V THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER, 24 30 f r t c y > -- ..- .. , .T I f O II 1 * > I ' 1 ' . * f T JACK IS TWENTY-ONE TO-DAY JACK is twenty-one to-day. Bu: he has more than a man's years t* his credit. He has one thousand dollars in the bank. It has grown with a practical mother's love, from the initial de- posit of one dollar on the first birth day t-.'.'nty years ago. Youth and age alike bear witness to the value of steadily building a Savings Bank Account. Your child as a depositor, will attain a higher rtanding in the community, family, o., most important, in his own estimation. Open a savings account for th: child. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE (44/ifA ivfiicb ts oma/^omti/*rf * THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA JJ Flesherton Fair Has Greatest Success In its History weather Ran A 'way Again of the elimination of special-3 on John McDermid. .'.-.ncy work, but there were more CATTI.~2 ringb entries than usual. One whole SHORTHORN Bull, any ag* table was well filled while the coi- F. W. Taylor; Bull Calf- F. W. Fol . the S , ond tiwle in tww lections were hungon the north side Taylor; Cow F. W. Taylor; heifer month; Ml j oseph Watson of Sau- of the hall. 2 year old - F. W. Taylor; J. I. Rcca j un , tion had a narrow escape M.. Emerson J. Bennett, local C-aham; one year old heifer P. from serious injury and pro bably furniture dealer, had an exhibit 01 Taylor. J. I. Graham; heifer calf death on Friday, when liL team ran furniture in the hall and conducted J. I Graham, F. Taylor; Best herd away while hitched to a p i OWi and fa 1 fair i c gutting contest as to the numbe, P. Taylor: Best bull F. Taylor. dragging Mr. Watson with them for ec.deu | of times a tab i e on disp i ay turned. JERSEY COW1- H. MCautey. two hundred ds . O ne of the success, with one of the largest T t rev o!ved 937 times in four hours W. I. Henry; 2 year old " " crowds present that has been e.-.- ; , n .^ -^ -. H. Freeman came closest Mrs. Boyd; yearling heifer Mrs. Blest with very fine Flc-iherton and East Grey | held on Friday was a most Heifer horse;; had managed to place its foot M.tside the tugs and when Mr. tttewei', ^'ataon attempted to place the har- _ . _, ness in its proper position it bolted (Driving Club m an attempt to place | p | r . :e and Miss Alice Heard of town, POLLED AXGUS Bull Percy catchin h's" foot in the whiffletreea | horse racing as a permanent feature j won third prize. H. Down & Sonrr Sims, Percy Sims; Cow Percy Sims| and dragged him over the ^und. In some manner his foot came loose Baker. H. joyed for some years. The :were featured by the racco w : tn 935, Flesherton j R bt. Vause were Mrs. Richard Clark anu Boyd; He'fer tied for second Mrs. Boy<*. calf Dr. Local and Personal William Wyatt Passed Away on Mon MIS-.S Maris McEachnie of Toronto was home over the v.-eek end. Mr. E. J. Bennett was in Toronto over the week end. were of the fair's sports program and j a l so had an exhibit cf Phil.o anc Percy Sims. they were sucessful in staging what j Atwater Kent electric and battery i HOLSTEIN Bull H. everybody declares, the best races ; radios, that provided music through- Eaker: 2 year old heifer H. Baker ra C V'with"thV plow"MU>winT Thev ! ever held in Flesherton. Eight ; out the afternoon. 1 year old heifer H. Baker. K. smashed throll(fh a rai , horses started in the 2.30 class and j The judges for the various classes ' Baker. ;it was a fight for the decision of , were: Horses, J. Hamilton and Thos j HEREFORD Bull F. R. Boland i places outside of firjt. Mr. W. WE. Morgan; Cattle, Sheep and Swine I J - w - Adams; Bull calf Henrj ! Trimble, veteran horseman of Flesh- j Silas Johnston of Brussels; Poultry ' Eckhart; Cow Henry Eckhart. 