HOUSEHOLD HARDWARE SPECIALLY PRICED Garden Rakes 70c. and $1.45 Hoes 85c. and $1.25 Shovels $1.25 Garden Sets 65c. Lawn Mowers $8.25, $9.75 and $12.50 Screen Doors and Screen Windows Paint Brushes Paint and Varnishes Floor Wax Mops Pails, etc. F. W. Duncan HARDWARE . FLESHERTON Worry About Tills i Plow ID July MORF ONIONS PLANTED Professional joiners will be in- terested in the important announce- ment of the formation of the Reiuii skartell von Spitzenverbaendndi|i de. KraftfahrzcugAvirtschaft. Relchskarteil von Spitzenverbaen- dea der Kraf'fahrzeugwirts^-haft is the name of a new organization in Germany which includes in i.3 mem- bership :;,000 garage owners repair shops, r.iot.ircyelo dealers, driving schools and tire dealers. It is a trade organization formed for mutual help and co-operation. Many other outstanding long dis- tance records have been made this year. Fully 1600 acres in the Dover, "Plow in July while it's 'dry" is Erieau, Jeannettt's Creek and Leam- the slogan adopted by farmers of ington districts are under crop foe Wellington County in their combat onions this year, according *o u to eliminate the "Million Dollar surve * re = cnt! > c m P leted Menace" the sow thistle. The thod described yeai: the acreage in amounted to 1190 acre* creas r this season being o _ Dov<>. farmer going in mo ^ tcnsively f?r this crop. On basis oi las' "ear. this year's Last ' age should yield about 350,000 /n- S.S. NO. 3, ARTEMESIA Doris Sr. 4 Merle Allen Billie Parker*. Wilfred Best. Jv. 4 Marjorie Wyatt*, Waller*, Harold Johnson. | Jr. 3 Georgena Blackburn*. Elsie Whitf, Russell Johnson \ Pat sv Beard. Ji. 2 Ruby Vause*, Eileen John- . son*. 1st Billy Wyatt, Everett Parker, ' me- by Ralph Clemens, agricultural representative, Is per- haps the best adapted to the poor- ly drained heavy clay soils on which sow thistle best thrives. A modern two-furrow plow is used, I drawn by four horses or a tractor. The hay is gotten off early and the land is plowed while dry to a I depth of six or eight inches. The i clods thus turned up, if left for ' a few days will dry out so that the I sun and air will kill perhaps TO Delia Vause* per cent of the sow thistle roots. After a week, if rain has not inter- vened, a heavy disc is used to ex- pose all the root to the killing ef- fect of heat and drought. Have Your Garden Party Bills Printed by The Advance Reasonable Prices Health Service - of the - CANADJAN MED. ASSOC. FOR BATHERS .' bathing is healthful. iS \xinr4* 11 ? ' s a f' ne exercise since it i :!>.* into usi- all the large muscles cf e body. In addition to the re- freshing eiiect of the swim, there is p.lso the advantage of the sun bafh. Unfortunately, every summer thfre nra a number of tragedies re- >:'.'. ing: from outdoor bathing. Care- lessness and over-confidence are the jau?cs of these tragedies. It is not so often the person who cannot swim '-ho is ''he victim as it is the sv/immcr who attempts to swim too ir. We do not suggest that a timid 'earful attitude is what we shouH have. We d > think, how ful to some extent; we dare say there would have been many more accidents were these safety efforts not in existence at all. Yet the records very clearly show that drivers smash through the gates; the one in which the public will be very much interested just now has been smashed ten times 'his season. Drivers go ahead in spite of bells and wig-wags, and they arrive right on the track when' an engine gets there. So we can; takj it for granted that preventive! i effort of 'he sort w have used ' pitifuLy insufficient. We must take into consideration careful drivers blessed with thai quality. Put the highways' over or under the railroad 'racks. The tv.-o things simply do not be- long on the same level, and we have been demonstrating this over ami over with funeral professions, and with p.nxiou? relatives waitin? in hospital corridors for recovery of 'o cost money, but "e is no other Irene Doupe, Muriel McMullen Ed- j gar Doupe, Ivan Waller, Margaret Lougheed. Sr. Pr. Roy Best, Jack McMul- len, Lorene Johnson*, Ernest Lougheed. Jr. Pr. Lloyd Allen*, ' Keith Parker, Lloyd Waller, Billie Loug- heed. Elgin Waller. * present every day. G. B, Linlejohns, Teacher. When it was evident that some sort of a top would have to be pro- vided for automobiles, a quarter of j p century ago, designers made a survey of vehicles all over the worlu. The top of a cape cart of South Africa offered the nearest approach to what was needed and, with mod- ification?, was adopted. I The Fourth Annual Picnic BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER will be held in Lever's Grave, Fiesherton on the King's Highway I Mi'c North if Fleshertono TUS., JULY 1st The popular Tom Hamilton Company will entertain after- and evening. Sports IT'S WISE TO CHEVROLET; CHOOSE A SIX How Satisfying it is to Drive this Six! IF you have never been at the wheel of a six-cylinder car, you have no idea of all the satisfying performance which the new Chevrolet Six holds in store for you. In this remarkable new car. greater smoothness has bceu gained by u new hurmonic balancer and u balanced 43- pouml crankshaft. Economy unsur- passed by any other car is assured by ad vaii cement a in carburetion and engine design. Merc enjoyable riding comfort is provided by cflicieut Love- joy hydraulic shock absorbers, front and rear. Combined with such notable perfor- mance features are lavish refinements in the beauty, equipment and appoint- ment of the smart new Fisher bodies. Just as surely as you inspect the new (.hevrolct . . drive il and compare it . . year verdict will be: "Here's the biggest value in the latcrst price field. For with all its 6-cylinder advantages prices are as low as $635 at factory. Ask about the General Motors Owner Service Policy, the most comp!ej, the industry: and about the < General Motors* OHU Deferretl nient PJaii, The Sport Roadnlcr The Coupe The Coach - - The Supar Sport Roadster - ( S:x jr* -%/ifii'j Prices lit factory, A complete line ROADSTER or PHAETON The Club .Sfrfa.T - - $310 The Sport Coupe. - CIO The.^-Jan - - 870 The Sport Sedan - - 94O (Six wire *. ( ;iv/j tttruttirtt) ''._i... [ j\t '. bum fen artti ;>-" fire -- '-. i/ Commercial CJD and Truck* from $435 up. CHEVROLET s D. McTAVISH & SON. Chevrolet Dealers - Fiesherton, Ont. BE C .4 V S E \\