WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 30 THE RLESHERTON ADVANCE Safety Responsibility The Highway Trafl'u- Amendment Act 1930, came int-> I'mrc September 1st. If you are not insured against Public Liability and Property Damage yon may never a^'aiii be permitted t< drive your car. See Us lor rates today. ^ ^ W. J. W. ARMSTRONG Representative of 17 of the leading Insurance Companies of the world. FLESHERTON, - ONT. English Farms and Gardens Are Beautiful (By T. Stewart Cooper.) Undoubtedly the farmers of_ Grey County will be . anxiori to knu\v nbout Farming in England and now Ireland. We were taken from Liverpool by bus on Sunday morning, July 20th, through Rural England by way of Wai-wick. Stratford-on-Avon ana Oxford to London, a distance of 240 miles. Throughout the entire dis- tance rural conditions were to be seen. The crops consisted chiefly of pas- ture, hay, wheat, oats, potatoes and mangels or turnips. The pas- tures were luxuriant, a most beauti- ful preen and showed the effect ol high fertilization and recent rains. A Canadian could not help but be impressed by the beautiful, healthy coloring of the ficlda. Hay is just now being cut through SHINGLES and More Shingles Every Time The Price of Shingles Drop You Receive The Benefit Kvery time the price of shingles drop you yet the Drop. A car of 5\ 3x and 25x 100', I'.d^e ^rain clear and KJO', no .xupwood l" arrive Auir ISth. I will deliver these shiiifjlt.'* at the following prices: No. 1 3\ at $3.50 per sq. cash No. 1 5x at $4.10 per sq cash No. 2 5x Sin. clear $3.40 per sq. cash A square covers 10 x 10 at Sin to weather Also gal. nails at 7c. per 11). Don't lay a 30 year roof with a ten year nail and it take only 2 Ihs. to the square to lay Xo. 1 shingles. The last car sold out in 3 days so place your order early. Telephone 24 and reverse the charges H. A. McCauley Flesherton Planing & Chopping Mills Flesherton, Ont. utojji -puBjSug jo apis JSSAV oui }no the bus it seemed to he made up ot [ {Trasses almost entirely. Clover? rcemed to be absent from the fields alonp the route traversed. The hay ciope were not nearly so thick as in Grey County Alfalfa Hay Fields. The hay. it is since learned, is com- po-sed largely of Perennial Rye t. ijrras-, seldom used in Ontario except for perennial pastures. The plant itself is very much like Twitch Grass 1m* hero it does not grow nuito so tall a". Twitch with u*. Needless to ay, the hay crop wa< a disap- pointment to me. when the pastures nrn so wonderful. Oat* and wheat v.tre me U promt- sincr. The nats were goincr down or , lodginc: as wo say. They were heavy but all in .-.mail area*. The wheat *! NATIONAL FARM AGENCY Sell \om-Farm! then LIST IT with tli* Agency tliat GUARANTEE'} YOU tho BIGGEST MARKET c! Bonafida Huycri. '.- -the NATIONAL FARM AGENCY receive* MORE IN- QUIRIES fur Canadian Farm* Irani Canada and Olhcr Parl ol the WorlJ than aJi other limiUr Agencic* combined. EVERY FARM LUted and Ac- cepted IS ADVERTISED in our OWN NATIONAL PUBLICA- TIONS Thou-ind circulated an- nually ALL OVER tin- World. II YOU have a Farm or Other Property You WANT TO SELL, Me the ccaret "NATIONAL" AGENT, or writ. AT ONCE to Head Office, and we will tend for- ward a Special Repre- sentative oi NATIONAL I*RM AGENCY " (LIMITED tminwu Toronto " Canada FRED T. TAYLOR. Agent FLESHERTON Phone 71 r 32. Uundalk. THE STORE WITH SERVICE F.T.HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES MarkdftJe, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONET Abundance of Bargains on our New Merchandise, which has just arrived, Come in and look them over. MIU.IXKKY DEPARTMENT COVERALLS New felt and velvet hats in all new shades at In Khaki with Zipper front Reg. value$4.00 value $2.25 $2.95 $3.93 $2.50 pr. In Khaki, good quality cloth at f 2.90 and$2.50 pr DKKSSKS! DRESSES! SHOES New shipment just arrived of heavy canton crepes in newest shades rtfi Blue, Brown and green picked We are clearing a number of odd lines of shoes for clearance at S9-8- r > and $10.85 to make room for new stock just arriving. ivvrr> m\T< L t N ' 1 Men ' 8 Panco Soled Boots in fine Black NEW \\ IM KK U).