I - THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, OCT. 1. 1930. .OUR OPPORTUNITIES ARE OFTEN FOUND IN YOUR PROBLEMS OUR local manager is ready to discuss your financial requirements and render any service compatible with good business practice. Our opportunities to render financial ser- vice can only be restricted by your failure to approach ua. The Bank of Commerce maintains a staff to especially deal with the financial problems of your particular com- mercial community; call and see the Manager of the Bank of Commerce. THE CANADIAN BANK > OF COMMERCE (Luirfi MMSic/i i* atnaJgamatmtt ^ THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA jl Local aRdPeKona! Changes Being Made On Rural Route Prize Winners of I The Flesherton Fair i VEGETABLES Cabbage, red L. A. Fisher; cab- bage, flat Dutch L. A. Fisher, A. ; McMullen; Drumhead cabbage F. J Thurston, E. McKillop; Cabbage, Winningstadt L A. Fisher; Cab- , bage, A.O.V. L. A. Fisher; Carrots, short red Mrs. W. Newell, F. J. i Thurston; Carrots, intermediate . p. Cairns, L. A. Fisher; Parsnips ; A. Schmidt, R. Vause; Celery L. A . Fisher; Tomatoes, red F. J. Thur- i ston, L. A. Fisher; Tomatoes, yellow ! A. Schmidt, L. A. Fisher; Beets, Jong L. A. Fisher, A. Schmidt; Tur- . nip, rooted E. McKillop, McLouchry i Bros; Onions, black seed R. Vause, 1 L. A. Fisher; Onions, potato W. A. Beaton, L. A. Fisher; Radishes, black A. Schmidt, L. A. Fisher; , Muskmelon F. J. Collinson, J. I. ' Graham; Pumpkin, yellow Mrs. W. J. Newell, Mrs. J. Plester; Pumpkin A.. O. V. F. Cairns, F. J. Collinson; Squash, Hubbard Mrs. J. Plester, F. J. Thurston; Squash, A. 0. V ' A. MMullen; Citron Mrs. J. Ples- ter, A. McMullen; Cucumber, pick- ling F. J. Collinson, Mrs. A. Stew- art; Cucumbers, ripe F. J. Collin- Mr. Ken Boyd of Oshawa was home over the week end. Mr. Howard Milligan of Drayton T , n#-. n=, "" ' was a week end visitor in town. The P St l fllCC . De ? artment an ' son. Mrs. C. Best; Corn, any variety ., to nouncw a chan * e ln P' ans of Rural -A. Schmidt, E. Henry; Corn, sweet The championship school fcfrfcftl Route No . l from the Flesherton ojs _ L A Fish A Schmidt; ^ take place m Markdale on Saturday. fice that will give better gervjce to V(jgetableg _ A Schmidti L . A Fiah . Miss Rhoda Best of Toronto spent the patrons on the route between er; Onions, dutch setts^-E.. Henry, the week end with her parents, Mr. Maxwell and Feversham. At the R ' y au3e . Special by Wm. Rennie and Mrs. Robt. Best. promt Hmo tho c-rrier has to wait Co . for ^st display of vegetables. Mr. Gordon Wauchope of Tara has at the Maxwell office for half an j_ 4 Fisher. hour or so until the mail is sorted FRI'TT and he then proceeds to Feversham c Apples-J. I. Graham; and delivers the mail on the route. Dui;heS3 _ R Vau , e Mrs j c The new plans call for the eight Adams; Blenheim^!. I. Graham; subscribers on that route to De St . Lawrence J. I. CrahamjApples Miss Aleda Mitchell motored t o P laced on Flesherton R. R. No. l, A . o . V. Mrs. J. C Adams, A Hammond, Indiana and Chk-ago v -' hich wil1 allow the carriers to pro- Schmidt; Best coM. apples A. last week visiting her brother, Ken- :eed immediately he has delivered Schmidt; J. I. Graham; Northern dall Ithe Maxwell mail at the post office. Spies J. I. Graham; Baldwin C S Cameron K. C., of Owen Agitation is being made to have A. Schmidt; J. I. Graham; Spitzen- Sound has received the appointment the farmers on the road between burg J. I. Graham; Golden Russets of Crown Attorney for the County Flesherton and Eugeneia and Eugen J. I. Graham. A. Schmidt; Snov. ia and Kimberley made a rural Apples J. I. Graham. A. Schmidt; route, receiving: their mail through King Tomkins J. I. Grahnm, A. po.