Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Sep 1930, p. 3

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- I .'a Do Ywi Value Your Health? It your health is poor; If you are pale, nervous and easily tired: If you suffer front headaches and backaches; If your digestion is bad you may de- pend upon it that these symptoms come from an impoverished state of the blood. That unless this condition is remedied a complete breakdown may follow. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a perfect medicine for any one In this condition. They enrich and purify the blood and thus promote health and strength. Mrs. G. M. Andrews, Halifax, N.S., writes: "I always keep Dr. Williams' Pink PiHs in the house. When I was i yonng, anaemic girl, they completely restored by health. After marriage my health broke down and once more these pills brought me back to health. My friends all tell me how well I look' and for this Dr. Williams' Pink Pills deserve all credit." You e*n get these pills at all medi- cine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine j Co. Brockville, Ont. Louisiana Honors Evangeline Owl Laffs Farming is man's most delightful occupation If he can sit ir. the shade and get somebody else to do it. Carl "May I hold your hand?" Helen "Are you frlghieted?" Kirtles and Normandy caps, the traditional dress of the Evangeline period, were the official costume of this <fruup of pretty girls, who formed an im- portant and attractive section of Louisiana's delegation of Acadians to Grand Pre, N.S., on August 20, for the celebration of the 175th anniversary of the expulsion of the Acadians, held under the auspices of the Dominion Atlantic Railway. The group posed for the camera beside the memorial church in Grand Pre Park, centre of the festivities, which were attended by Acadians from all parts of the United States and Canada. Official Dominion and pro-j vincial, French and American representatives were in attendance. THRIFT WITH COLD VEGETABLES Too many vegetables are sometimes cooked in the best regulated houses. Far too often, also, these are thrown j It may be i ma gi DaUo n. but with the away as uneatable when, with a very com | ng and sta y iD g of short nairi the Bobbed Hair Does (Jj ve Confidence Not Need Brushing? TO Yoang little trouble, they could be made very palatable. Cold greens, for instance, should be placed in a saucepan of boiling water and covered for two minutes. The water should then be strained from them, and when the vegetables are lerved they will be found to be as good as when first cooked. It is quite usefil to keep carrots ready dressed for use in an emergency. They should be cut in round pieces abo an Inch thick, and warmed in butter sauce or thick gravy. Cold car- j rots may also be cut into any shape to j serve with ragouts or hashes, or they may bo cut into narrow strips and used in soups. To give parsnips a lecond life they should be mashed with butter, milk, and salt, <tnd heated In the oven in a small buttered basin. Onions, of course, do aot look well brush and comb seem to have fallen into neglect. A regrettable thing, for If these fall into neglect the hair falls Into neglect, too, and is swift to show signs of it. Just as it Is swift to re- spond to care and attention. A lot of week-end wrecks are caused by week-end drivers. Vitamines and Calories Methuselah ate what he found on bis plate, And never, as people do now, Did he note the amount of the calorie count, He ate it because it was chow. He wasn't disturbed, as at dinner he sat, . Destroying a roast or a pie, To thiuk it was lacking in granular fat Or a couple of vitamines shy. He cheerfully chewed every species of food. Untroubled by worries or fears, Lest his health might be hurt by some fancy dessert, And he lived over nine hundred years. The folks who find fault with the modern dances are either old or fat, or both. Yeah, you bet, "Darling," be cried, falling on his A simple and safe remedy for the j knees and covering her little white common ills of babyhood and child- hands with kisses, "can't you see that hood should be kept in every home! i love you?" where there is either a baby or a ' young child. Often it is necessary to ' She drew herself up to her full height. "Well," she said, "I should I CANNOT TELL I cannot tell how all the stars Retain their rhythmic way, Or how the sunset's golden bars Shut out tlie light of day But I can tell when loving eyes give the little ones something to , hate to think thla was j UBt your way h(j Qf mv heart surp ;. ise . break up a cold, allay fever, correct , o ( behaving in company." Long hair always seems to receive sour stomach, and banish the irrita- more brushing than short hair, but short hair has the advantage that it is easier to brush it upwards as well as downwards. It is very good for the bility that accompanies the cutting of j \v e can hardly