Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Aug 1930, p. 1

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Vol. 50 No. 1 1 Flesherton Ontario, August 13 1930 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietor tUGENiA Mr. and Mrs. T. Barker of Ower. Sound visited their daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Little or Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Percy Magee ana son, Billie, Mr. and Mrs. Court Smith and children accompanied by Mrs. J. Hoiva-4 of Duncan vv.iitcd with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Thompson ami family of Balaclava on Sunday. Mrs. Howard remained for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Thompson. Mr. Chaj. Backer accompanied by his wife and daughter visited his sister, Mr=. (Dr.) Little on Civic holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Hu^h Fiddis and daughters, the Misses Francis ar.d Mae, also son Willie of Heathcote, visited with Mr. and M~s. Wilfred Magee on Sunday. Miss Muriel Fenwick returned home after a pleasant week's vl-jit with friends in Gait. We are very sorry to report the sudden illness of Mr. Stanley Camp- bell with appendicitis. He was taken to Owen Sound hospital, where an operation was -ucc??sfu!ly perform- ed. At ti'.ne of writing he is p-r- gressing favorably and we hope lie continues to do so. He was accom- panied to the hospital by his wile and Mrs. John Campbell. Mrs. Geo. Williams and family also Mrs.Nueby and family have returned to Toronto after spending the pasi few weeks in this locality. Detective McConnell and officers, Allen and Alton of the Toronto Polke Force visited D -. Little the Game Warden, one day recently ana' enjoyed a very pleasant holiday os the trout streams. Mrs. Bert Magec and little soft?, Jim.-nk- and Earl have retumea home after a. week's visit with re- latives in Toronto. A very delightful time was spent in the pavilion on Friday night last at a dance given by Messrs Proctor and Parks. Mr. and Mr*. Herbie LeGard and children of Pickering and Mr. H. Le- Gard of Flesherton visited one Say recently with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee and family. Miss Donalda Sloan accompanied I Mr. and Mrs. A. Sloan and family , home to Chatham, for a visit. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. W. Graham and daughter. Phyllis visited in To- ronto recently. Mr. Walker Sloan has gone to St. Thomas to -spend some time. Mrs. Hollinger of Toronto is visi- ting Mrs. Wilson. Mr. J. McKnight and son. HaroU? of Gviersville and Miss Reta Mar- shall of Meaford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Pedlar on Sunday. Mi. Sam McDonald returned home on Monday from -summer school in Toronto. VICTORIA CORNERS VANDELE'JX Mr. and Mrs. Han-y Gamer and daughter, Irene also Mr. Jack Gil- bert and family of Toronto were the guests o^ Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gilbert recently. Mr. Ed. Wa-ling of Toronto spent a few days with friends in this com- munity. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Ready and family of St. Mary's are visiting with the Davlj, Johnston and Buch- anan families. Mr. and M^s. Lundy Jbhnston visited recently with fri*nds at Kin- cardine. TORONTO LINE NORTH Mr. ar.d Mrs. E. Wickeas and dau- ghter, Mavion visited \v[th friends at Clarksburg en Sunday. Miss Evelyn Browr. is spending a va?at!on with her grsniimcther, Mr:;. W. L~vci- -t Tcronto. Miss Ethel Shaw, who ha* been with Mr.-. E. Wickcr.s for the past several months haj returned to her h-rmc nt Cheesavflle. Mr. and Mrs. Abercrombie and family of Vancouver B. C. called on Mr. and Mrs. Pritchard at R. Rich- ardson's recently. M:. ar.d MIJ. Jno. Radford and two children of Toronto were week end visitors with the latter's cousin, Mrs. R. Richardson. Mrs. R. C. Maelntyre and Mr. Ed. kichzrdvon of Toronto are spending a week with their brother, R. Rich- ardson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Pritchard spent a few days with friends in Toronto. Those who attended the Old Boys' Reunion at Laurel on Civic holiday were: Mr. ar.d Mrs. Erric Stinson anH children, Emerson and Kings ley Gallagher ar.r 1 Rev. Mr. Prosser. Mr. and Mr-. Ch-s. Stevenson ci Bran-.ptor v:-:ited at J?s. Lockharts. Mi. Sam Parslov,- and cousin frcni St. Pauls visited at Mr. Wm. Scott'-. Mis 5 Dorothy Calde of Toronto visited hor cousin Mrs. A. Stevens. Re~. Stevens of Detroit spent the wsek er.J a.; the parental home. Mrs. Stevens anr< Wilbrt went back home with him after a c,aiet stay in the r.rghr-orhood. Mrs. Stevens and Wilbur have not been well, having had cummer flu, while here. Miss P.o;c!!ci Str.'cns also returned with thin. . Mrs. McCullough and Mrs. Reid of Toronto visited at Gee. Lu<llow'<. Mr.