Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 3 Sep 1930, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, SEPT,. 3, 1930. " THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE f LESHERTON ADVANCE CEYLON Mr. J. Melia and grand.-um, Arthur returned to Toronto on Thursday after s pending several weeks here. Mr. M. Ferguson is visiting friend < at Orangeville and Caledon. Mr. .lolm Gibson is spending a week with Toronto friends and at- Published on ColKngwood street, Flosherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada $2.00 per year, when paid in advance fl.50. In U. S. A. |2.50 per year when paid u . mlinK t hc exhibition. in advance $2.00 , , _ Mr. and Mrs. John K:ie and babe <Member 3 of Canadian Weekly News- <|f Thistk . t< Ont . Miss Myrtlp paper Association) ; Rn( . /or()nto; ^ ( .. bsonV| siste ,. W. H. THURSTON, - - Editor ()f Hamilton v. ere visitors with Mr ON - AMOC. Editor ani , Mrs j. Gibson the past week . Mr. J B. Cummins motored up fl ,, m Oshawa on Tuesday of last week and was accompanied by the EDITORIAL NOTES. contein- the Government should take a hand in the clock-fixing habits of some cities. We heartily agree. It is time that the daylight-saving farce was eliminated altogether. If need he have the stores, factories and various businesses onen earlier and close earlier, but leave the clock Mr. and to Will Premier Ferguson's romem- , , T\ u Mi.^.-es Jessie and Bessie McDonald, plated revision of school grants have ',,$, spent st . vc ral weeks visiting a tendency to create larger families with their uncle. in thc rural sections? i Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Gazley and * * * ' two children of Milton. Mr. and The Toronto Globe suggests that Mrs. W. J. Bracken and daughter, Mr. McGuire of Toronto, Mr. Har- old Barter of Caledon were visitors with Mr and Mrs. Archie Stewart for the week end and holiday. Mr. Robt. Cook, Mi-ss Millie, and Mrs. George Arrowsmith Master Melville Hunt motored Belfontain on Labor Day. Miss Reta Hemphill visited with relatives in Toronto last week. . Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Mathewson and children of Toronto visited at Mr. W. Mathewson's for the week end. Mr. George Jayne.s, whn is em- ployed near Shelburne spent the v -ek end with his grandmother. Mr-. Carnahan and two children, 1 Angu< and Arthur and Miss Alico Wi'-on of Orangeville, visited with friends here the past week. Kev. .Mr. Robert? of near Orillia a firmer pa.-tf. \vh-i was on holi- da\ ;. called on old friends the past, week, who were very pleased to see him again. b -,! . l-'n ! Marshall re -eived n re -lire <.n Thursday of last week that her :i-er. Mrs. J. Rcymar had I aw- 1 at her home in Cleve- lar.-l. She had been i'l fir a long tii.e :i'H \vns in her 2Hrd year. Be- fore her marriage; :-*i" v.-rm Mary ri'v.abeth Fuller, daughter of Mr. Wii;;ht Fuller of Bolton. She is. Mirvived by her husband and one liitle 'iui -rhter. The remains were interred :.t Laurel Hill on Saturday : f:.-vno'ir> from the hnme of Mr. Minister of Edneati.-n.. has iriven out Vi( ., ((| . B( .. mlis h. Mrs. Marshall left : i a statement to the pres< that a a , , . to ntu , ml tho f lm( . rnl . hange w convoluted in the am- Mrs Tracey and two . ons . v.1ho unt of grants to be given to schools. j, av{ , |, p ,, n v j s j t j lv , i, (>r s ; st er, Mrs. Ue states that grants have ho-ri \y Wilson, left on Saturday for ' -rifely bnsed upon the qualifications M ,. r nomo in Toronto. i f the teacher and the type of equip- Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Smith of To- lent which v as used. The day of ront(J v j s j U .,i at M r . John Giteon's on ''ie ill trained teacher is past as t Friday. here are no teachers in Ontario at M isK Stella Mar-hall, who has : reaent holding H third class certifi- sp( . nt two months wiMi her sister at < ate and an effort was made to in- pulton, relumed home on Saturday. Trease salaries and grants were ma.Te Mr. Clarence Marshall spent the n that basis. It is now proposed W(H .