1 ;erton, acted as starter in his usual , T. W. Raines; Fancy work, J. Du n -,'and 2: Heifer calf Henry Eckhart. coverin nicely from hi , escapad( , j creditable manner The midway at- i das of Markdale; Domestic Science j *" R- Boland: Best herd Eckhart ; with the same tpam jn Ju , iTT I tractions were numerous and added ( and Flowers. Mrs. Bond of Gait;! Best bull P. R. Boland. ran awav ^^ hjm ' ,to the enjoyment for the young- Vegetable, 'G.W. Nichols o f Cafster j BEEF GRADES Bull Calf Mrs the hay "rake His legs and hips pe ple - Centre - Bod: Cow-J. I. Graham; H. Pat- are Mack and blue from his ]atM . The financial outlook of the fair Five schools were entered in the.t: 2 year old heifer J. I. Gra- n ,j s hap. Joe states that there will this year is exceptionally bright. | school children's parade, these being ham, Mrs. Boyd; 2 year old steer not be any thjrd Ume ^j, the samc dollars were . Ceylon, Flesherton. Rock Mil. 5, JJ. I- Graham. Geo. Stewart; heifer team. but the horses continued their mad wing. fence and .iourneyed to the barn, where they lost the plow and most of the har- ness and in a short time became auieted. Mr. Watson is or.ly re- Over four hundred Dcr.th came suddenly on Monday evening to an old and highly respec- faj ~ taken in at the grounds and $202 at Orange Valley and Proton Station, the concert, which is the largest winning the prizes in the order total receipt in the history of the call" J. I. Graham, Mrs. Boyd. DAIRY GRADES Cow L. A. named. N'ext year it is honed that i Fi=hev, John Plester; 2 year old ENGAGEMENT ted resident of Flesherton in the Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Bryce in Sarnia the first of the week. ptrso,, o f Mr W ; lliam Wyatt in his "" ""' Mv. George Jamieson left for ggth year.' Mr. Wyatt had been ill ' Timmins on Monday. w ; t h tne summer flu, which develop- M:3ses Florence Welton and Jean- ed into pneumonia, and his death ette Cargoe are visiting for a couple .amo as a shc;k to his many friends, of days with friends in Hanover. The late Mr. Wyatt was born in Miss Irene MacDoonald and friend Devonshire, England, in t he year Mr. Al. Cripps of Toronto spent the 1843 and came to Canada when a week end at the former's home here, younjr man 21 years of age. First The W. M. S. will be held in St. he lived in the Toronto neighborhood John's church onFriday at 3 p.m. A and came to Artemesia township in good attendncc is requested. the > -ear 1881 ' Two V 68 " later he was married to Miss Sarah Amelia Allen, daughter of the late James and Ellen Allen of Artemesia town- ship, and ooccupied the farm at Rock Mills now owned by Mr. Rich- ard Clark. Shortly afterward they purchased the farm on the easj Next week we will complete the backline, now owned by his son. list of prize winner-, at the fair. Bert. Mr. D. Engl'.;h of Minneapolis, I n the year 1917 they moved to Minn., arris'ed Monday to visit his Flesherton and have been residing ^^'y brother, Alex, at Rock Mills. here since that time. Rally Day will be observed in St. John'j Sabbath School next Sunday at 11 - m. Mr. and Mrs. D. L McMinn 01 Sarnia visited the iirst of the week at the McMaster home. 2:30 CLASS Peter Dilbn ................................ 1 1 1 Owne.. Elwin Fritz. Hespeler Star Brina ...................... ............ 223 Owner. W. Moffatt, Collingwood FVggy Bingen ............................ 632 Owner, Wilfred Worden, Arthur Peter Bertwood ........................ 345 Owner, John Moon. Owen Sound Rcra Canuck ............................ 464 Owner, John Ellison. Arthur Lady May .................................. 5 5 fi Owner, W. J. O'Neill, Arthur Juno Patch ................................ 877 Owner. J. Johnston. Markdale Grafter 1 McGregor .................. 7 8 fc Owner. Geo. Ramage. Chatswortu 2:25 CLAPS Dempsey .................................... 1 1 1 Owner, W. T. Genoc. Flesherton tj, e |hei:3r Mrs. Boyd; yearling heifer i -Fred Stewart. Mrs. Boyd; Calf Bank< Ont announco the ensrage _ ment of their second daughter. there will be more schools in the ! ncr.ar .urs. ooya; yearun? neuer Mr. and Mr?. Wm. Semple. LaOy Following is the list of horses in j competition. Two locsl young men, Meryn John- ! F - R - Boland, Mrs. Boyd. ston and Eddie Patton won the' SPECIALS Best 4 steers by T. Edith \vilhemine to Mr. Beyrf "\Iex- hoi-ieshoe pitching tournament, with 'Eaton Co Geo. Stewart; Bt =t aRde; . McConnell. son of Mr. and Stafford anH Stafford of Dundalk ! butcher heifer by Union Stock Yard Mrs George McConnell of Kimber- secor.d and Kelly and Boyd of Mark- j -F. W. Taylor: Best calf by Ont. , ejr thc marriage to ta ke place the dale taking third place. Stock Food Co. H. A. McCauley. Two concerts were given by the Flesherton Dramatic Club on both SHEEP LECIESTER Age.l latter part of September. fair nights and Friday night played f Hamilton; R H. Herd; to a capacity house. Their humor- ous play "Beads on a String" was presented in the usual excellent manner by this Society, and brought peals of laughter from the audience. HORSES ram N. D. Shearling ram R. H. Herd, X. D. Hamilton; ram lamb N. D. Hamilton 1 and 2; astd ev.