Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Sep 1930, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTOX ADVANCE WEDNESDAY. SEPT,. 3, 1030. - A JOINT SAVINGS ACCOUNT IS A REAL CONVENIENCE PARTICULARLY as a matter of family convenience does the joint ac- count demonstrate its value. All funds _deposited are subject to with- drawal at any time by either of the persons in whose names the joint account is opened. Ir case of the decease of one of the parties holding- a joint account, all money may be withdrawn b? the other. A joint savings account in the Bank ot Commerce is a real convenience where two people desire access to the same funds. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE with _ .-. ~ is o/naApUfiwfctf -| THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA jl Special Exercises At High School Opening Ti.csday morning a number of the members of the board and those in- terested in the Flesherton High School met in the Assembly Hall to get the students and staff off to a good start. Principal Thihaiuteau .-'olccmed all those present and refer- ! red briefly to the excellent standing of the school during the recent ex- aminations, and urg?d that even bet- ter work should be attempted next Local and_Personal Binder Used 45 Years Mr. Jos. Ferris of Owen Sound was Additional Locals "Stop" Means Stop or other officer or any autoist who I has different interpretation for the ' law is laboring under a mistake. Master Ted McTavish spent sever-'* At the Owen Sound police court The defendant wa3 fined $5 for the a: days in Owen Sound last week. S. Corey, a resident ^ Wiarton. offence. Mr.-. Rout. Alexander is on a vkit admitted technical guilt when charg- with relatives ir\ Collingwood. e d with failing to atop at a "stop" Mr. Laurie Smith of Toronto was sign at a highway at Chatsworth, on Thurs - a holiday visitor at his home here. , when he was corning off another da >'' August 28th - li)30 - to Mr - Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKinnon of hig-hway. which enters the through North Bay are spending a few T :*th the former's mother here. Rev. W. J. Scolt and family one at that village. He claimed that he had been told by a provincial officer that when there is no traffic and Mrs. Roy Neiison. the gift of a daughter. turned home on Tuesday after hoi!- ,! wir.g down is all that is necessary (laying for the past month. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Phillips year. Rev. Wolstencoft made a siir- son. Bob, were in Toronto over ring appeal to the students to make week end. the best use of their opportunities. jjr. an< | Mrs Ward Harrison spent "Kn.wlelge is power and ignorance | the fim of fte weefc ^ Ton)nto is not mnccence, " he claimed, point- ing to the degradation of communi- ties which are backward in educat- ion. He advised the students to learn an occupation. The girls should learn to cook, the boys to work and expressed the hope that some day Household Science and Manual Training should be added to the course of studies in Flesherton High School. Misses Bryclone, at such points, but the court took and a different view, emphasizing that a FOR SALE Paltry Hour 75c. per hapr; Prairie Pride pure Manitoba Flour $3.55 per bag; Bran $1.40 cwt; Shorts $1.50 cwt; Salt $2.25 per bbl.; Oats 50c. bu; \\estern Wheat 80c. the "stop sign means "stop" and noth- per bu.; also barley, coal, chop. etc. ing else, and that any pwrrterial , a , o A. C. Muir, Ceylon, phone 38 r 3. attended the exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. A. Appleton of GaV. and Mr. Jack Oliver of Los Angeles. California, called on this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. tended the reopening relatives her? Preston at- home over the holiday. of the new- Canadian Bank of Commerce branch at Durham. Mr. and Mrs Wesley B Bennett and son of Detroit, motored over | and spent the first of the week with the former's brother, Emerson J. ' Bennett. Local techers who have left for their schools are: Laura Boyd nea- : Dunciaik, Inez Brown near Markdale. SAVE,,,.! - Acheson and Lighthart, the assist- We have read recently of farm 'ants, congratulated the students on ! machinery that has been in use for their 'recent success and expressed Mrs. T. J. Fisher and son, Emery. ,. ,jj , ,. ' . twenty some odd years and still confidence in them m the vork of t the past week in Toronto. gomg strong, but we believe that ' the coming year. The principal Mrs. D. :Tavish is visiting her tne record for keeping implements [ made a reference to the energy and sons in Oshawa. | in first c j as , repa ; r belongs to the enthusiasm of the board that made Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hawken spent Flesherton district. Fourty-four this excellent vear's work possible. -, _. _, _ _ , , . _ D. inurston at loronto. Koss smitn tne past tew days m Toronto. years