Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Oct 1930, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1930 THE PLESHERTON ADVANCE ARTEMESIA COUNCIL Artemesia Council met at Flesh- trlon on October 6. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Wilfred Magee presented a claim for sheep killed, valued by J. Camp- bell at $9, and was ordered paid. By-law 8K4, regarding municipal elections, was passed, appointing place of meeting at Flesherton village hall on Friday, Nov. 20, at 1 o'clock p.m., the Clerk to be returning offi- cer, and deputies and poll clerks as follows: 1 W. G. Bowles and W. J. Beatty, election at Orange Valley Hall. 2 W. Harrison and E. Wick- *ns, at the Town.ship Hall. 3 C. E. Moore and M. Bannon at Proton Or- ange Hall. 4 F. Collinson and F. Cairns, at Ceylon Hall. 5 H. Mc- Ix-an and W. R. Meads at A. Mc- Lean's house, Priceville. 6 E. War- ling and W. Ratcliffc at Vandeleur ForeFters' Hall. 7 R. Clark and F. Jaiiin ..n at Eugenia Orange Hall. 8 R. Fisher and J. McKee at Walk- j er's store. Port Law. The Superintendent's report for September showing expended on roads and bridges $2603.93, was pre- sentedand passed. Checks were is- ^ued fo;- the following members of Council committee services: H. Cor- belt $10, G. Magce $6, J. A. Davij $4, C. Meldrum $2. Three hundred dollars was appropriated to be ex- ]t;ni| i^ $100 on Lever's svderoad, $100 in Division 1, and $100 in Divls- ion 4. New Rural Route Another new rural route has been created to run f-om the Flesherton post olVice. This is on the Kimberley route through Eugenia and will ac- commodate nbout eighteen patrons, who hiev been dpsimuj of securing .rural delivery for some time. The !ones interested have received their * (boxes and will now have them erect- j t e<l in front of their farms. The new j route will be called Flesherton R. R. ' ( No. 4, and Mr. John Speers of Kim- berley has the contract for the route. Genoe, Sherman Piper, Harvey Archibald, Alex Marshall, Mabel Ha\v, Laura White, Ernie Mathewson Billie Cairns. Sr. 3 Jean Marshall, Murray Marshall, Mabel Adams, Carlotta Plester, Goldie Kennedy, Marjorie Duckett. Jr. 3 Jean Collinson, Agnes Ches r:>y, Betty Stewart, Melville Hunt, J. P. Stewart. 2nd Class Emerson Plestcr, Jim Kennedy, Irene Mathewson, Laurie Gc-noe, Allen Haw, Doris Marshall, Jack Ad-ms. 1st Class Charlie McWilliams, Doris Duckett. Billie Marshall, Earl Plester. Sr. Pr. Verna Kennedy, Marjorie Stewart. Jr. Pr. Mary McMullen. G. Littlejohns, teacher. S. S. NO. 10, CEYLON 4th Class Margaret Collinson, Joe Chesncy, Olive Marshall, Nellie GROW OR GO The boy employees of Wall Street are expected to altend night school. In fact they have their choice be- tween doing that or forfeiting their jobs. With their deficient schooling, they are not capable of making the sort of workers wanted in the* fin- ancial districts. The choice given them is succintly expressed in the phrase, "Grow or go." SHINGLES and More Shingles Every Time The Price of Shingles Drop You Receive The Benefit x s you t>'et the " grain clear I-'. very time the price <,i shingles dn Drop. A car c,f 5x .?.