Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Oct 1930, p. 1

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Aol. 50, NO. 20 Flesherton, Ontarie, October 15, 1930 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors - Muriel Cameran Dies After Short Illness EUGENIA We are very sorry to report the , , death of Mirs Muriel Cameron, 16 ! flrat f the Week Wlth MrS " H ' P ' per ' * dance thcm Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Brown, Miss Delia White, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blown and son, Robbie, motored up from the city for the week end and were accompanied by Mrs. White, who spent the past week in Toronto. are slowly coming down to Mother Mr. and Mrs. Luther Torry and Earth, soon to be carried to the nooks son, Jack, of Lauriston spent the ! and hollows by the winds, which will WODEHOUSE The trees are fast shedding their robes which have been beautiful for so long. With a gentle breeze they year old and only daughter of Mr. and M-s. Alex. Cameron, 8th line, Artemesia. A number of days ago Muriel was taken with infantile par- alysis. Serum was administered and she was thought to be progressing favorably., when she contracted bronchitis from which pneumonia de- veloped on Sunday. Mond&y after- noon death claimed her. The funer- al took place this Tuesday afternoon, interment taking place in Flesherton cemetery. We extend our profound sympathy to the bereaved parents and other members of thc family in their sad bereavement. Mrs. Armstrong, Toronto, is visit- ing at present with Mrs. Adam Smith and other friends in the village. Miss Reta Genoe ia attending the Orangeville business college. Suc- cess, Ret. The "Hydro Boys" gave a farewell party in 'their boarding horvie on Wednesday evening of laat week, when all present spent a jollv time. They treated their guests to candy and a midnight lunch of sandwich and coffee was served. They arc good sports and will be greatly miss- ed when they leave the village this Thursday. Congratulations to Mr. Jack Gra- ham and Miss Janie SempI?, who were married recently. We wish them a lone:, happy and prosperous wedded life. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Majree and fam- ily visited recently with Mr. aim Mrs. Angi"-. McArthur and family of Priceville. In the obituary of the late Mr. W. E. Morgan an error occurred which should ' have stated that Rev. Dr. Smith of Meaford conducted the funeral service in nlace of Rev. Mr. Pherril. Rev. Pherril and Rev. assjited. It was through a Mr. S. Hemphill and family motor- | Miss Elsie McNevin of Toronto is ed to Feversham the first of the week holidaying among friends here, the and attended the several meetings in guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wiley Jr. the Gospel Workers' church. 'Mr. R. Cook and Miss Millie mot- Shelburne the i'irst of the orcd to week. We are sorry to report Mr. M. and family. Mr. Harry Cherry has been working the apnlc pickers at Thornbury. Mr. and Mrs. James Bridge and daughter, Gladys, and her husband, Ferguson ill, but hope for a speedy Mr - B 'y th and little daughter, of To- mi -understanding that this error wos m?'de. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Williams and Mrs. Jos. Williams sncnt the week end in Toronto, returning Monday. Miss Donaldn Sloan of Toronto Normal School visitc'l a few flays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walker Sloan. Miss Selina MacDonald left for Wc.ston, win re she has secured a pos- ition. We widh her success. Mrs. Angus Tuohy of Meaford and Mrs. Lawrence Lyons and two child- ren of the Centre Lin3 visited with Mrs. Thos. Fen wick. Mr. and Mrs. LaUmer and ,Mrs. Morgan and family visited with Mr. and Mr.i. Acheson and family of Victoria Corners. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Poulter and son, Herb, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCowell visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee. VANDELELTR Anniversary services were held in Ebenezer church on Sunday and both the morning and evening services were largely attended. Rev. John R. Wilkinson of Tempte HiL-< was the preacher for the occasion and deliver- ed splendid addresses at both serv- ices. Excellent music was provided by Annesley church choir of Mark- dale, under the Icadersh'p of Mr. J. H. Duridas. The church was bea- tifullv decorated for the occasion. A play will be given in Vandeleur church Friday evening of this week, October 17th, under the auspices ol the Ladies' Aid. The play is entitled "Beads on a String," and will be pre- sented by the Flesherton Dramatic Club. Mrs. Geo. Buchanan and daughter rnd Mrs. Lundy Johnston and Mrs. Davidson visited friend's at Paisley r"d Chesley recently. A crow with white wings has been fiying around these parts nearly all rummer. His white trimmings are i.uite noticeable, even at a consider- able distance. CEYLON Mrs. Archie McMullen, who has been