-e R. H. Herd. N. D. Ham- ilton: Shearling ewe R. H. Herd I and 2: ewe lamb N. D. Hamilton I iivl 2: Best oen X. D. Hamilton. SHROPSHIRE Ram aged -- R. READ THE SMALL ADVTS. HEAVY DRAUGHT Team Jas. ! H. Heard. Batty Bros; all prizes in Pickens, E. A. Ashley; year old Clitf Hutehinson; Best Animal Jas Pickens. AGRICULTURAL Team John ; s x R MrMa.ner is spendnig this Be -ides his sorrowing wife thc Patch 2 3 2 , McDermid. Wm. Coburn. Stanley O nor, 0. Allison, Collingwood , Williams; 2 year old: R. Ferris Babe Patch 32* Year old -- Jas. Pickens: Best Owner, week at Meaford. visiting her son. late Mr. Wyatt leaves to mourn wwner - "' Lawrence. Collingwood. animal^Tohn McDermid. Wilfred. three sons and one daughter. George 2:18 CLASS GENERAL PURPOSE-. JTea.-r.- Mi3s Isab/. Armstrong. teacher of Hillandile. Sa,k.. Bert of Flesh- Billy Brino . , 1 1 i J. B. Thibaudeau. B Welton Jas. at Duntroon. spent Sunday with erton. Richard of Hudson Bay Jct., ; -^r, C. Welsh. Palmerston I 11 * 6 "*' 2 >' car *- '' Ashbv - her aunt, Mrs. F. H. W. Hic'klin,. and Mr,. Arthur Wyviile (Sarahl l -*y Lindy j Broo< Mare--. .1. B. Th.bauJeau: Durham. One daughter. Ida. prc Owner. Chas. Lawrence. Collingwood j Foal ,1. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Hololand are Be f Allison ana -keens*! him ten years ago. while visiting relatives at Toronto three children died in childhood. Miss Elsie Ferris of Owen Sound Thc latc Mr - W y att W81J of a and Miss EveK-n Ferris of Toronto " uiet naturo and was a hi P hl - v re ' were home over the week end. P tcted residents of the Community. Mrs. G. J. Price and thret child He was an anglican by religion, but while there hav ' e been Iar S er ' x has been a regular attendant at the hibits soms >' ears the nuality of ren c, Toronto were the guests o h B . eh those shown on Friday were real Mrs. E. C. Murray over the week F was prevented from doing .-.o on ac end. B. Thibiaudeau; 1 animal J. B. Thibaudeau. Owner. N T . Sproule. Collingwood CARRIAGE Team - 2nd IT. Noreen Todd 334 Down. Ovner. Gordon Aprar. Owen SounJ , Roadster Team F. VV. TayTor. Best time 2:17 3-4. T. Wilson, Everett N'eithcrcut; y< '. old H. Baker; single driver F. V. . Mary Spring 2 4 .'5 to Batty Bros. OXFORD DOWN Ram D. W. Adams; Shearling ram Mr. McConnell: ram lamb Mc- Connell; all other prizes to Mr. (Continued on page 8) ANNUAL FLESHERTON U\C,ll SCHOOL FIELD DAY Thursday, Sept. 25 will be held <>n the Agricul- tural iirotimls commencing p.m. Admission free at 2 i good and competitin keen in Taylor. T. Wilson, Everett N'eithe.-- cut; Best animal F. W. Tayior. PONIES Single driver W. . count of rheumatism, from which he st " a ^ s - The ^*- shee P ^ ' T V p , V f. and Mrs. F. W. Nicholson of ^ ^^ dur . ^ pftst ^ hogs were U n to their usual stami- , -W. J.lt*V*M*n. Ceo, nto spent the past few day, ^^ ^^ svmpa thv i-, extended ard but the P oultr y exhibit was Py race-W . J. McFadden. Ceci Mi Toronto spent irc |.t ,c.- ,. ^ Much . m th with Mr. and Mr,. Jos. Duncan and ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ m[[y Miss V. Nicholson. , osg cf thejr husband and father Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Griffen and . Mi: j Jean Meiklc of Toronto motor- ed up and spent the week end with Mrs. W. Wilcock. Mrs. E. Bryce and daughter. Miss Lillian, of Owen Sound spent the A , :| , OU11U1IIK plusrall , , -,<,:.