\ and 25x 100',' ...... and ]<>>', no sapwood to arrive Atiir 18th. I will deliver these shingles at the following prices: No. 1 3x at $3.50 per sq. cash No. 1 5x at $4.10 per sq each No. 2 5x Sin. clear $3.40 per sq. cash A square covers 10 x 10 at Sin to weather Also gal. najls at 7c. per Ib. Don't Fay a 30 year roof with a ten yeAr nail and it take only 2 Ibs. to the square to lay \o. 1 shingles. The last car sold out in 3 days so place your order early. Telephone 24 and reverse the charges H. A. McCauley Flesherton Planing & Chopping Mills Flesherton, Ont. On a farm near Gait there is a barnyard that is always clean. The wholo of the yard is paved with con- crete. A scraper drawn by horses mokes cleaning easy. Those who have done such paving say that the main requirement is a well-drained site on which to lay the concrete. In many cases the first move is to tile the yard. The owner of th-3 yard mentioned above says that it is a good investment because it means cows, cleaner .itables, manure I'n.perly conserved and more personal comfort and satisfaction. i ! i (NATIONAL t ARM AGENCY I Sell\our Farm! thrn LIST IT with tr-> Agency Out GUARANTEED VOL 1 tha BIGGEST MARKV.F ol Hon.. ids Buyer*. -the NATIONAL FARM AGENCY receive* MORE IN- QUIRIES lor l .,.,. i. .--i Farm* from Canada Other Part* ol i!, \Vorld than all other imUar A^enciea combined. EVERY FARM Lilted and Ac- cepted IS ADVERTISED In our OWN NATIONAL PUBLICA- TIONS Thouaand* clrculatrd an- nually ALL OVER tiio World. If YOU have Farm or Other Property Yoa WANT TO SELL. .' tii: i.r, ,.t "NATIONAL- AGENT, or write AT ONCE ta Mead Office, and we will tend for- ward a Special Repre- sentative o( NATIONAL FARM AGENCY ' n LIMITED mv*n Toronto Canada FRK!) T. TAYLOR. Agent FLKSHERTON Phone 71 r 32, Dundalk. 1HE STORE WITH SERVICE F.T.HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Ladies Coats Lavishly Trimmed With Fur FAIR DAY SPECIAL $24.75 Shoe Department Now arrivals in Empress and Arch Corrective Shoes featuring new UHik rml Brown Kid in the nt west styles. Blankets'K<' I'ouhli- Hcil Si/.e Blankets in Rroy or white Special at $1.87 a pair. Children's Hoots V.'itli I'ancu Soli's with Brown Kid Uppers. Sizes f. t> 13. Reg. ?l.H,"i Spci ial $1..|!) a pair HUNS' I'M lots Roys' Boot* in Blnck Kid with Panco Sole. Special at $2. 1 1 .'. Mm'-. Kid Oxfords and Moots All ppcciul made Shoes v.ith steel arch support. Reg. vluc f3.U5. Fair Dny Special *:U.l Wool Crepes and San -Toys Now arrivals in all the season's newest shades. 21 inch wid<>. Fair Day Special at i'fk. and $1.25 per ynrd. Silk Crepes and (Vorgettes All nr.w Fall Shmlo in stock nnd priced at Extra Special Prices. Children's Hose In Fnwn or Blick Wool Cashmere. All sizes. 3i)c. a pair. Men's Wear Our lnn:e stock of W^ol Underwear H licins: offered for I'air Pay at . the extra special priccn of 05c., $1.20 nnd $1.1'.) a gnnnent. Linoleums Our large Block of Canadian and Scotch Made Linoleums all arc Special for The I'nir Day S^le. .Scotch Wool Ulankets In all sizes nnd weijchtH. Highest (inality ob- tainable. Come in nnd get our prices on these splendid Blankets. Men's Work Shoes Special for Fair Dny Heavy Bliick nnd Brown Oil Tan Shoes with Paivo Soles. Regular $-1.00 Boots. Special ?H.2i) a pair. Hoys' Suits In Tv.ecd and Serges. All sixes in lot. Special $'J.!r> a suit. Men's Suits Our large stock of Men's Suits that sell regul- arly from $.'i2.00 to $17.00, Special Fair Day r.t $2.'!.75. ElectHc Toasters Good serviceable heavy nickle plated Toaster, guaranteed to give service. Special at $2.2f>. Ladies' Shoe's We have gone through our stock and are offer- ing for Fair I)i>y Only Special Values in Ladies' Shoes at $1.00 and $1.40 a pair. Ladies' Hosiery Wo hnvc just received a largo shipment of hose in all the new shades. Regular $1.25. Special at 79c. n pair. Ciroccry Specials I'or Fair Day Sale (Joocl Brooms. 0-string -^ 3!>c. COCOB. 1 Ih. pnckngo r:.~'~.^. 19c. Pure Clover Honey, 5 lit. pail BOc. Pure Clover Honey, 10 Ih $1.00 liluc Ribbon Coffee, per Ib 5Tc. High School Reports FORM 2 ARITHMETIC Honors Kath- leen Pedilar 84, Joe Gibson 83. Pas.