WEDNESDAY, JULY 23. 1930. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collingwood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada |2.00 per year, when paid in advance $1.50. In McCANNEL SILL1CK An interesting wedding took place at high noon on July 12th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smythe ,.f Clarinda strict, Tee?waU-r. when the! neiee, Hebron Lsahfll Sillick. daughter of tin- late Mr. and Mrs John SiMick was united i:i marriage fm Ar. v .. ll/IUI _!**.* ' U. S. A. $2.50 per year when pa.d ^ ^ ^..^ g _ ^ Cmn ^ y , ung . in advance $2.00 (Members of Canadian Weekly News- jest son of Mr. and M-s. Neil McCan- nel. Proton Station. Rev. Mr. Mon- teith conducted the ceremony. paper Association) W. H. THURSTON, - - Editor! The bride was given in marriag> F. J. THURSTON - Assoc. Editor by her uncle, Mr. W. J. Smythe i \He^ Ha::el Wacks played the wed ding march from Lohengrin as thi bride entered thelivng ytom and took he'.- place beneath white ar.d oranjr TKI: i. MI OF Tin: FIGHT Hi-fun- un'i'.hcr is.<ut' of The Ad- vance reaches our readers, the genci- ;il Election \ull have been fought and won, a- kit a few days lemuin <:11 |,ul:i!v: Jay. What of the pros- /i-ts.' NVe doubt if there has ever oeen a c-,.i,i>-i in which the outcome has been more uncertain. The aver- -tivaim-rs, tastefully arranged ii arch effect, before an altar of fern? mange and white liliies of the val !.> :m:l morning primroses. The b-ide was lovely in a J:\cque" in ensemble of white taffeta crep with a dainty spray of orange bios sonv-t delicately showing through flit-tor must be puzzled to whie georgette coat, wearing a whit reach a conclusion, as leaders, on both siile.s as is their wont, prophecy vi.tory for their respective parties. In .South-East Grey we have had the fight between Mr. Campbell and Miss Maephail, continued with fairly good humor and with little differ- ence in the questions brought for- ward. Each side appears confident, and much may depend on how the vote is brought out. But in other constituencies the issues have been widened. The Conservatives have a new leader and the three cornered contests have been considerably de- creased. This may alter the result in a number of constituencies. Then pictuit- hat and ca-rying a bouque of ar.gel pernet roses and niaide hair fern. She wore her father' wedding gift to her mother, a beaui fill gold braclet. Du-ing thesignin of the register, Mr. Reginald Moor -an-.,' "Until 1 ". The groom's gift t '.he L; ide was a green gold wri.s watch, to the pianist n gold bar pin *.o the soloist a pair of gold cui 'inks ar.d to the witnesses, Mis A\ Silinck, a ?appire brooch and Mr Alex HkCanne!, a pnir of gold cul links. The living :-om and dining rooi were beautifully decorated wit white and orange streamers caugh from the inability of Western farm- in lh ,. cp|ltrt> , )y a , ar( , e whiu> bc . ers to market thiir last year's crop, and the r^.-ultira' scarcity of money there ha; been scarcity of employ- ment in various parts of the country as indeed has been the case (thoug'i in ?nic- instances frrm other causes) in the United State:. Great Britafn and other countries. These condit- ions lead to the In pe of some op- ponents of the Government that the opposition wiil profit by discontent incidental to lack of employment. But how much these conditions will affect the vote, remains to be seen. That the electors will have and eve ywhere were baskets wh:'.:> and orange liliies. After th en ninny a dainty luncheon w;i ervtcl by the bride's cousins. Misse Avis and Wilmn Sillork and Grac and Irene Halliday. M--. Clarene Green jioured tea and Mrs. Wa!te i;..-e si.', i'.-e. Mrs. W. J. Smythe re :!.i .! in a frown of black crepe wi 11 '.: :-: n corsage bouquet of whit !) rothy rose?. Late- in the day Mr. ami Mrs. Me Ciinnel left by motor to Tobermor> Manitoulin Island, North Bay The bride t avelled an in san every opportunity to make known ; f ^ mirf , sllit , lf , )n , xvn am j their view, is assured as polls will . (] , ;y c ,. (th wi . h sam , o held in aim. -t every one of the , j,,,,^ san(i hllt aml san a accO ssorie j -M inal.h. The gifts we -e many an It may help the speculative to' beautiful, showing the high esteem make their guessts as to the result i j n which the youn? couple are hell of th voting to study the following On their return they will reside o table of the standing of parties when Parliament was di few weeks since: Conservative-. ................................. 