WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1931 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE t Published on Cullingwuod street, ' Flesherton. Wedn*day of each [ week. Cm-illation over 1100, Pries in Canada 2.00 per year, ' when paid in advance $1.60. IB U. S. A, $2.60 per yr whn paid wTOcfi3Silyole_ in advtnc* $2.00 nan muni runwfr-T-om Nova Scotia, killing Ik (W one capllif. It haH siracc been clem- iilrwltiiiilratd lha~. -t. the coastguard boat . -.liiT that the Canadian S? capable of overhauling ul bd bid bearing, . even if the Noa Sco- lii 1> d ii boat did not stop at command, case, -there was n. measures in this IE .mail. CmdaBM. and the United States (Members of Canadian Weekly News- Association) . - Editor ASSOC. Editor W. H. THURSTON. F. J. THURSTON - CANADIAN TITLES. il(llill HBOtltlH fw JJJi.itte of fork to-lit a stac 1WT The ton.oCo.nty ta My 1*1 Iciltlnt (feti -. It was a high handed and should not go with- proteat. was hoping that the cil won 1.1 have done ar in the wy of expenditure, but veil to nvake a start in Salaries ci/uld be It is again reported that an effort is to be made at the ensuing session of the Dominion Parliament to re- store the granting of titles to Can- ,e recommendation of th k t11 * th to >" s ' nd 1IX mm * "*?* But it is scarcely pwf""*** * *>e a lowering of the cost bable that any such be endorsed by the members. So doubt tlians who would be delighted to have a handle to their names, and but for the abuse of the system The Coun. hande(| thenl . io p er ccnt - "<" dieni " " l " )011 ttl(il *^-" ri salaries. The actual lite -odnf labor tii fcrr>e cut down to four days, *> * "A As it into - vit a quar-ter of the time it might still be in opr ,.!in"i sp*nli recreation and we pulhng there is no guarantee th,l<" H. thta^joh. Ask any ex-county the selection ot nominees for dirtii* HiKiir-- *>at he thinks about it. tion would be any more satisfactory] than it was in the old days. Inded it does not seem to be very much ol| a pre-eminence to have a title. Not so very long a(jo we had a baronst engaged as a humble clerk in a I islative offico in Toronto, and it just possible that we have more his kind in the public pay. We an a ^ . Uig *^SfnAill nl P -JUlUUI The County Finances County Treasurer Parker submitted Council last week. It appears from hu figures that the County is behind in its finances some $28,OOO. The following ia culled from the Sun- Times report:- * Mr. Parker pointed out that a 9% mill rate was levied last June, after he had advised a. 10 mill rate, after this rote had been passed by the fin- ance committee. On account of this reduced rate, Mr Parker pointed out that there is at present a shortage of $112,OOO which must be made before July 1st this year and for which the County Council must provide, on ac- count of provincial highways. Mr. Parker pointed out that Old Age Pensions were largely responsible for the present condition, there having been no allowance made for these pensions in the estimates for the first year pensions paid. Mr. Parker also stated that he believed that expenses for educational purposes, Old Age Pensions and Mother's Allowances would increase during the coming year. However, some estimates made had proved to be too high, stated Mr. Parker, closing his statement of the county's financial condition with a ray of sunshine. He assured the council that he was ready to meet the finance committee or county roads committee at any time to discuss de- tails of the county's financial situa- tion. In connection with the road expen- ditures during the past year it might be said that the sum of $661,000 was spent by the Department of Public Highways on -Provincial Highways alone in the County of Grey in 1930, and of this amount the sum of $425,- OOO was spent between Owen Sound and Thornbury, the greater amount of course being spent between Owen Sound and Meaford. The amount to be provided for by the County of Grey is $112,000, which is 20'/o of the total expenditure. x No provision has been made for this amount, and [this is one of the problems the County Council will have to solve during the year. Whether they will decide to increase the tax