- Doris Bannon 74, Bob Phillips 66, Dorothy Wolstencroft 66, Stanley Hunt 04, Cecil Chard 63, Frank Eagles 61, Almn Mat-Lean 60, Ed. Patton 5t, Ita Pedla'r 57, Isabeile MacMillan 50. Fail Mervyn John- ston 49, Hazel McKillop 49, LaVerne Piper 48, Bessie Cairns 46, Bill Fisher 43, Gordon Patterson 31, Lucy Mac- Donald 30. MIDDLE SCHOOL LATIN Honors Ellen Parker 84, Elda Fr^ok 83, Monica Lambert 78. Pass Almcda Hincks 74, El- more Fisher 71, Jean Hincks 63, Mervyn Little 68, Daisy McFadden 67, Dorothy Snell 67, Annie Aklns 65, Ernest Gorrell 65, Stella Marsha?. 65. Donald Reiley 50, Murray Stuart 58, Dora Stewart 58, Macil Snell So, Herbert Akins 56, Sadie Carson 5-1, Jacksr-n Stewart 54, Rowena Magee Fl. Fail Clifford Allen 4o, Monica Ra? 45, Margaret Nichol 13. UPPER SCHOOL FRENCH Honors Mario Fen- wick 78. Pass Harold Turner 71, I'arl Johnson 70, Evelyn C9, Marion Bibby 66, Alice Heard 65, Patiieia Morgan 65, Jim McFadde- C2. Christena Magee 59, Beit Morton 63, A'idrcy Brown 55, Irne.'Martin 5!. Fail Bessie Beard -51, Dora SU-wirt 41. FORM 1 ART Hon. Milford Piper 81, Kathlter Warling 79, H?rvey Croft 77. Pass Robert Dargavel 73, Evelyn Brown 68, Dick .Stewart fi", H>"Ch Bibby 66, Jim McCormack f>, Ronald Middleton 64, Mervin McFau- clen'61, Marion Stafford 59, Bill Wc:- ton 59. Everett T-lbot 58, Francis Collinsor 57, Mary Wilson 53, Merte Allen 52. Bill Parker 52, Hazel Mc- Killop 52, Wesley Littlejohns 51, .lean Wolstencroft 51, Geo. Boyd ."C. Fail Wilfred Best 4!, Robert Belt- ainy 47, Robert Plester -17, Catherine Stewart 45, Dorothy Bad Trow 44, George Akitt 43, Helen Moore 39, Angus Turney 39. Lloyd Archiba!a .SS, Delia Vause 32. f Gordon 11, Violetta 11, Eve- lyne Hawton 10, Hazel Mclntyre 14, Harry Wright 4, Beatrice Sullivan 14, Garden Plan Murray Campbell 1C. j WRITING Fourth Book Muriel Gordon II, Mcrryl Davidson 7, Evelyn Little 4,, Burton Conron 7, Marion Hawton 7, i Evelync Hawton 10. Third Book Annie Freethy 10,! Annie Mclntyre 2, Gordon McDonald 2, Irene Hudson 7, Florence Tuohy 4, Jean McCutcheon 4. Second Book Ethel Wetherall 12, Robbie Thompson 4, Ada Watson 2, DorM Conn 7, Murray Morrison 14, Margaret Radley 14. First Book Clifford McMaster) ! 11, Muriel 11, Minnie Thomp-| ' son 4, Harold Stewart 1, Gloria | j Moyer 1. NATURE STUDY Coll. of Insects Hazel Mclntyre! | 14, Lloyd Morrison 14, Lloyd Hudson 7, Oscar Hill 11. Coll, of Pictures Hazel Mclntyre 14, Murray Corn- field 16, John Stephens 11, Muriel Gordon 11, Violetta Arnott 11, Lloyd Morrison 14. MANUAL TRAINING Milk Stool Harry Wright 4. Lloyd', Hudson 7, Elvin Stewart 1, James Haley 5. Bird House Oscar Hill! 11, Lloyd Morrison 14. Bow and Arrow Harold Stewart 1, Wilfred Haley 6. DOMESTIC SCIENCE School Lunch Effie Pogson 2, Muriel Gordon 11, Evelyn Hannon 1, Edna Freethy 16, Annie Heathcote 7. I'lair Layer Cake Jean McCutcheon 4, Helen Macdonald 2, Margaret Mc- Innis 3. Sarah Sykes 10, Effie Pog- son 2, Bernice Poole 5. Apple Pie Margaret Mclnnis 3, Marion Hawton 7, Bernice Neil 8, Effie Pogson 2, Bernice Hudson 7, Annie Heathcote 7. Bran Muffins Effie Pogson 2, Mar- ion Hawton 7, Evelyn Hanson 1, Ann Heathcote 7, Sarah Sykes 10, Helen Macdonald 2. CONTESTS Boys' Public Speaking Lloyd Mor- rison 14, Billie Burke 7, Howard Stubbington 16, Harold Sprott 1. Girls' Public Speaking Hazel Mcln- tyre 14, Effie Pogson 2. Girls' Solo Merle Davidson 7, Effie Pogson 2, Ada Watson 2. School Chorus S. 5. No. 7. First Aid, Boys U. S. S. No. 16, S. S. No. 7. First Aid, Girls S. S. 7, U. S. S. 16. Best Decor- ated Sheaf of Oats Bill Stephen 11, Aubrey Mclntyre 