\ ' THE KLKSHKRTON ADVANCE CEYLON B. Cummins cf Oshawa, br a week with her brother, McDonald and family. Her her will accompany her back to 'ing with 'her brother, Mr. Ceo. Mrs. Cecil Archibald of Proton visited her parents the first of the week. Mrs. Dell Stewart and children of Bolton, Mrs. Robt. Rutledge and two children ,of Holland Centre, spent a few dajjs with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Marshall. vr - Capt. and Mrs. Adams and son Visitors with Mrs. White for thojof Wtngham visited Mr. and Mrs week end were: Mr. and Mrs. Wai- J. Gibson the first of the week. for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Torrey Sfc, Jack of Lauroston spent first of the week with Mrs. A. Pip- and the ter Griffen and son, Wallace, Mr. Fred Archer, Mr. and Mri. Stanley Mr. and Mrs. John Fletcher of Toronto visited with the former's White and daughter, Edna Mr. Robtj brother and wife, MR, and Mrs Brows, Miss Anna and Delia White' Thos. Fletcher last week. alt of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs.j Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart and George White of Soringhin. , Mrs. Donald McLeod spent the week Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Haw and; end in Toronto, attending the Old family and Mrs. Knox attended the! Home Week picnic there. Memorial service at the Salemj BORN June 8th to Mr. and Mrs. cemetery on Sunday. Walter Scott at Delia Alberta (nee Miss Mary. McDonald of Dundalki Ruby Stone) the gift of a daughter, pent the week end with her par-' Congratulations. r>ts. Congratulations are extended to On Friday evening of this week Miss Vera Marshall, who has been Mr. Cooper of Markdale will give a in training at the Durham Red Cross (lowing of his pictures entitled Memorial hospital and who with "The Nest," for the Ladies' Aid. three others held their graduation JCbt ladies are looking forward to exercises in the town hall, Durham, a good crowd. Only a small fee of on Friday evenfng, when a most en- 25 and 15c. is being charged. jjoyable eveniinjr was spent. Hon. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Nixon of To- Dr. D. Jamieson was chairman for ronto visited at Mr. Donald Me- he evening and disposed of a fine Leod's last week. program which consisted of addres- Mrs. Heslop of Eugenia is visl-ses, piano duetts and solos. The HouseofQuaity ' Seed Bags <-* Florence Nightingale pfedge was then taken by the nurses, read by their matron, Miss Fettes, R. V, after which their diplomas were presented -by Mrs. Gaynon and pens by Mrs. Wress. Next came the presentation of flowers, when Miss Vera was presented with about 8 beautiful bouquets of flowers from friends. Those who attended from here were Mr. and Mrs. Marshall and daughters, Mrs. Dell Stewart of Bolton, Mrs. Robt. Rutledge of Hol- land Centre and Misses Reta and Stella Marshal!, Mr. and Mrs. Will Gibson, Mr. and Mjs. "Archie Sin- clair, Mr. and Mrs. George Snell and Mrs. F. D. Cairns. Liberal In Field? At the Liberal nomination at Dur- ham on Saturday Mr. David Wriftht. principal of Dundalk high school, was chosen as Liberal Standard-bearer in the present general election fi<*ht. He asked for a week to consider ar. has not yet made his decision as to whether ho will enter the field or not. TORONTO LINE NORTH Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Schram of Detroit are spending a holiday with Mr. W. Burnett and family. Mr. Robt. Richardson and son Harold visited with friends in To- ronto over the week end and also at- tended; the Old Boys' picnic. Miss Gertrude Lever, accompanied by Misses B. Ottewell and A. Dow, visited with friends in Toronto for *"w^^- ^ a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Alcox and babe of Markdale spent Sunday with Mrs. W. J. Alcox. Mrs. Clark and Miss Brown and Mr. O.sborne of Heathcote and Mr. and Mrs. John McCullough of Dun- ville were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Richardson. Orange Services Fleshcrton L.O.L. 2855 and Flesh- erton L.O.B.A. 545 are holding their annual church service to St. John's United Church this Sunday evening, June 29th, Rev. W. J. Scott preaching ing the Orange sermon. Ail mem- bers of the Lodges are requested lo attend and all members of outside Loges are also invited to take part in the service. New Principal Mr. Ira Merriam has been chosen by the Board as the new Principal of Fleshrerton Public School- in place of Mr. R. G. Holland, who resigned a few weeks ago. Mr. Merriam has excellent qualifications for the posi- tion and has been teaching at Liens Head for the past year. Injured Her Leg NOTICE . *-. i The plotholders of Salem cemetery are holding a btfe on Friday,., June 27th, to commence at 8 a.m. This was. decided upon at the meeting on Mrs. (Dr.) W. I). Bryee met with a c ,,,.,.. * , e Saturdaf nipht, in order to make im very severe accident on Tuesday of this week ?t her homo i" Flesherton, provemcnts on the property. plotholders are urged to help. t We have 300 No. 1 Seed Bags at a very Special Price this week . - ' I - While standing on a chair she slip- [adics wi ,, pleRSc brinR ped and fell, injuring her leg. She was immediately taken to Owen I Sound, where it was discovered that two small bones in her ankle were broken, besides the ligaments being torn. It will be some time before she will be able to walk again. All The F. PEDLAR, Sec. Visited Feversham READ THE SMALL ADVTS. Jas. A. Stewart . % GROCERIES PHONE 46 WE DELIVER IN TOWN - 1 3 HNfct+to*****!