WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1930 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE \ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE : Published on ColHngwood street, ' Flesherton, Wednesday of each ' week. Circulation over 1100, ' Price in Canada $2.00 per yer, ! when paid hi advance fl.60. In 1 U. S. A. $2.50 per year when paid in advance $2.00 (Members of Canadian Weekly News- paper Association) W. n. THURSTON, - - Editor F. J. THURSTON - Assoe. Editor EDITORIAL NOTES. The Ontario Government has an- nounced that it will manufacture a real brand of cider from an English formula at a big winery plant at Oak- ville. They state tht it will be rec- ognized as a temperance drink with only 4 or 6 per cent, alcoholic con- tent, but it is nronosed to sell it at the government liquor stores. Why should the public be obliged to pay for a license to buy it at the liquor stores? If it is to be a temperance drink why not give the Kale of it to hotels, restaurants, ami groceries? There are thousands of people in this country who would con- sider it a disgrace to be seen enter- ing a government liquor store. If it is not to be a temperance drink then the government will put itself in the position of a liquor manufncturer as Well as dispenser. * It is expected, that the new Liberal leader, Mitchell F. Hepburn, will go far in the leadership of the Liberal party in Ontario nd brimr it new light and vision to restore it to the prominence it occupied twenty years ago. Although the new leader is only 34 years of asre he is of a dyn- amic personality and is highly regard- ed for his ability, and his progress will be watched with interest. At present he is a member of the House of Commons for West Elgin and will remain as such until the eve of the next Provincial election. W. E. N. Sinclair, who has led the party in two campaigns, will remain as House lead- er in the Legislature. Much has been written from time to time on the subject of corporal punishment in the schools, many writers suggesting that it be abolish- ed altogether and the strap relegated to Rome museum, where it could be re- garded as a relic of torture, used in a time when people were deficient in common sense. But our humble op- inion is that the strap should still be used, of course with limitations, be- cause it is one of the most effective persuasive measures that could be ad- opted. Most taachers at the present time use th" strap n a last resort, but with telling effect, and most of those who felt its application are the one" who need it most. Taking Pay In Wheat Pioneer days are recalled by condi- tions now existing on thc Prairies. Field Staff of the Federal Depart- ment of Agriculture report that hnv- ing no money with which to purchase flour, farmer!! are hauling as far as 75 miles to the country mill. Milh are finding it difficult to cope with demands. About ninety oer cent, of the flour milled is put through on a gristing basis of around twenty-five cents per bushel, which is usually paid with wheat. The farmer is pay- ing his store bills with the flour and taking the bran and shorts home to feed. In many cses small farmers are helping their more prosperous neighbors and taking their pay in wheat. CARD OF THANKS To our friends and neighbors, we wish to express our sincere thanks for all the kindness shown during our recent trouble in the death at our home of the late Alfred Hawks, and especially to the young people of Fe- ve-sham, for their floral offerings. The Campbell Family. SHOE REPAIRING Neatly and Satisfactorily Done Have that old shoes Repaired W. L. MORWOOD Flesherton Ont. FOR SALE i)n In . Heater, a real bargain; Hardwood body wood, $1 per