2, Wm. Radley 14. Mansel Conn 7, Arthur Wright 4, Lloyd Hudson 7. School Parade S. S. No. 7, No. 2, No. 3. BOAR FOR SERVICE Young Registered Tamworth Boar for service on lot 160, Con. 2, S.W.f. & S. R., Artemesia. R. J. STEVENS. R. R. 3, Proton Station. M-Xr-X-W"**- Small Advts. Lost Or Strayed FOR SALE Pastry flour 75c. per bag; Prairie Pride pure Manitoba LOST Slicker, blue color, bo-flour $3.25 per 98 Ib. bag; Bran tween 8th lino school and Eugenia <;i.25 per cwt.;Shorts $130 per about Sept. 18. Finder please leave cwt .. Middling, $1.50 per cwt.; Bar- at or notify this office. j ley 819.00 per ton; Oats. Wheat LOST Airedale dog, black and tan CoaL ~~ Phone 38 r 3 - C - A - Muir > short hair and tail. Answers to name Ce i" lon -. of Mickey. Finder please notidy E. ' _., Proctor, Eugenia. |. FARM FOR Still Another Farm Sold The National Farm Agency Limit- I od. with head office at 392 Bay St.. ; Toronto, reports through their local agent the snle of vet another farm I property following tin in the sal? of I two fnrms in this section last week. I The property owned by Mr. Patrick i J. Mulligar. being lot 29 of the 5th ! concession of Mclancthon. was sold to Mr. James Oniand, who comes , from Orki-p>, Scotland. Both part- ies are verv satisfied with the!r dealing* with th? company and as the purchaser has paid for the pro- rerty in full Mr. Mulligan has everv reason t- I'O. as it is only through I (he extensive advertising of the Na- t ; onal Farm Agency that t'm tytv- i rf purchaser comes into this district. I The local representative of til? ccinpany, Mr. Fre'l Taylor, rxnocts n number more sales in his district 1 -fore the end of the year ami would advise -those property ownrrs wishing to sell to communicate with him. SALE 100 acres, lots 160 and 167, 1st range west of Five sheep astray from Lot 31, No. 10 Highway, Artemesia Tp. 2 Con. 14, Artemesia. Information as miles from Flesherton, U mile to their whereabouts thankfully re- from school, 70 acres under culti- ceivcd. Geo. Hutchinson, Kimber- vation, balance swamp and pasture. ley. Any reasonable offer will be con- sidered. For particulars apply to . STRA\LD-From my premises on, _ L R Thistlethwaite, 24 Conner Monday night, Sept. 29, 1 yearling Ave Toronto 6. heifer, white and red, mostly white. | - - - Any information thankfully received. Levi. Duckett. Maxwell. BOAR FOR SERVICE Boar for service at Lot 177, King's Highway, purebred Yorkshire hog, bred from prize winning stock. RUSSELL HILL BOAR FOR SERVICE Purebred Berkshire Boar for ser- vice at lots, 151-153, 1st in 15 months FOR SALE Reg. Ox.ord . own class at Roya , W inter Fair 1929 and ram lambs and ewe lambs. Claude rese rve grand champion. Fees, $2.00 Akins, Phone 41 r 12. ) a t time of sen-ice. II. C. Radley. FOR SALE - - Nine young pigs for rale, ready to wean. F. Weber, Kimbedey, phone 48 r 12. For Sale FOR SALE Choice Oxford Down ram lambs Geo. Stewart, phone 33 r 21, Flesherton. FOR SALE I'j acres of turnips for rale in the ground. R. L. Alcox, R. P. 5 Mi-kd-!e. FARM FOR SALE In the Township of Artemesia 120 acre farm, lots 143-4C, 3rd range S. W.T.&S.R., half milt- from station, 1 V4 miles from Flesherton. Good " FOR SALE-Good big w^rk hoTse buildin K s - 12 acres cf bush. Sold about 1600 Ibs.-Jas. Ferris, phone on easy terms ' 4 ,j r 4- -J. L. McMULLEN, Ceylon. Did you ever wonder what becomes of all the old st:am traction engines when they die? If they're good they go to Norfolk County and there they stand outside tobacco kins and pump in steam to cure the bright leaf. Many huve been ,en at work during the past month doing just thw thing and proving conclusively that there is always some way to use even tlie most apparently outworn agricultural implement. i FOR SALE Barred Rock pullet j ' priced at $1, $1.25 and $1.50 eaeh.