Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Dec 1930, p. 7

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'ome Chats *y ANN BEST * World'* Fastest Warship Tested . Britain Tboft-jWettr have, and the bes you. M. S. Bridge Isnt' it amazing "work we have to pleasant it may taken really sef times when .work TO ui It is ony. The Hays to filled with the perform meals, eating them, setting clean dishes on the table, washing them af- terwards, then putting on baby's clothes and sending him out to play. ilia, 4^4 cups flour, p wder. What New York Is Wearing BY ANNABELLE WORTHINGTON Makes 40-KnotS Easily With Wu*t rated Drcmvnakinri Lesson Fur- No Pressure on Engines . . ''"' Every Patten London What is believed to he _ __ the fastest warship in the world, has 1 teasp. baking J ust completed her trials for the Bri- Twillght Hour Story The Chickies riiapter 5 After a wVie Mamma Hen thought tish Navy, reaching a speed of forty knots at times without pressing her machinery in any way. This is the new destroyer flotilla leader, Codringlon. l,52fl tons, com- pleted last June at the Swan & she better ^et up too and show her j Hunter Shipyard in Glasgow. nsw looked like. what the world really She felt pretty stiff after staying on that nest for such a long time l)ut she stretched hi-r wings, then body this wny ami that way, and To the Admirality officials her speed came as a revelation, for she obtained an average of 38 knots dur- ing a four-hour test, and reached a speed two knots higher at times. In Son felt alright again. When she got j conformity to the Admiralty's regula- and looked at the nest where she ; tious, her engines never were let out to full power, though if they had been there is no doubt in the minds of British naval men that the Cod- had been sitting she noticed the other four eggs lying there. Perhaps you will remember she laid eight eggs, didn't she 1 She stood and look- ed at them and didn't know what to sweet and clean, only to bring him in d o about them for they took up a lot " I* ~* * again to wash the grimy little face id "hands. Then for a change there m"o?e"~disbes, cleaning, baking, Ironiiii! and the little face is dirty gain and there are more dishes. So monotony stalks along while do- Ing tl> home duties; it also accom- panies .ill business efforts and is close by while one is acquiring an education Thf routine must be done and the wise man or woman is the one who keeps teadfastly in view the finished achievement. If we can only visualize the now^r while the grou.,1 is being prepared the digging does not seem so irksome or the aching back so painful. It is true that after climbing one hill another looms up unexpectedly cast- Ing its shadows of doubt, while after those are dispelled another hill Is there to dimb with It* new species of drudgery, but nevertheless as you look ck down the flight of past years you 4- m*v important^jjydge^ have been crossed inrBPRfnidrum of life. of room, but Ju.-.t then Miranda Spar- row flew in. Say, didn't she think those little chic tens were cute? Well, I should say slie did, but when she saw the other four eggs there she knew right away Mamma Hen should do, so she whi-pered in her ear again and then out she flew and away oft into the blue -iky outside. As soon as she was ;- >m; Mamma Hen did what Miranda Sparrow told her. She took one of the > and rolled and pushed it oat f th..- nest and she did it very carefully, too. I wonder why? Do you know why? I'll whisper it to you just as Miranda Sparrow did to Mamma Hen. 'Those eggs didn't have any little chi. kens in them so they were bad Oh! Oh! And if one would break Oh, dear me, the smell would be awful, and then well, Mam- ma Hen would have to put a clothes pin on all the little chickies' noses so they couldn't smell it, but then she couldn't put n a clothes pin, could Have you ever noticed in studying she? Becau? her nose is very dif- art that so many people think of art ferent from our noses, isn't it? I won- acfomplishments as only a pastime, der if you ha > ever noticed what the AY call It "playing," or iht "art of chicken's nof looks like. Look next in,'iuK," and give them a ry super-' time you get . chance, won't you? So flciul study, often thinking \hey are [ that was wh: Mamma Hen rolled it tonly the "frills." The study is hap- j out of the ne^ just as carefully as she lia/ard and anything is contfde-red could. Then she came back for an- jood enough. This is why inostof us other one un :l they