Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Feb 1931, p. 1

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Vol. 50, NO. 38 Flesherton, Ontario, February 18, 1931 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors 4 . WODEHOUSE FEVERSHAM VANDELEUK The real thaw is a long time coming. Mrs. Harry Cherry and two sons, Glen and Gordon, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Synw, of Barrhead. Mr. and Mrs. George Wyville of Cherry Grove visited with the form-' er's sister, Mrs. Robert Brown. Master Earl Morrison has (been home from duties at M.H.S., laid off ; with throat trouble. Other mem-! berg of the family have had an at- tack of the grippe. We wish them all a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. James Kirkpatriek and little daughter, Leone, visited at her parental home, townline A. and E. Wiley Bros, are unloading a car of barley at Markdale station. Miss Ina Wiley spent last week with friends in Markdale. Mr. Sam Wiley Jr. was laid up with a rather severe attack of the grippe. He was unable to take his work as superintendent of the Sab- bath school. Mr. Gordon Wilcox very ably filled the vacancy. New Eng- land has a well attended Sunday school. Deep interest is taken by the parents and it has a large Bible class, taught by six of the members alternately. The Valindne Social on Friday ! evening was a decided success. A large crowd was present and an en- joyable social evening was spent. ' Supper was served. The proceeds amounted to about $13. , Mr. Jos. Cherry and son, Harry, were down to Kimberley to visit the former's parents on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. I. Fawcett attend- ed the funeral of their brother-in-law, Mr. Geo. Hutchinson. at Heathcote on Sunday. One of our esteemed residents, celebrated her 90th birthday on Tues- day, February 17th. We wish her many happy returns of the day. In our last items an error was made which stated that Gordon Wiley was the winner of the prize at the crok- inole party. This should have read Gordon Wilcox. Miss Eva Symes has returned home to Barrhead after spending a few diys with her sister, Mrs. H. Cherry. The neighborhood was shocked on ]Mbrday monrinir i'o learn of the death of Mrs. Hartley Blackburn of Lake-view, Ont. Shp had many friends hero who are deeply moved to learn of her sudden passing. Mrs. F. Spofford has gone to Suu- bury to visit her brother, Joseph Gamey, who is ill at present. Mrs. Robert Priestly oi' Maxwell visited with her aunt, Mrs. Leslie Poole, last deek. Mrs. James, who has been house- keeper for Mr. Henry Coulthard for the past six months, has gone to St. Catharines. | Miss Nellie Wright visited with Miss Tolie Spofford last week. Mrs. John Fenwick of Maxwell vis- ited wi.<h her father, Mr. Samuel Brownridge, here, last weefc. Mrs. Cha.. Weldrick visited her niece, Mrs. Jos. Lanktree, on the 4th line recently. Mrs. Alex. McGowan of Ravenna visited with her sister, Mrs. Frank Sayers of Fail-view Farm on the 12th line last week. Mr. Fred McKee of British Col-' umbia and Mr. Fred Smith of Acton, ' Ont, are visiting with their cousin, j Mr. Howard McKec, here, at present The Ladies' Aid had a fair rathering at their Valentine Social on Friday evening last, the proceeds amounting Co over $20.00. M/s. Frfank (Sayers of Fail-view Farm on the 10th line and MVs. Alex. McGowan of Ravenna visited with their brother, Mr. Chas. Weldrick, and other friends in this village recentl. This community was shocked on CEYLON Messrs. Melville and Roy Rutledge, Monday of this week when it became who spent the past month visiting known that Mrs. Hartley Blackburn their mother here, left on Wednesday . of Port Credit, second daughter of of last week for their homes McLeod . iMr, and Mrs. Chas. Boland of this and Lethbridge, Alta. place, had passed to the Great j rs- Knox left on Saturday to j Beyond. Charlotte, who was born ^- ls ^ friends in Markdale. and raised in this community, was j Mbs Reta Mar8haU i eft on Monday ! beloved by all who knew her and her ; to t .. ain for ft nurse> euterin g the G. untimely death is deeply regretted. and M hospi tal in Owen Sound. We