cord, Softwood $2.50 per cord. Used Chesterfield, cheap. RMF.KSON .1. BKNNETT Furniture D<- Flesheriim OSPREY COUNCIL Osprey Council met at Maxwell on December 15th. All the members \vcre present with the Reeve, W. L. Taylor, presiding. The minutes ot l;:-t im-eting were read nnd confirmed. Communications C. C. Middlebro, is claim of Allan Davison; Wylie Trudgeon, re wire fence bonus; T. E. Bissel Co., re Uissel Packers; Muni- cinal World, re Assessor's Guide. Heitman Wilton That Dan McDonald be refunded $2 dog tax on Lot 19, Con. A. Wilton Heitman That Caleb Clayton be refunded $4 dog tax. Grummett Heitman That R. J. Talbot be notified to pay to the Treas. of the Township of Osprey the sum of $2 dog tax for 1930, providing this has not been paid in Melancthon. Heitman Winters That the taxes on Lot 35, Con. 4, the property of John E. Lockhart, be received, less $2 dog tax, assessed i" error. Winters Grummett That the tax^s on Lot 16, Con. 2. N.D.R.. the property of Jas. McLellan, be received loss the sum of f 2.32, error in assess- ment. Grummett Wilton That Ed. Taylor be refunded thc sum of $4.49, this being granted on 10 acres set aside for reforestation on S.P. Lots 79-80. 3 S.D.R. Winters Wilton That Ed. Hil- lock be refunded thc sum of $3 dog tax assessed in error. Heitman Winters-Thai the county treasurer be authorized to erase thc taxes appearing on hi.s roll against Robert Arnott, lots 31, 32, con. 3 N. D.R., Township of Osprey, to the amount of $192.96, the same Jiavlng been paid to thc Treasurer of this township. Grummett Winters That the Clerk be instructed to write C. C. Mid- dlobro advising him that this Council does not intend taking any action re- ' garding the claim made by Allan Dav- ison. Heitman Wilton That the Clerk ' ' be instructed to write off thc follow- ' ing amounts as being uncollectable: On 1928 roll, W. J. McMillan, Lcvi Allen, Drain Deb.. $11; M-lcolm Me- j Mi:,.-., dram deb., $10.77; do. the same, S3.28. On the 1921) roll: W. ' J. M--Mi"an. drain deb., $11; Malcolm I McMillan, drain deb., $10.77; do. $3.28; ! Mrs. Kva Arnott, drain deb.. $8.42; ' Tanner Gates & Co.,taxcs, 826.47; j Mrs. Mabel Pencier, taxes, $26.47; R. ' I Ri"g, dog tax, $2; .1. S. McMillan,] I dog fx, $2; Wm. Conn, dog tax, $4; Chester Moore, business tax, $4.55. Bylaw No. 1!), to appoint an M.O.H., nnd bylaw No. 20 to pay township of- ficers, was rend the required number of times, signed nnd sealed. General accounts: Wm. McCutch- con. D.R.O.. $4; C.W.Long, D.R.O., 4; J. A. Davidson. D.R.O., $4; C. A. Ed- wards, D.R.O., $4; A-chic Mclntyre, D.R.O.. S4; M. P. McLean, D.R.O., $4; Carl Moore. D.R.O.. $; Howard Gor- don. D.R.O.. X4; Thos. Ferris, Poll Clerk, $3; Albert Heron, Poll Clerk, $3; John Hale, Poll Clerk. $3; Clif- ford Neff. Poll Clerk, $3; Leslie Smith Poll Clerk, W,; Russell Cameron, Poll Clerk, $3; Neil Normnn. Poll Clerk, $3; Robert Hill, Poll Clerk, $3; Trus- tees S.S. No. 4, polling booth, $3; Maxwell L.O.L.. polling booth. $3; Feversham L. O. L., polling booth, $3; Singhampton L.O.L.. polling booth, $H; Mrs. McLean, polling booth, $3; "oh Roy L.O.L., polling booth, $3: Wm. Hannon, polling booth, $3; Halh- crton L.O.L., nollinu booth. $3; Max- well L.O.L., hall for rumination. $3; H. (i. Burke, delivering ballot boxes, $C; Feversham, hall for 3 meetings, $9; Singhampton L.O.L., hall for 1 meeting, $!>; Munisipal World, eloc- tion supplies, $lf>.16; G. H. Burke, school attendance officer, $12.25; W. Norman, school attendance officer, 8fi; A'-chie Mclnnis, school attendance officer, 83; Wm. Norman, sheep val- uer, $7.50; Willis Neff, sheep valuer, $2; Eli Robinson, stamps for Clerk. 