were all out and lever get past the primary stag& We ; put them off in the corner where no ire afraid of the monotony and did- ' one would touch them. She was glad igery of real work. Naturally he [ when she gi>i rid of them. After a (Children acquire the same Idea ai while they dried up inside the shell do not see the Importance of dow%' and wouldn't -smell any more even If right hard work. Art Is not play an^.you did brea* them, yet It U wonderful, soul-inspiring play time has been spent In study monotony and so-called drudgery. We can't get away from It altogether. After all is it worth while? Time, it Is from the daily household task lias come the more beautiful well-orderei home and those grimy little hand have grown big with promise. T business grows bigger and better, tap felt awfully Ing an ever more important place the community. The accomplis r artist, mastering his art, can t others as well as his own being the out-pouring of his soul and t the world Is a little better plac - i V nrt~ i iY^_ it.j^ worth while. "Why, hello Tommy*"*****^ onfl cat to another in one ot the alleys where he lived. "How Is it you are so looked ey were li en the doc nan's little hen he op> wind came to them, so ' Hen before ! you know just sat il'iv. i did in the rington would have smashed existing records easily. The most remarkable feature of the Codrington's achievement, in the opinion of the Admiralty, is that she reached the forty knots without ex- ceeding the designed horsepower of 39,000, although she had been de- signed to reach a speed of only thirty-five knots. Nothing in the other navies has been produced to outdistance thla British whippet, which with a full load could streak across the Atlantic In three and a half days If top speed could be main- tained. Centenarian Dies At Home In Ontario Smith Falls, Ont. Robert Smith. "> years old, died here on Dec. 15th. Two weeks ago the most serious ill- ness of the few which came to him in his long life, forced him to cease do- ing light chores about his home. The centenarian had always been proud of his record of seldom missing a day's work. To hard work he attrib- uted his- longevity. He die,d shortly after expressing regret that he was unable to be "up and about". Then MaB:ma Hen started out to ke a walk with her babies. They agnt it was fine and scratched mild in th straw in tin? big barn > little and cute while ing a good time. Just opened and the farmer >oy. Billy, came In, aud ;>ed the door a big cold too, and that old wind >ld to these little chicks. Besides tha they never saw a little boy before avd he looked terribly big, 'iey ran back to Mamma '.illy saw them. And do ; iat she did? Well, sho on. top ot them iiko she -st and there they worn all safe ami warm again as could '):. and the; 'ii n't care how cold it ior they just all cuddled was fat and happy? I have been away with my mistress and when I left you v> re starved and miserable, and now you are fat and happy. What has happened?" "Oh," said Tommy, "it is the Star boys and girls. Th-y come around and teed us with milk and fish, then they put out water to drink and bits of meat, and In cold weather they fix us beds In boxes and don't we love i to see them coming around? They good carj of us. Well, here comes one now. Good-bye." The common cat as well as the Per- sian Is the best rodent destroyer we have, but they need systematic feeding to do their best work. I A humane society In your town te.tches the children to be kind to ani- mals. A Good Cherry Cake for the Holidays u cups butter, 1 cup white sugar. 1 j tup milk, lOc citron peel, 1 cup o.J wii sugar, 5 eggs, 2 cups raisins, Ib. candied cherries. 1 teasp. van- close togehVr and went to sleep Iiko you do when you> your afternoon nap. Next Week "What Did Mamma Hen Do About the Cold Wind?" "Hey. Pop. Kin I stay up and see the old year out?" "I should say not." "Hey, Pop." "Well." "Kin I stay up and see the new year in?" Famous Gate Hangs In Buffalo Alley Buffalo, N.Y. One of the mas- sive gates from historic Newgate Prison in Engknd hangs almost un- noticed in a Buffalo alley awaiting transfer by its owner to the building of the Buffalo Historical Society In Delaware Park. The gate was purchased In 1903 by George. E. More, of Buffalo, who hap- pened In at an auction in England when the. relics of Old Bailey prison were put up for sale. Bidding a small price for the gate, which weighs 1,800 pounds and requires a two- pound key to unlock it, Mr. More's offer was