90 Liberals ............................................ 11!) I'. F. A ............. u ................ 11 Progressives .................. Li'-ral - I'H'tr ea r-es ....... Lab.,r .......... Independent ............. Total 215 '.he groom's fri'-in in Proton townshi whe;- tliey \vil lie t:l home to thei friend/ after August 1st. SEELEY LONG A quiet but pretty wedding wa solemnized by the Rev. F. M. Oldhan if Dundalk on Wednesday, July !t at 12 o'clock al the home of th bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Long, when thei.- daughter, Alice Leona war. united in murriage EDITORIAL NOT:::-;. I Mr. Leonard Herbert Seeley, son o Toronto the 'V"->d" enjoys '' *<>\>- Mr. am | Mrs. David Seeley. through it.s philanthropical enterprises, not by its enro- iry In its Liberal candidates. The b ide entered the parlor on th? nrm of her father, to the stra of the Bridal Chorus, played by Mrs KcMie Sicl'.-y ar.d took her plcc bc id tlie ir.-oom under an nrc-h of vencrn-ns and white bellrs an< "North Yn:-'.- Gave Mackenzie Kim; a Warm Welcome." i-; heading on ;-. H'-V... paper. They say it with flower:, there t., the Prime- Minister, but not s with ballots. | Tho bride locked lovely in her id i ess of whiti- silk gem-gelti 1 will When will the age of wastefulness :-<-arl trimmings and . arried t ml? The Uniti'il States has made hoi:o;in-t <>f pink ruse---.. :i start to economize- It now announc After tlie signing of the '-egiste:- ea that it Rets 41 per c.'iit of its ;ir d the u-uial rood wishes, the supply througii recovery from waste ),, i ; |,. led the way t-> the dining room irtit-li-s. In this country, we throw ,.. i ; , . -unjptuous wedding n-pnst \.ist uuiintitie.-, <.f tin cans, W a:i served. The diningrooni WHS ;-nd no BtU-mpt i.* made to sanitary ,|, , ,, - : ,ted with large white bell ; an." profit by reduction of the size of pink nnd white streamers. Th < ur town dumps. pnsmts were beautiful and costly. After shower of confetti tle bride Tl.,- novel feature in the < '.ecti'in : ,;.,| K ,,, im | ( .f( |, v motor for Toronto < smpajgn now in its last week i :-. mid other point:-. The bride'.* goini; been the use of th^ radio in spe.-rl] wa y icslume was sand canton crop;- inttki: . It would be interesting w ith bit hose, gloves and purse to know hnw many of the li--tem - ..alih and navy coat. After they "in hx-ard any of the long winded or- returned they "osidcd on the sitors from beginning to end. Our f;m;i Centre Line, near YVaroham. ,<iliti<-a! leaders have yet to learn \Ve wish the young couple a happy '.i.he art of condensation. Lord Roe- ami p -osporoiw journey through life, i cry, .John IHght and Mr. Baldwin DMflab of concise speech making, HABY SWALLOWS SAFETY PIN rarely spoke for r.n hour at n time, but how much they said and how in- Bobbie, the baby son of Dr. nnd tcresting they i.'ade the Hubj-.rl Mr-. Grove of Paisley, swallowed t , i afety nin on Sunday. This infantile __ _ . 'furl nt toning up the system caused HANOVER BOY CHECKED lh imrents considerable alarm, find nhbip vns taken ti Walkerton II V.'ilfred Oehring may be a cat hecker at the Owen Sound Canadian Nationals Railways depot, but rr- ently he was the one who was hccked. Whilr driving between T Ianovor nnd Klmwood, n deer jump- <d the fence at the side of tho roan nnd mn f".- n .short distance in front of the en before taking t:> the fi ''I- nRnin. The nnimnl wn ; only some ^rn feet !il>"ad of the car n..<1 hnd Mr. Oehring not nt>t. !!<! his brakes 'e would probably h:'V been faHnp n. chpi-'.-!' <f klllln" deer nu'. of on. Harris Examiner. lital for an rx-ray exj'.miimtion I'icb showed thnl the pin bad reach d the stomiich and was closed, sr h-it i' wns (-(insiilei-id by the d.ic- i i.nnecpisnry tn oivr.ite for it? eni'iv.?!. The little fellow is ap- Iv cnioying Ills yi migr life n lal, notwithstnnding the pinninir Invn bo gave hiir.nplf. P:illc> 'Wniti-! 11 "Vo-, Si-." "Whit 1 "T''i Mr." lon't cnrn whnt it has been; the quei i*i I-. v.