Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Feb 1931, p. 3

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; MIDDLE AGE A Critical Time for AH Women. "I am beginning to feel my age" is ibe i->- Vssio.i many a woman has to make when she reaches the critical time of middle life. There is no need, however, to think you are too old to Id well and happy. Perhau you have -lost your grip on things; perhaps the old vigor and tnergy is lacking; you get tired easily, and your limbs ache terribly. Often ^"jr back seems ready to break and the pail is unbearable. Your blood is at fault it has be- come thin and impure and does not give the health-giving nourishment to the body. What you t?ed is a treat- ment of Dr. 'illiams' Pink Pills. They will set you right. They actually make rich, red, health-giving blood and this good blood v.-fU drive out all your tcbes and pi.ins. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will bair>h headache*, backaches, nervousness nd lack of appetite, and in their place ulll come new energy and happiness. You can get th-se Pills at all medicine dealers or by mail at 60 cents a boi from The Dr. Williams' Brockville, Ont. Medicine Co., Owl Laffs If ihe boss' desk is clean it indi- cates that an assistant is doing the work. Often the boss takes the "in" out of indispensable when an employee begins to feel that way. How can there ever be true happiness in this world when .all silver linings have a lot of little clouds about them? Eat slowly, friend. Haste makes waist. Sounds Tiptop Advertisement in St. Louia, Me., Post-Dispatch). Partner Wanted Lady wants partner in bath bouse; good proposition. The Htile girl who ordered a bahr brother complicated the affair by specifying that he must arrive three years old. Bothwell Romance Again in Spotlight Smashing of Earl's Burial Casket on the Island of Zeeland Recalls His Adventure with Mary Stuart The pii'.ag'.cg of a forgotten Tillage church on the remote little island of Zeeland, reported in Copenhagen dis- patches last week, recal.'s one cf the lost brutal episodes :n all British history. Here since h. : s death, in lle, in 157S, has !ain the body of one of the husbands of Mary Queen of Sco's, tee Earl of Bothwell. In searching for treasures, or accident- ally, thieves smashed the glassed-in coffin which for more than three aaU half centuries has held the remains cf the man about whom historians agree that "co good word can be Aspiration Let me to-day do something :hat "ball take A little sadness from rhe world's vast store, And nsay I be so favored 81 to make- Of joy's too scanty jsum a little more. Let me not hurt by any selfish deed, Or thoughtless word, tb heart cf foe or friend; Nor would I pass, unseeing, worthy need. Or sic by eilenre where 1 ihould defend. Huwever meagre be my -worldly wealth. Let me B! T * "omtTuirg rhit shall aid my kind. A word of courage, health, Dropped as I pass hearts to find. Crew of shipwrecked schooner "John Johns, X.F., with a load of cod tor Brazil. W. Miller" wiiicn lert St. Sue was abandoned after being wrecked by a storm m mid-ocean and the prew tvas picked up by a German steamer and landed at Colon whence the "Carinthia,' 1 wrought them back to entrain for Canada. They are: isi;;iog) \V:n. Ken- nedy, 1st Mate, of St. Johns; Cap:. Cyril Horwood, St. Johns; Boat- swain John Clark of Carbonear, X.F. ; iback row) F. Rogers, St. Johns; Wm. Lair.?, Carbonear; Theo. Pike, Harbor Grace; Joiiu Greeil, cook, Carhonear. Constipated Children for Let ni? to-nigh; look back across the Van 'Twixt dawn and dark, &nd to my conscience tay : Constipation is one of Me most Boni- er a thcagct of 'men ailments of childhood and the I child Buffering from it positively can- troubled] not thrive. To keep tbe little one we!; 1 the bowels must be kept regular and j the stomach sweet. To do this nothing can e<('ial Baby's Own Tablets. They are a mild but thorough !axatie; ar-* pleasant to take and can be given to he new-born bb > with perfect safety. "Because of some good act to beast j Thousands of mother, use no other op man The world !s b''.er that I lived to day." medicine, for thei. little ones but Baby's Own Tablets. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 Judge "You're cents a box from The Dr. Williams' charged with throw- Medicine Co. Brockvilie, Onr. ing your mother-ijj-Iaw out of the window.' 1 Accused ''I did it without thinking, aid." James Hepburn, high-born and ad- rnturous, Inheriting the title and ! your honor." Judge "I realize that, my dear man, but don't you see how dangerous it Autos as Earthquake Refuges Automobiles- are cited as -'admira- bie earthquake-proof buildings" by Dr. T. A. Jacgar, American volcano castles of the Earl ol Bothwe!!, has j was for anyone passing a; the f:m<5'."'| expert, as a result of personal ex been said to have contributed more than any other person to sending Mary to the gallows. Although a Whether administration! are re-' spousible or sot, they get blamed for bad times and never credit for good ones. fail to take we do. She keeps thinking she'll say wlitn I s I." Protestant. Hepburn became one of the most violent ai.:i-K::clisi! leaders In the bluer religious wars between Scotland and England. After eiile in France and loipr'.- onment by Queen Elizabeth in the Tower, Both well returned to Scot- land in 1565 at the summons of Mary his daring and strategy made possible his escape despite pursuit by ships Elizabeth sent in search of him. His complete ascendency over Mary j cabulary it is necessary to know that appears to have dater definitely from j "cute" may describe a sports road- the m-jrder of the Queen's secretary, j ster, a bridge prize, a dance step, a Hl/xio, in March, 1566. From then ' baby, a dog or Rudy Valle*. on he was her chief adviser, attend- ing with her the Craigmiller confer- ence at which both signed the "bonds" which were to rsBult in tbe murder ef the Queen's hueband, Daruley. To Mary, Bothwel! was a "glorl- eme, rash and hazardous young man." periences during the <*art:i<i>.iake September 25, 1921. in!. In a recent announcement from 'he Hawaiian Volcano Research As- sociation, Dr. Juggar describes how | he happened that day to be drivicg Archibald "Do you and your *ifei- in nis automobile to visit a .'"ier.d. ever thin* f e same, John?" Then, says 1 . E. E. Fr^'s Week's John "When I stay late at tbe club! Science (New Torki : "On arriving at the friend's liose. home, nd M) do! Dr - J a egar was astonished to find th* ' inhabitants in great excitement, 2:iO ihe house partly ruined. "A violent earthquake bad hap- pened while Dr. Jaggar was in irs moving automobile. The Tin-Whistle Player 'Tis long since, 'opg since, sir.ce ! heard A nn-hist!e played. Acd heard tunes 'he t-ine, the Ha'penny Tke ' that were e?ore r > ' -- And Cid went Ireland's rounds That were before ihe s irety That strings have given sounds! breath. And now is standing in 'he aiitt. And jigging backward there. | Noiseless Factory To Help Workers Also to be Built Without \X indows Machines to be Painted Orange A factory without windows, anil having other features of au uii'i-'ial. it no: '.-evolutionary, character, :- ) be constructed at Kitdiburg. Mil--. Conditions under wiiidi the employes work will be so controlled that :i-.-y will be uniform, night and c'.ay, ami everytiiiUK possible wi!i be don* to make work easy, it is expected r !iat efficiency wii! be increased by about 30 per .jetit, and the exp^rim*'.-. >s being watched by industry. . -i:ni:nat!iig devices will make ihe fa'-.tory <iuiet. Tbe walls will be built to absorb soiind, and machines will be mounted on cork. Now*!! f-- m the cianufacturinp r-rooesses wiJ! be made to counteract each other. Tbe- intensity of daylight changes ccr.