- - = past week with Dr. and Mrs. W.G.' ton contimes ^th the commence-'' &* > * P^ts fii- Radian Ird. Bryco. ! mrnt O n Saturday of the excavation P end and part of the side | Best horse on ground, over 1.00 m thp 1'Khter than for some years. I Chard. The hall exhibits were creditably ! SPECIALS-Best Farm Team i,y ' displayed this year. The root and ' Massey-Harris Tohn McDermid: , vegetable disolay was real large, taking up one whote side of the ha!7. to the hot summer thc roots mare and foal by H. S. How- land Co. J. B. Thibaudeau: Un- hitching and hitching contest by The Building Program D did not grow as large as other years. I Bandran-Henderson Co. E. A. Ash- en but th* rfi-,nlav wn-s npverthplps* I bv. T. Wilson; Best ladv driver by The building program in Flesher- Mr. Wm. Moore accompanied Mr. v> y Mr. Wes. Arrastnong for the e;- of the hal1 and st was a bower oJ T. W. Fir.dlay to Alliston on Sa;- _.tioi of a two storey addition to c l r with the man >' entries of cut urday. where the latter was a judge the telephone office building. The flowers, table bououets and other of light horses. jnew addition will be fourteen feet in flowering plants. D. McTavish & Son have installed Telephone office. ' The Iadies work did not take U P four nev. electric double gasoline The framework for thc foundation a . much space this year on account pumps and wMl handle Britbh- of the r,ew curling rink i' beinn: _ *~L*^ ' I" A Anx'ricam Oil Ca. prodi'ets only. j built in prcparntion for the pouring ty6 blQllt uDSCIduSl Mr. J. C. Crane and daughter, of cement and the new Mortuary Miss Reta. of Owen Sound spcni chapel at the cemetery is being pro- Dr. J. G. Russell will again be at the nast week with jlr. and Mrs. Deeded with. This is a real pro- Armstrong's store on Sept. 2ft;-.. W \V Trimble IK ianl and w '" keep a number of 30fh and Oct. 1st. Phone 13w an-7 See Dr. J. G Russell, ono of Can-, men employed for some weeks. make your appointment. ada's Leading Eyesight Specialists, : ' on Sept. 29th, 30th' and Oct. 1st. Phone 13w and make your appoint- ment. .Mr. and Mrs. H. Down and Mrs. A. E. Bellamy attended the anni- ver.-ary services of Thornbtiry United church, which were held on Sunday. Rev. W. J. Seott took the !bs. Robt. Simpson Co., silver cup FLOORING "That Certain Thing" nnni- v versary services in All; 'ton on Sab- ! i bath last while Rev. Mr. Irwin of i that place preached, in the I'nited i church here, a very earnest gospel 't sernior morning and night. * Mr. and Mrs. Adam (Poon) Clark of Windsor were callers on Mr. and. Mrs. 0. W. Phillips on Saturday on 1 their way to Meaford. "Poon" wa; employed in the Bank of Montreal when it was in operation here. t Considerable interest was aroused; in town Monday evening when an' Austin motor car came throgh. It' aroi ~ed as much curiosity as did, the old StudebaVer the late \V. L. | Wright bought away back in 1010,; which was the first car in Fleshr-' ton. YI01.A DANA and RALPH GRAVES in a laughable and interest i.y; dnima of a trirl \vho thought she was a o-oUl-diiT.U'or and a millionaire's son who didn't know what work meant. A sure sure for the blues. You'll enjoy every minute of this GEM. play It's a Columbia "The Count" A reprint of one of Charlie Chaplin's famous short comedies. You'll surely enjoy seeing the comical Charlie again. Princess Theatre, Markdale FRIDAY & SATURDAY at 8 : 1 5. 1 5c. and 25c. < Watch for our big special program for raw Day the bi.^i'st program ever shown m Markdale. Full particulars next week. 15 per cent, reduction from regular prkvs. .Ml ;i! :; -<. Puchesse Satins. Flat Crepes, Crepe Back Satins and Hab cle Chine-, rieorirettes. Canton Crepe-;. utais included, without exception. Regular $1 25 Qualities for $1.98 Regular $1.50 Qualities for $1.27 Regular $1.95 Qualities for $1 68 Regubr $2.50 Qualities for $2.12 A full range of shades in the most popif :ir colors is at your disposal FALL MILLINERY XK\V 1-KLT HATS. XE\V YKIAT.'L HATS XK\V YK1.YKT TAMS XT. \V MATROX'S HATS A!! very reasonably priced. HOLEPROOF SILK HOSIERY NEW FALL SHADES Chiffons. Semi-Chiffons, service \\eights.novelty heels. Yrenadine Dull Silk. Al! arc featured in the Holeproof line. Priced at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.9"' F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO