THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1930 . t Buying on the Instalment Plan PURCHASING commodities by pay- ing "P. dollar down and a dollar a week" has grown into great popu- larity. Often the object is worn out htfore it is paid for, and the purch- aser continues to pay. Buy your- self a fortune on the instalment plan I y placing regular installments of your earnings in a Canadian Bank of Commerce savings account. The money is always available for use if required and there is no deprecia- tion, bat accruing inttrest as time pees or. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE with which t.t amalgamated THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Jl Local and Personal , Robber Was Caught Dundalk Won Debate Dundalk debating team won the final debate in the debating series of the Young People's Unio|n of the Grey Presbytery, which was held in Annesley church, Markdale, Monday evening, October 6th. The debate was between the Annan and Dundalk Y.P. Societies on the subject resolved "that complete dis- armament on both land and sea is long overdue and should be proceed- ed with immediately." Miss Flor- ence Bell and Mr. Clarence Arm- strong of Annan upheld the affirm- ative and Miss Evelyn Shouldice and Mrs. Neil Stewart of Dundalk sup- ported the negative. All four of the speakers did exceptionally well and brought forward strong argu- niQnts to support their cause. The judges. Dr. L. G. Campbell W. J. Messenger and R. D. Carruth- ers, decided in favor of Dundalk by a narrow margin. They are now champions of the Presbytery. Following the debate Miss Irene Martin of Flesherton, winner of the public speaking contest in group 1 Teachers' Convention Additional Local Items attendance. The Fourth Degree was held H the t;wn hall. The annunl East Grey teachers' convention was held in the Clarko- barg community hall Oct. 9, with a Tood attendprice. Thursday morning session was de- voted, after the opening exercises led }y Rep. Orjborne, to the O. E. report The hunters are preparing for the annual trek to the north. Laying Tile In Road The work of laying tile for tne Mr. W. VV. Trimbe's trotting stal- ; lion Behvir took first monty at Owen ' Sound fall fair races. draining of the provincial highway The pay "Pollyana' 1 will be given in preparation for the laying of the ally given by Mhses Burrows and in the town hall, Flesherton, Friday, cement pavement has been progess- Babbington, followed by an address November 14th. Fuler particuars - n g very favorably and the men are by ihe President, Mr. G. B. Little- Inter. Johns. The morning session was Ml . Prpd p ir(lor ,,,; Glen u c D n- brorsht to a close by the salutation ald arc atten ding a convention of the of the flag and singing of the Na- bakers nf tho provirce hcld in To . r 1 A >- *hem. The afternoon session .opened with community singing followed by an address by Mr. Holland, Flesherton, on "Remembrances," in which he re- takin<? the census of the traffic paH3 ' called some of his past teaching ex- periences. He impressed, also, the fact that teachers should work now being employed on the road north of Fleshevton. Wm. Moore dug u n a large rock elm log that had been buried in the road in front of George Stewart's farm that had been thr'-e for a good many, maybe sixty, ye-.-..;. It was in perfect state of preservation and Mr. Moore intends to use it for axe handles. It is rur.iored on r-nod authority that the Mr. and Mrs. John Speers of Not- Provincial government will continue Messrs - Robt - Fisher and H. Le- 1/5ard have been ^^ the P Mt week in * tho main street in F l p sherton. Mr. Ellwyn Jamieson of South Porcupine was in town on Tuesday visiting his mother. Mr. and Mrs. F. Horton of Toronto spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. ard the prop erty restored to the now champion Albeit Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. speech on "The League o This was also exception- As there were no con- testants from the other three groups Throu , h thc cfforts o f the police, Nations." ^^ and Qther effectg re ' cent , y ^y good . tolcn ffnm the residence of Mr F xicholson of Toronto, was found of the Presbytery Miss Martin' is MUs Maxine Lyons, owner. As soon as the robbery was President of the (Markdale Y.iJ.S., Wm. Gibson and discovered Mr. Nicholson informed R P ke a few word -' of welcome. Miss daughter, Eleanor, of Toronto spent the police. Photographs from the Ruth Armstrong presided at the org- the week end with friends here. rogue's gallery were produced and an and Mr - Howard Graham, conven- Mr -nd Mrs. Walter Dungv and Mrs. jNichokon recognizer one vf or for the Presbytery, occupied the family of town visited with friends them as being that of the man who chair durin * the evening, in Allisto*! ovor the week end. w as at their home shortly before the Mr. Albert Buchanan of Toronto los3 was discovered. The man was spent the week end at his home on the hunted U P and whcn confronted with Meaford Road. Messrs. Wm. Fraser and Jack the evidence he confessed having entered the house and lifted the Big Fowl Supper The annual fowl supper of the East , articles. It was another feather in Gre y Agricultural Society will be held Johnston of Gait spent the past week ^ cap of the Toronto ^.