****** II Friday Juno 20th was a big night for the members of L. 0. L. 1085 Feversham wjien . they entertained Flesherton L. O. L. 2855 Degree team who exemplified the Orange Degree. Flesherton Degree team were winners of the Sproule Mem- orial Cup for 1929. A large crowd of Arangc bre'hern .were present, seme visitors of dis- bcst quality, from -S5.25 up. [Unction we're Bro. Littlejohnyj I County Master; Bro. Seeley,' Deputy County Master, Bro. Pearson. Dis- trict Master of Protin; Bro. Turncy, Distr):t Master of Artemesia and Brr. McKen^t. ,, District Master of purchases Osproy. as welf a.1 ''FaSF* Masters from all parts of the county. ^^' c r ^'" crs -poke on many sub- jects of interest to Orangemen after whil . h - hearty lunch brought to a <-K)se one <*f the best evenings L.O.L. 1083 ha.; teen for some time. Boots & Shoes Work Boots Men's and Bovs \vo r k boots A pood line of Oxfords from $3.00 up 25c. off for cash on over $2.00 W L Flesherton - Ont. night. Mr. George Hargrave of the West backlinc also had a horse killed in the stable, the effects of the lightning. The Entrance examinations are being held this week commencing to-day, Wednesday. Mr. R. G. Hol- land is presiding at 'PriceriHe and Mr. S. Thibaueau, principal of the local high school, at this centre.' Mi. Thibaudeau also presided'- at Feversham for the hiffh school ex-^ animations and Mr. R. J. Chisholm of Thornbury, at this centre with; Mr. Holland as substitute. ' IN MEMORIAM WILLIAMS In loving memory of Mary Williams beloved wife ot Mr. Henry Williams, wfiq entered into eternal rest on June &st 1929. We have lost her whom we loved Stilled- is the voice so sweet to hear Now the hands by death are hloved, Warmed by love for many a year. Rest is her's who never asked Rest however she was tasked. Sadly missed by husband and fam- <* Small Adyts. 1ALB FOR SALE Good hound John Plecter. phone 44 r 4, ertoa. 1 dog. Flesh- FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER ? Lot 13, ' Concession 3rd, South Durham Road, containing 40 acres, FOR SALE 3 burner coal oil ' ttore Qjr lMg 5n the towjuhip of stove; cheap. Can be seen at The j Artemesia, belonging to the estate Advance office. | of the j^ Dan McDonald. Tenders FOR SALE-r6 acres of hay, l!ll be received for price on said wagon and 2 piles of hemlock lum-,*" P to 'July 9th. Tenders can ber.-Adam Smith. , bc ent in to Mr. J. S. McMillan, f Flesherton, Administrator of the- FOR SALE Ford Tudor Car, estate or c c M iddlebro, Solicitor (Sept. 1926) also about 15 hens.-' f or Administrator. Rev. A. F. Bamford, Maxwell. BULL FOR SERVICE F.T.HILL&CtUtd. CHAIN STORES OUR BUYING POWER 1 ADDITIONS FOR SALE A __ Jersey cow, 5 *. " years old; djie abou't 1st of July. ' Registered Jersey Bull for service; Peter Mnir, Ceylon, phone 49 r 22. | on lot 127, 2nd. Range S. W. Terms r . .' *2 and $3. B. A. Hargrave, Mark- POR -SAteTwo head of young dftle helfe'rs, 2 years old. Apply to Mrs.' : _ Joseph Croft, Maxwell. BOAR FOR SERVICE FOR SALE "About 25 squares ofV p urebred Berkshire Boar for ser- first class Ont. cedar shingles at vi ce at Jots, 151-153, 1st in 15- months 14.50 per square. F. G. Karstedt, class at Royal Winter Fair 1829 and Priceville. j reserve grand champion. Fees, I2.00 1 ,at time of service. H. C. Radlev FARM FOR SALE FOR SALE Three fresh milking cows, one 4 years old and two three years old. H. Genoe, R. R. 1, Flesh- erton. ^ j 100 acres, being- lot 37, FOR~RENT-A good six roomed Art e"ia, 80 acres under cnitr house, cistern, 2 lots, good garden, \ Good home and larg-e barn with stable, hen house and garage, op- j stabling and out-buildings. For posite high school. W. J. C a swell, t her particulars apply on Proton R.R. 3^ j ALB. BLACKBURN, FOR SALE a good young York- shire sows supposed to farrow in August, also 2 good young Tarn- worth hogs ready for use. Geo. W. Ross, Maxwell. FOR SALE Western oats, 65c. per bu; Barley, f 26.50 per ton; Prairit Pride pure Manitoba flour; $3.90 per bu; Pennsylvania Anthra- cite coal, $11.75 per ton. A. C. ! Muir, Celyon, phone 38 r-3. Phone 42 r 6 Bfaxwin. FARM FOR SALE In the Township of Artemetia 1JO acre farm, lots 143-46, 3rd range S, W.T.&S.R., half mile from station. 1H miles from Flesherton. Good buildings, 12 acres cf bush. rtf easy terms. J. L. McMULLEN, C FOR SALE How Proton Station one and r- (PROPERTY FOR SALE OR ' v " property of the la '" Collins-wood