claim to be civilized teeth. i ,, nt ii we aboli.h the present day Experienced mothers always keep j funeral expenses. Baby's Own Tablets in the home as a J . hair to brush it from the nape of the' , safeguard against the troubles that neck upwards the wrong way of the [ seize their little ones so suddenly and hair, as it were. The stiff bristled mother can feel brush is always j safe with a box of these Tablets at The Seven Mistakes There are seven mis-takes of life I cannot tell how migrants wing Their course o'er land and sea, Or how returning summers bring Their bounteous gifts to me But I can tell how love for love O'er all earth's treasures ranks above. ' that many of us make, said a famous j ca nnot tell how :his round earth best for the hair unless the hair is ex- . hand and ready for emergencies, ceptionaliy fine and comes out a good ! Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but deal. Hair is apt to come out in the spring and autumn when new hair is growing and the dead hair automati- cally gives place to It, but this is noth- ing to worry about. When hair comes when they are re-warmed, as they are] out habitually it is wise to abandon likely to turn bla.k. They will do anything In the way of vigorous brush- ' Medicine Co Brockville Ont nicely for flavoring soups or curry, , j ns for the time being; it is also wise * thorough laxative that act without gripping and they are absolutely guar- anteed frea from opiates or other harmful drugs. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box' from The Dr. XVIllinms' nd then lie gave the following i Revolves about the sun. Or how the autumn's priceless worth From clod and clay is von J But I can tell how kindness may [ Fill life with, sunshine every day. A. B. Cooper in "Tit-Bit*." however, provided that they are placed In when the soup or curry is boiling. to try to find some remedy, of course. Brushes should be washed as often Potatoes can be served for a second a s the hair is washed, or, more often HEREDITARY KEY SOUGHT FOR FINGERPRINT PATTERN writer, list: 1. The delusion that individual ad- vancement is made by crushing others down. '2. The tendency to worry about things that cannot be changed or cor- rected. "Will you marry me?" said Archie. 3. Insisting that a thing Is impos- .., don . t know> " ^plk-d Muriel; -Tve -ible because we ourselves cannot ac- complish it. and mixed with a little milfe and water they can be formed Into buttered shapes, floured and b.owned In the oven, or b.fore the fire. When they are whole they can also be dipped in 4. Refusing to set aside trivial pre- ferences ,in order that important a variety of wavs Ma ' tr ,i Iowa City> Iovva - !t won't be long things may be accomplished. the hair is not washed every fort- , untll st . ience will be able to renwk j B * N ,/ ctln Uevelopment anil re . so. Clean brushes help t , that Junior has his daddy - s eyes , his ' flnemeB . of the mim] aml D0t a< . ( , llir . eep the hair clean. Always rinse the g randrflother ' s nose and his mother's' , the habit of reading and ,,udy. .rushes in cold water, standing the fingerprints, Dr. John A. Larson, Uni-j S . Attempting to compel other per- bristle* downward in the water. Th,s vcr?;tv of Iowa psychiatri!!t an(1 crim . sons b d ,, ye as . e do helps to keep the bristles stiff. \\ hen jnologist, belieces. bacon fat or dripping, sprinkled with | silver brushes are being washed care should be taken to '; always said the man I marry must be both brave and intelligent." "Weil, didn't I savi you from drowning?" said Archie. "Yes." agreed the girl: "I admit that was brave, but it didn't prove you to be intelligent." "Ob. but it did," said Archie. "I upset tilt; boat on Classified Advertising FOR SALE A SEA SLED FOR SAL':. MODEL 16. with new 22 H.P. Evinrude mo. tor. all In perfect condition, very fast, absolutely ante, splendid flshlnR boat, has special sedan top; owner setting larifcr model. Now loi pd on Oenrslan Bay. Wilson Publishine Co . 73 Ail.-lu'.iie W.. T nmt.,. Hox 27 ess f HEAD NOISES Tconaxd M4 EAR OIJL JUS AD Dniulsti Cntri|ithn litter in - RUB IN 3ACK O* GAttS- I HM IN NO>TRILJ._ A. O. LEONARD, Inc. 70 Fifth Ave.. New York Citr ATE NTS l.j'-i ( "Wante i ' * THE HAMS AY CO.. Dtp.. W 273 Bank St., Ot:.v.v;i. Ont. salt and floured, and buked in the oven in a tin. Another way to deal with j out of the water potatoes when cold Is to fry them in j Bcst Qut f Sj h batter. To uo lliis they should be cut 7. The failure to establish the habit And when that time comes. Dr. o j . aY jns men .