She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, to whom she was married about a year and a half ago, an infant daughter- about two weeks old, also her sorrowing parents and four brothers and four sisters of this wish her success. Miss Gladys Sellers of Toronto spent the week end with her friend, Mrs. Anna McMillan. Mr Ross McMullen of Toronto spent place, all of whom have the sympathy I the week end with his P arents - Ml- - of the community in their hour of sorrow. A most successful masquerade ard Mrs. Archie '3 Mrs. George Fisher is visiting rel- atives in Toronto. social was held in the Orange Hall on i Mr. and Mrs. Cliif Cook of Ebordak' Friday evening, Feb. 13th, under the spent the first of the week at Robt. aiMpices of the Women's Institute. Cook's. Miss Jean Mc'Cormaek spent a few days in Toronto the past week. Mrs. Cecil Archibald, Proton, spent There was a large crowd in attend- arce, about) 40 of whom were in cc-tume, and the judges had a diffi- cult time to decide 0:1 the winners. KIMBERLEY A good program was provided by the gentlemen, consisting of speeches, songs, etc. Lunch was served by the ladies. Mr. H. I. Graham visited friends in Priceville on Sunday afternoon. (Last Week's Items the week end with her parents. Miss Agne^ Macphail, M.P., was at Drr.dalk on Thursday of last week, where she was hostess to fifteen of hei- organizers at the Grand Central hotel. There was r.o school on Monday, owing to the illness of the teacher, Mr. Sam Bowles, who for many Mi. G. B. Littlejohns. years was a respected resident of this ' Thc Ladies' Aid held a Valentine NOW IS THE TIME To buy an occasional Chair, a floor Lamp, table Lamp, or small table. Twenty-five per cent, off for one week only. A limited number; first here first served. EMERSON J .BENNETT Mi. A. Andrews is in Hanover sup- , plying as barber during the illness of ( the barter there. Some very enjoyable evenings aie spent at the C. M. Hall. The com- j mittce have arranged for severa* more. A week ago a fine program of plays and music by the band and orchestra and singing was given. We congratulate the committee. Every fourth Fiiday a community dance is put on free of charge, and is super- vised by the committee. The Ladies' Aid are busy getting ready for their bazaar on Thursday. The W. M. S. met at the home of Mrs. J. M. Fawcett, and was well attended, when a good program was provided. Arrangements were made to have a meeting in the church on Friday aicernoon, it being Uiu world's day of prayer. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Wcbor enter- tained a nrnibcr of friends on Mop- day evening. The tin; was spent with crokirole and pedro. Our sympathies -ro out to the K'li* and Lawrence families in the death of Mrs. Henry Ellis of Powassa::, who died in a Tornsilo hospital. M--. Ellis was fcimcrly Mi-s Mair'ric- Law- ror.ce. We are glad to report Mrs. D. *.. Graham improving in health. community, passed away at Markdale jcmetery on Sunday morning, Feb. 8, after severed months' illness, at the Social in the school house on Friday evening. Owing to the hockey game in Flcsherton and sickness in the age of 67 years. The late Mr. I neighborhood the crowd was not Bowles was born in Albion township, ' lal 'K e - hut a11 present had a most en- Peel county in the year 1861!, and came to this community with his parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Sam joyablc tim.e. Rev. Mr. Scott was chairman for the evening and led the company in community singing, which Bowles, at the age of 17 and settled w s heartily sung. Mrs. J. McWil- on the farm in the valley, where he | Hams, during the evening, gave two has resided ever since. Besides his ) solt!; '- - Miss 'Mable Adams sang wife, who was formerly Miss Agne.