=. Morrow of Erin i-; visiting her sister, Mrs. Jas. Best. Mi. and Mr.-. M:Whir.:vy. N>rth- wc-t Missionaries, visited their niece Mrs. Ren. Achcson. Mr. McWhinnc-y gave an intcrc -tins nd instructive address at Lsague on Wednesday evening. CEYLON Situations Guaranteed Canada is crlling loudly for young men and young women, whn ar* thoroughly grounded in modern busi- ness science. Canada Busiress Col- lege. (Coll'-se & Snadina) popularly known as Toronto's Gratest School of Business has unequalled Cacilitics for training the type of young per- sons sought by tha jre"t business concerns. Payments may be maite when convenient. Those who cannot, attend school may without charge study at home by nipil. Our Pre-si-j dent. George Sp^tton, M. P. has sue cessfully operated business colleges for over twenty five years. Write today for a list of o'.ir successful graduates from your district, ad- dress Miss Gertrude B. A. College St. Toronto Offered (o Treat Cops While Prov. Constable John-.=toi. of Kitchener and another ofrcet were motorin-r to Walkerton on Fri- day last thov encountered car trouble en the detour near Mila- may and stopped to fix it. An- other car a short distance away \\a.- also in difficulties and a garageman was engaged in making adjustment?. When the driver of the latter bus saw th" cops, he held un a bottle ana shouted. "Come on, boys, we WLI help you." The officers went up, took th^ bottle out of his hand, seized f-rap other liquor found in the c-^r and brought him and his companion on to Walkerton. where they wrt> ushered before Magistrate Walker and he and his chum were released from custody poorer but wiser men. Walkerton Herald & Times. Field Crop Competitor! Osprey Agricultural Society 1st. Allan McLean; 2nd. Geo. W. Ross; 3rd.. Wra. L. Taylor; 4th.. O. W. Mage; 5th. J. A. Kernahan; 6th., E. Hawton; 7th., Jas Ottewell, Jr. JAS. A. CAMERON. Weston (Judge) MRS. E. HAWTON, Sec. IT'S IFfSE T O CHOOSE A SIX it ? s wise t c*!i@*s c TT'S wise and economical to choose a * Chevrolet Six! For the new Chev- rolet i.-s a six-cylinder car with all the advantages of greater smoothness, comfort, speed and hill-climbing power !' !i nothing less than six cylinders can give. Yet, priced as low as ?b35 at the factory, Chevrolet Six is actually one of the lotrvst-priced cars you can buy! And this great Six costs no more for gascotta no more for oil .-o.s.'.t no more for tire* rots no more for upkeep than any other car on the road today. In addition to giving yen smoother, i'a?ter performance now, Chevrolet's mo!em feature? sueh as low suspen- sion, longer wheclbuje, Ictigthwiso mouuted springs, new Fisher liodief, plush upholstery and smart appoir.t- ments assure higher re-sale valuo for your car when you come to turu it in. Come in and see us today for a road demonstration. Ask about the General Motors Owner Service Policy, the most complete service policy in the industry and the <-.M. \.< .. General Motor*' own deferred payment plan. Tfe Sp*n T* TW C ..... 7 Tto Snff Sron KM^MOT 793 (Sa wre vkttli it*n+>J> $7U ROAOSTBI or PHAETON 74 635 rw C<mf* (S tuo $40 179 40 \) m tttorr. Ot*fm. Tmn, tmmftn tmJ tfm lira nr*. 4 l. / C.immrci./ Cm* t*i Trmttt tr*m I4IS . CHEVROLET D. McTAVISH & SON Chevrolet Delears - FksherUn IT'S BETTER BE CAUSE I T * S _ C A N A D 1 A ?