^ force in the towr hall, Flesherton, on Tues- with Mr. Harry Genoe. {n bringing . the offe nder to justice so day evening. November 4th. Keep Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Crossley and au { c kiy an d protecting the rights of tnis date open and be prepared to ; attend ths best fowl supper ever held for tawa, Ont. announce the engage- the paving of Highway No. 10 from the good of children, community and ment of their daughter. Margaret below Dundalk to as far a : Markdale country, and not for the almighty Eva. to Dr. W. Glenn Davis of To- next summer. It will be welcome dollar. A very nleaaant feature at ronto, marriage to take place the news if the County will decide to the close of this address was the l:'st of October. r.rnroed with the paving of the street presentation of a purse to Mr. Hoi- Mr< and Mr , H ^ Me \uley Cunning east and west through town. land on behalf of the teachers ot Mra . " W . G . Kennedy 'and Mr.,.' W. I. East Grey by Mr. Fetch. Mr. HoII- Henry spent the week end at Luck- and made a very fitting reply. , now . Mr . Dona i d Fowlcr retal . ned we were favored with jclec- with them to visit for a couple of tions from the Erskine Quartette, v - r ^^ which were much enjoyed. Mr. Charles Pye, then on behalf of Clarksburg school board welcomed Mr. nr.A Roy McCauley and little son. Jack, of Toronto ipent the week READ THE SMALL ADVTS. WANTED 20 Cords of dry wood in exchange the teachers to Clarksbur" and also on(i ir> town ' Jack '"' rec Verin for furniture. Come in and make extended to them an invitation to * ly . from his recent seriou . s iUne f s visit Clark.:bur; school. Mr. A. N. Scarrow, Colletre of Edu- litt!e daughter, Janet, of Toronto, j ts citizens. were in towr; over the week end. _ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patton and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson of Durham were week end visitors in town. Mr and Mrs, Stanley Blackburn of Toronto were week end vistors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blackburn. 4th line. in this district. Barnyard Golf Was Success H. A. Cameron of Port McNichal wa.; th winner of the Baby Austin lar given away in Collingwood. McLaughlin and Mustard of Strath- avon were the winners at a most Miss Margaret Pennell and Mr. A. successful horseshoe pitching contest J. Allison of Pickering were week end which wrs held in the Flesherton Mr. and Mrs. Richard rink on Friday evening of last week. i Whalcn and Stafford of Corbetton took second monev and Richardson and partner of Honeywood" were 3rd. urge crowd of pitchers in attendance and the indoor pitch- ing was much enjoyed. Richardson won the prize for most ringers in ten shots. Three men were tied with Buy visitors with Bentham. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Harrison and Mr. Alfred Harrison motored to Fre- donia, N.Y., and visited friends last There was week, returning on Monday. Sheep dipping at Chas. Stewart's, near the village, on Saturday. Any person having sheep to dip should avail themselves of thu opportunity. Mrs. Thos. B. Perigoe of Toronto and Mrs. W. Ross of Georgetown spent several days last week with relatives here. Mr. Harold Bellamy has returned to town and is feeling much improved after his recent serious operatiDn for goitre. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Poulter and son, Herbert, accompanied by Mr. , Mrs. Jack McCowell, of Toronto, vis- denta "y kllled October 4th - 1924 ' ited with Mr. nd Mrs. George John- How sweet to know we>11 meet ston o.i Sunday. Whcre Parting is no more, And that the one we so dearly love Mr. and Mrs. Adam Smith of Eu- five ringerj each, and in the play-off Mr. Richardson won with four. Another tournament is to be held 2 1930 Chevrolet Club Se- in the rink this Friday evening, Oc- dans. Very small mileage, tober l^th, at 7 p.m. in the skating' " irk - 1927 Pontiac Landau Sedan. Looks and runs like ne\v IN MEMORIAM TIAXTON In loving memory of ~ n( j' my dear son, Josenh, who was acci- Has only gone before. Inserted by his mother, Ceylon. Ont. genia will be at home to their friends on the occasion of their golden wed- ding on Thursday, Oct. 23, from 2 to 6 o'elocV r>.m. Send The Advance to the absent Attend tho wichre party to be held one ag ft , ettej . from hom<?