< son says, danger of ' 1! ' ' "All my lift? 1 liava bt^Mi a on thin planet rather than a native of it." George Bernanl Shaw. Into rather thick slices anU dipped in- to a mixture made by beating an egg with a tablespoonful of flour and a tablespoonful of cold water, aud then fried in plenty of fat. BRAMBLE JELLY Gather rather undi-r-ripe fruit and wash If necessary. Put into a preserv- ing pan with enough cold water to half cover it. Cook berries slowly for ail hour or longer, bruising them down with a wooden spoon to extract all Juice. Strain through a Jelly cloth and leave to drip all night. Measure the Juice next morning, return It to a clean preserving pan and let !; boil for fifteen minutes. Add three-quar- ters of a pound of sugar (warmed In the oven) to each pint of liquid. Stir pntll dissolved, then boil all together in til jelly will set. . - Comhs must be ', for even more seem to be in almost perpetuol use, i w up will be almost wiped out. Dr. Larson is the inventor of a new "single point" system of classifying" given to the use of shocking language? Where did you get it'.' Aunt Martha (shopping for a par- j roll "Now can you assure me it isn't] perfected the and once they get clogged with dust j ' n model of the "lie detector 1 ' now ( B U ( * i Proprietor "From a sailor, ma'am. The I'rr/'miinl Ttnu'li Unit .'//. I'ifttr I'mli f C you can never be quite sure that the j us . ed . for examination of suspected Almt Martha "Oh that's ah right. criminals. Thjugh science has not yet discov- portant one to keep your brush com- pany. Nevrr on :!ny nccount leave Just so you didn't set it from one of those flappers. ' dust does not go back into the hair again. Keep a special comb for your handbag, and a bigger ami more im- i eretl accurately just what features of I a fingerprint p .ttern constitute its "dominant" and recessive'' hereditary hair coiaidngs in your comb. It Is factors, Dr. Larson is convinced that Y oiir Tongue a Sleigh ride. Ice Cream i Ciitii'aira Talcum I'o \vler ttt It: >i{> lit . F -It, it, ,1 tn. I fittiiritli An ice cream vendor's pushcart In Richmond, Ind.. bears this sign: Give' Hay Fever Practice Needed Wilson was suffering badly at the bands of the barber. After the third cut he decided to make a protest. "I say, my man," he said. "I notice you have a sign outside your shop, We Aim to Please'." "That's right," returned the barber jnerrily, "that's our motto." "Then don't you think you'd better take a day or two off for target prac- tice?' came the customer's retort. an unhealthy, dust-collecting habit, j th< l re are such inherited character- besides being an extraordinarily tin- -' st ' c? . Just as facial or bodily confis- sightly one. Keep a hair tidy of some ! ur a tio n among relatives betray fam- description handy or, if you use a i ''- v ^' n waste paper-basket in your bedroom, deposit your hair combings there. Last but not least, have a brush and comb bag. A square of checked ging- ham left over from one of your summer frocks will make an admirable one if you have not one already. Keep your brush and comb In this, and so keep them free from dust. The habit of leaving a brush and comb out on the dressing tablo or chest of drawers is another unhealthy and dust-gathering one. Brushes and combs, like most other toilet accessories, are best kept out of sight, and safe from harm's way In your dressing table drawer. Cones, 5 Cent". Lawyer: "Have you ever been in Jail?" Witness: "Yes, sir, once." "Ah! For how long?" "Long enough to whitewash a cell which was to be occupied by a lawyer who had robbed dozens of his clients." !he workers put as much Inter- The modern girl nfivpr worried about her complexion going flat. She always carries a spare. Analogy Louise Is beautiful, but too slow; She shakos her head when I entreat; She's like a Florida bungalow- Modern, but no iieat. A woman says it :s impossible to go through life without teiliug a fib. She says she Just has to say something nice about her husband once in a while. and catarrh an> offensive ail- ments. Heat and inhale Minards's a few times daily, as for cold*. It stimulates anil reiieves the membrane. ' "Your wife must be awfully in love with you. She has written to you Credit Customer "I'm not the worst liar in town." Mercant "On the contrary, you are. the best." ost into their politics as they do into I every day since she has been away." their football mutches we could alter | "These are only little notes to tell j An ounce of silence Is worth a ton the face ot England In the next 10 j me to send her something she forgot , of explanations. to put In her trunks." He who laughs lasi sometimes gets years."r-EHen Wilkinson, M.P John "May I have the last dance with you?" Jean "You've just had it." Minard's Linirrrnt a household friend. 