85; W. F. Winters, sheep claim, $45; Enterprise Printing Co., envelopes, $C.OT>{ Advance printing account, $47.- 25; Wm. Poole, wire fence bonus, $7.- f.8; Ed. Hillock, refund dog tax, $2; Kd. Taylor, refund on reforestation. 84.49; Caleb Clayton, refund dog tax, $4; Dan. McDonald, refund dog tax, 82; W. L. Taylor, R. nnd B. Com., *3; John Grummett, R. and B Com., $3; Albpi-t Wilton, R. and B. Com.. $3; Mrs. Sarah Guy, room for meeting, $3. Road Accounts: Edgar Belts, pay sheet, $5; John Stephen, pay sheet, 813.30; Art. Wilsor, pay sheet, $17.26; W. ,T. Mullin, pay sheel, $5; Thomus Beatty, pay sheet, $8.30; Thos. Beatty nay sheet. 5; Alex. Mullin, pay sheet, $6.40; Wm. Davidson, pay sheet, S22.fi5; Hector Mclntyre. pay sheet, $104.25; L. O. Moore, gravel, $2; New- (11 Robertson, gravel, $18.75; Robert Fachnie, gravel. 81. 20; Geo. M-T)nn- .1(1. nay sheet, $21; Turn. - Patterson, ay sliPt't, 821; M. F. Sayres, p-<y -'("(I, $2.!iO; Sam Clayton, gravel, 0; Keys Bros., progress pay- neal on bridge, $M70; Bnsil NVfT. Travelling, $20; Newell Robertson, (ravel, $2.85; Collingwood Hardware >n w\ !. I lynamite, $8.90; Hector Mclnncs, Su- l KHT6 I OllllCdl pcrinter>dent, $75.50; Hector Mclnnes.j express on grader, $5.75; Eugene Con- -on, work on 2 S.D.R., $7.50; Alex ' It Iwill is rarely that a party Moore, winter road, $5; Alvin Grum-i ""' ." y SU h tHbUte to th " ' le " dep met, tile, $10.70; George Dobson, pay !;!'"". oppo "! Da , rt * as * iven in the , f ,.;, T n * * following editorial from the Toronto **'._. , Star of Dec. 23. Such tribute Council adjourned sine die. ARTEMESIA COUNCIL tribute ar this will give added etrength to the Star's criticisms when it finds something in its opinion "really wor- thy of Tho Stor Sa >' s: For n * ood ma "y VPars Hon - Geo - The Artemesia Council met on Dec. 15. Members all present, the Reeve ! ir the chair. Minutes of last meeting ' S ' Henry has been superintendent of read and approved. The Clerk pre-'| hc Sunda y scho ' at Oriole, near his ' I n i*m 1 1 1 .- 1 i . 1 1 i _ 1 1 L i /-v/\\ti- i A/f i-at- sented and read the following corres- pcndencc: P. Munshaw, asking re- fund of part of taxes on account of loss of building by fire; J. H. Walker, 4 weeks/ care of Thomas Brown, for which he asked $10; J. Dargavel, larni .iust outside Toronto. 'Most people do not know where Oriole is and, even if they have motored through it, they ' may not have not- iced it, for it is a modest place not insisting on or even asking to be But the Hnlc Orio , e church askmg rebate of dog tax for 1929, he w bo Hke , y to catch tnfi eye of having naid p kennel license; Hydro, thc paf)ser by for lifting hell 1930. 14.67; Middle-; Mf H enry was there as usual on bro & Scott, legal opinion as to hold- Sunday with his Bib , e ftnd gome nec . ing nomination. $3; T. Genoe. wood cggary papers under hig arm And for hall, $7; The Advance, printing there 88 ugua j were the Sunday 8chool financial statement, election notice, dasseg( the regular attendance, no and stationery, $78.50; Dr. Milne, M.| more and no , ess They all knew Mr . O. H. report on sanitary condition, ! Henry wouW be there His 8on Pat etc - * '-teaches a class of boys and his daugh- The Road Superintendent presented' tcr He i en plays ft littlc foot orgai)- his pay list No. 2. I Mr Henry ig now Hon George S. By-laws 895, to appoint school at- Henry, Prime Minister of Ontario in tendance officer; 896. to authorize succession to Hon. G. Howard Fergu- Treasurer to nay school monies; and son> promoted to the post of High 897. lo establish a" Pthletic field in i Commissioner for Canada in London. S.S. No. 11. were inlroduced and for- mally passed. Meldrum Dvis That T. Genoe be paid $7.00 for two cords of wood for the