\l r> kid, all sizes, regular ?3.95, Special $3.1!) a pair. All new arrivals in latest materials, shades and MISSES OXFORDS Lot No. 2 In Fine Black Kid steel support in BKKFTS arCh ' regular * 4-25> 8 P ecial $3-39 pair . , Lot No. 3 Men's Black Kid Boots in all sizes New whit* wool Berets ju*t arrived. wjth ^ ^^ jn ^ R ^ u]a] ^ Q ^ ^ s. All priced at prices 20 to 2.V,'. bfflow last at .49c. each FLAXXKU'TTK I5LAXKI-TS The Large Double Bedsize shown in. either White OVERALLS or Grw blu-r Large Double at Our large stock ot overalls reduced to new low -r rder^Specia. ...... $2.14 .* .#**. .7 *U,9 S..49 $1.29 Bedsize in Fawn or Grey shades Comc '" <* ' k * the wonderful bargams. $2.14 ades pair MEN'S \VOR K SOCKS GKOCKKY SPICCIALS , Brooms Good Strings Selling away below value all wool 3pr. 49c p ^ ^.^ ^ ^ BUY FOR CASH AND SAV1-: MONKY Kelloggs Corn Flakes 3 pkga 25c. Brooms Good Strings HJh-. eacli Peas Choice No, 4 3 for 29c. Cocoa '.larffe pkg. 19c. as seen from the bus was much ccarser in straw, had longer heads and the larire leaves on thu stem gave indications of heavy feeding of either manure or nitrogen fer- tilizers. Considerable weather idr.c- tilize;':.. Considerable rainy weath- er during the previous two or three weeks had undoubtedly accounted i'jr some of the rank growth. ' The oats in some fields wore quite preen, whilo in others tlmy were lipe. It is presumed the variation \vaa caused by light and haavior types of soil or differences In rinening periods of the varieties. Potatoes were everywhere. The growth was at least 15 to 20 inches in height. The crop was most care- fully cultivated, sprayed and gave evidence of carefully selected seed. It gave evidence of exceeding Grey Cot-nty yield-i by at least 50'/< ant! I feel certain would in most instan- ces indicate at least 250 to 300 bags per acre. Not a weed was to be seen any- seen. Even in the pastures only a few Canada Thistles grew. A few poppies were seen and along the ditchc-3 only an occasional curled dock grew. English farmers arc exercising every precaution against weeds. The cattle seen were of Shorthorn breeding. All herds were most uni- form and in size showed the large frame seen in Grey County cattle the average here comparing with our largest. Sheep were everywhere. The flocks varied in .->ize but every hold- er of land had some. Even in the parks of London flocks of 15 to 150 wethors are to be ^een. Some pure- bred* were seen but for tho most part they wore grades ofgond com- mercial quality and breeding. Fiv.rnehto odfthob i ow ooou o o THE HOMESTEAD Ths Grey County la'iies wouiu not be satisfied if something was not said of this most important point. The houses are, as a ruie, i-mall. There are large homes too but these do not belong to the small land holder. The good 100 acre farm in Grey has a mu:h more pretentious home. All the ladies, by remarks passed, were mt'ch impressed by tho wonder fully clean windows and the exquis- ite window drapings. The door step ' was spotless and although it was Sunday when passing through, numberless ladies were scrubbing the front door step which was made of flag stones. Many homes whici- ! were built right along the road had thatched roofs . Unpretentious as were the homes the outside was so attractive that the size was forgotten. Flowers wfcre everywhere. Never were so many roses seen blooming, shasta daisies, nasturtiums and countless others, all competing to make the rurai England landscape more beautiful is a sight which is not to be