.l ia -igli | Which seeing sin. M not apimilea But 8uds tli. way to ser i' : i I Giv me a mind that is not boi".! Tlurt doas not * rmi^r. w'-i"'" " ,.. nud . Bu lay h-:i Mauiaia - Don't >: n^ - . -11 .. i About f hat ti'.s-y 'iiins -i Give m* .1 --isr- (if humor. !.<'rl, Give m- *li - > a ;el some riatwne-s ta life. A",d > I - - : . i '> "" .1 Windows .[.. \-' rMM ri:M i.f. espre-s-> ;:.e :".' ; -"- J? The Control of the Apple Scab ' K.\T>tM-i-ii.-e. .ius shown that JIVH! co'iimercLal rontrol of the appl* scab can be obtained by proper and timely Belgium's Gift to Britain R:il>r Brook-'s Jr-ani "i a :''.-? corner of some foreigu S^iil that should "be for ever England" hai re- of any standard fungicide, ceived a striking fulfilment. Over in iu solution or dust. Form- ! Be! slum. In tho Ypres district, where . i- . lime-sulphur, bordeaux mix- -V. many of our deiad He buried, about ture. copper dust, and sulphur dual, six hundred British people, are etx- four of :iie most popular sprays and .;a>;-,l ia oaria^ for the cemeteries. <1'i- - :isd for apple scab control. ' There Is. ia fact, a little British set- are siv-'i i'i i, iie - .v pamphlet --ii 'tie ' t lament at Ypres. a community which A;IM> s.-ali. Issued \)j the Dominion is hi some ways unique. It hiu be-en Departnie-ir. of Agriculture. In order ; granted legal status under t!w school to be effective all control measures; law. It has it_s own ch-.irch .r.ul {>ar- :iu-- - rake:! before the Injury or s<Mias;e, a school in whi^h aiwitt one disease commears to sho*' ou the ^huudred children are being plant. touched it and said (jo,jd ; reai.y iswered :ier ami said "t wings ouc u:i uu > md .i.-k. out and back, siu-vly aja gracel illy. All at uuce i- tJune 1 ' i - rings '<.i 3.-* oato a [>laac ;a t'.ie w.udo*, Uieii be.- :ora Mamma Lauy iiie* *ha: t was doing i: daw over onu> ue. >.. ildei and iiay-sd thr wail* she sot br-ajt- ."is;. I A-.ju.'sr if it wis ask las "' l ' M <* OI)l '. . ,ouu, breuMa*. I: uad t u a,* in i TUwque. our:,,- . - , l dUTerent wy taeaue. it Molto'i ulk, by asking anotu,, I'M you eve > , :.* tb diff^reut .ook .t uouse ?uts on when another owuer or ;naa: dwelU witliia? Perhap-. you uave iiaU occasioa to so back ;o your o'.d liquid after a long absence. Tlie . ia Verr cats, or "ieei>, pedy." lik tae chii-ki or ",Bo ,v., " ;ike Rovor. or "I'd ii brea^iu<>t. Mduizua, i>it>a.>e." Uk< occupied by ana a- y. i,H,k orer tiia old lamiiiar roonu iotneii'*'! ar faniiliar no lous?i". I: so diJereat one ni:?ht almost think- However. Mamma Lad/ *as - . , looiad Lt: re : closely, but s'ae could aot - '.t.f :. iiad a oiou;h. I: had ;iiaa of Sometiiu.--*. iwn ;<v?d lin "- i thouijii > - - '-. w* admit til* ;wj big eye- aliighu bdl >u i jo* i: couid e*t. w!iu: to fad it. 'j two loug days since -.1* found i'. AD a lung Unio. aud it. didn't 2iv ; a }: change is for :ue better. Til* furni- ture may !>* oiur suite*! to :ii* J:3ter- '.ow of egg :a iti t!l The S rowin leaves ana fruit must !>e protected as soon u possible after they are formed. The first ap- plication should be made when the leaf l>uUs are ia the "s;reeu-tip" or :iio(ise--ar" stage of development. Th ->.-".-ond spraying or dusting is -i when the - . ; pink .in.i from the clusters, M Briiish cilizeiL-. ami a ivst room for pilgrims. Wueu h* introduced tli bill to regularize au entirely British romniunity i:i a (orein country, th B-lsiau Miuisi>-r of Jostico said Ws ;overuineut had framed it "in eut rom.