-'::n':y, thus putting a strain on eye m.i"c:es and brfigin* on fatiine. In -his window!e>>s factory, electric "airj 1 -. witli special u'ffus'nj: .shades, will furu'hh illumination. A certain amount of ultra-vvitt light will be introduced. T':: 't-mperature in "he- factory will be kept constant, -he air being washed on entering the building, beated in <-o:d weather and ooied uy a *pray in warm wenther. Drafts are to be eliminated. As colors, acx-or<i!KK *o psy hoiogjr, either depress cr raise tee spirits of b-imanc. :bey are ;ce basis for the decorative scheme. Toe wails and ceiling will be white, b. ie and green. Machine will be painted a br'ght orange, *o make 'h*m easily Tisibie an>i '''.:* to '- '!' -he .hance of ac- cidei Classified Advertising Y A a 17 vii: UACULKEUft H A. s . .. A.MTT1.VJ. . . V. .jol," ..nd Wool." ill _.>!. r. 75c ib. un. ^ free. .v*''' .. i: v :'arn Milla. jepr. r. .,. : ,:a, Our. ABEKT3 WANTED. Mi:\ TO ;.;:.\n.\ JIIXIATURH QOLF I 1 -- Write Stin- latur' ..* < 'i.,:i:n:!K ;-i. ,,' '.'iuirch St.. AOENTS WANTED. Wi: -:-':!: -;< BA\ :: A LOCAL. .,p. ' MI i-vry town :i!i'! imrlsh of WM art- . ;i 'Mtiou to "r ._ .... .. .1 -i r>i ! - i .-. win- - easy m-i n i \ '--ulnr ;,<, i,e. Fir par- L'Ull - '-.' : i >,iit-s ' 'i.iJi*:- ' lijl 'Build -.r M..IH: Long Wait The "tti. >-->>. y 'ui'k "fT 'i.s cap, pre- sented the iiT i!. ami -,I.)'KI ,-a ease. "My L-I-- saya i ni .:>,* ., >;o back un- I til you tivf me me jr.'jr.ey you owe liim." lit- -..-I!. "Oh?" R;;^ -in* i-fpiy ' -'ne debtor. ] "I won-ier : Le !l :>.^ j.-'u with A PATENTS Us? of -\VanteJ l-v^ntlons" .-!: F-J:! in:'ur:-.:u --'. i*nt Fre on !'.e jcs'_ THB &AMSA? CO.. DT)t. W 373 Bank St.. Ottaw. Ont. Acts like a flask on Coughs & Colds A pp*f<iv, wtfr, proven mnwii for i Kt^Mi atid -.:-, BS!ft:?XS Shrilling with A tin- whistle p: fingers with He hat aai-fe' rned Aro>ir.d with badger gray ; Aimless like cries of nionnta' ' - The t-iiies he >ias to play The -,une I v ;r > '<: streti Vc bare, Ar.<\ men whose Hves are 'one. ^'a-:: m, in "Old P.i- - : . " Flapper's Vocabulary To uuder stand a modern young woman'* vo Love >. >- tin r - - >: -i:e early morning r>>apper on the rays of the guu Tbe soul ear. l':i-') 'J iieigirs sub- lime . -i:rmrrlo:i 'ith Jt- :. 'l:e Sou. T.r>g'.j tlw \y. : li ss ' night sur- round you And your sovii is -jeep in despair it> love and st.rengtn can lilt you f you believe that He is there. I. M. STESPER, iL.indou, OLV) Caller .iniiuirlB no'isej "Whaur's McFee?" the bted HI-, es. the E"'ir !or eon of f 'ue yonnp Ang-if, Mr. Mr. M^Fee "He's doon in 'harpeninp -he gramorcone We're giving a wee party <tl* lift* u t~ lintl * *. : r . t TA+I ' Results Commendable. Genuine Gratitude. "In spite ot long experleii' e earthquake observer, he n.i.i '>it no- thing-. During the shocks which to!- Wait fur something to turn up and it will, but it will be your to. Tommy "Fa, created first"" Father "To give say something." why wiu Adam 'W":.r.'< vhe I'lea of 'he Greens hav- ing French lessons?" 'They have adopted a French baby and want to lowed, Ur. jMcgar reports, many peo- ! mdtrstand what it says when i: be- p!e left their houses and eiept in i gins to *alk." their automobiles. "Even when uot in motion, Dr. Jaggar report*, 'a sedan on springs o A chance to lie was masterful acd daring and possessed of a certain courage that eren his bitterest enemies were! Many of us find it harder to shirk lorced to recogttze. ! lnaa to work . The intention of Queen Mary to make the Eitrl band w,tf. for of Bothwel! her hus- a time, kept secret. and rubber tires produced almost no sensation to the occupants, whire ad- jacent homes were rattling and rock- ing with the aftershocks.' "Houses usually act, lie find?, as magnifiers of earth movements, su that n'nat seems to b a violent earth- The banker's little word >- ha S i1 uake to P evs '-' n iudoor9 a - T . see , m power to break the bank ar.J his Httto to * p * r9On ou loe * vo " nd :n the Sbe o-JKbt refuge with him at Dun- wonl .- no - Dat ,-.,. lo b .-k every- P e!1 to , be 8iB le not vevy Castle. He met her riding out- side ot Edinburgh and, leading a force of 800 spearsmen, escorted her body i, e . We can't sav mm-!, for the?* ureeses forcibly or otherwise-to Ducbar. ; that j ook like !lley had b( . n oa 'ight in Less than a month later Mary made ! a door and p 0rt i" ns torn off as the Bothweil Duke of Orkney and Shet- ' ]a ,j v ; e f. h Onle land. Within a month eftfr their mar- rlae, Mary Queen of Scots and Bothwell were again seeking refuge, to be separated from then on. Both well's flight to Denmark was the last Dt his adventurous life. He was no Love i the only commodity needed to insure a happy marriage between meals. Beauty that u*ed to be skin deep !s now ?kin and knee deep. i!d anyway. Dreams that come true , We know a mau !> out of a longer in position to aid h! 9 Q. twwttotk toy window without tart- and her downfa!! 'eft him the prls- ] oner of King Frederick U of Pen- mark, from whom, during War; '' s ' reliabilliv relgu. he had obtained safety by ] promising to restore to Pec mark the Orkneys and Shetland. Eleven years after his marriage with Mary the I ing himself. Thtre was a balcony out- , side. The ability most in demand is Bar! of Bothwe'.! i'.e-J at Zeeland. Clubs Can Hire Planes Alrplaues will be leased to British light airplane clubs, according to the Department of Commerce. . The planes at the disposal of the clubs will be Oip^y I Moths with wooden fuselages, and equipped with telephones, auto- matic slots and a compass. The planes will be fully insured by the De Havil- land Company, tbe builders, against all 'ground and air risks, including third party risks. They may be bived for uy perigd up to six months at $201 a \nonih and for a period beyond six mouThs at $243. AU rentals are pay- able- in advance. Plaues must be- main- tained at the expense of tbe lessee In a correct airworthy condition, and must be operated in accordance with the provisions of the air navigation acts. In the event of accidents causing dam- age to the aircraft, the first $77.20 of damage must be met by the lessee. M _ | . _ l __ . _ ,,^^_ L L The longest air route at PH--I'' with a regular service ot planes is from New York to Buenos Ayres, a (JUtance of 5.SSO miles. Caller '.at telephone^ "Give me Main 1033. Hello; this '.he wife-" Culled "Yes." Caller "Listen, dear. \Vill H be ail right !f I bring a couple of fellow* home to dinner to-night?" Calltd "AVhy certain'y." Caller "What?" Called "Certainly i* will. I'll be, very glad to Ijave t Caller "Oh, pardon me, lady Wrong i, umber." thud under his feet, or may [>as alto- gether unnoticed. "This may explain why !t is that primitive men have tew myths of earthquakes, but many of floods and ! fires. Having no houses to magni- fy them, primitive men probably felt only the very greatest earthquakes, but anybody Is impressed by a forest tire or a flood." Tests Show Lack of Vitamin Cause of Grey Hair Premature gray hair may be due to lack of some vitamin-like material !n the food, just as lack of one of the vitamins causes the disease called rickets. This Is suggested by re- searches reported to the Academy ot Sciences in Paris by Prof. Gabriel Bertrand. Says Dr. B. E. Free !n his Week's Science (New York): "in experiments planned for a dif- ferent purpose, ordinary black and dark gray rats were fed on diets con- taining all vitamins known to be necessary, but made of purified or synthetic foods instead of natural materials like vegetables and grain. "To the investigators' surprise, ths black coats ot the animals began to turn silver gray. "This may happen, the experiment- ers knew, because o* bad health, but the rats in. this instance were per- fectly healthy, as was confirmed by blood tests. TUe new vicar was calling upon cue of his parishioners. "I hear." he iai<J. "that you have a ion in the fl'.m busi- ness at Hollywood." "That I have," "Mr. Fiancee's father seems to think ! r ' Dli * d " woman, proudly. "How she- is marrying a fool. But he's wrong. "Why? engagement ?" Are you going to break the The man with a private grievance louif has he been In America. Mrs. Smith?" "Five years, sir.'' "Indeed. And does he ever come back to Eng- land?" "Every summer