-!,ai I ' p ?" H. G. Burke Best Shot in Regimenl NOT THE ONLY FOOL An old Dutchman who, some years ago, was elected a member of the legislature, said, in his broken Eng- lish style. "Ven I vent to the lechis- of the big artificial bird behind. fly could make & non . stop flight at That champion of speed is the deer known speed, under favorable atmos- ^ the fagtegt thing in the wor , d j pheric conditionS( it CClU i d f i y from Professor Tov;nsend, formerly con- (New York to Paris in a little over neeU-d with the United States Bur- three hours, and by hurrying up a tail of Entomology, timed the deer- little might circle the globe in a The Grey Regiment returned f;om latur I tcught I vould find dem all f , y at 4()0 yar(fs a second) 815 miie s single day. We vetnure to say that amo a! New Liskcard Beach eany Solomons dere; but I soon fond dere an hour more than twice as fast as it will ' be some time yet before Friday morning and brought- with was some as pig fools dere as I vas." tne spee( jjest airplane! If the deer- 1 flying man "runs over" the deerfly. them a fin;- silvr cup, emblematic of ;^==^^==^======r:r==^r===?!!=^?==?^===^?======???TT==^? the general proficiency championship ' What," said an interviewer to a of the bi igade. Tliis cup was placed candidate, "do you intend to do if in competition for the first time lust yna are elected?" "My goodne*:-." $ year, the Algmquin Rifles winning it. said the poor follow, "whit shall I d;> * This year the competition was very if I'm not elected?" *5* keen and extremely close, but thu $ Grey Regiment finally captured it.' TWICE AS FAST AS THE it, LWlUfi Ao r.A.Ti AO .j. the Simcof Foresters being the i!L-ar- AIRPLANE X est competitor. The officers and *:| men deserv.- hearty concrratuLi' ions it is commonly said that the air- for their splendid achievement. Tht- plane going at record speed of some- | cup will be on exhibition in Flesh- r- thing better than 350 miles an hoin ! ton in the very near future. j a f as t enough literally to run over X The soldiers who attended the camp any bird that flies. That has given jj report that they were received in a the impression that no living thing i very handsome fashion by the people could outspeed flying man in hi.s X of the north country and they thor- machine, but that conclusion is in- \. ouschly enjoyed their stay. The camp correct. There is one little creature, *; situ was splendid at a beach on Lake tiny as compared to even a small {' Tijni .Naming, just one |mili.> from bird, that can cover two miles to the ^ New Liokeard. The members of the airplane's one even leave the noise *;' Regiment were very well fed, county! ^' and city grants making possible extra / ratoins. The Brigade was overstrength and thi: was the reason for the camp breaking up two-days ahead of time,: the local company arriving home at about 2 a.m. Friday morning. Harry G. Burke of Feversham, Q. 1 M.S. of n. Company, won tho prize f.f best shot in the Regiment and was awarded second place in the brigade! championship. Harry is a veteran' of the Great War and this is the first- time ho has gone into active military work since he returned from over-! seas. He is to be congatulated upon; securing again tho name of being a first cla.-s. a distinction he won onj active service. Direct Cream Shipments i Wanted ! WHY SELL YOUR CREAM TO TRUCKS WHEN g YOU CAN MAKE MORE MONEY BY SHIPPING DIRECT? :> .. Correct \veicrhts, test and grade, plus highest market prices for fiutterfat guaranteed. Prompt payments. Cans supplied free on application Walkerton Egg & Dairy Co., Ltd. WALKERTON 'The most trivir.l and unessential I things ar? often regarded as matters' of confidence in the Government and I th^ free criticism of the House and th responsible action of Member- are thus suppressed by the Party Machine. The House of Common- should put an end to the p ^-.