THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18. 1931 The Money Losing Cow The average production of milk per cow in Canada is about 4,000 pounds annualy but authorities are agreed that the higher the production per cow the greater the proffit. You can materially increase the productiv- ness of your herd by breeding better live stock and the local branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce Is at your service in supplying loans for the purchase of stock which will give a greater cash return for the feed and labor expended_ THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE (with uiA/cA is oma/pamu*rf THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA i TORONTO JJNE NORTH Mrs. A. Stewart is visiting friends in Toronto. The sick on our line, Mr. and Mrs. G. Littlejohns and Messrs. F. Brown and Thos. Sled, are all improving nicely. Mrs. H. Blackburn Died In Toronto Fleslierton 3, Durham 2 | Flesherton grabbed the first game of the play off series from Durham in , tfcie local arena on Friday nightly .'tile score of 3-2 and took a one goal 'lead to Du.rham on Monday night for j the return game. The contest was jfrsirly fast and the fans were given tre worth of their money. Durham drew first blood when they beat Snell. The first period ended one all and the remainder of the goals were secured in each of the j other two frames, Durham also ! counting in the last period. Mc- iC-utcheon, Gorrell and Bill Patton ,wre the scoring aces for Flesherton | while Mcllraith and Kress counted I for Durham. John Nuhn worked hard at centre ice and was unlucky ] not to have entered the scoring sheet. | His backchecking was also working I well, and Boyd and McTavish on de- fence were effective and their rushes (\v-re dangerous to Durham all the itijne. Snell in goal also showed up well. Alex. Mclntyre of Owen Sound officiated as referee in a very ! efficient manner, and handed out three i penalties to Flesherton and one to 1 iLVurham on minor infractions of the i rules. The Durham lads play nice clean hockey, are always out to play the srame and it is a plc.-a.sure for any score 4-0 and winning the round by game by special C.P.R. train and 3 goals. gave the boys encouragement by town that is always waiting for some* thing good to show up. While the locals were beaten on the their presence. The lineup of play- round they were by no means disgrac- ers was practically the same as in ed and Durham had to work hard ' the other game. for every counter. About one hun- dred and fifty fans Attended the Nothing much ever comes to the It takes organized effort on the part of citizens to do things worth while. It takes the same kind of ef- fort to get things worth while. An exceedingly sad death o~ccurre<j te-am to be in competition with them. Jin St. Joseph's hospital, Toronto, on i The game in Durham should be a Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Alcox and Sunday, when Mrs. Hartley Blsfcckburn re-al interesting one although with little daughter of Markdale spent passed away at the early age of 22 m. ild weather the ice is likely to be the week end with Mrs. W. Alcox. ! years. Mrs. Blackburn, wfcxo was sticky, which should be a great help On Monday evening about forty formerly Miss Charlotte Bolarid, was for Flesherton. friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Alcox a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oharles j Flesherton Goal, Snell; 'defence, gathered at their home and spent a Boland of Vandelt|ir, and was married l^-oyd an d McT*avish; centre, J. Muhn; very pleasant time. During the early to Mr. Blackburn only a year- and 8 ' w ~ in s . Gorrell and McCutcheon; subs, part of the evening progressive ; hasf ago. On February 3rd she,^"- Patton, E. Patton and Ferris. euchre was played, followed by a pre- jgave birth to a baby daughter- at the Durham Goal, McDonald; defence sentation. The address was read by Gertrude Lever, and Mrs. Wra. Alcox hospital, and later caught a cold and passed away, as stated, on Sunday. smoking stand to Ross, on behalf of their friends and neighbors. Local and Personal Is spring far away? Mr. John Nuhn Jr. spent th e week | end in Toronto. Durham Won Round and C. McGirr; centre, Howe; , R. McCirr and Kress; subs, presented a mantle clock to Mrs. j Besides her sorrowing parerts she' Wilson, Elvidge and Mcllraith. Alcox and James Harrison presented leaves four sisters and four bmrothers.l The remains were brought tc Mark- i!alf and taken to her parental home, the funeral taking: place to M -arkdalt- cemetery today (Wednesday). Monday nipfat saw a fast game of The late Mrs. Blackburn haa.d been hockey on Durham ice. The ice was residing with her husband a. t their Very heavy and sticky. The local lads home at Lakeview, near Port Credit, worked hard, but through lack of since their marriage. Hartley is a 81 * 1 * (Durham had many of them) tired I son of Mr. and Mrs. George Blackburn' " the slushy ice. Bobby Saunders of Springhill. The young couple kept good control over the game and .Mr Wilfred McMaster spent the ' e well known here an<J th( past week in Toronto. community extends sympathy- showed his efficiency of control in to the ll ~e third period, when the spectators Mrs. Wm. Wyatt is visiting rela- ! sorrowing husband and parents. t egan to have a squabble of their tives in Dundalk. Mrs. Albert Stewart is visiting with her brother, C. B. Perigoe, and family, at Delhi, Ont. The auction sale season nas comm- enced again. Save money by having your bills printed at this office. A male choir assisted the service in St. John's United Church Sunday evening. DRESSMAKING, also Furs newed, worn edges tabooed G. Smith, Eugenia. Phone 43 r 6. oxvn on the ice. The first period opened with each team on their toes. McTavish got Itfcie first penalty, and while in the in for ' er D urnam succeeded in slipping coming OI ~ ie P s ' Snell. As Flesherton had a (j xe( j one goal lead over Durham from the for August 2 to 5 Sunday to Wed-'P*"^' 10118 ? ame > tn score of the round nesday. The Advance tenders its best , was tlei '' wishes for p. successful celefcratlon. The second period oppened up with As Flesherton knows it is a tr-emend- 'each team trying to get the lead. Mc- ous undertaking, but we made a ravish soon received his 2nd penalty, successful effort here and tliere is followed by a penalty for Durham. Dundalk Will Celebrate Dundalk has decided to go an old boys reunion during the summer The dates have V. no reason why Dundalk's "bi four" F lesherton had much of the play this shold not be quite as successful. The period but owing to the snow on the The W.C.T.U. is holding a Rally Advance man lived in Dun<3alk 54 ic-e could not shoot accurately. About with programme in the Baptist church j vears a aml has a rather soft spot half a minute before the period ended on Monday evening March 2, at 7.30. j in "'" h *art tor the neighboring town. Durham broke loose and put a hard Silv e r collection. Health, weather, and a fevo- other one past Snell, making: Durham one Mr. James Stafford of Detroit is I 8 - P ermittin K- we ^ * * ffo.1 ahead in the Northern Senior spending a few weeks with Dr. and Mrs. Otlewell. Jim is employed as a chemist with the lodent Chemical Company at Detroit. On Fvday. 20th inst, the world's day of prayer will be observed in the Baptist churjch at 3 o'clock, to to help celebrate. Spare not hard district play-off, work and enthuciam and the success which all women of the community | jj on are invited. This service is unde- nominational and is of worldwide In- terest. The third period opened with Dur- ham slipping one in on a scramble ax~ound the net. Elvidge one o.' Dur- harns best received a penalty, this grave the Flesherton boys courage and auction they worked hard to score, but had to sale of stock, implements, etc_ on lot do SO 1 rushes, as passing was almost on Thursday, irnpossiMe _ Eh, r ham scored again Wm. near the end of the period making the of the affair will be assured. AUCTION SALES. Albert Seeley will hold an Mr. Jack Cairns, a native of Flesh- erton, and whose parents live here, has received a reward for assisting in the capture of two bank robbers. Jack unwittingly towed the two ban- dits to Barrie, after their car had | broken down. It is understood that the reward amounted to about $100. A juvenile hockey team from the public school played with the Mark- dale public school lads on Friday evening at Markdale but the score was Osprey, Feb. 26. See list in this issue Kaitting auctioneer. An auction sale of farm stock and implements will be held on lot 7, con. 9, Osprey, on Thursday of thi =3 week, Feb. 19th, the property of Mr_ James 1^ * nil Boots and Shoes is giving up th o'clock p.m. Wm. auctioneer. A mortgage sale of lot No. 16, on the 6th con. of Osprey. wil 1 take place at the Munshaw house. Flesh- erton, on Saturday, Feb. 21, 1931.! Sale at 12 o'clock noon. See adver- tisement in another column. Wm, ' FOR SALE Two lots in E xigenia. 