rate to make up the amount, or issue deben- tures and pay it over a term of years will have to be considered. The chief reason why no provision was made for the amount was that it was not known what the figures would be. The Department of Pub- lic Highways presented an estimate for the work of $82,000, but at that time the new overhead bridge over the C.P.R. tracks had not been decid- ed upon, and there were other unfor- seen expenditures which increased vance agent, and that Ernie the amount. Marks hns been elected mayor of In addition to the above there were Oshawa, where he has been manag- expenditures on county roads of ap- i n g a moving picture theatre. Shel- proximately $160,000, of which the burne Economist. government pays half. - The old age pensions in 1930 cost JUI^-.*** the County of Grey $19,538.80, and JTEUI Ig while this amount may be increased', to some extent this year, it is not, expected the increase will be large, j The Mother's Allowance for 1930 Under and by virtue of the power amounted to $14,102.50, a slight in- O f 8a i e contained in a certain mort- crease over the previous year. I gage which will be produced art the The cost of the administration of 8a i e> there will be offered for salt justice during the past year, which by public auction on ended on September 30th, was |16,- 340.59, also an increase. OF FARM PROPERTY. A A tel;sytoa |M! K * Jforkilile :w l th t ion of the boys and girls ms of th\ hi|?h schdol, their supporters visited last Wednesday night. of tho visitors were de- <~>^^^^ told that we have G barons (one of Ol)1 fated in h _*tic struggles, the girls and the Lvoys being over- toO. opened thir fixture play- inita of strenuous hock- local school scored first eir ability to skate Mark- overcame the lead, which t the ercl. opened up with a. more nd of hockey, penalties out in profusion. In riixl neither team scored, second Aflarkdale scored The [iris 9- ille Canadian title by name Baron de Lo. ltsr|po1 gueil), 7 baronets.; 4 belonging |dsW the order of G.CM.G ; 1 to G.EJ; H 9 to K.C.B.; 18 to K.C.M.G.; 8 to 5 M Si B.E.; 20 Knights Bachelor. But hoi?. '( many of these nabobs can be namel* Jl "' by the average Canadian? Moil< ll " ltl) people believe, we think, that in Hi|llK*l democrat*; country Parliament didi'^ 5 The leys - cood day's work when it stopr*l" COT citiu lir the politicians from further traffic^ 1 ' 1 '" 1 n 1 *" in* in honors when it was feawl fc 9l11 lkc ''"'I 16 that the thousands of men and wo ma kuri tat illhe anxious to be named for home servki '"'"'"' '*' *' during tho war were lin:ed for attw " IW " 1 ' .I"*' "' 1 "' tion and movin? heaven and earll te * ! ! liie '"'I*' to obtain it. Grocery Specials SATURDAY, FEB. 21, 1931, At 12 o'clock noon, at the Muns' .. ; By a vote of 5 to 4, members of House, Flesherton, Ontario by Wm. | Brampton Council will now draw Kaitting, Auctioneer, the fjl'* down a remuneration of $5 per meet- property: in*. All and singular, that certain pa " icel or tract of land and premiaea sit- Mr. A. Fyfe received a cheque re- f ua te .lying and being in the Town- ccntly from the Highways Depart- ; ship of Osprey in the County of Grey ment for fourteen trees which he had containing one hundred acres, be the planted on highway No. 9, says the same more or less, being composed Harriston Review. The trees were of lot number sixteen in the Sixth planted over three years ago and the concession of the said Township, department pays 75c for each living On the land is said to be a good shade tree planted on the highway dwelling and barn, and there is a that has lived three years after small lake or pond for watering cat- planting. | tie. TERMS: Twenty per cent, cash Memories of former days when ait time of sale, balance in one month visits of a Marks Bros, show were <"* terms may be arranged, looked forward to in the small towns Further conditions and terms of Ontario are revived by the news of sale may be had from the Mort- ! that the genial Joe Marks, one of the gagee's solicitors, Skeans & Cooper, j originals, is still on the road as ad- J 171 Yonge st., Toronto 2, Ontario. Small Advts. FLU ANI> COLDS. This is the month in which colii lil