- ' "Smile a Little, Sing a Little,". She McDougal of Priceville. he leaves to ' was encored and responded with a mourn his loss four sons and one recitation and the school children daughter, viz Amos, Angus, John, then gave a mrmber of choruses. Willie and Gertie, all of whom have Master Goldwyn Kennedy iccompan the sympathy of the community in >ed them. A number oi the ladies their bereavement. The dt-jcased , gnvc stump spcc-hcj and Rev. Scott was a Conservative in politics and a B av e a Valentine talk, which was very T. B. MACAULAY President Sun Lii'e Assurance Co. of Canada. i ARTHUR B. WOOD Vice-President and Chief Actuary ' Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canaua. PROTON STATION Some Proton Station hoi-\ey fans went to Durham en Monday nigh', to / sec the final league game between Durham and Flesherton hockey teams. M: g . Tlio.i. McCullough and sinter, Mi''--. Reid, of Toronto we; e guests at the l">:ncs oi' Messrs. Abe and GeT-rc Shi"-o". Miss Margaret McMulIt n of Ceylon visiti'd friends here recently. MAXWELL Mr. and Mrs. Myers and son of rne visted a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Morrison. The social evening was held n Fri- day Feb. 13th given by the losing- side of a recent copper contest under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid and was a decided success. Even if they did lose in the contest they by no Mrs. Oscar Patterson and children, > means fe " down in . their enturtain - Joyce and R. J., of Maple Grove spent part of last week with the former's f parents. Mr. and Mrs. Acheson. I Mrs Archibald spent the week e.ul ( with her parents and sons in Ceylon. mont as everyone enjoyed themselves listening to the songs, recitations, contests and the wonderful kitchen band. Mr. N. Cairns had his fin, radio hooked up to allow r-, to :-rrs. H. is visiting her a littlc of what was P in K.on to th " daughter at Swinton Park. Mr. Edward Rutherford has return- ed from visiting in Toronto, Alliston, Angus and Coldwater. member of the L.O.L. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon to interesting. Master Melville Hunt rave tw> imitations, one entitled the Meaford Road cemetery and was "Swapping Lies" which jaused much liiigo'y attended. It wan under charge of the Orange lydse. 'i no pastor, Rev. H. S. Wanx-ii, pro :i shed a comfortinrr sermon at the hou.:e. Mr.;. MeLoughry, relict at the late U. D MeLoughry formerly of the East Backlino, Arteme3i:>. pai-sud :-\vay 'it the home of her daughter. mirth. Recitation.; were also given by Mis.scs Detty Slow-art, Marjoiie Duckett and Edna Marshall. A geo- graphy match was then held with Mrs. Will (iibson and Will Fisher as the captains. Mrs. Gibson's side being '.he winners. Paper baskets decorated . with hcar-.s and filled with Mrs. Bert Hutchinson on the townline | wel( -' sold. Thc were over on lorcn ;<<<, Feb. 8th, fol- S(>. The hdias b:-d tho -chool very lowing a stroke. The ):ttc- Mrs. Me- prettily decorated for the occasion. Loughry was well and favorably The- Ladies' Aid \vi!l !u;!d their Now is the time for every citizen to get busy and stay busy helping then?3"l"' l s by helping their town. knowr throughout i!iij section and , monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. v.:is an earnest worker in church and . A. K. Haw on We !P.L- ;day. I'Viruary s:;cial life. She leaves to mourn her \ 2"'tb. Lunch C'nr.niittL'c: San<i .vi.-i|. loss one daughter, Mrs. Bji't Hutch- 'Mi's. A. Fisher. Mrs. A. Sinclair; cuke. . Grocery Specials Tomatoes 3 ' 29c Corn 3 large tin. 29c PeaS 3 large tins 29c Loaf Cheese 5ib.b$1.25 Corn Flakes Keiiog g x 3 f or 25c Prunes 3 IB., for 25c OTanada Flour $2.70 Fancy Blue Rose Rice 3 . f or 25c Men's Wear 15'' off any of our Reacly-to-VVear Suits or Overcoats this week. CAPS, regular $1.50 to $2.50 for $1.50 W. G. Kennedy inson, who ha.-, the sympathy of tiv neighborhood in her great sorrow. The funeral took place Wednesday afternoon to Markdale cemetery. Service was held in Ebenc-zer church, whore her pastov, Rev. II. S. Warren, this week. delivered a comforting message. Mrs. W. Gi!"=o'i. Mtv. \V. White. EUGENIA Has our "January Uiaw" arriveii far-away districts. A fine lunch was served at the close. Miss Dorothy Genoe of Eugenia is visiting her aunt. Mrs. E. Hillock Mrs. Robt. Priestly spent a f^wr days hst with her sister, Mrs. Leslie ROCK MILLS PO-IO. Beautiful mild weather at time -r writi-wr. Quite a number from here nttemled the hotkey game in Durham Monday night. M.. F. R. Boland, assessor, wa? \\orking through this neighborhood the past week. won- i-in"d. it was a physical impus- Eilith Btta is spending " f-w sibnjty for them t() ,, e }wm alive _ Siamese Twins Bom Siamese t wins were born to Airs, i Emi'i-son Krauter at Linwood, Oni.. last week, but because of the mail- ^ jn whjch the tw<) Hul( , weeks with her brother, Herb. or. 