forgot- ten. Nor is this the hore t.ime In England, the only time it is beauti- ful. Just previous to our cominjr, ! the hawthorne adorned the country- side, and hawthorne hedges, always trimmed, separate every field re- gardless of size. It may be only a corner Va acre in extent or it may be 7, 10 or more acres. Dotted along roadsides, through fields and everywhere, were great large trees. Every home in England has its garden full of a riot of most color- ful flowers. The space in front o* the house may only be 4 feet square or it may be larger. The shape matters not, the type of soil is ot i secondary importance, the wealth of the householder may be small or large, yet flowers carpet the ground creep over the hedges, whether they be holly or hawthorne and cover the entire side of the one-storey house i even extending over the roof. Would ; that every Grey County yard had ' even a fraction of the flowers about. t t Fair Day Specials Diamond Ring, green gold, reg. $25.00 for $19.00 Diamond RiiiR. \\hitc gold, reg. $30.00 for $22.00 Men's 15J Crcol Watch, fancy dial, in gold case, regular $25".00 for $10.00 Men's 15J Montauk Watch, fancy dial, regular $11.00 for $7.50 Ladv's 15J White or Green .Gold Wrist Watch, "regular $10.00 for $8.00 Victor Records, each 15c Portable Graphonola $5.00 W. A. Armstrong & Son Fiesherton, Ont. It may be some consolation to the average man to khoow that, poten- tially, he is worth $2,996. This figure is the per capita wealth of Canada, according to figures com- piled by the bureau of statistics which place the aggregate wealth ot tho Dominion, exclusive of unde- veloped natural resources at $28,940- 000,000. Individually the people of British' Columbia are the wealthiest, at- thci'sh Ontario ranks first among the provinces in total wealth. The per capita wealth of British Colum- bia is $4,339. Alberta is second | with $3,717, Saskatchewan third with $3,613, Ontario fourth Small Advts. F O R 8 A L F FOR SALE Choice Oxford Down ram lambs Geo. Stewart, phone 33 r 21, Flesherton. FOR SALE Moffatt steel range, at a bargain price. Geo Stewart, Flesherton. FOR BALE Horse, cutter and single driving harness, cheap for quick sale. Mrs. Robt. Croft, town. BOAR FOR SERVICE Boar for service at Lot 177, King's- Highway, purebred Yorkshire hogv bred from prize winning stock. RUSSELL HILL BOAR FOR SERVICE FOR SALE Choice clover honey in bulk at lOc. per lb. Roy W. Fen- wick, Maxwell. Purebred Berkshire Boar for ser- vice at lots, 151-153, 1st in 15 months- class at Royal Winter Fair 1929 and* I reserve grand champion. Fees, $2.00 at time of service. II. C. Radley. PURSE FOUND In Flesherton, on Monday. Owner identify at this office. FOR SALE Shingles, prompt delivery, apolv to Thomas Harrison, Varney, R.R. 1, phone Durham 61h2 Sawmttt 4 miles west of Priceville. FOR SALE Two Oxford Down ram lambs, well bred, also 20 cords of dry wood. George Thompson, phone 31, FeVersham. FOR SALE Polled Angus cow, due to freshen last of July. .Mrs. Partridge, R. R. 1, Flesherton, phone 75 r 2. FARM FOR SALE I 100 acres, being lot 37, Con. 4, Artemesia, 80 acres under cudtivatioa. [Good house and large barn with good stabling and out-buildings. For far- ther particulars . apply on premises. ALB. BLACtfBURN, Phone 42 r 6 FOR SALE Shorthorn bull, months old, dark roan, eligible for registration. Roy Piper, Ceylon phone 44 r 31. FOR RENT A good six roomed house, cistern, 2 lots, good garden, stable, hen house and garage, op- posite high school. W. J. Caswell, Proton R.R. 3. FOR SALE Purebred Hereford bull calf and purebred Leicester ram lamb. Laurie Pedlar, phone 42 r 3, Flesherton. FOR SALE Breeding cockerels from bred-to lay registered stock, priced at $1.50 and up. W. J. W. Arm- strong. ~FOR"SALE Number of purebred Oxford Down ewe lambs, one ram lamb, yearling ram and a reg. 2 year old ram, also number of cattle. <3. S. Grummett, phone Feversham 11 r 13. FARM FOR SALE In the Township of Artemesia acre farm, lots 143-46, 3rd range S. W.T.