> in Clayton's block on Monday even- ing of next week, under th auspices of the Eastern Star Chapter. Lunch 1927 Pontiac Coach 1927 Chevrolet Coupe 1926 Overland Sedan D. McTavish & Son FLESHERTON. ONT. cf infantvte paralysis and will shortly be able to return to school. cation. Toronto, addressed the teach- Mrs. D. W. Adams and children, ers on 'Manual training and public accompanied Mr. Emersos Adams to school curriculum. Mr. Scarrow say 3 his home at Elmvale over the week "Education does not begin nor end end. Emerson is employed with in the school. If this were so. the the Hydro and at present is stationed school problem for a beginner would in Orangeville. ~ $"<'T be too difficult for him. The child Ml , E Gorrell> ,. epair man with learns first outside of school, then the Bell Telephone Company here, you adaot your lessons to hu life. for the past two yearSp h ^ , receivpd a This address was much appreciated. move to Owen Soun(] _ to toke cffect Then followed the grand mix-up in which everyone became acquainted. will be served. Mr. and Mrs. Fleming and son, James, of Oakland, Calif., accompan- ied by Mr.' Jeff "ThMtlethwaite and son, Jack, and daugKteu, Myrtle, f Win. Fligg, residing near Meaford, iost nearly a dozen bags of potatoes \vhen thieves raided his potato patch one night recently. A chicken pie supper will be held .- ' I i , .JUlrh, Clllll I.IHVK ll.ltrlA, UUAMtV) w* . _ _ . .. ... at Kimberley os Tuesday, October 21, Toronto were week end visitors with ,, ... _, . ., ., . . from to 8 p.m. Fleshsrton Dra- Mrs. Alt. Thistlethwaite of town. matic Club will present their play Mr. D. W. Adams has installed the "Beads on a String" at 8.15 p.m. Delco lighting system in his residence s; ee ] ariie posters for particulars, and barn on his property on the Cey- the installation. About forty young people of the town motored to Kiawana Beach, near Meaford, on Monday evening and enjoyed the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred McMaster at their cottage there. Mrs. R. J. Blackburn and son, Don- ald, ef Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Will Cleland and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Cam- mage and daughter of Mt. Forest, were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fisher and other relatives in this district. Anniversary services on Sunday in St. John's church were conducted by Rev. A. M. Pope of Maxwell, who preached an excellent sermon. Mrs. Jack Perkins delighted the congrega- tion \vith a well-rendered solo. Next Sunday morning the congregation "LIGHT FINGERS" A Thrilling Drama of a handsome and lovable crook ! who will steal your jewels and steal your heart. A series of amazing: complications, but it all ends right. -" "THE RINK" Charlie Chaplin learns to roller skate and you can impagine the rest. ^ . ' Princess Theatre, Markdale FRIDAY & SATURDAY at 8:15. I5c. and 25c. NEXT WKKK A sure fire comedy hit "The* Good-lUiye Kiss." This completed the program for the lace here fief '*^V (Continued Next Week) the end of October. Mr. A. Caldwell of Barric will take Mr. Gor"el"s first EMERSON J. BENNETT Furniture Dealer - Funeral Director Phone 78. Res. Phone 69 FLESHERTON. ONT. Boots & Shoes Work Boots Men's and Boys wo r k boots best quality, from $3.25 up. A good line of Oxfords i from $3.00 up R. W. Bro. J. H. Zmn of Shelburne, j D.D.'G.M. of Grev District, paid his 25c. off for Cash on purchases i official visit to Prince Arthur Lodge, over $2.00 j No. 333, A. F. & A. M., on Tuesday iff. L. MORWOOD A pretty but quiet wedding took evening of last week. A large num- Flesherton - Ont. GRAHAM SEMPLE place on Tuesday. October 7 at the ber of members "nd visitors were in parsonage. Markdale. when Matilda' Jane, youngest daughter of Mr. andi Mrs. Wm. Semple of Lady Blink,; Artemesia, became the bride of John Clifford, third youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Graham. Eugenia Fall.;. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Warren. The bride, who wa\s unattended, , was charmingly gowned in pilot blue, silk crepe satin with patent shoes, , hose and gloves to match and carried a bououet of autumn asters, bridal roseo anl maiden-hair fern. Afte the ceremony the bridal party; motored to the home of the bride's parents, where a wedding reception was held. Only the immediate rel- ations of the contracting parties were present. We join in wishing the happy young couple a long am! prosperous journey through rife. Recently charivaris were held for two newly married couples in town Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Trimble and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnston. Mr. Trimble was presented with a smoking stand and Mr. Johnston with a table lamp, with' tbe money extracted Now is the time to get that job done when so t. . many good carpenters /ieed work iS. fJ04*4444*44*M^*******************H************* I > Just What You Want For the Present Season l-AIJ, OVERCOATS \\ 1XTK.R OVERCOAT? MACKINAW COATS M \CKIXA\Y BREECHES FLANNEL SHIRTS WOOL UNDERWBAR FLEECE LINED UNDERWEAR RUBBERS RUBBER ROOTS WORK BOOTS WOOL SWEATERS WOOL PULLOVERS FLANNELETTE BLANKETS NE\\ FOOTWEAR HOLEPROOT SILK HOSIERY STLK& WOOL HOSIERY SILK UNDERWEAR CHILDREN'S HOSIERY (U>LF HOSE LINED GLOVES EELT HATS FALL CAPS DRESS FLANNELS DRESS SILKS HOUSE DRESSES * BED SPREADS Millinery Special This Week Matron's Velvet and Felt Hats large head sizes new styles just received- very smart just what you have been looking for. Priced from $3.50 to $4.50. F. H. W. HICKLING , FLESHERTON, ONTARIO