|< om i w j t t, ^\ s brother at Roder- ' i have the grant based on the size of j c | <- "ie problem the school authorities jf r> H ar per and Miss Irene Stew- ' ave to deal with, that is, the num- ( nr t, Toronto, were week end visitors ' -r of pupils. Premier Ferruson also w j tn the latter'-^ parents. Mr. Jack- 'ates that they are proceeding upon snn and Kendall Stewart accom- ^'-.e sound democratic principle that panied them back to the city and lo 'iose who own the children are those attend the exhibition. ho own the schools and manage' ,\tr. and Mrs. Herb Haney and them and he proposes that a school daughter of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. ' l iat only ha.-. IS pupils should not George Leitch of Toronto, Mr. and ceivc the same grant as one with and Mrs. Chas. Quosnel of Owen i.xty pupils. The Minister of F.t- Sound were visitors with Mr. and -ation has been endeavoring to haw Mrs. L. Duckett. > small schools closed and the pup- Mrs. Will Gibson motored to To- . taken to some other section, thus ro nto the first of the week and at- consolidated school. The problem tended the exhibition. education in the larger centre is Mrs. Hiwton and two children, who oming acute, and as an example have been visiting her nurents, Mr. gave the vase of Scarbora Town- and Mrs. Peter Muir, returned on ip, near Toronto, with a tax of 90 Monday to her home at Peterborough 'Us. Hi* chanfec of grants will Miss Marion Muir, teacher, returned !.-. 'gely benefit the urban schools. w ith her sister to teach at Peter- , boroi'ijh. ADVANCE ADVTS. PAT | Mw. and Mrs. Roy Piper and three The commencement of the school year on Tuesday has started many young lives off to serious thought and to learn that there are othc\ things to do in thi world than just play. Their carefree days are ovet and a new life N ripening before them, which v. ill gradually tea. TI them that by perseverance and study they may reach the heights of suc- cess in the vari<m sn'neres oi labor they may choose. * Two Frenchman a'-c the first pei-- ons to fly an airplane from contin- ntal Kurope to continental America. There have been other cro--sin!>s made but they always flew from Ireland -nd landed on .some island n the east coast of Canada. This "s an era of record breaking events nd no doubt the awards awaiting 'his pair of adventurers, both in the 'nited States and in France, will : cale to new high proportions. Premier Ferguson, who i - also sons and Mrs. H Piper motored lo Uarrie, Orillia and Wasaga Beach for the first, of the week. Miss Gladys Sellers of Toronto spent tht week end with Mrs. Anna McMillan. Misses Edith and Allie Grant, \vho .have been visiting their sister, Mrs. A. Muir, ha*'e returned to their school duties in Toronto. Mr. Koss McMullen and Miss Margaret McMullen and friend, Mr. C. Wyville, all of Toronto spent thc week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Mc- Mullen. Mr and Mrs. J.eslie Marshall and daughter, Ellinore, of Toronto anil Mr. and Mrs. Goldwin McMullen of Vancouver, B. C. visited their brother Mr. Ja-s. McMullen and wife. Mrs Wilson McMrllen accompanied them back to Toronto. Mr. Marshall, Miss Olive Masters, Alex and Murray attended the To- ronto exhibition on Monday. Miss Vera Marshall, nrrse at Dur- ham hospital spent thc week end with her parents here. Mr*. Will Gibson spent Monday at the Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Brown of To- ronto were on their wedding trip spent thc past v/eek with the latter's mother, Mrs. White. This community- extends its best wishes to thc happy coi'ple. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis of Toronto spent the week end with the latter-s sister, Mrs. Thos. StevAirt. Miss Betty Stewart, who was visiting her aunt returned home. Mrs. F.therington and daughters of Toronto were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair Mrs. Gilbert visited recently with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. McLaughin, Toronto, and Miss Dorothy Hare of Markdale 5'V-ent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. L. Johnston. , A voiding of interest to thej community took place in Ripley on! Wednesday of last week, when Mr. j Howard McKee wa^i united in mar-; ; inge to Miss Ethel Thompson, a "'.rmer teacher here. The youn? covple have the good Wishes of a large number of friends. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Bowes and family of Richmond Hill visited re- ccrtly with Mr. and <Mrj. Lundy Johnston. Mr.-.. J. I. Graham is slowly im- proving in health under the nursing rf Miss Stewart, R. N., of Owen Sound and Miss S.word of Meaford. The McGee children of Toronto are visiting their grandmother, Mrs. R. Genoe. Miss Peggy Ready of St. Mary's has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buchanan. FALL FAIR LIST The grandstand at the Canadian National Exhibition is 725 feet long. Alliston Barria Bolton Brampton Chatsworth Clarksburg Dundalk ColUngwood Durham Feversham Flesherton Grand Valley Hanover Hostein Kilsyth London Markdale Meaford Mount Forest Orangeville Owen Sound Priceville Rocklyn Shelburne Tara Toronto, C. N. Walter's Falls Sept. 19-20 Sept. 22-24 Oct. 3-4* Sept. 23-24 Oct. 9-10 Sept. 30 Oct 1 Sept. 23-24 Sept. 25-28 Sept. 10-17 Oct. 7-8 Sept. 18-1'J Sept. 30, Oct 1, Sept. 10-12 Sept. 23-24 Sept. 24-25 Sept. 8-ia Sept. 30, Oct. l] Sept. 17-19 Sept. 17-lb, Sept. 19-20 Oct. 2-4 Oct. 2-3! Oct. 7-8 Sept. 25-20 Sept. 30, Oct. 1 Aug. 22, Sept 6 Sept. 23-24 f Have The Advance Renew Your Daily Newspaper Subscription Reduction in Price to The Advance Subscribers f i VANDELELTR It is with profound regret that this community learned of the death of Mr*. Gordon McGee of Toronto, v.'ho passed away in a Toronto hos- pital on Tuesday of lasfr week after ar operation. Besides .her sorrowing hi -hand she lenves to moi'rn her le.-s foi'v small children, all of whom ha thc sympathy of the community in their great loss. Mr-. Dudgeon and Miss Ray of Owen Sorml were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. I.tmdy Johnston recently. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Knight and family of Toronto visited recently v$th Miss M. K. Graham. Sure I'm \vell fed!" My mother trades at KENNEDY'S GROCERY 5 IVLuxe Jelly Powders 25c. 2 l,;tr_;o Cans Teas 25c. 1 ll.M- Tea. re-. -I9c. for 39c S P,ar; Castile Soap 25?- I.arjjfe Hoi tic Libby's Olives 30<\ O'Caiuula Klour. per bag : $3.55 WORK SHIRTS from $ I and $ 1 .50 For$l J - r I Worth the Money SALE All First Class Guaranteed Goods Cub Stove, special at $i:t.'.i5 Aluminum Tea Kettle, large size Scotch Grey Enamel Roanler !Hx7 .. White Knamcl Bowl, set of two <' Urge Enamel Potato Pot Pie Plate*, 10 inch 2 f r 2! "' Steel Fry Pan a Real Buy IDc Tin Bread Pans 2 for 21>c Grey Granite Wash Basin 12^ inches 25c Large Enamel Sauce Pan 3% quarts 80c Gulvani/ed Boiler No. 9 l>8>-' Aluminum Cocen Percolator 8!)c Vacuum Lunch Kit, special We AND MANR MORE ItEAL HARGAINS. DON'T PASS TIIKM I'P COME KA1M.Y AND DONT I!K DISAPPOINTED Frank W. Duncan FLESHERTQN " CAMPAIGN COMMUNITY BUYING DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE The Merchants and Business Men represented below are co-operating in an effort to prove to the resi- dents of the town and surrounding community that values equal to any of the larger towns or cities may be procured in local stores. A series of educational "Buy-at-Home" editorials will be reproduced weekly. The benefit of Home Buying will be shown to