ago Mr. Richard Bentham of The Barents and relatives who at- . . . _ . . ~ ~ -\r. Mr. Howard Milligan of Cooks- Flesherton purchased a Massey- tended are thanked for their interest p a(iden ^ Bur keton and Mabel Par- town spent the week end in town. : Harris binder, one of the first on in the affairs of the school. I ^ ^ MacGregor schoo j in YorV Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith of Owen the market - * ro m Messrs Fetch i The attendance at the high school Sound were in town over Labor Day. VanDiwen of Flesherton. It has Tuesday morning showed eighty- M-. an,] Mrs. J. S. Monroe and just finished the cmtlng of the forty ' ven studen* the roll, made up son, Elwtod. of Detroit visited with fifth cr P- T" e or 'ffinal canvas fa a Mr. and Mrs. John Wright. still being used and very few re- Fom 3. 25; Form 4, 16. It is ex- Mr. Thos. Howe and son Thomas placement of parts has been neces- P ect ed that about twelve more stud- oi Chicago were callers on Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thurston. Saturday. Mr. Stewart McTavish of Oshawa , f .... _ , , - be that of storing it in a shed im- spent Labor Day with his parents ,. . . , mediately after being used and con- 1 stant oiling a nd general care. It Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Armstrong and has been proved many times that the family of Toronto have returned to care of machincry navs high in div . their home in the city. . (!endj ^ a hpavy dpain on {he Mrs. Jos. Blackburn has returned bank balance is thereby eliminated. home after spending a couple of weeks in Toronto and Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Warlin^ and family 01 Bartonville motored up and speryt the week end in town. sar.v. The stcret of the long life ents win be "turning and the total of machinery in this ease seems to attendance will be close to the hun- dred mark. The same --taff as last yrr.r is acrcr'n sruidirir the destinio^ of rho scholars anil yea; - is prophesied. Trimble -Trimble Walter Akilt Bought Local Skatinfi Rink Township. A shower 'ras given on Thursday, evening for Mrs. Mark Fawcett (nee Mildred Ferris) at the home of he* parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ferr:.-. while she was >-n a visit from hev ' home in Co!!ir.;r"bod. She was pre- sented with a pair of woollen blank- et*, a hc-!spvead and table cl'-th. with the best wishes <-f a host of F'.oher- nlace A quiet wedding took Mr. rml Mrs. Wilfred McMaster Flesheiton on Saturday of Meaford spent the week end with Aujrust 30tn> wl ; len M rs. Anna the former's parents here. Trimble rf Sault Ste. Marie, widow Mr. R. J. Woods of Corbetton con- of the late Robt. G. Trimble, was ducted the service in St. John's i-nited in marriage to Mr. William United church Sunday morninc. ' Wesley Trimble of Flesherton. Re^. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Wright of J- R- Wolstencroft officiating. Hanover called on Mr., and Mrs. Heartiest congratulations are ex- John Wright on Friday last. tended to Postmaster and Mrs. Mrs. Gee. Lowndes is spending the Trimble ' T ' ith best wishes for man - v &11 and winter months with her years of happy life together. daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Murray. Mr and Mrs. Jas. Findlay of Col- lingwood were visitors on Labor Day with Mr. and Mrs. Waltei Akitt. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smith and "CHAMPIONS ALL." At a meeting of the shareholders of the Flesherton Rink Co. on Tues- n day evening it was decided to accept en offer of SI 200 for the prnr?rty. i-ade by M'-. Walter Akitt of MWTV The sale is subject to the consent of the remaining sharehoders who live at a distanre. Ten years ago this fall the rink was purchased frnm the estate of the late Wm. Boyd, who erected the building some eighteen years ago. It has been operated by the Rink Company in a very satisfactory man- ner since that tini". although it was not R money-making proposition. During the winter time it is the rend- evous of the young people and will continue to be used as such, as a ton .Mr. T :i M. T-':'.:I; commence*! his - nn Tuesday a^ principal of Flesh.. He school, and has a- -.".