accepted. It cost him $150 to ship it to the United States. It has the Russian spirit that is everywhere fashionables gather. It's slim, gay and so easy to wear. It takes just a minute to slip into it The belt is adjustable. The neckline shows a smart becomingness in its softly rolled scarf collar. The side buttoned closing is decidedly slimming feature. The under skirt is attached to a slip that is cut with armholes to prevent its slipping off the shoulders. It's a dress that will give excellent service. It's dark green wool crepe. The contrast is strikingly smart in green crepe with gold pin dots. The green buttons have gold rims. Style No. 2847 may be had in sizes 16, 18 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. Canton crepe, supple tweed, maro cain crepe and velvet also suitable for this model. Size 3ii requires 3% yards 39-inch with % yard 39-inch contrasting ant 1% yards of 35-inch lining. Provincial Air Force Ends 1930 Season Toronto, Out. Flying operation of the Provincial Air Forces have now been suspended for the season The last plane of the fleet has re- ported at the base at Sault Ste Marie, Ont., for the reconditioning program that is undertaken every winter. This year the service broke all pre- vious records: 14,160 flying hour were devoted by fire-suppression pa trola, which is an increase of 2,50 hours over what was thought to be the unbeatable mark of 1929. "I'd like to know if George has any bad habits." "In that case, you'd better ask him to tell you the things he is go- lug to swear off In the New Year." LESSENS NOISE If you are bothered by the rattle of dish washing, you can get a rubber mat for the bottom ot your dish pan, or better still, a fiber pan ami a com- position drain mat. A famous golfer has been presented with a completely furnished home. But what does a golfer want with, a home? New Air Service May Be Operate* Toronto An air service betwee Canada and the West Indies linkin the Federated Islands to the Domin Ion is the hope of Col. T. R. S Johnston, Governor and Conimande -in-Chief of the Leeward Islands, wh is here to promote commercial rela tlons between the two countries. , An air-liner landed at Croydon re- cently, with a cargo of watches. Ye another proof that time flies. One of the best plants for th .amateur Is the Amaryllis, or Hip peastrum, for use in the window ga den. It is easy to grow and neec little care. The pleasure Is watchin the progress of the giant flowers o long stems. They may be had various shades and markings. lun Modern Factory Near North Pole A canning factory, equipped with modern machinery and operated by ilectrlc power, ha.- been established within a few hundred miles of the >forth Pole. It is operated entirely by Rskimos, mostly women. The factory, financed by the Dan- sh government, draws its power from he nearby rivers and is equipped with up-to-date dynamos and oil en- gines to cope with emergencies. It s located in Holsenberg, Gtreenland, which has a population of about 250. A fleet of modern motorboats keeps he factory supplied with halibut, the principal catch of the vl:Inity. A Empire Service League Invited to Toronto Toronto The British Empire Ser- vice League, embracing ex-service men's organizations throughout the Empire, has been invited to hold its jienulal conference in Canada next year during the Canadian National Exhibition. The Ontario Government, the mu- nicipality of Toronto, and the Cana- dian National Exhibition authorities loiued in the invitaton of the Cana- dian Legion to hold the conference lere. The Empire delegates- would take part in a Warrior's Day parade at the National Exhibition. Russian Inventor Designs New Electric Train Moscow. Russia :ii.y give the world a new electric railroal train which operates on ball bearings in- stead of wheels. After the first test of thj invention of N. G. Yarmolchuk, an expert com- mission studying its possibilities has recommended that the government undertake practical experiments. Yarmolchuk has worked almost a ifetime in an attempt to perfect su;-h a train. He believes his work will prove revolutionary and his conten- ;ions appear somewhat sound in view of the expert committee's report. 