> N M-. ar.d Mrs. Ridsdais and three I children Oi Gait, Mr. and Mrs. Shaw J art! daughter of Damascus; Mrs. Warrell, Mrs. Lenr.enbank and tv. f s:-r.s cf Philadelphia, ; Mrs. A. Mc- D:ra!d cf Creernore; Mi- and Mrs. Glen McGee and ' ibe cf Vandeleur ar.d Mr. end Mrj. Beatty of Orange Valley were wae'c end visitors with M;. ar.J Mr;. Thos. Fletcher. Mr. Angus Clark ar.d Sir. and Mr.;.; McLauchlan ar.d th-ee child- ren of Priceville spent the first of ihs \veek at Mr. Geo. Arrowsmith's. Mi - . and Mrs. Roy Piper and three ior.3 and Mrs. H. Piper motored to L_urbtor! the first of the wc-ek. Mr. Thos. Cook of Markdale visi- ted the pc;t \veek with hii brother hers. I.!-.-, ar.-i Mrs. Thos. ana family moto-ed to Collingwood and V.' Beach the firs; of the week. Rev. Mr. McWhinney, who has been % i-itir.g his brother. Mr. Jr.;. Me- Whinrey ar.d wife, very acceptably t : )k charge of the service here the :-.-.;-. two Sabbaths. Hi: subiect on "Education crr.oct* tha Indians in the West" was very interesting and enjoyed by those present. He left Monday with his v.'ife and family f o his home at Kamsack, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. Jack White of Toron- to are visiting the former's mother here. Mr. and Mrs. Royden Gibson and daughtc , Helen of Tcronto were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. I. Gibson. Mrs. Cecil Ar.-hibald of Proton. :-pent the; week end with her purer. Is. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. Mr. Dick Wise- eager and Miss McMaster from To- ronto were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stewart. Miss McMaster remains for a week longer. On Friday evening a friendly game of ball was played by our boys in Bcike!ey. The score was 12-13 ;.; favor of Berkeley. Monday evening the Berkeley boys came down ana played Ceylon, the score being 24-16 in favor of Berkeley. Mrs. Jarvis Hazard of Pricevil\>. visited her father. Mr. Stone the pa-jt we-:k. Mrs. J. Chesney and family visi- *ed friends at Dornock the first ..t he week. Mr. and Mrs. KneH and family of Owen Sound visited the first of the week with Mr. Luther Duckett anc family. Th.' Ladies' Aid held a cake sale at Mr. McTavish's service station. Flesherton on Saturday afternoon. Th-.' sum of ten dollars was realized. Mrs. F. J. Collinson and family and Mrs. F. D. Cairns, motored the past week to Port Dalhousie and London. Miss Reta Hemphill visited las', week with friends at ' u -. F. D. Cairns and Mrs. Geo. \ii * s:ient the past week wUr. 1 nmlon. Hamiltort and St. Cafhorir. ''!. mis. While in St. Catherine oa iy mornintr they were fortunate 'o hsvt> *n excellent view of the R-JOO, which vas on its Ontario cruise. M '. M.-Tk-r of T-ivnto vis-tod :*v . week with his cousin--. Mrs. ri- ">:*! JV-. A. Ke-int'dy and .-:>'e'. Bella. Mi.-< V-'r-i Marshall, who h.- irsr a finishing o-v-rso -'-.i a ho*" : ta! it Lindon. is visiting he- parri i, ef.-v co!rp!etir>.~ her Durham. ! BATES BURIAL CO'Y. I DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT MODERATE COST NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR PARLORS g 122-121 AVENUE RD. TORONTO PHONE: N:ght or Day KI. 4344 V Keep Them Clean equipment are not necessary in the "reduction of cl"Ui milk although they do help. Mor important !' the keeping of the stable clean and v.-a*hinjr and sterilizing of the " luipment in usf. Following this there must be pro-ier cooling of the "ream or mi'k. and if selling owa-ii. fretT'-nt deliveries must be made. 'specially during the hot weather. No creamerynmn is in a position to make the hisrhest grade of butter from cream that i* not clean and of good flavor. A dairyman can greatly assist in raising the score of our Can- idian kutter. Of courj there must be proper eoHpment and car* in the cueamery. Too often cream is held too long at the farm to make first- class butter. " Subscribe to The Advanc* Mrs. A. Cooey and daughter of Toronto visited with Mrs. Gilbert Little. Mis* Poris i* staying for a week's holidav with Evelyn and Ger- tie Little of Portlaw. * J. W. BATES. Formerly of Flesherton R. MADDOCKS. -j- FEVERSHAM Eckl^r.d of Thornhill ar.d Mi= LloyJ of Mount Albert were visitors with their cousins, the M>- oujtte l--t week. Mrs. W*. G. Dand and son Herbtir of Lop" Branch visiied with the for-'c nar"r.t3 5Ir. and Mrs. Co! -uettv; -s: | Gumbo I'm the happies: man a- j iive. I've ot the finest wife in the j cc itry. Mudd Yeah, that does make a man happy, having his country. the The statement was made during the World's P uhry Congress in London, England, that British con- Mr. Don Hanring visited a: his sur-.ers pav si.