-tice ol considering pvery trifling amendment declaration of want of conf'der.;,- in tb" Government." Ram-iy Me- Donald. Sure I'm \vell fed ! My mother trades at KENNEDY'S GROCERY 2 Ihs. pure lard 35c. 2 Ihs. sodas 35c. Jelly Powders 5 pkgs. 25c. Lux flakes 2 pkgs 19c. 10(.) Ihs. St. Lawrence sugar $5.25 O'Ca;;ada Rotir .. . $3.65 s suits Meri'j 10 p,c. Off all Men's Suits this week FLESHERTON CAMPAIGN COMMUNITY BUYING DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE The Merchants and Business Men represented below are co-operating in an effort to prove to the resi- dents of the town and surrounding community that \alues equal to any of the larger towns or cities may be procured m local stores. A series of educational "lluy-at-Home" editorials will he reproduced weekly' he benefit nt Home Buying will he shown to the general advancement and progress of the community TVVY /r!f? ' advan tage of the weekly spe;ials offered by he merchants, and HOOST THE F. H.W. H1CKLING GENERAL MERCHANT .Special prices on running shoes children*' sizes OUc., misses, sixe 89c.. boys' sizes Sl.l'.i. F. W. Duncan GENERAL HARDWARE VVIiiln enamel prosei-vine kettles. !'0c.. $1.10 nnd S1.25 values TKI.KP1IONE 54J W.L. Morwood SHOE REPAIRS !''>ivi:il iii Men's Oxfords, recr. 0-1.75, s'l!ine this week nt only S-l patent toe and trim Flesherton Planing Mi COMPLETE LINE BlILDERS' SUPPLIES Lumber, .Shingles, Lath, Gyproc Lime, Urick, Flooring, Etc. P11ONF 24 W. A. Hawken PHOTO GALLERY AND MUSIC STORK EL C'T"IC RANGETTE $30.00 Coinpli te with ovn TELEPHONE 17w W. G. Kennedy GROCERIES. FRESH & CURED MEATS. MEN'S WEAR 2 Ibs. lard. 35c. PHONE 37 Emerson J. Bennett FURNITURE DEALER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR Furnhure repairing and upholst- ering at moderate iatp. Picture framing a sne/mltv PHONE 78 J. A. Stewart GROCERIES. FLOUR & FEED "Fly Exit" Rcir. $3,75 f>r $3.39. PHONE -50 W. A. AririSlrono & Son JEWELLERS 1-2 doz. plain silver rlnted forks, reg S.VIIO for $3.50. '20 niece Bird cf i'aradise reg $30.00 fnr $10.50 V/atchmakers - Opticians Preserve Your Resources H. Dov/n & Sons FORD DEALERS 1025 Star Sedan PHONE 36 Osprcy & Artemesia Co-Operative Co., Ltd. Co-O, i-.v'i < Spi-i-inl $3.75 O'Cnnada Flour $3.00 TELEPHONE 70 The person who spends the money he earns in his own town outs-id" his community is helping to exhaiut his own resources. In the same manner in which u man who indulges in dissipation ex- hausts his rhvsk-nl resources by expending his energy faster than <l... body builds it up. When n do/en residents or more do their buying outside Flesherton, they reduce the economic stength of the community t'> n noticeable extent, and when a hundred ,i>r more residents do so, tho situation becomes alarming, and the ultimate collapse of the community is inevitable. Its meichants will br forced to retire from business through the losses they incur, public intitutions wiil fall into disrepair through lack of care, ami-soon the population will begin to fall off, as people move to a more prosperous community. The ultimate end will be ruin for the community and its residents. Guard against this condition in Flesherton. The failure of one merchant means little, but the success of the majority of the t-i->-- chants pells progress for the community nnd its residents. Th- merchant is the ImcUbo-e of the community. Individually, t>evhans, th" v e are a few who nre not boosters of FU'sherton but collectively they n -e the men upon whom you should depend and rive your sun- "ort. Be individual bankers. Build up your resources through, community buying. F. G. KARSTEDT STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS Dress Lengths. Silk Crepe. 51.75 to $2.75 per yd. PHONE 7 John Plester McCormack 7 ft. cut binder M. 1 1. hay loader, in eood repair. PHONES :0ffice 7<J\v; Resid. 44r4 T. riNDKR Flesherton Bakery See tha! thte bread that irrace - vuur table is made at home. CANNOT BK BEATEN EAT MOKE OF IT. D. McKillop TINSMITH & PLUMBING Flo-Glaze Paints & Enamels 'The Best Paint Made." General Hardware McTavish & Son CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE 1928 Landau Chevrolet Sedan 1927 Chevrolet Sedan TELEPHONE 9w THE HOME OF QU M.ITY MEAT M Wilson B U T C I! E R Jellied Tongue, Veil Picnic Hams Smoked Meats of all kinds. 47\v Thos. Owler arii Sen [GREY COUNTY EGG GRADING STATION Eggs Graded by Experienced Graders H. Freeman GROCERIES. FRUITS AND Ice Cream and Bricks. Corn Flakes. 3 boxes 29c. TELEPHONE 60 Brack's Gerage DURANT SALES & SERVICE Tread Tire 20x4.10 5.60 Special this week. .1 f f .