regularly." "And brings his wiCe with him, I ex pect." "That is so, ir. And they've ' usually becomes a public nuisance. bn five cmart lirlg, too." How To Lose Fat and Get That Youthful Feeling Ovir in Britain when n man I* H-vlinn "as fit ua a fliidl" tint] I'KiUing tn *>icture of health"' thry mv ; "HK'S GOT TIIAT KRfSC'HEN FEEUNG." Tliat niraiis h<- takes his little dot* of Krusrhen Salts ever>- momin|(. It's the same in the V..S..V in Cerniany in Holland -in Australia in St.ufl! Africa, for Krufheu Suits are now stild tbe world over. Krustben Salts is not one salt only it is tlie combination of fci-\ salts necessary to healthy life. Take half a tenspoon in a glass of hot wat-r before bieakfnst every morning, nnxlify your diet and exercise regularly. But " don't mis* a morning, for fvruschen not only puts and Iteeps the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels in a splendid healthy condition, but piiriHos your blood-stream, and scuds uew life' and activity t every part of your body. Miller, of Croydon. writes: "In gratitude. I feel I must wrte r,d teil you what wonderful benefit 1 have derivnl fror.j taking a bottie ft your Carter's Little Liver Illlp. Having been troui'icd -with Indiges- tion and sick headache for several months, a Jriend recommended me to try your famous pilj s , with the results that after the first dose I was made aware nf their very real tonic value, an<! felt I had at last discovered a remedy which per- formed what it claimed to do.' 1 Taiie Carter's Little Liver Piiis for the complexion and constipatior.. Al: druggists 25 and 75* re<[ pkge. //. ijmir fact tiur, t ittlt afttr tharingt Try Ciitii'iira $tick or ANY CHILD W, . n never bo s-re j ;vi what .ikes a oiuld .-?' less, but the rrim-iiy can ahsavs be the same- Good ''Id Cabtorial There's comfort in every drop of this pure vegetable preparation, uiid not '.he slightest nann m i'.s frequent use. As often as vour child has a fretful spcil. is ?everis>h, LT cries and can't sleep, let Castoria soothe ant) quiet him. Some- times it's a touch oi colic. Sometimes constipation. Or diarrhea a con- dition that should always be ctiecked withoat delav. Just keep Ca.stona handy, and njti've it orrmptlv. Relief will follow very promptly; if it doesn't, you ^hould call a physician. CASTORM ACID causes Headaches there'!; too much, acid in your stomach, you must force your- self to work, and even pleasures are too great an effort. Appetite ?ags: the digestion is poor; tbe whole system suffers. Li boratory tests Bhow an acid condition Is due to errors !n our modora diet. But you need not wait to diet your way out of tbe trouble! rfc a tallepoonful of Phillips' Mtlk of Magnesia. This will neutralize Uie exceee acid instantly; make you fel like a new person in Just a few moments. ,..;< in Take a iiit!e whl : ever ::.:: 'jurn. sick headaches, nausea, flatulence, indigestion or biliousness show the digestive system '.t becoming ioo acid. Whenever you are talking cold or feel sluggish, weak, constipated, Phillips' Milk of Magnesia has a gentle, laxative actiou. Delightful to take. Endorsed by physicians for 50 years and pre- tcribed everywhere for men, wo- men and children. The genuine Is always a liquid :it cannot be made in tablet form. It always bears the nam- Phillips for your protection. Was _ All Summ "I have 'O work i:i 'r:e s:<.-:e and do my C-AH housework, too, and 1 get nervous aru! tun-down anu was in bed nearly all summer. The least noise would make me nervous. I was told to take LyJia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Cor.-.pound and 1 have taken seven bottles. It has mace me strong- er acd put more color into my face. I am looking alter ray <tc;c and housework and my four children and 1 am getting along nicely now." Mr?. .. Molin, R. R. N'o. j, Barton Si. &isf, Hamilton, Ontario, Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound la I PirkVm M, ' Co.. l. . J C. tji. Onlixt C. ISSUE No.

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