> HOUI* of wtiicii ars paiuted aud papered. A window may a a :iuiin*r u .v^* caicts aail a; ri . - i T'aea Mamma Laiy Muush" - i- ? tea ustl :o seo taose 'tear lil b . v ,. at|li ,^ . u niembrauce of what o*" t.> the aud the third is given w'.ien the petals have mostly M Prom tea to fourteen Jays : is orHvsary to protect tlia d- '.> i> 'm fruit during peri-M< of TO :tt<i wet w-^ather. Dusts may (,.. ..-.pj.^ii .^i , v ^t foliasp but sprays an-. oi-r buds are Britisli nation aud iu is :ii- are sepura'ins i s -,>irit that iu^pired the/ i-witioa ^.if egtablibliiiieiits in tlie artistic, so ,>usly. *s ar ^lad -!i > 'i ' .1 1.1* >..!--->mJ out. Tina main it may be everything ii-n \ ',.^ r " terflies ia taa *urunir oa lo '!> tin* ' ' *r thai liav joaey away insid- ::i* iKuisoai. bur ab.e ueTer :ir. p '.'-a [ , tnef up. Th carefully tile !iony out. Do yo-i liibk, ied 'aouey it would lik^ Wll, >f.inama Lady ; . ' Bo. t are -:,,,!|,. ." Needless to jay til* II people everywhere are- :> this evidence of continued (Headship aud sood will between tiie iu coun- ri-?<. 'The New Outlook" iT scratch-'d .'-<! 'inl'. and tin. S.i . i i - M --r- . . :i. Ti\e > il.iws -.mile tlieir *i*:c<.'rui* jr >.ok] piuca of sugar a:id i>.i: a drop o ia It :a a saucer >:i : :ia window. '.:i"i ^-:it!y sa* lifted t'.i- butterfly "t ler -hould'ir. when i: :ili :'s .viiu and 'a- i sii* 11 -! lo >e^ i w!ia r : d u can uev. , i X ind forbidding and matter if the boon - rge aud c ,.,, f it U : f''l. neces.-ary to i.!,,.,m n.> poison i . a'.* th- -; . -ii * i i But !: rink !' ind Irauli .1 loiij -.00, " - ras pivv 'TiiUls wi Right In .etwee., |tho*e DTlndowj ,-,... . ., i little csi W ni ' ' th *"i4. lai : houwlW , . . ; . A special applica- I tlo -i fua.nicMe ahout a month or -. ^ek* More harvest M advls- l)at " '-' small. Sy.luey. .V:-- 1 .,:::,-!:. - I in, ligge .. : le farm -a- :.i the "sound lhadow." thread. M.i-irua La: : ! toai curl oa ia .utwrflles, e , Farm Cleared of Murder mly ttoia -as so very s ' or dapresaiott to which ouUldj B oU - The pamphlet my be Obtain- did not p. I-.HI-.M . farnn-r was Pvn if Asjricu'.tnre. Ottawa. - ' father. i.- - :i I>trvtor of Publicity., Whta ii;< * .iltliy n-'.-'-ir- Dept. of A^'-icuItniv. r.i.J father wu.s [nund battereil .' deat'.i withiu 2rtO ya:-ii.< of the farm. (.Veil Cliarles. fifty-two, was a; A material factor again-" M- witiu.M ,>r tlie soul. Th* clieerful look ;>. -^ the brlgh > -.fu.iliiy . . ; : . , .;i;>-es i>; :'a.v. a:ii :iiii;>'-*. l"urai" i i" '" ' i:i,| i' - . . . . ' ,\ i.i' wtf I didn't kuow * ' i was (or. N . u 1 >,>i>a .n ir *aw -li^ wt:*r i-i.i .-tunir :iia'. lit:!* curl unfold-"! :^ .i'ul . .'. It f-!: iri.nd for awbil* .1 i .ad :>ii:r :iii-l Men It jiype.l it i vina' ui' ' the middle of th suga _ - urn's, nuv-iwi.1, was ar:-e Thee Are Good Seafoam Candy water a:i-l k--:i' it tli-r* for a I mj taster Animals v ma[er ial factor against 1:1- .i.:- jt, . . U gar, Vi cup ba , ; '"*- Do you k : iruai II v,. do- . ihue ,if I-:..-;-; depends upon .used was hU steadu-i, .i-nu: ;;i.i: lie water. I > vlaega 'i *r" ; - i: ''? -' !M: :il " :.>ou. It falls upon flue first Sun- j herd his fa:her'* cries for !i"lp .ii ..... jpoon ;, ., ;M ! 'i-u fou bavs ao "i day af'^r :lv fourteenth day t .f the | Uiough farmesr o;i -h-. .-!I,T sid- of , :,, n4 h;i!r M- . -s ..f J -jj<. .