the general advancement and progress of the community. Read the editorials, take advantage of the weekly -specials offered by he merchants, and BOOST THE TOWN YOU CALL HOME. F. H.W. HiCKLING GENERAL MERCHANT Men's Fine Shirts, all sizes 14 to s, regular $1.75 to $2.GO values All One Price $1.39. F. W. Duncan GENERAL HARDWARE White enamel preserving kettles UOc., $1.10 and $1.25 values TELEPHONE 51J Flesherton Advance Wo are offering ned subscriptions to The Advance until 1 January I'..'i2 for only $2.00. This ocer lasts until Sept. 1. Fiesherton Planing Mill COMPLKTK LINE BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Gyproc Lime, Brick, Flooring, Etc. PHONE 24 W . A. Hawken PHOTO GALLERY AND MTSIC STORK EL CT"IC RANGETTE $30.00 Complete with oven TELEPHONE 17w H. Down & Sons FORD DEALERS !)2fi Chevrolet Coupe in first class condition PHONE 30 Osproy & Artemesia Co-Operative Co., Ltd. ('.. Operative Special Flc.ur $:!.?r> OTanadii Flour Sli.fiO per bag TKT.KIMMXK 70 W, G. Kennedy GROCERIES. FRESH & CURED MEATS. MEN'S WEAR Men's Trousers, reg. $5.00 Clearing at |3.95 PHONE 37 Emerson J. Bennett FURNITURE DEALER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Tapestry Couch reg. $15.50 Special at $13.58 PHONE 78 J. A. Stewart GROCERIES. FLOUR & FEED Certo, Special at 29e. pkg. Egg ready-mixed Cake 23c. PHONE 46 W. A. Armstrong & Son JEWELLERS 15C'r off all Diamonds in stock. This week only. Watchmakers Opticians Unity and Co-operation A community is as big as the faith of the residents make it. This faith is evident in the unity which exists between merchant ami buyer. If dissension invades the community and the people go to nearby cities to purchase their goods the growth of the town is re- tarded and it is untimely relegated to the "has-been" class. When the merchant and the resident forget personal differences and unite their purposes for commoB trade, it w a certain sign that that com- munity is listed among the 'dooming." Think in terms of your local merchants, and decide to buy in Flesherton. Petty personal grievenccs are things of too little sig- nificance to let them interfere with the progress of the town which you call home. If you trust your merchant he svill prove himself loyal to you. The decision is yours to make. Shall you buy out- side Flesherton and see tho town fall behind, or shall you buy at borne and witness this community advance? Your patronage spells your confidence in your merchants who are responsible for the leading petition ynur town enjoys. If you give them your support, merchant awl resident will unite for the good of this town, and the result will prove that the only true way to succes-* is by united effort. Your dollars which you pay to your local butvher, grocer, clothier, printer or milkman, will stay in Flesh- erton and will ultimately come back to you 1 . THE HOME OF Ql'ALlTY MEAT M Wilson B t 1 T C II K R Jellied Tongue, Veil Picnic Hams Smoked Meats of all kinds. TELEPHONE 47w Thos. Owler and San GREY COUNTY EGG GRADING STATION Eggs Graded by Experienced Graders F. G. KARSTEDT STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS Flannel for School Dresses 89c. per yard PHONE 7 John Plester McCORMACK-DEERING F^RM. IMPLEMENTS PHONES :0ff ice 79 w: Resid. 44r4 F. FINDER Flesherton Bakery See that thte bread that grace' vour table is made at home. CANNOT BE BEATEN EAT MORE OF IT. D. McKillop TINSMITH & I'Ll'MBING Forks, Shovels, Hoes, Spades at right prices. General Hardware McTavish & Son CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE 1928 Landau Chevrolet Sedan 1927 Chevrolet Sedan TELEPHONE 9w H. Freeman GROCERIES. FRUITS AND 2 pkg-a. Kellogg Corn Flakes 29c, 2 Ibs pure Lard 35c. TELEPHONE 60 Brack's Garage DURANT SALES & SERVICE Tread Tire 29x4.40 5.60 Special this week.

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