5-3 against them. The boys were en- Kaitting Auctioneer. thu&astie over the manner In which they were entertained after the panic by the Markdale citizens. | Apply to Mrs. .E. Morgan, I^lesher- ' Ice cutting has been In progress! I for the local market during the pastj" week or so, the supply being taken from the Munshaw lake. The ice is not as clear as usual this year, but is of average thickness. There Is! not as much ice stored in town as there was a few years ago, as elec- tric refrigerators have become more numerous. Now is a good time to have your old boots and shoes repaired, before the wet weather arrives. Look them over and see what you need. A patch or a half sole may save you buy- ing: a new pair. Vf, L. Norwood Flesherton A despatch from Edmonton, Al- fcerta, on Tuesday gave the informa- tion that Ivan Lewis, 18-year-old son of (Mrs. Thomas Lewis, formerly of Kimberley and Flesherton, had been> instantly killed in an auto accident 1 near his home. One other compan- ion was also killed and another boy seriously injured. Much sympathy is expressed by friends of the family here and at Kimberley with the mo- ther and two sisters in the tragedy Dt their loss. Bargains In Men's Wear OVERHAULS 9 o^ _ red back denim, rejj. $2.50. $1.90 Blue Stripe Heavy Twill, for $1.69 Blue and Whit e Stripe, lighter quality 99c SHIRTS Flannel Shirts, re. up to $2.50 $1.25 Knitted Shirts, reg'. $L .50, for 99c UNDERWEAR /Xll-\vool Ribbed Underwear, 'egf. $2.25, for $1.59 Fleece lined Underwear, Men's .... 75c. Boys 50c A. E HAW Ceylon Store closes every evening except Wed, & Sat. etting New iandards of >ependability THE longer you drive the new Chevrolt?t Six the more you \, ill appreciate its ruggedness and reliability. Ita increased wheelbase gives added stability and freedom from vibration. The frame and axles Lave been strengthened. There is a stiffer crankshaft and reinforced cylinder block. The moulded brake linings give as much as 25,000 miles of service without relining. The new Fisher Bodies are not only smarter and roomier, but are also of hardwood and steel construction . . . the strongest known. The fine upholstery fabrics are specially selected for unusual durability. The non- tarnishing chrome-plated metal parts, and gleaming colors will retain their beauty indefinitely. The new Chevrolet Six is built to give you years of faithful service. And it sells at new low prices! Prices Thr Sundanl Roaistcr Jo 10 The Spurt RLKKbtrr - - 0* lit HWton - - - - 655 Tht Cujch ..... 695 Th( Slam'ard Coup* - The SianJard Kivc- Wimluw Coupe - - Th Spurt Coupe - - - (Wilh R 'amble seal) The Super Sport Rowdier Tht Sumiani Si-dan - The Special Sedan - Sii virr whrrli. IcndiT urflls and lt*nk rack mtivdctt on tJtese tlif/it aln nut. All pncrs at //., Oifiowa. 7'itwJ, kumprr! ami rpcrr lire cttn. A complete lint. ol Com- ncrcitl C&s and Tmilu front uf. TUT. STA.VDARD < H'l.\DOiV COLTE NEW CHEVROLET CtM'XAL MOTORS D. McTAVISH & SON, Chevrolet Dealers - Flesherton, OnL Three Specials For Men CASH GROCERY SPECIALS HANDY AMMONIA 3 for 23c TOMATO CATSUP, quarts 23c SEEDLESS RAISINS 2 Ibs. 22c Fresh ROLLED OATS 8 Ibs. 28c GRANULATED SUGAR $5.25 bag Pure DUTCH COCOA 2 Ibs. 25c PORK and BEANS, 1's 3 for 25c Pink SALMON, pound tins 2 for 39c Fresh PRUNES, medium size 3 Ibs. 25c Quick QUAKER OATS, large package .... 25c HEAVY ALL-WOOL MACKINAW COATS $5.75 Dark check patterns, made up in Norfolk pleated style, fegular $7.50 Special $5.75 HEAVY LEATHER-LINED MACKINAWS $9.50 Good dark colors in all-wool Mackinaws, leather lined with wool windbreaks in sleeves regular $11.50, special $9.50 HEAVY KHAKI CORD COATS $9.50 Durable khaki Bedford Cord, lined throughout with sheepskin of splendid quality; Beaverette fiir collar. Regular $16.50 Special $9 50 F. H. W. HICKLING . FLESHERTON, ONTARIO