-"da J id V..MI ni, ti'.iit happens to be r^isniiu a: ;,., r idi:e h^ai'd tliem distiin-:!y. au bet) - rhttes if < | i0<l! -' "* ' ; : f '' J ->'- - 1( " 1 I . juice through lie straw \' . ;s !!k*? | 1 I' mea-'.-i i: - -ii'.il bu; ui . n i i \i!iR-s -; -i 'it you caa h.i i / v-.| I wonder w : i.i: i; ii ! ..i >; t-iti- of t lie spring equinox. Thn. br accident. It was dlsMvered ^d 4 cup nut meats tf aesired. i This " ;: * Thi is Hie reason why Mie li.uv Is rluu the far:u :1 s ia a 'WM -.ui.l- can > > auitar as we - / '- > - ; ' '"'' -^> : ' ; always :I.-S,K lat>-<l wiih Ka>'.-i f'nr |O w." M-u shouted. gelUnlte was --\- -!i^n i . i >.n;>i. - - win's*. Do you kno ;M.,..\ .-eiituries the li.ire !i i> t)een re plowed and lK)mb* burs II tll - tot ,. $anleil as the symbol of Hie moon. ( n i u . rt . j;,, ( O i(l man had be-n kiii^-l. Tue hare feeds by :iii'.i:i;::ht. aud lt% , The sounds could be lizard ill vi-u-.s. unlike those of :norft other T;I.> >ii:;\a districts bill Bol ,MI w i-iu-bloodd anim:i>, .i.f !>>ru with t | ltf , farm. th^ir -yis open. Indeed, the old fable ^ is that tlie Iiaix- n.v,r clo^ its eye,. . March M j rac , e In tlie tpxyptiau languwi ''" word to;- ha-e meant also a period of twenty- Y " - -lay, .ir iliar of a lunar month. i.n -r Otter CTWturM :. ,-e associated WlthP ^ Ia - v ' tha at .r festival ..f spring th. M , jTo-nwrro will be. leaflet* - , , it wa* upoii an a^s I know no Christ ri'iit- intu Jevusalotu. and tlio i h i-iiiled ihe dory, for this U tlio iTetit ure from who-e mouth the silver plpoe was taken, aud aiwa either side i>f wh->.se heuil :re <uid tc be clip :n i' k- ->f ill- -.UT-M! llni;t>r and ttvim'i Au Abecdei-ii lady *as stiKKestiiiK to her Inishaiid that it was time she -d a moto--riir. "N:t. na." he replied, "yell jlst be content wi' the l-^ndid ciirr'aaja natunj has ?ivpn N " Ini ''" so woiulr- >.i s:r:nisely ran-. I -.v,i.i,|." A \i.\- ,v:'.l I.. H. B.I -> the Tlie weekly crop .-I,M'< (I c.jiin:.' repn-s<iitalive< nf ilu- Kirio Depart 'iu-;it o( Vr .>uld indicate that the> nujmr the farmers h.iv,- < ifflcii Put 1 cap "f milk in i MM', I. C.iniliin* 3 Urel .--;>-,. ciinu'ai'i-'i -id ; 4 ;ea^i>. sail 'Ai'U Si I cup cld milk. Then add to hoc iiuck. (Ill ,ii n, I -!i .-k C. ,.ik :' tliNp.4. !>iitte ; ' and 1 cup br<.>*a <uear untfl - ,jir 1 well mixed ^u,l linhlily hut do not coot to i.-nrauiel. ! Stir sim:i- iu' i conistarch raixtur-j. ' Then :i,l*i - .oiks of -*jcs beatu light j lir<r diluted with i ;i::le of th* hot i mixture. Turn :Ii-j fl'.lius into a ou^dd^ I>ie crust au<l co> : A It a .< tu-"i tg nf tlh> whit* of !h two eggi aa.l ' t i :,).'./ 10 ; .1 :.-r :i^-, .1,;,,. I ill i;ood. I N -\ V March V'l[) ' -' - -.1 [.Af wluutes. > -\ 11 whollv ,-oliJ By Mary Carolyn Oi I I-' !l Vl'h '.1- : Tie A ! . r > i 14 - ; ' viuga M.r-.'h id '!!' :n<i-i''i Sis*!- 1 ' '. drowsil; '-..!>; U <-',!H : 'ii .i'ij Miy. r 1 oil, . , ( , i of feeds ;,i hrias th-ir llv.-- tion. A a:r.->a!ev number of , .1 ' - niarkoi ght Hour StO'-y - About We ,. ( ai'd Otner l_ittle Frisnd =; C!i:ip:er 14 ;. ,i;i , v , i-|.| -. -.', . ' . M.cnma I~nty >-.r."j 'i.i e jle.l -:iai i col- :i compel .'s studeu * i ;-t '.'il. \V-' -'1 '.-< ,.\ n j ': . i{ IcFF- Bv BUD F1SHKR No Check Is Good On A Hat. [ MOW, t PuT VMiS TMfe BANK Av>0 THAT SivCS IIS A f*tt VOVJ T TMose e>.v(fo SM ACKERS - Gcum STA^r A MN< ACCOUNT THAT ei.evis) DOLLARS 'isT N . .->>!. f CASHIER. KPS His

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