-t office and to be Schmidt; Manr A. Sthmidl,: RhoiK- by the Kimberley mail Island Greeninprs J. I. Graham, earlier. (Apples, A. O. V. J. I. Graham; Coi Mi. John Speers had his contract Apples A. Schmidt. J. I. Graham, . taken a position with T. J. Fisher in his b-rber shop. Miss Marion Stuart \eK on Tues.- day to commence her studies at the University of Toronto. f , . . M> Mrs. H. A McCau ey was m Mit- chdl! r.ud M^verton last week udg- ing the dom-sti? science exhibits at the fairs. Thh Wednesday she is ju gir.s - , rcnewe( j re?ent iy f or tne Kimberley Ben Davh J. I. Graham, A. Schmidt Mrs. G. W. Kennedy is at t a r()utc ^ ^ suggested changeg wefe Crasbourg Pippins-J. I. Graham; na ^ .^^ ^ ^ artides ^^ r , ar3| B art!et.t - J. I. Graham. tiations are under way for an agree- Clapps favorite Mrs. J. C. Adam,. j ment to supply the service. At pre- Flemish Beauty J.I. Graham, T>. , gcnt thg farmers Qn thfi route haye tQ s r arks: Pears A. O. V. B. Spark-, trwrd either to Kimberley or Euge:-. K- Henry; Coll. pears A. Schmidt: - pcure this v.eck judging ladies' work and domestic science at the fall fair there. She also judged at Orargeville and Drayton fairs. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Williams of Palmerston and Mr. Jas Wren of Newbridge r.nd Mrs. John Barrett j fair to of Owen Sound snent two days of! last week with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Best. Mr. ""d Mr. G. J. Goldsborough and children, Robin and Diana of Won Sef of Dishe :s noc P'um*. Lombard Mrs. Crossley. J. I. Graham; Gages F. Cairns; Un- li.nei' Dr. Ottpwell. GRAIN & SEEDS Winter Wheat, white A. Schmidt. R. Richardson; Winter wheat, red \. Schmidt, McLouchry Bros; Sprintr ---- Mrs. Robt. Croft of town was Toronto -nd Mrs. W. S. Southgate j SUCCSsIu , in winnlpff a , ovely set wheat, red A. Schmidt. R. Richard- o| , dbHeg gjven by th<j Ospn?y & son; Barley, 6 rowed A. Schmidt: Artemesia Co-operative Co. for the Oats - white ~ A - Schmidt: Oats. Friday cc.-tomer guesain? tho closest * bl ck ~ A. Schmidt; Peas, small field ot to the number of beans in a bottle. The ~ A - Schmi<!t : correct number w-s 344 ard Mrs. R. Sc>hmidt : Col l- Croft guessed 343. Other close gues- Chn<! - Be?t Peas, larsre - A. beans-A. Schml.lt. SPECIAL By the Sherwin Wil- of N.w Yo>-k were week end visitors at >!-. Goo. Mitchell's. Messrs. Wm. Hemnhill of Harbour, Wash., Wm. Gilchrist Atwood and A. T. Hemphill of Lis'.- owe' visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. Bentham .T.d other relatives over j ses were: Duncan Williams 342, th week end. Mrs. John Porteous 338. Walter liams Co ' for best busnpl fal1 wheat Excellent progress is being made | Akitt 332. Perle McMaster, 320, J. J Artemesia-Mr. R. W. on the curling rink building and at Coll.nson 313. j ^^ ^ ^^ present about eight " , Potatoes, assorted-A. Schmidt; (* if \tr II A McC'HUlpy ^^ w\ /^ i 60 r 51'TtC KOJU/Ofln Kpnnnle Iri?!l Cobblers W. A. Beaton, A. the contractor, expects to have the 030]^ DClWeen dCflOOIS Schmidt; Green Mountain-Miss N. job comnleted next week. ! Johnston, A. Schmidt; .unlwted-A. Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Murray, ac- 1 Maikdale, Dundalk and Flesher-' Schmidt, R. Richardson: Swedish companied by Mr. and Mrs Wm Mor-jt-o high schools have drawn up a Turnips N. Johnston, W. A. Beaton ton of Wareham. loft on Friday i schedule for competition, the boys Aberdeen Turnips A. Schmidt; Car- last for " w.>ek's motor trip to Pitts- 1 playing soccer and the girls soft- 'rots, white A. Schmidt. R. W. burg to visit the latter's son,, Robert! ball. Both teams will observe the Vav:.ie: Manpolds. 