of all kinds aro expected, and healtl ^ fr " s officers throughout the country an'" i>-.uing warnings to the public to In on their guard. The advice givti'" 01 ' by thorn is timely in view of th-: ,'W ported outbreak of flu and pneumonli in various countries. In Japan UK southern Kuropc flu is reported 11 epidemic, nnd no one can tell whti the malady may come Canadawari Wp have the usual cases of comma cold* followed hi some cases lj I"*"' pneumonia, nnd though there is m" " indication now that we will have n *"" outbreak such as played havoc will 110 " the lives of many persons, young ai'l old, thirteen years ago, it is well It give heed tn the advice of the d* tors, and take the earliest possitk precaution tn combat colds of cvcij description. The recommendation d the medical men ti> those seized wiii| a cold (especially if it is accomp-nid with feverish symptoms) to sro to to at once, take hot drinks, indulge ol in light for;ilt, nn<l keep the systii clear. Ordinrily if thb advice followed, conviile sconce will !>p muted nrd complication! will be a\o dec'. lul tw. jcroili (or Pattnn MS "fxt W toys ml wrc In itti FWirto FIM Hi icd H , i:,: ;'i R Fl * l() * irt, ililinp. Ji>an* ,Vf <->nc of which Phillips al- cklc liptw?en his ICKS. In r-iod Marie dale carried the o Flosherton net, Phillip.* iiarvelous =? t him. ronlip. played a wonder- Nolilp was always dan- MarkvfaX* 1 , whilp ^"ddie best for the locals. a roti:rn exhiliition earn- L-V niirht. Both thr local iris expect to win ao be n Boys Phillips, poal; .Akins, He fence; forwards, n, Hill Walton and CieorRc Daritavel and Chard. T Girls Alma Maclean, Cnrson and Dora Stow- ? ; Doris Bannon, centre; rld .'.! Hesnip Board, -* (iraha TO and 2 Lbs. Shortening 29c I'tas, 3 large tins 29c Quick Quaker Oats with China 32c *v *v A good Black Tea, per Ib 39c Cooking Onions, 8 Ibs 25c (VCanada Flour $2.70 Men's Wear f,.\ST \VKKK TO OBTAIN EXTRA PANTS FkKF. WITH KACM MADE-TO-MEASURE SUIT. THIS \YF.KK ONLY W. G. Kennedy Presh and Cured Meats Presh and Salted Fish Phone 37 ; ; Browiui'b-- EDITORIAL NOTF.S. li our reader.; arc nMe to doii[ the road hop atitoist, thi>y may lii lonjf cr'.iiKli to --.f-e television estil li'lic.l iui'-,idi. thi- headlines in tiunal pupera. S^me old sayings ftfe not v* founded. Fur example, jro .sips In of a I'loshi'rlim man who dog's life." Hut we are well <iuuintl with .'ximc dogs hrre w enjdy lives of east' and luxury, at look for more. < lii i-utt-s as to what constitute "free speech" art" Mlill disturbing It ronto. How many of -these dnuxlilj mouth warriors really regard k npe>eh as the rij^iit. to let the ml of the world know they are all wroi|! Uncle Sam Is hnvinfc n diffitill time these ilays, what with loottj after the rum runners nnd keepiij his own army officers in line. l|. c-ntly one of Ilic^o officers wont ould hi way to atta-k 1'riMiiie.r MusiH of Italy. For this the United St* has been oMitfc*! to afhtl:,jr'r/.i' tciilr country whore olives, mararroni a! Kaflic !i>ioimil, nnd Imvc hroui/htlli officer up nn the carpet for ctii! martial. You can \viwr f nt he till not be plarcil with his bn: 1 !; to a ii before a firing sound. The other day n United Sft coastguard be/at fired on n CaniAi MOTttEMt, O.K." g l jiff rr n "Any- (tlalloit-to -station) Arj/M a f 7 p,m, Ulcl t> cgill al "Hello mother yes, I'm feeling fine yes, we won ... I scored two goals." I( ha) come to hc a habit with Fred to all his mother by Lung I>tstancc after every game. For mother is all alone . . . and she worries about him , . . ever since Fred'i chum had his leg broken in a game early in iln- .season. The uwt is a mere trifle, for the low night rates are always in effcit after the gaaic they begin at 8.30 p.m. And it nukes a pleasant break in mother's quiet life . . . anil gives her some news to tell her friends. Long Distance is now quick and dependable. In most USM tho fonneition is established while you hit':. I the lint, KveninR and iii^ht rates are particularly inex- pensive. In fact night rales arc little mure than half of [lie day rates, Lost or Strayed LOST Folding purse with sum of money. Finder please notify this office. LOST 31x5.25 tire chain between