WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1930 THE f LESHERTON ADVANCE Published on ColKngwood street, Fleeherton, Wednsday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada $2.00 per year, when pid in advance $1.50. In U. S. A. |2.50 per year when paid in advance $2.00 (Members of Canadian Weekly News- paper Association) W. H. THURSTON. - - Editor W. J. THURSTON - Assoc. Editor FEVERSHAM Mrs. Herb Poole has returned from the G. and M. hospital. Collingwood, where she underwent n serious .op- eration for appendicitis and we are Klad to report that she is doing nicely. She is at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fenwick . for the present. The gathering at tho sports put on by the C. O. F. on June 18th was rather small on account of the rain but it cleared up in the evening and a large crowd attended the dance which allowed the committee to t-ome out on '.he right side of the ledger. Mrs. M. McLean and daughter of Rob Roy were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Will Osborne last week. Mrs. Alex McGowen of Ravenm was a visitor \virh her si.iter, Mrs. Frank Sayers (,r. the 10. h lir.e last week and was a caller in the vil- lage on Saturday. Mr. and Mr-. Th.'s. Forsythe anil little daughter v.-erv wee'.: end vi.;i- iom with Mrs. For ; ythe's parent 1 *, Mr. and Mrs. tby. Mr. and Mrs. Ihtrry Hmton and family of Toronto and Miss Iteta Jackson of Parry Sound motoreu from the city and .spent Sunday with Mrs. Horton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Colquettc hen-. Mr. and Mr:'. .las. Eby of Toronto motored up and were week end visi- tor* with Mr. Eby's parents here. Miss Ruby Dand of Toronto is hoUdayir.jr with her grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. Colquette this week. Mr. and Mrs. Koib of Creemore and Miss Marie Kolh. nurse in train- ing of Toronto v.'erc the guests o." Mr. and Mrs. G. Eby over the week end. (Las* Week's Items) Mr. and Mrs. Colquette and two children, Betty and Allan of Owen JSound were weok end visitors with the formers' parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexander und Mr. and Mrs. Col- quette in this village. Rev. F. Dean has returned home Irom a visit with friends in Mark- ilale and Owen Sound. Mr. Ivan Alexander of Owen Sound was a visitor at his parental home here over the week end. Mrs. Howard McOee visited with 1'er sister, Mrs. Will Coliiuctte in Owen Sound last week. Mrs. II. Alexander visited with daughter, Mrs. Will Coluuetle in Owen Sound on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Court Smith and tv.-.i children and Mrs. Win. Magec of Eugenia were visitors with Mr. Smith's parents, Mr. nd Mrs. Win. iSmith over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Melntyre and Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Winters ami lira. W, G. Dand of Toronto spent ''unday with Mrs. Dand's parents, fir. and Mrs. Coquette. A number from here attended the 1 hriners" Convention in Toronto lasi. v/eek. Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Conn, Jr. visi- t-;l with the former's brother, Bert, i.i Windsor last week. Mrs. Chas. Weldru-k visited with l,er daughter Mrs. Wilson Hutchin- . ,n at Gibraltar recen'ly. Miss Dorothy Robinson visited In <'o!lingwood last week and tried i ,i'ical exams while ther-\ Miss Lillian Foole of Collingwootl was a week end visitor at Mr. Eli Robinson's home. Miss Vinlettn Davidson nnd Miss Maxienne Davidson of Toronto were>k end visitors at 'heir respective liomes. Messrs George, Walter. Will and l.nuls Whewell of Weybourne, Sask., motored down and are visiting old friends at Flesherton and in this lo- cality. The Whewell brothers arc natives of Osprey Township, having Tiovcd from here out West some vear* ago. where they have prospc.