'ong M.-Louchry am 1 ife. Mr. T. A. Strain of South Porcu- pine spent a few days last wees | with his sister-in-law, Mrs. Mary; Jamicson. We were pleased to re- ceive a visit from Mr. Strain and lo recall indidents of the early days when he lived in Flesherton. following schedule: Oct. 8 Flesherton at M:irkdale. Oct. 13 Dundalk at Fk-sherton. Oc'.. 16 Markdale at Dundalk. Oct. 22 Markdale at Flesherton. Oct. 27 Flesherton at Dundalk. Ock. 30 Dundalk at Markdale. The winners of the above series A. Schmidt; Corn. 12 stalks J. Plester; Coll. f'ejcl roots n?- Louchry Bros.. A. Schmidt: Man- u.iVi.;. A. 0. V. McLouchry Bros.. G. Cairns; Carrots, long red L. Fisher, A. McMullen. DAIRY PRODUCTS Dairv butter, crock Mrs. W. A. | Mrs. B. Snarks: chicken, dressed and I.-., AT.. -. T? \7n 11 art AT"C ' .* Time is still money, provided it Is 'cooked Mrs. R. Vause. Mrs. L. | of games will play off with Thorn- Beaton. Mrs. L. A. Fisher; dairy A double rainbow appeared in the bl ,.. y fo> . ^ district championship. , butter, prints Mrs. L. A. Fisher, sky after the rain on Saturday after noon last, a phenomenon that is very seldom seen. The colors in the | not i( , lp tjmp 'Fisher; maple syrup Miss N. John- second bow were placed in directly opposite positions from the other 01 j, which was larger and brighter. The fune'-? 1 *f the lato William [ Wyatt took place on Thursday aftev- j noon last, interment taking place in Flesherton cemetery. Rev. J. R. | Wolstencroft, pastor of the Baptist church, conducted the services at ^ house and grave. The pallbearers were Messrs. W. J. Meads. John Pedlar, A. Harrison, W. J. Moore, Wm. Caswell and J. J. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred McMaster of Meaford are spending a few days at the former's parental home. A recent wedding of interest to Kimberley and Fesherton citizens is that whioh ook place recently when Esmond F. Walter, son of the late George and Mrs. Walter, was united in marriage to Miss Nellie Miller of Lead, South Dakota. They wlli ^ make their home at Lead, where the ^ groom is employed with the Home- stake Mining Company. The Fall of Eve 'A sparkling Comedy Drama thnt \vill tickle your funny bone. Giggles, chuckles and laughs all the way through. Down on the Farm The McDougall Alley kids in a real Comedy Picture Princess Theatre, Markdale FRIDAY & SATURDAY at 8 : 15. 15c. and 25c. Wool Salvaged J Therr will be little loss to those sheepmen who shipped their wool to : the Canadian Co-operative Wooi Growers, Ltd., as a result of the fire ' which completely destroped the Wes: ern warehouse a short time ago. Very- little of the 3,400,000 pounds of $ wool in storaga at the time was burned, though all the wool was seriously damaged by scorching and smoke, and further damage was caused by water pouring into the ' building to auench the blaze. To'l! check heating, which immediately followed soaking, the wool was re- moved to a nearby field and spread ' < ', out loosely in the sun to dry and this quick action resulted in a salvage ofij; well over three million pounds ot wet and damaged wool. The sale of ', ', this, added to the insurance carried, ! 