'ho 4th lino. Wo are pleased to learn that Mrs. J. A. Foster, who has been confined Tho little bodies, both boys, \\vru iiilly developed in every way, weigh- 'ir. and seven pounds respect iv- K . They were joined face to iact 1 . ii'om the neck to the abdomen. Dr. Ivol insoii. of St. Jacobs, the ati-nii- ip.fT physician, stated they wore ih" first Siamese twins he had se<-n ri - ru-r bed f;>r several \vvoks. is no"- able to be up an hour each day. We 'rust '. 'i:il slii- \\il' soon bo restored to health again Tho sir, rrc .-vmpathv of this com- , ' ,. bis 1:) vears of obstetrical expen-:icp. munity is extended to Mr. Hartley Blackbu'M. also to t'v> Boland ,'amily i:; their very sad bereavement. by I ho il.isth ">' their dear wifi- and da''2rhter. Mrs. Krauter is the mothor of three other children, all born singly. Sho is about -i! years oi ago. READ THE SMALL ADVT3. A town should aim to be successful in everything it undertakes. Mr. John MacDonald left Monday Blessed are the dead who die in the morning for the bird sanctuary at ':' Cotlringtor, \vhcre he is still in the employ of Mr. Joh"i.sU>n. Success, John! We will miss his pleasant j } smiles in our vicinity. Mrs. Wilson ha> returned to Mark- Lord. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ilutchinson spent the first of the week with friends in Kimberley. The Ladies' Aid held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Lundy dale after spending the past few Johnston on Wednesday afternoon, weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Feb. 4th. A good program was pro- j Jamicson. 8th line, vided, including papers by Mrs. Will . Mrs. Court Smith ar.d Mrs. Joseph Johnston and Mrs. K. Davidson. It'. Williams are on the sick list at pres- vvas decided to give $50 towards the cr.t. Wo hope they will soon be weii BATES BURIAL CO'Y. DIBTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT MODERATE COST NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR PARLORS 122-124 AVENUE RD. TORONTO PHONE: Night or Day KI. 43-J4 .'. W. BATES. Formerly of Flesherton R. MADDOCKS. M. and M. fund of the church. 'Mr. and Mrs. Howard MeGee visited McMullcn again. Mrs. Cudmore of Dundalk has been with Mr. and Mrs. McMullcn of the ffucst of her brother, Mr. Donald Ceylon recently. I McDonald, and family the past week. Mr. Howard Graham attended the j Rev. A. M. Pope preached a fine Grand Division of the Sons of Tern- ^cimon on Sunday, referring to the perance in Toronto recently. He Lcntep period. was elected to the office of Grand Worthy Associate for Ontario. "House of Quality" Purina Chows Fresh and Cured Meats Fresh and Salted Fish Phone 37 H****">*>**<HMH Mr. John Sherwood of Ceylon visit- ed a few days with his brother, Mr. Jos. Sherwood, and other friends. Notwithstanding recent declines In ' We al 'e pleased to hear that Miss the price of lamb and wool, OntarSo Isla Magee is recovering nicely from Sheep Breeders' were not at all dis- [ ncr recent illness, ccuragcd nt their annual meeCnjr. i Mss Mar.iorie Park spent the week j I* was pointed out that this country end with her friend, Mrs. P. Magree. I still imports wool and mutton equlv- ' Dl> . and Mrs. Little have returned alent to half a million sheep, so that hom e from Owen Sound, there is plenty of room for expans- A ver V sucessful dance was given ion. | by the L.O.L. in their hall here last ^ - ' Friday evening. ~~ I Mr. Harold Falconer and family We ARE IN THE MARKET *OR have arrived home from near Swinton LARGE OUANTITIES OF POPLAR. Park. i WHITE BIRCH AND BASSWOOD BOLTS, F.O.B. YOUR STATION. You should not be a quiet booster KEENAN BROTHERS, LIMITED, be a live, active booster and let every- OWEN SOUND, ONT. one know where you stand. COW CHOW PIG CHOW CALF CHOW LAY CHOW STEER FATINA tHICKEN CHOWDER PURITY AND PILOT FLOUR Jas. A. Stewart GROCERIES PHONE 46 WE DELIVER IN TOWN

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