12-MILLION-YEAR-OLD LOG j the horo FOUND BURIED IN BASALT, couldn't l A log of a seven-foot tree, found 150 feet below the bed ot the Yakirna ACID Many people, two hours after eating, You will never use crude methods suffer indigestion as they call It. It Is | when you know this better method, usually excess acid. Correct It with | And you will never suffer from excess ,, for bej so ,, jokc iU nrgt . River, in the State of Washington, and estimated to be 12,000,000 years old, was reported last week by the Depart- ' Among what Is known as the "car- purchasing" class In Great Britain. ten motor-cars are bought for every baby born. meut of Agriculture, at Washington. Tho log was found when a tunnel was being bored under the river by the United Slates Reclamation Service. Arthur Koehier, expert on wood identification, designated the tree as a species of sequoia. It lay in solid basalt, believed to have been poured out of one of the Columbia plateau volcanoes. PLAYING WITH TOTO | >g and must be continued. Others contain calomel and dangerous min- _ _ _. , DOVW SUFFER FROM CONSTIPATION? Countless remedies arc advertised for constipation. Many relieve for the moment but they are habit form- .an alkali. The. best way. the quick, harmless and efficient way, Is Phillips' Milk of Magivesla. It has remained for 60 years tho standard with physi- cians. One spoonful In water neutral- ize* many times its volume In stomach acids, and at once. The symptoms dis- appear iii 2ve minutes. acid when you prove out this easy re- ! over the cregt Qf lief. Please do that for your sake now. Bo sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- The old lady wa silting on a bench near the eighth green of the golf course. Presently an unseen golfei hit a ball onto the green, ami Toto, the oM lady's dog, rau out and promptly seized It. The next moment the golfer came a hill and bewail cians for 50 years In correcting excess acids. Each bottle contains full direc- J Uous any drugstore. J owtt ; waving his arms and shouting indig- nantly, j "Put the ball down, Toto," cried the old lady. "Here comes the kind gen- tlemau to knock it for you again." fr_ Mm.ird's Linirient aids tired feet. eral drugs, \yhich remain in the sys- tem, settle in the joints and cause aches and pains. Some are harsh purgatives which cramp and gripe and leave a depressed after effect. Avoid lubricating oils which only grease the intestines and encourage nature's machinery to become lazy. A purely vegetable laxative such as Carter's Little Liver Pills, gently touches the liver, bile starts to flow, the bowels move gently, the intestines are thoroughly cleansed and constipa- tion poisons pass away. The stnmach, liver and bowels are now active and the system enjoys a real tonic effect All druggists Jk and 75c rcU pkgs. Restless CHILDREN CHILDREN will fret, often for no apparent reason. But there's al- ways Castoria! Harmless as the recipe on the wrapper: mild and bland as it t; stes. But its gentle action soothes a youngster more surety than a more powerful medicine. Thai's the beaulv of this special children's remedy! It may be given the tiniest infant as often as there is need. In cases of colic, diarrhea or similar disturbance, it is invaluable. A coaled tongue calls for just a few drops to ward off constipation; so does any suggestion of bad breath Whenever children don't eat welli don't rest well, or have any little upset this pure vegetable prepara- tion is usually all that's needed. DIZZINESS Caused by Blood pressure Doctor ordered Kruschen "Five veins a;."* this innntli I had a serious attack of lilood passim-, .iml my medical man ordered 1111- to take Kruschen Salts daily. Evidently I nm .1 stubborn subjevt. litfuuse 1 iic every morning a Mnull teaspoonful :md a lir.'f in .'. ','lax ol Iml water, and this acts splendidly mid keeps my head right. If I don't have the artii-ii mentioned, I feel ivM. stupid and liable to tail from di/.zinrss. There- fore I can't do without my KI-IIM -lieu on any utfomit. .Some tune au" I tried some oilier salts which were cheaper, but they pained me so much that 1 hud to stop them. There is no pnin with Knisrhcn. I have told hundreds f mv little wonder-working bottle." (K. C. I'cnfiisson.) Dizziness is a symptom of a deeper- sented disorder. It. is one of Nature's dancer signals her urgent, wa mini; of an impure blood-st roam which, if not attended to in time, may wreck the entire health with some duii^emiis, indeed lifelong, disease. The six salts in Kruschen keep the blood-stream pure and vigorous by ensuring tho complete elimination of POLSDMI us waste matter from the system every dav. CASTORIA Picture of Health .Now "In May and June .( was badly rundown and had faint spells until it was a drag to do my work. In July and August I didn't seem to pick up so I de- cided to try Lydia E, Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound because I saw it advertised. I took two bottles and now I am 3 the picture of health. I feel 1 fine, do all my work and milk j two cows. If any woman ] writes, I will certainly answer | her letter." Mrs. George R. j! GiUtSpie, Punnichy, Saskatche- Iwm. Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound l*. {. *!,! M,' C- l T >.-l;n,u J i ISSUE No. 38 '30

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