1 1 officials state, should balance a \ reasonable market value of the wool >. at the time of the fire. On the build- ' ing and business operations for 1930 i however, there will be a loss. It Is expected that a new warehouse of i absolutely fireproof constru^'rfon will be erected in time to take care , of next season's croo. Championship School Fair MARKDALE Sat, October 4th. 1930 SCHOOL PARADES. FOLK DANCING, SOLOS, ; SCHOOL CHORUSES FROM PRIZE WINNING ! : SCHOOLS, ADDRESSES Admission 25 cents , . Children, Teachers and cars free * :: T. Stewart Cooper, A. V. Langton, Agr. Representative. Asst. Representative J ston, Alex McMullen, home rendered lard Alex McMullen, Mrs. L. Fisher hen's eggs, white shell Mr. E. Henry, Mrs. A. Stewart; hen's eggs, brown shell Alex McMullen, Mr. E. Henry. DOMESTIC SCIENCE Bread, white Mrs. W. A. Beaton, Mrs. L. Fisher; date and nut bread Mrs. Alex McMullen. Mrs. F. Col- linson; oatmeal cookies Mrs. Alex McMullen, Mrs. L. Fisher; maple cream candy Mrs. R. Vause, Mrs. R. Ferris; doughnuts Mrs. L. Fish- er; butter tarts Mrs. C. Best, Mrs. B. Sparks; jelly roll Mrs. L. Fisher Mrs. J. Plester; short bread Mrs. L. Fisher; light layer cake Mrs. \V. Moore, Mrs. J. Plester; dark layer cake Mrs. C. Best, Mrs. W. Boyd; fruit cake Mrs v L Fisher, Miss N. Johnston: meat loaf Mrs. B. Sparks, Mr-. F. Collinoon; custard pie Mrs. W Moore, Mrs. C. Best; vegetable salad Mrs. W. Moore, Mrs. L Fisher; dessert dish Mrs. Ottuweii Mrs. J. Plester; school lunch Mrs. F. Collinson, Mrs. F.Cairns; berry tarts Mrs. L. Fisher, Mrs. C. Best; cream miffs Mrs. W. Boyd: pump- kin pie Mrs. W. Cohurn, Mrs. J. Plester; apple pie Mrs. C. Bes:, Mrs. L. Fisher; raisin pie Mrs. L. Fisher. Mrs. C. Best; canned tom- atoes Mrs. F. Collinson. Mrs. R. Vause: canned beans Mis.5 N. J:>hn ston, Mrs. L. Fisher: canned corn Miss N. Johnston, Mrs. J. Plester: canned peas Mrs. W. A. Beaton, Mrs. L. Fisher; canned strawberries Miss N. Johnston. Mrs. L. Fisher; canned chrries Mis- v . Johnston, Mrs. \V. T. Hnry; ."'ired pears Mrs. F. Collinson, Mrs. H. McCauley canned plums Mrs. Ottewell, Mrj. H. A. McCnulev: raspberry jam Mrs. Ottewell. Mrs. G. Cairns: crrapc jam Mrs. R. Vause .Mrs. W. 1 Henry: three varieties jellies Mr. Ottewell: red sauce Mrs. B. Spares Mrs. Everett Henry mustard pii'kK ' Mrs. F. Collinson, Mrs. A. MeMut- len; vinegar pickles Mr.:. F. Col- linson. Mrs. W. T. Honry: sweet pickles Mrs. Ottewell. Mrs. W I Henry. SPECIALS By Magir BaV.'ng (Continued "n n.vn' S) 1 ; i Gyproc Gives PERMANENT PROTECTION MADE from Gypsum rock, Gyproc Wall- board does not burn. And this year it has a new smooth Ivory finish that needs no decoration (when panelled) al- though you can tint, paper or plaster it if you wish. Structurally strong, in- expensive, easily and quickly put up, Gyproc Wallboard gives perma- nent fire protection to the walls, ceilings and partitions of your home. Your dealer's name is listed below. Ask him for complete details of this pioneer Canadian fire- safe Gypsum board or write for free interesting book, "Building and Re- modelling with Gyproc." GYPSUM, LIME AND ALABASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED Paris - Ontario For Sale by Flesherton Plr.ning & Chopping Mills Flesherton, Ont. Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear nine. Ret' and ('.old Label dualities, single garments and combinations. 3d to 4r. Priced from $.HK5 up. > Hatchway Underwear Uuuonless no more trouble w'tb K uK,ms brushed cotton and wool all v ool Priced from $2MJ6 per suit. All sJzes. ^\j O Fleece Lined Underwear Fleece lined underwear for Men and IV >; SHIRTS, DRAVVl-KS AND COMBINATIONS. MEN'S SWEATER COATS All-wool in all the new colors atrtl color combintions. All sizes. I'riced from $2.25 to $5.00. ORDERED CLOTHING A wonderful choice of patterns is offered in the nc'w full samples for Men's Suits and Overcoats. Your order will be made up in the Berger Tailoring Coin- rumy's exceptional style, and satisfaction is assured. Suits to order from $22.50 F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO :.. II S