Wm. Moore's corner and town, also a ring of k*ys. G. F. Brackenbury, Flesherton. Lost On Wednesday, Jan. 28, be- tween Hogg's Hill on the Valley Road and Rock Mills, a horse cover. Finder please leave at this office. Durham Furniture Co, LOST or taken from sleigh between Herb. Belts', 4th line, and W. Stodd- art's, east back line, case containing records. The party having or finding same please leave same at Wes. Arm- strong's store, Flesherton, For Sale FOR SALE Dry Wood, maple and beech, any quantity. Charles Doupe, Proton Station, phone 14 r 32, BOAR FOR SERVICE Young Registered Tamworth Boar for service on lot 160, Con. 2, S.W.T. & S. R.. Artemesia. R. J. STEVENS, R. R. 3, Proton Station. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Berkshire Boar on lots 151-153. Grade sows |2, purebreds $5 cash in advance. H. C. RADLEY. FARM FOR SALE In the Township of Artemesia 120 acre farm, lota 143-46, 3rd range S. W.T.&S.R., half mile from station, m miles from Flesherton. Good buildings, 12 acre* of bush. Sold on easy terms. J. L. MI-MULLEN, c*yio& BOAR FOR SERVICE FOR SALE Frame house, three Boar for service at Lot 177, King's For particulars apply at this office. FOR SALE China cabinet, oak, at great reduction, can be seen at E. J. Bennett's store Mrs. W. A. Arm- strong. RADIO SALE Deforest 2-tube cabinet. $5; Deforest 3-tube, $10; 1 cone speaker, $5. all new; one 4-tube radio with tubes, $10; used. Fred Karstedt, Priceville. FOR SALE "Successful" oil- r, 300 egg capacity, P " M RUSSELL HILL FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Baaon hog for service on lot 136, West Back- line, Artemesia. G. H. Cairns. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for r- vtoe by Fleeherton Bacon Hog Club, sell for $33.95 cash. W. J. W. Armstrong, Flesherton. FOR SALE Pastry Flour 65 cts. per 24 Ib bag; No 1 hard wheat flour S2.65 per 98 Ib. bag; Shorts $1.05 per 100; Salt $1.50 per 200 Ib bag; Peas 80c per bu.; Coal $11.00 per ton; also wheat, oats, barley, etc. A. C. Muir, Ceylon, phone 38 r 3. j FOR SALE $1300 buys house and lot in Flesherton Electric lighted, hard and soft water, small stable, and about two acres of laml Good invest- ment, bringing in 8 per cent. net. Must he quick sale to wind up estate of W. A.Armstrong J.W. Armstrong, Executor. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Terms: 1 per cent Satisfaction guarnteed Dates made at The Advance office. M1DDLEBRO & BURNS Barristers, etc. n ... n , , Of ~ Owen Sound. Durha. * nd FIcsh erton. Flesherton evecy s 'urday f *ernoon and evening. I NOTICE Chopping on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. G. C. Graham, Eugenia. FOR RENT A good six roomed house, cistern, 2 lots, good garden, stable, hen house and garage, op- posite high school. W. J. Caswell, Proton R.R. 8.. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres j lota 166 and 167, 1st range west of No. 10 Highway, Artemesia Tp. 2 miles from Flesherton, U mile from school, 70 acres under cultl- ' vation, balance ewamp and pasture, i Any reasonable offer will be con- sidered. For particulars apply to L. R. Thistlethwaite, 24 Conner Avf>.. Toronto <i BUSINESS CARDS ^ Dr. W. D. Bryce. L. D. S., D. D. 3. dental surgeon, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer- ed for extraction. Office at the resi- dence of Dr. E. C. Murray. Toronto street, Flesherton. Phone 69. Prince Arthur Lodge, 833, A. F. & A. M.meets in the Masonic Hall, Arm* strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. M., W. R. Meads; Secretary, H. A McCauley. Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Simco* Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- anteed. All arrangements and datM may be made at the Advance office,** addressing me at Eugenia, telephone 43 r 11. Flesherton or by WESTERN GRAIN V.V will have n car of Western mixed pruin this week 28c per bu. of 34 Ibs.; $16.50 per ton. ? A. C. MUIR, Phone v8 r 3. Ceylon. A school teacher asked pupils to tell who the world's smartest man is, nnd give the reasons. One wchin suggested Thomas Kilison "because he invented tho phonograph and the radio so people could stay up all night aril use his electric light bulbs."