-W.' J. W. Armstrong, Flesherton. Osprey School Fair (Cor linnet) From 1'ngc -I) Crtchcon 4, Audrey Osborne -1, Muriel liordon 11, Norman Heitman 7, Don Mclntyre 3. Bounuct frooni Home Itiirden Kstella McCutcheon 4, Violetta Arnott 11, Muriel Gordon 11. Kathleen Hawton 7, Leonard Hannon I, Bruce Cameron 10. FRUIT Coll. Apples Murray Morrison 14, Isla Sykes 10, Edith Morrison 14, Lloyd Morrison 14. Ass. Fruit for Table 0cnr Hill 11. K"-OS One dor. White Eggs Burton Hud- son 7, Davi) Conn 7, Waldo Stone- houfe 7. Brown Eggs Elvin Stew- art 1. Billie Burke 7. Lloyd S'cphcn II, Murray Morrison 14. Ernest Sec- ley, Nonnar Heitman 7. SEWING Nightdress Annie Pretthy 10. Roller Towel Irene Hudson 7. Eve- lyn Hannon 1, Irene Hill 11. Pnr-- hic on Woollen Horio Florence Hill 11, Annie Mclntyre 2. IIor.'..-tit.-!:- Jir; E-lelle McC-'.eheon !. DRAWING Canadian Sunset Scone Mur.ol FOR SALE About 20 bred-to-lay Barred Rock pullets. Walter Russell Flcsherton, phone 11 r 24. FOR SALE Standard cream sep- arator in good shape. Mrs. E. Mor- ivsn, Eugenia, phone 23 r 12. FOP. SALE Two pure-bred Aber- de-n Angus Br'l Crlves a"d one Shropshire R^m I.-mb. Herb. Cor- lotl, Cloverbrne Farm, Protan. FOR SALE Two Oxford Down rar.> lambs, well bred, also 20 cords of dry wood. George Thompson, phone 31, Feversham. FOR SALE Baldwin applcj for .-ale at 1 per barrel if you pick (hen yoursell'. B:n Hislon, Thm-n- bur\ , Ont. FOR RENT A good six roomed house, cistern, 2 lots, good garden, stable, hen house and garage, op- posite high school. W. J. Caswell, Proton R.R. 3. FOR SALE Purebred Hereford bull calf and purebred Leicester ram lamb. Laurie Pedlar, phone 42 r 3, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE In the 10th ecn. Proton and the second lot. This farm has a lot of go;nl timber and there arc 15 acres of cleared land. Apply to Mrs. Catherine Stewart, Proton Station, for price niul terms. FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Baaon hog for service on lot 13C, West Back- line, Artemesia. G. H. Cairns. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for er- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. C. STEWART. Caretaker. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Terms: 1 per cent. Satisfaction guarnteed Dates nmde at The Advance office. M1DDLEBRO & BURNS Barrister*, etc. Ofiees Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton cvesy Saturday afternoon and evenirif. Miscellaneous NOTICE Chopping en Tuesday, Thursday nnd Saturday. G. C. Graham, Eurjenia. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. W. D. Bryce, L. D. S., D. D. S. dental surgeon, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer- ed for extraction. Office at the resi- dence o{ Dr. E. C. Murray. Toronto street, Flesherton. Phone 69. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A. P. & A. M. moot? in the Masonic Hali, Arm* strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- day O n or before the full moon. W. M, C. N. Richardson, Secretary, B, A. McCauley. Wm. Knitting, Licensed Auctionee* for the counties of Grey and Simcoc Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- anteed. All arrangements and dat NOTICE Secure your deer moose may be made at the Advance offlc,or ,1nd trapping licences f'.'or.i Geo. 'addressing me nt Eugenia. Mi'.chc!!, Flesherton. (telephone 43 r 11, Flesherton or by

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