-. ". -. C. J. Bellamy. who has been iva. V- : r._r thr junior nuMn for several years. Thirteen new students commenced t'- , scholastic career and the school is nov nearly ;oxed tj its utmost. Mr. Mi'iTiam comes highly rc?ommendetl ar.i we wish him a full measure of success in his new school. family of London spent the past week Internationa , record . with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith. For three consecutive years the Weller Business College won the Can- adian Championship in open competi- clause in the sale states that it is to tion and holds bcth the National and be used for that purpose altogether 1 during the winter season. During the business depression of ^ __ Business The first case to come before Mag- istrate Walker in which farmers were charged with refu-.'iniy or neglecting to destroy noxious weeds, after being: ordered to do so. was heard in Ches- ley on Saturday. July 19th. Weed Inspector A. L. McKinnon laid In- formations against t\vo farmers of Eldersiie. They were allowed to fro on condition they pay the costs which amornted to Save for Improvements Oper. a Saving Account especially for hcme improvements. By tiopcjitir.g small sums regularly with this Bank you soon have a fund you can use to improve your property. \Ve in\ i to cpea an acc;ur.t \vitli u:. BRANCHES: FEVERSHAM: H. C. Francis. Manager MARKDALE: A. E. Hunt, Manager The BANK for SAVINGS 1930, the Weller College Boots & Shoes Work Boots Men's and Bovs \vo r k boots Messrs. Frank Duncan. Lawrence graduates stood alone, and proved McCracken and Steve Sutton are this by the ir achievements that every gra- week on a motor trip to Montreal duate is ix champion, and Quebec City. Qt of thousands of available sten- Dr and Mrs. Webster and three ographers the Weller students were children of Toronto and Miss Maud chosen on their merits, and every best quality, from S3.25 Up. Richardson of Whitby were callers and received a lucrative position j\ orood line of in town on Sunday. The fall term opens Sept. 2. Enrol "Oxfords Artemesia school fair is being heTo. wit h us and be assured of success. . ^ 00 in Flesherton on Tuesday of nexv Toronto school under promotion. I week. September 9th. It Is one week Orangeville. Ont. 2SC. off tor Cash on purchases earlier than other years. | WELLER BUSINESS COLLEGE, over $2.00 Buy your Flour and Feeds from the Osprey Farmers' Milling Co. FEVERSHAM Family Bread Flour Made from No. 1 Western Wheat Pastry Flour Made From Choice Ontario Wheat Cracked Red Wheat. Grits, Bran. Shorts and coarse feeds alwavs on hand Street Dance on the New Pavement at AHiston, Wednesd'y, September 10 1930. from 8:30 p.m. till JITNEY DANCE. ROUND AND SQUARE Music by URVILLE B.URD'S yO PIECE NOVELTY ORCHESTRA of Guelph, with Brass and Stringed Instruments and Costumes JThe Always Popular Bill Hur.ter will call off. Refreshments at Returned Soldiers' Booths 10 CENTS PER COUPLE PER DANCE Dr. ami Mrs. E. C. Hurray have returned home after spending the past month at their cottage at Wa-s- = aga Beach. | Mr. Maurice Wright and Mrs. Thos. Brady of Toronto spent Labor Day with their parents. Mr. and' Mrs. John Wright. The holiday traffic through town READ THE SMALL ADVTS. W. L. MORWOOD Flesherton - Ont. Pontiac Makes Sensational Trip was very heavy enter the week end and the garages and service stations; in town report a heavy volume of Mr. anil Mrs. Harry Stewart. Mr. and Mi-s. Frank Bell and Mrs. Ait-! cheson of Stratford were the guests i of Mr. and Mrs. D. McTavish and other relatives over the week end. This Wednesday evening the Sal- vation Army band of Owen Sound will play on the Market Square and vocal and instimmertal music will also be provided. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson spent Labor Day in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Latimer returned w.ith them after a vacation of three' weeks' duration. We are informed by Dr. A. E. Little, district game warden that duck hunting does riot open "in th!s part until September 15th, and that the Eupenia reserve is still closed. It has been understood that ducX hunting oi'onod September 1st. brt such is nt Hip case ami hunters arc requested to take note of the above. CANADA STOCK CAR COVERS 3.438 MILES l\ 84*4 HOURS A Pontiac cuvtom sedan taken from stock travelled from Port Perry, Ontario, to Vancouver, B C., a distance of .'.458 miles, in 84J 4 bours running time It was driven by H. R. Archer. Fontiac dealer nt Port Perry. Ontario, ;-',J one of his salesmen, G. M. Williams both of wh.-m arc slunvn in the vppcr picture K'<u!e the cnr which cave them a thrilliiin ride Jo the Itadfic Coa-t. Below. :i I ^'ich >'t' the route followed, with overnight Stops BUtftW, The ac^ run I bettor tb.m the i. -!.--t tri. a time c-n the .i" Boys' Ail-Wool Tweed School Suits Special This Week $3.95 25 Suits only \vell made and lined durable all-wool tweeds in ood patterns. Regular $u. ; t^ i^-50 garments. his, what vour boy wants for school wear Sizes up to 35. ALL ONE PRICE $3.95 FOR SCHOOL WEAR s' Sweaters. l>oys' Jerseys HOYS' Shirts. Hoys' Oxfords. Hoys' Hoots. Hoys' Belts. All reasonabK- Priced . Hoys' Trousers. Hoys' Caps. IV.-;' Hosicrv. Special Offering Men's Fine Shirts $1.39 A clearing line of Men's Fine Shirts all sues t'roni 14 to l(i T _> in a variety of fast color patterns perfect g'oods full rootny s^anneti!< - some with coLrs attached some with separate sot't cola rs- Ret:', pirces SI. 75 to SJ-50. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO i

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