&S.R., half mile from station,, miles from Flesherton. Good buildings, 12 acres of bush. Sold on easy terms. -^J. L. McMULLEN, Ceylon. FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Bacon hog for service on lot 136, West Back- line, Artemesia. G. H. Cairns. MAXWELL HARVEST HOME The Annual Ilarve-at Home ser- vices of St. Mary's Anglican church. Maxwell, were held last Sunday, Sept. 14th at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Capacity congregations filled the church at ea,ch service. The morn- ing service was taken by the Rector, Rev. M. F. Oldham, vHho preached an aovopriate sermon on Leviticus 23 10. The evening service was con- ducted by the Rev. R. P. O. Hur- ford of Shelburne. Dean of Grey county and way largely attended. The hymns and sermon were suit- able for the occasion. In the morn- ing Mrs. E. ROM, Mr. L. C. Minns nml Mrs. M. F. Oldham sang a solo. In the evening the choir rendered nn anthem. Mrs. D. E. Sceley, the organist of tie church, presided at the organ. Splendid weather mark- ed the ay. and the church was nicely decorated with grain, flowers and vegetables. The offering am- ounted to n substantial sum. FARM FOR SALE In the 10th con. Proton and the second lot. This farm has a lot ot good timber and there are 15 acres of cleared land. Apply to Mrs. Catherine Stewart, Proton Station, for price and terms. FOR SALE Reg bull, "Ringleader Chief" No. 191018; dark read, born July 22, 1927; choice animal; bred by Frank Taylor, Markdale; also M.-H. fertilizer drill, 11-disc nearly new. cultivated land with barn; make ffe r ._Charlcs Mclia, 79 Caithness Ave., Toronto. FOR SALE Pastry flour 75c. pei bag; Prairie Pride pure Manitoba flour $3.40 per 98 lb. bag; Bran $1.35 per cwt; Shorts, $1.40 per cwt.; Middlings $1.60 per cwt; Bar- ley $22.00 per ton; Oats, Wheat, Coal. Phone 38 r 3, C. TA.. Muir, Ceylon. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, lots 166 and 167, 1st range west of No. 10 Highway, Artemesia Tp. 2 miles from Flesherton, */* mile from school, 70 acres under culti- j vation, balance swamp and pasture. I Any reasonable offer will be con- j sidered. For particulars apply to L. R. Thistlethwaite, 94 Conner Ave., Toronto 6. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Cluk the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. C. STEWART. Caretaker. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK - i LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Termi: 1 per cent Satisfaction guarnteed Uatea made tjrhe Advance office. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SKRVICB Regitered Shorthorn bull for ser- vice at lot 5, Con. 9, Osprey, "Merry Marqus" No. 179,135; Sire, BomS 142,381; Dam, Red Butterfly Terms Purebreds $5.00. 12.00. Cows not returned will be charge full price. 8. R. HAWKINS. Engenla. MIDDLEBRO & BURNjT Barriaters. etc. Ofices Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton evey Saturday afternoon and evening. BUSINF S CARDS Dr. W. D. Bryce, L. D. S., D. D. S. dental surgeon, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer- ed for extraction. Office at the resi- dence of Dr. E. C. Murray, Toronto street, Flesherton. Phone 69. Prince Arthur Lodge, 838, A. F. $ A. M.meets in the Masonic Hall, Arm. strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. M, C. N. Richardson, Secretary, It A. McCauley. Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneel for the counties of Grey and Simcoe Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- anteed. All arrangements and dates may be made at the Advance office.pj 1 addressing me at Eugenia, telephone 43 r 11, Flesherton or by ' ' > IMF