-- *>A. Their many friends around here were glad to mee' them again. Mr. Ransome was a week end vis! tor nt his home in Berkeley. THE ARNOTT CENTENARY Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Inkster and fam- ily of Flesherton attended a very in- teresting Arnott family reunion at Mr. Hunter Arnott's home near Urampton on Saturday last, where the late Henry Arnott had establish! ^'d his home just 100 years ago.v The crown deed for the farm was framed and on exhibition for the visitors. The frm is now in th" ha>ds of the third generation of Arnott's, and has never had a mortgage. The 100th birthdrv cake was made by Mrs. W. J. Arnott of Hamilton, the last remaining member of tha second ireneratior. Another interesting feature of the gathering was a story of the second house on the farm, built 81 years <rn. It was :. brick house, the bricks U'ing primitively made by hand, right at home from the clay of the farm, and was entirely built bv member of the fami'y. Picnic Jottings Bring the capacity to enjoy, and a basket lunch with you to the U. F. O. picnic in Lever's Grove, 1 mile north of Flesherton, on July 1st. We supply the rest. The r-kir! of the pipes begins the day c' 1 p.m. Haw's Pipe Band. The Soft Ball Tournament begins at 1.30. Lacrosse a'. I! p.m. Football between the Cape Croker Indians and the Holstein team at C o'clock. Get in on the Horseshoe game . TIM:; Hamilton, famous Scottish cor.ut'ian. and company of Artists will give a full program in the afternoon, commencing at 2 o'- clock. Trade \J the most talked of sub- ject iust now. Hear Mae- phail discuss "Trends in Trade'' in th'.- afternoon. The ills of Agriculture holds a front seat at all problem pow-wows. F. R. Oliver speaks on "The Way Out." Childrcns' races at 5 o'clock. Evening concert ommcnces a' 7. Grounds are electrically lighted. Hot and cold water supplied. Dancing platform enlarged. Druiy orchestra, so well liked '1 years ago wil' supply the musi?. Twelve hours of enjoyment. Child- ren under VI years f-ce. Over 12 2r>;-. Adult? 50c. Come to the picnic. Your frienl will be there. It is "The bis day for South East Grey." Dipping Tine About a month after shearing, when the sheep have grown suffi- cient wool to hold the dipping so- lution, is the proper time for dip- ping, and all authorities agree that ii 1 the operation is to be successful, it is essential that every animal in the flock from the young lambs to the oldest ram must have his an- nual bath. If any individuals are overlooked the eternal parasites >n these will soon infest the whole flock again. The job of dipping sheep is quite a simple one in most parts of the country todrfy. In many cases government officials have co-oper- ated with local groups of farmers r.nd put in modern concrete tanks through which hundreds of sheep may he passed in a few hours. Then, too, it is possible t;> buy a dip in powder form which only re- quires the careful following of di- rec'ions to make a solution which will not only kill al the developed ticks but is strong enough to last and kill any which mitfht hatch from eggs within three weeke. Dip- ping should be done slowly, and carefully and every part of the ani- mal must be immersed. It is well to let 'he sheep dry in the shade is slow drying prolongs the action i f the dip. IN MEMORIAM , . ' f -.-v GENOE In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Jnmes Genoe, who passed away .June 20th, 1928. Not dead to those who loved her, Not lost but gone before; Sho lives with u; in memory And will forever more. Harry nnd Elwoocl. - TO THE ELECTORS OF SOUTH- EAST GREY: Is your name on the voters' list? (Jommittee* should go over the reg- istrars lists this week. Names to be addi (1 to or taken from the list can be given to the registrar in writing any time he can bo located, but for the convenience of electors ''he regis- trar will be in his home in the after- noon of June T.O. July 2nd and cither July 1st or !!rd. In the article on Canadian Trade In ',The New Trail" there was an error in figures. The article stated: In 11)28 Great Britain nbsirbed 411 mfi- iion dollars worth of our products, :;<) of which were products of the f;irm. It should have read 47'l .lillinn d.>ll!irs worth of our prodm-!.< 'SMI of which were product* of (lie Sincerely, AGNES C. MACPHAIL. Till-; KI,ESHERTON ADVANCE LADY BANK i The good rains of late hav e helped the spring grain and hay crops wonderfully. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Douglas and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. HarboUle. Mrs. Wm. Sernple visited a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Russell Allison at Markdale. The Ladies' Aid of Providence held their June meeting at the home of Mrs. Jno. Ottewell. Mrs. Dan Cameron of the 10th line Osprey in- vited the members to hold their July meeting at her home on Wed. 9th. Miss Janie Semple visited a day recently with Mrs. George Dobson on the townline Osprey and Colling- wood. Mr. Ed. Harboltle has been a buy man the past two weeks in his mill sawing lumber for the farmers in the surrounding neighborhood. Mrs. Steve Kutton of Flesherton, accompanied by her father-in la'.v Mr. Joseph Sutton of Woodford, .spent Sunday with Wm. Semple and f"mily. "What someone else thinks of you mm iij i w M- -i i tr i_ .. num* auiucuuu cise tuuuu Ol you Mrs We ton Passes t ? or ~7 ,' e , a , crop p ' is lcss **>*** .,. what you think Hll O. If GllUII 1 adOVd tomatoes this summer! What do you i of vourse lf " tomatoes I do with them ap?" of last week! Native "Oh, we sell all we Early Friay morning Helen Taylor, widow of the late Wm.|and can all we can't. Welton, passed away at her home In =^r Mount Forest in her 80th year. DC [ ceased was born and lived practically all her life at Mount Forest. Her husban predeceased her about 25 ye-ra ago. One son, Byron, lives In Flesherton and three daughters alsc survive. Sh< was faithful workei in St. Paul's Anglican church nnd her death is a distinct loss to the eongre- gatinno. The funeral took place on Sunday afternooon an quite a number of citizens of town attended. Much sympathy is extended to Mr. Welton an other members of teh family in I the loss they have sustained. can, "Things do not turn up in this world unless somebody turns them up." President James Garfield. Direct Cream Shipments Wanted WHY SELL YOUR CREAM TO TRUCKS WHEN YOU CAN MAKE MORE MONEY BY SHIPPING DIRECT? Subscribe to The Advance COME TO Maxwell Correct weights, test and grade, plus highest market prices for butterfat guaranteed. Prompt payments. Cans supplied free on application Walkerton Egg & Dairy Co., Ltd. WALKERTON IN MEMORIAM July 12th j Kennedy's Grocery HAY In loving memory of Miss Annie Hay, who was killed in a car accident on June 24th, 1924. God knew that she would suffer. j And the hill seemed hard to c'.imb So He closed her weary eyelids And whispered "Peace be Ihine.", Fondly rrrembcred by Mr. ana S of 'ball Tournament Parade commences at 1 p.n. Mawell Singhamptcn Feversham I lorseshoe Tournament Mrs. A. L. Hincks. Blank counter check books for sale at The Advanct office. Oil Royalties No more are carefully chosen Oil Royalties looked upon as risky speculations. Hundreds of millions of dollar* nre now invested in them because they provide a degree of safety, and a rate of profit return, sur- pass<'d in no other lino of modern commercial enterprise. We offer you a 12% investment. For CurthT information see DR. E. C. MURRAY Phone 20 Flesherton .-. Prominent speakers \\111 ad- .^ dress the ^uthenn^ at the . ( ) I fall grounds. : Dance in the hall at nifehtjl to commence at 8 p.m. First class orchestra. liny your Flour and Feeds from the Osprey Fanners' Milling Co. FEVERSHAM Family Bread Flour Made from No. 1 Western Wheat Pastry Flour ' Made From Choice Ontario Wheat Cracked Red Wheat, Grits, P.ran. Shorts and coarse feeds aKvavs on hand * is i Grocery Specials This Week 's Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs 29c. Tiger Catsup. 2 bottles 25c. Matches. 3 boxes 25c. P. & G. Soap. 6 bars 23c. Ful-O-Yim, Reg. 35c. for 25c. MEN'S WEAR Special Offer for Jane Skill Craft offers a new special for June <J5O Tailored to your measure Suits ... ..'