visiting ir. the eitv. returned home Saturday, accompanied by her daughters, Mrs. Ross Leslie and Miss Margu<jritc McMullen, and friend. recovery. Mr. and Mi". Haw and family "and Mrs. Knox motored to Clarksburg the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Collinson and two children of Durham visited Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Cairns last week. Mi.;s Kathleen Cairns of Toronto spent the week end with her parents, ronto called on old friends here the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Best of Owen Sound visited with his sister, Mrs. R. H. Wiley, and family on Sunday. Miss Eva Symes of Barrhead spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Harry Cherry. Mi s. Rourk: and Miss Emily Law- sor? rssistrd tho choi- rt Harkaway Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns. ln Surdf , y - t thc anniversary servie- Mr. Jas. McWhinncy spent a few ) , s . The Now Errand choir went to days last week in Hanover. Mr. Oben McLachlan of Toronto is visil ; ng his father. Mr. Joe Chesney of Hamilton sp.- r nt a few days at his home here. Mr. Arthur Whitlaker, who is tmployed at Holland Centre, spent the week end at his home here. Mrs. Fred Marshall and daughters, Misses Reta, ^ Edna and Barbara, who rp:nt the past month on a trip to tho West, retur;u>d home Friday ni'-iht, having a enioyablo trip. Mr. George Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Fatten-on _qf lh.> 4lh line, Mi*.i Waikcr and Mrs. Hare and daughter 01 MarHKale were visitors thc I'irst of the v.-csk at Mr. George Arrow.-.mith's. . I Visitors over th: week end at Mr. Thos. Fletcher's wc-rc Mr. and Sirs. Baatty of Orange Valley end Mr. and Mi ; J--. Hill of Markdalc. On Sunday afternoon Rev. Po-ic o* Maxwell had charge of the harvts: service and preached a most inter- esting sermon. The Indies had de- - Surday morning, it also being the anniversary services there. Sev- eral went to EbeneEer. townline A. ar.d E., where Kev. Wilkinson (a for- mer rastor her;, condr?ted anniver- sary services. There was r.o service 'leid here. Su-iday, October 2th, will bo anni- versary services at New England, both afternoon and evening. Noticed ir. the Meaford nows "ye senior editor" had landed some salmon trout from the Georgian Bay vatcr.i. Did he ever go fishing luring such summer-like weather in the i'all. (Last Week's Items) Lovely autumn weather,, which con- tinues very <!ry. Qui'.e a mrniber here have taken u*i their potatoes ana find thcm only a fair crop, odd ones having an exceptionally good crop. The dr-' we-ther this faii has affected thr r^ot crrn cor.^idertbly. those ranted with autumn leaves, grain, fruit and vegetables and pretty flow- ers for the occasion. Master Robbie Ploster, LaVcrne Piper and Miss M. Cook on violins and Miss M. Hemp- hill played the organ, giving the music for the service, which was en- joytd by the congregation. Ne.xt Sabl.ath is the socramcnt of the Lord's Supper, which will be administered at the close of thc ssr.-icc. The pastor, Rev. Scott, will be glad to talk to a.: who wish to unit" with the church, Uv who have murphies enough for home consumption arc indeed well off. We extend sincere sympathy to tho wife and family of the lat? Mr. W. E. Morgan of E;ifcnia. who*o recent death we learned of with detp re-rret. At the township school fair th; pu- pils from our school took a fair am- ount* of prizes,, some of them w.n-i- indeed well earned, tho small:, r tot.i doing their utmost to be among the I prize winn;rs. The oider onen sccur- I ed their share as well, the schonl ring home soTiiothins. over $7. 00. I certificate or by profession of faith. | E '-' i( - Wiky won first for bran m-.r'- fh. Sacrament will be preceded by ho f' ns - ant ' competing nrain at tin; reception service. champion fair at Mnrkdalp 0:1 Saiur- Mi . and Mrs. Eyles of thc Power (Jav last sl l e w n second prize. Ne.-d- House, Mrs. Wilson McMullen a ;.! Mr. 1 I(SS to sav - Ell?ic wns W;!I Phased Jas. W. McMullen motored to Crci>-! with tho result of her efforts. Ther,- more thc first of the \\vek. j -. Miss Blanche Genoe left th? p.u',| , wl .- J .-_-_-_. week to attend business college at Oranprcviil?. Blanche will be ntitMdj in the Sunday School, as she was the ccrctary. We wish her every suc- Mrs. Carnahan and two children of Orangeville spent a couple of days \ the first of the week with her brotheij Mr. A. C. Muir and Mr. Stanley Chesney motored to Toronto Tuesday with a load of stock. ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY Telepho""?: Business 78 Residence Emerson J.Bennett Furniture - Funeral Service Hon. Graduate of Ontnrio School of Embalming & Funeral Directing OUP. SERVICES ARE REN- DERED AT MODERATE CHARGES MOTOR EQUIPMENT The QUALITY of our Meats is consistent. FRESH MEATS ROAST BEEF POT ROAST ROAST PORK ROAST LAMB COOKED MEATS FRESH SAUSAGE BOILED HAM BOLOGNA HEAD CHEESE CORNED BEEF MACARONI & CHEESE BACONS, of al kinds W. G. Kennedy L'honc 37 was a tremendous crowd on Saturday and an excellent show. The hall was well filled and the fair -was a real success. Much credit is due to Mr. Cooper and his staff of workers. Mr. Will Ward had rather an un- r plca.iant experience on Wednesday forenoon, when his fine team went through thc barn floor, allowing the team to drop, but were held up tangl- ed on the sleepers. With the aid of his neighbors and some ropes and pulleys, the animals were raised up ] and taken from their desperate posi-' tion. No limbs were broken, butj from tho straining and knocking ! around the animals were badly bruised, but in due time it is expect- ' cd they will be back to normal again. The church sheds are well on the| way to completion. The building is now ready for th^ rool'ing. Much I credit is due the community in gen- i eral for turning out and giving of the-ir time freely. Mr. and Mrs. David Ellis of Brit- | ish Columbia are visiting in old On- tario with his sister. Mrs. W. H. Er-' skinc of Rivcrdale. and old friends here. It is a number of years since Dave left here as a yo:in;r man a:ifl ; he notes many changes. He and Mrs. Erskine are thc only surviving members of a large family. A brother. Will, nasstd away in Biitish Columbia nr-lv r. few weeks a^o. ' Their parents were Mr. and Mrs. D. ' R. llUfu, worthy p 'oncers hf this section. Both passed away <:veral years ago. Dave's old friends wr-rc glad to sec him and meet lu.< estim- able wife. They have one son who is locking after home interests in their ^.bscnc". Mr. and Mrs. John Dowdi'i.* of Ladner, B.C. are visiting the former's old home h:re, now owned by Mr. Ed. Wilcox. Ma:iy old friends and schoolmates arc glad to meet him again. >^>^<Mfr<MX~>'X><":~x~x<":~KKXK~:^ I BATES BURIAL CO'Y. * : DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT MODERATE COST i ' NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR PARLORS 122-124 AVENUE RD. | TORONTO * PHONE: Night or Day KI. 4344 t - :. W. BATES. Formerly of Flesherton B. MADDOCKS. "House of Quality' GROCERIES WE CARRY A FLU. LINE OF FRESH GRUCKRIKS AXD COXFKCTIOXKRY NEILSON'S FANCY BOXES and Chocolate Bars FLOUR AND FEED Purity Flour, Bran, Shorts, Screenings, wheat, Barley and Chop. DOXT FORGET A BA<; OF PIG CHOW FOR YOUR PIGS Jas. A. Stewart GROCERIES PHONE 46 WE DELIVER IN TOWN Use The Advance Small Advts. The season for wet, slippery pavements is here anJ demands that special care be exercised by all drivers of motor vehicles. DRIVE CAREFULLY . . . and read carefully every word of this advertisement E Highway Safety Committee has been urging motorists during the year ' to exercise CARE, COURTESY and COMMON SENSE in the operation of their vehicles. The Committee appreciates the whole-hearted suppoit its efforts have received from every source. We have had the best of co-operation from the Advisory Committee, which is composed of some of the leading citizens of *- u Province, from the press, from motor KJ ;vtd from pedes- trians and, as a resul , have, improved. Let traffic conscious and 1 -l-- H ing conditions ;t continue to be ^ times CARE- FUL and COURTEOUS when driving. Severe penalties are provid- ed in. our motor vehicle laws for those who are care- less or inconsiderate of the rights of other users of the highway. The Financial Responsibility Law which became effective on September 1st provides that the driver's license and all motor vehicle permits of a person convicted of any one of the following offences shall be suspended until proof of financial respon- sibility in the form of a certificate of an insurance company, a bond or securities is filed with the Registrar of Motor Vehicles. READ CAREFULLY Driving without holding a chauffeur's or operator's license. Reckless or negligent driving or ex- ceeding the allowable speed limits if any injury to persons or property occurs. Driving, or being in charge of a motor vehicle, while intoxicated? or any other criminal offen< . revolving the use of a motor vehicl , Evading responsibility f iwinji an accident. Operating a motor vehicle in a race or on a bet or wager. Chauffeurs, operators ami owners of motor vehicles are warned that the provisions of this law must be applied in every case. ACCIDENT REPORTING The law no\v requires every person directly or indirectly involved in a motor vehicle accident, if the accident results in any personal injuries or property damage apparently exceeding fifty dollars, to report such accident to the nearest police officer. A penalty is provided for failure to so report. Remember your Personal Responsi- bility whenever driving a motor vehicle or you may be required to prove your Financial Responsibility. Highway Safety Committee The HON. GEO. S. HENRY* Chairman Secure a copy of the Highway Traffic Act. Write: Motor Vehicles Branch, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. 1388

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