hall. Carried. But no new duties oV honors associa- ted with the premiership of the prov- ince interfered with the duty and honor of superintending the little Oriole Sunday school at the usual Burnett Magee That the account, time and place. of Middlebro & Scott, $3, for legal advice, be paid Carried. The glimpse one gets of the new Premier going along the country road soil. The average labor cost of drains installed entirely by hand was "1.91 per rod as compared with G9 cents per rod where ditching mach-' inery was used. For all drains con- ' sidered, the average cost was 89 cents per rod for labor, and 64 cents' per rod foj; tile, a total average cost oi' $1.53 per rod. This cost is rath- j er high, due to the prevalence of large boulders in the subsoil. Under' favorable conditions, where full use is made of ditching machinery, the cost^ need not exceed 28 cents per rod for' installation and 64 cents for tile or a total of 92 cents per rod. The cost per acre of tile drains depends on the spacing between later-' rls. At 90 cents per rod the cost per acre will range from about $16,' where laterals are 150 feet apart, to about $48 where laterals are 50 feet apart. Digging was the largest feingle item in the labor cost at Ottawa, amounting to 77 per cent, of the total labor cost of drains installed by hand, and to 40 per cent, where the traction ditcher was used. In drains dug by hand the cost of digging was found to increase with the depth. Thus the cost of digging a drain four feet deep was 95 cents per rod. as comoared with 26 cents per rod for a drain two feet deep, an increase of over 260 per cent. In land free from stones the cost per rod of machine digging did not vary mater- ially with the depths dow n to four ieet, but where boulders were prev- alent the cost of digging was more than directly proportional to the depth. Backfilling with a road grader was found to be the most economical of the methods tried, costing not more than C cents per rod, as ccompared with .25 cents per rod for filling by hand. 0" wet clay land, where f'.j grader could not be used - ''mr' ; ng in the excavated soil with a ?.' plow proved satisfactory. Th -se of a slush scraper for backfillir. was not more economical than hand filling. Edward Dahm, Kitchener, acciden- tally shot himself while hunting rab- bits near Heidelburg and died at St. Mary's hospital, Kitchener. Small Advts. Lost or Strayed BOAR FOR SERVICE LOST Beagle hound, answers to Young Registered Tamworth Boar name of Sport; black, white and tan for service on lot 160, Con. 2, S.W.T. G. B. Welton. Flesherton. & S. R.. Artemesia. R. J. STEVENS, R. R. 3, Proton Station. Meldrum Davis That J. Dargavel, with members of his family, to his j be refunded $8 dog tax, overpaid 1929 Carried. Meldrum Davis That the following be paid: Flesherton Advance $78.50; The Standard $2.50. Carried. Davis Meldrum That the Flesh- regular Sunday assignment as leader of his little Sunday school, immedi- ately after his elevation to the prem- iership, making no fuss and having no fuss mad for him, or around and about him, must have drawn all peo- BOAR FOR SERVICE. erton Hydro Commission be paid pl who read about it to him. Prem- $14.67 for lighting hall, 1930. Carr. I i*r Henry bears the appearance of Davis - Meld'-um - Tht the re-; b<K sensible and level-headed - - - port of the M.O.H., Dr. Milne, for kind of man. modest, reasonable and 1930. be received and filedCarried ' agreeable. The indications are that Magee - Davis - That Flesherton! success wil1 rot t^n his head " or Agricultural Society be granted $25 cvents <*"* him off hls J* . He for 1930,-Carried. ' K e " his w ^ as Usual , M * lt '" " Davis - Meldrum _ That the Road, kind| y * of serv.ce Bothers. Superintendent's Renort No. 12, showing expended $696.89 by Council be passed and amounts paid. Carried Burnett Magee That the Reeve ir. hr-ebv instructed to renew the in- demnity insurance policy as (from January 5, 1930. Carried. ' nature of the sub soil, local labor Thc business for the year having conditions, and the method of install- been completed, the council adjourned ntion. On the Central Experimental sine die. I Farm, Ottawa, an extensive system -- , I of tile drains has recently been in- An unusual ailment has made its' stalled by the Field Husbandry Div- appearance among thc flock of Ox-' ision. At prevailing labor rates, ford sheep owned by W. J. McMas- the cost of installation, exclusive of ter, of Cookstown. Everyone of the, the cost of tile, has ranged from 14 flock is blind and one has died, but cents per rod, under favorable condi- whether death was due to the blind- tions, to $2.97 per rod where large ness is uncertain. boulders were prevalent in the sub- The Cost of Tile Drains The cost of tile drains varies con- siderably, depending largely on the For Sale FOR SALE Good hot air stov. with pipes. Apply at this office. FOR SALE Cow due to freshen Registered Berkshire Boar on lots Dee. 25. Garnet Magee, phone Fev- 151-153. Grade sows $2, purebreds ersham 9 r B. ,$5 cash in advance. ~ H - FOR SALE Parlor heater, oval, large size, good as new, for half price. A. Conkey, Ceylon. . RADLEY. FARM FOR SALE In the Townsh iP of Artemesia 130 farm ' lots 143 ' 46 . ^d range S. W-T.AS.R., half mile from station, 1H miles from Flesherton. GooH FOR SALE Bronze turkeys, gob- buildings, 12 acres of bush. Sold FOR SALEAlmost new "Pe- fection ball-bearing" hand wringer- Mrs. W. Turney, phone 62w. bier 1 year old and two hen turkeys, on easy terms. -Robert Vause, phone 21r2, Flesh- erton. McMULLEN, Ceylon. BOAR FOR SERVICE FOR SALE - Large young bronze Boar for servi t L Turkeys bred from 1929 prize winn- Highway, purebred Yorkshire ho, ing torn from Mamtoulm Island. Mrs Dre( j from prize Jas. Turner, Priceville R. R. 3, phone Flesherton 21 r 11. I RUSSELL HILL BOAR FOR SERVICE Yortehir Hog for service on lot 40. RADIO SALE Deforest 2-tube cabinet. $5; Deforest 3-tube, $10; J ;-"/' -Mce on lot w, Uon. 6, Artemesia. Terms: $1 cash rone speaker, $5, all new; one 4-tube ~- - radio with tubes, $10; used. Fred Karstedt, Prieeville. 1.25 charged. C. S. MONAGHAN, Prop. NOTICE TO STOCK SHIPPERS I *m prepared to ship stock each Private Income of a month for Life . . . from age 55! 5F EX GOOD HEALTH 5100 A MONTH. QF IN ILL HEALTH -$100 A MONTH. IN CASE OF DEATH $10,000 CASH. Just picture it. At 55, while still well and vigorous, to come into a private income (over and above other revenues), guaranteed for the rest of your life, of $100 a month. You simply make yearly or half-yearly deposits of an agreed amount for a specified period, at the end of which you begin to receivea monthly income for life. That's only part of the story. If, meanwhile, through sickness or acci- dent you should become totally dis- abled, you cease paying premiums and receive $100 a month during such disability. At age 55, the regular in- come of $100 a month, unimpaired, comes into effect. Look how your family is protected. Should you die at any time before reaching 55, your family receives $10,000, This la but one example of a variety of plans which the Sun Life of Canada has for every age, condition, and amount. Fill in and for- ward this form (which involves you in no obligation) and exact figures auitcd to your individual need will be sent you. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA, Montreal, Canada. Without obligation on m.y part please srnd full particulars of your SICO-a-month-for-lifc plan as outlined in your advertisement D .1 ipcr) Karr.e (Mr., Mrs. or Miss) Address (Street) (City) MB FOR SALE A few bags of table Carrots, set of heavy sleighs, 2 cows due to freshen, 2-year-old Heifer, a Tuesday 'or" any market "day that number of pigs, also Indian pony would benefit the shipper from the mare. Geo. Cairns, phone 44 r 12, stock yards at Ceylon and Proton Flesherton. Station. FOR SALE "Successful" oil- burning incu-bator, 300 egg capacity, usen 1 for two hatches. Reason of selling too small. Cost $53.50, will sell for $33.95 cash. W. J. W. Armstrong, Flesherton. EARL H. BEST, Phone 32 r 15 NOTICE TO STOCK SHIPPERS I am prepared to ship stock each Tuesday or any market day that would benefit the shipper from the FARM FOR SALE In the 19th stoc k yards at Ceylon and Proton con. Proton and the second lot. This Station. farm has a lot of good timber and D. E. SEELEY. there are 15 acres of cleared land. Flesherton 75 r 33; Dundalk S3 r I! Apply to Mrs. Catherine Stewart, ] Proton Station, for price and terms. FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Baaon hog for service on lot 136, West Back- FOR SALE $1300 buys house and line, Artemesia. G. H. Cairns. lot in Flesherton Electric lighted, I . hard and soft water, small stable, and BOAR FOR SERVICE. about two acres of land Good invest- . . , * ment. bringing in 8 per cent. net. Retered Yorkshire Boar for Mr- Must be quick sale to wind up estate v * by Flesherton Bacon Hog Chib, of W. A.Armstrong J.W. Armstrong, ! the property of the Ontario Depart- Executor. * ment of Agriculture. Miscellaneous NOTICE Chopping on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. G. C. Graham, Eugenia. FOR RENT A good six roomed house, cistern, 2 lots, good garden, stable, hen house and garage, op- posite high school. W. J. Caswell, Proton R.R. 8. C. STEWART. Caretaker. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County at Grey. Terms: 1 per cent. Satisfaction guarnteed Dates made at The Advance of f ice. MIDDLEBRO & BURNS Barristers, etc. Of ices Owen and Flesherton. Sound, Durham Flesherton FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, lota 168 and 187, 1st range west of Saturday afternoon and evenis*. No. 10 Highway, Artemesia Tp. 2 miles from Flesherton, % mile from school, 70 acres under culti- vation, balance swamp and pasture. Any reasonable offer will be con- sidered. For particulars apply to L. R. Thistlethwaite, Ave., Toronto 6. 24 Connor BUSINESS CARDS Dr. W. D. Bryce, L. D. S.. D. D. S. dental surgeon, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer- ed for extraction. Office at the resi- dence of Dr. E. C. Murray. Toronto street, Flesherton. Phone 69. NOTICE Prince Arthur Lodjfe, 888, A. F. $ I hereby forbid trespassing, cutting: ' A. M.meets in the Masonic Hall, Ana, timber or in any way illegally inter- strong Block, Flesherton evry Fri- fering with the tenant on lot 2, Con. day on or before the full moon. W. 8, Osprey township Jas. M. Burns, M., W. R. Meads; Secretary, H. A proprietor. McCauley. Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioned* for the counties of Grey and Slncoe NOTICE Any person or persons found cut- ting wood or logs, posts or poles, or, Farm and stock Mies a specialty, molesting timber in any way, on ( Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- Lot 2, Con. 8, Oaprey. without my unteed. All arrangements and dates permission, will be prosecuted ac-may be made at the Advance offics.or cording to law. By order of Cath addressing me at Eugenia, crine A. Haley, Eugenia, Ont. R.R.I telephone 43 r H, Flesherton or b{ * v t c r . f ^K -V "V V r U \