. P^ Fresh and Cured Meats of all kinds W. G. Kennedy Phone 37 \Ve leliver in town. -^^^ FLRSHRRTON "Buy-at-Home" CAMPAIGN COMMUNITY BUYING DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE The Merchants and Business Men represented below are co-operating in an effort to prove to the resi- dents of the town and surrounding community that values equal to any of the larger towns or cities may be procured in local stores. A series of educational -Buy-at-Home" editorials will be reproduced weekly. The benefit of Home Buying" will be shown to the general advancement and progress of the community. Read the editorials, take advantage of the weekly specials offered by he merchants, and BOOST THE T( )\VN YOU CAUL HOME. F. H.W. H1CKLING GENERAL MERCHANT Lovely patterns gesuine Limoges China, full dinner setts and ocen stock patterns. Directly import- ed from France. F. W. Duncan GENERAL HARDWARE Cuaranteed Electric Irons Special Price $2.08 TELEPHONE 54J W.L. Morwood SHOE REPAIRS r.-H-cial in Men's Oxfords, recr. C.1.75. sollinc this week at only $4 patent toe and trim Flesherton Planing Mill t -OV.PLETE LINE BUILDERS- SUPPLIES Lumber, Shingles, Lnth, Gyproc Lime, Brick, Flooring, Etc. PHONE 24 W. A. Hawkcn PHOTO GALLERY AND MUSIC STORE EL CTIC UANGETTE $I!0.00 Compl-te with ovn TELEPHONE 17w W, G. Kennedy GROCERIES. FRESH & CURED MEATS, MEN'S WEAR Caps. $2.00 to $2.50 This week $1.50 PHONE 37 Emerson J. Bennett FURNITURE DEALER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 8 piece solid onk Dininc Room Suite $100. Come and get it. PHONE 78 J. A. Stewart GROCERIES. FLOUR & FEEP :? Boxes Cornflakes 22c. PHONE 46 W. A. Armstrong & Son JEWELLERS Violin Bows. 98c. '\ Violins, re*. $5 for $3.98 Watchmakers Opticians Community Love exist H.Down & Sons FORD DEALERS 2 Model T Touring ars heap for (Uiik sale PHONE 36 Osprey & Artemesia Co-Operative Co., Ltd. Qunkov Flour, f 1 por \-\<: Atlucide W- id Killer 3 lb. tins 95c TELEPHONE 70 Laziness, indolent and stupor are unnatural conditions to in a community and are looked um.n as repellent bv all W ed resident?. Action is the staff of existence. The respected in- dividual is the one who is full of pen. the man who rises early nnd retires late. Nothing is more contrary to right living than the sense of community inaction. Community love is the only rinht law of community activity. Ikitn-d,, jealousy, or lack of confider.c-e in your neighbor destroys the eood resrlts of community endeavor and instead of making for the advance of the town retires that progress. You cannot achieve where your community pride is lost. You must have faith in vour town, confidence in your merchant and love vour neighbor. United endeavor is necessary to success. Faith is 'he foundation upon which the whole structure of ynur com- munity is built, without it your achievements are of no avail. Tho man who buys goods outside Flesherton has no community lo''p. if he does this buying knowing the damage he is doing. He exemplifies a distrust in the community and its merchants. He locks neiirhborlv love. Show your faith by patronizing your home merchants and vour merchant will show his faith in you by giving von the best service that he can. THE HOME OF QUALITY MEAT M Wilson li ITCH KR This week Pre r ;sod Veal, cooked Hnm, Bologiv, Put led Moats. TELEPHONE 47\v Thos. Owler and Son GREY COUNTY EGG GRADING STATION Eggs Graded by Experienced Graders F. G. KARSTEDT STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS Millinery, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Special on Climax Bujr Killer PHONE 7 John Plester McCORMICK-DEERI!*G AGENCY FARM IMPLEMENTS Special offering of Cream Separators ths week PHONES :Office TlHv; Resid. 44r4 F. FINDER Flesherton Bakery See that thte bread that crace- vour table is made at home CANNOT BE BEATEN EAT MORE OF IT. D. McKillop TINSMITH & PLUMBING Flo-Glaze Paints & Enamels 'The Best Paint Made." General Har<h%-are D. McTavish & Son CHEVROLET SALES AND SERVICE 1928 Landau Chevrolet Sedan 1927 Chevrolet Sedan TELEPHONE 9w H. Freeman GROCERIES. FRUITS AND 21b. Fresh Tomatoes 45c. Corn Flakes 3 boxes 29c. TELEPHONE 60 Bracks Garage DURANT SALES & SERVICE Tread Tire 29x4.40 5.00 Special this week. Gas. Oils, Tire and Accessories * v . I < I > 1 I C ! - i . v- > - t \ i V\ ' t f * k