3000- Year-Old Barley Presented to Ontario Toronto. An interesting exhibit has been placed in the museum of the Ontario Agricultural College. It is a cample of barley taken from the grain pits of the time of Solomon, the tenth century B.C., at Tail-Kara, Egypt The grain is blackened with age, but lias retained its natural form through 30 centuries. It was presented by the director of the Royal Ontario Museum of Archaeology. o Trade Treaty Signed By Japan and Panama Panama City, R. P. Japan and Pan- ama have ratified a trade treaty giv- ing full rights of travel and commerce to nationals of both countries. Ar- ticle 10 of the treaty provides that the provisions of the agreement do not apply to the Canal Zone where a moxt favored nation clause is dependent up- on "stipulations agreed to or in the future agreed to between Panama and the United States.' The treaty covers three years and becomes effective immediately. Historic Flight Gifts Total 1943 Relics of Lindbergh's Flight to be Handed Down to Posterity St. Louis, Mo. An Inventory of the decorations and gifts presented to Col. Charles A. Lindbergh following his flight from New York to Paris in May, 1927, has recently been completed by Mrs. Nettie H. Beauresard, archivist and curator of the Missouri Historlal Society. The number of trophies in the Lindbergh collection, which are housed in the Jefferson Memorial here, totals 1943. Pictures, poems and iui.> lead the list in number, there being 523 articles under that classification. Miscellan- eous items are second and hooks and games a close third with 298 and 2S7, respectively. The list of articles compiled byfllrs*' Beauregard contains all of the gifts which have been placed In the Lind- bergh collection, none of which have ever been removed. The complete list follows: Medals, 113; silver cups, trays and so forth, 37; statuary, plaques, 55; watches, clocks, 13; keys to cities, 18; stick, pins, G; rings, 9; pens and pencils, 15; miscellaneous Jewelry, 39; coins, 9; badges and lodge emblems, 38; purses and pocketbooks. 21; religious articles 26; lamps, 3; membership passes, 44; testimonials, 196; maps, 40; model planes, 48; hardware, wrenches, 17; laces and linen, 57; toilet articles, 54; clothing, 82; hats, 11; sporting goods, 24; ornaments, 8; dolls, 26, and tables, 2. Among other articles In the collec- tion is the map of Colonel Lindbergh used during his flight, the aviation suit he wore and the water canteen carried In the plane. $71,003,828 Decrease In Trade Is Recorded Ottawa Canadian trade declined during the month of November bj $71,003,828 In comparison with the corresponding month last year, ac- cording to figures published in the current issue of the National Revenue Review. In November, 1929, trade for the month was valued at $221,979,- 663; last month this had dropped to $150,975,835. Export from Canada declined in value from $111,068.871 (exclusive ot $2.177,634 foreign re-exports) to $73,- 060,871 (exclusive of $1,551.162 foreign re-exports). At the same time imports into this country dropped from $108.- 733.697 to $76,363.802. Illustrating the effect of the low- ered price of wheat, the figures show that while $28,550.931 was received for the export of 22,444,000 bushels of wheat in November last year, only $21,676,080 was received tor the ex- port of 31.217,294 in November Just passed. Egmont Portraits Bring Some $40,000 London The sale of the art collec tion inherited by the former Canadian rancher who Is now known as the Earl of Egmoiit has come, to an end and the coffers of Charles John Per ceval, ninth weare, of the coronet, are richer by 8,640 gtiinaes, or about $40,000. A little known canvat, by Reynolds briusht 2,300 guineas. A family group by Hugh Banxm reali- zed 460 guineas. Berlin Palace Purchased By the United States Wash.ngton. The Bleucher Palaca in Berlin, bought for an, American Embassy, cost the Government $1,- 800,000. The State Department recently an- nounced the building would be used as a residence for the Ambassador as well as an office. A Pessimistic Farewell Old 1930, as you depart, One thinks of many ills endured; You were a bad boy at the start And grew much worse as yon matured. Gabby Gertie "Thu Happy New Year sometimes fills one's conscience with forebod- ing chills, one's tummy with diges- tive ills, one's mailbox with, big Christmas bills." Ladies' shoes are to bo more point ed. Husbands will probably continui to make tactless remarks at dinntr parties, but their shins will find tlioni out. MUTT AND JEFF- By BUD FISHi-.R We've Seen Better Gns. WHX, THS -oT Dope IS A R6AT IDA: CAT DCUCIOU& RICHT UP TO THY ON TH DAY DteT THAT WAS UAUNCHCD BY MUTT AND JfcFF SfeT SYLPH Line IT W/odr B TH FAUCT OF SPINACH

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