-::v thousand pounds sterling ($000.000) daily for egg? parental home in Guelph last week. Mc:sr3. G. Dand and R. McGrego: K Lonfr Branch were visitors with and poultry at this season of the year. Surely there i-3 a great op- Mr. ?.-! Mrs. Colqrette ".J.-t -.'.'eek. portunity for Canadian poultryrcen The boys -were over t.j Owen Sound in this great British marker, to play soft the Long VOTERS' LIST. TOWNSHIP OF OSPREV, 1930. bail with soft bal; team. Miss Lulu Hutchinson of Shrong- ficld. Sask. "'23 a recent visitor with her aunt. Mrs. John Brown of Rob. Roy and is now visiting wi-.h friends in Markdale. ( Voters' Lists Act and that I have M:s. Jaire?. of Toronto, late ot pelted up at my office at Feversham England, has taken the position of, on the llth. day of August. 193 1 - N'jtice is hereby given tha; I have- complieu with Section 10 of The housekeeper for Mr. Henry Ccu!- tha-d. Mr. and Mrs. Towers of Moncton. Quo. are visiting with Mrs. Towe-s' parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Thorn- br~ y in this village at present. Mr. Burton Henderson of Detroit and Miss Baird of the Sault were visitors in the village last week. the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality for Members of Parliament and at Municipal Elections, ar.d that such list remai"? thore for inspection. And I hereby cal! upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have rny errors or omissions corrected according to law. the last day for Mr. Emie Bewell of Toronto an-j I appeal being the 1st. day cf Septerr.- two boy friends were week end visi- tirs with Mr. and Mrs. the townline. Bewell or. ber. 1930. Dated this 12th. day of August. 1930. H. G. BURKE. Clerk of Osprey Twp. Remodeling of Farm This is the building season on the farm. Although there will not be many new barns built thL= year, there will be the usual amount of remodel- ling of cow stables. The stables- should bo constructed to keen ou' cold and conserve the animal heat, ar the same time letting the air move through the stable by some well de- signed ventilating measure. In most cases the barns having the poorest ventilation facilities are those where- the outside temperature is t->o low The following suggestions eould be followed to good advantage by dair> farmers: Don't have the stable too high; eight feet to the bottom joists is plenty. Have as few doors as pos- sible and have them tight. Four square feet of window lights per i \v is sufficient. Insu'. \ th- w.-.Il?. Warm stables a;e desirable every standpoint if well vent;- TENDERS Tenders will be received for the erection of a Mortuary Chapel in thf Flesherton cemetery up to Augusr 18, 1930. Plans and specifications to be seen at my residence. JOHN s. MCMILLAN. Sec. of the Cemetery Board. Irtcd. Li ; t'o Alice haii a very b;M c '.u Ko!di"g up a rose to h~r mother"; ;-b > asked: "Does " ' -wee "Y ?. dear." t'v -.-.. >th'-: ; \vc.x-d. ' C' .-'t yo'.i sn:e!' i' yourself ; deaf." " Alice shook hjr l-.'.-n "No, she said, "'-,- - - TENDERS WANTED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to and including Fri- day. August 15, for the construction of Hamilton's Bridge opposite Lc-- 70. Con 2 and 3 N.D.R.. Osprev Township. (113 cu. yd. concrete 21S cu. yd. excavation 64 piles). Plans and specifications may ' seen at the office of the Enginee . Court House, Owen Sound. A marked check for 10 per cer-, will be required from each bidder a: the successful bidder must rurnish : contract bond covering 50 per cent <. the amount of the contract. The lowest or ar.y temicr "ot ne.'- essari'y ae.-.ptcd. Tenders will be r^ened ar.d ce- sidered at Maxwell. A.:.-;-' !t3th, z' 2 p.m. Standard Time. H. G. BURKE. KA'. MeKNI<" : ' Clerk. Kngirreer, F iham. . . ofQuaity Seed Bags We have 300 No. 1 Seed Bags ata very Special Price this week Jas. A. Stewart GROCERIES PHONE 46 WE DELIVER IN TOWN

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